1< weil as Price. <J ~Ae aim to handie Good Goods at p w equally as Good. OUR MEATS -- A lways Fresh ~ssortment la (Our Grocery Dept. Is Complete and Prices RIG HT. V Remember we are headquarter- ail kinds of frùits. - - rices iand arge. s for jNOTICE TO) FARMERS:--We wiI11 rpay highest price for good beef icattie - - - - - - - 5v A%..-TRIGGS & TAYLOR. SHOES. SHOES.ý We have some of the greatest Bargains ever offered in Shoes worth f rom $ 1.50 to $2. that we are-closing out at $1.0 SHOES. SHOES.1 ODD SIZES. .A few odd sizes in Men's Pants which we wiII seli at cost in order to have the space for new stock. For shrt hnewc will give awayv aeb w ek w F A Laundlried White Shirt MYE- v-i blg oi Limdrly yo i retivea n ai onit. N%'. vlse the uket Weln esday at 7lPM F. C. F>MITH & SON. Waverleys Cresents Ramblers Watches Clocks C. R. Sherman, IERE 19SONE OFTHOSE BLUE FLAME OILSTOVES. PICKED UP HERE AND THER E.I SLocal Items of Interest to Libertyville Readers < LEVE AND Is Our Motto, and by adhering strictly to it we have buit Up a good trade. Oualitv differs as SUTNDAY TRIAINS. Lýv.Li <'rty ville. :r.m. Ar. Bondent 6S:05ge.rn. Lv.Li-rt'vili, :10 a&m. Ar.Chlea£o 30:53 an, Lv ChuiraKr, 8:30 axe. Ar. Llberts'vllle9:45 a. ns. ,V:Chi.uuigo 1:06 pinM. Ar.LiherIs'viiiu 5:33lx. Nfo. 30 ruina Runinu onîs'. goinag outh. wilI stop, on signxal as Rolw:~tIussell 5'i'n'l P. mn. WadsworthsM1:7; Gem'..'12:27: Warren. ton 12m;0: iondout 12:36; EvFrett M42 Deerl.'ls 12:49:;s'xu'vli 12-.52; arrives ln Chicagco ut 1:45 c. ns. TriD N. bsbe-latels put on frons D ul t h «. -Laves Deerfleid 72e a.~~~ ~~ m.;srmrle73:arrives Chinago 03:10 a. ýý ns o. 5 av s deago 11:21) P .ns arie Senirvl.e12:5 a. M.ns-fil 12:10 a. ms. Songo o the Summner Girl, Sh.e on's. the. matif of wlnd and Sun, W ,,ew~swel 'arei-,,"t speek. MWt lti ilth. ll,%-hEs.' s F'tar And f-, 'ts ij l'4 . 'îî sk.'. -t', b[a<unt h".r lo Fýe O-ý' fl das of l 5.1 Buit flOw 4s.'halisIcal.'r tinmrock-net And tak.n .'rn hy tfi" As un hi-r whcsgi Plie flashes hby Il'- î.iriks fils si'nse bas fie.i mo fast nI.,' 'akes the' wlie.'lsto lis That hum 'utl fil hs Th.r.' 4'. n gard"-ii '.n lier bat Wh.'r,' llli-s anuld g ris»grow. wlsat. of' rl.ssr!tbe scaaç,î's llow, Qux i--r birds and fruits o! i-vers' m" Buît ni!ver min,!, shi.'s riglît In in.e! eoulId wtbstan-l, 11-'r pî,,biwildes'lng er. 'his. fan that lutterd in thse hanil Of tiîs most îutful girl. But h! tii.'t ying of i-r shi- Hi s s.îI wflî"îu'at did 'juil r' And n.w na iin lieluias lis ',wn. B.'ýr wl-l..'! i.' irng.'îi loaa '.llit o l si-i-i.t).a lin i fs'. Il-.s --.t tht I-ns 1 <4', kJn.'i. kll'-isi ',usi. andl goi- lu fý, a t--i ý- n drink N iîuty six iii the sile latW'-l" Mrs. A. Sîllie. <f Racille, is vîiIix.g lî'rsster Mrm W'. W'. [ulkley. J. W'.u.riclg;'. o! Na.shua, la., mamissn Lii'rtyville this wtt-k. O W V WIIJ Pearl Scuvî'y. o! Chîicagou, 15 viiinig -i'eiitivc i in liiiertyville. Prof. (icO. JaIlison bas rgtiiriied li',in aneiseîld oatera trip. Libertyvil le, 111. Miss Alii'e 'itkias, o! Chiiago, is v'do- ____ iting Mirs. Lewis Scbunek. 11. Liîsk bas snovediiitii the i)arhy bouse"o:ilq iiirsstreet. evs larÉe and varied hli. i b.Hward, of ChiSUI li e of H-ard ware, tz2"~ .H P urnps, Ifilk cans, ,gifivlso)i ivi8itiig relutvlaid frieîit1l îrs'. ndCtey.