CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 28 Aug 1896, p. 12

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~.~Sit%8ecstouau aie th I~~jUgoes.tatV5etPreedat .!Wb~,a Pre Noi @ aiut *I&Xu h.hD Obn's'Bamark; sd 'tr"ln Nevw ork "erifl UnFeriddaI towo.H as ae- eombauIed yhie l son, adopteid mua n *~ - suite of about for- ~ty pereens, andilaad- ed at th. Amerisan Lino wvharf. at thqi tof 'uton triaI, North Rive. Proml the. tisse the et Lon. cioekutil *le . - rled at ber <ock tthe Sm b aasador vas made. avare tht ho la a eoenegueit la the Unitedl States. 'I$le ridets or Fi» . U*nalsulluted hlmi ý"4*tiilneteeii LuEs ad filag iaB. Hl arrivai ID th. upper1 bay vas folloved Ir atbe boomlag of eau- non on tb. White Fleet. On tbe vay lato port the ds- patch boat DoiphIn, harlng on board Oea. linger, Chinoe Mnister Yegs ad repreeentatiies o f th.e State Depart- ment, ran aloulide or teeSt. I»ul%, IS CAD. They ver. h tinBrt Lfemrcel eicome thé Ambamsdor te Mitluted State. Gen. Ruger, on beiaf I te Premldent. gave hlm thie freedote Wa tii.e outry. On arriviag t the dock pii. Ambassador vail welcomed by elgtyr Whie felow.couetryeien. T bey stood la ~ lna ire dep, surroundeil by palme fal trip of ted teit, placed fer Raung Chang to walk upoit. The Chi- iamen ver. in holiday attire andl beaded *7 Ceommis General Sze, of New York Katy, &ud Wy Yu, of Cuba. Pileaned wttbHlieIteception. Karl L, accustomeil as he in te pomp land ostentatieus ceretaeny, was evldontly Pot" ê vth bis reception. Hie mobile tfa. asmumeil a placid, sriling expression 4"d bis mansner, wiile dignificil, vas easy ad unconentional. He iooked veli. tee. rWhie h. la an ageil man, tilue bas net cut maay marks ou bis strong tace. H. bcol thé voyage ivel and was not trou- Ibled vithilluess et nuy kinil. Drawen p go receIre the Emperor ot Chlna's repre- patativ e veoelgty bue jackets et the ilffl Battalion, New York fila. Naval Efae, under the commandl et Lieuten- iat Commander George . Kent, Lient. . LStaylor andl Enalgus Mactarîmne land bÏetot. They formed a guard et kouerImthe . teammhlp te tthe space on vb warf art aPart and deerated for is . #cspkmu.The amateur taro, the paimes, "aed decorations and bovlng meil bend- meudarla atheir gamdi l iks ef y cok"rs made lndoed au nuual and eptitre-qupe me ..The Ambamsdor pas.- Li ttlTG cHkiqG. lo te orileai etfte reception and, taking tii.e elvator erdinarily a baggage oue,but demoateil and carpeted. for the occasion, vas l<>ered,te tbe dock belov. 1 OaturdayPreuideut Clevelandl recelved ttIbe Uatie's visitur at the remidence of Wlllam C. Whitney, ater hlici Ltr- t7mle Sam le Columba-Ife musI b. an underlher. la vbich his toreheat! neani>' loncteiltht atne cogu a w vbcitOea. Grant'm remains rusI. Then ho placedthIe vreati uPon il, and! for ten minutes a"eoivthIdbs est!a bovot! w Io* 1h11 bis. face vsa bait ob- scuret!. efore Ieavlag lie lemporar>' tomb bo agala boveil1 lov oant! the last hogme of the #jret, ant!au ha Iune ta1 leev, be al, threngh itebiterpreter: "I have looteil torvard te t"isas on.etflite meet a"reil et te>'Obilgalons, aud lie met religions@ tfte> dulies to yenr coun- PILQRIM8 FROM LABRADOR. Comae for tlieWorhd's Pair, Nov on tbe Pelura Trip. Aplît and ie bi vie, Heltue, vitese Vie- tuesaaccompan>' lita story, sailat! frein Brooklyna a totdava age for tem home, uer Davis Iniet, Labraoe, vbicb te>' ieft tour yemns ago te forte a part et tie anliropologîcai exhibit 51 tbe Worlt's Pair, wvîteie>' etieiiladin luthe EskImo village. Ttey bave bat! varyiug fotrune*Iuce lb. Chicago shov coseit The>' traveicit a part et tte timee vitit Brunens circus aI a salon>', as il la saiti, et $150 a vcek, yeît tey stanleti fer hbe wlth uotiting except soute articles et clolhlng. s tev imîesils taI tht>' bave accuinulatet!, some trinkets tait tc>'tare ApILI. WVIE AND QEÂ>DÂVURTECTt. picket! up ln their jeurneylags, sud. the aec@sOT oitilt wltlh oughtfultrlends lnk,.