CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 14 Aug 1896, p. 7

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%Wiem bave ryen ssieted ne & travel No motter. Wbieb.ves t tbst for seasiekaesa. diorders of otommwb. lver andi bevela, engendereé loeomotion andi bati food or valer. bS.Éîal tteubtes. lotetterns toua- Dltetatthe mont useful asîsefcton wtb 7u. It la hIvalu be alto for blâe> Compitel andi nezvoua man that la accustomed. to amok- bad cigare ougit to know tise bspu.e Philade1phia Record. ANI4 0 OîE who bas been beuc6ited b>' tle ose of Dr. Wiliame' Pink Pis will »Outrve information of nitcis value and ln- test b>' writing te "Pink Pille,- P. 0. M« 162, Phllatlelphia. Thse mosture or thse eye Io , genultue gbent. Man>' persona bave guise la be4 troubled witb a forelgu substance ý1%teeye, and have waked up ln thse *iffnlng to ftnd fi gone. In man>' cases hakiud thse foreign matter 1'ms ben h10IVeil.db>'thse molture ofthtie oye. TM 18 fao t OgEod anpal~rla sMfor no OBe.meicine Itbu tise gretst record et ai aet =7medlolme la tIse world. la <set. 7 t $,Sarsaparilla No",* PRIS cumm"okheiuhlndlwe*!o T'he Orea test FIdfcal Discovery of the. Ag*.. KENNEDY'$8 MEDICALOISCOVERY, Nas dLscovered in one of cour common pagture weeds a remedy tIsa cures ever>' kind of Humor, from the worst Sarofula down to a common Punrît. lHe bas tred it in ove r leven bundred Cases and never failed exceptin two cases (both thunder humor). Hie bas now flu bis pession ver lwo hundred certificates nfisvle, al ithin twenty miles ai Boston. Send postal card for book. A t'tnefit is always exrertenced f romn the first botie. and a peTiect cure ts war- nanted when the right quasntity is taken. Wbess the lungs are aftected it causes ihooting pins, like needies Masiang tbrougis them; the saine witb the Liver or Dowels. This is caused by the ducts being stopptd, and alu ays disagppears inaa week aller takang it. Riad tht label Nf the tomnachis hfouI or bilious il viii eumse uamisis feelEngs at fisI. Nocag f diet ever necessary. Est bet oan g et n neg ~.Wounds, Bruises, Sunburn, Sprains, Lameness, Insect Bies, and ALL PAIN. A4fier hard WORK or EXEROISINQ rub wit>b a go VOI(D LIMENESS. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES -Weak, Watery, Worthleus. PONDS EXTRACI INIMENTf cures PILES. etbuaI PONO'S EXTRACT CO. 76 Ffth A-a- «»Ysa, &. N.c t..33-90 Nifectumil>'yet gently, vbeo coutive o bilions, or vsen tise blood la impure Or elugglah, te permanently overcome hais. Itual constipation, toawaken the kdneys ansd livrz-te a helthy actîvit>', îtisout lrritating or weakeulng thana, te dispel iseadacises, colda or fevers use Syrup of Figa. Nover Out or seaeon. B>' llgbtlug bis bot bouses at ulgist witis elettric lîgisaof 5,000 csndle-pow. er Dr. Werner von Siemens ripens rap- berries ln eeventy-five sinys. grapa. lu tva monti anaudleiait, etc. Tise ex- pressIon lunseason" uMay' soon loge ils significauce la this connection, ince b>' tise application of ciectrlcit>'. fruits, vegtables, etc..enus lie d ut any tise of tise year. Tise fruits thus productesi are remsrkable for brllilent color andi fine arome, but are not as ssetatse Iboge ripenos b>' the suri. summer Homes Io tise title et a publication jîtlissued b>' tise Lake Soeaend Michigen Soutlisri Railly, eud centaine a lst of pleamant pince. on tht. Une situsted lunlise lake re- gion ot nortiseru Indiana, soutiseru Mlicii- gan sud along tise seutitsore of Lake Erie, visere one mmy passolise ieated tbrin lu camping out or bomdiug nt lise su ner hotels or pleana uetmbiugse@. Tise reglon traversed b> tise Lake Shsore aud Michigan Sootiseru Iellwsy centaine a gret number et aullabie locations for passiug thse annunai vacation, or indeed lise eltire sumner, nt an expense whicis !