LTIVE AND IVE .... is Our Motto, and by adhering strictly to it we have built up a good trade. Quality differs as weil as Price. We aim to handie Good Goods at prices w ~equally asdCood. OUR MEATS -Always Fresh and Assortment large. Our Grocery Dept. Is Complete and Prices RIG HT. Remember we are headquarters for ail kinds of fruits. - - - - NOTICE TO- FARMERS:--We wil11 pay highest price for good beef cattie - - - - - - - H Ac..-TRIGGS & TAYLOR.', Times Hard? THEN BUY GOODS AT Hard Time Prices.1 Here are a few: 1'.. ' %'. F»it tit ... Mdq' i'a i- Shitr IS<t3'ttO', ril-. Ml tilit . I f, lix t .t 2 Sttttj .251 - ~WINASHIRTI For shrt liniewe mi Il gîve away eaeh jweek .A Laundried White Shirt mft 'tn 1. là i flyoir laioîîiryvontre( lve a vliane onIL f t he i>'S ..ctW'<n'day at 7 P. il. F. C. SMITH & SON. Waverleys Cresents Ramblers Watches Clocks C. R. #Sherman, A large and varied line of Hardware, Pumps, Milk cans and Cutlery.. The HER£tS-ONE OFTHOSE BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES. best oiJ can on the market a a a P U Mi ps, (ias Pipes, ilns Tin and Sheet Iron JOB WORK. j PICKED U HERE AND THERE. SLocal Items of InteresttoLibertyville Readers. C. M. & ST P. R. R. TIME TAULE. TO CHICAGO. ar.i. a.m. it.m. p.m. p.m. M RuasAel *&*as 5:17 84:57 Wadsworth 8:w9 528 5:065 Ounuee 9:10 5:3645:il Warrenton 9:16 :39 5&14 ,UlxagB yvîLLE 5:30) 7:16 12:30) 5;47 4:56 fodUt 5:40 7:25 9:22 12:40 5:55 6:21 Everft 5:46 7:384 9:28 12:45 6:03 8:28 Dfflrileid 5:52 7:44 9:35512:52 6:07 :5.4 Shermervilj.' :56 7:50 960 12:56 6:14 5:38 Claguîarriv-c) :50 8:45 10:25 1:45 7:50 6.0 FROM CHICAGO. pï. .m. p . M. a.m. LV.UR.Pagg tîa.t730am.4:05 :20 5M:30 Lv. Klnzi t. 9:39 6:20 8hrevîl :12 10:514 4:56 6:11 7:22 9:16 8:rf34 iS10:21J 5:00 6:17 7:27 9:21 s: 4A1(r.28 5:M 6:25 7755 9:27 Rondout :44 10:35 6:52 6:40 7:40 9:33 L!BEILTYV[LLE 10.45 6:56 7:50 9:t5 War,'non 8:54 5:19 9:88 <urne 00 5:23 9:41 Wadsworth 9: 10 5:33 9:61 Russell (arriveý) 9:18 549 50:00 * dpnote'sliati1Y. s dSenote-s Sundlay only. Where no mark apisears trains are dally ex- "pt Suinday. SUNDAY TRAINS. LV.LlihrtYviile, 4rsP.M. Ar. Rondont 5:osp.m. Lv.LIbt'rtyvlllt' 910 a.î. r.'bea 1 0:52 a.m Lv.Cttit:( 30:5tar. .Ar. I.liht'rt yvlie9:45 a. m. Lv.CIt!J191, 4.051--I. .Ar. l W il y vilIle :223 .m. No.:s rua un,îv.,iv oig outh. WMl stoli on iRnai as f,,IlI,wteAt liuta.'Ii 12t.7 p. fi. Waswcrtlî 12:17; Guru..' 12:27: Waren- ton 12:20:;lionut 12::;E.r.tt12:42 t).trild 12:48: Hht'rrn.-rvillo12 ln -ht', sClll,.ago at 1:45 Dt. M. Train N(J. 44 alî.tsh."n latt'I> tilt on front Derl-li tu Ch). agi. 1Liavfs, h.rfl 7: 2 a. M . Slt-rns,'rllic 7:24; arrlv-"a Chivango 8:50 a. m. Nj. 5j) t11':2[j'a,, p.t m arrivu'a Sh.'rmt'rvlil,. ixas a. lit. DeerfIl' 12.11)a. ni. A. . RgUltr lim ijn,-aiý)fi nd& 41h Saturtisys (if ca(-SI ronth. Visitinirttrtht'rn uordially weicomed. W. M. HEATH. WM. E. H. Baows,. Sec. ReQuiescat ln Pace. ldi G ritttes l ad, thiatzgtt,,,i mn, ',, ît.