-Tork prevideil te enable Apiti te gg.àw)gag vlth wben be arrives lu La4bra- t bkpassage vas prepaid, and iqCiseonuct arrangeil for net oj duçlpghhe voyage te St. John's, but dur- 1agtýl st&X there, as veil as on lthe sec- ond, part et their jeurney, frein there te tdeïk horne A dollar vas ai It vas deotned wat, te suntaI tetexvlh le cash, and te chances are perbapa evee thal they viii carry taI vwitb Item te their destination, or part vitb )t te thte first nimble-wltteil talker vltii vbem they meet. Fer tie S4kime vit have corne have do net metem te acqaire ennning il; their dealings vitit tihe whltes, evcn atter bng mwinileil mauy limes. The little girl pictured witi Apil andl Helen. la their grandchlld, sud she goes bac]&vîiththem as a reiniez efthle WorldFalr, vitere sbe vas bora, and etflira Potter Palmner, atter whem sho vas namecd Nancy He!eee Colmmia Palmer. Site appears te bc a halt-breed, and! ber tather la suppesed te be le the Labrador setulemnt, vitere Apili lires. MiADE 0000 TIML. tUnited @taee*Cruiser Brooklyn Es- tabiaitea a Faut Rtecord. Thte Unitedl States cruiser Brooklyn, on 1ber oMeiiaI trial trip the ether day, aver- Saceil 21.02 keels an hour, during a forcei Milraugbt rue et tour beure, and earaeil a z -THE NEW IUNITED STATES CUISER BROOKLYN. le te WaIdorf, vitere lu h.eren- bontus etf $W.000 for lie Crampe, he. 'Minlaters tb China gave a dineer requirement bing 20 kaets. The cou- muer For SunilayWUva salcil ni>'tacrsequrement et 11,000 bonuspower lu& liaI vbleh Li astet! fer bita- vas exceedei b>' a lieusteil er mono andl it* dm lt OmiteOfa.mGrant, at coue trelch et tht abi tlpn.cbed the smra- fi, MW e Asîs offtlug -aI the. kg average et 22.9 kaots au hour. Titi rs a *Mteet h bite purplo and put» ber le the cotnmerce4mesloptgC0IL. ie bahuifm n!Tetpvsrnt courue 41% 4tmtt tro4 sd as at, off Cape Atmc. 1luu , alas, ,uosa t bw atamehere..ami de *W-, ad te dote trip wvsumails 51 lb. rate et 2212 knols an heur, on au aversge of 21.92 fer lb. 83 kuets. Il vas on Ibis leg ever a distance et moyven kuotu that lie lop-kuetch upeeit tam attaineil. The sun brote ltough the cionils au tie fini"sha biug mat!.. A broom was ruop, dlate ver.etunled, medthIe great sbip relura- edt teiarbor vitit tht menter ien pullel wile open, wtubli te Igs andl boats ms- swreoilbock ceugatniat Ions. PRINCE LOBAKOFF DEAD. gussimu Foreign Mînlaler Passe. Awey Very Oulietuhy. A dîspalci toteh London Tlegrapi trete Kieff says titat Prince Lobanef' Rostovsky, Itussian licîster et Foreign Affaira, ieit sudien>' vil, traveling trou> Vienua te ltaI place. Prnece Lobau- off-Losky vas le lie compan>'ofethle Czar aI tbe tique et bis deali, set! bis ils- mise vosnvitoîl> vittont varnieg. Thesuews oethlie ileath et Prince Lobau- eff-l'toîo'uty, ccoriig toe it!spalcb le lie Telegrapit, canset! greol excltemonl Ibrougitt u hlaî. vitre the persoualît>' et lie Winîbter et Foreign Affaira vas consideredt! lub. second ouly le the Czar lteseIL. Prince Lobanoff-Rostovsky pur- suçit a atrong tereigu policy-a poliey uu'hicb vas regarledin lanome qitartersa threotening the pence et tht tonld. TRACTION EI4GINES COLL. ]Rtval Whuat Titreaheru Ildenlua Noot