MEL FAjjB. NO MATTER IN WHAT DIRECTION.1 THERE IT SHALL. LIE. k.r-Vr-Di*Talminge Preaches Au kara- et ermon, Warnbag the Isapeitent - -- gtu@t Wutng for the NcxI WorlM - Relors Correciglînthbe rraisetrThfa, ?atluaze's Suumiay TaIk, Dr. Talmage lu bis sermon discusses a Quetion tisat every-body sonetime dis- eusse.. Ilhaaone of tremendous Imprt, 8 hall v. bave atiother chance? Tise tit ka Eculotaases i., 3, "If tic troc rail te- lard thieseti or toward thse nantis.n tic place tie troc talimy-tlitisere Il - sealibc." Thier- a havensng bope ibutle. nde na a vant mulitude Of people that tier. 'vili bOau epporunitT in tise next woend of con- rectlng tise nistaktea of tuis; tint halever camplehe a aiîwreui n. ma>' mieof tour ertbly- lite il %-fl ho on a beach up ich w. may- n- ouit a palace; tiat as 'the defendaot nmay ]laie bis cag, hn a cir- cuit coulh and appesitiland bave t ga uip tuthie ui>tene cout or court of chaacery- and ailtishe coste tisru'n aven on lise.ahi- er paty, nsea anumay-lo, bis case la tbis wold, but in tic higiser juriadietion 'Of eternnty- have tie decistion ofthlie eartis- Iy- Oft. set amfide, ail the conte rnmitted and tise detendant ho trinomphant fuieven. A Itaeles. Hopus. Tihe abject otfrny sermon la to show you tbat camion tsense deciurei niti tise toit tbat sncb au eIl.eOtatl-)n fa chilieca. "If tisetree fa]]îussar'i the soutb or ho- Ward the nori n the p[luce ahere tie tre. faLioîh ihu-nu-lit mshah l -" Timeneoran tiashn-bY) maytntif thu ntenitenh and unforgiren usnin meusuu theu n-slt 'von!d and sees lb. disaierne as resuit ofth tia disester b. 'vili tuiris.tise dibtreas tise ecuse et bis nfirmuntion, hut itrevhave 10,- 00 instanuvetial urounshoaotuns utpeo- Pie Whos have donec'vrong and diset suddenhy- coule uplon liions, Dii tise dis- as§ter liai]tilluln, No; they n-cnt an. Tisera la a nman fluuug -f dsi:tos Tise doctor saystlui luii. "Now, m ni>'f lul,. It y-an dont stopu dninking and dià*t stop tus taist lire you one-liîvinug s-uu 'vli die." Tii. patient thauuis tis- pi> sician for bfis u'srning and gels Sbetter. Ho bmgins to ait lup. begins te wak snonnd the noom, Se- gins la ga 10 îunir.,-ss. a4il unies uhe saine round eofguruimpa is liehogt i, mrnng drain. aud i- es-ning 'lrom, aiîul 'ledrains i-tee -n. hloss-uagain. Saisse dou-îon. Sanie luysical unguisb. Sans. nitdical ssarruuuugBut non- tb. sit-knes la moreprne.u-ed. tie is-en moneobsit- * flot... ris. st(.rsach muore irritable, lb. di- gestive Organe more nete!uîouss. But tiil, unde-n meduuiulil. ho gels beter, goos fonhh. cornuuirs e ame sacnilçge agaluust bis tuysica hun!us iilnil: e ,wakes ip to sà" 'visail !Il iduing.oun] ibe rerili7u.s iso la Jouirl.> "it 11u:.i suuîîly. untl]ubuit hie hI efaabic w- i a; u1. ujn>-againat bis usar- niage vou,, j-Ij tat hat broien isaeadu wsonian fil suo<b f-r.utros eicroseste ieho rri-d ut hbron ad schoulmaîos do nul nu-u-'gize beron outhe treet, and! 0 i that bis @ons unt, gsing out in lire under the tunn t fa hther', drukennesa. sud tsaI bis dla-ughtu-niarc goins otin la ire undur tic scanuir(ation ut a dieputable AntucsrY-. 1 nons-os ane ail a-jongle. Frein critu h bu-d ta soie of foot ho je onue si. ragîi-à:g, cnscitYing, darniîug tojh'îre. Wheru-faslbe? . le u n hol 'uon curtis. Dues it stop hini? A h, no. Afror an-bile delirium tnou:60a pu;rs cut upoxiL hs pi!llow-ao ole jungle of hisu.iiug repti!e-.. hia epara hnrrify tishe pglis. as lie dashes Ouituf bel crying. "Takeie tie thinga off nie!"' Hie fi drikiisg dowsn tue comtert et bis famiiy, tLe edaîua ut nofils ciluinen, thein prospects ion this lite auJ p-hîpe tisir prospects for the life le came. paie andlconsalceccri ,he is op. Piysiciau noa sta uins: -No'-, nil- good fellus'v, I arn going te bau e a plain îta!k wsd yo. If y-neioer bas- onant-alck outhiskiid suain, you w;:1 tie. I'î sas-e Y,ý-uand ail the du-tors in ens-ation can'tgas-e * ' Tihe paîieuî ge ii. u@tsarte ont,.eues lise * snnuuyrouis-iet