CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 14 Aug 1896, p. 6

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k». EdUth Orm beard lie sannd of MMs sigktmlid"chaIr movIug tovards te jalgroosu doo, tbe door open sud the. aihabedracî; n;sd lien the drsgglng, 2sme fectateps af the hunchback on the lIAisofetlb. back bail. iSdeul>' %ho heard a souni thal male er at stand sîill, ber breatit ceas. ta Sco e. h.grv igil viîh ton-ar. She k .ýd ha ssomiting soil sliiing aven the tai.154eoai er donr. A band! It louchai 4aad rattlied the haudie. The bandle tutu- -foiasd viîh a 10v, 0du11 eound lie door entered the room witb sow, de- Olberate, lilmpint step. lilie coulhear Owlt faolfaii ai bis kIL f oot and the ligbt, bnlg loucb f*ts right foot as ho * Jr.v Il ai er the lett. uttbr. hc mutonai, boy cool sud r.- 'irshin, th ain i. Wiiat lail I carne tinto thîs rente for? lta>'. Lt mie tbiuk. ,Ob, >esl mi>' niher asked me ta put the i vindov dowu lSo ue I vont upalairs. I $vwllL Tiiere!" * fie lettheb. iudov dovu vithout auy regardi te the noise. Il umte har.bly upon telie liL.Edilb ddnO almare, dld gial m&ke a sounl. Leigh lurped avu>' tram bbhé vindov, sud began lowvi>'ro- * imnlu bis steps ta the door, rnuttering: "Tos, she bas mun ave>'; rn ava>' Io tra Iis bouses a iev boîîrs atten enter- iIL. Ru ave>',frigblened, terified b>' su> uglinesa. We shah'sce., Edith 'Grnce. We shall sce. I did uattl 11mi> mothor the name ni the girl I men ta aîarry. Sib@ shaîl kuov it soon eough, eud utal al the viles or force of min shall keep me tram w>' purposo, kcep Edith Gracé tram nie!" Oscar Leîgli tîmmuo, fambied for Ibo toor bandie, andl, beriug ound i, vent out oi lb. room, losing sud latchiug the doan quietI>' siler him. Then abe board Plusn blfubi>', pozideroualy, golng upslaira. iPisutty a donr ahore vas coseil, aud ecaspiete silence icîl upon the bouse. The apell lifted ironi tbe girl, sud she sauk "eak la lb. chair witit a tremnulaus, hear>' a1gb of relief. CHAPTER III. Bdith i dinualkuow boy long she ant mili ber face covered yib ber hande. 'beoa she took thern tram before ber iéace snd boke aI the vlndov it vas liait.Oscar Leigb badllored te vin- 110. lb. csngbt the saabi ad risel Il ver>' geoulu ,a sminute sho vas outsi tii. gale ou the open road. She clased the gato nolselesai>' beblul ber, snd hastoneil âaa>. la dire minutes sho Ilocatod the village, pi la au hour sah. vus aI lb. railraad CWpal.The ct>-bouul train vas vait- Rue BEh. haaghî a ticket sud vent Inlc tii. near couch. N5o one else vas yet onhoard, aud oteing the Iass seat, the pat tar bsck lu its dia corner. Nov the Iul effect ai ber long valk, the reaclon tramnt theexetemoul of lbe nlgbl andJ vwaaî <of leep fell upon hon viIb leader is-egit af dravainoas. Otien passouger bosa tearrive, but sa i IIeualevon open ber e>'..te observe Ihent. One ai lie tevcamers poused as be sav ber, stured oaguel>', sud quietl>'set down lu the actI opposite acroas lie aliste. Inluebt tba as minute the train steamel ouI of #*i station. Tho girl aiept on wilh a * lmite of relief suddlivenance around ber ireah Young mouhh. The. traveler vas a short, detormet Mmansd carrieda hear>', crookel vaik Mu . stick. Fot a tev minutes atter lbe t*ainbékau te mirve eremaine vltb- ot meeing. The girl beavil>', svay. insUglilI>'tramsaie ta aide vllh tbe mea tien of lie train; ber tva giavol baude ýt>' pseldl>' ou hon isp. Belveen tlb habansd forefinger of ber right band rvmslie ticket abe bal bougitt, represeul. h ail lie mono>' she bad had. * Wlmthte train, bai heen lite minuleà m Unva>' sud bal gaInai ils ful spee. <be mie leaued tovard tho sleeping gint lia&ith vilbinute gentbleess sud caro, Wirrw lieticket out af ber band, keeping Yeza on ber oyellis the vhole tint. t Wthoul aklug bis oye.i off ber face bE wals is bt