lBatil. Near Lavrence, Kan., lte other utgt the ateaut traction tbreuiting machins en- gifles oeneil by Will iam Peat and 3. Brooks came le collision at tht entrance te the farte et Mr. Earhart. Peat had been engaged by Earbart te thrash, and, faillng te ceme. Brooks Iras ireil. Thea met met titb the machines ut the tartb- yard gale. A dispute fellowed, both wantieg tth. vont. One starteil te ge ln, wtien te ether starteil bis engin., and! a collisien folioweil. Thte englues met head on. One engin. reareil np on end andl tel ever on thce ther, and bot ere smazhe& A fireman on Peat'a enjIne vas canghl betveen tho englue ann ater tank and retelveilftaliinjurles. apaniia from the Wlrew 3. P. H. MeKlbbon, auditor et the Âtch- lon,'Topeka and Sauta P* Railway Cem pany, vhe vas Injuret! by tbe fallilng of a herse, diet! at Newcastle, Col. Tho. ieatb et Leopold Herz, ot New York, the tather et Dr. Cernelius Hers gr Panama Canal faine, occurrei at Bournemeuth, England, vbere lir. Hers vas vinllleg bis son.. Tii. animai reports et United! StateS silpplng emmismloners for tie year eud- lag joeso9, 1896, sbow total shipments and discbarges etfmamen fer Amerisa seagolag vessels te bave been 129,4%1 compare vîit 11874M3for the pravious year. Hard i ghile is liioing on boIve.c th. EcuadereitiGovrumeal and »eWi lsea u i vdoltr of Cuenca. Yr8W 1 - Ir It la a NRest blitenne a» Well as i e futama- Kuaisa mal' ne COU- uered itilA a oit Teuffe-lsvm. Patby la Patent vith in Slmona lielp of a Kini Word. In Ibeso itaym vhsa satire sut! retort aud bîtteruos. air lb. gospel carol eft lis ermon viii do good te ail vho rest! sut! pracîlce Il. The lextinla Iroverbe mir., 15. "Asoft taneo'breatetit the boue." Wteu Solounon sail lbiu, ho drove a vhole volume intoeue phrase. Yon, et course, viii. flot be wo si>'y as te take lie vends efthlie texitlu a literai menne. Tht>' sal>menu le met fertitlithe ltaI titere le a tremeedona power lu s kinil wor!. Althougb il ma>' seeuu te ho ver>' lesignificantI ls torce la indesenthable sud Illîmitable. Puogent ant iml conqncring utorance, "A suft lonifie breakelh the bone." If I budt! ime, I weulil show yen kinil- neas as a; means ef defeame, as a means et usetulaosm, kiadacus as s mealtset do- mentie barmen>', kînduess as test emPlOY- ot! b>'govrnmentu for lte lamieg sud curng oet cnitl and eiklnt!aess as bout simplet! fer lte melhlg and adjusling et Intenatienal quarrai, but 1 s)îail eaui your attention eni>' te Iv eft lies. And., tirai, 1 speak te yen et kintines ais a maos ef daeusne. Almeal ever>' matn, llthe course ef bia lite, Ila set.upon anti aà?uullei. Yonr imotives ont ntisrep- reseutait on your religions or polilicol prneciplea are bombardeit. Vat le de unden suet circumatauces tanlthe question. Tht irst Impulse etflte naturel hennI says: "Stnite bock. Give as macht as te sent Trip bi t t lçeditcit itieh dug for yeur feet. tCash bite tit an se- vrs a votund as ltaI viiet telulhicleit ou yonr soul. 'Stot for abat. Saresaut for marcnat. An eye for an oye. A tot fur a toth." But lthe bttler spirit lu tht man's seul nises up audsaYa, "Y()t ougit le censitier ltaI natitr." Youlook ui) lu- le the face et Christ ont! say, "My' Mouler, boy onghl 1 teo ct union these diffienit circuts tanuces?" Andl Chrtnilantl>' anavens, "itiesathem flit Icorse YeD, au pra>' ferthem viticitdespiteutil>' ue yen." Then lthe oIt! natutre rises ni) egoin aud gays: -Yen itad better net forgiîe hlm untui first yen bave ciataaised bie. You viii neeor gel bînnoe e lgbt a cor- rer again. Voit ul neeor have Ouct i lm opporluni>' et inflietiitg thte nigltkittd nf punisittet lutpeuiitagîin. Final cihas- fiue biteand tto et IcIit o. " "N, gays tht botter nature, "butai, thon tuttil heart. Try lthe wt tlongue that breakel the boue.