CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 28 Aug 1896, p. 2

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IIN LUCK M rTH LKAD .LL ~ Se~ea-1ila a Rtiornal PNum et close Rauge ,Iee *ed WUIllMorgan, Young a me Madison, Pli., Saturds> o»t Oetoftfe ment renmrkable *<lrd.Irsix menthe Page andi v 0lbeau rivale fer thie iffections hlady. gaterdy nigîl bot dauiet hlch tue Young lady owjt Hon conduet drove lbe Imseato.FualIy pige la- te b ecompeuy lm for a Suecnoseubeti, and s oon ai ipifule Page propoaed tuat as s *çedbley taie.enci thter by udaà4i shoot ont the quart4 tée fa aie ttc girl. Morgan à%$ tic., vti lefs hbande claspedi or flair pistole aud begen diring. ' Ire veaboa. Wten triends gorgen vie tountidndandi Page XXu UX ENAMED. the Maenedas-d Dois-es-ofIl- OOa Nafional Democrae . lr, John C. Blaec, Cook; Lien- l9erer, Chester A. Bibcock, téeretany of 51mb, ehanies S bcl4; Auditor, Henry W. Brink, pee; Tneinrer, Etivard Ridige- Oo"; Attorney Generel, Will orman, EI. Clair; Trustees Stle y, -Charles E. Babcock, Cook; NFlhan, Peeria;- S. H. Buscy, Wioe"etiel Elcctorsal-large, F4. RetIer, Le Salle; Rudolpi 3e;for delegtes et large te 2él cnvention. John M. Palmer Waci, Williamý S. Formen, Johu lut, Ben T. CatIe, IL . Robtias, lur, Roger C. Sullivan. For al- ,Robert Hamili. F. J. Drorak, Wait, W. . Wison, Ben Warren, a, WIlliam Steinviddlc, Charlci SThe foregolng ticket vas nom- >eedai aflernoon ty tbe Illinois *vntlon et Uic National goît jDemocetic Party. Ttc con- i4s casuposeti of upward ot 1,000 j4, rcpr.ucnhing 92 of te 102 la fie State. Thc piaforu vas ,W»_h tie-honorel principies of e&IlY TO 110H? FITZ. *W»,Bo Willi Meet lb. Nes *41moies- lu Titre. Wecks, ~J. Carbett bas matie te ollow- berl lte eproposition lelegrephed a ýFracisco te the effecttat if ,etcese hlm Sbarkey wouîd get pU PFlîsîmmona prerlous te the lias-k.>' igbt. Corett snid: " krt efuae ho considen an>' suc $mUntl 1 met Sitarkuy no SueLIf Fitlasmmous vente ani reati>'te met hlm lu tire» sr-les.. Aftertheihanmet meho Ï* «I tue bouts te vents viithh *Deiaco man." Final, arrange- âp tbe, Corbett-Sharkey igit illn SD J. Lynch and Samnu ýsptieentative@ of te pugiliste, $ sa te.principae er. absent ,èp&ù,t vas deedtet upon. Wiil C d, Corbett'a former manaeger, Ihimelf ont o!fte pugilistie omw on account of bis amusement d. mdhe et that te chats weu as de"red trfeted as " iLis10l by Fitzsimmong tTéno .The tbl goec te lIe thie orbtt-SiturkcY go. Naftonai Langue. rheg le te sanding o!fteclubs aional Basebal Leegue: W,.L. -W. L e _.70 SlBrookîyn -...- .47 50 Ut' . . 0 9 35 Phiiaelpia -.48 51 144...64 3S New York ... 48 51 .l14liWashtngton .40 0-1 OU _. .57 468. Louis .... - 32 'N .57T 47 (ouleville -- 20 T 'Wusea-League. obg lute standing o! tbc cluli Wetern Luigne: W. L"W.]L 67ll ,.7 tKunsai City .55 5 él..62 41.liwaîkee . .50 Q , . ..62 45'C olum bus ...40 7 . 1247Gr'd IRapides .40 ttlg Town Wiped Ouf. peatroyedl the enie village of On MUieh.. Tuesday eflernoon. vit SI$1.500000. ineludiug the la ~turing plant ataintein., j..Demonti MultchCompany *1@ample ressout te fear lba 00 eserle loue of life, aa dhe mes etf rceiveti Indientuti sivb leet the destructionitat Ittl effl c as aefortied aud non MU 9coperty. 1 I;Nbeu lit fhe Net. g b. !C. Toung, as receit-er oftht W.oardagte Compauy, lias entere te [JelUntedi Statua Circuit Coui nMa M. Waterbury, Calebt uR~uncr 1aui, Frank ' laM. Fulton land Wiilarti1 eeglng brescih o! trust an ïwetdo upnte part o! the dern 0' dIceransud irectora ot thc cou 04açtha thal Uiey be madie1 it dtW henmanagemnent o! is t f.Umae- Ads-o etnrnm. k4mre as aruat tTrousig Des santi, on hourd ti *PiarentlYabendonet i afttmpt le cross te Aret n4UmMr. Whitney. î9ý of Miss lrtrude Vand rot n#IL. -A 14- lrt. -Pbuiadphile Thé, Veeenean devers- amntbau gunteil a concession 1tean 4Àmerlcaatea clsbilepermanant exhibl- tio oIa f Aaiîjce goodu et