~Stai îpjrivilegs's forthfari,! ls and C utery t-luengseerurcd ly itendisg exhi.i tors. t i Mies Clara WiiOf o!Ctit.;îge>, is best o l can n the vis iisg lier 1!sieiid, Miss Ailly Hardy. L. P. Ilaiiiia, ans ifle, of Xaukguiis, m11arket a a m viiteci !rieliis iii Libertys lle J'ises- îIuy. PUS 9 iips Gas Pipes, Fillings. - Ti'n and Sheet Iron JoB~ Paul NMli,'Giiflil sent st-seraI îJüy. fluot î'etk witiî tihe "ii Dro,>In-" clob Druite Lake. Eti. Smiith anud sîi!e. are i'njoyilio thie cool brv'izes ut Luke Illuitf tht- present wepk. Commissioner Mack and fuîuily, o Cbicago, are vislting et E. a. WO]Ils an Ru . W. GrumnmitV's. "Boys wil lie I)oys a, ut yoîs e.uhat afford to lose auiy oi tbem. Be rf.ady for the green appie season by han% ing DeWItt's Colie & cholera Clre Ins tme hm»ng. VrU ie, ii-v.,e- la Y- Miss Laîîra Du8enberry, Lillie Morse and Deboraji Cooper are "camping" in a cottage at Lake Bluff. Sanborn & Croker are located lu new quarters, in tthe Kaiser building recently vaeated lîy C. B. Sherm an. Mrs. Warren MN. Heath and Mrs. Rtob. SeOtt wilI «pend a few days next week with Mrs Wilcox, ut Dzamond Laite. A. B. Lewis lias moved bis photo- graph gallery té) tie Hanby building and bas conveîiient asud well arranged (j luarters. Fred Sedairi bas b)ougbt a bteans efigille t.rua bIis <vider Mill and is 110lw ready t. handllc this year's liig trop of appie. Wni. Sjîooflcr, of Lîîke Zuîîcb pur. .'li:isd the Waldeli l1.gbton furmI j lst rucat of tosîî, %wbich wa8 150]dlt adnîlillimtrtîîtr's sii.' iîst Saturday, for $1,725.q 'l'ie contrat-t for b.uilding the noîv iroin bridge at GUru1e.. wan lot to a t iltîgbiîorbood $2wo.1 And seethei men that wear <eo. F. Sceeîk,'l bas removed theun Ion~~1Iin inîaiuiiery ilsed in the nlmanufacture o!f ~ I~ 0parebaxent paper, li)waîcd irîl, ishoff'n tses opc hmot hyr 1faetJtrYanti wilI"(Put lIitsifless." bigt m topcth u.Te'e5 C. IL Shermun n mi-cd aerosei the biher, fresher, more cheerful thani s.treet iiito Hanby's building iat8atur. those that Wear the ordinary ready-A day, anîd hli e b -, y arranglng h - made clothing for which they usually lîxturca. show c'ases. ýe-tc.hie presclit PaY more than we ask for thes w( 1# fk.YIt107C l(ý1l n o' reliable guaranteed goods. Why <'ut well, il wili pa.v Voi (o have tiseir o"thebl btlît exauiiiîîe. Thtre i,', a man ut "tippy njoue C 1ot4r'Irg th,-' .'ounty fetriii wli, iî:l 'Jtn Ii' Is made of ail wool material, prop. lriiiws. 4 t! erly Sewed and trimmned so that one Ji(-.n,Hof Inli.î,nlj',ansd ie a . asslýgimeut thse lirnt "f thins wppk. klnd. Tii. asrets %vere m1.)<o.lai iilttes , .WeC ontrol the Sale of these goods <s,, 0.in this vicinity. or to do generai work lîy an eider- ]y Gernit lady. Gouil riferences. h ag s Auldress A. S. INEMET.cyLiberty- Our Stock theL ret ville, 111. (43-44) aîd Jay Morse is happy over the reecoveryth of bis stoien wheel. wbieh wa Our Pricesth Lowest returned in gond condition. ne keeps it îînder bis lied uights and lot-kei wîtb a log chuin ruben flot in lime diring thse day. __ -w -r MMIbww. -- -Set the Others follow but neyer ov OUR P'RICES." C. M. & ST P. R. R. Time TABLE.l TO CHIICAGO. aSm. ans. a.m. c... .. lusil .8.8: 5:1sd8:5? Wa.lsworth 8:59 5:35 :06 Guirnoc 510 5:361 5:11 Warr..ntori 2:16 5:39 5:14 LmiBRI'I'VILLE 5:39 7:15 12:30 5:47 4:58 Bondout 5:40 7:25 9:22 12:40 5:55 5:21 Xver.'u 5:46 7:389,928 12:46 6:03 5:38à Deorfll.id 5:52 7:44 9:W5 1:62 6.'07 5:34 libermi-rvlIi- 5:56 7:50 9:40 12:506:14 :38 ChJluiig,îarrlve) 6:50 8:49 10:25 L'45 7:00 6:80 FRO'N ClHICAGO. a m. am. j,.m. .m.p. m. a.m. Lv.Vii.Pags.Sta. : 1:05 5:20 83-30 Lv. KEuzim Mt. 9:30 5:30 Sherxnî-rvil. 8:s:210:18 4:56 6:11 7:2:1 9:16 Deerlk'ld 834 1022 5:00 6:17? 