CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 14 Aug 1896, p. 2

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0 W laIOK CR MEXIC3O. 1 bÀPltAL WILL PERFECTr e-tS'tiMU8 RAILWAY. Simirsa Finee retght Trade j ak AtstEulisb Syndicate e- ellsetion of a Long- Ifirojeci la Near ut mRend. = bise New Frelubt Lins. "M. ydicale, ei the heai! ai (ý»Wbetsuan Pearsan, inambxe t ifer Cochester, bas juat O* * leasu w-tb the NMexican Gar- tI tiseTehauutepee lthhiuîs The Taterms oi lhe leuse Include ýp=e th l.part ai th. syndiehte ~rsaires!>- weh advanced for 4ent ai lhe harbor af Cot- bon at tise Atantic tecminls af »,sd ta coutructel is arbor sàk Sais euez. theiPucific ter- 0"d were Indu!.!d in the originsal it whch Ils. Maxieun (lovamu- ka-beau no fac unable ta axacîlte. d lIsat w-Ilb. gretîr imiraved lu lhe condition ofa i rsl clas ibis of ahipe, pIiug istweu Sa1- an! San Fraucisca. w-Ilha puaI oiver tralghlta othe. usny lixes m tise GJuf oai Mexico. A deter- SOmt w-il h.e made ta accure tIse sUd Iow-price! pasacugar Ira fic of isdso. On the other ide oi tise Jt.s epete!ta elthe bslk of apea fue reiht.ssch as dry e ecs Or ae by teaInuîs pta 0es»s n! isy rail to a Su 1can- wgcar FUlOUR iOUI. or Agnt et Wemar Bays Ger- mauy ats Il. si Ewiug Moore scommesrial -Weimar, German>-. bus iarwsscd- b è Diepsetmaut aif51:1e a report ou il 4smpioUn ai wlieat ands rye ILour o ~oiatry. Snc. 1879, ha soya, tIse rn plien af rye bras! bas tentilY th « m n what beaad shows a more 01 49rtai adriluca. As tue l'nit- .3 Pa exporta large quanutities ofai ilif what flour ta (g'riusssuy. %Ir. i*ya, ths la ai grant lulsrlaulýe. w-1m6was remuck-alsla <for nus c\- i aflIy large consuluptiosa uf bath i srs. 0f what tisere a ssa ues] 0 ongle per capita is]l of rye 151 pe capl..Tiss 'ssaowsiuug l pply and amol Ipris-es. La-t s-ar I for 82.50 pserc1.)(X)kilos ands $SM9 for tha anme qss:sitity. Tise tw-et au! cye itourptar220.46 t la th4t gear w-ra: AViet gour. C1 u-88.The fisur imaports hare l leetese!sinva 1890 witisahecx- 0 -Of 180, wheu ths-y us-re sigîtîr llanst th. prenions year. Tisaun- P e tili largel>- lu axuesa aith lb b Tise Importa last rear wera 2, lu.-of tise value ai $.475-.600(K. Thei. lIstes furnisbe! bat 3,910 tonsl,h Bietivel>- sinsl quisîtit>-, and taises t se. among tha contisrias axporting e B Gmany, lise Ruseaaunomnier- st ivng tianauntr>- a gresî a!- ~,American flanc la more axpen- au as>- other km!. sund Iis fuel t Is for amail Imparta ai tint article. -i ige aioul! bu tuken by tise Amei- i M nisd exporter. gays Mr. More, e grôw-inf eman! focrtus-saarticlesn Maur. ____ torm Kilie Heat. wlIns la Tuesday'a record of dlsat ha wet, et cilles suffarisg list se- Pros-a Du-a,ih. trotions. krk au!dsuburbs. ..194 5.-> hipil........7 44)t ..t>........... 12 281 .. .. .. .. .. . Il 's) kUCblcago cama hels -uge. Blns-kc iuaskimnts w-re srataIse!ands! -lectrie garland. andsshissiîsg ~boita. The tisundeca i-ale! ansi ýX4 hurne!, rilpasnd ratllaSud) ', -eep revarbemaîlossns iugliîîg ut-eplittiug îwls sîstil il aene! q tbe artiliery oa iébs'u-cuuisasî beau (4ud wa Icuile! puupsn ie -paol. iIort, minuttes an linch o airaI- Mtise mers-tir>- liku-suise lunibis- ibdegraca te.-78S Wkidinefltatlausai Leaigea. listthe standinugouthtie cleilis mTtlal Basebaîl Leagise: W. L W.L1 6..3 2-àBrooklyn . .41 50 ~5l..,05 B0Phlsdpliuisia. 40 50 1 ~4..57 3dNew Yrk.. .39 53 ~ ...57 0ùWasiiuton. 35 54 ~g.M5 409t. Louis. .28 04 ..4 « 1Lauisville .. M2266 th le standing of lb. clebs P.WaLeague: W. L W.IL. -54 85Kansau City.52 41 553 SSMlwaukee. ..46 54 ...55 40'nd Rapids.34 65 ..14OCoumbus -. .34 O5 h Ji Cam petites. - 1 -Ohio, busines, air- thit a deal la au b>- Aile>- Goa.Campany>-w-tiI w-item Gai% COMPsnI& -T, twrao uanias&ré 1 gaz concacus aiong tIse ~4ga csnlf.aI of anar$1- Netes ltehtnuL - t rmer living nons b*s decampe!, leasing *000w-rts ai notes -Creditorg are eIt te condition or ui- etadaquate fine Sperbape1weut>- - ,Probabi>- Oile e cia! Cotorada'. A!utcmr X"USe OuChat r ila a.kucd iat - te