lt baud, timust it, hoding »se tcket holveen bis liumb sud fluges, '«t et the canniage vindov, sud dropped tii. ticke labo tbe rasblng air. Thon he *st back la his corner opposite Editti, ans W,.agbed sud sînlied. CHAPTER IV. It vas gai>' lu lie aflernoon the sae liai, The nan iû flh iugit bhoe.bai POMSe nrL.It isd tailen heatil>' lu MW Chy snd vsebed sud treshened the lSustp, parcea streets. Even Cheîvynd etust, a third-rate liarougitere, inakesi -Oai As eomiparison vllh ils nouati qualor, b" 55been scoured cdean sud aveet- th b <e vateo a en. 1%0 tve înosî prosperous sbopkeepera ba th i" e ve Mi. Williacia, ladlard mi<epubli bouse, aud M r. l'orbes, Ipe. at the OPPasile cerner. 31r. WiI- U hàmbo u*asail glîter anulbrigil- je «£ lise groanil Iloor. It badilvaw #bWelat.gluss vindova, hîviled oui>' 's, ïes andamiglt ran -piller. bM. co nt mc lavish af glass on gus- asilmneigbbor. Hi@ cul>' wlulav '4h. ualDean ascompoself ains. -uù atm Is.Beyoni the &hap icor, * door hoionging ta hint; lie 4h.tgm ansd dhvelliag part oi - *tbeahop- 1 #a be hbda sfmietr- - bs pau big reuI vili à hieat IL m MMA a e of fi ab fed ti lai co fil aven th. store- vas is sitllug roomi; the CI roami lookiug lmb lie street vas is vork sbop. In That Tburs'tay atternoon b. valked d siavi>' sloug Chelvynd street, noddlug a Pleasauhi> 10 ome ouhe knov llgbtly,asud 0' excbanging cheerful greetîngs vith tioso y he knev htter. Wheu ho came ta lb. public houge he enterai, a "'Gaod ailernoon, lMr. iliamis," sali I' the uevcomor, vriggiiug up an s bigh, a cano-soalcO stool.n "Good ailernoan, Mr. Leig," said lbe e landiord lu s gracions andulpesasul voice.k "Ver>' bot vaiking ouI ai baors." "'en>'. Wil' >on bave a braudy*'" "I's ainiost toc bat. But I yull, ast yon are kiul enongb t aitskme." i The landllard busiel imself geting the0 drinks, sud thon set Ibem nthlb.canuler.t The huncbback dmined his glass at an. dnsngbt, the ladliord slpped bum. 1 "I wantol Iiat hadl>," sai Leigi. i "Wbst'a lbe malter, M. Leigh? Au>'- à Iiug nrang dovu in the country?" "No, no. 1 ieeiletter aready>. (liteà me anolier. I'm irel. 'y. ai sncb 1 a morning.1 Up to Ibis point ni the conversation l bal been obvions the tva men vere nut apeaking frecly. Nov auldeni>', Lelgi leaea oven the coauer sud spolie lu a vhisper: 'Dil eou vaîcli?" heasaked, keeuiy1 and auxionsi>'. "I 01." "At holvoon Iveive andounef" "And i hO eou seO anything?" tremin-1 lousle-.1 "What?" "You tobI me a man vas ta core nedu vind up your dlock, as noar lu Ivelve au could bc, sud you asked me ta vaîch hlm sud see Ibat ho vas sharp 10 hie hour and 1Ihat lie vounu up the uîachiueny by the .let-baul lever cose to the vîndoît." 1 "Quit. iglil. 1 vusîcd to iaI ont if the tellow vould lie punctuai and (do mi> n-ork ton me vbile I vas awa>' lu the 7country." "I sav saotan stting lu your place, sud lu a iev secnds he began 10 vindoup the machiner>.' t "I arn mont desîrous ta knov ail tacts, ail11You sav. Xou kuov boy vel I bave r gîiarded lie secrets of w>' groat cdock. sI amn t aaxions Ibat no une but th!& .man vbo vauna the edock for mnienist t îlgbt should learu anyîbiîîg about i." *ý "Aun&c lie lîl overy'nody if h. car..i *ý ta betma>' yâm?" 1 "Nol ver>' veil. He cannaI. Ho is dent and dumib, sud cent vnile," vthb a tri- omphant $smille. "We ver. abut a minute betore bait- Pes pua elve b>' mie-ov vabel.i. Ikept oMy oye. on hlm until balf-past wlîvee tHe omuet bave tunned ouI the igbt hotore e ho sat np, for the gas wnet ont t aaI- epast Iveive, just as be toppeil vomkiug 1] lb. lever." ài "Weil, yon bave dano me a goal turu *lunkcepiug your oye ou Ibat telav for *mie, and you're going la do me suother *gaod turu b>' saying nolbing about Il. *Have you ove, beard anyîhiug cf At- dbertus MeIgnua?" e "ýNo."1 4 "Albertus Magnus vs. a man via ,f .tudied