CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 14 Aug 1896, p. 5

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Si VEANP~ Is Our Motto, and by adhering strictly ta it we have built up a good trade. Qualîty differs as weil as Price. ~d ~Ae aim to handle Good Goods at prices wV equally as Good. an Iways Freshan OUR MEATS -- Assortment large. (Our Grocery Dept. Is Complete and Prices RtC HT. NOIEmeTO FwearMeRS-e wîllrsfo alil knds of fruits. pay highest price for good beef cattie - - - - - - - Am.-TRIGGS & TAYLOR. SHOES. SHOES.1 DWe have s=m of the greatest Bargains ever offered in SHOES Shoes Worth from $1.50 to $2. that we are closing out at $1 .00 SHOES. SHOES. ODD SIZES. A few odd sizes3 in Men's Pants which we wiII sel at cost in order to have the space for new stock. WIN A SHIRTI For a mtî,îrt tins,- wv. ili gave away eci week A LSundried White Shirt M liqc -ai l.î i mg yosîr Iauîsdry yoîî receive a tharave ont it. Wï.e l.ýsetIse isoket Wedtlesday ft 7 Il.3M. F. C. SMITH & SON. Waverly Cresents Ramblers -Watches Clocks Jewer C. R. Sherman, Libertyville, Ili. A large and varied line of Hardware, PumDs, Milk cans HERE IS ONE OFTHOSE BLUE FLAME OILSTOVES. - -- --[ -7 . -- . - and Cutlery. best oican on market aq -. PIKE'UP I4ERE A-ND- THERE. Local Items of Interest taLibertyville Readers. C. M. à ST P. R. R. TirME TABLE. TO CHICAGO. arn. a.m. a.m. p.mi. p.m. P.M Russell -8:39 5:17 84:67 Wadsworth 8:59 5:28 5:0 ourase 9:10 5:89&»I Warrenton 9:14 &896:.11 LiBRSTYVILE 5:39) 7:15 12:30 5;47 4:5 Bondout 5:40 7:21 9:22 12:40 6:55 6:2 Everett 5:41 7:M8 9:28 12:46 6:035:28 Deerfilid :52 7:44 935 12:52 607 5* shermoryilik :56 7:50 9:40 1266 6:14 15: ChloGUoîarslVe) 6:50 8:45 10-25 1:45 7:00 6:3 FR035 CHICAGO. a.m. a.m. j.m. pan. a. Lv.Un.Pffsq. lta. 7:;0() a4:05 5:2 £&.8 Lv. Klnzle St. 9:30 &W2 Shermnervilli,. 9:28 10:18 45 68:11 7:23 9*16 1eerfld 9:34 10:22 5:006:17 7:27 9:2 Everett 8:42 10:18 5:06 :25 7:139W27 Itondout 8:48 10:35 5:12 6:40 7:40 9:3 LinEBTIVlILLE 10:45 6:56 7:50 9:45 Warrentozs 8:.54 5:19 9:8 G urnffl 9:00) 6.23 941 wadoworth 9:10 5:33 9:51 Russell (arivé) -) :18 :49 1Y001 * denoteq dally. s întS unlJay anly. Wb.-r,. no mark fi«l..'as trains are dailY eX- cept Sunday. SUNDAY TRAINS. Lv.LJiertyville. 4:65r.m. Ar. Itûndont 6:0p.m. Lv.Llilsrtyvl!Iî'. 9:10 Ar.Chicairo 10:52 aim Lv.Clslcavo 8<2 am. Ar. LIbîýrtYvilll.'9:45 a. Mi. Lv.Chlt:ago 4:05 P'. ni. Ar.lýIlIîriyvilti 5 :33 P.m. No. 30 ru noS inîdl ,e' . suths. wtt! stop on.,flsirnal as oIso:-At ilissOdl 12:07 1). M. WadgWorth 12:17:;îtyi-'1227; Warren- ton 12:30, Rondout 12:::;;-nIr(tl12:43 D'rfild 12:4x: SiiermOcrv'lIl.'12:52; iLrrt si-s la Cliengo at L1:45 .. Train No. 4 has toý-n iat'- i pt on fromn Deerfllid to Chietago.L'a'L',rtl 7:20 a. M. ShiermervIlle. 