7:27 9:21 Everett 8:42 101.28 5:06 6:25 7:33 9:37r R o o t 8:48 10:35 5:12 6: 40 7:40 :33 LIUTTVI.LE 10:44 6:55 :50 9:45 Warntn 854 &:19 9:38 L unietn 9:00 :2394 Wadsworth 19: l) 5:334 9:51 Russell (arrive) 9:18 5:49 1006 .leonot,'s 'Illy. s 1i-iotem Sianday only. WIî.r,' no mark aprcnrs tratin are dally e- ci-c Sndy. JI. G. Lanson, of Prunie \sew, was in t.,wn Tiîesday. Mr. Lemsis reports thi' rropslu inbis negbohood lm- inelîse, and farmers s0 busy tlîat as yet littl,' Inotîgbt bas beets given the niotïey question or -oming election. Services ut thePreshytertian cburcb Stinday ut 10:30 and 7:30. Suhject in the- morning -Stoning Jemus." Thse eveoling services willi e aut echo servive of the Washingtoni eîdeîîvor c-onventioni, 1î'. by Miss Alice Siiitb, of Ivailhoe. 0. I. Luc-e received ut tbc Wm',. i Colisuia.n Exposition a metdal for bis superir rgrade o! butter. ie ha'.slîad two electr.sty'îesamide of satine anîd on statioîsary recently priîtcul t the lINDF.PF2.IJFNT Office tbese c'lits are nsed wi'hî plciîsing tif. et. 'f liî'v are exact îiîoli.tu'iuof thu mnulal. I wbiî'h Nir. Lir-e izeis 4 'o îlî The ronmains of M\r'.. lbîrr y MouTgan ne'. .ieriie Iligley w "r. iit<'ri '.1 m.the Lakesiîlc cemeter ', Satiurdl.y. Ai. giist 2. Mrs. Morgan was fi.rio.rIy ia re8-i dlent of this vtllage,and a laîrge' îuiîîler of friends gntbered to pay tht-jr List trilte to the departed. Ti,' beus- cd was tweîsty eigbt ye-îîs utfi.ge' îiil letv.'s nalîîîband. sister andî.l our lro. therstou aoura theur los-s.8 Tuie se.'rctas'y of thse Laze ('u 'oiity Agrieuxîtuiral soclety utlvertis.1 for.l biide for bauîd servlice t flie .'uuiuig fair rcu'ently, and oîîr I.ivk. <'ouity iiands îrc fot coxnlng totht- <roui t tIi as Incheis Ttbuiasm as hl i'en î l.lu they woild manifeat. It w'oîill iin de0ed ho îîîîfurtunate if tht- dir-"ctors sbouldtl <ld it necessary <o .'.'îre muaic- froui anotber eountv. Mrs. B. M. Flek wass'ru'l-'i- jured ut Wnîikegan Thîîrsdlay. W hile driving a-ross thse strei't abe w»i.uvr coule lîY the beut, fuliteil cutidr".' thse linos. The team tîsrued '.lî..t, tilî)eîIltise wagoîî over, tbro-aiiug Nirs. Ficktottbe liard pavement. Sie sias badly brniised by the fuît andd :11a coller boue lirokeji. Medical t"î- ance was siion proculred and sbe %vas brougbt bomne. lb b bopt'<l ill 80011 rot-ove-. Important Notice. Warren M. ltoatb, secretary o1flace Lake ounty Agri cultural Socie'ty, will re-tocivte bie for brasa bailli - vice ut thse Lakeo ounty Fair, Seplt. 