magie, one of lb. grealost ai tbe a miagicians ai rid. H. attributed voudon- ýr fui povers ta tbe povleme asphaitumi of mummiesn, lie al ptcb vhicb lbe anclent d Egyptlans pourel bot over te homO, il r- vus usai b>' the Egypliaus ta provent ýe lbe ravages ortime upon lb. facesof thb 1- eal. Nov, 1 amn goins ta Pint bth 7- dtlaisoaimi> dock vilimuntmy plit ha )_ prevent lime ravagiug the. faces of mi> la dock." te "I alveYs said, Mn. Leigb, Ibal yen Id voeesavondenful, s mail vwonderful insua.", "And ta-day 1 bougbt a mammyt>, te ýs mumin>'oa a greal Egyptian prince, for d I muet bave goal qeummy 'asphaltumi la , presenve .teae.s af w>'cock tram lie à, Influence ai lime." CISAPTER V. Wbeu Oscar Leigb omerged tram lie dbar ai lie public hause lie matai rap- iii>' alpg hie front ai Fonhos' 41ker>' untltho r.nléhcd lie pivaI. otrance le that bouse. Thon lie epened taie doar vîit a lalci ker and enterai. fRe as- ceuded lb. stIrs, iound blînseif oppo- site thie bar of bis flat, opeued thal door vith anoîber isîcl k.>, sud veul II. The l111e minu lsmmeh the bar Lebnd him, came la the sitlng roomi, paseed lhrougb l, then througb lie sieepigtg ebamihor beodansd lieuce. lab <ha vankmhop or cleck roont. Tihllar ban be uniocked vllh a sîsîl patent »y Ro pusbed the huai' apen ver>' cautiensi>'. lame @mailiabject piscel ou tb. lnsie agalust tie docr, fel lîih as sght naise.. Il vas causai b>' lie overtrning of. a small metal egg-cup on lie fauon. Il bai been go piacedai teiedoor conld ual ho pusel open tram lie passage wîthant npsetling i. "Homo isàcomnclusive proof hhat ms'ne- tuai'> bas been jurialate vhlbe 1 bate been inom hume," ho mittered. "Ponr Williams! A useful ma la bis va>'; ver>'. A vortliy &oui 1 have sncceeded lu rnY irsI greal experimeul. 1 vonder boy il gnes uith my dumb «oput>' et lit night? Ha-ha-ar', Ho turnedaae>' ram lie deoos'ami cantronlol sai.ieket ai abatte and rode sud truts sud girder.sud pipe andi Puilcys sud wheels sud druasi s *babai aui lever. sud crashs prtags sud con ai 'erg bout <takeviibe it ot. i ertasand mot, lu the fora of a vht bar- manions outil>' lu wblch ail Ibis dustract- ng detal of movement wouid eore Int homogeneons lite. The framework of the elock contlsted Di four npright polishod steel pliar., whieh touched tho ceiiing of the room bout nlue feet froi the fCour. One aide Df the paraileiogrnm moasured tweive set, the other ton. The sole window la te room was in the middleo0f one of the lrger aides ot the paralielogrnm, and culd be approncbod ouly tbrough the ody of the dlock Itseif. The body nf the iock close b>' the window was not ful17 lied up with mechanisrn, sud titis free $pce, combined wlth the embrasure of th window, made a smaillInterior cham- ber, In which were a %tout bigb-backed eay chair, and an oak watcbmakers beucb. The framework of the ciock vas secured to the floor b>' acrewa. After s long sud aoarching look tbrough the metallie network ot the machine, Oscar Leigh sat down on the chair, aud Save blinself up to thought. f.Ay," b. said, crosslug one of hie short legs over the other. "I hare suceeed.d no far in my labors here. 1 bosa my clock as au excuse, as a clonk la caver auy other malter that mlgbt corne ml> vs>'. It bas growu ou me trom day to la>', from wek 10 week, t rom month ta mnth, from yoar to yosr, util It bas ,welled iu size aud eflcacy altogother ho- yond w>' original design@ or desiros. 