%r itill s-~hiîîî mur': I&. Yn -ait itn, harnt bu t .t Il.. it IA '-oricunîntt',r' And i ,t. aiti,],4t. andi .17. Amti tait., anýjti nu. aît'i tait., ant ali., Th-' r,'a.l. r, ,-fth..ii" aiIl Ir liat l ti),l t ýt >irs ag',. Oldiriî,-.-an jj)iv-1 iar -E Molley îîîay blicaîrce Llut everi-bodv1 ('an affurd a presi(lenftial butttîî. The Prubibition Coinfy Cuniventi<sn occurs at the. Townu Hall. Saturday, Scbool opens Tuesday, Septeniber 1. Mr@. Harrison ia visiting lier son in Wankegan. 4 Master James Triggs ls icg wth the Jowett Bairstow dlid business in Libertyville Monday. Try a pair of Leather Suspenders for sale by Sanborn &t Croker. Dont forget the Prohibition pienlc at Gages Lake next Tuesday. Jacob Wibbins, of lRtie Creek, Mleh., la visiting Fred Croker. Horse and buggy to let at reabonabW rates. Wu. GEHiNoiG. Mrs. C. J. Juast aîid -Misa Cora littre.Ige were callers livre Thîirsday. Mr. antd Mrs. Henry Morse are enter- tainiug their son Sidney, (,f Bîllings, Monit. Aill Krengel and ifeib, 1of (Chicago, speut Stîîîtay witb Spê.îî'eî Bond and farnily. Fratik Locke moved ijîtu tb. Sanmuel ilurriN lmuse on iv... the preaet w seek. M rs. Chlas. Bol kley is se 1<11 ziig a few dlays w itl ber doiligliter Nirs, T. V. Sloeiini at Wauconda. Twoofurnisheti rouma for reîit ith- out board. Apply to Mits. H. C. PAD)- DOC K, Libertyville. Mrs. Davidi Skinner and (laugliter, of Normai, vihited with W. E. Davis and farnily thse present week. John Laue, wife andi faniily, of Chicago. are spending a few dlaya with Mr. andi 3trs. John Austin, Sr. Fletchier Clark bas secureti a con- tract to equip thse Russell race course wit h Mater tank and wind milI. Tweuty.fu-ur men wauited-ecadi tu bny a pair uf Leather Suspexiders ut 45 cents a pair of Sanboriî &- Croker. Nrs. .. B. IMacGuftlii la entertaining lier fatîser and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Laughlan, of Blooiingtou Mrs. C. I. Austin, and iamily, of Barrînigtmi, are visiting W'. C. Sanborn September 12. lI -.i -li..- bLve The an ho *%ýllit a lipr wth- At thle Preabyter ian chrîrcli Stunday rhclîan «h --îuitsa i:î>e Mib-moring conmmunion service Miiillic (,lit fil'ci Politics in it' for the next bid litt thieclose out ning M uishii. 1wm nutbls clin take bis cboice be- Malla Wtilliamss bas pnrclîast'd an- bMti aîilpr alpaper. su o ther h(kse andt buggy anti is notw Theconrav fu th mèsonmok o,îreparud to accominiodate '015 M ien The ontaet or bc rasos M'trk on %NMlit a tlrst- ciass rig. the Bilir building to lie erecbed on Stnutît Paddock sartei T'at 4cliiy fr Milwauîkee Ave-, liext tb Hanbys ('eiîtrîîli:i Ill.. to sîtentdil îyeur sith bnilding lias Iteeti et to '-Cnit' Fisher. bis unvie, Charles Stylesat ltîi Work Miii itecttiienced inunediabeiy. it ,g