CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 28 Aug 1896, p. 4

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fIB. . SHEiRM1AN, LK olellior. ad tn Ogny mg .444 4444b4 444 444 444 4 -Lut your pro6perty with meani' »" ee RAYSLAKE SOCIETIES. esso.KE Wn blf raes 0 17 dm NONoP lisR A. F. & A. M. Mr., hiteway la spendlng bis rasnberts wening on or before ful mw.. llaroiado!Wamea, spont At The Samne Oi Place, has Bargains in Amfong numerous LTuiompsox, Secy, Sunday at Sleepy Hollow. a gains, I have the fo1Iowiné: au V ]Un ]o&MM Lnay O818Chaater. V. D. Orler Eastern Miss Edina May Strond, of Chicago, Soefr o.Hibrlt lteigh ctyro odm hy. 0o4md ~79Oon S tar meet firsU aand third Tueludaly aven'gs i8 vi8iting Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. Hl k' o ihegtommdr os teti 0 79 onlsMas. A. R&uu goW.oMd ~,OOpoad wresod t 7Mas. E. B. SaREMN; secy. Miss Mary Williams, of Waukesha, go well. eiî,allade and fruit» 11 ouMaeda 1 ens. Btte 17 LKECm o 24M .ne is th uic t of Mrs. B. C. Harper. for cash, or on aeisonable terme, fl pedt1cet.Bte rpand tird arampNo 141enh&,ngao act lefmle fMeas ml ,,lie ad tirdBatudayeveing o Mli he amiiesof Mssr. SaleandFor sale. rnew building 22x4o feet, cheap for mod or17cet. as yarmnth. 'Spate spent Sunday at Lake Villa. - O ah IM","d or 1 cetsj mt earGEORGE KÂPPLrC, V. C. -lal0otkGEORGEBooxa, Clerk. Ray Cuanings, of Chicago, le visit- Choiffl Lots 5oxlya foet at fron $0t "M tnooe IZAlCm~o~6..Ametscoding bits cousins, the Misses Harper. (Jade. M an forth uesay venigsecla oti IL Win MawellbasJus purhasd aTho Darby proiîîertY-tarip.housoi. lnt and eau$a attention te, the Mas. W. HasvarY. Uiie.eautiful site for a snmmer cottage. baGadrnhes e on Division Ht for sale or rent. ey r uier gold MS. BNREANÂNLC. ale uda e- e38sKckrad edo a Ileg raeW eesHnry Wells propertY at ltaineoville;baill fSm olr'ie, od vtemeta.man7:0pm.PrayIr nme4t- a set u y et Sleepy Hollow. Mr acrilt, ibouse, barn, 2 Wells, cistorn, fruit là4 dernanda thkllt It be ing Wednsday evenlngs. Y. P. . C. Ë. meet M r. Sullivan, of the Chicago Tribune ..ewng Machines andi shada, tre-es, %,Intyard., shop 22X4l two Weil, why Do? B unday eveings at :4s p. m. aund hbis îiy ocecîpy the Snow AND storlî's, priI." $700. pupoesI le r.cttage. Atsl YSli, lot 71X77 0fr, P. D. Baio'r. ýIL$ào 1 f 'irini t lastated Mr. sud Mrs. Higley 'and Mr. oand Misses Cook sied Woodman and A Full Line of Jewelry. arnPoetFrSl Mroes. IIlJSSherman spent at Suanday inNle8iir,3. Cook, Hart and Welton are uaIleuFrm yproe tnteoit banl.o agf ~u~bougît their vives wth Russel. Mrs. John Brewer's. Lake. nfrov. arontsit, bf alaes M Borne Of them are J. J. Longabauglis adi is interesting The castomary Saturdlay eveninglogtr.ltîwaeoritrst wthgl.TIen think hoy and lis offers liberal. If yoen Mant dance waïs a succesit. Lusks Orchestra blctflIltlwrt,'tj,".t il ould be. No Man bargaina read it. uls greatîy apprcxatcd. -'-I 144) at-rems irovitiftarai aliai-int (Il' Thirîl te ecught vithout tacc The tirst new paper dollar fointid its Fred Lyman andi Cliff Brewer spent -qqq w O 111111 -L.ake. l.iiseral terres. H. oul, itha