@ but nominal Cep>'of "Sommer Humes" aili lie sent te su>' addness on application ta C. K. Wilber, A. G. P. A.. Ciicage, or can lie ecured b>' caliing nt City Ticket Office, 180 Clark street. Sarabe' VIewa of Diamonds. Sarah Bernnhardt l caims tisattise wearing of diamonds destroys tise best expression of thse face. dim Isle tine of tise eyea, end makes tbe teetis look like ehaik. Tise Sonth in destined te lie, sud lit rap' idl>' beouming, tise gardnonfthtie tUnited States. Hlere lfitl casier le lire, tise rig- orous Winters do 001 cltuP lise fruit. of tise toil ot sommrer, uer are tise sumniers mn tryiuig as minu>Nortisoru people haie suppogeed."I nsed te lite oui>'lhait tise ypesr. ' seid s Notiseru fariner receutt>' aettled in tise South,. "end 1 nsed te asork ail tise tiitue tisen. Nov 1 work haIfthtie time and lite ail lise rean tisroug." Hormemeekers' excursiontckets viii ise sold over tise Motion Route lu neari>' ail poýnts lu tise Soulh at tise rate ot one first-ctaFs tare loue vs>'>; tickets goed re- lnraing ou n>' yTuesday or Friday n itl0un thirt>' one days fron date of sale. Liber- al stop-o eors are ailoaaed. t'iese excur- nions tart (sud tickets are soldi Atg. 17. 18 sud 31; Sept. 1, 14, 15: Ocet. 5, Gt. 19 a-td D). Cuti ounlFranuk J.. lld. ageut of tise '%MtonaRIoute, for furtiier iinfurnai- lien. Tea. wliicis rivais coft'ee la tavor. la a native et China. i-,her.p il bas been groavu for oven 1,000 years. iPelys Mtentions having drauk it lu 1(6W. slbowlag tisaI It vastiteuno eot>'. Bla sCatarris Cure. fis talien tternally. Pries 75 cents. Tise world le but a show of things: a kindergaton vîere vo learu b>' objecl lessons. It' lison>liste tory lutIle oe@e te ailoi the objool la ail. Ne more pott-nt chan can be touud let ltett's Shirne thoan an exquWstely lovel>' complîexion sut-ilas tultows tIse use ot GlnaSutpisîî Soap. Of druggistq. Balduesa is either bereditar>' or caused by seckiiees, mental eilastu.seri til li' bts. altdl' Jy oor uork ,al trouble. hals IRent%-r s',iii res ent it. About 4,iK00 wozu.'n ane iraduates ot tise principal collè'ge,: ton voîtbcu Irob- aiîly auîollusr 4,(0)5 graduate frotu co- educalloasal Institutions.'liv,- nu> prompt use of lPe.o's Cure prevenated qt k cntm, o, lr.Lut- cy' W'uItlse, Murquette. IKan., Dec. 12, '5 The ma.n aorks iard vis e pottds bis lime looking for au eûasY Place. peti, 'Fio.utiig iSoca= eau 05M""nt. 0Malle Ibsn u Ys(911-biat geur &P ie,.bu c hausti w t'*ay nore rttutfi iraantreld t, t,- Itto Der çrtitift. soS ndthe oeYit uit 55 seau matie e ra V t ,,iraluts. yrs. tvinsiew* sonuoi'wiaup fortecbildres vmbtins. ssrtt'us te l as . reoueesfa itamsalon. 