Iml>itij>1oîsasd is, do'vn a gui n. Iut h. inm- le i l-inca Jo net lunch his case. <Xnsuhttiîins et pisysi- cians s.s>' uhunu- i. no h,e. Duuuïhsenuds tise s-eiiv. Thal proule'. of iubiatioa an]d1h -iunl .uffcniny-uil nieuicai smrouà- lng and i~uiluuus lnking jluco, ith- lfi a stoneili hr,,'sof us leri yo,, sisud *n uvry iuu-glluluiuuui f (Clunýuuu.iduuust Pain docs not Siiff,-riiigioe-s nut cuire. What ln trie i regarud to ,ie sin istrie lune rpld tl U i su, nl 3-t msen tirc cx- Peu.iiug i tle nut lit, ilu--o u-wiil e op- portunily for Izîrguslrial regenona1jin. Take up btufilu.l reporte of the priî- 'oua Ot tbe ll tkuii-ul Ilutu-. andulfinJ Ihot tise rastI majorils-ofutthe.criuisiils n ore tier. before, nome for Issu tissu. sre fises. tour times, six telp:imuiiiseJ ..gin andl again. but the>' go right on. Millions et Incdents and lutances workiuîg tise oti- ci n-a>, sud y-t Mon tiîink Ihat ln tis ext 'mvrid pîsahslisment xiii 'vronomt for thsem sals-aSie effectut. MWL>', you and I cannaI ligiune any 'vomie torture frein antber 'verl than 'evobse scen menonlulu tuis 'vend, snd 'vithouit an>' aulutan>' couse- The .n.t Chance. rurbernre, tic prospect of reforma- *tion iha auotier n-rd ismore improbable thon heme. Do yoeu nul realize tise tact lst a man &tarts in tbis worid 'is tisee Innocence of infancy ln lie uliser case, sterling ln tbe tatllier 'vorld, hbstarta wih *the. accunulated bad habita of a lifetime. la t net lu boc xpeeted liaI y-au couimit build e btter ship out o! news tituber tison -out ot an aId bnlk tiot bas ile grouuud up Iu tise breakens? If shantung wuih com-9 >aralis-e ixioceiscy tic mlais docs nul lie- ceule goulu>, ba it possible shbah tarting 'ith sin a serapis eau Sce es-aiited? la thon. nul more prospect tisat o scuiptor wsiU maike a inon .10111e ont ot a bock,.et spure 'viite Porinonrsnie tIlio ul ot aj blaci rock tint bas bepnen ,okoan-jd .sMet,. Wqegumte bave amedier ehmacebeceause o1the. brevlty of Ibis lite." do y-ou know inbat Made tihe auleot deluge a neoeaaty-? Il was hl lsgevitz of thse antedoînvlana. 1'hey wer. woeelhe ii second century thau la tise Brutend worse when they got 300 y-earw old, ansd worse at 400, and worse et 5W0, and wors. at 000, and worse at M0, until tise wprid iad to b. woshed and scoured end scrubbed end soaked «ad tank and anciiored a wbole mentit under weter before it wua fit for decent people ta Iliveln. 1 have seen mai17 picturea of aid Time witb hie scythe ta eut, but 1 nover tour usy picture of Tume witb a citent of medicines ta heal. Benece said tisat in thse filtt few y-cars of bis public lite Nero was *et up au an example of elemency and kindnes, but h. got wofse and wors., tihe pets descending, outil et 08 y-ears of age h. ira thle suicide. If 800 Y-ears of litetime conld not cure tise antodpiuviats of tiseir lulqulty, I under- taie ta mey that ail tise ages of eternity wouid bu ooly prolongation of depravty. '*Bat," saya smre one, "la the. neit lite the. cvii surroundingt wlll bu withdrawn and gond Influences îlill bu sebstatuted, and iseoce expurgation. sublimation, gWo riticallon." But yenu muet rernember tisaI the tigiseous, ail their sinm forgiven, pais rig4it up- toto a beatiflc state, and tâten saqving passed up loto the, beatllic &tete, not needing any cther chance, thsat will Icare ail those who have neyer been for- given, and who weve impenitest, aertne-- aone-and where are tise salvablie Ioda encea ta camte trontCan h b.e peced thnt Dr. l)uff. %-bo spent bis whoie lite in painsting the Hindoos tuaiseaven, and Dr. Abeel, Who spkent bisetl e vaogehing Ohina, and that Judson. who @pent his lire in prfnchinig lb. gospel ta Burma-can It bc exp..chedl that rhey wnul bu sent down frnntsoute clsiimisiionary sochety ta edueste aind sure those whn svashed tsemir earth!yexene No. W. are. toid ~,sitiy-tt a.] mioeionary and erange- li,,hk* influénces wii b. ended forever, and the gocd, tiaving paed np ta tbeir