AudItorý, Parka,, ofColôrado,-wbo Io ex-ofcio lu- curance eomminsouer, t, about ta aprng a surprise upon some 0f the leadlug ibsur- anac. coiuhanles. Several companles, t !s "id, have recently beau seudlng circuleas to thîr poiler botiders cotains thesas- sietIon that If the Damocratlc party la etUccutUîlu the eomluff election their policia wli) be wortb but hait the amount ou whlch the pramuuma have beau pald. 1- la said Mr. Parka -bas been 410ietlY se- curing* a colectiou oft teme crculars, whkch ha dlaIms ara evîdeuce of 1sdl- veucy on tha part of the companies, and be naw propose to cancel the licenses of ail qucb companles wich are upw dolng business ln that gtata. It je clamai that the, Auitor'. judgment lu sncb caes lo fiual, aud that If h. InsisesUPon tbis tourse the eouipanies wiliibu barred frain dolug business la tha tte. INSULTE» TUB JUSTICE. Panatical fLadesat New Plutaburs, Ohkio.,sent to J&I. New Pittaburg. Ohio, le the scene of mont intense religions excitemeuit, borç!Ir- lug on faflaticlixu. The leaders claim to bu lu personal commugicatian wtb the Lord aud te act under Instructions froml Hum. Etcitemantilaso bhb tat familles ba" )*en broken up aud numerous fights have oecurred over the mtter. The pea- pie have triai! every way ta, gel rid of the. faflaties, but have falai!. Warrants were sworu out for the arrest of the leaders~ Mart Searls aud bis two brothers. When arralgued bufora the. Justice thaY were turions and deuouneed the. court lu mont bitter terme, lusulting the. justice and aveu llmblug upouq the and sptling upou hlm. -The trio were fiuallY PlaCci! ln $ail aud Mari wos talien to the Âtbens asyluin. 1ieir-to1owers number about one hundrai! sud fifty, smorneaiwbom have iven as high as $150,000 each uPon being ec6,vertai!. IliON TRADE WILL BENEFIT. speuiug of the Boom New Lock la Ex- pected to Stîmulata Bbipzaents. A Sal Ste. Marie, Micii., correspand- et saym tbnt the Imon are industries w-Il ec gcesly hanefite! by tha lucrensed sbip- ing wbich w-Ilaurai>- toiiow tlb. apeniug if tue big lock aIt ise *"Sa." Au esti- sale o! the amaunt oi mouey lnvested un lie Iran are ludusîr>- la given as follawa: >harhctcr ai inrealmaul Amount. fines.................... $96,500,000 Shiipping docks .............14,000,000 Rallroada fac mines ta sbip- ping porta ..............32W,0 Pleet af are vessaIs .........46,000,000 RecIlving docks........... 15.1500000 Ore raliade ta turnaces. .. 29,000,000 Total ................. $3,0,0 rSpanli Peorsla Loue Hope. At lasI lise Cubais cehai, have carrde! tie w-ar mbt Spain. Tbey do nul puoce.! openiy or violently. but souk b>- Intrigue ao prevent the. embarkalian o1 more Span- loh traops for Cuba. Trouble oi a sari- ous nature lms heing fomente! lu Spain, particuiariy lu the Province of Valencia, by agents ai the Cuban insurgeaIs. The minister oi lh. luteriar, Senar Cas-Gayoa. replyig toa squestion lu tb. chaunher of deputias, admitted liaI a nuinher af riaIs bari! ecearre! lu Valencia au!, w-heuaskeýl ta explain the cause ai the disturbances, "ai! tbey were cause! ly imieuuis of lb. Cuhan linsurgenta, w-ho bopad Ibareby ta pranent lhe daparture af turtiier rein- forcements ai troapi for Cuba. Hitherto thse popular demoustrationa bave hases at- trlbuted autirel>- ta pralest agasast lise imposition ai eew taxes--a step made nec- essar>- b>-tise fleancisl strain tise goveru- ment bas beau ubjecta! ta tiscougis car- vyiug ou the. campaigu aganunýthtusesur- gents ei Cuba. But, w-bile lhe gaveru- nment lsa uîy wlIllng ta admit tint thse riaIs hare baes lusatiguta! b>- lh. agents af lb. Cuban revolutionista, Il lg genecall- a!nsitted tisaI the roats af tihe trouble are ranch deeper, sud thâ itaIlahein g nourisa- e! by the naturai feeling of nIai-us and dismay ai the apparent utler Inahilit>- oi tise govarumant ta cape w-ith tise bituation lu Cuba. Thnt the, large Spantsh inn>- lu Cuba imusI ha sill further sud iseavil>- reiniore! la Iaaked upou as beiug su canfession of w-eanes upon the part oi tha administration sud as an