CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 28 Aug 1896, p. 3

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l'Hpu~~I#R TELLB A TOUCi4- TI ltIQiq as. a ath ta Usavs- T". LoveS andi Lest. A BarvessiShodow. Wbile tis asipers are hnsy lu mnani & of tis ahnsi aud tise burvets are Ugalberai tisa scene bnongit betara Masinu iis anijaci la aspecally approprigte. r&biset inl1.1. Kiags, iv., 18, 104 20: *'And when the chili vus gsovu'Mifeu an0 a- day tist lhe vent ot t e fatiser ta tis e-apers. Ans Ile saisi enta bis faisan, 4)y bead, rny hasir Ans ieh said toaa Iad, 'Carryihlm ta is motisen.'Ansi vise, haobled taken hlm sud brougisibhlm ta is mothan hae sat aon butazes tiI 80e ansi ttu <dia." Tiser. lu at lesi oneahappy baome le lignnt .To tisa luxuriance snd spien- der et àapeau bonneahbal beau giron tht airent ai a ciils. Evan, avienthe autel, -di lio tigi anewa avseuli to tis e-an'@a but a Jor Bchins. erthe Manger-. lnfancy, vith trs belptesanssusand luno- cstes, ai passai saiy.. Da-ys of boy- baoud bai camle, dais of laugiter a-sd tmaIe, sisys of unsiino snd proils, si&7s ,t ttauge quetions sud eurisiti sud quick devlapuacut. 1 suppose amaeiog al thse inrea of tisai bouse tise brigitst vas tise boy. Ont day uhere in tisemisat et rmupers htand alielsi. A boy'. Sait always bounsuai ties oue of mckle on "cthea. Na sooner bave tisa iarvsters eut a auatis ucrosthteIfid tissutht lad joins thein. sud thtestarthis respect; feal yaugagaileas tisailoo dowsies tats lad, asliigisi ansi heantilul sa vas Ruth intesebarreau lies o etahlehsem gîe- lug afterthie reipers. But tise suitvas toitbaiotforfilm. Conestiou af thea main aieS ou ism. 1 sesthtie svarthy laborers srop ther c4ekles, sud they rush ouite to e visai1a tisaesater, aud tistifltrn hlm, ansi they tri ta cool bis ht-av. but aU isa et no aval. la tise instant et conuaeutus lhopets bls bandsasaainai hic temples and cries eut, "MyhSsi, myhieasr' Ansitht fatisoî @Il&, "Carry iim to bis mother." jusi as tsi father wonîsi have saisi, for aur baud tg tee rougis, ansi our raide is ueo hursis, a-nd tsr foot la tee tond to docior a sick issuSd if tisera be in ont- home s geuilei voice., sud a gentier bandes, ansi a stilier foittp. But ail et ne araiL Wbile ths rea-peract Bin . ent husi in tht fied tisera came s stroiger eaper htisavy, with been scythesansd fer a icher bar- ersi. Ha reapteuh eu oe sheat, but, oh, visai à golden aheaf vas tisai! 1 do net vaut ta bnov auy mare about tisai beani- brea-king seune than visai 1 ste in juna tissona nuihetie senteice. *"He sat ouliser butas tili noon andi then suie." Tisougl hijadreds et years hare passai avay oince chat boy skppesi te thteiarvosified, and then vatt brangisi isme aud diti on hit tSuthe's la-p.tise stery stilltil nu. In deesiciildhoosi has a charria awas siau rveyvhere.. 1sha4h nov speib ta yen oi ebilhioos-zts heauty, ilu snscptibilii it Impression. its poster aven tht parents heurt, ans iralis bhti transition fret Partis te hairen. Chili Life.. The chisid's bait dots nt depeusi upoi fatrn on featlare or comupexion an ippine Tisaidestituta ane that ion sav ount& tre,brurses iritU unkindsinansd il saga. Sas a ebartuaabout han tva.n uis bar destitution. Ton hava forgottee grat muni persoas hom yen met, e final> ct featnres ansivith tract poi tireansd ith faultiilsecomplexion. vhil yen yuIl alvais romtemier tise poon gt vha, on a coli. moonligisi nigisi, a it wsra pazuiug laie home, n iber thin ciait a-nd arefoot ou tise parement, put eut bue baud ands sai. "Pitase give me a Pet t7r Ai, how ofien va have a vake o anS saisi, "Oh, tisai Is nothing but tre vagaboudiam!" but aften ve o t a blec or tvaou on misoppesi sud saisi, "Ah thli ta sot igisi!" sud vo iassesi up Usi smm way aud droppeel s mite ia ibtat sufei Ing bandi as thougis it vert nt a mattE af second tisongis, se asbamesi vent va aur hand heurteshuos. Wiih visat admiration va al lookupi a group et chiliren on tIse puygrouni in tUe achool. snd ste clap our bauds ment luvoientaili ant] ssy, "How hosi