pugor woway to town last week andi is a beauty Sattnrday andi Suieday with their ears'aMlut,.rilIn'-lrg ~ ok. su vlsa jckk f0fthe engraver's art. Irjetîds ou Tturd Lake. "1 ~ IS ELL tbarnlga e. t'i J'us., g.toi ls, g',o'l ci,-q ý tM i ajc-nf, The Ladies Aid Society will]initat Miss Aggie Bulvinkie together with tt$ 0a-t, lib-.frlt -Sv prt-r,.. part l0p,çkM chage. alorne t thlnk with Mrs. Brandstatter Waednesday severa-raillter yoting ladies hall a jolly Iah.l, alal'..-("n lignrsaiý- Oîr "- It l e afly atran»ge tisaI a country sept. 2. No meeting titis week Oni tiînoiat Foi Laîke last Frîday.V IL IKU n* (roiaiUît-iStî'rI-s'rit ;A«r havag eujoyed lthe benefits o! ace to eîin Mrs. Wtn. Matxwell and daugliterm, tîî. i«e a iiii'. ..îî itîtr î'sî î,il (,f' Mayfront liereatndhSela sad Fîiiîiie tndl son Tout, spent W1 tob»oo currency, sbould have ever Diaaiond Lake pinie ]st Thlinrsdaiy sveral (laym with Mln. Brown.sî.%49 tfm ,,it iry alla. z i r hiL aloi ~Isdond l. Lt n aI? helantdanthe edto lle ttee aaîauin e een1'rtt.î'Nl'ratlseraigt.IT CofAN SSIL VE R ,.e Lofiii'etîtîn.Tir' rtaiiîi,( iriie ni beV1 long aitid oud, fortte remonet17za- crowd that vas Ihere. tv'c h'rsdtt !Se'y101w"r,î.T . i-Iii «M !01 obacco. Il ie not sectional, Mr. and Mrs. Sfiobeaak aitd fanifly, 1 with nîuany selccîjiton Uich banjo. If yoti want to liuy or relit Lake etther. Tobacco can be raised in of Chicago, who have 'been boarding Miss Ella Sullivan, principal of th e Bicycle Sundries Wac and Clock CounItY reîll state, 1ie mure' to cali .ufliethîe nortîcra or the southera with Mr. Hall for îLehathtirce weeks UGoethe t4(ii'il, Chaicagoî, il; stoppinig rettirned to ilîcir honte Saturdlay. wtth lier brother Jt the Sniow cottage. and Repai ring . . Repai ring .. .. ..on Mr. andi Mrs. Riel, of Colorado' Messtrs. Langlian nd uiWatronsi en- -Springs, Col., andi iorimerly resicfeit,ý oe tdy ihn nTidLk.H .P d o k After Its Over. ol this place spent font or f ve dcd ofTheformr w>,,happ ou hr t e. Md t ever occur 10 you thal ater lest week with old riitaisaldapîiy o\rr a lenl E. B. SH ERNAN, JEWELER, Libertyville, I-lîlinois ,ý«get lhrough lalklng free trade, Teihe mrri esanepsc.Ii Monday cvciiitig tho Misses Harper ~ oive, potetio, ad hrd Tnge ma', in eiisna iv ly gante of türtoaiuîod the y'înug to]&a. Dancing Grayslake II. F A R TW agiverprotecion ad ba bsinl e al sat nrsdiatielie rof tr vs ludulgealira iafter which refreili- . A R TW '0iU'êy, and Ihe election le over, the bas hal settvere sernvtheti.iiv 11 ei o beat, the score being 7 tri (0, Gpîiîilfor net ee evdail au cij r 'or uO%êIa'wo of nature wil c ncoutro tearetlia.hoo ore aaat l'oision Ivy,Iiset lbite's, lrt1 ', WHAT QES IT MEAN? WHV? Harvet tExcursion. '~--greed and banin nature will play as they ise to when ytîîing. xvstîtt, litries, ire iiiit'kl.y ceti tîy ýrh e iJ - ~og ît~ nv, te me ~l. J.Lrnghîaglî a i t Il:efa'iSalvte, the great Bow yolu eau situe $7.5oi lii'ge-t 1a lt' 'rfrfî î t i ui'ail IW Mitanulcture nov wWillmauufse- Wisconsini tver it]e C. M. eSI. il. Ilui ietyvilît'aut Î 'iî f. îtWuel-, an tîlîl an ilrie1inatl tttL tî h.a t il il sti ý t'' 11111i14 the ai 'gr tsen; lthe rlel man o! vili luis week to take a looîk lit tt'at,; iiryf'rtthe. livre ondrtot.Wiî. y oîî iîrk uutonDy-t-a tttit'uyfi'tii' g arndtti-,itlttitfl ti-li i.betbe rioh man of that day, lte properly Ilial lie lias rcî.