1 wlsbed to have a slave that migp't b. used ne an excuse for soltarineoan sd eccon- trlcity lu dealing quietly in preciaus met- ais audprecious atones, aud nov 1 ilnd nyseif face to face wlth a master. Wblth- er wili Ibis master les(] mel 1 do not knw I do not care. 1 lirst intendeil thîs roomn as a chamber of uiystery; il has hc- come a cave of mnagie. NMy beart ougbt to be drunk %vith Jo>'. M heurt would ho drunk with joy oui>' for--" He poused and waved bis baud before bis oyes as Il to ccear the air before hlm. *Oniy for thât girl. This more girl, this mere Edlth (irace, tbis more Editb Grace wbooe I have seen. What noise is 1ha1 lu the street? liouethiug out of the commnon." He caught holil of 0o0neiofb. polîsbed steel pilitirs taat formcil the framework ot the tireathlaig machine and drnpped his chin ou bis missbapen chest. "With care I could now become rich-uo malter bow. A fortu <hI ago 1 brougbt ail my> arrangemntsula 10 erfection. 1 bave bit mîpon a plan for tranarendlng tbe won- dor* of mystvr>' gold with ils tin sud platînum aud copper imposture. 1 have bit upou a pan of making miracle goldIl A fortuigbt ago 1 bad made up w>' md ta go on witb its manufacture. 1 arn but aweak, flckle creature, 1 wbo bad beexi .. firm sud strong, aud wbole beartedi I advertîse for a companton for mY Poor o'd mioîer and 1 sec Ibs girl, Ibis Editb Grace, witb ber airs aud graees and hi§h notions. Andl uow tfbe will 001 have nme, she will nul r-st under the roof 10 which 1 arn freoc, she flieâ from me as from vile contagion, sud I amn driven baek upon Ibis miracle gald. Timînons will be bere witb some ot il to-night. TuaI ia the firaI aleli on the way down. Ah,, lbero's that noise aguin below. Lot me se wbat il is."l (To be cotluued.) BETRAYED HIMEELF. The >Moc-cant' Bluff ladiented Elle True Standing to Ris Credtorts. "'Tis tru. au the book," gays a Maîne lav>'on, "Ihat mare crimes are diseco- ereil rbrough the efforts mule ta pro- ventldl*c-aven>' Iban lu au>'othen vs>'. The min oaithie vrongdoor la ual set- latilel n-tl sîmpi>' keopiug atiIL. Il la unpus>' sud overt-antiotis, und N]mt lils owner prot>' sureiy luOuosoine sellie voul ual have doue If InnocentIla just the saune n-a>' brewd business men rend the minds ut thelr debtors Lot au appurentbe- prosperous otan bo- caine senloual>' lnvobved, sud ver>' aflen lie vîI iv'tu ao creen bis reel situ- san b>' ing Ihluga Iliat Impi>' a sobvemît condition, ail for the purpooe ai «deco-eimîg bis credItors. "A quarter uf a century ago I vas practiciug lu e western Maine village, sud among my tlaise frieuds vas a young nerehinnt wha ldappareul> beon doing a von>' oucesaful business far sevuenal >eara. Hia credit wn'as s gaul as aimast auybudy's lu the. tavu. Ta mie- gnut surprise one.evening lbem'e came ta ue the prneipala of tva largo Partland fitins, 10 vliam mie-fnIeni vas indebteil, sud Ihoy roquesîed an hume- diste atechnient oi bIs stock ai gonds. I prote8ted Ilial aucli a course vas unu- mat sund unnecessar>'. Thon one of lte oerebenla explalucd that a day on tva preions hlie d recoels l et- ton fron thIem debton hiuvitichlibe ea- sale- mentioned same praposeil action of bis viici vuld Involve a consider- abi. outse- of moue>'. He dldn't ho- Ileve te min enoablyIteuied an>' sncb oulla>', audlieo saked hîiseit, 'Why has hoe uentloned Ibis?' Couferlng vllh bis nelghbon, lie tunul tlie -ung min bail at lb. saine lime 'uvilen hlm au exactl>' sItuai' etter. That vas enaugh, und lie>' docîbed la sue. Feel- ing almosl sure te> ver. wrou;, 1 bal tie attachotemt maIe se secreti>' ltaI noue knew ofitilexcept thase lmm- mediatel>' concerned. The youug mer- chant vas Ineoensele- surpnIsel, sud ah once gel inoenda la becante i se- cumity on thte Portand bebte. But lie deveopotentaaifte noxt fe'w moul shaved concinsIvet>' thal lte torchaute bildrightîi endaltlb.meanlng of lte unuanal letter sud taI IheIr lebto's affaira veto at thnt lime rttIon ta te cor.. Oui>' thel prompt action a-tai theur daimea vici totgetiten amouuted la, sonthlng more the a s hounauldol- lare."-Leviston Journal The formation ai goal habits eai'l> la U. becootes the ImperatIve dut>' of ever>' persan. The business inuresi- lm . 