CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 28 Aug 1896, p. 10

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'0 a k om eeaxtaysioe 45e~Os onaise 1h.>' hav -ombo t. seu vin ha e ta lu o ou wtn Bat tea ùtls !naeectioh the 4 fte ceiapaigii managerahave citon ho makles1h argest 103mA~An maon ho ghe vuw m m m la lmaa hi g hch bit have tp lefIt 11 Icrlo o ha gruv casrbbt ol. raloed the @31ll thngn.the n' Ibatur*va hatea cf avi1glaod ha liged luhe, l manage hae ï,lim 1, sn 11>'ar uw ihtry1 gwMpmnae "orn &dvlutae of, asud EepubuiE" aiisarelealameo W ltugij peteudig luie nahsme piealtto" h re de fetiona ïWo haOUSof he morde e Wen ccori. bMmg stiogle emoui >'rndo 14" nrey s canvasa j ualicnpetoe ,t.pibUMcas aiera to chlow have ~i<UOd iheitenion 10 as aivoefo fïud fi'. iver. TI taisustee boà o!mI fil ano ben gien otlb ýigUibte h ndeomnagethieb e1oubip, aloi'>' dets now11etrobint pçn bteif orAn otasebt he de!a »*ltern saidareaave prctica im tIt o o.Pld ot Thep oiutfere "peoàn aiedeluhrer liglar hao gkUy lieteding toitn.esalvre "'theas>' reargedefectionel ýýlYoflitera middfle mde WeAor bWt trbelveenov 'suid elîo Sb& honthora taescan>'ofthe ieÏb4,mnermanef sImenta Upwet titenin la fogefor OMpt i han no111ee othendt by 2!*kiIitB' a a cary tmpaile b $ hjc-ber.sory of Ssie Easetobl >, O@ 4 la cotiti ionsme oc Of - (isîmie ti tieastant tedf V'oo ahIbe. The otn unrofjirei o ýýAq, ai-de vcnto arer hit b lu ol inee aedyvr Hn UV bo* trygit again Th sive ,ý@0l 'areurDt iv iiaiture ,b t -tw0ot1a. o" 1 th se Mde Weter m as tt he lsa cae 0 th'e Aôbtter and rpulshn tht MtI thoîibît apeal ut»ltet, d Mdthe= dti!thir le«rs po.»I9 tel] thon of Jeans. " bttahtsanti alusMgaore *Mtbem tta l alu eve. ever more. tould nt bld Ibue linger à ner here belov. tuait va mouru yettr alie-n-, d ordaiîted il se. bOuul be ab sntctave lA i ghty vilI, O*ut la Bi viadon; doetk ait liings wtll. A FRîaIND. W pe*ws iltter lte1the manut- *Uk. W. P. Benjamin, edilor W»ealeIr, Rtahfort, N. Y., says. b'eA pieasure, tu joui lu knuv 'eateem n A lhicli Chamber- WpolAna ame helti 1>' the people k'Oti ette, vitere 11e>' muastlie wôSL>W An a=tiOUt mine, Who atl Dexter, 10*04 vas aiout te MA Sev yeara Rince, and before #t-i]tt rote me, asking iAt le>' W'here, nlallng f te>' ere * Imûld bng a quaitity vlth dm Ui nlik. l te v ithout i iite lerrod lu are -'a Congh Renedy, fanions 01 eolde and Croup; % Pt" flmat, for rheums. .'It a eaide and Ca ollec Reeyfor hm edicinoî tu lova foi e, ouo, Sey aie order Easýrn ' I'1ylà' C muNo. itil. W. A.met& Sthid Salada evenitige of eeh Il CONOREfIATIONAL Church Bunday ser: a 101lm a. .andul7:30 . m.Prayer Ineet- lutn d Wen vnflas. .S. C. E. tacet Uin Loftus bai, goue norîli lu pur- chas a load o! caIlle. Mrs. Thinson sud children, u1 Chii- eago, oar.1theguestit of lKns.Tontcs.j Hiarle>' Darby attended the ftuneral t of Misa SosIe