16, 17 and 18, ulso bide for one dayssi'r- vic'e. AIl propositions must blinii lis bîands tîy Àug. 8. Sinv'iî1878 Usera bave bien îîîîîc epideiicaof dysentery fixidifi' parts of thse conitry ila 'l j1 Chaajberlainl's Colie, ChoIera ' Dsarrboea RemedY Wus nso'd%% i l, perfeet succeaes Dysentery, wbeii epidemiie, is j st as sevele aiîd dangerons nsUI¶tic cboieras. er,'to- foretlhe hest efforts of the înost skilllcd pbyslclans bave falied to chîeck its rave.aetiis remedy, bowevîrr, lias cU'rdtisemost malignant cases, both o! childeen and adistu, and under tsel Moettrlag condtjtps, whtets proe I&t :thoe but a1Js n.t r W<Affl lm ID-I V -- linocks ...... Croquet Sets ....... Bicycle Ilts Bicycle Shoe .. Bicycle Cap'§ ... Struw Hats IIandkercJjief4 Ladies' Ve8ts....... , Cbids' %est,% ....... Ladies' Shirt waiRts..... Ladies' SuIixuer Corsets Extra Faîîcy Leroons.. Riinîs ... .. Cbeeme (New) Boy's 2 pufce BSaîts4..... liisKnîîp'ants .Ien's Suits as 10w a C'l liîllujut (oll.rs ..... Ndeîi's Home >50 - teli's Suspeuders ........ tIns<her,hirts d i ;Jalbrigga n Shirts n4 Ladies' M, B.» COL BY &O "Dealers in Everything." -'~--"LJ BE RTYQI LLE,. MAX LE BEjý - MIDNIGHT, SINGERS PRID LA MED), ;'. i;tlx aud<of Smoking TI fr'iislom 20c'.$2 /(IIOIC'-lE STOCK CIGAID AND CHEWING TOBM( 31CIGAR CLIPPIY(;S31AKEA. PLEÂ&4NT SMOKE. Some o! the Clîiuugo LbroStoCus tlrfi aire auakiuig argumlients agilîsýit A silver by '.ljcct lessotIis.m, lu~ Hili & Co., anid Arijiotr & '.. tise to guve lllly cenits wortlî <ot gi,.'lu and a MexicauiiolIver dl'lairs forr011(, U'nited Sîtes tidollar. mil lîr, Iliî i' uI)d 'ah-r 1>. ig lit tbirtY head of inilkers unîd opritigeis ln wlsconsini the fore' part of the loaDdg of atoqi ast ye.ir anil.Ig farîners bereabout M.d expevt t<î (1) as<wel Thse board tof <irectîrs i ai.ladviliory memalers o! the' Lnku' Cointy Agriciil- tnrrl Society it IL iii.'îtiusg Iast Sinttir- îluy cisoosie thii. riiiî.isg cuuiste' for tise 0c111uug fiLir. Nlîl'( l 'uîuIttionl was nsed iii thé'!ss'l,',-ionsndîsltbey feel Certaini tiseir sl'it'n lsevery case3 bas been a jîîtiî'iolns ose. Gord Selînnîk anti Ce. B londt stîîrteti for Druce Lake Satnrslîiy <veuiig to visit thse -Do-Drol)iiii' i-ut. omposed largeiY o! Libertyville yoîiig people, Whso are _ru.ticitiiig ut thaI isipular resOrt. thall ruixît'ultoo Inuei duriîîg thé day audlbî'y c<u<ltl't inake beudway off thse gravel, so they didnt îidrop'iu'- C.onstipation YU<r4iuus w Causes Oeylaiftiese k nl tsMenu ld.It s11, Il 1 roinel..r tlli. t «%î retWaltiudlussted btoo long ln the boweig se-tt fr110 bel',ri'.îli-rniI. md ~rdeeesblhlusness, torpld. Ilver. ludi. Yokt î m sslil.Ielyb bereaiterlie in uu<r hn tl1tu Woduso<day alwi. se uw vote Tbýiwsuy to aeUt1sg~ neeva. We tamite Prit LI il maTar l'mmt. Ordinancu No. 84.' Au ords4nance provldlng for- mssscren t snd collectionoet t thbe Bacual yeur A. D. 1896. 51-lN1. Be it ordahwd Prdsddent and Boardi of Tr#so illge of Libertyrvîle, Ill, t .4lîal leievied, ahsssed and UP1)015thse Persoual and regl m itliin thse corporate linfW iillage of Lîbertyville asq» Or nîuy be returned by thse% iadvillage for thse year A. iodadBridge, $460; stresi loig, $300!; Confingiencies, $M; -. a total aggregate Oum to bu asa.'ssed anîd colleeted of S3111t SETI"roN 2. The viflagp e1 tilt) a certifleil copy oisluu w ith thse onnty elerk of thse, Liske anud State of Ili., esn or b 120daY of Auguat A. D, - tili at a tai rmay be extended the collector's book. fer ugrceable to thie 8sttut. in miade and provlded. Passed Aug. 3, 1898, Approved Aug. 3, 189, Pîilisbad Aug. 7, 182, C. H. Âvamxa.,, pp« W. c'. SA'(50E', Vilg 04ï Unelalmed Lettere., bost «olite et UbertyvIlle l'or. GCo. lirsunerd 1; lu~~ 1CalMencer 1; Pitt.r 1 <'harley Sw'xn I. y Loek Around 1 t b ti