CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 28 Aug 1896, p. 14

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9eI-lct Oak- y'Poished,, - Heavy Métal GIaw Feet, Lower Shelf,' And, a Very lo* Heavy Top 4 24X24 Inches. Gooci Value. ONLY $1.95 Undertaking a Specialty. MILSL KNIOeGEY Rock 'tyýGoodsg Groceries,, gootsaind hs Ohoice Confectionery. Cash Talks at My Store. My Stock, as Fuil and Complete as ever. My Priceo cdoser. My Profits lighter. TIMES Ae ARD. becet show My A R appreciation of these jacta, I Miii malie elosest prices to CASH .Buyers. Be convinced by calling on L. H. LITCHFIELD, ROCKEFELLER - - - - - ILLINOIS. This is. the.Store WHERE YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND A Fuit and Carefuiiy Selected Stock Borne Special Sellers: COFFEE EAE CHICAGÔ YEAST POWDER, CANNIEDGOODS DRIED FRUITS, C & s COIS. SU PE'RIOIR FLAVORS.' We Offer only What We know wiII Please You. F. A. Brown,1 ROCKEFELLER - - ILLINOIS. WRIGHT & SON'S. Libertyville, Ill., U4 THE BEST PLACE IvII -IN LAKE c(IUN'fY,- TO BUY r Lumbper, Coal, MiII-Feed,' Farm Wagons, Buggies, WZIERTYVILLE, ILL. We are always prepared ta supply your wants in .. Agricultural Implemeénts, Grain, Seeds, Limne, Drain Tule, Etc. Always get Our Estimate Before Buying Vour Building Material. WRIGHT & SON'S, Libertyville, MI. 00-1>INATION WE OFFER FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY THE CHICAGO INTER OCEAN AND LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT.. At tfa. ollowingremarkably low figure wlîen -Ieubbed" or ordered t.ogtber WOOMY Inter Oeean and Indepeadent, 1 year ......................... si go Ds y' ' , ' s.................. ........... 475 »s»yaP»4 Bunday Inter Oceanu and Independent 1 year ................*6 00 The I-nter, Is tii. Most Popular Republcan New 4opr 01 th* Wet and lia. tie Largest C1rcaI"m~n DAILi (Wltht SUUday) ............. $4.00 per year, 4k4LV vIth Sunday) ........p....... !The Woekly Inter Ocean- .09 55 . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . Wbeln PAptue'hi M 0 se sa.b. 55,2 4i JrTa.Mkle 110 18 s2 go>04 23 OO015<5SOUTHT. *Dily .euir9f$uaday. 8 S3top otdy onsignalJ. 1 P-a. a.m. m. u. >a. A kuVIDA 7 04 uanuLk, i ,710 a iIu 01 . iliu a CE 420 9 35 a.ll. p. ma 3r. 00 S a e4 08 14) 5 4 m 1020 t(20 10 45 4 31 436 129 4 48 1P.m. 7 24 il129 45 s 5 7 29 451 7 34 il 40 4 57 9 14 7 44 il 50 5s9 22 5 13 5 20 5 23 5830 9 00 1li0i 50 104 Frt. il 40 12 40 12 5e 1 02 1it1 ROCKEFELIER. Frank Roney sblpped another Car- Io.4 o! bogs trom this place Tnesday. Miss Cora Hersebhberger visited friends ln Chicago andi Palatine Iast week. lirs. F. lBrown airoompuiliti y Mrs. Cooper visitetI Waikegau relatives teoenitiy. Miss Annie Knigge spent Liistweek st Antloch witl lier mistter, Mrs. DeWalt Krenier. Henry Litchfield and, of Chicago, were guestF3 of Peter Litehlipidl and faniily part of last week. lira. J. Ilerrus expects to leave for Dixon the latter part of the week to visit ber Parents andi chilitiood home. You cab ily anything in the f&irui- turc Une t the Rocekefeller furniture store ah Cbeap as you eau in the City. A large quantity of furuitute la arriving very fleur every day for the fall trade. On Wednesday