Eatou t Deertield at- M r. Stnitb, ot Mansaît, visitetillts brotherài, Charrles anti William, haîst weeli. Suile Whitehead As vietiug reatives n Waukegan, Lake Bluff snd Lake Forest this week. Maud' Jeffets hast rctnrned lu the N. 1. N. S. at Valparaiso, Iîîd., lu re- anme lier studios for anollier teri.r lingene DeVoe hast gone 10 Chicaugo lu entler a achool ut pharmuacy t. whieh lie wIl take a twu years' course. lit. and lira. Sumpter, of Citrouelle. Aabamua, speat a day wl t tîcr daughter, lirs. Murgatrolti last ee. Auaong titis weehs' vititors to Chien- rewerieMrs.R. N. Ricke>', trs. W. B. gMsr.Converse( and EItge iand M3r. and Mîrs. Titus. 1Thte reportlm larrent ltaI Chartes. Toules vas rulibeti uf$300unulte -a, to Waucouda Tuesday ev-ning, buît ont informant dld flot give iartictitirs.r A very sad ruuaway accidetul icuîrîd let Eida>' aben Mr. DyLva mtetiti rail 1awa>' tbrowing lit. Dykes'ottthetIi wagon, breaking is uel, killiiug Ili"' lnstani>'. lira. Broan, vhtu Ias lie-ut pilîiiigI ltie sutunier aI ber cottage ut Druce's r Lake, itas relurued.tilulte dl>' sud: 1 viii reaume bier labors as principal of a Chicago sciiotl next Mouiday. Âmong thobe wbo attentillte rennion at Axtiocli test Frits>'sec noticed the fotlowiug: Messara. ut a»d Mesdames Burgu', Edwîirduu 1 Hentee, Leonard, Franîk Clark, Shaiitcr, o Krs. Higiey sud the 3Misse's Gilimîore - b Miss Carrne ik, of Decrlel' liiss r Ân>tle Armbrualer, Wbeelinginid IMis.. Freda Meyer ant Il. J. Alartit, t4l tChicago, apent several tisys tif tItis 6 week with Mr. ant i re. E. B. Sbet-xtaît. y Mr. and lira. T. Coticît spent limita>' yae the aurme place. t lira. Baackeu,, of Drtîce Lake, whlo bad bet'u ver>'lit etaiber lhomn>u 9Chicago for two weels, bas returnet )ftesthte cottage ahtuost recoveredtui t heath and spirits. Mfr. l3aackes speti y Sunda>ai tIe cottge andi Charles -Lut, vitospent the summer a tît is ister, lir. Banckes lbas retîtrîteultur h Is home at Findia>', Ohioi. EtMan>' 0f onrtotwxî people atteîtult. ut the Prohibition piclile ut Gage-s. Lake er imt Tuesds>' and greatly eitjoyenl tIti It political speeches. Stuitt, tw to exception"to M 3r. Woolli'y's reitnrks; but we neyer lAie lu wear the shunt- n vlen t its su well. A ver>' large ci crowt was preseul andîhelite atter n wai al Ibal counidliedesiret. te The Grayslake Hoitel urrivair, the je peutt veek were: F. H. Hiultandu, 1tut- ddulac, Vls., Carlton Prîuîîy antd laHenry Finies, Winnetka, Ili., J. H. in Ford, Mchigan; S. titolhtel. 3tclle-ury: it Wmn. Gage, Harvard; A. F. 8ciittuur aud vite, Herman Te-ws, Wxi. Hiers, H. E. Page, Geo. Cuttis, B. E. Pratt, V. Viaei, Ueo. Davis, Mayuor Lieu. B. Swift, H. A. and L. E. Tait, anid Cbas. B. Eia, of Chicago; J. W. Coîtietrs. wife and danghter, Rl. L. Tut ier andut'W. J. Allen, of Waukegan. IVANHOE. Mr. G'eo. ltadke baii lately pur- ehased a fine new doubletL seut.