tfuil" Ail tiffuens sud dignity are gui and your abotti; beursl vus theirs ai yen trendie their hoýop, anti fis ihein Sit andsi nie tiseir ball, sud ail yoen veai nesa ansi anxiety are gene a.svison a ch] ysu bouenses aven thse pisygmoueui yeî self. Tisai faisan sa-o stands rigi ai unuyrnpathetic arnisitise spotuînens eidren ougisi never te have hotu tempiq out et a crusty ansi uresmable souite urss. Tise waters leap devistisa rock but thcy bave nuit tise grsceful sîep clildisoosi. Tise mrning cones oui tft: gaies of thesetait, ihrosaing its silver, tiseluare ans irs goisi ou the iovers a lis fine ou tisa cieus, but h isnt bright ansi eautteul as tht e miug Utae. Tiserno eligisi liSe tisai tiicl Shudied inlea ciilds', ye, no colon fi tisai tisicis bleemi eoq a ciild's ciek, munuie like tise soîsesioe a ciild'a voice.1 face in tisa pooest pictura redeemea imperfection lu art. Wheu va are wtea sith teil, their ltte bauds pull tise bi sens; off aur bacS. Oh, visai a siqîl, s meunrtanrd tis s susli ha vithout1 opot'.lutiss of ciilsraul Wiee I fi peapleta tisudaofot liSe chilsinen, I1isE diîaey douhi thaîr moral asid.Chisi chat-acter. But vhen tht grece of 0 coutes upon a chili hov uuspeakaisIy tractivel WVhen Samuel begins ta pn unud Tirnothy begins to rassitise Bcr tnt-cm, aniJosephs shows islf invuts able te temptation, how beautiful, of il teroutls, and tisera are a.sheuIt of thesebbées d familles of tiis tan- try to-da c Whe vo love (lad andi keep hbis coen= nmmansd vWho ara ta ha forenoat arnang tisaChristiaus, sud tise phutinaplst, and the reformera of thea nexi century. Tise grace of (lad neyer k*.lIs any ana. A child ill liehamore api ta grav np wvus religion tissu l vilI ha apt t3 grow op vlthout I. Leugtis oft dys is% promises te tise igiteous. Tht religion ot C«.irist dec. net cramp tisa ciet on urve tise opine on veaken tise serves. Thero are no malarias floatieg up froua the river oft lite. Tht religion et Christ thnovs ovar tise heurt and lite of s cisilsi a,snptr- nul beanty. l'Han viys are vais et pleas. sItuies., sud a liber pausa ara peace." Rus.eptîbllty of Chîlsihoosi. 1 pas ou te coasîder tise susceptibiliii af chillehooi. blien prida thanSalves ou thairuchaugesbillty. Tisai vilI makle ln elaborate argument ta prove tisai they link nov ju as tisai sud iventiyaars eg. i la changed te frailty er frausi wheu a mon chaug* is sentiments ini polltica an le reigioansd ih snibis dater. :auion aofenlthtiaoseoften drives hack tise gospel tram a mans' heurt. hIs saen bard te maSs avarice charitable, sud trandi honeui, ansi pride humble, anti ickeptils Christian. Tht svord et Got'a trutis seems ta glance off trem thoe mail- ed warniora, sud tise ielmet seews battIs prof tagainni God'm hatteax. Bei ciild- hoos--hov susceptible te example sud te instruction! Yen are net surpriseel ait th record. "Abrahsam bagat Isaac, sud Isaac begat Jacob,." tonrvien religion mats in a fuuily It il apt te go ail througis. Jas- ciel a merderais, yen are nt surprise te n leranson Jehoa. attamptbug assz inatian. Oh, visai a rasponsihiliiy upali tise parent ansitise teacher! Tise mesicias touches thse Stys, sud tht respouse al fhase keys is away off ammd the pipes and 9tise cîsords, aud yen veeden aitishe dis. l ance bhote iskey sud tisa cisrd. And ffe iis in lite-if yen teecis a chili1 thi r rotait wiilcomae bacS froua manhood io 9olsi sgt, teltieg ai tishe tue pîsyts! r istler tise dingo of a gîetisorroev e .