admission of tise grawiug strenglis ai tbe Cubans. Iu addition, mauy lattera have beu re- calved lu ditiecent parts af Spain by the relatives ai Spaulsi soldiers serving witb lb. acm>- in Cuba, aud lisey t1.11 , ter rible tles ot sickuieaa, privation.isus peteurs aud nsismaiagemant, tla su>- uh- lng ut Iack ai pay, tisnl a dangeroua fte,. lug agannathle.gavarismoeulibas aî-Leil Sud la gsiniug strength day b>- day. Uns- der Iluese ciccumatan e b agents of t'be Cuhans do nul bave mucis difficuit>- lu csmryiug ouItis.oir plats o! caussiig pûpis- lar autbrenks. Nominations la Two staSe,. Hazen F. Pingre., thse tauous inven- toc oi lhe municipal potata patcli, w-as an tise faurtis ballot nomnista! for Gar- amroaio ilchigan b>- lb. Republican Blae.convenation oaI Grand IRapids, Tbursday nitarnoon. lu Wiocotisiu, the saine day, nt tisa Repuhlican State con- vention nt Milwaukee, Maj. Edward gcalai!, ai Ocatt, w-ns noninated for Governar on the' sixh ballot Sitar the malt lntere$ling fight avec eau la1)Wls- cousin. Tii. present Sta fficers baîow lise oafimwofiGavernar w-aeelisc renom- lnatesl b>- acclamation lu a buncla. Ilecaul Congsu.slonai Nom inatioisa. Dist Suite Nonsina.. Pal. 1. .Wisebtsin , H. A. Coopear, Rep. 10. WINCousiu...J. J. .Jenkins, Hep. 3. :Iowa ........ Geo. Staobie, Dem. à.. Missouri....I P. Blonsd, Dem. 22. .Pennsalvaia John T. Miller, Dem 16. Illinois .Jacob D>. Hess. Pop. 1. ,Mairie ...E. W. Staples, Dem. (6.. Arksansas..S. Brundage, Jr., D. 7. . Iowa .......... J. A. T. Vuli, Hep. I. .Kentucky... P . G . Th'oma, ep. 4. Nebranska.W. L. Star, Pap. Fifly Yl t luent. The tomperatere record for this year w-as again brakren Weda-eday at Chicago, tise Iberniameter sethl.e wether bureau registerlug DU6 de«rees at 4 a'ciack. The heat w-as oppressive aud stiffing, aud ce. suIte! lu ane deatis sud tliîy prostrations. The gaini !ow-u 91 the sun gave no relief. tSéimilar reporta camnetram the. entire Northwaat.- Ordes en Villed Cseue. Commlisslonar )&Iller af the internai re,- umebareevuef thse tresser>- has beme oele eto"in-eut .1the w gittlers btai. Far Northweet Taise Suanary Messures. Tisera is serions li-ouble at PrinceA- bai-t, Nartbw-esl Tecritor>-, cause! b>- land jumpars. FuI>- arma! settieca ppo- coude! lathie bouse of Louis Coma, a Iand jumper, aud tore il !ow-u, Ihrowiug j>olisbouse and furniture int the lakt. Inspector Snyden took a susaîl detaci- ment of'mouuted police trous Edmontons la quail the disturbance, but h. wirel Fart Saskatchew-antisaItishe funil deaoc- ment ai police tallone! tiser. h. dis- iatche! ta tiesa sene. A srissus Oigit !s cxpesfled, sud lie cesasl wili ha ta stop àan! jumuping, w-bas oaarouse! îa mucha indignation tbrougbout lise Cendian Nortiswest. Et. Louis Architect Wlnm. Thse Montana Stale Capital Commis- sion accepte! lb. plans 'awu b>- G. IL. Man, ai St. Louis, w-bo la ho gupecînleni eontuction sud receive 4 per cent,.aoflise coul up la $900,000; also a bonus ai $50,- 000 if lie work la compleled b>- Jan. 1. 1900, aud does, ual sac.! 81.00,000 Poinoued b>- matius Tee Ceam. At a Roman Cathoile churcià socI aad a Baptiat scisool picnlc over saventy-- fine men, w'usnen sud ciili!ren ai Fort Scott, Kan., w-re poisone! b>- eating le. cean purccasad tram lie sanie dealer. Docler w-re kept base> ail igit. Ni fatalitias isitraresulted. Ou the Rock.. TIse pacific Coast Steamsisip Omanay's steamer si. Paul wet eshone ai Paint Pmua., near Monlane>-, 1.1, eariy Sada>- iuorniug aud! Yul probabi>- h. a total w-ecis. Thora w-re about fift>-paese- gars an board, but ail wen. an!.! saiel>- an! no lires werc lest. 8ho0 Wiile pl"affoguliser. Witb bis ideutit>- coneasie! iya wig oui taise whiskems, Walter L. Chamberaîin, a business mnsora Jacksonvillle, Fin., St- temple! ta rob thea Santbumu Savings and Trust Bank, aud was minaîl>-sal tb>- A. S. Hubbard, thse casiies ai lb. InsU- tululan. New Éecord for' a Short Track. Iu thse bicycle lounanent b>- elactrse ligIsI ai Mauchester, N. 11, Nat ButIer, ai Cauxbridsaport, Mads., eatasiheau îaew- world'à record for a quarter mie track lu lb. oaa mile pruiessugi hadi- cap, nsaking lia diatane.las 2:1L. PÇ1ESIOIENT STICKVIIY TIELLS OF RAILWAY POOL.