beahille &rate, ail the moraiiy baakrnpt wilbe, ta- getiser. and w-isere are thse saivable lutin- en,,.s ta cone tram? WMl a specked or bsui app!e put in a barvel ot diseaaed sp- 1,!es maire tise other apple, good? W!ll ond.wh siso a own b. abi. ta liftchiers op? WVill thioee who have mÀsevs.bly failed in the bustiess ot thia lite bu ahie t psy thse debtia o our spiritual insolvents? Wll a million wrongu maie one right? Porne- ropolis 'vas dtse cihy st-be King Rufu. of Throeia put ail bad peopie ot bis king- dom, ani whosever tiser. were Iniquitons rs'i! ound ini any part of tihe land they were il sent t0 Peneropolis. It iras flic grcat capital of wbekednesa. Sup- pose a man or a 'vaman had opened a pri- mory ichool ln Ponerapolis; would thse pamnts of other ciis have sont tisoir ehlldren there to b. educated and reforin- ëd? Worde of Warangr. If a m=n in tits 'vend 'vas surrotîndfed with temtation, in tie nt 'vorki, ail the r.ghtkeou i bnving passed niploto tise boss 111e state, th. association 'viL ho more deterloristing. depreciating and dowa. You 1nould not *end ta a choiera or y-.llow ferer hoapital a man for bis healti, and the grent lazartto of tise future, La wiuich ar-, gatbered the. diased and the. piagti. shruck, t-ii h.e a poor piace for moral re- cu>veï.ryThlie Caunt of Chateaubriand, in order ta maire bis ciud courageous, made him @I slp in tlh. turrets of tb. caille. w.iere tise winds isowiod and specters sicre sa!l.dtoaunttise place. Tii.motiior and thee alitera almcaldtof utfrlgbl, but the son atternurd-gives bis account, aod ho sys, "nest gare me nerves ot steel and gavo me courag. that bas nover tai- tered." Buit, my friende, 1 do not tisini the turre-ts of darkneas or thse spectral wornd swopt by sirocco and euroclydou trili ever prepure a seul for ticehernal land of sunsine. I1'vonder whist la tise curriculum in tise College Interna, wvier. a mon, having heen prepared by enougis sun, entera and goes up tropm qý1 t o irsiquili, t0sophomoýe ofa boIntion, anîd an Up tramt sophomore to junior, and f ren junior ta senior, and day of gradua- tion cornes. and the. diploma leigned by Satan, the presidene, aud ail tise proieo- sionl denontac alttost thse tact that titi çididâle Lisi been a sufficient tine under their drili nnd tihea entera iscaven. Pan- demnonium. a prepnratory se"so for cMes- liai admission! Ah, my tniends, 'vile Satan and bis cohorte have fitted a vast inilitude for ruin, thcy nover flîteddoe soul for issppinessnever. Apiin, I 'viols ye fuirtiser ta notice tint anotiser chance lu another w'vaIncminas the nuuis ofttlis. Now, suppose a wicked ninn lsasuIed t-bat atter n lifetdie of wtck(xhîêaa ho oan fix if ail right op, in the future. That would b. tise demoral- instion ut sac:ety. thnt would bW the de- m,,iiii of the isumna ce. Tiser. are nien whio are now kept an the limita ot sin by their fear. Tlhe four that if 've are 5usd ani forgiven ber. t ill UInet buc'vel u-ith us in tise next existence le tise obier influence tint keeps otrilîtion front rusbing b9cki mb semi-banhanriam, snd keeps secmi-xbuuruism tram ruabhing back intato niuigûtst nvagery, and ieeps nid- tngit sovagory tram rueiting hackiiou ex- tinctilou. No'v, the man in kept on the limita-of sin. But tuis ide& couning int hie sont. this idea of another chance, he soyao: "Go to, uow. l'Il get ont of ibis worid ail Usber. in bit I. Carne, gluttony and reve ' ge and uncleanneis and a-Il ien- suailic, and Iruit upon me. It may ah- brevisto rnyeartily lite hy dissolutemosa, but tisaI viii oniy gi-vo me Ùeavenly indul- gence on a larger icitle ln a ahorter iength of time. I niili avertai. lise rlitooui butor, long. I 'vili only con.e lu ieve aa lîttie lIe, and I 'viii b. a littie more for- tunate tisais tiose wbo have bebaved tisemnelves oo eartii and then lent prpmaou. q' teraîtr uqulfi i Pm asorteas, pont fanerai, post sePuichrai, and Iblu wMed wouid bu jeried off Into la- pealtsseC7 nd