"'$8i8, -hec Ensporur FnScIo5 lai>-. thiclacercéeIS prIdset prodced a bandlaet ,,Ouportnt tu pro"e tiat tise -*T 1vtuo. IWY nobiltt'," a a oa sts.g repi>, "dastes oui>' f>tbattIs sboud h. ougbt tisa U040 iareng. bus oult>' would la i otbct e. rdiwitsoîtM oId N,.UPPbrt ho wasanoting eud support h waa fuli>' aware lie 1m»Ter bave es King ef FMance.- flqaa atavsb Cure OUmIh U M r.PrIs 75 eMîts. Pcy ai utai-ad tu renanaInathse ~ltaise a faml>'. of vtalit>' end eoior-mtter la tisa «»Ms.tisa har le fali ont and tara W. recoumend Hall'@ Hait Ré.. Poe te prevent haMmamsand grayacas. ~Ifffl nobîllt> shows Itself ln doing Nydoetor "al 1 wouid dia, bat Pîso's ncfor Ceucuhiption eured mie.-Amon rmas, OwMe> Valia>. Ii., Nor. '-M, '95. tu lUmtie.and tisera ailI ha no Gadnes. 1f1tueswlsch vanL ~t-estic offert 5iare Dotdut suas, but almply to MurneStise *vstemn $W.mdy av Ilismi -lqwF7SVhom steem ucli. Vaine fcodhi. adsoltsare 0 sto, t am remcdy whicl 0<SSDlis, wlthci Blieffocts, te l chas.,tisatc- Nlgymup Ce. ouI>- imble drugginits. If u tise enjoyni a thse syMtes 0v.. or eierme If MUlotaISwith ais us>' b. commende Vh7sliaî4but il iï tbànoneshiould hai <ha aeU-tormed s 3%se stands highest 5SsfldSgivea ma5 "e =0.a sudt l RO apirue.et.. Hea mB*i» bl0<pgote bed W1tlI tisai.' housen. A min wise belleves tisat s geS bonc siield ho treated ut go ltsISly aM à g»Wduabasi lveuted a honteuios witeb la adjusted te ticsuni- meis fot w1tiseut nillu. The . sis are put on andS removed at thse pmaure ofthtie owaer, and the borsas upon whom tise> have been t-led seeni te erhbbIt a giet aPPreciation of thens, doiag their work better and la a aumber of W*ys ladlcating tist lita le more1 satgfactory witisout a isOOt fuAi of nuits. haais be.la drawn over the boof and bueked on, ne naili belng drls'na aywbere laIe lise foot for an>' parpose. If the Inventor, who la au ex- penleaced horsenian, As correct tise an- tortunale animal bas been for centurtes rewai-ded for is fatltb service te ma b>'the mont cxguist torture, caugaIS b>' tise harp nals, and ha lias not the volce te complain. Hoe cousld- arc tb. presant mebisod of imseioeln ÂBJVATABLE SBROCS O rislOitsp. r miwy Q gý45e& equine iscof lo untus-ali>' dapted tb ira _________Tiscugis b ail appeisaces I Ismere- sua. Sae ti chmsrb.1> a isorlike lumprut tIse exireînit>' o! ~. mssss?~~~'* lie lcg, Alla iln realit>' as canefunly cou- _______________stiuctout usatise foot o!fiaisutan belng. Il las btta.lits, blood and sensitive nomses; it bsas a hell alleut a frog. esa- peciially Ju-sigrss.d te boom upen tIse grauutaud tise Creator nover Intended tisat jr siouid lbe(Ina-sus fuit of nails, eut, burned. tssmiueredai pursd. Tlh( re sluiutile i'eosi, sas-s tise Inventer. for iminusisn tvuss oof, dî-spite il ofinioîs te tise costraey and lgausging or eonraving tihe solo la higisi>'injurt- -ouit. Ie stales thaItishe laytîîg- on of hot trons te mirekotic oh. fisiitsedl sue.. it, as lsacticed b'bhy kistie detoiorates tiselite substanîce and lo te main cause o! bratIe or contracet - isohofs. Cuîting and scrîupiug îîske tise s C.orres foat tender, reoderlîg Itl hable te te bruitesbliera andso ureneFs. uderaanding of ts Ail lucte difihcultlc-s are' experted te ime of tise nany phya. isii betore proper et- lie ebs-ated thtie adoition o! tîte naît- ts-pleasantoeffots- los sioe. N o olerat.on of un>' kîndlas Tiera n uconfortAin perfommies on tIseisoof, but tustoasi of t so amay forma ut maL ing tise foot fit tise sto, as caretesq ie tc an>' atual dii a contipat dind- borsetluoers flOiflti55ea dotise slioe la t ic se pesa destgned ta sfit Ilie foel. trapo Flt~' propt. 