115priceheas value lu. business hait- Its; the. eduaatianalish recogllms 1 essentîis ta good scholarsbip. Oar prapet litesd,îpeula mate upon cammon sensie habits thon snytblng ele. lu ail departmneats et lite aud actîvlty man la s -creaturw of habit. The anha-erme la limai ýta - o habils, The Iaw ct -habit maltsaiIl lilas. easy. "1111, OCCURR[NCES DURINQ THE PA8T WEEK. Ohio iSherllt Waflted lien - Wls» u Muet -Actower- te a Chargre et Pus.glar>'-Awtuî Deuils ef a Chicago Man-Drevaingo, Esubezzler Break» Juil. John D. Dougiass, wio vas beiug beld tt Perey nti Sherif Fisher ai Lima, O., could arrive sitar bhlm, broke jail vlth tbe aseistauce oi autalde friends. Dou,- ass vas vsnted nt Lima, O., ou a charge tf embezzlement sud Sherlif Flabor vas ou lbe va>' afler bhte. Douglas@effectel bis escape b>' saving tii. largo b.avv wooden dno, oftheb. oel lu tvoanaid .oawl- Ing ont, Mayor Wilson offered a reward fôr bis capture sud the surnoundlng coun- tr>' vas tborougbly searcbed, but ne trace could ho foundof tb. fugitive. Shoriff Fiaber lu ver>' mach cbsgrined eathl.e - cape ai bis prisoner. Twa ouenDuovned. Tva men vote di'ouaed et 3 o'ctock nda>' niternoon uear the foot c ea. avenue, Chicago, sud oui>' a short lis-' dance ava>' front s crowd af batiers. Charles Johunuo, Edwerd Schbhl, Louis 0etcerarhonsen sud George Bohr' hired a bat ai Joseph Bohuot sud rayai eut from sitar. ta uvin. When thebhat s-us ebout »00foot onît Ocherahausen sud Bohr dlarobed sud began la dive, tbe oth- an tva men rentatuiug lu the boat Bob- net, vho vus valcblng the part>' iroin the shore, noticeil Ibet oftethe b.mien mvould dir-e trom lhe aide of the boat, eeh lIme almoat capglziug il. The part>' bad been out some lime und bail been dbing a good doat of trollcking vhon suldon>' tva ot the mon liveil front the boat ai the saine timo. causlng il te caneen teaa dangerous extent. Tbe mien remainiug lu titebhat seeuted tb appreclato the dan- ger or heconie momeularl>'fnightene- fur lie>' bolb icaped 10 their foot. This miavemeul vas fatal. The irail vessol began taoldp vater anul aimost tustaut>' casazed. The Ivo evimmors tnied lu vain la help thein drovuing companlous snd barN>' saved 1h11' ownu liTesb>' linging ta, lie uptuiruel boat tram vhicb lb.>' ver. roscuail b>'Bobtuet. Tic Shef- field avenue police ver. notifiai et once and a crov ai mien vas Deunte sesrch for lie dlrowuod men. The tbody' of Charles Johnson vas fouud vithi twenty Min- uâte.but lie baod>'oai dward Scbub.l vas not rStcveSed. Johnson vas a Swede, 88 yffana aid, married, and su ongineer. Ochubel w'a about 30 yeare aid sud mer- niai. Ho vas a cierk lu lbe emplo>' of tb. Chivago, Milwauîkee and St. Paul tailwy>'Compauy. Arasy ofthebmCumberlaui. Committees are being appoinlai sud arrangements napidi>' 'nade for tho an- nuel rennian ai lb. Grand Arm>'ofithe Cumberland, ta be bell luin uckterd Sept. 2.3 and 24. MajorGeorge &. ioper, af RocxktoNd, is chairnion ofthlie goueral con- mitîce of aî-raugernenls. and announces taI man>' dislingulsbed mou from ail aven lbe counIr>' viii attend. (Jeu. Wil- liam S. Roserns, preslident of tbe so- ciel>', yull h nabie to attend tihe ra union. beiug lu Calitoruls for his bealtb, sud Gen. James Banett a£ Cleveland, viii proabbi> preeldo. The renion wiil excel lu point of numihers; lb.annuel &&ate encalipmiont, sud lter. vifl be miae>' peomnnt taon prenent. The pain- cipal adOrees ai tb.occasion viii b. dé llvored b>' Gen. David S. Stanley', now governor of lb. soidiers' home aI Arlnii. ton, noir Washington. A banquet vill ho tends-ted lb. visItons. Ang Ithosc promeut viii b. Gêe. H. V. Bai-ulon, Don Carlos Bueil, R. A. Algor, J. C. Brek- innldgo, J. D. Binghazu, John M. Palmte,. T. J. Woodund James D. Morgan, Coi. Frank 0t. Smthb Maj.-Geu. AIloxando McCook, Lieuit.