of lest week Mr. andi tirs. D. %. Aymiley leftithiia place Tor Valparaiso, md., Wbhere thev lîtend ti> nake tîjeir future bomne i'ley have uuany warîn friends througbout the eonnty Who extenti best wisies for their future welfare. - School opened Monday with Prof. L. Elskamp, of Antloch, as a principal, andi MissLottie Mcfride in, the i<>wer room. Mr. Elhkaînpeconies a straiger to us but highly reeonmended.. Miss MeBride la Weil knowu bere and ber reputetion is to Weil establisbcd f0 neeti conment. Dont tritie away time whten yon have choiera morbus or diarrbsua. Fight themIn l the begiuning with DeWitt'sq Colle & Choiera Cure. You dont bave to wait for results they are insteuitaneous andi it leaves the bowels in bealthy condition. For saie by F. B. Lovell, Libertyville andl G. C. Roberts, Waucondu. MILLBURN. .lia. Hünry Rose la (su the Flek liat.t lirs. Elizabeth Towen la vis4iting lu Chicago. MnU4. (fe. lanison entertaiued nela- tivs-e froui St. Loruis liat week.É MrI n îd irs. Eimer Cannon attend-' ed the %Woods.tock fuir lest week. Mrn. ansi lins. flubent Miller, of Deer- lelsi, sîjent Slundsuy ut iR. pantalla. .Nessr%. Ira Wotufoid anti John Fui- ton caileti on friends lutre Suutday.3 Mr. anti lra. W. Mavor, or Chicago, src visiting ltiMn. Robent Strangs. tSr.i Misa Etinu Stewart auid Mn. Janmes1 Coudsitpbent Sulnday ut A. il. Ste»v- art's.1( Mir. and Mrs. (;e(>. Anslurmou, <ut Chii-c cagss, are tho guestai f ra. )Jamest lionnuer. 11ev. M. MeCorul, State Evaxigeliait of the A. M. A., uceupieut the. palpit here Siundiay. tirs. J.. lJuleouand uusi ir, anti lra. Geo. Dtsuu vissiteds ut Lake Ftsmeast h utuduy. ismlcsaZuýll lais e antd Loisle Perluue, us! Wausku-g:ituu. ars- viitiuug Min- The i)ouge achussIlut-gais lest M<sn_ slay, with Miss Als-c Jamieliou ast toacher. Alfredi Spaford is holding forth et Hickory. Rey. E. A. Harris is serioîîaly iII et bis fathera Ithomse. At prt-seuit writiag1 lie lsa s littie iniuruvedl. lins.Recvell andîion uiretumneculto EvainuuusîTsesdtuy, after sevensul weskm outiuig ut Jultiu A. Strauîg's. lir. aind Mlra. Hu.iuuwey, wlio have isucuu viiting u lit ra. Trotters for sohuetluuune, n4tthunnesi Msudcy to their city luomue.t Ilisses Esllth lslAn'l .1sîha Stnang, Itiuuy Trniuuusglt, Wilt Ruse, Clerence1 Bloîuuî,rtl, IRoy Woî<od und JohtnPetti- jolhît ettereti seloot it Rechester, Wim., lat Mtnday. Misa Annuie Miite goea tu l)lxan. M"e. Robert Pollock, tof Cllison, Ill., umades a short visit ut lis fafluera tii xeek. lile.wa accompeniet borne by Missa Adlse, who wlll, after a week'm vimit with ier bn,ther, attend sehool ut the Chanipuign University. T'lue whole sytitetu la draineti andi uiuiei-miued by Indolent tîleens and tîpeu suies. DeWtt's Wit<sh Hezel Salve ap(,e4liiy beals them. fit Iathe ijest pile cure kuowu.4 For sale by F, B. Loveil, Libertyville anti G. C. Roberts, 'Naucoîtiea. FOX LAKE. Mir. A. Tweted wil go te St Parul ti week. lira. A. Twveedi visiteti Cbicago on Meuiday. The lawn social et lMr. Caiue's lest Tîuesday evouing vas e sucese, tweafy-three dollars beiag reailizeti. Thames A. Gaigar visited ai homo Sunay andi aie atfeaded services ai the Font HI churcb Suutiay ovening.1 lira. Ierma Hall, daagbtor, anti