-hoie aitEet ofagreasi jo. Tise word thi i tise Srbabtis ichool teacher stili ibis ates m neeu aviswinpr utht caur ettise clansavil rhe ecisoatiback frot evolasting ages e t ;ighî or darknet. Tise houlosud th, 1 sehool decde tisa republic on tht despoî Litim, tise bbarisria. or tise civilization, ils k iibildinq of au empire or tise evertuinea r ng or IL. Iligiser tissu Parliament c rCeegreas are thse sciool sud the family e ndi the seunsi et a chils's foot mai mesi I more tisse satramp et a hosi. Whai r, heu, are yen debug ton the pitnpoat 7- tîringbîsg yonr ciildrint iethse ksngdo'ý of Gosi? If they are se susceptible, an it if tht-tis tise vtmy hst urne te act upo t- their ettrnail nieentts, visai are yentic st ing hv ofa, t igisi impulsion? :r Tise ne ae norne arvesiers in tise fielu a ot Scotiansioeehot day, aud Hansis L o, iausi vas belpieg tht. gatser tise haý il Sise laid ter haie endrs trot. Wbilt si sn vas tuy iu tise fieldi tisent as a flutter( i- inga in tise air, ansi a golden eagl A cletcheel tise waddlieg baud of tisa hat )f ansi 1ev awuy vus hli te tht mountsi eo evie. AIltlise hst-vesterg ansi Hanusis t ail moud tartesi for tise clifs. h vwas ti in miles betriis tey cama te tht foot of t clifis. Gettieg tisera, viso darasi moui lie ciif i No humen foot hasi aven trc )n IL Tiseravert salIors tisent vo ish 1. cene up tise montini tht day of terril e tempestL They dii nt etdre isk IL .RH in nais Lemaud ssit thora for awbilaaa r looked up ansi sav tisa agia le tht eyr a %red then se leapesi t er emtti, ansia] ot mtant-' up stiere no herne foot hasi as s- trosi, cra; shorte rag, catcbiug bald il tuila rot or tisai root until slle neacised t] irI eyrie ensi caugisi ber baise, thet a nu svoopiug le fiercenesi-ait arunud aise wl lier. Fantenbug tht chils te bier ha. an aise startes fer lber friand. and for bon a- Oi, what s diazy deictut, alisiiug fri n it:is crug te that crg. cstchieg hy il et vine seul hi that root, ceming devisff k tIser and taniser te tisa mont dangero ,&t pas, visetsise founi a geai and sei ne Suds. she saisi: 'Nov l'Il follov i Lr- -,)aL Tisa geati iiiknov jutviuel or lie satesi way down." Ansi sie vas1 ot by thc animal dlown tetise plain. Wl tise gct thora, ail tise people cieti, "The on GCd, tisanb (bel!" bier streugth not givi or wsY until the rescut vas effectesi. A ai- zhey criti. "Stand hack. nov. Give1 e- :;ir!" Oh. ifsa voman viii do tisai fort e pisysical lite oftlber chili, visat wilI cd do for tise eternal lite et your boy s te, yeur girl? Lei it net bc toltl iu tht gri n- day ofet terity tisati aneubIsemousi1 ýid fornh more ozertion fer thesasvieg oet S- physicai lite oetlber chilsi tissu ye, esi parent. bave ever put forth for tise eter of lite of your huitt ont. Gosi help you! tsi Paver of Chitdhood. lis 1 pansaou to cousider tht poesr vh of. chiid welds ever tise parental het ha We ettesi taiS about tise lnfiuence.ot an cuis npoe cilsinu. 1 neyer iseaT a sid1 isg saisi about tise influence etfnisilul go ispon iisesr parents. Tee go toaschool et. tistu. Ton ne more edecate îhem tl 1la iti educate yon. Wiib tiseir uitile hai iâte tiey have caugisi hoîsi et yeunentibre ne tur., ansiion conot wrencis yossr isa uway tram ibeir grs.p. Ton are iiffer îny Msen nusi vemen f om visai yenvert ,ry fore they gave yen tise frei losson. TI )un- hasva revAutionissti yeur seni. Tisent ale, fouiainsetfjoy ti yesr heurt wviicise the voulsi have hotu sii'coverei ibâitite led discovenedth ie.. Lite b. te yau a tr mie- s5tueodoutis ieg than litvas hefere il tie hit tfest stantesion tise pabvay to s and iity. Oh, ltov massi iopes, hast in ai- JOYboy eîsey eicituies tisai littit ca, as c"tteS in your 8seul! Ton gt rip- scisoot every day, a scisool et self-dei ner- a schOisofetPatience, lunvisicis yen are tht riug viter dy hy day, ansi that infini ls~ bede a ildshardoeesansd tik RII loua f ani tie fare of youn eilîdren en b. wrougbt ot hy ih? Tisir sorrov le yoursr orow, their joy yonr joy, thalr aulvalleeif yonn victory. And, oh, Niasu wbistatise lent sickntaa connes, bowyilot figt bock the marcis of diseuse, sud ih la only star a tremnendous rrugglethtiiyU 20 serrender. Aad ihen wisen tht spiritlinus soi led isa greai deep in broken up, aud flaclo i1vîiinet ho comferted becausa Iu:r hüsldren are net, sud Davidi goes up tise T palace stiirs, cryieg. 