godioeneas. Anothua chance la enotiser svovid-mentise de. molilion of tht. Imrld. An ta the Invitation. Furtiscraore, my- trieud&-tfor 1 amr preacuingt t my-a.lf ais 'eli as ta you; we are on thisune level, and tlsongh tise plat. fata mbu a little hisîger tiien the. pew, Il la oniy- for convenlence, and that w. may- thebbotrspeak te tise people; 'v e -al on tii. sane plattorun, end 1 arn talking te my soul wvile I talk ta youra-my- trieisds, why- mootisor chance la anothez woend wieu wc have declined sao mny- chances lan tis? Suppose yon apremd a banquet ad yen Invite a vent aumbur of tiendi, and amontag alters y-ou seed an Invitation to a man wiio disregarth it or trente it la au obnoiouw"y. Duuing lweotiy yest y-ou Vive twenty banquet», % banquet a yeur,ad y-ou intite youa friendi, and! every tinte yon Invte thil man, vis disregards yout Invitation ou sends beci sou ns.dignIU'. Aller awile y-smu m ,,lite a langer bouse ad anld more Luxuriant surroundinge. and y-ou lW vite y-aur tniendu, but y-ou do Dot Invite tisaI mB .ta wbosmtîeaty- Smeu you ent mn lnvftàtion ta thse sualier bouse. Are y-ou b. blame? You would ocly- maie y-orset absurd belons God and! man ta sead tiat aman aotis.r Invitation. Far twentyy-eare bu has been decliuing you: offers and seuding lmunit for your kind- cae and courteay-, and cao bu bleme yon? Can ba couse up te your house on thse night of rts. banquet? Loaiiag, Up and seeiag il ia a Ier bouse, yul ise have the rigit ta say: "Let me la. I declhned ail tise. otiser effers, but this la a larger bouse, a brégbter bouse, a more luxuriant abode. Lot me la. Give me acohet chance?"' God ha& sprend a banquet af bis grace.beltr.u&. For M 8dey-e of every y-ar sincew. inew thse differeno. behween onr right anid aur leSt he bas in- vited us by his providence and by- h!m spirit. Suppose w. deciha ail tisse of- fers and ail thiskitndnees. Now the. ban- quet la epred in a larger place, ho tic heavonhy- palace. Invitations are sent out, but no invitation in sent ta us. Why-? Becaus. 've delined ail tiiae. orha- quels. Wili God he o taes? Wlli w. bave any- iglut tanu>on tbe door of beav- en and say: 1*1 onght ne obe buhut out of tis place; give me anotiser chance?"' Twcive gales of saivation standing w14. fer froe admission ail aur lit* and lb-a wbea tihe twels-e gales close le rush on tise basses et Jelsovni's buciier, say-lag, "Give me aisutier chance!" A %hip is t0 sailifor Hsuburg. You 'vent bo go te Germsny b>' ibat une. You se. tise adrtisenont ofthtic teemerle saiing. Yen s5e, il for two Ieis. You se. h lan tise mrning papers snd yon ses. it iheti. oening papers. You sec il plis- cardcd un thei, lfl. Circulera are tisrown mua y-ur office telling y-au ail about thasaomer. On. day-y-ou coma down on thse wharft, and tise steamer bas sweng eut mb otise stream. Yon say: -Oh, that isn't fair. Cogne baci; swing lip again b. ttse docks. lisrow tie plani ashono tisat 1 may corne ,à board. Il isn't fair. 1'vent lu go ta Gertonny by tisai steamer. Gis-e me another chance." Hors im a ossguificent otTer for sesven. Il has heen aneioned 'ithin our sigbt y-ar mter y-car, and y-car atter y-car, and y-non atter year. and ail thse benlgn vo!ces ofertis4 and iscaven have nrged un to gel on board., *Inice itmay ailiat an>' moment Suppose1 we lot tisat uppoutuniîy-sali away-, and: tison Ie look ont and'ay-: "Sond hacki tisaI ppertnnihy. I wnnt 19taki i. Il1 isa't tremhiusg me tain>-. Give me anotiseri chance." Wiy-, ny- brother, you mîgist as 'veli go cut and stand on tise Highslands1 et tise Navesiisk tisre. day-i atter tise Ma-1 jestic ban gune out and about: "*Capîsin,i coin. baci. I wunut lu go ta Liverpool oui1 tihe Majestic. Corne haci aven tis e sa and throngh the Narroîs gnd np lutheis docksa. Give me antêrci ance." Yeon migist as 'vol do tiiot os, atter tis e sat op-E porhuaily- ofSens-en lhas sped away-. try ta gel il hocek again. ,Tustt hik ut ! Ili rame un me y-sîrday ian y- study- wth overss-helming inîpresgis-cocas. Jumsh tiink of it. ALI bous-en offercd us as a gratuli i for a 'viole littin., and yet weo sant-' ing tu ruasagainst Gn aying: *'Givei mie aneulor chane." Th4ere ought tolu h,a tiser. ns-II hco usucS tliig as puithum-( ou@ opportuuîuty.t A Grand Chenca, Youu se. contuion Bouse ogre.. 