Carnce, Mal- eceibe and other Irgc illes oi Veneous- la, A. nov phase otfble long coaubaI be- Ivem Chil, Dolivieaed Paru la reperted a by whic Bolilyla la promlaed a coasl lin i on fie ?aeSc. More t*»a a amo a trçM*w"ae aade givioai Tache aud Arica t. Chili, îeôg* os oevn~oh u ffront 8 cees te fie oema iam iàetirlflhyithout camaI lno. Since lien theecouetriesahave bee 'n ugotlating, and Ib Ios id fiel at I raI'hsbeenceffected b: which Bolvie etbE , strlp llirough Tacha and Arica a mSclent.te give ber an outlcI te lie IPacifc.. PO CIDPIPE LIRE. Cudoy r I., te Pipae Oit ftrous ladi- ana tg Chmcero. à Petroiemn la te enter Chlcego for lb. jrit lime li pipes. Michael mnd John Cudsiy have said se, and tier baye or- doréd 170 fiiIes of ax-incit pipes te mie sgod 1h. assertion. Il ban JumI lieketi out fiat thc Cudahya have bouglttthe onlîre plant of lie Northeru Indiana 011 Con- paay lu AdamntsantiWells Counitie,hindi- ana, eand liey purpoa. building te pipe tie roun the. elle there teChcago. Th* Itli là id, villi b. luthe aelgtborhood of $1,500,000. The course of tfi, bey pipe uine la a secret, but it in figure t lit froap tte -fieldis lu Indianaste Fort Wayne and fiance te Chicago, perallel vith thte Penn- t ylvaula systeu, vili b.e ttc probable ro ut«,. MOONSKEINICRS CAPTURED. Rlevenice Office-aWigit Onfiavm lu lhe Teuece iMountains. A parby of tvcnby revenue officers, rep- resentig ail sections cf Virinla e et te Franklin Mondmy te break up ttc mot -noteriona baud of outlaws ant illîcit dis- tilcrs luthe State. By artifice te>'suc- 0 ceetied lu capturng IvoIre o!fte out- ýlavs vithout bleotistut, andi deabroyeti sereral sîilae. Among te capînreti vere Calvin Moore, te Merlin brutersanad t heÂtis brttera, te leading spirits of té gang. Wtlle comiug ot o! the moutaîns ttc ofilcers were fired on t adifferent pints, andi in one Instance w ageti a foerce figitt on the ambuaters, a dsivi-ug dem teck, d t- Plot for Is-eedont. 0An officiai diapalcit neceiyed lu Madridi 2 frout Munila announicea te discorcry in Z the Philippine Islandis of u separatist con- ýfspiracy, te object beiug tb secître Inde- pendeuce from Spain. Âccording boelite officiai adrices, tventy-onc îrsous bave already beun arreateti. Thte news itas rceuseti greet excitemenl lu Madridi anti te police lu con*equed,!e le-igt raideti te Hiapane Philippine Club anti selzeetia d large quautity of papurs. Madiridi papiers Sdurng te ve.k contaieluetrquent ex- Spreasions Iuticating tîat a revitl in ttc te Philippine Islandes migIft lie expectet inl li te noar future. It vas ci-en snggealeti 'h byte palpers tlitIJapan vas eudeavorlng 10 to ment trouble lu titI part of tte te Spanhposescsions for ttc purpose of * xtoutiing the juridiction of ber Islandi e m'pre ovon te Philippine Islandsa. Tte Le Philippine Islandis lie only about 250 mile. me oud of te ucul>'acquireti Jupatiese pos- aceaoesiona of Formoa, a number of smll il tsants Iutervening. Spai'a army lu lithePhilippine Islandeis laesîlualtied t 14seven regimeuba ot infantry and oeeoe it artilllery, vith a aquadroa e! cavalry. te total effective farce beiag 8434officera ranti about 20,000 mon. îlt oidiem'm ln a Gos-y Env. n- Tventy-sîx rmv recruits for the Unitedi a Btates enu>', taillng froin the vilda near s Columbus, Ohio, anti turing for titeir te objective point Spokane, Wasb.. vitere te>'Intendtetashoot Indie. f lied 11cm- selres vibl ifrewaler Fritiay nigitt, anti il a as neccasar>' ta ceil a plutouof Chi- anti te teir trainm. The trouble itegan aI Valparairno, Ind., andtihie couducor ')5 vireti ebenti for efficers tlumutaItlie Penn- 57aylrania train ah CChicago. Wlen te ÎTcoacht errivelet lite Union Depot il look- Y2ed as if il bat becu bombardeti. andt he 90mon ml looketi as if tbey ted iteen lu a prize fightb. Thte fighting buai itoppeti. No arreste vere matie, andthie only soter ones Iu theo party vere te Ivo nId-enliaI- i cd men ia cliarge. rý Womae DI.. of mi SpioerlaBile. 