CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Aug 1896, p. 1

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,, ~T~r Vol. tV. No. 45. LIBERBYV1LF LODU, No. 492. F. & Uabrdayoi of each month. VielUng brothern oSodliy wemeii. W. M. HEÂTHW.]È. Dr. dChartes Galowy ,.Office over Lovell'sD>rui'Store Rouasra]MI O 3AND ôTOfiP. IL SL.bertyville. - Illinois. Dr.J. -L - T-AYL0-R.- Office over Trlgge & Taylor's. 7 to'ie a. Mi. 2 10 à and &. b s p. ta. kteaideuc-e on Broadway oppoutie Par& Libertyville,,Illinois. Dr. E. H. SMITH, DENTIST. Office over Lovel's DrugStore nous: W 12a. m. anl to pm. DAIL!. Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. Nouas TILL. m A. tX. 1 TO 3 AND 7 TO R P. W. Special attention paid to thse treainient of Gbînie heumatlsm. 'Rockefeller, -Illinois. 0. F. Butterf ield M. D. C. VETEIiNAItY S8I(Gt<EON ANI) DENTIST. I,FUEEaTYYIILLP - . - ILLIN018 <nu.~.~- Tri~c~ & Tati. 'r Ilit. Mise LULIJ M- S. PENNIMAN. - TEACEEU or VOCAL AND A LOO DELSARTE INSTRUMENTAL ..SYSTEMI0F .. #USIC.......ELOCUT ON.. DES XTHOE.MOn? ExAgOSAULU PEICES. Lbertyvilî.. Iiinole. MISS M. ^LICE DAVIS. Oradate of Âmericau Coviervai"r of music. . . . . -TACEB or1 VOICE CULTURE AND MIARMONV Lbertyvillle, illînole. Dr. E. V. HARVEY, DENTIST. C:oss. iBride- nd aîuiIt, ' il ea îp ialtï. -OFFdIE:10itrlî ki to 12A. X. 1it,.111d î7 i.. 1 4I Grayslake - Illinois. PAUL MAC GUFFIN. Attornüy and Couneeci.', at Law,. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois, Friday, August 21, 1896. I I Priviieges Are Let. Secretsry HeatL announcea liait neyer inatheh is4py of tLe associationî ham the Lako Counly Agrlculturai Socety diaposed of te varions stand privilegea etc. to sucb good advsintage aud remunerative compensation. While lie expects ta oeil many more privileges, thome engaged Aug. 8 alone wariant a good representatIon 0! stands on tL. grounds. Tholde eugaged that day are: Ed Paype. Diins Hall............... $M50e .. .ra...en....... .... 30 5i 1<50 irenm stand............ 27 5o Rerfihan Mî-yder, tirne-ral stand . il si, Nie Ketwr*................... s Luak &Kni.-................. a R. W. ParkIlurst,.. .. ........... 27 &ud JuRt &W',,ua.s-re ,,arl ui i'g'i,. »h-eking i vii- l-u.. ids Frak K.iky. (iouerai stamul........(0) W1w[wnr & G.îlsts, Do .a,.ik e, WaYne (îîi(îy, ls .l1............... 27, 50 The social litthIe lresbyteriau church Tnesdlay nlght, under lbe auspices of tLe Ladies Afid Society and te Clitian Endeavor Sia weil attended auid midi eujoyed by ail. Varlous poîtularboouks were represenl- cd by tLe Young peuple in varions.ý costuU]es, Ibome attending giîessing te Damueof respective books by the. character representing theni. TItis afforded niuch amusement. Prizes wore ewarded tituse gluesi.quig tet, greutrst n'initier correctly, as foliows, Mary 3Mason, liollo Chireýhili and Ada MacGuuifllu wiuining tîrst bomors. Edward B. Martien. At honie lus Rockefe-ller, Ill., Ediierd liailey Hardeu passed quitiy away, and li bis deuiisLaecCe'<oty luties oie, of lier niost respecteél citizens, a mai uf sterling Worth, and loi cd ])y ail. Mr. Harden bcd be-cii