7:24:-ar,."C(hicago 8:10 a. m. No. 5.3 hl-c 11-2n P. m arrives Sbermervlll- 13:5 h. nm. 1)e-rfleHu 12: 10 a. M. T. G. Gray, of beKlbl, was in Libertyville Tuesday. M. B. Colby & Cos., store iront vas much improved by thse patutc-rs tihe tîresent week. Mrsi. C. J. Jîlst, of Waiikt'gaîs. v1sited Mr. and Mrs. James Woodussan thse fore part of tise a s-k. A goodly nslînbsr of Libertyville peupille atteîstldflic ('ili itzeeting at Lake Bîiui Sillsîay. retiiriiîsg is thse ecilin g. Tise Ladies Ceinteiy Associationî wail otet wth Mrs. E. %. Pa-klisurst on Frîday, Aug. 21, t 2:30. AiU are cordially invitel to attendî. Miss Mable Dyrnonti andi frienti Miss Alice Greeh.y retu.rned to Chicago Suretlsy, afler et tws weeks' visit wlth relatives asidfrienss lie Lîbertyville. Saions A& Croks-r have purchaseti ai îîie e eine of gents' furnsisiinigs, andt are us,,w reatly to snpply youi wauts. Sec their adi in Iliother coluinîi. Thse Chicago Metal StaMpinDg counîly will issue et large seventy- üiglit page cataliogues descriptive of tissir goodtis, l<ieu jînnted oniDenaniel stock 'ailb ieavy pilper cuver. Rev. H. V. Huit. uf Chivago, 'aili lîreac iluoru mng îîîîîl eveilsiîg ini tise Methodi-it ciisurcis next Sîîîsday. It wiil lie a unîion ,rvi-e and s-eryiiody i4, eordiaily invited t t bear bienm. FoaR 1FNT-FrOluiSeýPtünlissr 15 tu Jiy 1, bouse, barri and ieie groitnds. Corner Park and i Mlwauîkee Avenues. Ront chessp to riglit party. Cali on or Atid-es B. W. STAFFORDî,.SOL i<ELSFY, FRANOK P. Drsîuvv, Libertyville. 44tf Tisere will be no preaching service at tise Presbyterlan ebsîrei next Suit- day. Tise tongregation trili worship) witi tise Methodists. Tise Srinday sebool aisd Enîleavor Society will meut at tise nuîai our, thse formier at 12 nm. and tihe latter at ):3fi P. ni. Tihe priviiegeh for stands,, dinuîsg bail, et<.. for thse fair, stitt for more inuîsey tisis year tisason n ay prenions uccassoun, andsth ie sainie partiees who bsai tienit ast reur bore luteresteti liiterti Saturuluy, whielliî jiealtea flic confitdece ils tihe -îîsîîg fair. l)ate Fishier senit wn obSliervisor Elduis Miller tisentise bilil of far, ait tise couisty juilfisas îlot tu tus tikiîig and slesired i Mliter t,, isvestigute tlisc natter. l)avs- s Is., pomsp sly ude- usant of Doctor S iiglit tiîab lie fuîniihliait, us be (Fishler> .1 lti k d tIhe confinemenît. A. B. Lewis, tii' plsotsg raliser is loeated in tise lfli lîubuiling, wise lie bas tise lîiîoft lprîveti hiîarters. Tise sky liglit bi,,iltfor bis seit!cL plsrîsOset, N. lleWiin > îusestise best, andi 5753 lie -aiti attuisn bettes reunts titan orliitriil., owing to bis imîsrîîvsd facilitivs. Sanhoru st&('rcîkr are niceey lixateti l h l, C '. IL Sh sr i oii. T iseà ro ,snm i la.s plasv bte iirtltalt and lrackm for tne P U f JS, Gas Pie, Fillings. Tin and Sheet Iron JOB- îwu us ~u Chas. Kaiser and lamily fisheti at Round Lake Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Booty, of