'vitq I r teit jl saying flint "if thie Ince fail loward tise sosihi an Ionard tise barris, in tLe place whiire thse tre. faleth tisera it shail be.- "onYeuc&Pîbbs idea lite taIis smord froin e>uniniporauut wny-station te a puatom Of stuiPendous issue@ auJdinnies aIl elernil>' wbirli rouind tasheur. Oh, mY- sou11,uMY seuil! Oui>'eune triai, anJ aU tise propa-iîins ft lsuu triai te ho made in tiis world or neyer ni-ide aI ail. Oh, ausosul. ru s>'sul! Yen îce thus Piles up ail tise enîphuisis auJ ahI tbe clima-xes and ail thse uestinies iitlo Ibis life. No otis- or chance. Oh, ho'v Imat intenRifies lime veliue and the lipertance ai tiis chance. Alexander aud his ar-ni> used lu corn@ &round a it>', aud tise>' ouid kiuulie a great liglit, 'viti tise umlerstsuding that as long as tint light sins burnhng lise ily mîgisî surrender auud ail nould b.ies-el, but if lbey- let tIsat igist go aut tison the hartt.rig ranis vould swing agasusst the 'valleandI lucre 'auld i rne dbssstor and deoelition. Oh, nu>'friends, ail y-uaunsd I ueed lu do hoajrepre fon eterisai safoîy- la juslta surrender te the King andI Cou- queror, C-bruit. Stirrender beurts, sUrren- der lite, surrender es-erything. Tise grent ligit keepa huruhng, ilght kibudhed b>'thi. n-uoo ofise cross, ligis lIamnug up againat the dan nigist ut aur smsinadeor. Oh, el msssurrendor butore tise ligit goes ont anJdnith t Our lait apportuuityaf naing onr peace 'iti Goul Ibrougis aur Lord ,Jean@ OhiistOh, my- brother, tlau aient sotier chance; thisthe supomnal ciusc In tise tinte utfhulJard Il., at the bottîhof et Muselbitrg, a plis-ate soldier sal htint he Esuni ofHunîle>' hs luist bis helmet Tise pivoteeffer tbko i bis belinsot aund'vent Up ltubte Eari ot Huntley- ami put tise beliet on bis h ead. Now, the beaulof thle pnls-ate saldber nq- cos-ercd, he ob isean siin, 'viii. ils caninander rode lu satet>' lirougis ami out ufthtie battîe, But Itlal different hn aur case. Instend ot e pris-ste ufferng a idiottheu an enari, Itla15tise King utfhieav- en and earth soffeing a crowntnu anun- wenthy-aubWet, Use King dyiug that 'va mîghrt 1vl Oh, tell lbto0tise pots ot tbecompass, 1 tel 10 Jo>' suad ansIh, tel li te earth aid icaren, te1ll a ail&Uthse1 centuries and aIl the nilloaunis etisai G-at!b Sgiven us n cb amagoiceat chav n a is .world liat 'vw auS naili- or ciience ta nol5ser MHE SIJNDAY INTÉRESTING AND INSTRUCTIVE LESSOdI. Rellectians or an Elcvatilu cbarmctew -Wholeeanse Foad for Tbought- Studying the Scrptural Ldesa la- teUlicently and Profitably. Lesean for Anuat 10. Golden Text.-"Crente ha me a cdean heart, 0 God; and renow a rigisl spirit îithin me."-Ps. 51: 10. This leison la found lnaian, 82: 1-11. A long @tory-, a puinini <oue, laler-renas between tise ast Icason and tusa. Aftt. Dus-bd detented tise Syrians et Helen, ihe retnad tu Jerusaiem, tie radar msawa probabiy- bing near ai band. The. toliow- lug sping, "et thise ns len- ing& go tortis ta battle," David sent his arny-unu- der tise commannd et Joab te completetis sulijugation ofthtie Ammonites. lie bn- self remalned ah Jerusaicm. Why- b. did net eccompaay tise army- w. are t t ld, but lb. laterenco liatI hlau s Mta a rlailtfcn oeliis inilitary- spiit and ens of duty-; lor tbilt 'as not a trnhdia;expcdf- tion, uoworhy- a king's atteoti6à, as la tboîn by tise tact tisai lise ctir. army- 'vas sent. At any- rate, David'* cateleu ease 'vas tic opportunity for teiOptatiofl la assail bum. Whhle tiie iing's warriore 'vere tolliog snd s'venting butor. tic wvala utf Rnhbmi, acrosi tise Jordan, the. king waa makiug bimseif as caniotanable es possible habils