44O Abuîom, my son. ec< sn uE, wouid te Gesi I iasi diesi for tiste; plaii O Aboulera, My son, My son!" al The Lent Treasure. rn Tisera smnt a large fariti, on handly a (o large tamily, tiaitbas net lient lover sncb Dr. s tressure sud lest th. Iu the tamiy foidgU r in tisera ne dead lamb? 1 bave seun maDYIsi m sncb cases of serrow. Tisee n sose Pre. and omrinent in my memori as paster-.84o. sud rville Haynes bicCellum. Tise siory oft i and 0 lentis bas brongisi bundresinte lad. tour Htliebelougesi te my parlitisLbuthe West. îug 1Â tisorongis boy, 9 har 10 yeaiu aofsas.seln Notiing nmorbid, nethisg dui1 saut hhlm. r lits volce loudeat aud is foot ,surlftest ou Sc thse pîsygrouni. Otte he bas comaelite of ti my bouse sud ibrowne isnimtf devra on the &ttt flueir in su exhaustion et boisterons mlrili hay a andiet ha vas a Christian, co:5ectdrtd a a i thse kinsi et ciildiais plety 1 belielui. sum WYhen tise duys of ickntss camaesnddeuli ihie sud ha vas toid tisai ha coulsi mot get tain eweli, be saisi:'*Jeans aioe cana save me. caol eJean@ wil save me. He has save i me.Bo a ont cr, Mamatit Isissil go nlght Oral asiraigisi up te beaven." And tisen iterfasi dgava ]hlraa glass of vater ta cool bis batth Flips, sud ho suid- "Mamma, I1sal Utaire isa na draft f rom tise saten et lite aftar avisile, pha nof wis4cisif ont drink ise shall neyer gai cou ,f ihi.rsuy again. 1 lai mysoîf at Jes' tasti, TIl d sud I vaut bhnm ta do jusi visai ha thinku Ba abeatodaasth me." Inthostday"Rt six ýfor tisa Weary" vas s nov Lymu, snd Bol henehadasiitnsed h, aud bu s perftet ee* era )rio sosul lu bu lest hour ha ciei out: . "In tise Christ an's home lu glri gie )r Tisera remalus s tand of rami. th t Tiser. my Saviar's gaie hatore me r- Te fulfilhi mi senl's requesi.1 l Thora is rositforlise veary, t f Tiser la rosi fer yen. ri 't "Sieg, oh, slng, ye biraet gleni, b le Sut yeur tiumpbs as yen gel aia W- Zon'a gaies are open fer 70e. di r Yon shail fini au outrance thrangh. tc Y. Tisera la rosi for the veary." au Ln ',Tisane la rosi for yen, papa; there a st asi offor yeu, mamîna." Andi th la pnttb.g bel b. is banda laver biie ert,hoaaid, "Tes, b0 td tisera la resi for me." And then, ho asked au en tbemn te rend "Tise Lard la miSBhepiser4l; br 1- shall net vaut. Ht maethi e ta lie si deve in green pasturesansd leadetis me sl du bc-nd, still waters," sud ise criad ouf' os e-, ..O deatis. viert is tbî sting? O grava, na t av here in thy victory'!" t ce Onuy 10 yeas old. And tisen ha saIsi, El et ..Nov 1 msasyou voulsi jusu taira tht. is te htd se I can look once mare ou the toUiage et ýb and tsethtie soe set." And they turned ey Ln lihe bed. And ha gaid, "I do se viiss tisai bu ,-A Jeass sonîs berri sud coma sud taira I vo mue." Tisav mid te hlm. "Wisy, are yau In Lhe nt williug, ta avwaIt tht Lrdsa timar If ,nt "Tes," ha said, "I amn; but I wouid reihrrt .d Jeas w ot-d came sud hurri sud isatid td rt." Andi so, with a peace ludescnibable,,nr hie ho passedawnaya. W on- The Lord'a WîEL lad Oh, tise la notiing ad about a cibd'a 1 rie, deatis savo tise grief in tise pareu's baurt! se Yonustetise little eues go rigiiot ont er a world of sin ard susffering to a vorld of of joy. How îmany serrows ihey «escape, he bow msey temîioatians, hast rny trou- b gît 'aIs.! Chilsinen deuid are saute- Tise.I out shait bye are in perid. We kuov net visai ýck, d'srk pais tisey may take. Tise day mai e ne. comae in wviic they still break your heani,r -a but çhildrejend are sate-sata forever.C bat Weeping parents, do not mouru tee bit-A rar- tri ever yeur child iatia bas% gent. Tisera uns ara twe kinssoe prayers made at a cild'a me sick We. Onea prayer tise Lard lises; the the etiser prayar he dots not like. Wheu a ia le ul kuetîs downeta a ciild's ieS hesi sud led Beys: "O Lard, sparethi isma eItona. Ha en in vers near te rny hert. I de't vaut taN enue part with huma, but tsi yl ho doe"-that ring la s.'-kminot s prayer tise Lard loves. %Lnd Tiser" is another kiesi et prayor wbich I ber bave heard men makte in substance wbenr thet iey say: '"0 Lord, this is'i rigisi. h la ets iard te taise ibis child. Yon bave no sund rigisi te take rihis ciilsi. Sparethiis child.E reli 1 cent gve tiea up, sud 1 ston'i give hlm I purE upi." Tise Lard anavors tisai kinsi et aP tht prayer sumetimes. Tise child lives esud1 . 