Chicago,were gueste of Jas. Triggg Sunday. Remembor thse Lake cowsîty 1. O. G. T. Rally at Lake Btnff, Alig. 19. Thos. Ettis, of Llbentyvstte, wili go tuo Ida Grove, la., thee llrot of tise week. Chas. Austin la stuwty recuvering and aaI this writing 18 alte te ait rip. Mr. John-. Wooridge bias returnedt 1 Nashua, la., alter a two week's visit. Mr. Gris Pauley, o! Cileigo, is eni- ployeti by Saniioris & Croker in tiseir tailor ahop. WVillthtie party isho lî,rriiwed of Henry Eger a large pipe o; reîici, kindly retinrn sauie. Mr. anti Mrs. Franîk Nrigist bave gone ta) Hopkinton, Nt'w York, for a twu wec-kiivisit. Mrs. Jus. R. Raabn,tif Caîtratia, Illt., ls vimitiîg ft lte home of lie-r sister, Mrs. id. C. Paddock. Fred St'bro-tler, of Ilalf Day us ssf- feriisg witli an attack o! upîîenilcitio. Dr. Taylor is ln attendunc,'. Tise Vernon factory fired thesiir kilu Of pressed brick Wediesd,t:vTlsey will tie rendy for tise iiirkî't isext week. Thse insfanit chilti of Mn. .111( Mrs. Witi F. Erenget, of Chicago, was brorigit ti Liberty ville for b,îrial Thradssy. A. B5. Cooik lias heen cîstentainiiîg fais brother, C'. W. Cook ant idnie, of Iowa, :andi Mrs. S. F. 3sîloiof Chicago tiais wt-ek. T'ise ('tristials Endeavor Sýii4'ity antI Luaies' Ail of flise Presbyteriaii Is irt--b witt gi'.t. i sociaîl with afuique fli-'i ris, of entes'tî,ilsîîent whieils il t lie expt:îinî'îi ta) you 'ebei yîîiî arrive nîéxt Tii(,(I:av ex eing. Dont faisl ti) atîtdthe great W oiît_ men pitnjic ut Diamonst Lake îî,xt Thuir-saluy, Auguht 21). sorte ffle, proinsîîeîît ilîtu if tise urgfliîizatiuiî wîtIil 'liner adlressem, gîsni(s s fI;il1 kinds, fi-t aitoue, for lîrizes, adi,îdtli,'r anti dant'iung w ili luterest e'.urvoise Whso atte-nds. W itliont doulît this o1% iii be the gri'atc'st tluyftie Woodinrîîîhlave, enen huati ut Dianîtnd Lake. bolut furget ftice stt.,gist 21. Lewi,' Shes'rman îvuiuclsafes the stafrt- ling insformaîtioîn that a îîig iiclosgiiig ta> W.. Walrn, is emsployer, tijetiof ssînstniike receîstty, andt as 1,-%ie's ver-usity is 'iiquesý.tioisetl, ose chrîiilie-t thse fititity ira las own wtrirl. le says: -'I'Thepig gsst pafle fii tise face, c.îuîgbei ta sce and d iedî. Wlsy lie was so, lot se tirmneti a b,)!,'filileti,' rtis lîeî e hie feIt." At tise ilre8lîyt,.rians chîîrcb Suîntay ûee-iiîg Miss Alice Sniiitl rouati a paper descriptive of bs-r trip to W asýhingttis andtiltie great Christian Ensteuvor Cîîovention beiti in tht i ety ret-enttv, tobici was nîost itrestsssg. Miss Siîsjtiî to! oftise convention in its miîiiitest detailts, iuitermpersiîîg ber psalier witb eîssîrgi of!tise iumnsroîs tsi iake it thororily entertaiuiîsg. Her aecurate accoujît of tise elstisisistie galberiusg will serve as fniinpetîîs lu soeieties througisout thse cîiisty, wvii are favured with sarue, antm, tsot ails reuewed enengy. At