CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 14 Aug 1896, p. 1

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ýbi, VoL IV.No. 44.Libertyville. Lake County, Ilin ois, Friday, Ags 4 86 $1.50, in Adval r tUnflvr l tnt4 van-- 402fl- P-A .n l~lt.5..s -^-#A. lrConmulasona Sudktthi Baurd&aof t eh usontb. Vating hretherr oordilly welouomad. W. . HzTu, . W. I.i.Baovl, &,e0. Dr. Charles GaIIoway. Office over Lovel'SDru«Gtore t- HVoR TEOM1TO a ND 8T 8P. M. - Libertyville, - Illinois. Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. ý Office over Triggs & Taylor's. 7 ?to 10a .m2 to 4and 6. to p. m. Bgesidence on Broadway opposite Park Labèrtyville, Illinois. Dr. E. H. SMITH. Office ove rLovel's Drugstore NOU& a o U& m. and 1to 4p. m. DAI. Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. HROUES TL 8 à- M. 1 TO 3 AND 7 TO 8 P. M. Special attention paid te the treAtment ef Chronie Bheumatiam. Rockefeller. - Illinois. O. F. Butterf ield M. D. C. VETIINAItY ANI.J) XiENTIST. LiaEîTvi.iE - - - ILLNOIB Mie LUU M S-PINNIMAN. VOCAL AND ALOO DELSARTE In$TRU ENTAL i SYTtul 0V MUSIS i ELOCUT ON.. EUEmSsTHomSMOIEABONÂELE ParcEs Uibertyvllle. Illinole. *misS M. ALICE DAVIS. Gradmae of AmeSVWGS Coeaa.a*r of MAslei. -?EACHEM o- VOICE CULTURE AND HARMONY Lîbertyvîlle. Illinos. Dr. E. V, HARVEY, DENTIST. Crown.LIrIgo ansd latw Wtrk a Sgw'iat y. e.- ____OFFICE HOURS - t(, 1i A. M. ilt .-an7, I.. Grayslake - Illinois. PAUL MAC GUFFIN. Atterney. and Councellor at Law, NOTARYPUBLIC. 8j-u at-i.tlon gyirate (GAleetine and Office ,th LakQ CountY Banik. Libertyville, Illnois. For a few days 1 will oifer corne rtre baargaiwtin iiItual Estate, lueur- aure, L'asEtc- Will (Io yonr Notarv Pubiîc work in good style - wilile yen unit.- (,ive nie a eu John J. Longabaugh fllitrGrayslake Illinois. H. P. EWING M. D. Rockefeller, WI., Remitdenceuat .J. E. Hlenbs. Office -- Opposite Depot. linu rx 9 A. MI. 1Iot 2 Il.31. Afier 6P. M. UNION HOTEL. W HEELING - ILLINOIS. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. ... HaIf-way House ... S Between Chicago and the Lakes F Cyclists Headquarters.t rGood accommodatio»s for travelers. John Behm - - - Prop. LAKE- t4 COUNTYt BANK .... Wright, Parkhurst & Go. Libertyville, Illinois. t -O- Issues Interest-Bearing Certifiçates Payable on Demand. NOW IS THE TIME TO INVEST IN LAF DUSTERS. A LIGHT. HABNESS?' Youi wiii soon need Fiy Nets and Herse Covers. Valise, or onyihing in mliUne, c it andt vheat, corn, sud cotton vheu tbey are doublait apin. There viii net ba mach if auy moe coluad than theevas before '73. History telse us vbal Ibat vas. 1Ifrny hersa masîl- cstes bis cern and cata vail, I vilI net sani thIbin te the milI te ha greund sud psy fer grluding antd lbacthes lime lu seuding It. If the, ban o! silvar or geid in net uaedpd as a circu.iatiug madium t illi net bca inutad. These geld fellova vould iike le' gel us vbema Syivauus Cobli usai toleandtbis chaptas-ovar s precipice in bbc dark sud then lat Ibain belp us ent. We muet net len tee cncdulensly te the socalled hnsuciens-mouey baga, gulit bugsansd thaîr hircd bouses hir'ed mon and bimed nevapapers. They arealahi vrklug te make