roof garden, as le slionld calliti, trying ta ke.p cool, and amuîsing hisîneif b>' obscns-ing tie bouse- isold affaira ot tise dwellers bu tisa 101er City-. A beautitel picisian, Bathabebe7by- nome,, n-bse isusband 'vas one of tise *'rigb t>'mca" ofthtiearmy- perbaps à meinhor of Josbls star-pleuused the faacy ot the rayai idler, and she came wllsagb et bis sumnions muid participated lha bis in. Her soldier hbmhnd 'vas brought down ta death by tise cowardiy plot oft tb master w-hom he served, aud Batissieba Ihen becarno David'@ 'vite. Wlthln a year tiheurt of tise king, seourgot! b> remorse and ciaatened by- serraI, tunnel once more ha proyer to G-aod, and thse Bfty-- irst piaini 'vas corposed. It shows tic seul 'vaverlng betsseen the despair of con- scions and overwiseling Cut and tiCý growng but aimoet incredible assurance of torgis-euess. Pouce ban not yet cone. Tii. spirituuil biitory of David duriag tii nosut period of bis lite eau bu, ouly conjec- tur<---hhougis otier psalnmaaseilbed ta him by- tradition base sometimem been aâsgiied to Ibis lime. But 'viea the prayer ef tise tltty--lirst psalrn bad beo gsantu-d, wben "a clean hear' nt" b im creaîuud 'inisin Lin, sud "tise jo>' 0f is> saivation" Lad iseen restoned, Ditsid broie terîb juta singhng, sud sont forth halo tic 'vorld this thirby-seconui psali, wilc bas es-en sinco been nucis on thse lips of fergIven mou. lissais Olilint. i. Tise Biessing of Forgivi-nesq, va. 1-&. 2. The B:essing ot Divine Guidance, vs. -9. 3l. Tie cof thlie Rigbtouus. s-s. 10, 11. Expianatary. Iike nil 1he sentences beginnbng, "blen»- ed la' lu tise Psalmi. lise sentence is ex- clornatary; iiteraily,"0 tise bleiaings af hlm n-ose.transgression in forgisen."- Notice lise thrcee w6rds for in; Irans- gresabon" sla ebréaiing of divine law*. lb. word trmosiled "@in" mente is naog a mari, taîling ta attein au eatablisised standard; 'iniquit>" inclut., tise guiit ef the. ain, and suggeslea t iIs wl ortby of punisisment. -Tise transgression iàs "litted up sud carvied away" (transaoed "for- giron"), lie &in la "cus-ered;" and lb. lniquty lananoion!er "recioncd ta tbe nan'a accoun," but le Siolteul uff tise Iodger. By Ibis lime Das-id know @in on every aide, and i lu uiiiis phases; but bu aie new tise 'voudetul comprebeumive- nes uttise dis-lue torgis-enesa. '*No gul,:" slnc. guile la a semnewhat indeflnite wuu-d, il inay ho necesiar> ta, explahu te tise pupilia t ii menusber. .no iy-pocrisy," "nu prelence toeho tisat Oriicb on. ls net." Hon. Dus-id lets us sec io thie depîha ut bis heart; for his o'vu men.cns and dupliciy, os It iad been ticeibackesî elemeul in hi. sin, ne- maiaed lbe bitterest la hie repentance. Tiaugh banisbed tram bis heurt now, tise necoliectien "mnains.*Nlybhues 'vux.d old," in thus ieud tise tulIowing verse Ibaýr. ma>' b. reference ta bodiiy disease, tbugis polshbi- tisoe n. l eraI>' strong netaphor ton tise nemorse tiaI Das-id foIt beture true repentanecame te him. "tI'vili hn- etruct tises and teacs lie.,:" this verse le sapposet! bysoie conienlatons lu Le tise utterancuo et b.Lord tbrengs Dav-id. If no. lisera fa a very abrupt transsition, for every-wiere clsla the pealni David speais ln ie ia01 penson. Verses ton and clos-en teo, a conclusion ta lb. peain; verse n suis up tise îeanhng ofthtie psalrn-lhe île classes, of men are, lb.ess-cked, andl they that trust lnnlise Lord. Dus-id ceuid Include buisaelin butielutter clisa. hhougis be 'vas nut y-et ready te alou irseii rigiteous. Teasuhiag fiat. Do nat maie lb. leasan tue general, A good part of tise lime aiould ho gis-en lu the. place ot this exDenionce nla idusli Ile: only b> 'final brnging out tLe indu- viduai uucaning of tbè pouim meau its uni- If Ibis picînt bat! beco written mrray as a general expression of pealteuce for vri- oua miner sins of David'@llte, ut wonid never har, taken-ioid an tise world as il bas. Betuee lb la apeclflc, it meets lie need of overy forgiven