CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 28 Aug 1896, p. 11

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is Our Motto, and by adhering strictIy to It we have bulit up a good trade. Quality differs as wei as Price. 2Ae ai m to handie Good Goods at prices equally as Good. OUR MEATS --y Feh n Asortment large. -Our Grocery,-Dept. is Complote and Prices RIG HT. Remember we are headciuarters for ail klnds of fruits. - - - - NOTICE TO FARMERS: -- We wili îaï 6i-hest price for good- beef Am...TRIGGS & TAYLOR. Vîimes Hard? THEN BUY GOODS AT Hard ime Prices.1 Here are a few: leo's Vit Rat .. Meia Working Sirt mews. Fine shirt Bgo sOveralla 8 lb tice .-ý. .. . .253 iD, Box1 Sta b ............ .25 i P, Co:ruStarcis. ....... .50 1ilI, Geati Japan 'l'eu ............ .25 2 Bars Soaps WIN A SHIRT! Fe)r a sort time we viii givo away eac elivik A Laundried White Shirt Wiîliu yîîlm ing volir Laîsiury yon reeeive a2cce onit. We clome the teskî't Weutueiday ut 7 Il..'M. F. C-. SMITH -&SON,.-- Waverly Cresents Ramblers ~ f q f * f i. * f 'e f f f * 4 Watches & Clocks C. R. Sherman, Libertyvil lie, MI. .A large and varied line of Hardware, --Pumnps, MiIk cans, - hIE NERF. 19ONE OPTP BLUE FLAME OIL and uutier, best oit car STOVES. Pum ps, 9Oas Pipes, F1111 n and Sheet Iron SLocal Items of interest to Libertyvilie Readers. C. M. & ST P. R. R. TI M K TAU9LE. E .1. FAis hs ; osatedl ut Raiidoilh TO> cHI<'A;O. 1Neî). c.arn. a rn. M. r. '. M. r.m. Frank flo'gsrs,of Wanklegan, viteti Iîujsfe'!I K38 ,:: 7 4:57 WnîlsW,rth :55 95: -m Sir, friiuds liere 'rlsîîradm3. (turne,' 9:10 2Ù:39 6:1 Warr.'ntorn !)If; 6 5:395 :1 4 IDavid ( nilitii'si, tt h. ciild i4su trer- 1, ErIYVSI.Lr 2:s, 1715 1230 5:47 4:54 ">iIiai aogt< iuiltr Ilondout 5:e, 7:25 9:22I 1:60 &M 55:21 lg5 S- dso-të loiiir F vertt 6:467:38 9':28 12:46 :G ..M l)eerfieldi 5:52 7:44 11:36 12:52 0$:07 5:34 o id L <1< art Cortett M eut tii fSt. Joe, Shenmervlii , : 5 7:1W 9:40 12:56 6:14 518 MssSunday, on un xi . uilet Ch,agodurrnlve>6:5rd):45 1):25 1:45 7:00 *6:X) FIiOM c 111c AGO. F'rank Gleske madie a *'lyiîî g' hua-* L.nP a .ita. ar. . rn. P.M. P.rn. arnm. nesastrip to Elgin the tirai; oftise week. L 1 n 51sfi .7:30 9:4j:(55 5:» :tO 442>5 ra Lv. Rioze. st. 9:a 69) Albert Marrie andi family, of <iG yn. 1hoemnerviii M:>5 155: 4:57A :11 7:2:1J 9:16 laite. vimiteti witis H. B. Eger, Sitilday. L>eerllcld m:" 10:22 5:00 6:17 7:27 0' .21 Es'ett :42 10:12h154 :25 7:43 27 lien.