thora- salves iclier out ot the preducars. Why net? We den't vaut any ef their paternalisut. Il basnslready in. povaisheit ns and made theiu millions. LaetIheut pullIin Ibein funds sud go crazy leekiug aI thein bile golit. We fariera vili not siieranyvhov. vhtle Ibis malter la hing, justly settled lu a manner preseibed by our constitution. - Weahava tha ichaet country on the eertb. inMebliad by thes MixaI InlellirevÊ issn.aia 5the Su" DIES 0F SUNSTROKE. re 3f d )t h le A Le la le il La y a y e r The Wi ,nutaen' s piicl a Wuuconoa last Tliursday, aespiba bbec swsitering bot veather, vas a siecces, as Woad- men's picuice alvîcys arc. Addresses by Headi Clark Haves. C. T. Reydecker, Mr. Quackenush sud Frank Spitzer, vibh apprepriate mnsic, gaines, etc., sud the hundreti sud oua other means o! eujoymeut knovu enly 10 Weodmnu, made iup s day cbuck tull ot cutentain. meut sud fun, ville net a 11111e lnstre- lion sud banefit. A couservativa as- timate places bbc attendauce ai 3,000. E. B. Hlarden Dead. We learn, ef the daatb et E. B. Handau, of Rockefeller, as va go te preas.His daatb occnmed aI la o'cioek Waduasday niglil, betuîg Cpsad by cancer oethbbc lemacb. Ma luis beau an intense suffeem ton sonetlme.' Obltuamy next yack. Notice ta Correspondants. Ail communications shouid ha palati su as tb reaah us by.Wiçd4ie noon. Tryam e7019 u»Mta taby H IS IDEAS. senstors and congresamen. Shallw endure longer Ibis pelernalism eo - itha so-caledfinuanciers? They vould C. C. Copeland Wrtes on Frein nov drav lu their fuuds aud bankrupi coinage. botb nation and people. The crash baller come nov tilan biter sndfit in Thie INDEpzUDEUT, la la truth as in naine preferable 1<> a cenitinuanca o!fIbis ail the word Iliies. ad our columns are slow deat bhy the torture e1 single 3 alwais ova» for thre preseutation of questIons gold standard. If Ibose who bave bad of laterest to our readers. We belleve that the peoples carninga for twenty-tbree dIsussonsot the free-colaage proposition years vili briug about a crash by eaubut prove lnterestiugr. sud do net bar draving lu their funda, lt the crash cioimendable articles fer the m're.fat ofetcere. Tbey viiibe the auffereasnuthe thoir advoiiating auf partîcular î,elti.'al end. It vil not vork any longer, Mr. fath. Edilor. The west laswaake and thare FOREE5TOPBUIG FAUX, la no precipice. Ifla1 dayllgbt thal la Libentyvilla, nm., Auguat 14, 181x'. davnint sud the ulght laovar. Agita. To ÏrâE EDiTox or Taz IMDEcPuSDiNT. tien sud education bhs begun snd the 'Until I vas aluost foreed te reail tide ls setting-esstward sud vill rni Coins book sudlitan te Mr. Seabury sud swell sud tfeam sud roll on til] luat vinten, I had neyer Investigatedl England's greedy dupes sud rminions the subject of moey-would not rendrl ul ail be swept into -te Atlatic about uoir let sny oee alk te me abunt ocean. Go to England my old friends, fraeecoluage o! silver. I vas a geld go te) Englarid. C. C. COPELAND. standard minuand censidered bc the_______ >sliver faleva "e-ut vest" s crazy set of boomers vbe vara tryiug te sei lichir Death of' an Old Resdent. goodsi by set o! cengreais. Since the The augel ef dealli daims anther of questien bas coeeup hoisquarely in u l rsdns u use u polîies. I bave feit il my dnty te look uolreiet.O Tesa g ie oif, as evcry goed citizen should, te 4, Mrs. Ann Putunm passed quletiy prepare hlm te vote ounIthe rlght side sud peaceftily ou te ber eterna] lu the cemiug content. 