thse regulan nicetlug (o! tise 1. . (.T. the ftltowing olicers w;esc iiîst4illetl. Isabel Clark, C bief Ts'îsîylar. Lustut Pennimns, Vice Templa;,1). N. .Maltîîny, Plast Cîief; Myrîle I11y,, . Sî'î'rî'tîsry; Frank Kern, Assis-tanît Sî'e-rî'tis-ny: Jeunîie t{ern, Lotige D,'ptty;. MaLy iliyt, Fissainciat Secretary: Jiits C'lark, Treasuiireýr; Mrs. Mar-y Fisls,'s. t uiaiui; W. C. Triggii, Marshll;it Marie Brenton. Deputy Marsjlaîst Lo(ttis,'Fulter, Sulpt. Jiivenil Temptî1le'; Jo seph Pleîtowski, Seuntine]; El îîa Sliîlti'r, (i,îîrt. Thse installation %vais s-ni ilstetl ty J. L. Jolhnson, Lî sîgi 1,'pulty, of LisSaIt,. -onity, assiste,!1)iN A.. .1 .J eiz Luitgî)e ssty if Ai't Li d gu as Marslîîsl, and Nola Ciîls 1i1, i>(s'îity Marginasl. We have jua4t receivedi rons fsi' muilsic putiisbisg bouse of IThe S. lisîatsS(îss CO., 151, Waiîaati Ave.. l'lii-ugo, cupi's tof thee "Truc Blue Itluiian d nitise -Red flot Deii, iratis," Caîssîaigis Song Botoks foîr 1894.. 'I'lsires-- îtt t'h'sp Word editious, liait conlisoslos, duietai, uixeti andîl e THAT YlUl WILL WANT GOODS AT THESE 1 Bar Soap ................ 1IWO Matches4................... 3 lb Box Giosa Stîsrlis 1 Gallon Tabite.8yriiti ............ 1 Pkg. Corn Starcli.............. i11, Cocoanut _ .ý...... . 1 thi Tapioca . .............. 1 lb Japan 'lea ...... .. . 1h Tea Pus..... ..... .2j Leion Extract ................... I .13 VanuîaExtraut..........J .15 Root Boer ....... ...............-.I .25 Raisins .... . . ............ .0.5 Croquet Set ... ......... .25 Olîse humrer Oul Stove ........ . o5 tarv,-st (.Itoves,. .25 Struw Hat . .. ... ... .15 For Bargains in Clothing Corne to Us. We can Save You Money on Suits, Pants, Overails, Shirts Shoes, Hats, Caps, Underwear,, Neckwear, -Suspenders, Etc. Corne to Headciuarters and get the Benefit of a Large Assortment, bought at Spot Cash Prices. M. B.COLBY &Co. "Dealers in Everything." -'~---LIBERTYVILLE, IL Sm ok ez~. MAX LE BEAU'S MIDNIGHT, SINGERS PRIDE, - LA MEDALIA, W), Brandss of Smoking Tobaco at r -ei s fr m 2Octs. to $2.00 lb. -CIIOICE STOCK CIGABETTE8 , ,.. # AND CIEWING TOBACCO. MY CIGAR (CLJPPJN<(S MAKE A !'LEnSANr SMOKE. The. maffIontal Bargain-Counter. In ber Impotent rage ber gravis coula onlY scovl £1tIhe duke, ber humbint. "This,"' ah. bltterly exclained, "tà 'ebat a voman gots for buyiug visat §hoe doe@'t want jusi becauoe 1<'m chep."-Detrolt trIbune. A Com Plet. Failar. Iaacsa-V-ohen la a coîssiste falture tn peezues. Jacobas-How vas dot? Isaac@-Vry, the fool never fatg. î- Trrith. th lise,)IIlY o!f J111111hâ s te silpostits- Iilistlts, ali aoI Smos-petiaity aniange I le-Tise ring -doea't scenite fit very si(ip. 'ts-y have a ',' s, eîs of palus,' r ýi-îsîsspigut fliilsc 'rey une sIs t well. lIadn't 1 botter tako Il back and patenman siiitgs tI8ttfii,- iuw pices 1 etlss ud5.or $1.)))) have l nade umalkr?f paters , hi iidgîî atîs-t thtyA - izi.She-No. Au engagement ring la an I anangei, 'bis-s aisi gentenbuaisement ring, oven W1 1have 10 vear 511 h eo tirstr. tround my nec.