-Oei. John M. Scbofield, M ajor Daniel Butoerfield sud 8Senator Mandei'sou. Mauglodl by a Cable Tho asBoyle, a lahorer lu the cmploy of be~Vest Chicagolitreot Itailva>'Coin pany', vas killai instant> b>' beiug êSImd b>' a W'est Madilson stroo-t cîtbie car. Boylie, lu compan>' with a folio. laboreot Chanles Murphy, vas cuguged lu cleamnu ont the valt undo'rneath lie cable utn point noir RocIveillstreet. Murphy had jusltI lb.theuanhole to empt>' a pail of reud, vbich h baieen bandeil la him by Boyle, in tbe gutter. Neither mnu sax a reply>' pproacbing Inain-. Juil as the gnip car roache thelb maubole Boyle tbnusl bis besîl up. H. vapuliesi np onl of the bol. and dragged titI>' teet bofor. tb, car coull be stoppod. The muaî' end vas almool sovereil tram li >ody. The mnf vn dead viten pickt- tmp. Il vas ucoomiar>' 10 use Jackscrewt ta maise the car no as ta gel the baod> out The body " a rmord tte unty morgue. 'Wilson Caucbt Piaylait poesante. Tom Wilson, of Peools, muet anovie u iud.icet retunnai againat hlm chars- ing hlm vîi atteauptiug ta burgNarize lb.h Waehburu henk an the night ai May 11. He feigneil ilîness a.nd for foui' day did ual est a bile. Wheu lie Woodior. anliorities call'd for hlm b.e lalmed lit vas toc, slck tlatmakte tlb. tp. Tire physiciess er. caltai luinend tho>' miel au examinallan, decisnlng Wilson vaâ OuI>' pîsylua 'popount. Ho bas made se. erai alttempîs la escale, sud recenl>' qîtmulti>' of save, filet sud ather imps. monts vas iacovered lu bie cedl. State Nov@ a u N-ts W. H. Traphaeae, cigar sud nove dealer nI Rockfoa'd, bas assignai. A& sets, $1,913; limoililies, 20. T'he asein laHarrigan Brother.' coiÈ office lu Jacksouville va biov open and rifleil of ils contents, W40Ilucash and W. Ro 'n ds la dsi. H idrsd o!t DecatuwtM-ao t b Ilet honing llvaté . - sud vsits flded ta deaih.________ Ilio Alfred Montgomery, a vl- knowu portrait aud animal painter, stop- GOLD STANDAOtO DEMOS ped tram the train Saturday eeonug Lt OROANIZL> Biaomlugton, be was controuted by police____ offcers, wbo escorted hlme la a Pâtiraiol4 wagon snd toute;hlm taJlait.lieHo as ar- Thlrty-tbrea States litteeouq rested u on ipluluit oIbis vite, wbo ea.i- mua"ilu-ît. aDecd. Mt loges 1ti entlebas Ial o 1support bis nvtoaaSeeme iaml>,althougb abundanti>' able 10 do so.Nas a ntionlal 9 T1he Board oaI lveStock Commission- Na@a ato lTik. ers made a report iltheti. overnor of its transactions since Jul>' 23, 18N4, 'heu Ude Palmier the. Lesia' the ru!os adopîcil b> the live stock el.x- rthe. name of lhe N=ational change sud the boalrd wen n mb ffect.. tm Party' of lhe United $UUW,1h Since tient lime tbcy have Insppecîd 17,. gold standard Demacralsiil 400 caIlle, 12,643 cattit. have been tagged uatioti$ convention la Iadisalg < te sel) ou the open market, sud 4,938 tu agem, Sept. 2, sud nointe ho tield for posl-mortem examinalion. for Psteeldent aud Vice Pnsldest, Out of these 1,444 bave been pull"suddvau declded upon et lhe mmeting . sold nt an average of $50 per 100, drese.-OMM# ithe ladias .ajite L ed weghl, sud. 3,494 laukeil. Tht. bas <i Jobn M. Palmier, afiMniel, vus x §sved 10 the shîppers sud producors of the @batini. of the permanent lite stock aI leat $135,000, sud the. cou- eammtttee, and teaien. viib. li sumer ban been protected b>' tbe destruc- ellectioti of the.Executlv lion of the diseased animais. vb"chin ta perfect the deti. John Sehionker, a Young (4erman u li- Tbtr-tbr« &&tte@ vetepeuSm ed himseif tram the third corridor".ted viien thi eraet. h couuly jeuai tChicago, sud died aestii hte..