0,liai. taie. cles .tua ce11o. 1n osaabottie. "EAST, WEST, HOME IS BEST," IF KEPT CLEAN WITH SAPOLIO0 lor. if lbdoubles in ceai misa tas prs - ne doubles iu cosi, AerssePm Siuis Cyindera. Tanks aun umcso ue, en u s mine sud labor, muai alto double ln ioIl sud stfore. yourSir n ewv yl buoy as mach ai;«F lise la f s uaw or if peoiple think A ill uIs i. or~oeG ~ in fasurcet buytng Dow. The S TO adysuce ua! ceaia" m0ath p AesMo<t prices vi toiadoance unisse t,, au adasace ln labor antisastarial. Oui s.Climiers are 0s5 e o g ulsever quot.d rrweras ah.>' cau lbe Prode. r id 40111ise.A Vierai rash te caver kà- ENCiNE SUIWI1U 113 DEÂDLY MUNDREDS ARE LAID LOW IN VARIOU6 PLACES. Safsrnluthe is.Cilles le the Woret £ver ExporSencedi- la one Der Sevsnty-tvo Die Su Newv ork sud a Score Parlais is Chicago. Main b>' the flot Sun. Tise viole efthtie Uniteîd Sttes sha Paseed thnotigh its mont remarkable me- teorological es.perieuce for yesrs. Exces- nive beat lias conîblued ailis Iumidit>' te Oseke Use lot ef man sud nînost u- endurable. AIl records for elght ycars have been broken, Iu New York and BrooklynSuda>' aeveul>'-tuwo people wene kiliesi onînigit; lu Obicango, 19: &;à St. Loui s liturda>', 2r3;lu Pisiladalplîin, Boston, Plttabung, Detroit andi otier tovu.,leer numbens, tisosîgistise Seat vau Intense. In addition tu these, tiser. vez-e tisousunda t prostrations, men>' of vlIlch ailIl erminate tatail>'. The sufer. lag ameng tise tory poor ofthtie cilles han been terrible. Tise foliowing table shows Bonday' s recosrd; New York and Brooky . ,,,.. 72 PiîlasiîpbiA .....,... ,,,,.23 Bazlioei .................... B Otfial tvu.. ula ......... 1 en"allni tow bl.,.I,"..,,,9 Boulaton .................... 2 Boesn .......................,; 2 Memuphis ...................... 1 a Antonio , .................... 1 Woret glace s 192 è New York cIl>' has not isd aucis a soc- eewaon eofbhm daysud encis liât£ ot pros- trations bj' the heat ince 1892. Iun.luly of thal jean tIhe ofichîl lbenusoueten reg- hter*il se the 25îh, 0-1; 26th, 96iij: 27th, 921/2; 28th, Di, 2th. , a u,]telounltse SOusi te 94. Tise isuraldir>'as high as weil a. tise Sent, ad tise published liât Of prostrat.ionsansd fatal sunstrokes zuse te tiirty-one deaths sud Iinoiit>'twu pros- trations la New Y,rk andi Brooklyn on tise 2&h, aud sixi>' fine doeatis anad 133 protrtions un lte p:tThi lie teterisis efferts oet tiose uoelire 1lu naro sud airleas rooms tu get lt'ep c:îusi.d more tissu thse usuel nuijîttor or persuietu teollI from roufs and tati tise baiunof u fine es-a peu. Tise btt4-at day ofthtie lrcfift protttitc- cd sPMUofetiberce henii. natd tise ust uin- bea-aise ofet al tis iniîttner. tetl upon Pbdludelpyhits beg9inn11 t îIulsiiiglt to- urda>', and iriug:ug death tl) taenty-ttîur pensons sud prostrations tu anu nusuail>' large numt*r. Meu sud vomeu dnopped exisausted lun thestreeti aud ta tew die'd lisez-e otore betp could reaci ties. Otis- ers woeetound deuil in tiou beds, sud stiL others saccuîubed while uder tront- muent lu tise vandsef tise varinsebha' pituls. Pisiladeipisia bas fetu'lnothtug like tise present spell isce Jul>', 1492, vien fer seven dey& humanit>' saeltereds and sickened unidez- e lemperature tisat fioctu- asidbotavoon 90 and 102 degreea. Lnalmîed bent deul deuth te Chienc- goasa Sanda>'. Prostrations despite tise quiet cf tise day, avez-e reported lu evon>' quarter efthUe cit.'