-etly blîtiîi' 't i ffle-1iilrovîîuendt Oi l vi' n tig w i al. iîiîliitg 't'Itlt'r t"it- aom'eite. - agenît for. H-e reports il fie! ii îîuî'y tit l '.tyy t.y i . îi** Ii I i iut I ni -k.7 et e it il "-Itrl:t t ' ilt e î .I,xt lotgîo. ~twît't 1S 'nily is(uî ph#mnthropint of to-day vill have the at ha t$,$1,sd~' iiar.jt.yeîf îta a io- ruidne tiMillîlînt . SLl ut irutctrnllirî irig It îî rs'l 'f aestGrl .big ihert, and the died up, Mr. ocorge Frti-,',r tiois stiltihi-. 'ý ftespe'T- w trt' fi siii fîk Isa«.s ý,,,WecîsiDy nliial îprive. and i l',ird i illit î-xî'iite)t"Souithi andîlNiî rtI Dakota, Iujfosail, the hermil, theinîiser bouse and lot o(ta the -urter of ia ke8elf on jobs .iiiiniileerniarI tuitit î a lttiie . iitut ii t iti i ie t esiiWi. ,it rti iti oItt îîtiltR SI nt ene A e, îtîîîttî itilili ve,'u Cooutk, W' î tiili, Majoîr, 111) t :171; atan teil W sa)i kJIlt »-tho 1 devil of to-day viii ho the S.adCne v. poiethteio DtgîsLtlatu'itus iisei.W i, fie ttl] uttWs iitttiliui 'ois1 the a nv.Wewil av acbuih triA. W. itititoî'. tlti f i n lîr, ;Lgiit, IDougas, LBrew at-r, loi' .Viif -1u le. 11tAiland4onuthi 15, lîitlildaes:,11 B -à%iii1Iiýtho asnow Wevinbav asorltttakeîtossessioni. Mr. ira'iz'r IJi Iliyi21, At'. l;r4iiid ]ma1,ciE Mas .1. P.. 'I'gverament by the Majority Of thenuve fails amily lutt aihs iitau i1 ' rattoIA'totfi iFitt1Sl' iît' î a '2Iutui t'îItLreaiî ti ttii ,, i( I >oopio no matter vhieli way it Igoues, lieuîse'. 1FieiteI if you lava good neighuiors, a "litys Wiln tlive'ys bit oi t- i î.,î't W ae aimnts o do 1 itte oo , 111Y l amme, hurii'. landau iti tat grtîîtiiiî,, ratte 'f tiollatftrs mait til it uît- ain- vie a d a chne e arna a afford tii Itse aiîy of tlt-at. Be -r-aiuy in i siwo'r f of uit('elle thiiîk tif n ta'CItrlîr htark tin lt ?iluanitikr-t- ortte.t ii's. i 'n t in at itri p. 1 'ket iII.i ii ljja vi le apy Tee s ofor tbe green apîlle seustîn uy fiat v 0- t rtr gîtti't 1 ti-oi laoleatcbipIttrii tiurt.l'i Iutti ' ii irrtitiutu iy otria i a# výg yu ing mmbasndhappy.g jorsîf ouaeitt; For t-a oiea'II recoititi'aiiag i lut'Minîute ColîgliAdrireisR. " iLV ï-uii. .ot . i~Ftîidav'nithla ltw(Ii 'ty'-oui- ýdays frotu E,1V E E Y Colin- .1 tiiolenai Cure iii ~~~~~~~~Cure lus i îîîr'v iltive tif pneumonia, Fia 05*K 1'. Iviios hi. Lli, e iti ut! -l' "i rtet ïtati rii i ~'beandi jour frieutis disgustad. Liberlyville anîd G. C. Robilerts, Wtîatîiuîlio ttelrtîallI-îîgi 1RCt ]iiar ii tiI' tjttiy iiaî1 tt-t. 4#'t" cool a»dilet your hair curi." couda. tmiiFo s ai Fît lltîti iertr'dtille, I o. -s, r ý)rut _______________________The Lake Coîaîty l'roltil)tiiiist.41G. t'. liîtitrts, Waiît'tita. eut Weil, it %î ill puy voiiit' te, ia itiar 'itil liv. ii4.St-f l Win give a piî'aie in Wigbit's grîtut-tuaiteet h exîunîii îî'î. 