>~ ol'J~~~ a couîl hbsiitL Ho never recovered tuin- t*te s blai m <ue Utiles V scionahieps. The daceaed wvasfront Wur- te< olc cuie br boi e l t mborg sud lied no relatives snd fêer ete>' app<iitd comalttma, ,il frieuds i he cil>'. A kiud-bearted sor- ________________ vaut girl, Mary Molinihelmer, 100k pi>' upon the iouely sud penulese mon. Sho socurod lhe permission af uer mistresa ta letbn hlm sinplutho barn upon the promi- ises. A trufloe squest for work disheart- ed the Young Germean. In a fil of des- porallon hoe stolo $4 frein the pocketbook of the girl vbha ed befrlended thin. For tiIsnet of ingralitu.e lho vas bound over - f ta the criminel court. Broken-bearted and frieudls, th'ý man tuoit bis lite. At Peoria, Itae'.Atorney' Richard 1J. Cooney f51.0 bis ameuded report vilh Jndge Livett af lbe Caunt>' Court sud the Lcont>' le Ilussaved betweeu ?6,000 aud r 7,000. Thie malter of the State's attor- ueyms reports ban beeu under coualdera- lion for sauteile Judge David Me- qCullocb lvas appointed b>' the Board of 1SUPervisors ta rres eul bcounty Iu an rexaîninalion u-ich bas bIl compleed tMi'. Coono>' agrees 10 sccept the termes g i Aditîng Board sud the mouey r ii be le bur>g mbtle.reair>'. J0117M. PALM2a. iMir- Cooney folioweed the precedeut eslab- hw"r ldbe usbet s.t-* liÀhed b>' bis ptedecessors, wbo relaiued ~ bdbe uI aSlt b a $5 tel for each cotent lu au Indifineut cefoseence in time. Tbe maternent fa rwbeererel was a conviction. Ouàlti. a <ird ticket vas consldered ingalas mAudiling Board'. intcrpretatlon of lbhe a"ilthe.decisive @tep ia th.evwrtss law n te Pint e i alowedbut$5 oragMint fi'..silver vas talen. eslawasîepit i Tahé u $ af r national committe.or aish. »V eaeh ~ Partf iii exeri t iInfluence ta bave s"> A marriage tiuged wilb romaullie but Blat. tend delegatez la th*. contenloe. pathetlc toaturet lvas solemizedat Thie comu>lllee la propare the. cati te- Mount Carmel Mouds>'. Rev. Lucien D. porl e î. o'îavug. Xael, a Young minusse. frotteKénturkal fer e. Couvention. w as recently called 10 the pasterateo f l.tahe eoraea ii ne l'irsI Prebyterian Churcb. Immedlately 'Ta the A poltca part>'h e s Unitebd afler bis arrivai lho vas takon dangerons- d. Ad1 oIsu assoPatifvty a lly esse1 1>' lit sud bis lifo vas despaired of. Hi. promoe ite a suces ofiaoloficai pnl iauce., Miss Sue Kincald, a haudsmte ipioeuthe incmm ofTh polipicle Kentucky girl, was noîlficil, sud srrlved lsbedIomin.TeDm tt 0Monda>' movuiug. An innuediste mîLr- Party, dnriug Ils uhole histor>',hbu bema riage lias determined upon. The bot piedged 10 proaînale .liberofI> aib tfor lte ceremon>' vas 10 o'clock, bul ttIniiduei!il, the socu-rit>' of privalte ilb~' t bst lime the groom vas lu such a loy *sud propert>', sud the supromacy of tbu icondition tihat a posîpoueent vas tedbadlr. Il bas alsiv>'issted upon à maie I til 4 O'etock. AI Ibat bour holiaitd s table moue>' for the. peoples use. tk. *rallled aiigbîly, sud with the bride stand- bas Insistei upon lb. maintenance of Ile *Ing b>' tbe grooai'sbeoide tbe cetemon>' fluancisi bouait ofrtthenation, s eil an, >- vas penformed b>' Eider YT. H. Slotlar 0f upon th.ep.,raliou nioae ftheé W Il the Christian Cbnrcb. esttlons establisbed b>' the Oi*lte- Il tlion.1 il An unioaded revolver upe lb. calcu- "Theso, ils principies, ver. sa gksil LlationsaifRobert Stone et Chicago the by the supposed repreteutatives eof the. eaotifer day, and landed hlm lunlthe celIs of Party' et s national convention recent the police station. Stane. vbo le a colordai Iasemblait et Chicago. The. Demoell man, vaiked blot te grocer>' of Samuel IPart>' will thorefore ceosetu0exist autnt rY Biltermn, and, finding no one iu the il ho presorved b>' tbe voluntar>' action frot prtof hestoeproeeed t ep of sucb afitis mombers as .1111 sahev e t imuseif 10 the contenta of thbtlti. Wlth the inudameutal priveciples. Xa misjority 90 cents sud a revolver t0 the gocil, hofa lte memibers of that convention, iol slarled 10 leave the promises, vhen Sil -rMr large, had an>' right or paver't> verMan carne fro thtii rear of the store surreuder ilu principe. Wben ILs>' aud Inqulred bis business. For swévr nudertook ta do ntil assemblage a- Stone presentcd the revolver sud puileil ed ta b. a Demacratic convention. -the lrlgger five imes. The gracer isugli- "The action ilkethe lrrpgnte.