îMiller isili attend Ibhe Kent Col- Rondout M:4511:35 5:12 6:40 7:40 9:332 LîaEa'rYVI.LE 10:45 6:55 7:50 9:45 lege ofLaw lu Chicago, startsig Mon- Warre-nton :54 r:19 9:39 Gurnee 9:0) 5:23 9:41 day. Walsworth 9:10 5:33 951 Buf4weiI (arrive) 9:5lm 5:49 10».0 Miss Edith. ODonujel, of Joliet, la * denotpa dlly. m bqiotés Sun4isy only. vsitiug lier frienti, Miss Adau Mac Where no mark pars trains are daliy iseGx- îs s'ept 8.uîday. ufu SUNDAY TRIANS. lira. I. J. Silith, of Chicago, la visit- Lv.llhert-tUe. 4:55p.m. Ar. liondent 5:05p5.M. ing at the home of her fatiser, W. W. Lv.lli~tyvlh'.9:15 suin. ArClîleag1052 Lam Lv.Clilssago 8:30 am. Ar. lihî'rtyllleW 9:49 a. m. Bulkley. Lv.ClileAWo 4:0 p. ms. Ar.Lttert yville 5:33 p.iD. lrs. Quince Merriek, of Nlanistee, Ns.. vi rang Suniia ynniy. goinug south. vili Mihe vtdwt M8 .D ae stop on Signal as fo1,Ws:-At itîsaseil h,1iitdwihM:07 t.liie p. m. Wadoworth 12:1-1; (urisei 12.27; Warren- last vecit. ton I,±nDRondout 1236; EVi' 52:42 Doerfluld M.:48; Sh.rmervtiie 52:2: arrives ln Chicago ai Pote Bock says "l'm father o! a 12 1:45 P. M. ".11-1 h- lu-i sirsij ug Train'No. 44 ha,, licen Iuis'iy put on fnom t)î'rtiitl to Chfia.sis it»aivss De.'rfioid 7:202 a. m. Siermervilie 7:24: arrives Chsiiago 8:10 a. mn. No. 53 leaves Chi-aKo.,11:20 P. m arrivesSherMervllle 12,oô a. m. Deerileisii 12: 10 a. mn. Sattsrdays of i±aet montis. VlatIng lrptisern cordialiy wpicomed. W. M. HEATH, W.M. E. B. BaOW2. sec. Hte Bloomer Girl. H--rdiaints frit isat 1.9 l>.wit'Iiifg, H-r tics a.' tile s .,,-ti' 11--i - lt setS my iingsrs 11-q 'l"vaÉu. lit,- tsitt.'rly'e wiug,,ý H.'-r u,!iîst uon.! gaiters tiiiy>' iliiEt lus.. H, r eiîirt ,.îd.s tises. dazzlW ru y i.n-. Assît tiFse so'sn sr .41115,51, isaunt m.', lIs fa"t 1p' s u,'h-r But % iii, u t. ,,,t s u takI,-. Am si ti ii l r-t- -i ,gt g.5 Th, r '.l.', t>lilis u'rîu Thrc iu suis.' of iw' n.- lu Augus.,5 so.ii Tû, .-ss's .iaa s'tsu Rave a cigar.' lirH. Cham. Austin and iclilidrîsi,(if Brringtou, are vitlting Jouis Ati45112, Sr., and fuiiy. A nuniber of Liertyville ,îciiîol. ma'ma itteiided thse teachers' meeting at Evanmton Moiiday. Il ever a îîhower was velci)ue, tihe one N~vediesday uight vitti itas efresis. Ing "awet" usis thut one. It la expectc.d tisat every celemtial vaabee isasiscee will sot up a cîsini tii havxug heesii tihe liactoverer of I Il imîg Chansg. lrs. Auîgusta Moeo evrC,î. calleti on oid frieuds here receîitiy, on ber viii to WVseonsaln te visit lier parents. Mir. Ainem, o! Vlo, bas moved his famity into tise residéisco on Nosrths Ave., whîih be r-î's.eîstiy plirclsamed of Cihas. JeCredie. Tise Lit(ii ' Ceiiiîtvry Associaitionii wiil mîeet Fritlay, Sept. 4, witb lirs. Freijei, at 2:3o 1). tn. Ali are cordiliy ilivitei t t,,501e. Eigist thmsîauslpotînd8 of miik th boiisg .1'iv tthse reaery ecit day, dubliiie tihe amotinEt received tiss tinte asit yelir. Tise Liliertyx sue basse bali nisie "-, thu4oi fU This is flot -PICIDR[ M 0f M- I- IBIRIyInf[m But Just a cut to cail your attention ta J NE [ITILE RED 3CHOOL BOUSE 8F Tisey are all Leather anti Sewed with Bi1k. Oneo pair wil outwear two of any otlier kInd, andi cost but a trille fmore. We have soue extraordinary values ln 11801 ITS..» 2 Pieco Sultâ $1.25 - SPJ $1.75 - $2.25 andi 32.50. 