0 livea on andi travelo off in paths etfstick-t mal edeness te penisa At thte ed et eveni prayer ton a chils'i lite .gay, "Tisi vil, 1) Lard, be dons." Tise brigitesi ilguts that cannIho kindied icis Christ bas kiedltd. Ltaius, ahi aud M5tV )oung, rejoico tissu ieavan is gathariug upj par- sel mach that in attractive, lu tisai far RnY" tond ste are net strangera. Tisera are ren those tiset tio speak osir noms day hi i teS day, aud itheywonder w vise8long va thOtu t-4. If 1 coulsi rouet up tise usmes of iduç . pi those vise bave goetot freim thase tsna-famitios bte tise kiegdemetfiseaven, Ih rstlt %%oul-l takre me aIl day ta mention their Tnt anames. A great multitude hfore tise hab- throna. Ylolvesi themn once, yen lave1 bey ibenuow, ansilaven sud anon 70e think1 Sare 'y.ou lutar tiseir voices caling yen upward. aven Ais. yes, ti b ave geane ouit rom al rnet thesa tfamilits, aud yen vaut ne hook ta m®e tl yen et tise dying exPersance of Chris- haOst tien childre-a. Yeu have beard it.Xit bas etar- beau visispee ntileyeur ear, O father. O auY moathen, O brother, O simien. Tto'ard one that goed land ial Christibes are hoarng. '0 id This snappl ng etiissrtstrnugs, thîs fligisi suiaI, ut years, this trend of tise heurt remninsis get- us tratste ara passiug avay. Under eu . r Ig l -sa---l.lAs irogimm IEF COMPILATION O0F ILIJ. W NOIS NEW&. pa also issue ociety After Brutal Tass*ed ar ers-Briae of a Day Faithfel for the »Tears ta mer Insane linab&mi- sar irions Epidcxulc Anong StocI. Iy set Crueltl ta Hornes. cou] he lmane Society oficer@ ut ChicaM- Juî -ntly have received nuinsrous cem-bDoa uts that the horses emploYe(d On thehl jitary canal are gubjeted te ili trient- F mt. As a result Oscar F. Little aud ord, arge Notia, agents for the societY, and tic'] r.O. Schwartzkolf. a veteriflary sur- e on, were sent to mnaLt an invetigatiofl. heli was fonnd that nearly ail the horsswe id mules working 011 the. wheel-ebovls andi i dnmp-carts were more or les@ chated , dre id in the brick-yards oft Miichael MYers conl ur horses out ot seven that svere haut- dait g cay from the canal to the kilus were 13P badly galled that the foreman of thse tic' rkis sili lie prosecuted. Tht. Humane ne fliety officiais asgert that the. case ia ne. RO, -te most flagrant tuiatlias corne te their crs ention, and they say the trouble might col: ie been avoltted easily. Ther say tisat, ele, a mile, herses chate or "ticaid" on the Ide ) anti under the. coilars in the Pr aimer, and that îî is practically imposai- Dti lduring the hot treaiher to avoid a cer-ki n arnount of the. troule. But Iu thse1 ise of Mytrs' herses. îhey say their ef sa were worn tili they b1e1i by the con- mjE tnt ruhbing ot singletreesl and, Chain tex astenings ihat shoultl not have îoeehed W àe horqsta ail. One. ot the. horses had wi :right flank lacerated in hait a dosani fin laves by an iron Irong that acted ai a a ouffing betweers the tonandl singletree. m< lere were holtîs haIt an iii' h detîs in the li .nk spread over a bloet sttseared sPace n linches ie diameter. An ,thier horse's ai nk had been pnuded tilt the. fiesh baid th arked for a distance of oser eigiste.en pr ch-s hi, the. constant thuinping ot a 8111- th Ietrec, that. should have been tfastened te bee e harness above svhen notin uUse. to Igye.>lseane Blindinsr Cisttle. Tht. peculiar diseame iwhicttlias afflicteil oc he catte of Brokfieltl Towship, two 01 ailes south oft Marseilies, co.utiliiies te ;rend,.91)(1 the fermiers ivio uosn large CI crds oif cattie are becoinig greatly En larnîi over lit rapid progress. It la a W scase of tht. eye. amii nis troin une di to our wetks. leasing ije ,tuucases the* g1 iaiiattally hind. It first imade itstt Lppearanct. about three iweeks ago in a ta lerd ot 111) steera wbich Mr. Summer- of bys reeetly sltiiped ini froin Chicago, ai and it is tlsmnght that the . tpolciie as hi broitglit by thesa. The diecase lias new W 6rend to the. aujoining fartas, and be- fi des the catie ot '.