oilned lu fis bcd tut a short thuie amid tlîîigh e'<'<rytling lit humitn powe'r wam (louie lu restore hitton hclallt, lie lied Thlurmduy, August 13, lîciug iiftv-giglIt ycars ut âge. Dcceabed '<sas hurt on tise J. il. N orton fatan, cst of ltocksfüller sud '«as tiseiftis cilt i f a finîily of six. lu I866 lie s'as niairried 1<, Miss Ediea Frances Biryant. Seveut chi ldren wer e borit ho theni, four dylnig 'ville Young. A vite <aud Ibre. cbildrn usur- vive hlm. Tiselutterai vus heid ut lbe !amily resitlence Fui- day. Ritv. Ccxoknin officiatiiîg, lte intermnt being In theiivanitoe cenîetery. T» tise breav"ed funily tii. INXDIENIE.ET 1Huiles WitiuIlis NOTARY PUL-iC. i aiy Ieui-wiug frinsi l, ii -Xteldig svuuul<u<I îy <sud coiiloleiice. sp,-l ai mution gis-rn lii Ui..itiosansd: Cneumii.------------ ------------Lake County Fair. Office with Lake Counly Bantk. u ogt. l. lat luttend îauîîî Libe rtyvil1le,' l1in ois. belîî.1ui esery ay leusible tiik-i a siccems Pont use <very isiauts lu, F or a few days youmr power l t mre eu)iîiuueiitar3- 1 uî ffi-r soe!tlc'kg,ts. Jul put yo(ur band i yuur rare bargaimîs li teail Esînte, Imsîr- 1pOxkt-î eud 1uY Your wcy.cand help lu suce, Loans Etc- malle tise tair uf '96 a amîcecesaIiiianci- will du o uh Notury Pi,)iIc w<rk in allY. Soute people bave i-oiteis'ed s good style -. s'hile yoa siit." (,ive vroug ide ofuthtie Fair. Tla-y think meo a caîl. iltisheii duiy lu gain free adnîissidoî John J. Longabaugh aud get a<iihemouley pussl)je <out of Briî,k Ston-. Garayslake Illinois. Mill1 have a fair Ibis4 yeux tiiet yl liena liid,' sud credit tb ber <Itizeis. H. P. EWING M. D. Rockefeller, IM., Ilesidene e t J. E. Hulcomba. Oflîe - - Opposite Depot. Hloîr 9 A. M. 1Iolu 2 P. M. Afiur 61', V. UNION HOTEL. MIIEELING - ILLINOIS. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. . . HaIf-way House .. . Betwean Chicago and tise Laites Cyclists Headquarters. Goo'i acrossmo<Latseus for îraeeers. John Be*.m Prop. LAKE COUNTY BAN K...... Wright, Parkhurst & Co. Libertyville, Illinois. issues lnterest-Bearing Certificates Payable on Demand. NQW IS THE TIME TO INVEST IN LAF DUSTERS. Do yon vant A LIGHT HARNESS? You wili.'<oua 'îeed l FlNets andI Horse Covers. if yon travel and nmcd a Truinli or a Vais,'onr anything In rmy ne, - t3VE BE A CALL. 34psrng tte Promptly and Neatly An excblauge hllsaci, a boy in e Florlîla luwîî ho as shed bis skin, and, scyw. -Thie cuse o! Jolin Allen, aut eigbl-ycau-,îld boy of! tii place, is puîîxling bise pisysictuos. Six w'-es'k1 aguî on orange thiori heietraled lise iîoy's bill, infliammationu foiUuwed, aid tae boy was; so>uuî Iorriîuîy swollen front tead ho lfiot. Fiuîally the avelling suheidéd, ]hit lte boy iumediabely1 legen lui shed bis skin. Tiitt omn lie1 lace camue off sepeuateiy, lut frçum ite1 neck dovu the cuticle rimaied intact1 aid usoved off lîy the way o! tL. hlaisd aid faeel witnoiuî breakiig. Tise cuiicle vas lOve <aye in passing off, sud during thaI lime tise boy rcuîaiuiedl on lise led s'rigglimug like a snîàke uaI muîtiuîg lime. 