*" Have yoe er n iail yur nnlit. keevu acerbil>'andoeilocirneiona iispuitt le setîle a quanrel? Dii lthe>'Donul waye mate maltera verse aud versenuti verse? About fitty-ive years oe Iert vas a great quarrai lunlthe Pnesbytvriar famil>'. Minislena et Christ wvet tiouglil orlteilox in proportion as lthe>' 'ats ureti lances vitit other clergymen oetflbt mame denominatien. Tht moal ontrageoni personalitien vert abroat!. As, in lthe au teten, a tanter comes home tit a strngn et game, partrilges anti vilil ucka, aluni aoir bieshmoulder, seolter. eeeman] mînlatera vite came bock freinlte cccle elatieai courts viit long tngs et dec lors et dirinil'tywomtey te'bail mitl iti them evu rifie. Tht division becate, vIder, tce ulteesil>' greaIer, unîl aftae awvile nseagoit meun esolveit upon au other tact. Tht>' tegan te exploin avai tbe difficulties, tht>' tegue 10 torgîve oaci otber's tanits, and, le! tbe great citenel quurrel vas setled, aud lie uev uchou Presbyteriau churcit andllte olt @choc Preabylenlun church tecamc one.Ti different parts et the Prebyterion erdex weldeil b>'as banmer, s 11111e bamnmer, i Christian bammer ltaI lte icriplure ceat *'a wt tlongue.' The Apptansuet of mnscence. Yen bave a dispute vritb your eeighboî Ton gay>'te hlma, "1 despise yen." Ht ne ples, "I ca4't bout tht aigit ot yen. Ton may te hlm, "N;eyer enter us>'hons again." Ha gays, "If yen cae on ut deer mîli, l'Il kick yen off." ToY gsu>'t hlm, "'il -put yen douvn." Ht gays t yen: *"Yen are mistoken. V'Il put yo dewn." And! wolte cettent nages, au year afler yoar yoenot ltheunchnislia part, ont! te actaeltheunciriatian par Atter sybile lte botter spiril seizea yeu aud eue day yen go over lealte utigit sud ony: "G ive me yenrhiaui. Ve bav fougitt leng enongit. Time lu so sion aet! eternil>'ilagw utar, ltaI va connu attend au>' longer te quarraI. I teel ye have vreongeel me very utucit, but lot t molle ail nov lu oeegreal baud-oaattu ant! te goit frienils fer ail tbe nesI of et lives." Yen bave niscu to a bigiter pla tente tise ltaIou vblchbtefore yo steoil. Ton vin bis admuiration, mut! ye get bts apology. But if yen baveft pol e quertil hlm in ltaI a> a etaey te4 Ye have won lte applouse et your ove coi science, ttceitigit estimation et geet! me aut! the toor et yonr Lord vite lied fi his armet! enetetes." "But.", yen gay, ',"vtlare vo le * hene lanilers osmault nu, and lient con *acrlmeuleus syie ail anount! abent n handt vo are abuseil mut! pît upon?" IY 4repl>' il. Do net go aud altempt toecha& 4 dovn the alanders. Lies are prolific, ai d wbiuie'yen are killing one, fitty are ber Il Ail yeur demeustrations et ludignatit L ont>' exhanst yourselt. Yen migbt as vi ktou nome summer nîgit, vien the mvart et inseets arec»cmlng np frein tht mes cvs snt! ilanrbing you nst!d dsturbît your tatel>, briag Op nme great "stan mua,"ltetatwtc.1-udre!o a great demi about the. bitter touru% mii the salftffetlo lgue, suddiahe ul*i longue, but va know very 1111e about "th* meft tague Ibal brsak.di the boVne." We rend Hudîbras and iterue and De Swift andtheds cter apostie. oft acèliwuybut giv. littie timo te studylag the euaispl. ot hlm vite vas revileil, at! yel retlld net again. Oh, liaI the Lord, bbhis Pplr- lt, wonît! endow us ail vllh "the sot toingue thal breaketi the bene." Kinaumula Umeful. 