1 have studied revard. The cail vas veicorned by statitilcs, read argumentes ad state-beasirlevdbrronhepn meute, sud arn at IbIs vriting of thebeasi levdhrfothepn opinion tbat the dernenitiziug 01 sud diotres incident te ber lust long silver in 1873 vas a greal vroug sud lllness. Mrs. Putnai was bor ata the cause of tbe luancial diatress o et l Windsor Ce., Vt., lu 1825. Ibis country sud of tha farners and Sewsmridt r nhn ail laboring classes. If has drîven h wumridt M.Anoy Millions ef boneat, vlmng, presperous; Putuamin lu1844. They meved te Lake happy laborurs 01 the Mountains sud ceunty, Ill., lu 1853 where tbey bava the venksbops fron their homes to lived ever Rince, Hier busbaud, ber the road as tramps sud imb the pioî o ila udbrIodnhes as criminala, irnpeverished sud a lon onst laian e w dnhes slarved eut the formera ef Ibis most Mrm. Farnsvorth, of Chicago, sud Mrs. fruitful land. It bas cnablcd Eugland, Chamberlain, live te mouru bar lIgs. ever tbe ceny cf my country, te Oua daughter, Mrs. Graves passed on bleed rny fllow citizens te vcry bloesdbsvloudbrmte ucarly tbe lust drop ef their blood, eoanbswlcmder otr sud the tories lu oui country-<lemno- te the joyseof beaven. Many relatives crats and republicane, ber dupe's nov sud allie kucnw ber teed that Ihey as fornerly-to id ber lin tis un- bava lerst a dear earlbly friand, but chrîsîlan business. Sbc sud thcy bave by ail sorts of bave eue more tie te biud theen te scbeming, bribery, corruption sud the life beyoud. manipulation made gold tlie euly pur- Mrs. Puluains zoal for Christ sud the chaslug mediumn ronay sud donbied church vas shevu by the vhole its value or purcbasiug power, tbereby hatdcrcteasdpritn rcducing tbe value o! everytbiug vartderetesadpritn have te seilI tet ailenat ene hait ils laitbtulness witb vbich she performad former value sud te mach leoa thanilb every duty that came te ber banda te cos"t t produea it. do for ber Master. Witb ready banda W bhat la tht. thing gold auyhow more tbon a minerai dug front tbe earh- sud a vrlliug heart ahe alvays sougbt Uek lead or lin or ilivar? it bas its te balp any sud al vho vere sick on uses te bie sure sud is sought for on iu distresa, thus she folloved closely account of ils§ rarlby, but my grand- ti etoeso the Matroh tather laugbl me when 1 vas ouly six .oaeso h ue h years eld that the umost useful matai vent doing good. vas iren. Wbat given il ils value sud lier .rtbly pllgrimage i ove n asile is at terrible vitbex.lug, bUghtlug, tynanîii- rest cal piower afthIis lime but the starn-p ~n', thras lier toIl ls ovar, wa.'p not the goverînnieuts o! the aarth have bet t bat ber race is ru n. ripou bits ofet i. YVoit: wby a bit et GoîI grant va mai' racrl as cslmly when papar wil exebange for articles o! our work. like bers la done! food sud clothîxîg snd are teid thal Til hentla'uva' (aîld yield with gladni"s tant gold la hebinut il. Yu gai te a hank trearurete Hlm te keîp, te) be vouched foar or endorsed for sud Anal rajoler lu th îiwe,'t assuranee- aider O'Seliantueseey as voucher sud lHe kic"'rh lis ici cal cus l.'