51At Pitilllpaburg, N. J., Mr&. A. Melinda (M Slavin, wlfe of John SIavin andthie mat- e2 r of aine chltiren, ville per!ormiug lber 16 householti duties vas bilten on the arm by a small spider. lite bruseidthe lu- sccI off anti gave no elîedt l te emaîl, >n- stluglng wouat i h it bati madie. Her lbh arntbegan tla aveu, nduiber condition vas n.- o alarmingtaI a pitysician vas calet cd lu. Blocti poiacning ha,] resolteti fronthlie ty. bile of te spider. Thte voman dieti lu et great agon>'. La- Texa* Negroeu Mobbed. el A mob of lveuty-f i-e white men enteruti i. te but af iv negro collon piekers et 'e Hlillilde, Texas, anti stot Andierson Vaughtan because le vas slow ln reaponti- lug le titeir command,l'Hondos up." Heý ho anti bis companlons ver. taken out anti <-e Vaughtan, wvb el tetate groti, vas ,t bualen mut kickedte bdeatit. Ttealiter p tour negroea ver. aIse heulen frigitl- T. fulI>. ____ P'. Baye Hohenlohe Hus Reotwued. ati Tite Leipzig Neuesten Nactricitten pub- d- litoes au article Inisting taI Chancel- n- loi Hohenlohe lias actuali>' reaigneti lb te sserts, howierer, tat EmPeror Willieam af- bas matie au carnieat piet akiîîg the. CitancelIlor 10 reutain in office unîiliafler lte Czar'. visil. «Mieus Rate I ytelalato fiat litMUDY ne P"O ]li IeI .Yms. b: Omo*%$ a -6co Neebebeai Lkeiy te aB et Iaaerefte. Ami Rayi ?.teelof Considerable conceru la fait lu adminis- tration and mllaionary ciri.. over tic prospect of further ouîbreaks this fali lu the Ottoman Emapire. Reporta recoired4 at the State Department tron ta tsrepru- sentaives lu Turkey .and lettere forward- hdt I y tbiemlualienury ncietr Who-s1 headquartera ire located et Boston, ardi whlch in ln constiut Scomiat ion wthi lisionarlee in Turkey, Indiecate fiat a feeling of unreat pervadea thi Obamme- dan empire which t.alikely ttu gltinte wlthln a short time lu iuch onîbreaks ais occurred et Kitarput and other Points lu Turkey lest yeaa-. The. misslonarlce and their failles a lu Trkey are greatly con!1 curned over the poealbillty of trouble, and throngh the Boston society have eppeled to te Stete Deparlment for naval prutîc- lion. Two vessels wer., deolred by 1the niisionarles, but the departnent belleved that one viilb. auffilent, and sojnformsd th. Navy Depertmntu. It le bâderstOOd that tic Navy Deprtment bua cabied ln- structions to Rer Admirai Belfrldge di- rectlng hlm te use every effort to atford protection te American luteresthinluthe EasternuMedterranean. He bas been In- formed of the foira entcrteiucd by thte missionarles and ha ben dlrected to heid a i-esael lu readinesa b proceed 10 Alex- audrelta, lte point near vitere the con- dition of unrcst appears to b. most Pro- nonuced. WEEKLT REVIIIW 01? TRADL» Pollîlcai Eyeute Beeme 10 Rave Littie UEfeet Upon lte Markets. R. G. Dun & Co.'a Weekly Revlew of1 Trede Beys: Polîtical events of tic veekq had no deinite Influence upon business1 prospecte, for te phenomenal variations in sterling excitauge and thc b.gannlug of1 importe cf gold may b. falrly ettributed 10 the eccuînulaling excusa of merchan- dise exporte over importe, exporta from New York for te lest two weeks iteving been 20 per cent. larger and importe bere 21 per cent. ajualler than luit year. The rapid movemeul of grain aud te unusu- ally early merketing of cotton tend îtrongly 10, aid the banking syndicate wbir-b ha nudertaken 10 regulate foreigu cichange. Speculation ha advanced excitenge. Specuietion ha advanced wheat over 1 cent during Uic week, corn a sami fraction and cotton % cents, the principal motive power beîng reporta of injury t0 groviug cropa. The unfavora- bIc accounta respectiug iiheat are lu orne mensure discredited by lte cotinued beavy movoment from te frma, West- cru receipta itaving beun 10697,1.37 bush- elsinl the two veeka. aguinat 6,759.W6 bushela lait year. Witb prices 8 Cent% lover than lait year. sncb