'J'ite -ild u,-eiiied obchie unuopain, luit coin- pluimuied o! c licklhug senselioilsand o! a crcwliiîg o! tise tesit. Wiuthlit eltiele lait(] been she-d lte boy im-4 nediately receovered and is nov as weil as ever. Thte skiai wic i aslhed ta omi exhbiiton aI a îîlysiia's tfice. Iti la a li-rfech cultif te biîtaili tîm1 froîn lte necit d.îwî, and is abonmt 14e contisiey o! baril glue, whiil t il utticis reie nlîsles." Cyclhts Attention! C<iie 10 tise Lake cuîunty fiîmr Sept. 15, 16, 17 anud IN on yumîr wbeeis. Pont leuive Viten eiomid the gronublj ho hie eboien or imjîred ])u it uml 11 'hciteiroomi 'wbere tbey viilb. sete.. Sbuuld yenî Lavae te nuiortine lu break dus"» you Si-l! unît C. IL. Shserman, s"ith bis complote repair shop aItIiliecicrooni vier. lie wll repaîr y<ur bike viile yonare seetiuî tL. sigbîs. Von are iuviled 10 mlt'k Ibis you*itesodaquartersanad vili abi S1.50 in Adunn ________________________________________________ I I -- - - P - - - - 10F 80[D1IRS RUION. Wili Be Held at Antioch 'hrayandi Friday Auaust 27 and 28.-An Interestingr Program han, been->arranged. The Elgiiteenili AnnuaI beunion of te soldiers and saîlors of Lake Counly will occur aAut ntcdh, Thuis- day and Friday, AuguBt 27 sud 28. Preparations Lave been made by tLe varions conîmiltees of the Reunuon Association for te comfort sud enter- tainmntulof Ibese vho attend, sud the sioldiers and sailors o! Lake Counby sud lte peuple o! Au tiocit extend s cordial invitation lu patriolic citizens o imeel vitb tbem on tim Is tmon The prograni for te respective days i. as foliows: THURSDAY, AIS. 27. SaInte at Snurise. Receplion o! guests aI ail trains. 9:00 A. M., Base Ball-$5.00 to vinulng club. 12:OOJM. Dinner on the grounds. 1:00 P. M. Races ut tbe Driving Park. 5:00 P. M., Sports on thse grounids for prizes. 6:0>0 P. M.. Supper onithte groind8. Salut. ai Suuset. 8:00 P. M., Camp Fire on lte grouînds. Music during îlay aid eveuing by Martial Baund, A. R. Donglas, Fifer. FRIPAY, AUG. 28. Saute et Sunrise. .lreakfat on lte groiîds. 10:40)A. M., Blisness Meeting o!flte Ieunion Associatio n, on te grountia. 12:(«) M., Diuuuer o11 the grolunds. 100l P. M.,, iîuuloiî Exercises onthie groîîniLs. (40 P. IM., siupliciion'.tihe grouîuîî5. Misie for tii,- day wifli lis- urnished by thse A uticiCoîrnet Bad, P'rof. F. N. (,îggius., aidle tMaiillinu(t. Ile le ]uekicrs who w<iii address the ca) tire andthie reîîinii uon lb. second iday are: W. 0. Coiitan, Pept. Commander Illinois G. A. B., Hon. IGeorge Edmiond Foss, M. C.. ilon. %%illiatu E. Masiiiî.Coii.. Jamies H. 1 Davidson,Judge J.M. Loniiecker,Gýen. J. K. Stibits, Dr. F. W. Byers, Gen. Theo. F. Browi, bit. Chsarles A. Parlridge, 1ev. S. A. laiansand othern. Iii tL. event of luail veatiser tbe exercises ss i i it- i.d in lte Opera Houmse. Tenita MiII ii- iitclîeîi on tise'grounds for old soidiers '«ho Wlis ti, -camnp u,,It' ver nigitt clter campr tire. Anl old soldiers or 8aillrs '<iii lie lrovlded Witt, a place to sleep. Steibling, sud baggage citeeked free to eny vis» conte lIraI day <sud visit tb stey over uigis. Anllîîeh bas goud blots accommoda. tions<aud lte train servie un eh Wise-uiîuln