'îirrî'is ea ien autii MILLBURN. I~~ept.aa.sEvut litiges atand eijy Six wîîe<ks agi.1 i ,ai-r'tl ini it a'r'ry the cîîuuty fteaît iho ullIifrstinîs104Ile iOlth'. O"? »g Main Isfaon the alck liaIstsie. Go ickr 'îîe o severu'etîoldi; ILas îîfnMtiotieublte to eaik. tsnt. FoSaeWihi,,l Mý amaie Trotter speatM red i dielnet xlt Suntioy alteadance, aîuriug tIent being Messrs Mysfiinis tituvisr'duitho cîîfasiaint s .1\ ct'îîîîî II)Fly S hitic (ýL(111tel- J. G.. W'ioley, Hale J-liobn iuî uaP"ysiciat.inor-ing CiauorbrSain' Wilsofl ~~~Coigli ttenacrly aivertimeul la the St:'- beîina-ciof -01t)prilttlig caeului'ttlis.ltîtr.tfAo .îsr o ae Tr dUrsday Mm. antickcal o Mrs Brg Otetitith laul Volks Zcittaîig Ilîroîcuametia botle utithe INDEPENISENT OfhIte. Wr- tý uitiliitot',1. iTiiirotitgfiiret Ittîlat Chiiîa îpigea, -aedbafler taki Mr. atdaMrsbBirte bulendvashgooLI avomitaatirg ittanshrt w iie wastbtIfi -le-x-.natt al vitoustages. Noiîvlui4lte Jaester spent Sunday ah homte Orgauization o! the' Couuty Gond entirr'iytWeil. 1IOW noî ost heurtily Itirai t) tii g itr ir'diuîg fi.tck/ ossui by a frienti. Tapasa at lf atv krecouaîîaî'faolthîs reîîîr'ry to Itii i Lt>yli' ' Wtgut ii ni- loteîi $i ait t1 b av- IL. <al anti Wedne8day anti Mrs. Burge-asnnteur'it ttturtîiwu. m I67 i hNEXi'T atifi i'aI toN etsitCi, '5 bili I titi tm sitorarry s- îoîuî " ttr îîtrc i Y PoreivscerSteatfaukean Vice Prebideat iofIlthuassotciatlin. Seîîuy .AV(., St. Patîl, Munt. For sale'.Iaitpe Ocean i. levetr, anduatiîuler Ralatli eltu <titI. i'Iey c<'iisi)uit vili 'trs. teia.tvea Bd. Srsn and dTay lor . re a las enlnuaietlyF. B. Lîtutli, Lihertyville andîl0. C. tucHargia.1. If. Et.u:a. .1. T. l a s ialfiDois. Eti.Mailu ani Et. Talor athe W. C. T. U. vomk anti se kn oî, Roberts, Watiicouda. .4 u1é vp toiGeuseva, S8iltday. site viii do lier vliole dîly libti. 19Ë and NMu. Engene Strang, of Severai youag people of Gruyslauke My___ _by_____o eas ae V9lla., visltet at W. B. Stevamî's vent with the excursion prtl a sMyitjiei ery lîywtiithWo yaotagex. Devil', Lake, Wis., last Thurstiuîy -.n 'as adi isî'd tou îsr- Cuitîi'lain's Col ie, f " 0.f thse yonng people sur. repomrta delightful limc, even tinuugli Choiera autti iaîrrliî'î'îî eniedy. anti 4 Wli oeTuesday y ght. Ail more IlionItirce founlis tif the rlly laakily prorîned aliarlt of a bottle. 1 M~R I ' go"oti me. ' as sîîr't. on the cams. Tiiose Nsîbttt-arefîiiy rndrlthte îirctiîîtntl gave it 4 * YS T E MIVIT IC A LL Pole ani Mn J.M. Sran wvonoliceti going litre Mns. Hiliey, e -rîîingiy. lit' wuxs ery loy. but 4M, et aIof tle veek at Iticli- Misses Morrili,Ifurge aîtîlWhitittarc lowl-y and ] srntly li e gutiltin- q «"n ' ilufriendaï,there. Meeîrs Geo Mtrrill anadlLiiway'ue lîrovi', grna.îtlîy nec-oit rcu, aîîd is Dowv "O- o ieyouug people 0f1 h, ge. wital(stolgýievàr Ifelufl» vtert for Bechoster, Vils., Mon- LasI Mouaday Mr. Baldu ivais Lthe il saî'ed bis lite. 1I(,at a ar'îer itraise 4 -etten4 echool liers. vicîlua 'of an occident iruate Brick und thIe ltcieuy hut' its W'orth. i arn 4 carry TrolerKares ntiHemng-Tile ylaltaI niglit casif bave sorry every tune ini lte oriti l Io nuloa d tc fetene la îl cind he lie o!proveti fatal. Wiile feediaag o-f aty