1 pas nov te thte ether theught that 1 ideie te preent. and thatlela induess a nîcans ef usetuiaems. -,la ail eommdi- tics you fied sheptical men. Tbreugh car- ]y' ciucatien, or througb lte maltreatmeat et profemacil Chrstian people, or tbrough prylng curlesit>' about lte future venld, there are a great man>' people vt'e b- ceme skeptîcal la religleustitltfge. Hov aol you capture Ibeiu for Get!? Sharp argument and arcstlc retert neyer von a singe seul tronm eptlcemm te theo Chris- tian religion. White peverful books eu the eviienes ef Chriatianit>' bave their mission 1n confiÏrmleg Christian people ln the taith the>' have already adopteit, 1 have notlced tbat vitea steptical people are brougitt loto the klngdom et Christ It la througb thc charme of ome goulaetul, .'and net b>' argument at ail,.lien are net saved threiigittbe head; the>' are aveit tbroug thlie hennI. A etorai cornes eut ef Ita hidlng place. It sys, "Nov ve'll jusl roese up ail thîs sec," andi I makes a great bluster, but il .does net succed. 1 Part etflte sea ln roused up-perbaps eue-haIt et il or one-feurtitofet i. Atter aWite tht colin meon, placld and beauti- tul, looka down, and the ocean bégins te rise. It coines up te blgh waler mark. It embraces thte great headiandi. It sub- mierges theboeahoetail tiihe otlnenon. It la thte heart titroit et eue worid against thte bearlttroit et another uvonid. Aed 1 bave te tell yen that whlla ait your @terme of ridicule sud trerins mrcaomtmay nouse up thte passion et au itaiortal u- tutre, nothiag les titanlte attractive power et Chtristian kiadues eau aven raise the dWatltreas spirit le haîpinuesa and te <,eîl. I have more faithIth ie prayer of a cltild .5 years old ln thée way et brutg- iîtg au it fidel baek te Christ nuit te beaven thon 1 have iu ailtte bimiugthutiderboîts r t of lsasia coetrevers>'. Yeu caneot 1overcoeen moun wiîh religions argumenta- lion. If yoenmre ut a kepticol mon villi 1an argument on betalf o et iaCitristian religion. yon put teuman ou bis mnettie. lesays: "I sec taItemnuhaba a erie. l'Il use my> carbaine. Fil aumwen bis arge- mentt with rny argumenet." But If you fcomete 1 taIttan, itersuading bimt iat y<.u desire bis bappiness ou carlt sund bi% eternai welfara u inte wori, tu .cui, ha Cinttiilanswe etil. A Glonons genlimnent. Witat I have aid le just ns truc lu the rectamation efthlie openly vicious. Di)î 19 yo ever know a drunkard te be saved I threugh lte caricature et a dnunkard?' Your minier>' of tbe staggeriug tep. sud te tbick temîgue, aud te disguiming hic- t ougit, ouly verse madileus bis braie. But *if you coen te hlm lu kindeesa and syte- Ppathy, If you show hlm thal you appre- 8lie te mvtui grip et a depraveit appt- l- ite, If yen persuade hlm etf the tact liaI 9 teumanils ub lad lte grappling books ot 9 evilinlclinatioti ciutcited l intaeit seulas Yfirmly as tht>' nov are le his bave been -reacuait. then a ray etlilgbt viii flash searons bis vision, sud Il will ee as if a t uperatural bandl ver. stéadying bis ,e staggenlng gait. A cooud mauy years age r Iere lay le the sîreets et Richmond s in dead drunk, bis tact exposeil te te Y blisterleg noonda>' sue. A Christian voin- là an passeit &long, looteit at hlm aud salit, i "Peor tellowl" Site took ber hanilter- ai chief sud apresdi I over bis face sud il passeit ee. Tht inuroused hîmeit np fe frein bis debauch andt began te look et the b, aedkercbief, aed ie!