son, of Waukegan. have boisa vlsltiug frlu,-ataai Fox Lake fur snomefinie pat. Mis. M. L. GeUger anti soli, Engoe. visifeti vith, reltivesnfaoHonn woet ia eok anti took Ili t eImr *efeller, 111. nZiL X. Xamiil ni va n f(hIesgo Metcfet -he aummer boarders bave left on aecortat of cool weather. Mir. Henry 0sf anmd vife went toe ent St Louis, lest Wedneae viait relatives and frienda. Rumor han it thât Wm. Lomker la about to bud a hail bore, whleh, we hope la frite, for wu need a hall very bad bore for enferteinutents andi any large gatherlng. Snieil aise but greet la resait s. DeWitt'e Little Eariy isers aet gently but thoroughly, curing in- digestion, dyspepais andi constipation. Small piles, mate pi»l. best PI»l. For sale by F. B. Love», LlbertyviUle, andi G. C. Roberts, Wauconde. LËITHTON. School comniencei at Monday. lins. Thoma »avison anla sister went te Chicago *tody Misa Jeunal on>et bas beetu vislting fionds andi relatives la Elil receatly returneti Sati4iýay.1. Messgr. lay Allanson, DavidiOriffittb, Tomt DaVison and Fred Gossweyler went te the city lat Moaday. Miss Manai Btitten who hlas bren vislting ber trîcat Miss Ruth Wilson roturned te ber bomne et Austin, niI., last Monday. John Eruchunan and <aîgliter Idia went te Chicaege hit Mondfay. Miss Ida vîli stay for a fewv weeks, vislting relatives and fnlüudsit tîere. Hienry Wilson anti family retuuriied tW thein borne, ut Austin, lest MendaýY. affer a tew days vibit with the fiurnier'm brother, Joe Wilson, forth of town. Miss Alma Wemtermuuî wlo was teaching tlue school lu the Coon district cominened teae.hing the school la the 6tb district last Monday. 1MàftY- s day's work bu bat 1)y sck headache, cau8ed by Iniîgestion alld afOma,-h troubles.- DcWtta Little Early Risers are tbe uto»t effettuel pill for over coming sîuch diiil.nlieg. For sale by F. B. Lusvell, ,iluýrtvville, andi G. C. Roberts, Waueonula. BABRINGTON. Anther wedding ix soon to tsuk, place lu our clty. Il~The Baptist ehitrclih ..s hast e heurongh eleaning. Miss Emma ltocbow i4s penuing a few days lu the city. lira. Luella Austin bas heenu si.sltiuug relatives la Lake ueounty tîte past ftw weeks. Dr. M. Claisînsalauutiri ttlisird( the luneral of a littie nipee ln clieugo last Sunday. lirs. Dr. Colinus, of Elgin, took dtnner wih ber daughter, Mrs. Rearn, last Snnday. Miss Louise Lewi.s. after visiting et the home of J. W. Harrower a few week's returuedte t Chicago lest Mon.1 day.. l7he Methodi8t parsonage will 1)e dedicated aext Monday evu.niuîg ebv r. Hardiai, the presldiug eider. Eserv- bodi fainvitud. Soune o! tule boys who h.-ft on thue early train here Monday xnoruing for St. Paul, vere Messrs C. Bi. ota ii,;. il. Comsfock, 0. W. Johinson, L. E. Runo- yen, J. Sizer and Leroy Power». We are anxious to do a littife gouti in this worîti ad enu think of no: pleasqanter or better way te dlo it tliun by recommeuuing one Minute ('onghi Cure as a preventive of plilu-uninlu, COnso1mption and other Serions liîgl troubles ttlut follow neglecteul cuida. For sale by F. B. Loveil, iblertyville, G. C. Boborts, Weuconda. HALF DAY ns Gicason bas bolit a uuvw eider nmfi. Fred Hfolsteils ue brick dra~we<l for fis celter valla. Winî. Bocks