Central. ie sncb usil10 maie it possible for al vWho sn desire t0 go lsy rail. We lîint beiow lte lime table in dundensed forni: L,(iiao Ar it Antioci A. A -Nu. . SDeiiy ex Suiday 10:33 A mi !i2i P M-No. -., Dciiy ex Munday 3:14 P m 3:o') Il M-No). it, ",l......4:55 P M t :00 P M N.. Diiy x iiunay 0:43 P M ', :3 A Id- sanîiay Sî,ei-al.. te:32 A M 4:0 A Si- SuuijaY OBiy...:37 A M COLnG SOUTI. Lv. Antioeh Ar. Chicago 6:-W A M-No. 14, PalIy (Mll..9:35 A IM 7:14 A M-No. 10, Paît7 ex NundaY 9:00 A M1 11:19 A M-Nu. s. Daiiy e-x iday 1:1o Pm 4:35 P m-No. t, D.liy ex Suflday 6:eoP;M Ma56 P M-N. DelPliy..........10:45P JM fStuouonsignai. Wil Di Wells. J. P. Willliasaiusoîm<es Ibatl ie is again prepared tb dig veils. lîaving beeuuniable, on aeecîl utofsickuemsa lu do anylbing in titis liii. for several veeka. Write or cili if you need s Well. J. P. WILLiAms, LiuFiI.TTVvLL. Notice. Tiser. are a greal nany mîonuîments lu the palisways lunlte Piainond Lake eentery and notice is isereby given ail persona owning lots iiin eeleery bu remove sanie within sixty tIsys or tbey wlll lie renioved et yoîîr expemîse. 44-45 liv (laEuu BOARID DhETOniS. For Sale. Thorotmglibred Polaud Cbina piga, tîoth sexes aid various ages. Now la ltei tinete gel yoîîr lreediîg stock.1 Blood teila, and I1lhave' IL.Caît andj se. pigsanad gel a gond breeder lu cross up viit yoîîrs. J. T. Avam'.s, Haif Psy. Six wecks agoi) 1sutfereil witlîsa very severe e4îtI; vail alinoat utable 10 speak. bly friendsaail advised nie lu coîsuit a physicien. Notiîing Citamberlains1 Congli lienedy advertis.d lunlte fit. Paul Voika Zeitîing I proeured a botîle atd uafter takiuîg Il a short whte Was eniirely Weil. 1 îuw iost lbea)iiy recomnnend Ibis reîîîedy to u eio suffering 'witlis acld Wnt. Bell, 6781 Selby Ave., St. Peu, Mina. For sale l>y F. B. Lovell, Liberlyville and G. C. Robe»St, Wpuconda. k tE SAL-A huÛe stock of Millnçr ooda bd ood traM u THE CONVENTION. Williamn M. Raigan NomnInaîtd for Circuit Cîsrk. Early Saturday mnornlng, aiment before lte average Libertyvilie voter vas out of bed, politiciens witb nuin- erous and varied scbemes anîd propo- sitions vere thronging the sîreetz of Libertyville and by noon they owned tLe town. The Wsukegan delegation vas on the grouad early and by theiro auperlior generalsbip controlled lte convention. The conventi on vas ca*flcd to order' at 1:30 andI Warren M. Heatht made citairinan, with B. A;. Duun, secretary, and Mr. Neville, of ryoieke, asistant. Ont hue lirst ballot Win. M. liagau vas îomiuiated by the filowiiig vote: kagan........................... 581 Brockvay .......... ....51 C. T. ilcydecker vas nioriuaiited fort Stetes Attorney by acclamiation. Dr. F. C. Knigbt recelvcd thse nom- ination for Coronier, the vote standing:1 Kuigit ...................... ..62 Âmnes ..... ... ..... ............ 48 For Surveyor two ballotr 'cru ne- cessawry, beiîïg as fullows: Lee ............................ 56 Anderson ............... ........ 56 On the fit-onîl ballot Jameos Anider- son got the nominaiiution by a %. ut, ot: Anderson ... ... 98 Lee . . .. . .. .. . . . .... 