a movemént cannel be iuterpreted ns a aigu of defi- dient yield. The Atlantic exports for the aime wecks have been (lour Includcd) 4,892660 buahlci, against 2,9M5,233 lidahels lest yenr, and wbill the increase la eneouruglng. Il acarcely corresponds wlth current accounta of defiient yleld lu oue foreigu countries. The moi-e- ment of corn continned heavY. lthO1ugh lte price la stil1 se low that one wqnders why te produet ia put Imb corni instend of int hoga. Thc ron and steel manua- facture la thc onîr continued dopression 10 report, and Bessemer plg bansaoId ut $10.40 et Plttsburg, vitile Soutborn lion la offéed eh pricos equivalent 10 $10 ut New York, and nearly aIl flniahcd prod- ucta are being aold below the curreut quo- tations. There ia rapid curteilmpnt o! production. the Illinois Steel Company haviug ouly seven of ils seventeen fuar- nacea et work, but lu spile of Ibis the aupply of Bnisited products nppeat 10 treatly exceud tte dema.nd. NOT PLEASEZ> WIT13 OUTLOOK. Beattie Men Who Sou ahI Goid lu Aiasia Returu nomne. The firaI information recuived ince jennery from te interior of the Yukon country, lUpper Alaka, wberu 2,500 men vont lait feil, reecbed Seattle, Wasb., Tbursday OU lte steamer Berthe. The report ie not of un encouragiug uature, aud will bave an eflect lu staying the tide of migration tbat way anter spring. Âmong the retuirned minera are several wefl-kno¶viiSeattle men. Titcy say tbey have lied al of lte country they wauit, thouîgi e few wiii go back and try their luck egein. Bcarcely any cf the returned men bae brought beck any gold. lu al tbere ver. 130 minera coming back on the atlp. Woivorlh la Chonca. Thte Amercan Bsn Association electeti lte foliovig officra: Presîient, Janîî.s m. WoIvortit, Ouata; Secretary, John Hinile>', Baltimore; Trcaaurer, Fraudla RavIe, Ptlladelphia;. Executire Commit- tee, Alfredi Hemenvu>', Baouton; Chaurles Claflin Allen, St. Louis; Willilam W. Hove, Nev Orleana. A vec presitient for el>'y Stebe in te Union sud -a local council for eci State velu also citoscu. Millions for lte Penstoners. Thc Seerelary of te Intenior bas matie a roqulsition on the lreasnry ton 89,015,- 000 to0b h inth ie quanteri>' payanent of pensions for Suptember. Ttc amount b>' agencies tallowâ: Columbus, Ohioa........ ....8$3,700,000 Wasinlgton---------------.1'i,5,000) Boston-.. ......... 1,840,000 Augusta, Mu ................775,00() San Francisco........ ...... 723,0m Backburnu b Take tiecFild. Senaton J. C. S. Blackburn, vite la nov vîit bis famtiiy at Occam City', N. J., vitereîle>' lai-c been spentiing thte au- mer, viii reburu andt ailite tump lu support o! Bryan anti Seiruli. Hi% firsl speech vilI bu lu Kentucky, probabî>' ut Lexington. ____ Matie Orerman Ovni Up. beeOverman, vita Igureti se cou- spicuanal>' antiunenrlably lu te Brevn citunch scandai ut Sun Francisco, li& matie a confession la iticit site teciaec tInt site is a perjurer andt itt Dr. Brota lu ail bis eneinies.epreseuleti binta h .. Necla Ar-o Champions. Iitenationel lavitennis burent mI Newport, R, I.,. tsC"tamloehîp lu doubles vas won eti y C'B. ~ ia *. NOL i Cbioàglse. n fsnusIL .a he h» iertuisted extensive fraude uponi the Gorerulient Ia evîdeutt y th. fact that -tiree or moft employes have beeîi dlamlsed front 1he service, whll otier havebbo atdilctd and are awsltLng trial for violations of Federailava. ýThe lateat testlmony securedbyth rieial agent drae hâto bhescandai Collecter John H. Wise and bis son, Harry Wise, theetiret nîmcd beig eccused of ku.wIn* thel ex. Chiueae Interpreter DikWllllan asa maklug money hi lthe lîlegel litadiig of Cblnest, while the . latter la aeussd of baviug acccpted valumble premonts froua WIlliam. amd i wtb ttempllng to aid h1m la an effort te lutlmidate vîtuesaca. WXRCKED Bir CRILDER. Pieai Bikes onthe.]Rail and Kiled Engnacer and Iirpma%. A thorough Inveetigation vas made int tic cause of the derailing of