î pro- red i bis face, aud then made a dash. AI ceedingsanad the platorm enuneisted b, slrugglo tollovcd, lu vhich lhe negro liaI bail>' ere and are seulteri>' al Pr came off v1çlprlgu@4 k-aving Silvermnu idefeusli>ly revoliiony and costitula bnulseà sud blî'eding on te l e tro he l. uch radical deparlules ftrmheb.prinel- recl of heav>' blows froni lbe bull ed pies of true domocrscy, which shoui-4 'ytoflth revolver. At Ibis juncture Officer characterize asesond anud pil admial 1- Bell appeared lu the doorva>' of the store, lstltln of aur countl' affaira, tbatl its ksud Stone walked intohis urina. nesulte are nol entitled to the confidence r. Clareoce, lbheI-year-old sou od F. E. 0of.mpport ai truc Democrata.1 rWebb, a commercial travelen residing "F'or tb. fiist lime @Ince nallional par- el at Elgin, vas drowned lu Foi river Tues- lien vtre tormed thero li e»t eture lbe te day morniisg.. With Harry Patlerson sud Amnicai people splalforen decisrlngt te id Wiilie Mulock be vent ta the river, vberm princîpies af the Denocratie paît>' as ret- )f the latter tead s frait canvas canoe. Clar- ognized sud mol couiragoousl>' and Co- eg ece iusisted ou lrying the boat, sud isteutl>'admi Iistercîl b>'Jefferson, r sgalîîsl the proteste of bis conîpanions Jackson, sud C.lveland, nor are thon es pusbeil outinlto the stream. The canoe Domine« for tbe offIcesof Presideênt a"i oe capsizeil in about five jet of valer. The Vice Presideul ufthle United State [P Paîlerson lad veut ta tbe rescee t his pledfgod tucarry Ibose priuclpleu lIe 'i cempanion. H. rigbted the boaI, but practical effect. Thîe tititl ud trot le could not Induce.thc lerrificil boy ta let Democrate ai tbe United States ame de- is go bie bol. Wben Pattlosn vas about terînetcdibat théîr principles shailno t- exhausteil Clarence sanle, sud the former, te, uthlss> surrenderoil, nor the pe>- rs ta save hineselt, turned tovard shore. Vie b. deprived ai nu opporînnit>' la vate t. Wheu ho reacheil uballow vuter lie lbt for candiates iaccrt therevlih. l consclinensa na as driggcd out b>' "1herefore the Na !onal ]2emacradc bis çompanion. Pcopie vbo linOgathereil part>' ai the Vulteàaa tsei, tbrougêipa worked odvpr lb. lad for half unu boni' sud reguinri>' pas ituted committ. berebg * be vas revived. The baod>'oo Clarence celse a fnational convention ai lit parti or Webb va. rccovered vitb draga. for th. announicemeut af-Its piattorme sadâs ce h. reductton Ln the number or saloonsli.omatnaicditefrlbe. Y lu Chicago bas not beau made. Il vas as- fices of IPresldeul sud Vice Preuident et ye serted some tume ugo that tbe broyer. lu- lie United States sud lbe transacltiofe rjtended te cloeeNOo saloons. Coliector sucb business as la incidentai Ierto, te li Mise gave out lb. officiai figures. Thr. ho held at Indianapolis, Wednesd"j,lb v ere 10,190 relail liquor dealers' certill- 2d day of September, 1890, aI Doon,.8 le rates, against 10,218 ttyeur, a lgeor I<i.b'iehluesîstb lb.heuremberso h r-mal liquor dealers' certificates issuedla ntend m:ney and tihe premsration of a alat 480 a year agle, a oa eor fiftl>-sîx, lsv sud ortior sud vho arteWelerabi>' l-or ma ttalilotsa af .ghly-taur. Tbe coin- apposai ta the. platform eadaptai lad can- mlesloner ai internai revenue, lu bis bul- didatos noitted ah Chicago, vMi select leli,,reLen ltt eur's receipîts tram hIsncb manner das te theut elbl eU tb.e PsMent, and shows an 1increase ai beet a aumber of delegales ta th.esUe ~~~~, ~ . ,54- . - «Clleta' i-eàuni-e1-eu e taIie tic é@numbor ai eleetoral

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