-d car- Libety~fe, l ne, t dir,e a«r amAoâa WHA1' OnsruJiÈMAPd? WHY? brutal soldiers ix j hr nitoi~8E1i lIowyencantte 7.50by etttg 1I.ii much pleaised to read and digenibuw6l thOttiaisl-Sdbrrot s1h u* n od ntiox~'~otoe bzidludoanawer the e ttler of my frend Le- lu Indien, »or os b g118wthonaica¶5II flleuoV bbo3 nt ork audexpeebS bo.tiemylad o f. !(htaowhe perdj roi> thle camxions m0n MWi aIe <id mIould. net ]b si4A"i4'b«, Four orne1i oina m hâle, r pa of the' 28th mt. H-e lte tiPOY', flor 414ealeforci,. oinui palsen Over h Valuw~t 1KMO [ ildi n bika common atece ojy gîves me Imuch more fin- 011 thelu tdtr9)Y (Ilium o pd s 1 iepebit ondips et11 rell finit fgo> I 75 conta per foot, next portance and eredit for leurung and ele dilic 1eChi'ese i wher oad I7abouM 4any lins Ainete 0 IL. $1.00, andtb S'!deeper and larger wiadom that 1 deserve. stop were 1Itutoellit an)> but sabc4111 t eontiniuedt It Canneot btia a Wells at My nuaatiri and board rmy- 110w u tuth 1e wrong of '73. Iftlias 54eU<A eiinls t u stUr avage wili net beoome, Aerfg or Peontuj 0 - eh n ob »ar Jos um e he tahen twenty yearé for eîî j, Inidienks 1 batelier men, roinen îand erashed Eiegtlatn>eu. a wrome.tu prôduce ils dire! iiieffect" nu> eilîdren anîd abce <id ite nmreiuary Thetn there &@M e t UiIBt g, up to 376 at preient. Write for funl hasthie presceit bilan 011!,qonditioii soidiutrs front Gernay t lu ot dowis syco)jîhatie f)Agerleau dudolik b. particîîlara. lIfr J. P. WILLIAM$. aiuoe'73 , but th1e finanical cohiou lof ouîr fureabliers-lir owu chtldien-altd go tu Euglaud' an fme of h ,,î ý7 tbis country aud its working peuple lias run .tbieiat rongh witli bayonots and Atay, tbank God,t, um to"muol REAL LETýATE TRANSPERS. been getting worse aud worse milice raviali aud pillsge th1e land. Angtu doten. Thtîy wouid b»ve ber for. FLOX WAURUeAS nEGIBTEa. single guld standard was adupteid and S&tXOflB wtrO nuiller rebaAut .iiIÏ eeDno t Aiowmtry *îd t13,10 te Willam Wrlght and w tu Mar v alier dâenitized An '73. 01 course litulir $epuys, nr Ciuate. qPates ut Amerlos a part of th 1 ou Miiiwarf z lt Its7 and 8 blk 27 O01 the ineau ile there lias lteen Short The MothètOomttr.y bhala ch~ek- 21 lire, pouir foula..* Mont of1 Little Fort w d..................... $ 2wo j~u~~ h oîil Wipd i! tpSoaeenoteo heU Eliiier B asaton et ai to Frederlek periods ot proflperity sdbokbtTt utatt hpe e. âo rI ïuuetelo h 0 PrueWe 4 tier la 14 43 (I..........>751 i peak ut the geucral ts'ntleîcy of litre înY tri etid aud thibt kof! leb.lail bd,, hrà- patyiotlasS 1m Geor e LBrownand w to Frank LlHli . affaire as te reBatut ciuiiuwlwng euC t heIAV , miîtiumanty ti Eeglad au r_;le* baéta Egaa' o~ il lek Mlk bohuthWau kegan w d ...e»Engiuxld un 11e gold Standard expe'ri-twards Ito unchildren during tUàa riMtotaby woran thoîn.s le! t =~o 8 g)afod ndw oAlex J Lewis ment, wbic balus pruveu ide sfor lier tstruggiti ant ail for power autt gotd. aumwocra'OMY dueos urt Antceu It 14Dg M8flafords addto Atioe au leudr an rui to he C i i Ll ay lsir vtmr patrlutimin mand wlti atd ail fur gol14. w.. ............ ............. ............. m States as a borrowor. Site anti unr do yun lno u i. BSi tu aimu t l Nove Mr. Elîtor, have I Dot in tuti saut, to Max ElerHuiler4M iacir(? u tiiuîls libtanz 'tiir hetFiqtir.lInial pceb8uty raM o Mt'affords add to Aatiocli ....«25fnnir()an iloar uiecrmiiiewlir ml tln < iiaxaebonLy ren u jolie J Page etal loAnnîs e.EWllilamwou naturaliy waut rte ruinions uondilutio toewennlier uwu clîristin o blitren. England As ever the enemy of ontr itî lu i4GU wd ..... ..........*eI»contnuned ud Ounr pnji-li-iIIJTh 4ll,ljt hteai a e pubiittp ou~t>tiry, bow asie il oui' tue, su Natiey L DrrnstteWilituîn D Vat Woodl workers and prodîmers and ifaruiers, iidtei tin . of t i'tedtel an~sd expialued hw ierbotdupes An 111" in êtes ln 1945il W d ................lmtS>waut it stoppeti aud a returtutu unr Iloutttl ailatig ulan telilgit Se«U. country are "dtidng lier An Ibis uni. Mi'. CônstanUia Bous.. lu Frankt'1, eni OWn lbiîni-ailt' systené, wItielî i ilt l, This Tthe, 1w uroud inieuîîart'hiy vould nul chrls4tin besnieas" aa*did the Torieu "1 wd.... fi ot >k 7CîaulitigBuf is counutry and people, for ,'igiîry Iendure. Shn soungh lu humbleftlet of oid. We du otwafta ontinuattini Il J1 Nelson andS w to Frank J-,rta et ai years. If Ittiwilstudy the gralîtul jmIi.g, r,> drive IL frotuthelie a an t uu o achl ieudly peaeeas exista betwef triintee4 it 231 Bisons s-rond ,.nbd ln general dt'cline out itlver itre '7i1eripipehe ii..iîtInince outhtus ral>idly ni. No gold standard by whIsIL &aie i,59 W J............................ 240 caused b>' ts diiutztiî,~h' growing liepîul. . stuop bre and eau continue mei bieed the workers of Marrlaae Licenses. wiI sbtiathe generi tie lu iu alt- tiiik iofAery and P iautl Jounesadiyd113'c<tittryniint'tt nutarly lhe laîjt T"'eb Hardy Watikegan:.......Ugat atoe utounr ttier prudueté,;fili, îte sate ull'îtivan idth e U o thers. \Vetwe drup ut tîni t hxL R.ave wu Do Ni-lui' Drew. *atn'aîî.... .Legal age course, ttc wil tlnd pru<ît ut 1 W I>~hliltet iber aget. patrittismn lheu" 1 can sec and lieat Say, whicih lie certaîîtly %nlil i(î-r- 1 Iutusl ,tt iki utclfori i-nulit p .jsd1 e 'îikHur'sy*Sslw stand. If 1 wuuld speak mort-e. citOutJtr litestic troilles esitît. [lAd sa1lie sllilicl>' uo nr bace tloiunr anemy ly 1I oiid Sany'fIint the iîppreciîîtiouî 50>' litlds utins other naîtions diul ý its Iîund nsh kutéand i ouI?',IL la tbe D O N 'Tand ilnerte'aacti piîrebsitig powe-r ut IÙ hnt. .lier t-hance bhatl uuw canin, ier samune o*îtîscuî-jtty. Tho hésme old fighti. Corne to the continue ausIL îuake tr, il int i ttw, Awhen atnduwhere! lîid tint tiutC'C jPLAD ,lwlatthewrkiug peopîle arvcliii t gréec' t>triiclii-is c.