nlaner. Davhd's repeuntance inmiiown ta b. a true eue by iei sgernes. te ieep otisere tram tbe pli lnb. wicis be bas tallea. However y-oung tise pupîls, fi la net too eenly te hmprass apea tien tie centrai thougiit of tuis les- eon-coneehea et &in lise gateway to fortiveaess and peace. À chibl', suabi talsehood onrisneecbtof trust, uncontessed te tise panent, nMay 'van as serions bas-oc la is ciaracter as Davld's grat sin; fer t-he cii's conscience la mure tender. Next Lessua-"Abgalem's Rebeiioa-I Sain. 15: 1-12. The Word of Hope. When, byt nobler culture, b>' pirer expenlence, by hreathilg the air of a hugiien dut>-, vibalt t>'aIlengtis treepe lato lhesoaltishe Instincts of immortel- il>' will laie witin us. Tise word of b.wlll apeak to ns a lengumge ne longer atrange. We sblaf Sel like lise easttve bird eaxed ccOaaI'te Its A WflNOERFUL GUN. eui1 the Trigger end lit lires EighI Shots in Succesaln.. What la claimed te b. a mont e lnarkablo weapon and one whicii là as great an Improvement over th iidk1 nary revolver for niilitary purposeal as Ivan the revolver over the old-tlme horse-pistol, lias been brougbt out bý' & Berlin firmn. The construction of tus» latent development In firearme menu- facture la upon entirely new lines,,go fur ami regards miaurmna. The càrtý- rldgos, whlicb are eigbt-in number, an contained witiîin a magazine in thie erp. The action of the piece lo so rapld that thoe ee cannet foilow the move- menti, and the whole eight abats can be fired before the lirai: aboli ejected bas struci the ground. The cartridges are broughîta teh 1 front of the breecis bei, wlsen thse lat-9 ter là moved to the rear In openin.g theà breeeb, and the breecis placest the cartridge In Il@ proper position la9 the firing chaniber. Tihe recolil at llring drives the barrel and breech machezi- htaitiste rear, thse three friction rulb Ôf tihe rear luni stike against the curv- ed butt and are torced aownward, thse1 middle joint ot toggle lo raised and the1 breech block recedtus, taking with it au empty abellI by means of tise extratr untIl tise ejeetor stiethse sheil tram we.ow and îhrows it out, and thselsur- plus moinentuin ot the reeoiiog parts le taken Up by the reïroil sprlnbg against4 whiveithie fihltn relis Inipinge. 1 As soon as the recoli, wbich la me eaged n-ls to e cretly-notieobla to1 thse hannd, le speist, the PprIng draws tise toggleinink forward and( downward, thse brees-1i blork puses the upper cartridge lnto th1e barrel snd thee hring boit la ar- rested and held coeked b y tise sera. The qafety piece prevents accidents wheu the Brin la flot Innaction, otherwIse0 thse pistol ta always eoeked and readyr for service.t Tise pub! w Neighs tsiu and three- l quarter pounds, wiîli a six-inçli barre!, and tsvo and four-fifths tilth a set-en and a hlfIt loh barrei. Tise projectile8 welghg eighty--five grains and la pro- jected by thse cnrtridgê ah about 1,200a feot per seeond.-42incinniati Enquirer.a by wet Weathse-Uus il laboea- Cotte.@nue oral Reporte by Statmb lRaut by Agluture 'ew tht et am an whk si alnfdwg pan t Ste eSautbera atteqI ended îas Ieu Savorobs cedlng îeek. Tise gcgi4 eottoâ Ot. ne gs ood teW* thse belletin ot tse ,revtese tens. hem levlagem JR an" premlalure oeidig .suzaul conditIon of MS bora ato$ contieroni or& mlisoui, isowe, am for tia, sud he êou%»ý *0s previans wsckl tabas a pevosM :cL bay-vetd a î,l advasceul W- tioflb 0 t mrb vissaIt re earir son-s bls m et.1p. portion. Norti Daekota repg et earl>' utiat but mucis W4 wllBot be ent. In Ubd wliàaî bas beci injur.4âêp' bam o»eaues hla goo .qafl lalIbe Carollnas, Soin. etM donc as fat nordhsa iPsuiup ropotufoulaI: mtastlýL&wéwm c-s cr»,pst reardedmisaisl Attorney' Garrett !utEnery- necenti>' ita14la eal-ly-comnpfla i auivanScelalucentrai and pregra appeaned ans counsel ln a case betere aameruceugais ,Cou"merble S Justice of tise pence at SuIsîn. NIcEn- hall la severt couette&. Nebrs*m--Tls. sbawey- wed ery- found