. Two heurs of lake b'eeze Iu thse muranug gzappled witi tise r6àing temperature end ecboked il down util tise attenon. vison Il arose lu 9W, tise maximum ton tise daty. 1lad itIlnet iseen tor tisatise pro..iratiouseaurlier ia thse dey muEt have bren mach groriten. At miduiglit nineteon dentisa front beà' SsiI beaunepoted te tise betl:is depart- mentTise police ctrt'd tur (61 cases et prostration. 17 ot thc:us resulting faLtIlly. MosI t lise cases weye reî'urted iu the attereon. Tise rpeii'e amîbulances were tuxasite th-r ut-io..t te respond to tise mstulnluu:ter of cutis w1hicis ere nmade tapon tisems.911-1th ie a1tcrîd.sUtG atth Il"hu- pilais bad Iise:r hkirds full preparng ice compresfs and cuber reuiedies xîeessary lu cains fUr tiseir laitist. The deatbis due te mnns:rttke ni.iiorted lu tise ist.lth department for tour dziys are as tolons: Tiusund.>' .... 4 Stunday ....... 19 Ezidav .«. .. . Saturda>'--------8 T(it.sltor4days.36 For tise ortire oroxuit week lest year 'bnt une fatril case ofet sustroka vas repsorted. Tise bigis deattî rate lasI waek in charzged b>' offiis'ýls o e ti'ealtis d- paztauessîdircelto teseterrifie beat cM tise higis degree of isurnidit>' in tise alsîsos- phe.. Ilt t mucis gr" ter titan last yers record andi confirmes te liet oftûte de- partaient tisaI for years Chicaoeha nelt auffeed 10 greetl>' runi tise heat. Tise records for lasIstocek aud tise correspond- week inlu 915 arc comliared as tollowsi: 1S96 Dealis. sonda>', Aug. 2 ................... L' Mon4a>', Aug. 3 ..................043 Tuessia>. Aug. 4 ................ 61 Wedmesdey, Aug. 5 ................ M5 Tisuissia>, Ang. 6 .................. 11)3 I(risis>, Aug. 7 ................... 109 Saturda>', Ang. 8 .................. 87) Bonde>' Aug. 9 .............-....... 81l Satals>.A...3...................7s) FSua>, Aug. 4 .................... W Monde>', Aug. 5 .................. 107 Tusda>'. Aug. 6................... 77 Wednesda>', Aug. 7 ................ 61 Thlonssia>, Âng. 8.................. .69 Frida>', Ang. 9 ............10W tUO asaity va vu VM gnct. Tb* lu. stale Sondar anigisî reporteil ouI>' two deethu.The. nunuber of prostrations wu ver>' large. Ie Cincinnati, the htbIhacatîsed mcor deaths, but there have iseen ont>' twe tatalilies direct!>' trom sustroke. Thse temperature hue been !oth ie 90'8 for a week. Thse weather bureau reported tise maximum 'teflperattire 04.1 nt 3 p. m., 91 at 6 p. m.. and 95 nt 10 p. m. At Omaha, the lieat ha% been almoet lusufferable. A few prostrations have been reportod. sud pisysicians report Dlan>' Cases ot partial aunstroke. One fatalit>' occurred Sunda>'. Sundu>' le Baltimore was rouîlythte worst of tise heated terma. Tisere were nineleen deathe fron tihe et and about lhirty prostrations reported at 10 o'ciock Sonda>' lght. *RYAN'S TRIP EAST. Csowde at thIse tations Aloist the ]Route t e etise Nebrankas. W. J. Bryan, tise Democraîic presiden.1 tIal Candidate, was the recipient of mac>' demonautratlons ~while en route trons hie home ln Lincoln, Neb., to New York city 1 to recelve tise officia] notification or lais nomination, Tise trip vas inugartei uuder favorable Conîditions. It vas a da>' of torrid tentporature, but long butor. tise tIme for the departure ofthIte lryao part>' tise Rock Island depot platuoro La Lincoln va« crowded, and