75e Knec Pantsa SU. Wo buy eux Clothing o Spot Caâh, which *Osabia' us to Buy and Sen1 at bot- tom pricea. Cal sud 500 our greel Bargains. We Are Ready For the Fali Trade with a large Stock of CUnderwear tiiovos mitteus Bootsand tiShees liats and Caps Drege Gooda Fiaussiela Biaukets Bis rts Overahîs Jia, k et i i ('iioith Wall Paper Lampi% Crockery Glasavare Trunka Sewing Machines Waahing Machines Groceries M. B. COLBY &COS' "Dealers in Everything." ~I-'LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. 'lowiis ri.11ls, : Isîyed the Bliitt City uines uuîlay t m oai . A l à.I t-n 'ikýet. S oe20 to 101 in fui îr sof of i-r.,,i dak he N iti(ýuiibos.M AX LE BEAU1 ' t' si-u-Su rs. S. Clingmiîis. who lias heen Vt 4 liil-.- 1 r-, l vi. itiiîg frie'îs is Liiîentyvilie sîsîse - I!DI\IGHT, 11,sisr' ii~lswsiKApi, rettirtied to her boulejin sOalk-S %J~R t>.. "l'r.',"'ii"-' 1ae. Nil>..Monîlav. P I ui ' A 1.Malory as n twn . uay.LA MEDALIA, (.alîii ii ivimiiiîsosf!tise '. & N. W'. rail j )Iilay a feng 8,81 rouîîî. us !s-iigiit lraku'îsiun. 118;i~h'5 .411 usui î;, 7îsI i,,at-It sei'i'5i)5 Iisi'.îstent tii ni'uire iiî'y t :bBralids of Smnoking Tobacco st 17c'. Butte'r lat wei'k soil fier 17e, a cha is Io carry beils mie as to mau P Irive's from 2Octs. to $2.OQlbme- fo eug ir 2i(>ijt sIf 1I'. TsÈîeai.5,5as ve S isurew s t a sler bs'ss.eCIIOICE STOCK CIG~ARETTES fui tie li a lii ii ti i I t I41 . ls s i-t lme ISSto~ i * A ND CIIEW'ING TOBACCO. Roiln Ly, a 'i i~sis.itiig ii îrui- Hiirv,'v vDow, iof St Chisriei Ill., ci.Pisr rSufaol r Rolln Lo,ýla-tý :, v.ýitiig n Br i ii ic e seueiei'l y silsy am C. 1.l'irofSu S idty fssru, J'a. Se ssi' r'l<usîr sssk bansisss ~ ~ Seai Branid Extra Rape 3. M.Nriotin.' i.. s.cîiiJsg l t îshols.e with o51,1frieuda îunî <sir streets Ssii- MY CIGAR CLIPPIX(.S MA A4rEa PLE-ASANT SMOKE. for $2.50. Csi usitd sîe¶ieu. lay'.;sEH i E lier' scea a! tise Preslîytenais chîis j h C. Franlk Wrlght, retirneul reertIY Rs"s. H. D. Ronver's discours. Bus, Snsîduy ut issual hotIrs. Subject fsr ft a triple St Lawreui'e Coi., N.