%r. Suînmerbu3 s, whieh ti re ali affecteil eith& r iin ee or both eyes, Ir aboti seîenty-five otherp are suffering 1-1 froi th(tesanme discase. Thesnsptems cl re a watery condiîtion of the. caca. wbieb'a in s ion tuliuwcd by inflatmmat ion and P ulccrs. Awhtite filmai se tuvers the cutire tg yc. le the. mîtt sevcre cases tht.e e 1 bulges out of the head ani breaks. Dr. Lennon states that lie thinks the. disease e Intectious. but flot coningitits, and that a Ifpropcriy ireated in trne tihe aninaal'sao yesigbt cani be savedl. Iles.anys that thse a lisease bas been known se far oniy ta a make its appenrance in extrerneiy hot a weather, aud thinks ibat it may be caused a by sorne kînd ot weed wbtch grows ie thse b loslands. t National Partys Ticket At the National Silver Prehlbitionist >arty State convention at Dccaie.r the 'broad-gange" platform adopted at Pist- burg stas indorsed, sud tise effort te cause the Illinois Prehibitienisis te tuse stitis the "narrow-ga tge" Prohibitionisis pror- ed a fallure. Tht tollowissg State ticket was noninaici: Governor, Isaac Wiggs, Chicago; Lieutenant Governor, A. C. Allen, Murphysboro; Sec retary of State, L G. Spencer, Chsicago; Auditor, . A. Hoopes, Ipava; Treasurer, A. L. Scott, Srangeville; Attorney General. G. A. Gor- don, Camapbell Hill; University Trustees, Mary E. Mietzger, Mouine; Mrs. Elisa J. Adams. Qeincy, aed lMrs. J. D. Collins, Vandalia; Uniteil States Sessatur, D)aniel R. Sbeen, Peoria; Eleci ors-at -large, 'w. E. Miana, Decatur, J. W. Wells, Chicago. Blectors for Etint. districts. L. Webster, C. D. Pay ne, N. IL Kane. John Iloskin s, 31. Scisoolerafi, Marsball Irey. T. J. Bnliarti. R. C'.Allen and H. E. Kilnm; National Commnitteenscn, Henry H1. Roser and Lloyd G. Spencer. Chicago. Moiuey was pleslged te pay campaigo t.xptttt5t. C. E. Bentley, nomilsce for President, nddresscd tise conventionf. He attdressed a miass meeting at the tabernacle. takinig up ceach plank ut the. national Party. Close of a Pitifui Tragouly. Tht annonncement ot the denth SaIsir- day of Martnekericb ai tbe Sitein- sane asylen t Anna recails a îragedy begue iwenty years ago andi closed i viih hi. deaih. He %vas a liresperous barneas dealer at fBelleville and wns marricd teaa isigbly esteerned young lady there twettY years ugo. Tht wedding festivities touk place lu tbe eveuluig and noue was lsappier than the groom. Tise next snorning ho was tounul a ravieg maniac. Hie condi- tion was hopelessi and hie wns rernoved te tht asylum where lie remained Outil luis deatb. Tht caisse et bis Insanity was neyer known. His bride of a day remaiEs- td true te bim sud was tise irai une iitu- lied ot bis finsi end. etate Newe tn Ertef. Tise thirteentis annual reuien et tise Deeley tamily was bcld Tbursday ai tbe home ot M. H. Young, near Brukaw. What may prove two important arresis bec ~ssne t ltabed for uemrly a O. He loft s naostaeh.biswfe, 4att* g8. showlng tisat leb ail coMseis- ted suicide for a tartnlgst. Ht bravos, t, our smati eildren. Chartes Do- 7. l yeusaolsnd a laisarer. commit- suicide hSioting linuelfthrougs hesti. Tuesday his. afte procue aa rrani for bis arresi, cbarglng diserder- conduet and asauit. Tht case stas for hesrlng lu Justice Hleuneaai's nit Wedeesday rnorning. Wbiie tht tice was waiting for hlm te appear sar returnesi te bis home andi kilted self. ive tbeuand members ot tht traternel or Modern Woodrnnoe America par- ipattd in thtesunmal picnicet tht Win- bago Couniy association. whlsih was Id ai the fair groundsInle focktord ednesday. Tbere avere band conteste I a leegihy atbletic progrem. Tht ad- s.i stas given hy W. A. Nortett, head seul et thte rder and Itepublicau candi- e for Lieutenant (loveruer. Tht aker retranesi tro discusaing pol- in confleing himself te motters con- ted wltb tht ardes'. Ht complimtnted ackford as being lu the heurt of stood- .tt. hevieg tht banner camp of tise ,untry in point ot numbers. Tht sunual ecien cf the association ragsslted: Pres- ni, Frank Seavemes Latham; Vice resideet, Charles Beswtll; Secretas7, uncan