- Baya the Fermer@ Are Gi,.. Ne Show Whatever-Dbsth la the Sun'. Rays --eroue Trouble 0,cr Land! Clairon et Prince Albert. He *Tell, ou" the Crowd. "Th'is la the kind of tblng tbat makres anarchiste ont oftheb. 15mars west of the Missouri river, I tell you, gentlemsen. Tis le w-bat says ta the fariner: 'Do as I wnnt you or lil se. that you dou't do any- tiiins else."' The speaker w-as -a plain, acdlnary ralîroa president glviug cvi- sience buiora tIhe luterstate commerce commission at Chicago. He kas A. B. Btickney, preaent of the Chilcago Great Western Rtailros!. 81f te! of a lot Of techulcal detaîl, the. arraignment lay the witness under examination w-as ieveled against the. action of rallroai!s againat wbom ha ha! found It neeessarY for bis ow-n company to go jutatoha grain coin- milssiou business. Pr'*ior ta their doîng so it appeared ta hlmteetlnsony that the ouI, people w-ho eouid ahlp grain train pointa w-est of the Missouri river wer.' those w-ha lslood lu" w-ith lb. raliros!] pool sud by dfvldiag up the profits on lbe grain witb lhe companies w-ere enai5bed ta fleece western fariner* w-lth one baud aud Obleago buyer, w-th the other. The discriminationaaalut fariner, w-ha dl! nat "stand Iu» w-îtb the ralirosi! people w-as by uo means lb. oniy sensationsi testlmony offere! by Mr. Stickuey. He tlid e great mauy tradte secrets which the represautatlres ai other roadsdi! Dol appear ta railis He toid how the present investigation by the commission bal been set afcet a.ppareutly toc the sale purpoSe of brlnglng his rosi!- Into lIn. sud maklng il divide Up Ita business witb Otisar roads. Ha toI! of au agreemuent mai!. belveen 'tbe western rads atiti. Union Leagne Club Mest Oetober sud baw bis couupauy, for refesing ta ha bonnd by that agree- ment, bai! beauthbreatene! sud w-ornie! aud badgeced and bulle! and! finelly brougbt lin court ta ausw-er for thse slu oi belping rarmers ta oeil their grain lu Cuhicago far aomethiug like wbat il w-us wortb. »YING DY HulNiIlED*. Awfnt Effecta cf the Terrible und Unl- versal Mas. The w-baie ai the United Statcesba pssdthbroug Ils mast mamarkable n.'! teoroiogical experieuce foc years. Exces- sive hat bas combina! wvith huonildity to make the lot o nainusd basa mashun- endurable. AIl records for cigbt yoacs have been brokan. In New Yack sud Brooklyu Sunday aeventY-two peapIL were killa! outright; lu Chicago, 19; iu S-t. Louis Satucday, 25; lu Philadeîph'a, Boston, Pittaburg, Detroit and ather tow-ns, lasser uumberm, thaugb the hat w-as intense, In addition ta thase, there w-are thausands af prostrations, many ai which wli terninate tatally. The suffer- ing amoug the very poor oi the citlas bas beau terrible FIVE HUNDMED BLAIN, Matabele Charge Up ta 9he Nasales of British Gunéï. At Cape Tawn, details baee beau re- ceive! aiflb.ei!ecisive victory w-au W.!- needay hy tb. 700 British traops coin- posiug C.1.Plumer', columu aver a na- tive farce estimata! to bave numbered tram 5,000 ta 7,000. The latter fougbt mioal iesperately sud hcuveiy, charglng up witbin a tew yards ai the Britîsibmaj- ld-firing guns. About 00 aZ t>t a- baie warriore w-cc. slain !uring ti. en- gagement whicb Issted seeersi boers, au! the. lass ai the.British Incld!.!MaJ. Kersbaw, Lieut Harvey, tour sergeants sud about tbirty saldiers kilia! sud %lx afficers, severai uon-commisiouad afficers sud about fiiîy nmen wounded, aceordiug ta unofficial figures. WAR UIN THE LAND JU3[PER-S Cosurt ».-W.eBElt1,700 of th.. trucs tluehtbp. The £nall-decree s-e'ipom!a froin Okinulgea, the, capital of the Creek Nationasm It ha, been banded dowu hy Judge Adams, chIietjuftice of the Su- pruine Court of the nation, lu the ctizen- ship cases. It strikes froin the rolIs of citizenmbl» of the nation the usines of over eveteen unudred negroas. The de- elsIon bekd that the action of the Indien counicîl, atter the passage of the emauci- pation sct by the Uniited -States, lu ai.