îwardly Lake COU nty Fair ffghtbiug lu stop as ilfinke-Vil,utl1A tltng îîl-îl glîtY atnd psY lFruîu iail a<uiu a <tanherialu'5 grow pourer and ipoor.-r. Thie' aroitg titheIie-'Tu)t'iîtuer kski>by liglit- IColigtsI Rîttt'dy ta a <iîatroniLu thi Ircpared to lhavet'youuitpictuIre t'73 was tic robbery uf sjlv,-r 'Attîs log i ilnA ,r siea ur îigiiiglit inatltttî'.tT iei,"Anu adverttsemuent taieft, Unletu. yoi Wisl, to takls Ild- proper place lu our i iuieal systenl 't outr itr-rti.' diltcttttiem fhad laietiabot iltits; ai' hut like ssyfwft.- of Uic anti flite people, nit tlte îilîiits l-,.bt au U , itrtggleThe'liDcîtiidmrit. Carro,,iIun, IL. For xaittge o tenot lte corporatttttts,buit titi.s -..vcr.igîî' 'li' Ie qNt-rititand i ttitttitiatjti tan> saile b.1 . I.uioell, LibertyvAUe anti S ~F<'I AI. ArE s peuple propose to u tlu l ui it-tIe-l ,rt-. tth,'r tiu-tîi4i itst tte sdibîlcvd. (G. C. It.ui,-rtm. Wauctnda. jusAL R T S, teveiitice b>' rtstoîig n ht n tiî, so~îiiiiî,'lîi, u-rsuctu stuien. IItwv si îtl? ilh 1u>y Io ejt t V. n-r.- p.' r àait' te haiî' I tîtîl b e i )ffereîl for thîît wuAt-. wants tii kiîow 1h a-tii -ii hit ieu,» Q iii ît. S-ite- itat t. C-e ler U riFD 1< A My (allery will lie îîîî flue Fair yeti 1.511gve nieiilîî're mliii itot!i..1il.. ,îi't tiil-ice olîr elêretihs S5ý luo ecupy aIltlthe .-pîîce ' on eauî -1-1 in it cii ii i tîikV ud hr.oîîg Ib Mantufacturer uf flr-uiîîdS, Raît Y ut> t-lui have T'lu- sinart' icun Englîtti "Ever teUiic eî*, -l-r ig'lit.oi Auerivan t itry millions' types tir Phiotgraplis. tifmRoy coutry' as lie use-Ii., 1tsît, -liei... rk imi ltru-sHas smtec waîlikt t ai»' ysu iîiaiy Auicri.-lî-.lî, ute Ii- ( el tîiiîiy.Ilias Oit alltiy- a-u A. B. LE W IS, use thaltaild itiaxlir 'ssmrnnr.u l it; c ii g td' a-tilt lite wrougo'if73-tht' Libertyville - Ilni.would starve ber ec.butdreuîaoi an in îîî I lu~it, l.'lt-ii îî ieir -ani.gtiisd tbeir sola sfor power aîtd gulîd.l. iît le Iq iidt.our uîitry istLkiet' e'lt GCra ilite guI dominion over thits fair land b ty ulbe -Id,î stlîr ouilla Itlic.l,- te questionableîttelland tit îr inzîted' -î~ - il-. j i n $ Aiktlaî, a it', it IL withli er uwn ilesli and îloot,îi ii.Y six ,l]ir4kiitw w iua lt,-il il in e n t s. J~.ea1 IEs~~->~i hese colonisîs for te cnric>iiu.->it 'i I rI i iiE'otittltItI I il.' It 'lit i and Renting Agen c thebetorne govt.ritîiit aldî ltau t. ui ie,'- -.îîît teci n _43, n> ullîl TR Y' aristocrar->' iiili te spirit uft iw Aigi" g.' il itli ruV aywas ,tî-cîisr.-d ia. 1wu l I.0.r List your property with me and Saxtîn o""diendure lier opji- -îim w, iit N t1î- lit->v,1110tIjis Liluts outu longer. Itighi t hord 1i ici'? t'-il ilt. antI 'tu I i irn beri î' ti-ttlî I wilI find yttl a customer at lutIle al<ry wbiil i gve lierî-r ui, \"4-11lu,-ri -ugllîtî,i a>itî-d Fr.-.