43 f Lesmfaîluir,-to secure the îîooirîa-1 tiuuî was a surprise tb hini aud lis fîiends. noopîiositiouî viietever bcbng auticipae.. Broc(kwa3-sH supporters ai-e son', vî'ry sre, Ii li îig tiîey werv e ie iil and ta! tlîcv etrt'led tolu iiîevv tlîut six of!hlýiLilîrtyvilie dîleigatioi ws'îîs. Iîle-îgeîl t, l;rîcksay, and theit sfIýoit u i tlîîat <ails.or reasool. iiev evenurg,'Nlr. lrt)tikway 10 rîiodeilci pendenut, urîrîî lie <as beat iii tlii.' cuits î'itiiihî9,10y Ibroglu tru.aeîî.ry iof alleg>.d frliîîlds. On tis eotîser bîanditise Liberts-vîlle deiegation uî-surt tliat tlîey lias e et uîu lUnie'. î-ltlr ilm i sidiel ly or ot luerm ie, exîirees,.ul Iu'îsetsini a nianujer tuiaI eoiihldle viuiîtrueîl iito a iIedge to supîport Bnuekwaîy, nur îild aîîy ,ix delegates aîtlîonize any ()ne Ici su re- porttemn. Out of cli these charges and coîiuer- charges one tact predomînaeHls iii- ertyville bu-ai lriîckway. EVERETT. L. A. 't îre, of Clîiu-ugiî.is s xîsuiîg relatives bt-eru. .Iosuu1> l,-i,î<' iau i u(u- ' , LI]. de. trucLidNandm relatives. A. W. licynoîda ciani F. Wyikioop Joie. IL Rednîond mîale caliing tu-lr 'ip e tobuElgun ouniseir whiels l'est loir bii mrg Tuemduuy eveniîg. Siiuday. Tbey retiiui,-l y the wcy Herbiert rodil, mOt Deertielcl callî-iî OUi ui t)f Me ry, making c ride o! s3eventy- frit-nido bae Tnesday evening. tive huiles. Miss tlaggie iBradley, ut Chicagou -~, i<.s Tieories o!cuire may bc diaciiased M i s a l e ug t h b y p i y s i c i c u s , u t t i e tise gueslofMiuit Ile luire. suifferis vwani quick relief; and lone Miss May Belle MeMali on, of Chlii-cgi,! %iUilits Colîgh cure- Witt give il te la itere as te guiest Of Miss Jlia heui. A "ate cure for chlldren. It la Barker. ,-thle only liaiilesa remedy ltai Jaunes Doyle, e Chiiagu îîîilk dei'i. . rislocea Immediele resut." For sale vas olueived on our streets Tuesîlay iuy F. B. Loveil, Libertyville aid G. C. evening. lIt.I>erlsi Wanconda.1 Lavrence Vangilîli, O! Chi-ugo, IC-it Smumudamy wyu Lis iotiter anti iînutiers. HAL.F DAY ut titis place. Miss Saie M. Doyle Las returmid hi A. Rcichard made a trip lu Cbicago Chticago, after a leigtity visil s'itb t--.Suîi y ancle, M. Melody. 1Juhn Peglov vas on lte slck liaI Iutoxlcaling liquors abtoutitnuit b,' lesit week. sold et ueigbboring piculca if it 1 thie1 August Holtz aid family entertained means of lessenîng the. cnovd by keuîî)- frnuds front St. Peul, Mini. ing lte LigL iiyers avay. Tlîcy Ubarlie Horeiberger, o! Eveietb, prubably Lave a veak illii beture Itiglu -ails on frleuds ber. qîîite Olteni. culured spirits. Quiiîe a nuntier front isere etteuided Tii. Foresters' picale of Aug. 15.!I the -ilute caI Everethuit Salmrday. '<ent off very quietiy. Thte da iîy'«us 1 I. H. Pegîow itas itouiglit a Loume favoraîble for a pieute sud lte cniu'd Luitilolt uo! Fred Holstein oui Mlw'auklee vas; believed to be the largetandciiiAseue inusI select ever scee on tise gromuîîdi. 