'lise part o! tise nn- siso> wlis!ci rosI st su us' e oni.J rpou tise gronnd reseinlsauan ci-J ary ued go higisi> b ail loraesisoe. being o!tiesanme shiape aud ýeIU.It. b benelirial nuteial. A histgo in front perîsits il the fsct, tbatit lastis e bc'u spread apant lis asjusttng te Ile Ipromotas Internai iboer lu order te sllon- tise f eeg te per- Dt tiobllibatlag tise for iis natomal office of a licol. A nects. Ibis therefore edodr to get Its bene- pla5te covers tise entire boîtonso! tise note whea yon pur- foot, so liaItise ani'iai stands fiat>- ictiie genssine article, ution a gnseotis surfare, tse f eeg ana- uedls-thOCalifomnla îaîuîng lupar o!tise aeiglt und fortning y ands oisib>- ail rep- a cuishuiamite teessn tise jar te tise equlue îet of good henith is, asolent>. Sonserlunes a sitislil aisiof sregular, then )axe- ieatiss. or rubiler isa puse-i betas-ei tIse diaare not needed. elioie and thesooît for tise sasse lîurîsose. iy actual disease, one urte"Io!liur.pssld hl to tIse most skillu Tise 'u>ir so etepoi .i need of a laxative, nils a stnap and biv-kte, sinîll>'for avcbtiscbcst, andwibb holdIng tise w-iole arrangement lu t ani lamoatlargl> Itis a set of! titee trou andi leathler tgenraiatiaaetoL brogans" oison bis fýet tise aearer la 400 .. .proteelesi las tise luentor sisys, frein IL W ~ail tise troubles oe! isesfle«hisedb airISO, .î'fdd. cobbleatoncs nnd lnequalities ln tht 7 siars -isa od-New York lHerald. sonansdd.¶a em 1 1i-S thie- Cisrent CondensaLtionso. sr me: -.nice thlý*af. A ton of goosi coai la sald bu >-eld 1.iultm A. 5515 . CAItL1'DNabout 8000 feet o! purified ga@. New Vods. Tise girl pupils o! tise Osborne, Kan. - Higis Sco>l ibav-e two excellent base- hall tenisl. Wome 1 are forbtddt-n tn enter saloons sb Astonsa, Ore., by a cii>' ordînauce passeet a few tisys ago. Rlusasa las decided to croate a smalleî OFFER s' oestsa mouetar>' unit tisan tise rouble, lb avIs e 5dnsypon~lrogsbo a silve n inworths 50 kopecks, or sOo. staF R E E about s quarter of a dollar, and callesi u a Sm Si te ethi a a rusas. Man>- o! tise eadIug men o! France - WII' bnthraHous-have becomne leetotalers. Tise reason - for Ibis la tise>' daim tise>' canuot attain bise succesAu business tise> deslre, and usI5iwelh~drink. Among tbiem ar~e Iresident W'sU aune aud is Cabinet, Alphsonse Dau- No. 3e-90 det and otiser aviters. ______ The Biue and the Gray. Bath men and vomen are apt te, feel a littho buis. whe the gi-a>' haire begin to show. 1'a a very natural feeling. In the normal condition of tijings gray hare belong to advanced age. T7hey have no business whitening the head of man or woman, who haflot begun to go down thes alope ai life. As a matter af. tact, ths hair turne gi-ny regurdless ai age, or ai 1f.'