englue No. 49, wblcb vas h4uug a work train near Carroilton, Ohio, the locomotive rolllns down an epibankuent atnd killljng Eugi- ucer Josepht Kirk sud Fireman John Har- .deety, of Canton. The. Investigation ahows tie accident te bave been ciused by chlii dren bavlng piaceti titree apikes ounlte outside rail of lte curve vhero th de- railluct occurreti. Twenty-slx mon lu 1h. catoose cacaped death by falling aev- oral hundred feet dowu au embaniment, hecrse th. caboose vas ceuglit la the branches of a big Ire.. Havaua's Codtion DreedIel. Heaitt Odiler .irab H. Doty, whe has juil returned'trou Havane on lbe ateamship Orizaba. seid ha found thé Cuban capital lu a fnlgtful seitary con- dition. H. appointeti resîdent physiciani et Havanea, Santiago and Cienfugoî, what wiii se.ltaIlthe lawm of thc port of New York lu regerd t pasengers trou feyer. infected places arc enforce t thaIpUinplt of embarkation. Dr. Doty conld nflotd the beaitit officer or the heaitb office la Havane. "Witbin the lest two wceks preceding my departure," Dr. Doty sali, "titere weru 300 cases of ycllioi feveà titero. No attetupt ham been made t0 sewei lte city properly. By siînply cutting tbrougit a narrow strip of landi and uredg- lng a chanuel te city's refuse niglit b. carric inlto lte Guif tream nand fur cul te sea. Witt proper sauitury precaullon, Havana would be a remarknbiy fine city. Tite Spatiisit oldicrs gelsilck on teir iway te Hlavane in the transporta. When they land soute o! them are itaif-deati frùm the. effecs uf the fever." Dr. Doty bsd a taik wjth Consul (louerai Lee, vbo, the Doclor sers, lnawaakened nt ail hours oft1he nlght by people who vent hlm1te stop tbe Pxecution of frionda or relatives. If there in a chance te sure tem, Gen. Lcre, the Doctor gaya, immedlately tries to do se. Cgarettes Kil e Suait Boy. At Pitiladeiptia George F. Elncli, 14 years old, lust hie lite Wednesdity on a waÏÎer. Young ElweIl wagered ho could smoke twenty cigarettes lu haIt an hour. He had consumed ineteen aud vas light- ing te lest oue wten tli huI on ex- pired. IHo vent home, tbld bis famill te vans 11, and dieti. Lamber Men Compil. The directora o! the Mississippi Vplley Lumbermeu's Assocaticn Issue a circu- ler ta lite memberasbowing that the cut titis year bas heen curtailed more titan :X) per cent., and tht the gavemilili are idie, wile the Importation o! Canadien lum- ber hais doubied. Fusion suacceeds lu Idaho, Thte Idahto Democraha and Populiats concluded fusion. Frank Steuniterge han been uomiuated for Governor. The Dem- ocrats agreedte t a resolution giving te Populisteae majority o!flte members of lte Legilature. l3ecrctary Lmlth Ont. Hoke Smith, Secretary o!fte Interlor. haresigned hie portfolioanud vili returu tu tii Alante Iuw praclice. The reaigna- lion is said 10 reguit from a difference with the cPreaident'a finaucial ricin. Graver'* Position. It la iuoficiaily aunouuced ltaI Presi- dent Cleveland and lte entire Cabinet, vitb te exception ot Hoke Smilit. l support te golti Domocrnblc nommne.and do vitlelapossible teo dcct hlm. Moten Metel Expiodea. At Pittsqhnrg te explosion o! moiten metal et Furnace 1, of te Edgar Thom- son Steel Works burneti ten men. dire. seriously. ________ MABEE-KT QUOTATIONS. Chicago-Cattle, commun ta prime, $3.50 t0 $5.00; bugs, shlpping grades, $3.00 te $3.75; steep, fuir te citoice, $250 te $3.50; viteal. No. 2 reti, 54c te 56c0; Corn. No. 2, 22e ta 24c; enta, Ne. 2, 16c te 18c; rye, No. 2, 30e ta 31c; butter, citoice creanieîy, 1110te 17c, oggs, fresb, lc le 13c; ncw potatoua, per bushel, 20e te 30c; broem corn, common short te citoice tiui-rf, $25 bo $60 per Ion. Iutiianpols-CaIlie, sbipping, $1.00 te l4.75; togs, citeice ligitt, $3.00 to $3.75; aaieep, c',mmon te pîrimne, $200 tb 8$3.50, irteat, No. 2. 5&e t 58c; cru, No. 2 whtite, M3e bo 24c; est&, No, 2 vwhite, =2c te 24c. St. Loîis-Catîle, $3.50 tc $4.75; bogs, $3.00 tu $3.