'he Tise hall gaine belveen Everett andl Fort Shteridan vas the principal LEITHTON. attraction lu the afternoon, and ails er cisunged bandes aI a rate liat voîîld ,liîulirt LI i ent lu Kannas lest1 luisi you lu bink Brysu occupieul r i ,-suly. tise presidential cLair. OtIda<uf Evurybody ge reusdy foirtii LilîerIy- aixteen 10oui. coud lueLad oui o,,, vile Fair. lînys aIanypoiriodof the gante. Heine Miss MtIle Lil vas eut Auîtluuci vis- pitcbed a good gaine notbvithoiamidt- i Iu'w les.t Muîday. ilîg tihe novelly o! ILe situation amdii .luuie Coomi '<eut ii Elgilt a mitwud great clevernus boyard ti< le -siîed;y luvisil witit relatives foir close of the gainta.His demneanor le tut -% la thei eanly part if lte gaint eLn bhe i i lm soldiers dld Ibeir iteaviest hattiig, Mips. S. Risodes retuirnnudlu lier honte lîroved hmlu Ise cool as an le. beug nt, 1,evenmwotit, Kansas, aller a brie! in ail emergencies. Batteries, Everett v isit stîitn ienda. -Heim sud Moran. Fort Sheridan- N. B. IL. l)sstii, section foremnan aI Kruîger sud Fox. Score 10 to 30 limu laku- Zurich, caie Lover 10 visit lis1 fevor o! hontestean. faîîllly les4ttionday. Last Suuday the. Everetl base baIl Mn.,(b'u. Sparka andw'<ife, o!Chicago,1 leuinidefeated tLe North Chicago's onuit s tlIt 1108UesOf tMr. and tirs. Robertf theulutter's gromînd hîy a score o! 12 î,î Liul lasI Suturday sud Suinday. 8. Thte geme as wltnessed iîyCaMn-ir. Williamsa and eilîdren reimrued cuuIrions scribe vas deented lb.eulostto liu-mituhome lu Chicasgo iast Saturday,i exýltiuîg ever played ou Ihe nortît îftu-n Itu'w week*s visit viii lier sister,t fhiïur. Cruwds uco! people loked inluMrs. ilo, north o! bovu. fruumu ail aides tend te grand stand vais Mr. Il. E. Fuieratelu, '<vitubas becît fmull ut sleelalurs ,o! t ixitiig ulit ifa tlera, souilliof towu, sex eacb elieerng Ibeir resut'. î-înuu-ltii lits honte lest Saluîîdey.1 faities. Wells îîitcbed an admira lis luuuiily Witt folîow telle lmi a îew 1 gainte, andiloo lsked for a lime as If ho 1 woiuld fool the buys. Tisey soou U* luieteil lie hal il ihease Isuvveer, 113-per-nitg k.4ts "ýi,îiautd lemnt fih.d in bagging as maity duzejoWn r 'cu r l eie eliaAi> rmein s lu nHaItiday8 gainte viththlieare n iuil ule 10telêtlunch, il amîy, ut-- Slieridan's. Hleli.pilifted a wînîng lie! titis muîusîblu, fron thet oppuressive' ganle, aîîd sbuuved admuirable akilI eM a hti. __ twirler. Mouai plAyed lis positionî It doîusîî' t len m ber siek set-ond tlunoie lu tise gainte. J. Yone.ieeadtneiii-ý,, Ilîllioassn, etIuon id sva8 overeome vittelihe beat e.lle cousiîîîioîîare ene'~ugstor makiug a rua iu lie seventh in Ing by unavoliailee ireut»mnos; De-1 sud vas unable 10 finish tLheg ne.jWtt s Little Early lbisea il speedlly st«I4Everetl-Eélat snd Umoes. cue <e &L -JtW Ie » by 2.B Lewis Hullîberd lauj( a Irottlig iE arneas solen frni bis ban les4t Monday nigbb. Andrew liakis bad a buggy stolen lthe sanie lgit. The. Peak Sislers gave an enterlaiu- mentin luhlb.Beptîsl durch it i WVednesday eveniutg. Tht-y vere icvored vithLa antaîl altendmîce. Pr. sud tira. McCitemev aid un Huurry relurned lest wee'k lu, tieir Ilome lu Edlgerttîmî. Wis., afler a plicaat villa vIls friejid-, il, tlîis WAUCONDA. H. C. Payne, of Ivanboe, was lîcre moaday. 