- nsttlng the negroes to tribal relations was unconttutionsi sud therefare et ths tins lnvalld. Since the passage of the. nct tbe.,. nagroes have drswu lu annultles $1,000,000 tram the. Creek governinent, have held positions ot officiai trust, aud have Improved their tanne and educated their childien et the natian's expanse for tweuty years. Froin the decîion of the court there la nu appeal. FIVE ",~N KILLE». Berions Fretahi Wreck on the Rock Ilsaed Near Letlgbtou, Iowa. Fîve mean lest their lives lu a frelght wrack on the Rock Island! rosi! at 8 n'clock Fridsy mocnlng, near Lelghten, la. The train wss au extra frelght os the wsy ta Chicago, loaded wth sheep. Ou. of the cars was deraîlci! by a brokeu journal aud nine cars were ditchei!. Ac- cording te the cailway officials the mien kllled were tramup@ tealiug a ride, but another report says they were employas of the Liverpool and Des Moines Pack- lug Company- of Des Moines. Wrecklng trains were Immediately sent ta Leightoza aud sel at wark clearing uwaY thu wceci of cars sud deai! aheep. 001.1 for Cube'& Cause. It la reported that the Cuban junta lu %be Uuited States this week raisei! a fond! amauutlug ta $375.000. Part of thea maney has been chauged into gai! sud is uow on ubipboard, bound for Cuba, where it will b. p!aced lu the hands af the offi. cers commandiug the insurgent amy. The balance bas been rettlsed by tha boads of the junta in Philadelphia and New York, wba wili use it lu a wity that1 wtli hast serve thec Cuhan cause. >Jbe cantributions were as iliows: Jackson- ville sud ther sections of Florîda, $100,- 000; New York sud Brooklyn, $W,000; Philadelphie, $25,000; Balimore, $10,- 000; Washington, 810,000; Richmnond, 85, 000; Savannah, $5.000; New Orlesns, $10,000; throug.h Chicago and the West, $100,000, sud froua several Bo utheru pointa, $60.000. ____ New Party la Fauuaed. The gai! Denaoruatic party bas heen organized. It will lioid a convention lu Indianapolis, lI!d., Sept. 2 to make a piatform n sd nominate candidates for Presideut and Vice President. Thirty- three States were reprasented at tihe meeting Friay whicb lanuche! the uew party. There were about 125 represen- tati%-es of the goid standard wlîbln the Democratie party present et the conter. euce.. À good mauy notable men weru tisere, but as a mile those wbo partiel- pated lu the meeting bave eut bereto. fore been weii knoivu lu thu politîcai war id. Ciilt's Rsut itte <>~ cent. Mr. Joues ngiven-unutil the. ral lu hnsaslIard,BaittelsoaI ot uext Noveinhan la iathlie bonds. CIn Thicaîs Ol si aranal s argte Be expedla ta dispose of them elthem lu lion was cbaine! near tise entrance ta lbtehe- o otn eler aebe lent as a ctchiig adrertisemeut. Ed-z*eede giving tise tasimny ofan au mi- die Hua!, 18 manthh. ai, son af tise pro- olnmna.n in Vienne on tisa bacillis aiflis. prietor, w-ns pla>-lng near lh. animalIan!di dses,.Ihât carri-la off the natives lait the terociaus beasaI ses.! the infant by year. Tise> give as a filial verdict tisa th. head and csiook Il as a terrier dog opinionl that tise Vsitution w-as gnunina wouI! ahake a rat utIl il was a coi-pse. Âslatlechieraa, as Ms or th e localpy The affair canard a pail in lie crow-dadsl icins pronanisce! ipiL- grogg. *ý.OBEVAINSAEA FAILCRE King Oscar Praisen s Singer. OBEVTOSR Miss Alice Moudelicis sang Tues!sy Clonuts Ramper Aot.-onomers ln Vlew-- with tue grealeat succes sciure King Ing thse Snn's Iclpee. Oscar sud sa umbai- ai persona distin- The observaliIon af tise@un'% toItl guishe! lu *iciety at Gotlsauburg. 8w-e- eclipe., risible lnftoi-tIsain Europe, nonSh- dan. Misa Mnndelick was parsonial>- sui Asift and Japon. and for wbicb elala. cosnplinsenlei! b>- the.King upou bar per- ovale proparultiosas ha! beaumn!e,. ha@ tormance.prove! & iniluire bath at Vadso au tise Quicis Work iSre. alnc a Steer. iew-st coest ai Novi atuia an!dsnt St. John Gises, uf Buffalo, bolder ufth Petersburg, awiug ta tise clouais. Sic w-rld's record for dressing a stear, cu t ohert Bal, ai Camhr!ge, condustud tise !aw- tise record Wednasdny frina 5 in,, observations et Vuid.o. At Yokohamua ut." 58 secands la 4 minutes 44% sec and Takio tise aclipe was dlean>- visible. onds. ut the bulehar' outing. Narlisward, howevrr, lu w-iscb direction -- Oihe aeti-ontimers pioee!.!, the sky w-os New Marisel for Fruit, doit!