. thea batîker will ask yen vbn viii vouch fî,r O'Scliatiuessey. One migbt new Tha churcli at ivanhioe bas lest an ask ci at le behuîîd ýpld. je, yul oui carnest end ffleient vomker lu Mrs. gaîvemnuient cutp2 teaid EngiandPutuainvta tewr s addw sud lber greedy aadývy" miniaons ln tbis h h tba h vtk1 addv country, by the îi*uipulatiou ef goid b Crist's faithful ii les vlie have te perpebnate the oppression ef berI long beau lu the active work,' the honest labering classes? Wii1 tâheeyou'ngar eues must fakte lb p i, 1 lionest beboring classes vlio number a carry it tomuard. Mmc. Iîtniam liais buudrad te one efthie Engish-alding inishied lier userk anîd ili la nov secuily blders-ail volers--allow Iberiselvas longer toi beeeppressed? "Boyond Ile'.tlloitsutnd'tari'. Wliat in the renxedy, vhal the relief, ite liolýanud eaiy. it wva rinisa. andl earrow, vhal the restorer ef values? I ausver, lssl.'rlsa lta, lU. 'lavgofS et clii taxai thec unlimited free coinage ef silvar aI l-are- 16 te 1, vbich vil hniug gold dovu te (One birlb i xnein'i a'rrw. where ilvas hefora 1873, on a par B.'ïond tlme's rul îiaî vill i slver aIthint, ifs oid rates, as a Beiia*ytahîdl,.ailiigtewaves.tfdtab ar purcleasiug medimu vliame Onr ris r. daddies put il sud nar vîicli li.yonI liii'. aawiriug atiasand l lttul arrangemtent the country grev sud tbe Z.a1S people praspered. Ilta mnet a wccdl lark i-a1ti as taxiirgtaiar'ue experimeut. as soea ould have us A otifl belles e, but the 'eachiiig ofbhappy Aiatalfiian"r exî)erieiice. 'Nîtibiog m, but the No maria1.-li"a'tta"n return te a gîaod nid condition. W'ly Titi gloria of riant latti 1ia"vcxîîl thie river. le neot a bit of silver mebal properiy E I tsaaiaîl lats i liv'f lig gree.n. stanîped, as good as a bit of goid tcfîi-"tiflaiwar- tutu tlie untubiaugli bcaig lie sanie stami). Sound I eil nieney! Wbst nakes gold stîxmnd Aratunal tii" tlitra-it'-t'aîiar. neoney butIthe set of cengres;atnd tie Matatîlat'arlit'sn Ntaxnp? Mr ahio or h , What do I inean hy nnlimited coin- or raptirras i'a'aisi' vithin the eblîalug age? Wlîy, the coiuarge ot al the p 'nt: silver lu the verld, if ovuers will psy N er bo"iaihtli rng o htjy fer mnting. bIn But tbey say England, France sud To thaI ri'ien'a ioai btihapy' liloil-_ Germauy viii sandi ail Ibeir silver bere Wasilia'a hrong. le lie coined. If tbay de w% will give Aul glorleixe and alimtta' lbeni 50 cent vheab for a dollar of il. Ah ne. They have, alvays been buyers Modern Woodmen's PIcnIc. of our silver sud at double ilsi praseut ,, ,. - Race Trsok Conslp. Over 300 men arc employed at bbe site et the proposati race track aI Rus- salli,eleaulug np the groundsansd building the lrack. As &cou as bbc contracta ton erectien o! stables, amn- phitheater, etc., are laI, severai bun- dmad more vîi lie put te vork. Thare vil hae var a thousaud men employeti at the tnack duiing the races next xnotb, sud tbey, vlth tbaîr herses yull croate a market that viii make