Bennett; Treasurer, T. F. Hap- us. The Executivo Committetetfthe. Board tTrustees et tht University ot IlioisE et ai Champaigu and decidesi te moike enporary repaira te tht amouni ot $10,- )0 on tht chernical labturatory building. hici was aimnts totalli destreyed by oe Sisndny murning. T'ie huard basnen ailabte fondasaitithe present timet te Let tise eP*ns tqo a comptete remodel- g, andti iis work will bave te bt deterred utiI tht convcniug ot the Legistature, ren esn appropriation stsfiicieut te mieet te expotse n ut ne doubi hc made. At taeset n permanent root wlll be put on le wslls ot tht ruina andi tht interior stilI ,furuished arosi quippesi tempo irt~ c)le turii ont when tht appropriation àu iae. Tht structsure avili bc ready for cupanci esrly in the scisool year, tu peu tht lai et September. Charlts Pauza, oet3C4 Laurel street, Ihicago, waus awekencd enriy Thursday norning by two burgiars luintis room, rho wvert rsnsscking tht irnawers lu s 'essiug case. He sprnng eut et bcd anti appled svith tht amealler et tht tw( tioves sud succeedeti in throwing hi', o tht fleur. cheking hinu severely. Tisi *coud rohiser stent te luis companiol'i isistance sud stru-i Pauza over thi sas with bis revolver. Pauza grepplat ih his antagenisi, ansi during tht ocuf le the man discharged bis revolver ibrot imes. One cf the. ballets struck Paasi ti tht hip, inflicting s serions stound 1le fell te tht e r ansi the btsrgiars ta spesi. Other persona in the bouse o*er %ruseti and they chaseti the fugitives. J »Iice officer in the. neigihorbootl saw th men, but itey manageti te avoisi hie 'anza was taken te tht CeuntyI Hospita Ontet tht ment brutal murdersthatbay ever boe on record in the county occurre about five miles tuai f etLtenaboro ai o'dock Wedutsday memuing. A. M. Rai awtalthy farmner, 671 years of sgt, abc and lustanily kiile<l Joshua Biggerstal IYoung man &gWs 25. For nme urne Ra and Biggerstsff's moiber, agasi 0U ha betu meeting lu a wstespasture uts their home, and the wosnpn'a fagnily gret uspicion& of ber conduci, sud nme tin: ego lier buabansi epbraided ltay about i Sine then both men have gene armae lVednesday morniug Biggerstaff sud h irather siarted te a uelghbor's home 1 got a frini tet go fishing, sud stiilo gala hrongh tise soosis pasturo Ray gtepp4 front behbi a iree sud sirnck Blgge staff sttisei gun, breaking both ja btues, sud tistu shot hlm lu tise bts Ray got on bis horst sud rode hoin viser. Sherlif Bucks arrested i hm. Blgge Mtair'ewite ih lu pour healtis sud vill d framn prostration. Tise Cicago, Burlîngien sud Quin, R.alroad Company in about te engage shttp nalslug lu Kenidall Counix. Tht han been securtd a lease et 250 acres fine grsazing land, weil waiered sy IE Rock Creek, on aviicistht cempani w nt once commence tht erecion etfase sud the nectssary chutes tei! loadlng ai uaoadlng stock frum tise cars. Tht nez al agreesi upon le $3 an acre. and t agreemuatClcalîs trher tur tise use 1,500 acres additioeai for a astted peri for grsng escis sprleg andi fait. T land la rentesi fro. Lewis Steward, w owna 5,000 acres et land in Kendall Coi ty. ht la nnderstood tht Comipany b gene miatiste business as a way of ga ieg relief frem tht sharp competition il exista ie securing Western shiteitts sheep for Cicago. Sbeep wlll hoe pi chased es favorable ptices affer, s shippesi te tise ferra. wbich in se close tht markaet that ih eaunie eaaily watcb snd tise sieep, detivenesi ai the stock Yu] on short notice visenever sirong pr6 prevail. Tht plans provide fer the hold ef anyvistre freim 5,000 ta1l5,0OO abeel Mayor Brown, of Rockterd, wiIllv tht franchise grantesi te tise lockfi Traction Company unTtb street hi , Councl. This was îettied by tise c( pletion ot the report et tise 'City Engin ou the subjeci et froninge, tise cemps heieg short over (300 feet of tise major requlred by law te secure a franchise, cause et the revocations ta their petitii wblch vert seceresi sud presentesi ta Council Monday eveuing L.y the oppos compsuy, juat betore a vote on tht Psi sgt ofthtie franchise wus takon. litva require tee eut et tourteau votes ln Coueil te pais ht oven the Mayer'a v4 sud this number tise Traction Comp4 Melectose Oran eh q -Wh.le»eeYom0 forI Studyut gth t si4puarUiilI telligentha' sud PffeSb Golden Text.