tto knoi otvlivgoîr il III, as 1 I tioMrs. wok ttr.spnin sut îlete machine bis shirt caiîght ini the Chii S. lllntonu, Grabaaasvifl, Marioni CARRIAGES of Farm Machinery and BUGGIES Weekallr sendiig orn lie ielt anti began pulliag binai ii. The Co., Fîuiia. L'tansatie Iîy F. B. Loveil, Ob ti nibutntattlaot0fbs"utisM-t'Waculî.bfr dprlgengineor quackiy stoppeciltenmachinei Libertyville andt G. C. Rloberts, Carnlages, on Milwaukee Avenue, i; a ylor presentet im ia i tri rforn 1dm sd lue receie otsîme Libertyville, and hope Farmers and others wiiI illtof hkcsadîeLf ! hitht irtsstbithteeau îiRcad îdrMI.4 ifin need of such godcali and namne their wants. cf liseclasa.sliouaîter, vicb proelteil bis îork- 1 M vidrttîf h i Dowru,îiîîg tull oos *. AIleo! lise ofcesteHariseooligf etne . - tîast. Llniii i 'îuîr aples. Pronupt ~Gay & Sons' Carrnages, Wagons and Surries. D. M. Osborn U~ ompanof asto Baris ver The entertairimeut tiy Mr. hickernug service'atend guitaî snrk. 46-49 4 - Ro 017 lse he .P..g . inrasute8alt alwx t( et A. C. Pru.oal'uirie Vievi, III. 4& Co's, CORN and Grain Binders, Mowers and Rakes. - t= éVtth eng.Gymaepeuple haut' hearnal tr sceu4 .* Vxé,pariles scella 10 bethe for nîauay a oay. The' stereCodeticIaaI ait ay. 8oand.-.10 foot hyrakes. cystematic ÎaIlle day. On Monday nlghh, ievs vitre fite and] tht' conce'rt litîtrd and other makes of Ladies and a Bndmy achool cloue sur- Ilirongli the large pltouiogrophi liasci E. rS. »Gleasiin bas ionglîl a nev -& bia. Tise evenlng vas spent simply immense, living ta) otîter -ideorluati ndislnoi reudytfor "tiz" & WAGONS Cents Bikes. Gale No. 10, MOWERSt 't alermnc vcttersîitattractioîns in lt- lte audfiente yas B]iuug oty our a( i4446)vacnjuo sw»en nieltoiadJmal, HoBO liopu to ihave tinu calme 4 auco-iKNo.12 biiouaues, ndgesio ani ack t igeUiiin the neuir future. m BIn .ufB ~Utti' vodbeP.De ug- C~~-'3~ ILfNt ~II OUIU~'~u îti vators. 14. 9 Zuy Riaers will spetiiîlul ty taia uiilurtfiusalu*ULîmuULUI îuuw These cultivators are the BEST on the market as they lkee mli. For sale-by F. B. Istrumnuts tanticir'itcrtaini an Lfbiertyville anti G. CRoberts* autîlente viit bis nuisic' alunie.. ROUTE leave the groLind after cultivatng as it was before you comn- SEt-o.menced, and just as the nain drops fail from the clouds or t - AutionSale. f - 4 nearly so, and in that condition the soul absonbs nearly or * -. DEERFIELO.Hîîing solti ny farmi. 1Wii -'a W-= Puiulf Autba. oti ue iretuies, - - ~ ' 4 quite ail ramn fait and your corn crib overflows. My advice is X' RmKulat, 0f Mayvooti s visiling 1 mille veît ut Frenotal(culter, aund to PULVERIZE yOLIn CORN ncut oiow it. tàother.. lira Totit. 4 mnilita tortit o! auunconda, kitova as 6 Amisaîr's home lias beon grcatîy the, Robert Lyon's Fari, Thîîrsday .s by a nev coat of paint. Se'pt. 3, 189i6, comoseucig aut *(" 4ouas, formerly of Deerfialti ot eltî il plitrp e rfluwn osy;z - ar isete fore part of thevweek.20aa ikesprtJsy;2t tspriagart, Yearling hall, Two year olti-d- MOffrit, o! Libertyville, ypent Jersey buill, Spanuf 6 year olti broya

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