business rushiug lu tbat ueigbber- boed. The C. & N. W. ralnroad coin. pany ara uegetiatlug for a brauch lina frein Sprnug Bluff te the tmaek, a dis- tsuce ef six miles, hoplug tbereby te s"cureas portion efthIe business. The mtagnitude of thbe enterprise la sncb as te lead oonservatlve buinessmon te question ils genuinaness, but that hum, dreda o! men areataIprasaut at vork and Ibat contracta for ereeting s peti of, ltae-bildings bave leeu lot, ara WAUCONDA. Frank Wynkoop spent Tbnrsday iset vitii bis parents. Mise Dalmy Grovenor le vliitig with friends at Grayslake. Miss Effle IBunyan. eofiarrington, la visîting vith E. E. Gilbert and fainhIy. Fred1Hill. ofetinda, uwas ln town Thursday te attend the M. W. A. picnic. Miss Sadie Wells, o-f Chicago, la spendlug a fev risys with friends and Chas. Lange, of Chicalio. Founc Daad Naar Rondout. 1 As a Party et sectionumeni vera golul te verk Baturday moriliug tbey dls cevered a body on the ,st. paul tracki a mile uontb ef t Bedout. It was thal etm aansusd alîboli hlyirîg helveem the rails there vere nio bruines ta Indicate a violent deabli. The body vas renoved te Bondent and Ceripnel Kuiglit Sîîmmened. The verdict ol tbe cononer's jury vas deatb by sun- stroke, anad frein papars found on bi person il vas iaarned the man vuas Printer. sud bis name Cil". Lange. Warren Heatb bronglît the body 1<, Libembyvîlie, vbere it was identifiai by a brother et A. B. Lecwis, who lea printer sud bappeued tai ho vîsitlug bere. The in leaves a cil and tv< chldren, sud Mr. Heath informai thain ofthbes deatb lits brother came Out fretn' Chicago and teîk lte body te the city for huril. Investigation proved Mr. Lange to bavae beau a in lu good clrcumslances sud that lle pessessed 1some 'litoperty snd wva mamber et Typhognaphicai Union No. 16, e! Chicago. ia vite statad Ibal ha lafI homle lu cornpany vi%b s friand the Tuesday previeus andti tek the Wbaleback beat le Milwaukee. Tbey staid there tve days sud started to walk back te Chicago. The inu ho accompanied hlm says Lange acted queerly viien near Boudent, sud refuscd 1<> go turîher, saying lia vas going back te Milwaukea, seolie left hlm sud vent en le Chicago. Lange vas thîirty-tbree yeers o! age, wel kuovu snd mcl respectcd anioug tbe cratt in Chicago. Evarybody "Kickinig.1 If only eue polticai Party vas startiug ie bbthePresidenial campaigu by iinding failIt witb the uten vho bave beeu eeiected le manage that penty's interehs tI weuld bceâesy te agree lu saying Ibat the party vas tbercby jeîeardlzing ils chance for Buccae . But vltb a more or les ensiderabie number et men lu each ofth beparties lluding fault villi tle parly manage'rs, a isnov bhc case, itJ la ncb more difilcuit te tom auy fides 4)t hat resuit, if any, bbc fanit lluding vIl bave upain the ciection. Seasor Joues, clinirman efthIle demo- cralic national conImibtee, Mt, Mark Hanun, cliairrusuofithbbc epulîhican enibtee, snd Senator Btler. chiair- Man of lthe 1lihst cenîmittea, are cad i nder sait tire triain iaclbers oft diair owît i)ity3. scîcataîr J 'nes î slinrply critlcibed for M bat lins becîx daine hy Mr. St. John, bbe Treneurer of the i)erocratic (ernittea', n tlie 'iiaborube ani expecueive lientquarters lie litlis etatahlished in NewYork, foîr thea prapulist interview MIhii it, Las relildiateti, axil for genemai dultti- aiess lu gctbing ulocen tai)virk. jMr. [talta le found fanît vitb bectancetif Fila autocratie niethodg, sad Senatair Btler becansa lie bias net uade bis appeamauce at populiet beadaîîiarteme n Washington since c le as meade liairman oethIle Nationali cotnxiibtee. 