-à5; vieat. No. 2, Oit ho (3e; cern, No. 2 yllov, 21c te'22c; ouI., No. 2 wite, 19c te .'le; rye, No. 2, 27e te !ne. Cincinuai-Catie, $3.50 le $4.50; boge, $3.00 ta $3.75; sbe.p, $2.50 te $3.75; ybeut, No. 2 59e o l; corn, No. M ulxcti, 24e le 25c; cals, No. 2 mixeti, 17e te 19c. rye, No. 2, 30e ta 32c. DetroIt-Cabhie, $2.50 te $4.7à; bogs, $3.00 le $3.75; sbeep, $200 te $3.75; wvieat, Ne. 2 rot, 62e te113c; cern. No. 2 yellav, 24e le 26e; outa, No. 2 white, 2Mc té 25e; ?ye, 32e ta 34c. 1'oldo-Wteat, No, 2 rei, 02c te 64e-, corn, N~o. 2 yellaîv, 24e la 25c; cals, No. 2 whte, 19e le 20e; rye, No. 2, 32e ta 34c; dlorer scoti, 84.40 to $4.50. Milîuuk-ee--Witeat, No. 2 spring, 55e te 56c; corn, No. 3, 22e ta 24c; cal@, No. 2 wite, 2Mc te 25c; banc>', No. 2, 30c te 32e; ryo, No. 1, 3ic to 33c; pork, mess, $5.75 te$6.'25. Buffalo-Cattîe, $2.50 te $4.75-boMc $3.00 ta 8$4.25; siteep, $2.OO toe .5 wbeat. No. 2 rut, 'Mc e ta (3e; conb, No. 2 yellov. 29e te 30c; emb, No. 2 vitle, 24e 10 26c. New Yok-Cettlec $3.00 te85.00; hogt, Pm te "4,5; sheep, 82.001 t "0 w e e.2 Md ~ . 904é; crc~ va g ie emadu - Ux-ot vuie The faisoué peuns teildôn JO@ Paeho lou'ercd là* *oridqtWlatàilpecln'lecord br:a quarter et a second, gelng the. mile lu 2M Otat on the traci 'g Ekbr Park, Me., IFzIday. Two, of the Judgee wattàem show- mi'the 4ie to b. oue4fth of a second Mou -thag2l it vraiflot a Very favorable day for eutn agiiat recorda, as a etrmit wotett wind wam blowing wheu the rtolwgau. Whou tbe wind diel dowu, a little Jack Curry drove Jo. Paldiien foi a trial. Atter a Mile of warming Bit tie blaci stallion was gtarted dlown the trot-i at'a lvely tait, wltb a runner known au Littie Frleud drlven by Charle OBrleu. A mtrog head wind was blowlnt. The ladg.s caught the quarter et 0.30%. and, wlth the wlud et -hlm bock, th. fuifouse stilion reeled off the second quarter lu 09.The hait wîsmamde lu luit oite minute. On the tIbid quarter the lime WMs0-30%. and et a two-mlnute clip. Jo. Patchen gathsred himself for the lant quarter, but hbrn ho met the etroug wlnd agaîn, against whlch he ilowed dev aa bt, but crossed the wireila09CP4. The &annnement of the mile hi 2M fiat, on.- quarter of a second botter thon the worids gýUIl paclnt record, held by John I. Gentry, et the crowd wild. They ilttod Curry, the drlven, out of hie sulky, swarmed frout the grand stand outo the. tracks and cbeered like medmen. CUDA'B PURIL. Président Clisneros Reslgued. but Wae iaougbt Bock. News bas been recelved of a criais ln lte Provisionul (iovernment of the repaît- lic of Cuba. There hba beei mncb fric- tion fur monthi betwç..n severai hlght officers. The climax came when the hoad- quarters quarteruinster spoke rather plarnly to the 1'reident. Coi. Manadaly, acting Secretctry of WVcr, reaeted, this and drew bis revolver. suposedly to avenge the insult lu bis chief. The Quar- terujaster aisa had supporters, and for an Instant hioodsbed semned inevitable. But the vonerable Preident. aided by the cooler hcade lpresent, qulckly reytored a seublance of î,eeee. Tie ohd gentleman'. feelings. howerer. were dpely wtnded, and he innediately nnnounccd bit reaig- nation. Ail thot night the. Provîsional GOY- ernment wa in great danger of Ignomnn tons dissolution, but the opxtt mcrning ail compainte were heard. Difficulties were ailJnsted, nud President Cisneros with- drew his resignation. Trouble le over. for the present at leagt, ani the whees of governineut are runulng swoothly.. ]PROPRETIC DIEBAMER BREARD or. Lettera of Ail Kinde Bwcll Nomnnes Bryau'. Mait. letters and postal carda continue to pour lu for C'andidate Bryan nt the rate ut about 30W a day. Private t4eretary Schwind la disposing of themnas auet ns hs eu, but séecs no prospects of inediete re- Ijet.Borne of the jettera are trou law- yen, benkers and business mnen. One je front a man uamed Duncan of Adrian, Mo., who cilmi to have dreeîned that Mr. Bryan