à i reasoniable rates. Ifeeling, i>olic>', etc., tutrio i.iarut- 'v-i Ivre- ali he iitulituiîti VEt couintry flutitlis 1'cry tati'ir'ouit lit, lpartN' 'alsfor tîlgit t:iriîttI, iî- ciitu. Among numerous choice bar- ver>' bcginiiing. 1 rendi ItilitheIle"i- i iluti-anii>ivîriy ail th tu- t.-alig gains, 1 have tlte foîloxing - of Jîlin Wemiey îîîîîîy ycarm 1gu -rfubli~itulik auers w'i.î a'i>-ue DEX- I E 1'ION. TItis.gri-al go, u'uirt titi aci t tri. t rée J raie auiut cî-i,tl"î lî,î.w',>k Ltbertyvilie City Property. nîI41sbUuTtorc utht couiitrv w- n i.q. t'>' the > li1. ilt. i. it hî* - ;-îî .1t,ýlly liita-.'li wth,'mit r'o mt.rî lo»î- vicaing the -situtiton l-,-u îî-lt t u,-1itlc.g lit ke,. S tiieitiit glaîi<"""dti-l' go,' vii .'i'-rialn"-anl rt>Il'-- .îlî->î.reur tî it'Mottbtr (2.tiitry tu g %tgi " rk'-'lthil, aitioiîiy. lit yýuu i'ti* fPz cash, or i re-,'isable, trras. I uuttey lt ereet acholîctrl ii iltj>> ei'i ilit'r ,,if titi. tru- trati, 'clbs lu lt i.n'.'siet. Fo al' iw rutrtigitttt '--. î-uî frTItey latit s.eli thti' uverign amît i lL>iiid , ' titis #VC II.JLL. cah.beau reterreni ltit intuitter, 1 tlîîîk Vtuitti 't VVIil, 1io kil, ,,', at îlarge ituNil't.'-tat Ir, on o twoWalpool, wliî-u the toilu'a ii îg <'t .îîttr-îj iiiîtiitt-4 t sf it fl ais, et".. bave hîcen '-ai,, flon oc-ured. -"'.4 li u >o il i t.>f .î1u-t>t inraîu i tu-) tî î'hil îrtrlitl-ui For Sale. mouie>'? Ttterect a wl.sHbtl t.thr'i li i ýi intr.y Il t' i n e The DarE-y prr-îrtî-liargîc.' l"tand IVitl .10yon n-unIt cf aschl i, htflilit' ,Our çleutiuuls-vrable tii Englanî A \ow,",nit. Fly SIlitie ttiîn, ai- barn oi t srt 'î>fer sleor relitî. Tu educate yuliiigin-nk. 44 lit 1tt rî , l 1 t" kîiltaI a'.' tie tu.r re n'iw\ . O - tiiir.- ' fAiEa.PtY' He'nrY W,- Ils. Iroî.r.ry ut flal rviI 1': liait vaut to eniuate youuîtg 111(.1Il t' r' - -thi.t,îtuA iiit i. 'n dllatrs, payabletin lit iiiiE ai- let. tel', ' h. ark, 2 iwelIE'..!S't-ern. fruit and sha'i" tr-'.. '%itn'yar.i. saLoitixÀ>1lwo AI Gruysltk", 1l-t 71X77 ont' F. 1). Buttr- shahlssto. $1.î.l" 450. Farm Properlv. For Sale îeoA îr.'- in îrov.-'l araini,lbîîtk 'i ff G; ge-s Li-. Prie, -q». h.- x,t' cfIptrt U NSYSTEMATICALLY Lake Libili tý-ln, C ati attention to the fact that 1 wilI ie at'rpson MiI wrîîî k'." roa, 1 hnai- rge, barns. good tira..ig.uu. -ll ... i4'rO'l "ý1'. 4carry tt'r bn. er,'.(intI-i'rm" ~.i" a ri a good stock 12o at-rt'...laItway b'tw",-n Warrenîtrri A RIG SofFràac ey nqUG ISt Grove andl Graysnk- tfour lunes1111- A ARit'SofFaîthahier a dtUG IE Lita'rtyviii". W-ilt lnii'rov'-d un't'r contl Carrnages, on Milwaukee Avenue, 8tate of cuItlVattiý, runaart'- landi. go.nd 0 stoek or talry faim. î,.v.'r talllg strtng aud Libertyville, and hope Farmers and others wîil flowlng alr'-au. T.'rin.ilb"ral. t 4hif in need of such goods, cali and narne their wants. If you want to buy or rent Lake a G y & Sons' Carrnages, Wagons and Surries. D. M. Osborn