'roni IbIs il wili ha secu tbat ce fartas nauIt hlnding is cexîcerucd it le xîi,îînt a stand off ail srouud. So tiar ns aîteoobhiy vorkiug macbinîary la colt- coiîic,'med, the republicans, lîtlli l, licir Congresaîlousi andi Natlional c'aiuniittces, arc far ln tbe lead. ',11,,y iaily send eut frein Washinîgbon, taxi tiues s many documents as their appenenuts. Howvaer, it Îbas traînbte iret lîcen generally ndenstoodtitat lia siii an or daaocralic campaigx weîld net get nder vay unlil Brynît mtade bie speech o! acceptauce. As lic did blial, aI New York culy en Wedues- luy ofthis M'cek, bis party manaîgers aeay nov hc expccted 10 begin te huatIe. In New Quartera. C. lb. Sherman, eur 'sateraxijeviaier le 8ebled ln new qlxarb'rs lunbtie Hîînby buildinîg. sud h is nicily aîmmnlged stock of diamocilt, siiver-1 m'lirei, ieveicry, sud cleeke ini antiquxe dleigus, the higlilgrade lieycles lcuîa(iig their nicli exnutelfllnlsb sud briglit nickled parte te te affect, caînaline le makae bis show reoruta veritabla dlsplsy of bbc jewelrs sud nitcbauie's art sncb as le selexu accu iii a tovu of Ibis size. A large val ease piaced dincctiy cross bbche oin lvides the verksbi1u antd bicycle ripair deparîmneut frein tbe main ,tore, sud aI the sae tinteheîautitles thea ganarai appearauce. Mr. C. Vichle ai waiclmakar e! year's exparlouce rapresauts the repair deparîmeul lu tuait lUne, asustaius -01(d Sherm' raeliation neaanu littau equat li Ibis I"ueck et veeds" vbeu lb cornes ta i epaiing vatches antd jevelcry. Tliut aIOd Sharm" is doing business ixi bbc bicycle lina Is attested by tbe tact blial duriug the past twe seasousJ lie lins sold eighty-tvo ucw sud lbliry- ciglit second baud bicycles, sud me- îeîired hundrads. The minature lecoxîtative angine 'displayed lu bis wiudev sud bulit by hlm tg substanîlal proof liatI-Sharmuligisasgeulus in bie uine, cf uîe ean ability. lis storeisaa priale le binaseif sud the resideuts e! Llbambyvflie, sud tbheiemegy sud entemprise he bas showu lu lus six yea's bxtiness lite biers la desemving of bbc recognition ini future that lb bas receivea thbbcpast. i OODI Sa parilabas oven s»d 13aovr39Býýdby icu u, IVANHOE. ; Mrs. Antbomy Putua vas last Friday. k The hum of threshing muahludâ heard in ail directions. Mrs. WiUard Beach has a nu~I boarders from the cily. There villi ha asocial at Mise. À Payue's Tbursday evenlng. 