wisen the eas- riage contae.inlg Mr, and Mrs. Bnyan drove up a round of cheera went up froni over ,000 throale, Prom thet time onc util tise train pulled out people jeetiesi encis utier as tise> preaaed around their fellow citizen sud grasped bis baud andi wished hlm God speed. As tise train drew sWeY froa tise station a thousad flotter. Ing isandkercisa waved a parting adieu. On thse second day ofthtie trip the part>' left Des «Mo4uÀes at 6:50 a. mu. Coltax was reacbed a tew minutes betore 8 o'clock and neari>' 1,000 people were wedged . x thse arnow space berween tire trucks. fUiyof tisem were minera wils tiseir lampa lu cap. At Newton at 8:15 there aveze 1,200 ts 1,500 entisusiests on tise pattorin. Tisey wave-e nut on cheen- tng tisat it avas aitis ditficulty that Gen. Weaver surceeded lu fiiialI>' resloring on- der whi.le Mr. Bryen made a trief speech. At Iowa City' a ten minutes' stop ais mnade and 1,000) people voiced tiseir enth's- siasm tbrough tise medium ofe a lraes baud. Tise crowd et Davenpot'stotlows'd ote iseltand stood lu tise parching sun outtil Mr. Bryan had flnished bis dinirer, viscu ho adLdre'ssed them from tise hotel porcis. Wisr Chiiago avas reacisod at 7:20 o î'.ock .9aîirdiay nigist, tisera avere noari>' 10,tbio poîc esed about tiselitocir station. aniaous ta catch a glimpàe of tise pre-sideatial ctndidate. Aimait 1.000fut teao wc(re me'rnbers of tise vu- riotns ailver organizations wiih aent to niake up lise proeession Ihat escorted Mr. Brys.n te bis hotet. Tise streola avare filWe waitis peotiie lUîx!ous lu se tise nomi- nee 'ton Proldînt. Mfr. Bryen bowéd lu the ri.git and left coatinuousl>' ail tise way lu tise botel. Wheu tise Clit ton House &unally was reacised Mr. Brv.en iventlimiedsY to tise balon>', wbore thse formai exereises avone iold. William J. Strong. tise Itepublican ciarman of tise eception coonmiîtee, delivered tise adi- dz-sof t elcome, and Itryan spoke te as mnt> people sa could cnovd lu front o! the butel balcon>'. Tise party lot t Chicagu Sunda>' niglt, continuing tise trip east INSURRECTION AT CRETE. Thse Vuspealkabie Turk Dlsplavs Hits Usuel Atrocit>'. 'Te powers having naval and commer- cial intercatsla lutis e Md'erranieau are mal unowa oiousl>' watch:î.g the struggle m-hici bas agaiu recurnntenced betwe(oa tise Grëek population of Crete or Candis, wvicis ntîcn ii>', Sardinia andtkr , is tise largest Island lu tia sa a, nîîdtise forces oe t is seretgit, tise sultant ut Tur- ke>'. 'Tie prospec-ts otfiolitioal lndejxreu deuce, or, rallier, ut evoutuai anrexetion ta the kingdlom ot Greceo, du net steem bopetul tor thse Greeks. The Turkish soldlery, li al accouints, have displayed luntisîs iland a remarkable declitte ot their old militar>' qualit>', ho- bai ing like brigands, ln cruel orgies ot mes.oacre, outrag'e and plunden. Thse new- HARtBOR OF CANAE, ('liTE. t>' appointed guvernun. Abdullahs Pasisa, has failed iitiserto, if he han serlusl>' eudeavonod, te chseck tisese savage pnac- lices, end ite European consuls et Canots have joluti>' protesled agailnt tiser. Il is ndmitod, on tise other bond, tisaI murdersanaîd otiser outrages have beon perpetraled b>' some bauds ut Gréek insur- gents beonging lu e rude hisgbland race. and atot subject te aur discipline or usili- tary coîntand. Tise