19d Pratt was a iterrington calier Bunday last. Miss Hallie Wcils is visiting rela- tives in the City. Eddie Johnson relurned tromn Chica. go Ihe Olral of the veek. Geo. Cturtig, of McHenry, vas a Wanconda vinitor Tnesday. Um Avis Cook la spending a few daya wilL relatives at Volo. Mis. J. P. McCabe returned froin a visît at Cary Mondey last. Mrs. F. Harnsmond is eutertaining lier sMster at present writing. Misa Ruth SSmltb la visitîng relatives In the cily, at present writing. =Misa Grace Hill1 and Jennie Green are visiting relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. C. R1. Welis enlerteined relatives frora lthe City the Ir8t of!-tihe week. []A nuimber froni tIis place altendeil lte picuii e t Mdllenry the OrsI of lthe week. J. Mullîn had a puise witls about $8 in lb taken froun the Oakland botel lest Monday. A M. E. camp meeting bas been Leld ln a lent on thse Acad,.niy grouida tbis vsek. Go to the Wauconda Stuidio if yout vaut a Oiral ciess pluoti. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mis. R. Laniphiere. of Strewherry Point, Iowa, is visiting M. C. Smnîith and family, Mia. T. Daiiy. of Cary, aud friends froin Chicago werv Weuîî,nda callers Modday last. miss Elle Hicks, ut Palati,,,', was lthe guest of Mr, andmi rs. V. 1). iliali lthe past veek. Mr. and Mrs. J1. Morrill, of Graysiake and relatives froin Beloit, Wis., were Waueonda visitors. Misses Myrtie andl Avis P' vîîe, of Ivaue(, are giieNsaofiNl-ies ltfii and Lola Turntull. Harry Wilson, of St JToo, 1Miii., is qpen<ilng a fewd îays e iflirîlalives lu titis place and virliiy. tir. Scbneneniann isîo fias beqi spending a few weeku viNiting rida- tives here returned t behi-rluiin l Walnkegan Moncdey. Thte Jobnson bouse bu., been occupled by a Chicaguoîîarty an ill I bce headquarters for e large party of cycilats froîn tihe City. GAGES LAKCE. Miss Carrîe Chard speutl a veoit aI home. Misa Grasie Mason basa lady frIeu front Chicago vlitlng ber. Tii. Ladies Aid Society meel aitlite home O!ftira. Gondy Ibis veek. Missna Mude Jeffers Io honte fro Valparaiso 10 spend s fev day.. Mise Elvina GlUfmore, o! CLImoq, spenl Suuiday yuL iter parents itefe Miss MaLle Manpi, o! EvansMefR visitig MUn. Eversal U4. Miss Efie Muson, O! <Jbiiago, -l speading a tvo veeks vacaion et hume. Miss Bille Kapple forterly Of la place, îîuw o! Iova, lala astii&gfieadaà bers. Mr. sud Mis. Holst sud masSer Pro&.. o! North Chicago, speut Sunday vilk tirs. TItua. James. Prof. and Mrs. Speckman, snd qe Harold leave Thuiaiday for lteir ho«» lu the nOuILeru part of Ihis Muba-e. Prof. Orson Manchester, of! EiêO. '- laglon, ln visîting Lis parente hem%, also Prof. Herbent Manchester, «f- Peoria. Dr. sud Mus. MeCleary sud Mr.»4 Mis. Bd McCleary, o! Chîcago, Suuday et their summuer home " ê Pînea" ab Gagea Lake. Tite aunuia Suuday sohoot viii b. beld nazi Seturday Aq , lte soutbanka o! fl~ Stephen lrtce's Groie. . '- We are suxions b dosa 11111e in titis vorld and eau btior iie iîscte r o r b ale r a y to d o i l à " by recuuntndmsg oueMiaute Ciuru .4as a roveniivs of pnex. cînuuuuuptiou and oliter s»iou4 lm t tum iltIfollow aeglaeoeê Fu)ri tle 6y