1"I Bey. Mr. and Mrs. Spaugler gene avay for a short vacaton. Oats are ylelding a large orop ~ go over sizty bushal per amr. The Woodrn'a pieule at a0 vas weil attended from this Pl".e Mr. and Mr@. J. B. Frnofà the guests of Mrs. J. L. Chambe1 Mrs. B. D. Maynard la ait r suffering witb erysipelasof 4*e *In Tbe nain Bunday mornlng PMae some fromn attanding campmetn Lake Bluff. Miss Eva Dyk' bad the misfcftt te huit ber foot wbich makeis ber 10 for a whiie. Mise Edith Beckwlth la gaining- heaith inaiiy. She bas beau la po bealth for se long. James Vanplev vas thronovuftii wagon on lest Baturday avein B vas qunite badly lnj ured, aàthoug1W very serlounly. Theorles of cure may ba dlaauý at iength by physicians, bunt a sufferers vant qulck relief; &mal01 Minute Congh Cure will gli 1 theru. A sale cure for children. 1 -the ouly harmiasa ramedy fb produces immediate resuI." For cd by F. B. Lovail, Lîbertyville and G.1 Robertsi Waucouda. Mise Margaret Wintringer, S Secregary cf Junior Temperance of Austin, 111., viii speask luthe obUè on Tuesday evenlng, Aug. 16. Witringer han become qllte ta"d lu the stata for har ohalk 1.1ka. M wili give one of thesa ln alditiM - ber address. A fev selectices ha aise beau prepared by tha B&" qi Hope. An lntaresting avening toi who vil coma. r Frank Green, of Nrînda, came homo fte attend bte M. W. A. lulcnic or Thuraday last. Win. Skinner, et Ivaue, vas caIl 1,ug on frientis and relatives lu bhuî place ou Monay. A tcv impravemnenbs hav'e beer made lu our telephone and ti l lnom 1lu a fiua conditioni. t Mn. and Mrs. Perry Jolinson, oi Nunda, speut Sunalay wibli bbc latter'k parents, Mr. sud Mns. Jas. Neville. Mr. Saîttord, ef Englavooti, speul Subday u'ibhlo is vite cvbo is visltiug vith j. S. Recynolds, o! tliis place. Mrs. Bolit. Craig, aof Hyde IPark, lh speuding a tew tinys wibli lier son, Geo. Wragg St bis borne luibtisplace. Ambrose Hill1 anti fauilY, of Hyde Park, speut la8t vea.k visiting weili the former'm parente, lor. anîd tirs. B. C. Theodore Wells, of Chicago. attend- ed the piiceTbnrsday and aftr a short visit vith friands rebumuad Baturday. Mrs. Cary sud ebuldrn n vuehave beau visiting vitb Mrs. Glyxîcli, veut te Palatine Fmlday, te '.laithbcferner's mother, Mrs Cooper. Mr. aud Mrs. B. S. Htîrnav>d sud Mn. Steneberger. of Chxicago, bave basending an 1w tiys uvilli Mr8. Hammod's Parents, Mm. aîtd lors. A.drev ,Oak's. Chas. MeNaIt aud fîarnily araechuaud- iug a fev days lin ojr baîvu. Mm. MeNattvas s toryer principal et our sehool and vas veil liked hy acnaryoue. Ris rnany friands M-ll be giad te sac Deu't triflawaay birne dieu yoîî have choiera rnorhxîs or diairboea. FighIt te heet u b giuulng vitb DebWlt's Colle & Choiera Cura. Von don't have le vait for resuIts tbay are Iustantsucous sud lb leavas bhb ovels lu healthy conditiooi. For suie lay YF. B. Loyvail, Libartyville sud G. C. Robents, Wauconda. The M. W. A. picîtiec whicli vas bield banc Tbursday vas in every serîsaeto the vord a succesa. As nean as can be estimated about Ibrea lhotimand pensons vare preseut. A tina pregrain vas carrled eut vithbulet littie sitea- tien frein Ihal puhlisbced praviuxs te the day. The adiresses by Headi Clark Havas, C. T. Heydacker, Mr. Queckeubuab sud Frank Spitzer vera very intenastiug sud van listexietite by an appreciative autdie'nce. lMmr. Williaeuson andiMiaiAlie Sutii desenve special mntioni tir bthe selections wvicb t1iey'reutlerea anal bbc Saltzgivar beys for titeit sîaug vblch vas higbiy laîiplaxiuled «b itis nleadies te say tÜat thelia