ucwýu isas csu1ht. He will sooi occuîpy it. Mir. Ornu Luire maude a buitues, trip to Chicago lest Monduy. EverYbody shonîti attenud th- Lake Connty fair et Libentyville. Miss bertlua Wilson um larettirtuot bourn front a visit t.u Evenmtoît. Our streets are fiiil of wlîeeliuucu every day, on their way to thlhakes. John Zimuner andi faunily, of! Lontg Grove, visited t tJohntu eghuws buSil day. Mr.4. Peter Mowers i ' isiting nel-lu tive's ini Milwauîkee ut the îsreme-ît tiiflc. Miss Eliza Shapter lias rtrsthousse frounLake }, vîtene site lusevuiu working. J. F. Hertel lutends tsi eroct su. usw barnuin the uueau future,tluc Iunberliais beenul ett. Quite a umhen frontlucre uttendseti the concert antiduince ut Ptitsirîe Vl.w Setuîrday evening. It Io understoodti tîut Augsst Wehrnljeng intendstesf0buili da uutw bouse iu Prairie View. If doesn'i inatter ranchi wluth-r ais-k h.utiuche, billousness, Indigestion andi constipation are caused I y neglect or by unevoidable cierastauces; De- Witt's Little Early Bisera will spedily cure theun .11. For sale by F. B. Loveil, Libertyvîllut anti G. C. Roberts, Wauoonda. S. T. Foote, andi family cati Mr. Ma-on.andl -ife.antdwadbup Long Grove, - as DRINK. CHERRY RIPE, ROYAL CABINET, GOLDEN FIZZ, ECG PHOSPHATE. TIIESE AND MANY OTHEIt DELICIOUS.< AT THE FOI NTAIN 0F LOVELL THE DRUGGJ8'1 Libertyville nue111 SHIRTS~. jWorking. Negl Full Dress. White. Fancy SHIRTS MADE TO OR() N -. p . S5ANBORN &CROKI1 Tailors and Gent's Furnishers. Libertyville - - - - - -I FOR SALE. A 'FINE Lý For Fail Sowiug a-,(2omplete Stock of Tiînotliy, Alfalfa and Medium Clever Seeds. WE CA URY IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES .FURê thée t-lebrated Eareis, Sleepy Eye Milis, Clock Shelves, CREAM and PILLSBURY .Wal, pockets, XXXX BEST FLOU R. Paer lholders, A trial tff flic abuiVe witl couus-ilce y-sun Book cases, thut wustwe sy 5 mte. Center tables, OUit PlIICESOUARAN~TEED iO SUtIT EInintb CHAS. STEMPEL, Diningechairs, Long Grove, Lake Co., 111 Rockers, aw' Csrremptsudence Solivlteti. W. H. MILLER, TONS(1IiAL ARTIST, Louages, Chamben suita. Pieture IFmm Room mouj Painta, Varnishee. Glass, Putty, Brushea, Mirrors, mattresses, Cota, 8ri Etc., FEtc.ý Wliru yuuu wsuut a cdean isîsse tir a AT. gouss liair rutcull uon -Bill.-A . CHOIVE DRAND4 OPISSAC HEATH& NI-xt sîor fi-W. (C. TIA,1gs Siu.,-Store oui S )ritiutsui Nt. Mh srojmuî es-n- day Llbertyville, IiI (-V3 ut ngsand Sunuday uner I&tg. KEYSTONE CORN HUSKEIRS AND FODDER SHREDDER, MAKI --Corn-Haýy- Humnmer Sulky Plows are the Bentï Any Boy can handie thern. Bradley Plows. D eere Fish Bro's, Wagons and Trucks., Staver and Abbott Buggies an ,dSt Combination and three sprinfg Wago na DrainýTie, Lime and (Qq Lumber, Lath and ShingIee. - ;I.eSerlal Staries in At r NO Q1STlôýS AS K0Ù-ýI 4)Parler Matchm ..... -241wWM ~es 011 Sarduuîe4c aoea 7 cana .......l â5:; o awrIh mlotard sardInes c al au J. T. lug Tob&ça. Gooti Jaen Tee 9......itj 5.......i Tea Un sieb. 2 e ..... .25 stes4a ime" <iood Shaeting per yd... ...0o5 Oui Br Sà aSo Heavy D)eluimoa ssatedcolorm, yd. .121 WIE CARRY. IN STOCK Pure Tirnothy and Clove V. AUER &B 1 u0uenes,

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