-Pick-Ue-tUp. ýIt Is etpes-te't that MNiss Margaret B UUUUflOss Net kir*id o! Werk. Winbringen. Stîste otsnîbeiît<f la cauSedby topid lver, whioispmvenasdi s- Mother-1 vonder If rny 1111e boy le 'tise Lssyal Tt-unter,,îss'e Legiîn, w-itll ten and permîlt oodte foerment and putrify ln su afrald of work that ho do.. nul Rive Ooîs-tf lier iliîbsrcstiusgs-lalk taîkg, theomast. Tissu follow dizzinesi, eadacise, sttidy hi. lemons? nt achilrens neeti)g o b he M , MLittle Boy-Me afratd of vork? Net 'at ~ ~ ~ ~ , aI,- 1l tr1ssnseiî r sshlliet - much. Wby, Eamia, I cala faîl asteep Tiie anstay îfb-nsui ie n i'uevle.alongside of 1.-Harper'. Round Table. frsmo pntjîit îiext Sabuiatis. Parents .'suie Had Been There, Too. are lirgedt 10essie oithti str nîslsren, iiisomiiaaa4 ab sao. an<r4 IIneser eat »ork." reniarked Mr[n Il net rllieved, bilUeus fem vul,,itottikngo h aa as 111ss Wiltnlnger soilIlie)(3sure to or bleod pmgoing. H %stes, wtuttnlgutispa. intorest ail. FPUI5S lmuOa tes 5t0omul6>, site."Paris." replled Miss Lakeolde, If yossr iorses are pour 'and dîit .los ic. bcmnt.. Be b'U r h. .Iylrg osmr eat Weilt, îî vl lpay Yom to lhave îheir 2beon004PIMlte t.etWlUs sBal a t oour pork, thougly-Cleveland Leadti t"th exmnined. There le a m. ata _____________.. ât~î,1u4a.W ho A..&.e4-,1... a Cîder Mill at Hall Day. t.. S. tilsason has bought a nov iî,' ztîi and is now ready for "biz.» llriîîg on3-unr apples. (44-M6) W.XNTD-POIiY for 11111e girls.»bo Slietîsstid. Mlst be sale andi of goo4" aptpe'îrahice. Atidress NELLIE M. ELnaoWaTU, Evereti, M1. Easy to Take. Easy to Operate. Yssiî wil lti a trne friand lu Hoods Ilills. WVheu you take them you vi» Isut le disagreeabty remindeti of the las-t 'y griplng and agonlzing paia.. 'rlsey coîîtain none of thse draatie -rR fsrnerty 80 extenslvely empifl. Every ingredient useti ln 1ood'a Pilla isi selectet i etis care. Tsey Wl»' break up a colti, prevent the grip, "d4 aire sspecialty vaînabte lu regfumate t" liver. Tlsey cure sick headach& aic, iiàdigeqtiou. Curre.spoîsstents andi Advertsac* ahotild neusenier that Il lakes til» 1#'- set typet haore à palier eau be pria*q< Yuu oili greatly oblige by handbg t1 yoiir csîpy early, Cuîiy for ads of a hereafter bu lus our brande noti tisan Wedus-ssday noon, suweva 4ýY vote Tlsunsday to settlng up thse, 1ASI news. Wu ai lut priusltthe IEi>5ipUp ENT Thiunsd(ay alternioon, no Ii * 'ulacis our reudsers s-n th. Friday maasJà. 'ýitys will Ie Ioys", but You silsursIts luise any tsf tisen. Be1 fosr tise grns apple seasion by hi D)eWitb's Colle & choiera Cure li ionisez For sale by P. B. U Llberbyviile andsiG, C. Robertu,4 eitittsdw bek6

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