%on il vas lb. name a et a tlghly respectable Christian veman m. ot the city etf Rimond. Ho vent te ber, ite thankeit ber for ber kîsitomas, sud titat oee 1111e dead savaitlahlm fer tble lite. ssed hlm fer the lite Ibat la le corne. - Hle vas aflervard attorney generai ef the Unitedt States; but, higher titan ail, ho qe becane lte constýcrated disciple et Jeans iy Chridt. te Kied.vords are so chettp il la a wouder te we do net use temraettener. There are m tees ot tbonsands et people linttese citles td viteore dying for te loch et eue kinit Ln uvrd. There in a business manu vitehais t. toitgbt agaist trouble util b la perfect- t, 1>' exhausted. Ht hb aonet hinklug about ar tergcry, about rebbery, about suicide. Go e le taI business mian. Tell hlm ltat bel- te, te imes arecocming, sud tait binae liti >1 )-eu yeurselt vert le a ligitt business post, )u aud tht Lord delivereit yeu. Tell birn le tas put bis trust ije oei. Tell bimt tat Jeans .g Christ stands besîde ever>' business mati ir ln iis perplexities. Tell hlm et tht sweel lt promises et Gei's comferliug grace. Tit au en lasdylut fer the iack ofet etie kiud u word. Go te-merrow oend utter ltaI one a- savieg, omnipotent, kind werd. Here la at a seul that bas bacen uvampei lnl min. He n- vants te fled lbe ligitI et the gospel. He 'en tecis ike a sipwreu'aul mariner leekini r out ever lte beacb, valcbiug for a sait aglainst lte sky. Oh, bear dove on hlm! le0 Tell hlm ltaI* tte Lord vatts te be gra- ne clone te hlm; that, Ibougit ho bas beti 35. a great aluner, there la a great Savior pro- ,IY vîdeil. Tellmt thut, tbeugb bis ies are se as scarlet, they shall ho as oeev; Ibeugi id they are red lk. criteson. lbey shall 6e ai e. vooi. Titat màn la dyleg forever for the on iack et one kted word. Tiers useil te ho elsang aI o great rnany et lb. pianos ail [08 tbrougb lte country' a gong that bas ai. td mont ieit eut. 1 'trIis mehedy venu ng start lit agaîn le our social cincles. Titere uP ina>' net bave hotu ver>' tiquisîte art ln t>t' tite mustc, but ttre wan a grand and gle tý af tite osevere alesadt vork come hofore8OM Tberef bave Onr sermons aMd oui prayer smeeting ml s7mP-atl0* Young. AndsenvolWUlte.. eo on la lit.. Wbat de thm seto luvwyeru sud merehants Mdi cane about abmrautioim etof the>' vaut te holp le bes.r tien ef palleits, lie breviegtb g9i eppouents, lie naairneesof Wbo have plent>' ef fauit idu s~ imperfection of hant!lvrt, but q for Ivent>' ercelleffaies..Wbtýý brain racket!, ba" bistted NOu for Zvingli'§ "Doctrine of04MO or Auguaias "AnîO ý talgil as Weiligo te a MmaiWvitebu plennlmy sut! put on bis ie a ciade eut- et Dr. Parts& "T)realls OR Ieni jurtsprudence." lu ail eut sermons lits.. muet b. bo* for every oeue meere. Iton 40 tg4i apothecar>' store. We mm*otodise wgitoil on. W. do mt 0 uÏ>a otW vo do net tmme"lally SgeieUdI. We know ont ltimviiice eafr vU.- And! no vblle aIl parts et a srmag» net be apprprate to orcasfv"e prayerfully botore thtesrmont la ro v. shail bave the divine preecrlptilu sMay te theme Young men Wheoa«e poing t preach the gospel, Ihase Ibeologei mli- denla,1I sa>'teltoe, W. vaut la eutre-* mens net mort metaphySîe, nour MM*e imagination, cor more logic, Dnon mr profnndlly. Lend aHeiplmg Ha"i What we vsnt ln ur eutemons nai Chbristian exhortations ia moe sympathy>. Wben Faîber Taylor preachot! la the Salions'Rethel aI Boston,.lethetc ara,, tait tbey bat! help for their dulies aUbeS l-"n te radiînes aud lte foertecs"s Wiê Richard Weaver preached tolethe outembi lives le Oldhtain.BUngîset, ail lte verbe _ lugmen fait ta>' but! more 'gre.