F. B. Lovait, LlbertIyVîtit4 0i. C. ilolerta, Walneuda. REAL ESTATELTRA8FU Rbosa e l na 1 1,- A DIAMOND LAKE. Everybody get ready forlthe ville Fair. r H. N. Maxhani was a Chicago luit Saturday. Mr. Win. Arnold went té E1glw Saturday to vîsit wfth frienda ai place. Ms. Wmn.1 Elnman and iMn Huant went 10 the City lasI returning on tLe 4:15 train. Don't lorget tb attend the social, given by the CemeteryA-' tion ladies at Harry Rouages Aug. Mr. D. Mong, of DesPlaine., Over to visit Lis daughter aud Mis. Win. Lemker, and relumned Thursday. Aug. Beck returned to hie ouf Iowa last Wednesdayate week'kivisil witL bissister, Mia. .W Einmman. The base bail gaine between01 fine and Lake Forest resulted: é ta iI in favor of Diaînond Lake. A ralter; amuslng game. l Sunday lasI îLe Three Llnk Lodge of the Independent Order of 0dd4 Fellows, of Chicao, and tLeir R@beo." Lodge held their piculo ac Dlamou4 Lake. A good time *sLad wfSt aà grand dance in the afternoon and 1h« aul lett well pleaaed yuL Dlamie. Lake. The INDrPENDEST 1 Io i rcelp a letter frori Bert Wllcox, deil~ l~ of a trip front Spokane, Waah. tb Kasio, B. C.. in whlchli e telle ù.. e iiosti nterestlng manner of tLe sighte tii lie een Ibere, but owing lte length of the communnication snd our Iiimited space we are unable to publiat maile. One day lust week a mad dogt a- peared at the Loua. o! G. M. Bee Ever.vbody wss enjoying tliemgae till momeinetdividual cried. outi«4 iati dog" and beu the chuce begs. Everybooly ran into the bouse, lockt the doors, and soine men gave obaae after the canine and chased it thiongit several fields. The dog waa kO.ioL lwfore any damage was dou. Tt ûvid,.ntly got ocared. aI the big body of water. If Yeu bave ever aecu a litle cblê ln the egony Of aummer complafist. youu en realize the danger of lie ' trouble and appreciate the value of in,tantaiîeotus relief always aftorded by liewitt's colle & Choleiti Cure.,Fer, uiysentery and diarrhoea I la a relW rernedy. We could flot afford, - remnimend tbis as a cure uls« it wc*re a cure. For sale by P. B. Lovefl, Libertyville and G. C. Roberts, Wox- couda. Laut Friday Aug. 14, at 8 P. ut occureci the Institution o! Diuff Lake camp No. 412t. Twenly-fiva ^fe* members were lnitlated snd s kt 0f old members froin adloining9sçp'. wereprement tb ulîneas the luibialbe. The fullowlng olilcers wers ohoomi for the eîîsuing yeux: H. C.O.saIf. Couil; D. Griffith, W. Advioer; IL ». Bluwm, E. liauker; Gso. B. Mmnaô» Clerk; Geo. D. Davison, Escort; O. IF. Nuita, Thom. MoBuLle, L. RaX, ManAi. gers; Dr. L. A. Tlravla, PhyieIa H. 04t, D elegate; Frank FriaL7, Sesaly.- B. Lefrentz, Wsichmgp. MeUg every lot and 3rd Saturdgy o! moitt. The camp ataala oui AR goud way, most o! the msmbero are yonnd men who viii take a gia interest iu the lodge. Thtis ia quis a thing for our 11111e village and we üarnestly hope the day vill aoou b# here wben we viii Lave a buildiXg $W just snch purposes. TLsy meel atâg schoul Loums, at preaeut 1111 aomsli better can be Lad. Mr. B. R. raO and Mr. C. F. PeacflWksvrelte $1.50. in Advââ

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