. seasons;, sometimes it is whitened by siokness, but more ethen from lcii af care. Whou lthe hala' fades et' turne gi-ay theres no assît to reaat't te, hait' dyca. The normai cler o! the* hala' in restored anid ret.ained b>' the use of Ayer's Flair Vigor. FOMALNA0KPST~ R~l- The goid standard Democratie itate de MIW DENTIAL NOMINATION, ;convention was held at lamâsing Wednes- b ClftuilU.-hm85 eS5c MUqibk Nlfoety 00 IS1a da.There were about 15i0 delegtu s»d bis MTt kg am-o uten enfui. Tt Sa 05 in-1. present when tihe convention w"s eafflhd hafthI Just Io hlm toe estite biga11191180 known for aul tint .10AA la Ste Vary' Long Ltter Ha Critielme. to order b>' Thomas A. Wilson, of Jack- iebm'cter and attahsmatea aecr'ng aul tbatileamblèl, sUoeUti the. ea.cratlc »Doctrne* and IStecou, the provisional choirai. The raoe. to t'te at.a!durd of IVetern nagona. Hie amont tbaIrtafl letteins. lutionas rend n part: kWe renoance the. uducatîc la excluivel>' Orental, andTlseY coma tlb Lyda .PhhU"0am Snupportere-GoIIS Standard, Protec, bite Chicago convention as undemocratio bis anti-n ilie haa.beeu epent in China. tien andS Raciproclty SupPOrtO& ln ils représentation, srbitrary and dis- H.~ ~ oe u liiial honorable ia it. méthodes, revolutionary hMcnib ooeSl i oi> Wrtten b>' McKffiey. la its piatformn and populistic n ils nom,_i- lsCnl-e q fll "Mte Wni Mciniy' leterforal>' cceî-nations. We refuse te supportliescandi- 1mdety 0( A trosty port. ha s0ultu»- Ing the Itepublicau presidential nomina- dates or obey Its mandates."'0ma11be bu bad 11»ea" wih s ver7 cos-: tion has been inssued. itepublicans con- Thlrsu aioa diitaion la servatiVe and bigoted conttlùduci, and aider tt a .trong presentation of the pre- Adorsed, the maintenance of thse exist- Wfth amoclates prejudlced agushbt andS cipai issues of the pending canspaigu. Ir lng gold standard demanded and the Ire. Ig»omat of tore- aiuDt'one. Tu4gad ln lis devoted principali>' te the discussion of and unlimited conange of silver opposed. the, lgbt ofhu-aducat4on, h*. eperl- what ha coasiders the three gréai: ques- A full State ticket was nominated an len ad i. urroundings, ho muet lions of the campaign-protectiun, mon- toiiows: a>, and reciprocit>-. Goyernor, Rufus T. Sprague, Green. go ft'iri0 as thse tirai of livint states- About one-third of the message ia de- ville; Lieutenant <Joveruor, A. B. El-.metk0o-haansd one of the mont dis- tan the t<,~Sa"o bsolmv vot.Itoa oasdeatonofIhef occuerdridge, Marquette; ISecretar>' of State, s. t*êgnbl ofhet i.publiceumen e of aoi ithogit-YO h ..ii M na' eg. question, He announices that ha is unal- L Boyce, St. Clair. State Treaisurer, wOild-CeSDtury. bis Componnd. terabi>' oppoaed to an>- aucis policy. He sWider D. Stevens, Kent; Audilor Gea- Tehrosbme-dsle m snya that tise tepublicau position ln the ersi, Irving W. Conkey, Berrien; Land An improvei d dvtng bell bau been ho'raion fdtpam - pending campaign la no -new departure," Coamissoioner, A. M. Tinker, Jackson; laventeIS bel. Vernon Icruel, of New or ut 01tie womb: bat that ils pr-oposiion te mainain gold Attorney Généural, Cyrus P- Lathrop, De. Senth Waiaa, ln which it As Cialmsd tihe Bckwe, baurlng-dow ,d1imu and alier coin nt a puni>- bas been the troit; Superiutendeut of Public