@for di' - spindies. Wien Dr. South pnaeed te kingsansd princes and pracessess, ail the migit>'menan sd vemea vio e tutiWu tait preparalloeter their iigh Mstlut 2 Do yeunont knew liaI tua is mpies tef? et a Savler'm kiadutas Il a te deusuf i nations? Thte bard heursf te *w'oM'# obduracy là tu b. broken betore lit s&eory. There in le Antwerp, Beigium, eoe et te mont remarkable pleturea 1 over Kam. Itlel "The Desceut et Christ trom tMt Cros" Ilt a oeeoef iubeW 'pttes No pian eau stand aud look etI liaI "De ceet freinlte Cross." as Rubens pie ltre t I. wtuet baving bis eyra floodei vilh tera, if ha have ou>' sensibilil>'et ail. Iltinauanoverrnasttring piclte-ie taI tmucs yen sud staggers you ani hounns yonr itreams. One afteracon a inan stoed lu Ibat cathéedral looklns at Rtubens' "Desceul frein the Cross." Ha was ail abaonttin l that sceuset a Sa- virs sufferingu, ita li te jsuncame. ineand said: "It lmîe taCloseuIhP estbedral for i te ughL I wlsh yen venl depant."l The plgrIte, looklng et ltaI "Descent t rom the Cross," tunnel &roam ~ te the janîter ami al: "No. noi"ut le Waitunotil lte>'gelt il ovn." Oit, lM la lte&tory et a Savler'a sufférlug Mi- nes ltaI in te capture the vont!. Wb. te boues oet lit grest bebemotht 09lW lqulty vbleb bas tratupleil ail mahou mmali te brokenansd stred. Il vUiii t founil out ltaIlb.he rt vas net dose bP lie bummer o e i onocast, or b>' th* srrfth tIe couquerer. or by the toret et peneculion, but b>' lb. plate, simple, ors.. viteimieg fore.e o thle wtt tangue ltai breaketbte boue." Our Eternal Brene.. Kinilasas! W. ailneeit mere o t lta env teants, eur vends and! eut beharlor. The chief eharactenlmticetfenv Lord vas kindûees. A gentleman la Englaild d" ieaviug bis fortune b>' viiile o o 1L. Theoon Ibat staid t Ihome detroycd lhe tleni vwiii and pretendei t1ha1 the broth- er, vitevas absent vas deuil andt hurle&, Tte absent brother atter avitile retarned, sud elaimed bis part oetIhe poetu' Judges and jurons vere te bu bniited ta say liaI lte neluruail brother mend son vus ne son at ail, but oui>' an lusposter. Th1" trial camet on. Sir Matlhtv Haie, th. prude etflte Engliai counlroom andl fer 1twenly years lte prude et juntupradencs, hourd ltaIltati lustice vas about t e b > pnaclced. Ht put off his officiai robe, tHt put on lte gant et a illter. He vent te te village vitere taI trial vas te ta"e pince. Hoentera thlie ceurtroote. He tseutehev gel iutpaeeled ams eofth*i jurera. The bribes came aroail. sadthe man gave tee pieces et goudta teite i s jurera, but as titis vas oui>' a poor mile lte briter gave te hlm onir five pleces et tgoit!. A verdict vas brengitt le rejeeling lte igtlofet tiis neturneil brother. Ha i vas le have neoaitare lentte lneentam&s "Holil, my lord!" saidthie tailler. "Blout, We are net ail agrecil en Ibis verdict, Tité-se otiter men have receirtil tee ple' et ofgold le brtbery oeil 1 bave recelved oâ»' r ire." *'Who are yen? Where doyen coessâ i freinr s"id Juilge ounlte boaeh., iresponse vam: ..,ste troteWsmatm ilaHal. My>'DamiluMatliev Hale, hS" nchiot justice-ot lbe king'@ bencb. OR .il j taI place, tieu rillaini" Anid »0lte» I> justice vas baîkeil, and sealte yelng mu, b gel bils tuerlîsuce.11 î a It vas aIl tor seelier that Sir Matbev ýe Hale ot off bis robe aud put on thegumb et af teiller. And!sw Christ teck off2 hil Il rebe et' royaitY andl put en lb. atireet.5 o ur humaull>', sud te thal ilauise t le w..4 o ur eterual portion. Neir are *ae on" a et GOei-joint hcrm. W. veut Offéi n boute sure enough, but vo pot hr lime te rocetys cur otereal lnterllaue.. And! If Christ vas se kind te un. uroir' vo eau afford 10 b. kiail le each otdia,

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