County real estate, be sure to caU Ah 1 ~ - (nPNs.uu Ir na-ii ur-air. blnars, rQ Mow rs aî 'an R asj rAage. on lirs. itle>' Ctuury 1'. vAitunglier __ dangliter, lits. Fraitk liruvît, itn Wau- H . P d o k Misa Euuma Coutir>' legaîil ier yt'ar'a Libertyvilie, - Iliino is "'rk lunIlie Swanu stiiul Monda>' morulng. lits. Ogood auni Miss ?lii,àe, tut- mer resideuls of Ihim plaS.c, are viel. A )8 1NHR ing frienda lu Ivauhoe. 11'-A N 0 hM Mi liMa>' Skinnet, trouiite hlon-ROUTE inglon Couservator>'u Muit',tavsAI. iug Mr. and Mma Wnt. Skintner.~- Nearl>' n tuzen people frot Ivanhote -" -i'ew- .- have zone t0eIst. Paul titis we'îktlu at- tend the e soitir' eneuîntpineut. Tiw i fiieral of Mri. J. B.Ilyku!o wat hold ast Sintya>'itlertttuttîu fruinithie cbîîrcb. Iitermient Au Aite Ivanboe - cemnel.ry. Mise Sraitlillumpwm it iîs rcîrtied trom Wliuni'Minn, a tt-re- site hai§ beeît apenting 1the nuiie(r wltb 31ev. and Mmr. W. L. Diblile.- Graham & Morton Mits. Thjos, VanHotu> uuut,h tlaughter TRANSPORTATION CO. Grace, of Palatine, speuît Vue hasàt Io operatuîg te alîperti weakàa with ht'r aiîit, 1flý E. A. Dean, iu.hlsîanr aud man>' trie'itts lcre. Thte frlents of Miss El th ieckwth City, of C hicago are gadtelitent Utali hi rapidhylni- . cptovittg. Their aby, ltîle Etitir, Lam AND Cîty of Mlwaukee, ià presi-tt utt vt'ry 'a-,-l. 'Neunader- stgatnt tbey arec th olI-liigtîd,îtarcd byî an lte newly rebiuiilpropéller a Chilcago pbylsiciaît. --.-CITY tOF LOUISVILLE- 1 Mr. Harry Abuut, o.f Evaîlton, sud Between Chicagou-and 8t. Josephi ril Ëâ)aýDe, ssho lias been atteudlag sud Bentou Harbor, Mchigan ... achool at Beloit, are pa>-iig lvanboo a ver>' pleuaalisAI it r t yne yl $1DAILY EXCURSIONS returu Tuants>', i'otai by Mi - tea1,1 dock. foutnt fWaah Avenue,ý atter, MiaLiliait, vli vîli aîttd Chieago. evert' tacijiittlt 5152. arrtve sebol therIbis c.îlnug ear. refluin :iî.lea.uU roesorts nt 4:30 tp. r fflap stsaiear a180leaveNa ai E ~~ ~% ' -~y,¶M41 alut- Keep your bloot£ urey tOrt 4Luli n Daisy 8 and 10 foot hay rakes. Systematic and other makes of Ladies and WAGONS Cents Bikes. Gale No. 10, MOWERS Wauconda No. 12 - Thes cutivaorsareCuttivators. Thee,' cltiatrs rethe BEST on the market as they, I eave the ground after cuitivatng as it was before you corn- menced, and just as the nain drops fait f rom the ciouds or 4 neariy so, and in that condition the soit absorbs neariy or * quite ail rain fait and youn corn crib overfiows. My advice is I to PULVERIZE youn CORN not ffiow it. b0 4 Remmeumbeî> tliit we are i-ot wlîolly in tie MACHINE and CARRIAGE business Sfor tlie ALMIGIITY DOLLAR, but partly for our 4.E ALTIJ anti unsystemnatic eom. - iüpexion. Still OUR BREAD AND BUTTEFR isi hinged on the pa1à ivb *- maie.There was OOLD in eahtifornia' ftiioninelong béfore>it wits diso'te<,o.-

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