Instruc- âi#ers can sloop, eat, *mokte, andwS k fearof t ooing e.l-i*ity, distint 0< unbrokea policy of the itepublican part>- tion, William lieap, Mnsukegoa; %tember r 6,000 test below thse surface If de-b.tsdm slnde 187& Hle says il has Aaugurated Do of State Board of Education, John S. sirsd. There are a good maay millilons An, BU--401T0W5ansu iIfeiU5 uew polie>'. It wili, hae declares, kKep lu Taggert, Sbinwassee. , ukngl n ivrta a ent5li. Teffit VS4M circulation a"I as gond ss gold al of lise Tise following were named as presiiden- wt uirn go Jat ncbOivs dit as eve er> .C lit The ameng ielatk silver and paper money whieh are aow tliai Peoctors: Wlu o tsc adfoeya ,'marn, nba, as r o the euo lucluded la the curreuoy of the country-. At large, John S. Farr of Kentand o thix ae valle>' ofn s ufelg tsthml 0 Il wli smti hi aî>. illiî Samuel T. Douglas of Wayne; Firat Dis-oftevlyofsféigeth « Préserve thelr equalil>Au in te future as trict, IL W'. Gîllette, Wasyne; Second Dis- j"adinaa nIS ufhuo& t basl always dons lu the paât. it wll not triet, John Strong, Monroe; Third Di.- consent te put the Uiuited States eu a tnitH.H.HtE iîo, Enton; F5ourtb Dis- r- cliver basts, ubicis would inevitabýl> fol- trict, ýoln . Rarms Berrien; Fifth Dis- low indepeîsdent free coluage. It n-ill trict, John W. Champion, Kent; Sixtis oppose the expulsion of gold from our District, Joseph T. Titus, Livingstone; »so Wb-, tÉI4Isrocagnsrvssvisr, Y aily, circulation. Seventb Ditrirt, W. T. Mitchell, St. CGont Mou ad geoi beaiih orn .h- l, s le sas>- that the furmers and laborer, Clair; Elglîth District, Jobn Moore. Sag- would sufer mont b>' the adoption of f reeo musa Nîntîs District, Aiex. 1)i. Marnu, sucver. Thse silven question,. n bis jusdg- M-%uskeffon: Teitti District, C. J. Pale- 1 men, i no th ony isueafectin- car thorp. Wayne; Elcventh District, Edward ment i. ot te ou> isueW. Huilant. Mcaa Tweifth District, mono>' iu the pendini- conte-I. He consid- ers the décluration of the Démocratie andA-I Sawyer, Nlenominee. People's parties for uuliuîited, iredeem- MICHIGAN SILVER MELN chie paper noîey as lime mont serions- menace to naîr fissans(iat standinir and Name Chsrte* R. iligh au the lHeadSof B.@surmleteltHo.d'a MM 89Y Ont- 101)S credît thal couti hoc onveived. He con- Their Ftate Ticket.H.dPîsatefvrsfu>alata.M>. seios ns "in the highst do.grce repro- Tise Michigansu suer menulit convention Ho"'@_Pilles-_thefaorite__________________ t honisile" al efforts to amen! 'claqs at Bs>- City ltie MWeduesduy nizlit need_____________________ agaiust clas. tise classes anis iei~> tt j o taa uoncsdi IfSIONS PATENTS, CL.AIMS. massee. section against section. labor tise Demoieaiu convrention shorti>' citer 0RP .!"UV .I nzninst cuî,italsth ie 1,cr ugaiit tise rich, 11 o'clock Ilt *usinIL P îsngIld Htabi..t aiukat. w^'s 1572em."ý* Zb or interest ugainsiter; witisdrnn n fruin th(e field in favor or ___________SU"___________M&___1__. lie ronsiders protection ns an issue of Chales IL. Slsgh cf (,rand Raupidls for PATENTS. TRADE-MARKS, .4. N. V. se. a- sttipreine Importance. nifl oh.eeves that Goveruon. nWho mils tîscreuPon nouinated XMM&h.O eflsM IsnoPats.samtr « eg5< l x TCWrtlatAe oe% lse, ds.e " whiile "the 1péril of free' silver ta n menace b>' acclamation. 