- 1. day evening on sThe Appeal of Jouhns Swiviaîsiiuls, tsf Wasskegan, las mîiruii.g difcusajos, e"Tise Master is Iir. Wriglst vhen astei hiSw politiv as itaIsteneti to by a large sudlimbo a string ofi hanses ut tise fuir gs'ounds. Tîsere anti Calietis for Tispe." lit the wSerC in tis eonet saiti.' -I only met one0 aninl the prosentation of hie 'bgqsl E. W. I)usessberry la atteniiûg tise ev-eriug. "eTie Maus o! Welth." sil',er msan, but of course I wam in l m uind'eti vieva, Mr. Heuyerin# G. A. .Lcîcnspnqment nt St. Pauîl, Win. GeHingo acconspanied l'y atrisug republican eussssîsniity. iHiw presseti his bearers vits hie aist~U, Minis. Henry Smsith, o! Prairie Vlev. ireut eer, !rom My porsoual observistiosi stuly af tise subjeet. He ooul.a«d~- Lewis lianiiy and Win. Cter are in ta lSt. Josephs anti Beuton Hlarbor. th're sand enronte 1 feel confident that wheu existlng greeti on 1he. po Minsnesota buying cettie, for shipusent 11i cih., aosone a! Grabam k Morton'.I",lKiitlly will 5e electeti. les, limes o! bath e"labor" andi --capitaueesaaod here. excunrsiSu iboata, Sunday. are hardi, in the eot but i ciie be îtti'r te sucis an alarmîng extent, wben Msu Authn ltmirile ý ier il LS-Btee atkgii adafttr clection."' cosited cisaracter above ricee, wbin- be closedti si ut heil! Jive ut lira. W'heeiig via Libertyville, a ladies PrA. L. Travî ias> amriaseil SSf bnatisrly lave preoi2lStes, and i tý Pratinem. lbicycle coat. Fiflîer vill pleme senti Fret llolcomb bis pî'operiy on tise tncelriatian deaire fer gain et wvb*W. Two !ssnisiseil nisms foîr reut citis- C. () . ta 259 Clevelandi Ave.. otînser opposite thse poStjIc( ai ever expcnae vas eradicateti, jus itei ouit board . Aîîîiy ta Nliîts. H. C, PAD)- Cliiesîgo. lIS E. BAUEL. Rockefeliler anti vili build a ugone in 80011 voulti capital andi labar wo01 iot'K, Liiîertyville. tise iear future. He expects ta ptt p togetîser for tise greateat goodto ta he Dr. Gallaovay, .,fin MeCormicit, W'ork is rapidly îrogremaaug 0on Jie a mosdern structure, anti it will bc an greatest nutuber. Tis. Keru snd Maux Lefleisu sttended i istler'mi building, tise tone fasîntiuon orninst toa ta looahsity. Doc. con- ti '%%'oodmtockt fair isîsi wei'k. lelng uearly completeti. What Lit)- e'îsslt',l make lRockceeler lus Theories o! cure may b. disUssel f yoss svaît asnie basth il])uituhut jertyviliti neila is agooti hotol baililSi'ruiisiSiCEnt locaition, ta s lEiier'enaig at leuigli by physicians, but . Chicgo eta Staipig C., Lbery- ng. Tisaes l;money iu it for tise 1lîssinssasmakes îîte obis ativantage auifrera vant qulok relief; and Mý ChcaoMea Sassisg<'. Lb r-Li mn.Minute Cougis Cure viii glie tlà ville. Tbey hauve sornes lightly jrhtmlte) dis so. Ris many fienda wiil lie thons. A sale cure for chiltire. J.t ulaîssigeil and 'silîl sî'il tisenu very cesep$ James Cleenet Auidrews,a! Evanstoîs,îi)ieitsscdte) learu of lis determination. "-the only harmiesa remedy à~' cu.PoiewsifiVVtI l asesk Satsîrday iiglit, September prodiîlles immediate restIVt. For Mrs. nîîtisey'1' ()Iiltîi' < 1 3 esa h T Rt t isiusiti KitIgîley ws.4i verely ou by F. B. Lovll, Libertyville S"d finst Tiîesilay iAthi's" < îte'11(111W 5, i h on al ndrteaout tîse' ieud .y a hoîrsse stîpping ou, Bobertai Wauconda. ~5 the cipning lun filitii r3.If yvuau spaicesa o! local pratiibitlolsta. Mr.