-"Tise huad vay of the rigisteans, but =tise lugasly I apemsh."-Ps. 1..& ê" This lassn tele of Ab»bWo~% aud deatis, anint.fousila2sa,4 1713 2,33. Whllt AbWaom'a plans for a Rebron ver. beug perfetel, secralyInformesi of tise c immedatati defermlted ta fiée s"lae.Hi.aId tUrne vls no pride remalueito rem~ s usurper. Bsde slh prudent, but tisea lUtile conîsi have defeadedl 4ue~e any atitaîg forces. ueut Marty traitons vîthin tisava w of Dsiîs '. aibin .taIS l (2 Sam. 15. - -1: 23). Thb1 sud deceptions of Ahlithopbslêi need not ha t-altai banc; thtf sncb s. always -hava bat. foudi tal courts. Ih ln tatinl uuue defend David'& actian luin s 1unisil tht cunlug plan by 1 Ioma'sacharna. vert ta bu eft question &4 ta tise nigis or vq tilseilsoand sdSeeptions w=ck chiet part of tht vork of a- se ig teetire t. nai matiledel ae. no*; I vIS eertalnly v84 no vorat lu tbws tisa, tisamen oaiiss, day; nettise liciter. Husal's asivice ta ÂÀ raileti oves' Alsthopisel's, and a $y Absalorndeldéd upois ai parstio. for vas', hb gtagy tram thse viole la-nd, Instesi 1mediatattaek vbicb Âbtiss 10f conrse ibis gave Daid litlmeu jfor defuese sHue Isa ntriâ"* rDavid mate ie sheadqiau& a )uslm, vhert he axs.gisii10 loyai susisectu. Afier su lnird veeks, dnylug viîcis the riveji ver, preparitg for battIt, they-î torestinlu Oleasi, not ffus ram â a a l a s i " t i e vo o d ' o f E p h b s ' s I * . t 1 WtInf,by th-aad,,I.ofisspè muhiai Msaaan, sud bliee commaisdesi hiJoabs, AhuhIal : Th iselg dlstiscty comminit Pe ts adeal gtntly vith ts u a veu vus ÂAbmdlar." Thse dagaiusitishe rabal army, tiser MM F_ catd tes i20.000. The . .aiýq t grounsi, iuekî vodc, . tht. a greai slaugister. Whlle DiviSd4 .uI parui of the teemi y maa e@ast tisi ruoo k AbusIoft1 t uvgestieias fer S Ream 2 Saun. 17:24-19- 3 le xmk up Maloiali ounUithe Jordan, abottMidwvay et t.muk and Jabtgok rivera. Tb*1 ae af Gieasi are ieavlly od< id naigihorisoos. Thse site et 1 isaItf bas not heen dlscovered. , In hi uaxlety net ta ba**- t exceed thse nuealIemgti. 4h. f. tise lussecmmittat bave u 'y of tise mocétat e lag Pasn I r c o u t 0 f h et me plis anseaitis etq ~morernuet. Nyaulme 15Vernes lu thse eu sa to ason. iii "Âhsahar rode opon a =Mae, r- wu amal ofroyae. nm 1 'W M13This Mar bave b"sa3>a- d.- A grw±omis:" rather, 1*t lor tenebitis,.Appareutirlf 'r- vel Suave lu ite m9~ le tise dellute s-5 j1 isolsi ef Uic 01kt" U thet eî h. bung bt bis long haïrba lu tis in the lion, thosgs o re ha rwaseitanugled in the ia Oft r~ee. 119 Josb's thonghint plate; If 0 riii Wu kSlIe bssam, the obietP ýd baacomplIsseS vlthoutba ,d ondes' tise Ungesdispleasnae t- We muet respect Uic MM ai i th leua refusai te faninawIithX et desie. Haes'Iskd a gond deuilo osi Joab ha-S a prirateé groSse 'h loua (14: S30)» iaSnvasuateoq btS bis revenge lunder s pretdmis..' tn- à publie tuamy. At Uiheso4 in- aven thee Uit prailit.* t vas guilty aofU aoaend of puntisrmnt ha reerd.. ar- fo bsad In tsBorJ5b usi exesîtlon of the rébel, thougU te thea ordama af tht seft.isea*tg4t rd. Absalom biasi beeckpieSa 1 rss ould have hatu a coiugl cas tht Utata. logf "A vry getiseapo tih P.afa dlmhauoresh pava. listioes eto trarelers sttsr pions -eimaiýt* orns pas thegraves af hély %md* tht stonte. ai the tombe of tu",~ Dm- "uas, ý eer "Thse entemies of my lord tht ny Cusisi shows a- anc tact la.Ie itY sorrovful suuouiscieiut.. 1»M bu- bave chiosei bis wore t* sus vrath, as staua to oiieU, theth îbklu; for tuthe sut me Ing tidingo t. otén isiSpp as- bIs for the misfortuna. O8 nIld 140 Aau eatofli isoarçli. tht pot-t, cruelleS the any delata. Buit ld ws#5 lie "ven Joab, ~bau ited et-Sera, eap lae rush Pro-aNy neouns tcm tisa DayWde grief visa ba s tb tntl Ian position. Boys.,w vm

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