'Mr. 'sViiting was thon IYà&T55O sensuGa aZ . ethl. uiMaps dwsi-s ta lie fearel. neaire atreai>' experienving noiinntvd b>' a--lsnntioit for ,ieiteun- ___ a5..tekamrwwa edt&usFpa n b '",es tise efert of partial fre>' traie." Tise osc sut Goverisor. For Treassrer, (J)tto E. hie n-o-ld as-ert, tihe nîler correct. lie Karste of .Ir,naool. n Democrat, was reý-omndcss tise iminediate restoration b>' nar.ed; for Aulitoir Os-eral, Arthsur E. t ii;resl of tise recýitîro> îy sections of tihe Coleofc Livingstoîne Count>'. a I'opulist; tiriff aw cf Ilet5>. wias ugoi aîndin-îslsnt.for Attornim, ;sy riAlfred . .Murphy t. in>'. as tusse and expe ricîsce sanctio.n as of Detroit, a Deîcîîcrssî; for Lnnd Coin- wis as~nd propor. Thse unsserlisg peines- missioner. Martirn G.l.eekn of Jack- .leof cfbtis légisation, ho deeInres. srsould son, a l'op:îlist: Silsperintenssent of Pub.1 ise strivrti> observel. Thîis, hoe explîiîs, lic Instruction. David E. Ilaskins of Mitis- Ia te "a. eno-mark'ts for or srplus date, a Demoeat.'e4, agricsslsîrai auJnd niaisîuresi prodîsets M'lien the I)esîscrats met Wsdnesdny sith lt sas 1to le Amssri a n laisiiec of a morning tihe c:r-si> Conîuittee re- single dat-a' woek thnt Il(e night otheravise portedl that Fittr a lensris tisi ono procure." lishe dlaitms cf ail parties to tise agrperment ,. - lie dilleussps foreign Immigration brie!- it.hald deitel tusrecrurne ,nd n union 1. Ie consmends tegislatioîs tiat wiut pre- ticket. and first. tis:t tise ticket lie heid vent tise soming bore of al n-ho "make lyts tos isîs-ai.Notlssvoico nas wnar upion or institutionss." or profit by raised Ais otîps.sitsî,n 1tiste report- The pubsie disqiiel nsI turmoil. Ho fat-ors Cuosférenîce Cîsmitoo n as inssnttted te liéral pensions for tise soldions and oeit- report thse action cf the convenstioîn to the ors. and et-preoses gratification thiat oid othor parties, aud tise gathering tison lok seclionai issues are passiîsg an-ny. a reeoas. __________________Whess the'afiernoon seaglun opened lise VILAS AND BRAGG RULE. songeatnt t -aia anssoziîî-ed tistt tise Pen- ple'o parer ansd litun Si cr cotnventions Wisconsin Gold Convention Chooses as-or>aitlshe door. As nir lu usîssadiit tisem Preildentisl Electors. n-as giaco ni as ii>' css-reu tise spa- Tise Wisconsn g-l Deocrae.v nas rionsauditorisiu tl, silow iarsaas n-ors ns-rsheI ;in i the Pasbst Theater ut Mii- givcia un ontisîsiRstic grcî-tiug. T. E. wâutkee ý%'edwsltsy inil-tise joint lead- 'iasy Dr. N îcl,Is ansd'M\r. Wilson of vr-hlip of Gen. ltrag, and Sc:sator Wiliams j:ck'îots ocre n ppoinîted a cîdtit; ce on 1'. N> las andsîtise Sisît urgaîsszation of tise permnîts-it organiz.i c i ri rc f bitai-. ~YaislDrmocratse 'utriy*"came imb5nvss. Nominaiing nanul a-îx s peechtes liing. sacre lissitssl te ice nî:ttt-. )Ir. Xat-- tiesaisse Vilas waa chosen permanent kinssoft hîia nîsîstssated-.IrM. Stigli. was - - chirnsastsais] dclivisrot a carefutl>' pr- n-as seocnsiod b>' a lisif d,.zen speakers. p;sred asîdress. Cen. Bragg aliso malle Wiis'n te Sixth District w as re:sî-isî- T. an addrs. steaking nitisott notes. lic R. ofi-lac Livingsone ticîsinalesi