-,s 1,neeti anytising lis the lteistyles Asne-w-a latisa Prolsiiitlii candidate iss.ue cs.H ut aîE iehre' niSrnet ~ cati on lier. Iî 'i~~s5is r,î ie d cstii the ~rive.r to souis hafont, anti FRESH Milîers and pig#fs , . . .1. ,,sa I s..ling ii îlsik wîen tlie ecam vays ouhanti. Blle Oand 0""" ' i i e ý) Aîglut 24ti 1i-r1n d il li le itil 5ofi'i.rgrî's.'onal district. J 1 Dr. .Jacob Ri mei issu t, a lrin u if ii on 4k~ physicianlfsno!C liCS1if M î'i siii'MCrsiî1 vulcpaii i on the Rosenthai, ef tîissluSi. Ues.i'uîsvd i hut ia wit sg iniimisfatl3tir n mlai4t wamthity-lirý(ýyea, o ag..wei.k ni'iîive IL sî'vere <st in lits Iit was hiry tlreeyesrs <f îge.leg froi a nsuil lîu the seat o! the a s s Two Mormuan inlasiu.niiniem striigglti'dsiilg. Six titces awert e aessary to ls'to tovn Wetise't;tay. Tisey (is- pitu.11Il p tise ijureti menuier anti tributeti tracta andi tatked liormauisus. Edulte is now nearly vol!. We have it ou goti tiaitbi>1ity tisatShoi h -b aylutw tiseor -t ila -hY 1 svrted L -esliesutituthe le lalu ews Vo Ings. Morse anti Chas. Susiitht t their belle!,<ie jt s ieclertt os la fle.-Fourni ve voulti atvise ber to trythie t - free saiîploa given ber tsy tise North- sent it ta Hie Mother in Qermany. Iwtýi-la'î esat Cos, agent. Nothiug Sli.ý Jaeb Eshoensen, visa la i like itlfor raislssg a ligtst, aveet. emloyeftbe Chieug(o Liibtr (1., at iitrithiaud iealtisy lat of bread. - e:p le, owa,sasys; -1 havelmet Ts aufcnr flilt sentt te ii> aid 0051*17,tO>- heanletiro3 lidcîfeso in8 sO-4bis o kbe pastat a leya ate ileke e- naIng, frigiutisi'SI t a putsaisg tesin and Jita-. mie Vois tlînowus tustheu grouEstilni his e ,,isvintelîilttheus îrse, Nwhich mtî'îîîîîs hnuîi 1ii 11ud, Iuuily cittlug tus v'ar ouiii irus'.sing tise faup. ila wu5 ts hsi455several housrs, but 18i Samt ru'u'.vîriiîg tinser tDr.'ra ytor'éi takes inl exchange for Frasi Co'uL M1ILLER, IIANBY & CrAVM My eider Inill la nov îunuinaDglà bla8t. lrlug 0on your applea. r = service anti gooti work. 4- A. C. RIcHUARDs, PrairieV.w Harveut Exçsabvon.., lu entier 10 give .oom, *.f pp ortuity tu- sae thse graa&i Stise Wesltern sbttatea aUntid lnterndingsaettier h tusre abh uutred by HoGd5 PillaTiey 4o ubeir watk uIul t.>uiirstta lt veal. ss anti on %tielb&hVp$ Juuly 91. Angguat 4 a54 d18, #uzoo l,29 and 0etbeî l suad aý rte 0f îwo dollars nst lmp Pifar thé rouldtriaTluI -sRod for eon n m iai .tithin w ý eý, il ý 1-.

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