>- and observations w-are Imposibie. Amarican fruitanu!wina gi-ow-eis w-ll At Bastua, Suris-s, tise wenliser w-a clear exhibit their produtcs alis e International aaineOuand!tise eclipse was w-aloh- Bortlculturai exposition sslichis hata lJ serre!. beli lu Iramburg, Gai-mon>, lu 1897. ____ Three lu One on MtcKinley. ATTACKED BY FIVE BROTIHERS. An ODio isan wage! 8 1,500 la $50') ou tis elaclion ai 'McKinley. M. Mayer Marshal innlP May lite ai InJuriea ai New- Yack lois the Bcyau en! of lhe Gîven ln a Ftght. bet. William Dunlap, mai-sisal ai Edgerton. Mw.UIKET QIJOTATIONs. Chk-agD-ýCattie, commun te prime, $3.50 ta $4.é5; isogsa lsppig gradee. $8.00 tae$375; sheep, talc la choice, 82.50 la $3.50; wbest, No. 2 rai!, 55e ta 56c; cocu, Na. 2, 23e to 24c; as, No. 2, lOi- la 18c; y, Na. 2, 80e lu 31c; butter, cisice creamar>-, 14e tau c; egge, irasi, 10e $oIle; nàew- polataes, per busisci, 20e ta 30c; broomcrn , couamon short ta choices w-acf. $Z ta $00 per ton. I ndiana polis-Csittle, abippni, 83.00 le 0475; hogs, ehaica ligit, $3.00 ta $3.75-, .iseep, commun ta prime, $2,00 la 83.50; w-ieat, No. 2, 57c e lM5e; carn, Nu. 1 whit,, 25e ta 27e;;0ces, No. 2 w-ite, 22e la 23c. S3t. Louis-Cattla, $3.50 ta $4.75; hiegs, 83.00 ta 83.75; w-hast, Na. 2, M8c te 600; cocu, Ne. 2 yeliuw-, 21c ta 23c; oatsI, Na. 2 w-hite, 19o ta 20c; rye, No. 2, 2îc ta 29c. Cincinnati-('nttle, $3.50 ho $4.50; hoge, $3.00 ta $3.75; siseep, $2.50 te $8.75; w-hast, No. 2, 00e ta 02c; cocu, Sa. 2 iilx.!, 20e la 27a; ont@, Na. 2 mixe!, 21c te 23c; rye, No. 2, 30e la 32c. Daetrit-CMtle, $2.50 la 84.50; hagq. $3.00 ta $3."5; sheep, $2.00 ta $3.75; irieat, No. 2 re!, Oic ta 63c; carn, Na. 2 yeliaw-, 25e ta 27c; ents, No. 2 w-ile, 23e la 25c.e; >,, 31cta 32c. Toledo-Wbaaî, No. 2 ted, 62e ta 64c; carne,Sa. 2 yalow, 2&etli 27c; enIs, Se. 2 while, 19e la 20c; rye, No. 2, 81c la 33c; laver sce.!, 4.30 tae $U5. Miwauke-Wheot, No. 2 sprlug, 552 ho 57e; coca, Na. 3, 24e ta 20c; oaaîs Nb, 2 whie, 21c ta 22c; harley-, No. 2, 30e ta 34c; sy, No. 1, Sic ta 32c; pork, mnests, $6.25 to $6.75. Buffalo-Catti,, $2,50 te $4.7Z; hogi, $8.00 ta 84,25; shaep, $2.00 te $3.75; whest, Ne, 2 re!, 63e to 04ec- eorn, N.). 27#" illlowtu 32 c4; oals; N*. 2 whlite, Ohawas nssaullcd b>- Heuhen Smsith and four brte.isr,lilverynsen aofbisaI place, ands! hay>-die. Tisa Smaihbi-othara bu! beau ardera! te desisl froua faading thiaI hersos on the cil>- lot, whiici h.>-e refuse! ta do. M.Narasai Duanlap atmpted ta take tisa horaca lu chai-ge, w-isautise Satia attacked uns. A nunaher ai dti- sens interface!, wheu about 1weut>- s-o w-cc. lu iyipalsy witi tise Smis took n bond lu tise affra>-. A gaiserai figil 100k place, in whics ocrerai w-are injura!. (loning as il duas on tise heiofaitie Webster sud Hall muuilrs anda in lise saine comunit>-, lie excileuseul la in- tense. Seeras arrasîs have hacu mode. Inereaseul ?ax lia Ootbam. Tise report aiftise finance cammillee ai tb. Board ai Alderman show-s that tua toal aseosmaut af ceai au! personai propent>- for 1896iluNew- Yack citls$2,- 106,484,905, su lucres,,anar 1895oa ff9,537,243. Tise asseasmeut against cor- porations exempt trous taxation toc Stale purposes la fixe! et $57,121,217, se liaI the ttali ev>- slan!s as failauvo: 82,0,- 803,688 et 2.14. f4.856,382.92; $57,121,- 217 at 1.8276, 81,04,947,36; total, $44,- 908,330.28. Murdoed and! Placeti ou Relia. Robert Happer an! Matîle Johsosn, w-rase ibodies isera fonu! near Barrods- hurg, Ky., on lise Louisville Soitisari tracks, goeinangle! thaI tisa coraor'@ jury couid fini! no erîdene of foui pis>-, w-re murdcred b>- Ove nagroas. A negro w-ha w-tnesaed lie murder bas tld about il. Fivo Pernsiraw-nesl. FIve peraons