state of affairs is very diffeent lu some districts, uud et oe endi or siîe ofthtie Island fr'tietha iicis lrtails at anotisor. lu lise toavu ot Ca- na.i a weli frequenled port on tise nortis coat. a Mu'lsslulmian mot), auppunlod b>' the Fturkish soidiers, rioted and commilted groat excessos, kiing tise "kevesses" or citet guarda of tise Russa an sd Greek conîsuls. .Notes of Current £vente.. Heur>' M. Wiiney, tise Boctun gai magnate, brother ot Willam C. Whitney of New York, le seriouisV !Il et hlbishonme f rouiau ettack of appeudicitis. Patriutic Speniards, living ln Argen- lina, have given a Clyde building fiins an orden for a cruiser ut 4,500 toua to.Cogt $1,600,000 eud to ho delivered in elgisteen moxtîhas e agift lu Spein. A wind alors et Saen Louis, province ut Santiago de Cuba, has demollahes thse barracks tisere, killing twa guerilla. oint- rigst asd burYing seven others oslder the *us.Five permens were kifl-eib>' ciso. V» e Ms.Ubafa bave borne.! MO KlY 8C î U 1 went to tell >'ou viat Lyda 2: Plnkham'a Vegetable Cmapound bas deue for me. For twent>' >ears I lied suftered witis lois of appetite, nansea, Constipation, palpi taion ci the heart, head- ache and Pains ln nearly all parts of my body' My- phy- aïiais said it vas only Indigestion, but bha medicine did n ot help re any. 1 began the usé of tise Plaukham- Particularly I.ydisa E.Pikham's Vegetable Compound. I bave taken four bottles, and nov tisi troubles ar ouresi. 1I oennot pralae it enengli, and aur droggiat ays tise medicine la doing a world of good among hlsm catomems" -BM.x S.Tmojepsx, New Bedford, 1«ur ishirt edgee wlt Duxbak ~~~VELYEIÈ BINDIN [t keeps thcmn dry and whole and ft. neyer fades If your dealer %41I1ow supply you we wiIl. Sromples sIow.*, labels and mattlati uatltdjlw "Home Dreumakig Made Es "'a no72kw oc yMiss Emma m. Hoo er. the Lad«. = Jora.gtvIng veluable points. Matlid for 26&. 5 M. C..P.0.e«x699. N. y. OIj The 103d Session Wtll <pea UTVI." SEPTECMBER 3d. Iluge.1 Full Courses ln Classiez. Lattas, Sole.... LaU. Civil sudMeeohanlcal EngIsesets,. Thoreaigh Preprutoryand CommereWa Connse.& Sit. Eclward's Hall for boys tinder 13 Id iouela thse complettaness of Ils eqLulpment. cataique sent f m,e o alcatleonte liv. ÀANDKEWEO. WiSsET 0 . NteD ine.d. 8. ~4.V.N. 33-90 tAdvoetlmersplea»e do "f4l te kow Wb" mmdism »" 14-mbouts, HACR ST TO THE FARU LANDS AND PRINCIPAL CITIES 0F THE West, Northwest and S Th. Burlinn Route and many Eastern Raliroade 12I10, n.lIilExcursion Ticket* at VERY LOW ROUNDTRIP RATES August 4l, 189 ScpL l, 159 29, -and Octobor 6,2M Tlalto thisoporUnIty t *gsad eetise plendid oroPethatU.bmb No ~ ~ sand other Wsern scioshaveorduoI Ces A*,,your neâV loket Agent for parlulars, and see that YOu eg reade via the BURINGTO N ROUTE. Send te the undersIgned fer fs pamphlet (no charge) about Western Farm.Lands. P. 8. BUSTES, Cei' I Passenger Agt., CHICACO, ILL. -your pockent-ook and yorwash-board. One tri" to keep your money-.the, other wvastes it. Yo,45d btter consuit your pocket- book, do your wasbing the wash-board out of the house. There's no room or for it with Pearline (. nor for any of its weaw tiresome rubbing. YoùtLe doing your pocke-bQ ýjrn, and help _oWard makipit fattrndL.êI

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