will bc elected Presideut. H. dlaimst to have a record as e succesaful dreamer. having hpd reveetied to hlm ln dreemis the resuIts of the elpetions lu 1864, 1888, 1802 and 189(1 and aubuits a certIlfi- cote from several bamkers showing that hé toid them about eut-h of bis dreatus butore te lection. He aidied thut the letter b. referred to Mr. Bryen himsoif. Mauy contain reporta of the progresof the tree sîlver movemeut in tbe writers Iocalily, and the work that la heiug doue. ATLE WITH BANDITS. Yous-Lites Leel lu a Brusit Bclweeu Nmoxcau Troupe sud Mobere. Thine bandits anti one soltiier vere kilI- cd lu a figbt butieun IMexican soitiers anti a large baud o! M1exicu noutlaws lu thc Pequas canyon , State of, Chihuaitua, Mexico. Ttc outlawn baud numbers about 500 ant inl coustently being recruiteti ty tiecperate ctarmetera froan ttc Texns bor- tiers. They claim le belong te lite came au>' as ttc baud o! fanaties vito recentl>' allueketi Nogalea, Mexico. Ex-Goves-nor Francia Bucceot. Smit1h. Preaitient (Clerelanti announcuti Mon- day et Bvzzart'a Bay' ttc appoltuent of Daviti R. Francis, ex-Gorernor o! Missouri, le the Seeretarysbîp o!fte iu- Icrior, neeuîtly reslgneti by Hoke Smitlh, Mn. Francis will probabiy assumueofie ab once. Prestieul Clevelandi anti ex- (3ev. Fraucia tare long heen close person- aI frientis. endti Iletanauopen secret ltai wtou ttc Presitieul matie up hie Cabinet be vas axiug onhaveiîn uIl. Ho voulti haro matie hlm oeent his officiel famdl>' badt i nol been for lte bitter oppe- altion of Charles H. Jones, Harry Sal- mon, anti other Iafiuenfil IMissouri poili- tIciens, vha seeurtd sud forvareticil Mr. Clevelandi e monter pellîlon protest- lng againîl lte seleclion o!fPrancis. Li nad ifîir Eous. Itifty moens on telBrat floor et ttc Waldort Hobel, Ncw York, vure eugagcd fon lte use cf Li Hung Cbang ant iel retiine of fort>' servants anti personal attendant.. Uncie Sam puys lte bill. Rit by Baid Tintes. Thc total assesacti value et SoutDe- kola fer 159 la $110,391,150), a talling off of $2,fflf9,90, octly on real ustate. Women KIlled by Bandits. Four bandits stopputi a stage ucar Grand. O. T.. anti erderedthelite reta- asugera to hanti orer teir reluabe. AU couplieti ni-e Mra, Ray' Reums, of Philo- delpitia. vito vas ahot deeti. Thte eut- lairs arc naid te have accureti $80lui mouey anti raluablea. amiseaoli Oued la Oklahoa. Sem $mail, the evangellut andi politi- clan, vas oued anti JutgmeitWobtelueti againat tlm aai Penny, 0. T., for telegnapit- le toils, wtile running eatiaiiy nacivaper te Okahoma sevenel years ago. Pt>Sov ;tMa-e Ob Adfipaîcatroua Pvdncl ïwaians for eê lutg ve.beige oùade, and muof t ispersnal cf- - tdebave beets B0KxiMIT*- ardent dche l et th* gold standard op te lte mettel 9 lie ideao çaeito.and"tumpe!W 81*1. lest spiin for.he cause jn oPo$-, lion ta ex-Opeaker Orlap.>Pt.del wbat determlued hMi10 rennce hWeafla flous a I.not nowu, but bis friends OU~ fiel h. pledgcd hie word tu support; tha Chicago ticket and platforan, belleien, au thay ay, liaI the administration,4oreu would triumph eIt the convention. , I l U nderslood fit lt MMediatalyup"M hie vllhdrawal ho vill rotuze lu, Atlanta and rsmontthe practice of file volleseoo. The. Secrotarr's 1ev offce teut bon elosed «Ince bis deperture for"Watalpg fou, Nes partuer, Jutige John T. Pendît- ten. r«rnnug la charge. The aIgu, tmHoke Brnlh" bas remeîned on the doms-, a"i th e emrtry's dosât bas bede kept avreiting hie ratura. Il in vell knowe fiat Mfr, Uitu, on entering thc Cabine*, SefI a lair prectice wtlch pald several isufite snlary of a Cabinet officer. end ha vii returu tb enler upea one Wh"c viii doubtcesa hb. mliimore profitable. FLOUR COMBINE DtAUPTRO. Nortfi Auergeam Mling Trust la Go.. te Pinezo. In'our viilb.osold for a lime at local ai whalever price ludividual milers se fit The big fdont combine kno*un ash Nanti Americun Milling Company han