ugixîg by tbc choir vas goed faim it le aiways weu neceiveti. The races we re woaax by bhc !ellowing: Biay's race, Frank Staltrgiver, prize a bat ania bail: grihia raîce, Avis Payne, prize a fix: fat ins rance vasnet matît. Free for àil vas woeu by W. F. Ma'ýya', et Wntkagan, pniza $2.010. Biamnxiinucnxnp vain bOatb pnIzes tex lied bandalanti gretest rîtunler lu bite. The baillgant'le - Icceen the Wsuconda's andxiaIinaaîd Laka's vas yen by tie fomter. Notice. Thera are a graat mauy zmonumeu%-ý luth Ibe hvays lu the Dlamond I*sW canîietary sud netice la hareby giiia ail peiccens -owuiug lots lu the oeamtwy bt remona smoma ithin sixîy doli or tbey viii ha removed aI your axpeitAis 44-45 11v OnDER BoAnDettcOn. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. PROU vAUKEGAN EEgoXsTum Benjamin F Gump sud w le o M ss Kaue! oot ItS2sud anl12 Higlgband P=«É wad............................ . Nellie O Nîeson sud v to MariaehaNe]" n 25ft I ltbka39%Hghland Pak* a.-. James Mrchant sud w te JanesC MrchanttpItIs'i sud 2sbik àM j'a~ add toLltieFort w d.............. James Marchant ud wAurs Mar.hant p t li ansd 2 blk a MeKaY aad toLittle Fort wd.........e.* Edward Southwtok and w ta 13Wt Llntiblein I 7Souihwlck's subd 1W 1 sud 2 bik 81 Rishiand Park w d ..... Olaf Lindblom sud v to-Oh.. Enuwk "me aprop wd.aa-ý,............ James Frsyto Eur4s Friaby W36i t" 2 lk1 Prwd ..... Jonuie M Smith and hbinChas R Eb,-' uaaftv S0ft of 8sfam thahlts»ýj wd................................ J 8Pralliand wto EuiAtMs4 23 blk ô J 8 Prall's a u vw4...... Jobsusa Johuson t10he ticaty o! g'- Foreat part IL 220 Lake Pareit &.. Danlus W Lell lel Blefllae eaki aînwhabla anovu asG. .Wiisi a te Hlgb land Park w d....... Hlenry Levin 10 harriet 71 nwk Ii 6il deed............. 1ý Waldeu EHhibte hadux b Wl -* sud Jos h Spermtr w as scof Chas E Lawrenxe la Albert W.Cfla 33 and ptILti»C à waaom l 28 ti 12 w i...................... 3 Leax subd lams2e siWdil....... If you hb& v ier »«easlt lu te nmw et suer youe4 -~ the 1 cootsoiuetimesandwilleontinuptohuvl Misa Maggia Lawrenca spant X« day lu the City. John Robants, of Chicago, la vistAi friands sud reaiveis hara. The Ladies Aid Society met vU lire. H. J. Straug Thursday. Walter Moten and a friand.,1 Chicago, are spending the voak bkM Mrs. Jarnason, of Chicago, las *u iug bbc yack vith bar mother, II D. B. Taylor. Tha Misses Belle sud Gertia Mbil are visitnl 1ibaîn irgrsndiaebn Bebt. Strsug's. Mesmar. Robert sud Ed Ceudrey,g Rlockefeller, visited al; James Pofoi& thie tirst of the yack. Miss Marne Trotter returned te il ciby Wadnesday atter a tvo vomi vimited t hi er home. Thea social given by the M. a. snd1 club, Txîsday avauing wv a u" btli siclaily sud fiuancialy. Mîr. and lirs. N. 0. Levoy snd àMt Wineecke vare calind te Moingea>N tiret cf bbc yack to attend the fuuoe oaI Ibair brotber-lu-iav, Mr. GravIta.. Mlany ai dny's vork la leSt by ëN beadacba, caused hy Indigestion si sbemacli troubles. DeWitt's LÊW Early Ricers are tba mont effeo$q pilI for ever cemaiug sncb diMouItSse Foim sala' by F. B. Lovaîl, Libartyvli4 andia 0. C. Roberts, Wauconda. en

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