Solu- 3e w% as aitioic isîl pepery,.andlise n-as en- mon IL. iiguall cf Fon lira îlle. tilîrien "tBrdea z u FV . tlstisasti,-aiiy cieerui. A solid gold plat- J. Atkissan of P'ort Hîtir,>n ncmiîsuted ItB igsYo v tp forienwnas ail-pied. A fslli doctoral ticket 'Mr. MViitiisg. Tisisfllsa - a score of O avas cisosea, ais ergatsizaiion irraimged for suiortns for botis'Mr. Miititig assd NMr. ansd ait tht businss transacted nocessur>'Sligb. Me. Bigiasît iante lheing n-us. te insure a goid campaign tn the State. dean-n ii favor of 'Me. M'iting. Net more than 210 delegates n-ee presont IOWA GOLD iSEBOCRATS froin oosiadetIse ci t>. Tise conetnction n-as calied in order Select ThiaIs lectorai Ticket andS sisortîr isciore ncoîs., ivts 229 deiegales in Cheer Cleveland'@ Nome. ilic thoniter. ,Iîisn IH. Brennats. o! Ste- With ciseens for Préasienst Clevelnnd, vouts l'oitt nas tise tenîporary e ciairminn goid ansî] Itue deiocer-,' us tiesesce it, No State ticket n-as nouiauted b> tise tiseIoiwa goid Democrsstic State coucou- Thevetio.'rs question of ioitoo-ing tienwass calild te order aut thse Des -Moines tise l'il of Illinois ands goiîsg lîto tise figlit Grand Otpéra Hotîso NN'eliuesday morning 4 4 A 5 L f rom nasiontîtticket don aisa tise oui>' b>' Heur>' Votîmr, State chiarman. More Battle Ax ursdgu a nmmuzovU tiing sisal came riir causimsg n brisais in tIsais 700 delogates asero presout, ninet>'- 1tise isoceedingq. as tiscre w-ee set-oral threeeo itis emgrerecued Ec many a tight plae when hbs pocket- 1 resoîît n-lo asanti-J liingsararaîsgcd liat wn-» a badge f . f...... Andr cent oun a. A resotion %%-sa latnsOPted ed lus chair auJ ciccred ailisa n-utbok is iL .A 5- cen n,-e-rÊ of eivnaing tise-tmatter if a State ticket tonlise Tempiorry Chiman '%Irkley's speech, "Battie Ax» wluIat about a3 longr as discretion o! tise Stale Central Commit- lun wiicis ho arraigumod Geis. Vaver, Tilt. tee, wIicis nas gis-eu pow-er ither là name min;' 00v. Altgetd auJ tise sîlver Democ- a~Ocn lc fohrgo oacs catîdid.and luJ ave ttsem diii> Piaced ac>' generlly. lHo apptauîtod tise adain- on tise ofiilastllot or te cati a Slate nom- stration cf Grover Cleveltnd, sud do- 1f.~tlgo eti o b au o lnatiisg convention. Thse ptatfornam atis- iaedthm dc'rc-, nsau fgaizaion mof18 get hedoulealu t ïaai 3en long, but lb doas ilh jutoe usbjeet,ehaut at emortbe Is ano t ziseent>. 1aud that is tise fluanctal issue. Theeise Tihe etecîcra ut large. W. W. Witmcr vu o c sagetw . T yf n n mention of an>- other issue bing pros. o! Des Moines anui J. E. E. Markteyof ciave mone". 1eut lu tise campaigu. Mason City', imd alito! tise district elect- Sors wene uoninated asitî tise understand- ing tisat tise>' nouid enter up~on al vigorots ----- caurasa s-Iicis isîls toat util élection day. 'Wise îlstfornu asa aritten b>' Heur>- Voilmen cf Daverîport aîsd W. M'. Baid- win o! Butlnigloî. Il ecognizes tise value of part>- ong;nizatiua, but dénies Ua is ~ o e F e l ~ >ii tise riglît ni thoeusjority ne a convention « o t s M r l s ,F M be adopt a platfoem ut variauco wifis lb. cardinal principiles of the pari>'. Il de- 4l nounicos varions tstmîemocrusti.Ž îlanks la i g M t e h n M L1 the Chteiattosatssl iseand gisI tis flAhe