It Pucces@nry te nake f re- t.saisl. &ad Mslan iia@0t quent objection, te tise es-leu'îiûe :Lat Causai &ias darnam e tagrain eue r.uncontinune* la unmi tise OPPOBIng eunsci was attefuuuting dBlUes. eepusa ab e w sautsi te htroduce. The justice, 'vises" irattlian, vioe It la i.ew average1 nule of evideace la "deveny-tilng goes,"lncetradsry- era , 'cxc looked fim1 anaoy-ed sud tiien ndig- S 111aly-favorable. cntm. Fînali>' h. couid contaîn hisntselfIt saemI9 staciiag ma hisi no longer, and, as a ruliig on one of porta aeie0t@ rocttlg a"lse Mn. McEnery's abjections, roared: . couduable-*danugste « *bÀek. Ceromeraml>' ver>Pl "Mr. McEnery, whist ialof a 1ew-- latet. Pfostre ad seem y-et are y-ou, any-'ay?" lîn. uxurat ia ce upiaudu »I arn a-patent awyer." rejmlied tise tlt$"Wutla~ams-gntoeee attarney, tacetiousiy. on 10w liais laamiisubmsngso cropis8 lange. tisauiMuciteo "Well, al I've ge toeay1lta tis wien et wel eater. Meeus am ripq Une gettîag îî renelofi. Cooun wil port et Blt. 45 v1& s"17 the case."-San Francisco l'os-, la shocisba" ngtaleo leltis NEWLY INVENTED MATCH GUN. Gond Tblmgr for Bicycle Ridere ta LigtubtLanterne ba a Stors. A bicycle lamp liglster or e match gua la ene oft tie lateat las-entions. It FOR LIORTINO BICYCLE LÀMPI la worked on the same prInciple "s au !ndel*ble pencil. Bilye as tibe Treasury. There la a general misapprehenaion aelto the. nature of the silver certificat* whIch could be easlly corrected by a careful readIng and conalderation of the words It bears on its face. In the case of the $~5 note these are: «Thuu eertifies that there bave been depaalted In the, Treaaury of the, United Otaten gve silver dollars, payable to the. bearer on demand." It ls notbing more, there- fore, tisai a certifleate of the. tact that Me cliver has been deposlted and that tiie be&rrof the. note may have fi t any tint. h. choosca to saifor h. Tiier. ls nothlng on the face of the rfote to justlty the. impression that It la to be redoemed In gold, for the assurance lt beara la dlrectly te tthe contrary. Coax a tahboro flore. Borne homes wlll stubornly refuse te take the bit. A boy witb,,,a Shetland pony bit upon a novel mâéýî»d of in- ducing a stubborn animal ta allow of insertlng the bit In lit moutis. Ho kept a vIsl of moasses on a aboiS in the. staîl, and ruuii.4 a few drops on tise bli ever tinte be put the. bridie on the pony. Ater a while the. pony asie- clatefi the niobheawitb the* bit, an au homes 9arend «oMeS aets, he ni mm seIi* h - ___ bev-starnis ueigcd uPm -rpeu art i ty-. ht 0 Wer ; as 1..fvrbeL o! Coin, bes adalt~ sonthero coulies are ged, u part of State tiey- are lirevuast FALL. 0F THE MOOffI flamand match »ai Dhe4l Came to a Budien n e, Llke a tunderboit eut of a eà casa. liseanaoncneetrou - TueesegtisaItich Moore brocW glants behlnd lise gret Diasmeoq mond New York Biscuit deals. ifl Tic sensathon produced ln "thid imldeflolte tenU usiedttad"q bania, bruiera' offices and tbe places 0f tise hig men l in aneà' regard *0ta ticr lomono-'vaa me found. W-bile tise cfects of lt.hellnait tar-reecbing ansd widespnad, a4 paper emmrts tisat tier. 'viiibu Tic Cicago Stock ExcisA"< 1 e-en Tuesday-, and l viii 1 m unti urrangeuto shah bave*li ploeed ta setlle tise trteda' Tils action 'vus Jecldeff upe«ae lng ofthlie governing coamWt$@es lion et loelng tie exchw*O.ý mended on &Iliaides. Il wae if an ettempb issuS beetsaueq trading under pressât nious trouble wouluS uurey la imisté ail stocksa bi nictetiali>'. Operatoru elle during tise pstrie aSf1Slm ',ve efSeliag .&U aven tise es Yori excéange coedl* usaiaed closed ta for ten day-sresumsssa las ver>'itde business exciange 'vas al»selosed la (jouisi comr-eed thse golol. day- maidebeisalut the. licels oSfbnsienm 'lseeculetis de.!,oS ure et the Nooiebrtae nlag of ltep end, bega s Thie bead end front .« prouminent local and! .asteem TiseStandard Di«m nesliuzggubllsbue-ea bIcot Erfflg en, a il base deelin.d tolnerf.oe lié