gone te pleces. and as a recuit a cul of 10 cents a barralinl prices bas been made by the Norlhweitern milierm andi foiiowed prîctically ail over t. country among aprig viteetmilera. Titis makea the preacut price lu Chicago o! bect 2Nortit- western brandi $3.5>3. T11o combine vas snppoeed to bu one of the beal and mont caréfuiiy planucti cier kuown, andi il. tellure la couaidereti by sou. of the Nornhbecteru concerna et Iat as con- clusive evidence lthaI a sucusful combi- nation las'itpossible. Hovever, one hig eoncern cdaims Ibut the break lu ar- rangements is only teutporeny. The coun- binaîlon vus effected 3Marcb 16 lest, and vas thc resuit of monthes o! patient work on lte part of its inauguratora, anditueur, meetings were bejd. Il representeti a eombiued miIiing capacity of over 100,000 horrmis a dey.- The milie vithin tb. combinuhion hudte 1 put np a guarante. fund for the fitittul currying out of lte agreeents on e huais of 10 cents per bar- roi per 500 burrel milling cupudily. lit aite of tdis Il va#soson discoveredti hal tmre of tb. mlie vore taklng advantae of tte others lu granting rebate, andtiei han growu troumuaoil buginnings 10 such large proportions t ae pncrai row resulled. The minimum prie vas made by one man eppolutei for thal purpoae lua the Nortbvest, sud to madielte price fromt lime le lime besetion tte conditions et the Iradu, itla s nid, uninlinenceti by iny of tue mille lunlthe combine, sud lu every' way those wito vent lu ln gond fath trieil ta sustain a fair minimum price, vWhlc vas supposedte 10bu a goodti ling for ail branches of tbe trade. GREAT' MEETING 0F PYTH-IANS. aeuupuient mtiClovel.andDaln Crowde of Kuligiiu Great croirds o! visilors inere nttratlod to thc Kuiglili of Pythian' enctpment et Clev-eland t , i uîg estimaîcd at 50,- 000 spectatora vitneffsed lthe dreas parade of the Second Oio 11.gimnt Sunday a!- ternoon. The exerclses nt thec:amup dur- Iug lthe s*ternoon consi,.led of the tiresa parade t'md a sacreti baud ir.1: the eveaiug mnuro! ttc visiriaîg knights aticudeti services et the Eî,iortt eo rial M. E. Cburctend lislcucd tu an ap- propriaIs sermon by lthe pator. Autoug the attrnctions eht thecamp vas Lafayette, Iîîd., division of lthe uniforan rank, vhicthas won more prizes titan auy, otbcr division lunlthe country, ci-en thougi ltbtas not competet in prize drilla lu olgit yeara. There ivas"alaio preseutt he crack division trou Hastings, Micit. Mai. Gen. Cannaban, in speukiug o! thte kuights as a militsry orgunizution, said il vas part of the unvrîhteu law cf bte order titat lthe knigbts stonîti reapouti to the calI of the Governuient lu lime et neud, cspecially If It vas necessary to repel an invasion by a foreign foc. Ttc knighta vers not la wny sense guardamen, he sald, ant ie>', voniti not hake part in internai disîcu- nlonunlea lt va@ necessar>' lu preserve order anti' nphold tte lava. Supreme Chancellor Richle, lu ipeakin t of te policy of lthe eider, sudi ther, voulti proit- ibly be no change. "Thtecamne lessons tiatItIl Iaches men to-day," h. suid, "viii ho gooti for mca 1,000 yeuî's hence" Newa et Miner'Noef. Brie Eckmen @hot andi kilieti Daniel Clougi et RandaU.. Minu. Tbe crimea la saud in h bte resuit of a dispute about a eontract for clearing landi. A frolgiit train on tue Oxford snd Clarkevllle Rail-ced vent ltrough a buldge twelve milie tra Durham, N. 0. The. ungineer anuti frenan are lioughltet ho fitally lnjured. Thte Spaulit pre. lu Havana uvegs tue Duke of Totuan, nunliber of forelgu et- f airs, te demantilthe extradItice of lb. Cuban revolutionlit, Carlos Eoloff, cov. in te Unitedi Stalcu. Perdrvai LoveillannonueW trout Flag. st, AM., thnt viit thie new îveuty-foflr- lacit telescope o hanasbeen able tb ses tuat tic Martien Cenil, Genges, la double. The Loti-cl Oh.crvatory vill b. esab- lMebd riear lte Ci t>'cf Mexico te oht-

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