e-edrouued lu tise Dela-- ware river, opposite Bci!esbtirg, a subunis ef Piladelphie, b>- lie capsizlug of a malrow-boat. Neequlto Cect al Fiooded. THICVES. ARE . SHAOOWED AND TRACED TO TIIEIR BOOTY. kobbery Commîtted ic lhteen monthe Azo-Hawail o<Jfées 3,500,000 Four Per Cent. Bonde-- Little Ohiio Town Orcatly- Excited by a Tragcdy. Thief Losep Rîch Booty. A .s1ealt. the Sm Dlega, Cal., Un- Ion gives asenestion saqeel to the tmils gold bar cobry ah, Ensenada nearly a y... aundait lago, vIcii c euned tii, .mpciaaumant ai James E. Gurratt an-i Allait Pruat tfoc sixteen muutils. Afttr bis re'ease Garratt wet ta Sin DIegiý and ou the 5th imat, leit there for En-, sesada. The M.%exîians w-re wacned by detectîves w-ha w-ru authe watcb, aud, w-heu Garrusit, accompanîed bly îhrea men, slet out ta sig up the bar they were foi- low-ed by a party of giiacds, wilh wham was Gar. Suosguiiez. The gold seekeis found theqnss.-lvs surrouile! sud cor- ered hy rifles. CGorratt collapsed wit.b fear. At Gar. Sanuin.z's deans!lie dlsoseethe 0spot w-ere the. bar arsa hi!- dem.The arumla Woth$12,410. DEATH IN TUE IIBAT. Neariyltwo Huadred Are UtIl6ed tn Greater New Yerk. Monday w-as anather scovhiug day, and 188 people w-re killa! hy the beat in Greater New- Yorkand iu tIse dense New- Jersey population tint bordersaunlth west shorie ai the. North river. This ter- rible îîortality was not entirely due ta the.thast afthtie daty. It w-as due ta thse terrifie liant thait ha! scourge! thst vi- cluity for six days, siw hlcb apemed ta eulminateinlu I lu fucy Monda'y. The death list for New York city aline sggr.- gale! eIghty-twoandsul tla crtai h tu thse naines w-re nat reparte! ta tha.- thorities. Gangs of men vwent tbrougb tise East i!e at niglat opansbag every by- Iront. Froua Houîston to Division struet. meat aitf the sw-s'rr, everv Iiret w-safiflle with runiusg watar. ii-au:ked men ani! w-nin piîngus! mbvishe isydrant streiama. Cîsildi-en Inluthe w-tar in the. gutierg. Tlise officiai b-t reord w-is 91 de-grees, with 65 p'rceitage ai hu- miitiy. It la the muaI fasifui acaurge ai Weather tisat avec (anmeilion Naw- Yark. Thece was fnu relief lu au>- part ai thse cauntry. At <'hicaigo. <CA0 daîthsa werc(Il- recItl>rIateabl lu tha lint,.which magie- tere! 98 degvces. Thora is a singasî-tr lack o atafoliprostration ia tise Southemu 10 FLOAT HAWAII LOAN. EX-MInister Jonea Expeci. ta Float - 3,5ff0.000 oi Bonds. P. C. Janeg. tii. Hawaiien ex-misijter et finance,ilafta thse Unita!S-atsta float the reiunading lban. lie expýcis ta salI nean>- 83,5w0100W-ortha ai Haw-uliius ganernuseni bauds, bcsring 4 par cent Iu- te4et. iMa nîsîraet wiîiathe gavera- mnent aiIaws% a discount ai 5 par cent, en-] b. aw-l ceaive a. coinusiion ai 2 par Senalor Dubosaoa Idaho w-ll support Bi-yan. Justice llrewer la ln fus-or a! tise golf standard. .SeuatorItiMrphy ai Ns-w-Yorkssays lia# he w-luI supporl t Bryan. Tieseuiver p-i-t>- roposas taouond Se-w Toi-k wsith litsrature d:riig lise coin- paîgu. A roufs-rance of N,-brask. g-s!! stand- ard Dcusocita wi l abs-Ied in tisa neas future. 1'ur tisosiutu!peopta anttünds-! a Re.. publican rotiticodsuýù meeting in the Bos- ton Nlu.ic liait. AI Topekua, thse Kansas non-partisan sils-er convssetion lr..trictei delegoas to rota forlise irdrsemnt of Brliynu. Tisa Vermontl Papul;st convention lu-, dorsed tise wors aiflts- St. Lous coiivený lion as! naminateslIos-ph Baîtie ai Mid- diahur>- toi-Govrinor. Seasoc 11111tapon bis arrivai lu 5evr York lu campauy wils Major Hinckley, ebairman aofItue State Democi-aîic Con-. mitte., weut talise bouse ai William 0., Whitney nsIn gist. The Calti-nia Populiat State execuhive cammiltea bas lsue! a manifesta ta vot- ors. Tisa nomination of Branu la indors- ed, but Sea-ll is opposed, snd Watson la tavara! for Vice-Pi-esident. Hanc>- George, tise single toi leader, sayla iabis is natier a gai! nar a silves' -min, au! tint tise pi-sent dur-ana>- sys-. tam sund bath sYstema adrocata! b>- the two leadiug candidates sre bai!. Thie Wegl Virginia, Popultsîlc State cons- vantion named Isaac C. RaiPisanyder tas' Garndau ratifie! tise St. Louis plat-. tarin an! tisa candidates. Tie>- orge a re- duction aiflise Suite afficili' ~salaries. Rer. Clark Davis, of Seattle, Wanh, mambur ai tise Papulisl national cemmt- tee and cisirman ai tise Stata cammtoe., bas rsilgued bath positiose an! w-I auis- part Brysu, w-ho la hie wie's firat cousin. At NVashingta tise National Associa- lion of Damacratie Clubs receive! MOn-. day sxt>- applications for neir clubs, an&i «ince theuthier. have been mais>- adI-i tioas requesta for charters irain ail part» uf the caunlry. Int the Nebraska Populist cassretiO& lb. "middle-ot-tia-road7" men-were sup. prmde, ad the State coumtte ivea Total Ammeugt i Ieuwt m tielaot 0*1 Tsar *146.S30,1S. . Th Tii. coisoicuer Of Inter"a, sevanu kas just subrited to sacretM'y-cari,," a preiilary report of tbe operatloal et bit bureau for thsefiocal Year ued! une 80. It sbows that thu reoeipts from aIl sources et internai revenue for the Yser aigregated 8140,830,015, Au Incesse Of $3U,7ovrrthe receipta Of lbe Pré- csdlng fiscal yen r. The «xPense approI-* matai! 4,44,51 sud lbe porcenlage 02 cont of collection wili be 2.70, a reductionb ot .18, sas compare! witb the. precedlng fical year. The exact colt caDnuOl bu d- nitely stated until the. accounta have bhem received. Frain spirits the cecelpts wcra 8V0,670,- 070, au increase of $807,443. Thii rP"5 item oai ncresse under Ibis hea! w,, trou fruit spirits, the ceceipts Oi 91,584-89M being 848,863 lu cxcse of lat year. Ro- tail lquor taxes lncreeaed by $221.1008 rectifier»' taxes, $49,458, sud the whOh- sale liquor dcalers' speclal taxes.,$40- M4. The. ouly decreases note&I wer triffing. Tobacco brougbt lu a revenue of$830,- 711.M2, or 81,006l,721 more Ihan wus dis rive! tram tuis source lu lbe precelDiU ycar. Thera was a general Lucres» la ail the items under tht. bea!, the. largeut beisg lu cigarettes under tbree pounde per thaussu!, wbcre lthe receipti wero n2021,195. or 8$M7,493 more tisa lu Inah preceding yaar. Cbewing sud smoking lobacco brnght lu $15,220=02$804 more thau lu the preceding year. Cigare sud cheroots aver three pouuds Par thoqs. sand realized 812,713,267, au lucrease of 822130. sud asuef efforded a revenue si' $752,915, su lucrease of 8103,0S7. Prom fermentai! ikuars there wu' de- rlved taxes aggregating 833,784,235, c« $2,143,617 more than during the precedlng reaar. Aie, beers aud aimilar liquors Drougbt lu M33139.141, an incrense o9 There was a faillng off of 1189.779 la thse taxes realizai tram oiaomrgariné. thse revenue traiont icb anounted ta 81j- 229,432 The decrasse wau general La ail tiie items ender this head, thse larguai Items being 8112,817 lu the direct tax on oleomargarine. wbsle cetail dealers' taxes ahrunk $5î,215. snd wholesale deaiesu taxes 826,520. The misceilanenuts cecalpts diminlshed 8182,O00 during the year, the largest Items belug J122.458 decrease iu thse receipla tramt piayiug cards, ovhich were oiy 8259,853. During the year Oî,039.010gslions 09 spirits dIstilli! tfram other matersai thal, triIt were wlthdmnu-n for cansumistloM, a deerease ot 7.413,119 gallons as coin-! wit: the pr@eýEn'i g eer. (.',gar- ettes ta the. number of 4,042,M91,640) were drawu out, whie.h wl, 714,ff7,860more than were consume! !during the prpe:edtug year. The numiser oi cigars sud cheroots witbdrawn was 4,237,755,943, an luceres,. ot 73,783.5W. Ciaewlrsg sud smokng la- baco was taken out ta the amount of 253,007,137 potnds, an increase ut 5,397,- 499 Pound&. Illinoa returncd more Internai revenue taxes thon anY ather Suite, the total coi- lections being 831.973.133. N ew York came nexî lua rdv-r with 21.020N.47-0. iKen- tucky stood thîrd wtth 81,03.10 blo and Pennoyivanlsa were close tîog..tber with 811.047,724 sud 811.14à.548 respée- Indiana ha! 87,C»W,.5,4: Ia $6,059,911; Maryland,. 85.97.ansd Wisconsin, $5.012,077. None (i the st- reiniing States reache! the $5,(MJ,000 mark lu the relurus.

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