aho t ittpae. ten A numiber of ltnids of gravel were1e Iiihsho i htPae haîledt l the Liikeside cemetery Mon- i îne ets u i u e dayandundr te sperisin o Jon 1liaiinu 1bis 5roperty on Milwaitkee dît ani nnde hi atperisitbio! ohnAve., the îrellît '«tek andi struck a Btt'.'en tbe '«aika andi are being1 latid<i t tl lha iîtoriiîîty that la good 110w of((teitr at a leptis oftbM"eity. i easiiig lu the siglit. If ù, estimabtd 1<one fted. tiit thbie murk %% i l usoer baif cuIiî- Mr anti Mrs. C amîpbell paid a visit plebei ttils yeiir. lu mir village andtl btr sons, t'. E. aud Thepini o te Mýtioii4tsundîi% V. Cuxabs the tirst uf th'e ek.Ms Ttie îicnicut fie t.tiiti "Y CottnîmTa recîti> rettîilieti fr..î . o st-bool beld inluF. iiett*s grus'e, Soutb Iliont' ii siIîes ut twîiFridy. «asa big success. attended biY yoîîtg antd oid and enjye % '. L., of Freinint Cexter, by at. auls o ul Djy .edbas solit harn iof 120) acres tt Jacot), by Il.Ganesut ilkinsawcre inu- diîlged iii ly ftic youngsters, and -the i Fredricks aindiatîvertises bisfai luînch sr elounttleis erectot in thse iiipiernents, stock, etc., tt ho sul itt g a.î i veittothse< re aiinipublie auction, Thtîrsday. September 3. sanie. A picenie ptîrty at Ftiiieralturg a tc'w tinys agu siere trcated bu a scelle sel- îlis witflt-ase<i it'rcitbuiits. They were stroiiing fliruxI flihe ouda '«hen thcy enconntereti a pirty otf yonng girls from tuMui, '«b liati gone to the colin- try for a dîty ut pîcaise. If '«as very btt, and i liies'ilig no nue else would sed'fieîi, fliey liad tis'cardQd the con. venbjoîjai garnienta uft Iîir iaux anti were arayeulin mâatttire. Tlîey scaintî,relttil ot ,,t igiit ini a hîîrry M hen t>îcy saithe lic ttier patrties alqîrouciig. T. C. Wrighit, of Graty.ake, 'sas ini twn Moiîday. îînd dturing bis stay biere callei t thelIc N DEV'FNDFNT <tbrie. Mr. Wrighit is a inlemnier ut the G. A. IL., anîdi la iîiîcl iitereabed inluthe euiniiig rdnînion ut Antioeli, delariiîg it '.sill rove thiii issbenjoyabie mneet- ing of old satlditro <ver helti in this conutîy. He, as Mcli as oblier'veberans il, bis nt'ighborhuud, are' "piuting blîir sbonidera lu tht' wht'el."andi tl<iiig ah i thi'î'power' to tîîrtber bue iterests utftt'e r,'llnîîi. AiI l tt stldilrs anîd satîllrsare eautriiextrvre- tîne.4teti to S e îrest-îit anid ll ini un e at Au tioeli. A og. 27 anti 28.a Woodrnen's PicnSc. Aeiot' Cîiiii1Noî. 176;. M. W. A. helti flieir stin rtîî pi-tii- utt iamntd Lake, 'l'buralay, Atrg. 2). andnît l .as a Mosf cîîjtyîîble c 'ezioni. Tisere Mere apeecebly C. T. Heytiecker anti Jîîstlîî K. On'.is. ut Wankegan, wseih '«une li8tett-edf0atenfively iy bise large. gatiiuning. (Sanies of ail kinda ftrruîshct i nnuscînent ftbie 2Wood- lotn anti their trints, anti the dance piatfunni presenteti a iivelyappearance titîinîg tbe alternoon aîîd evenlng. A bail ganse bebteen the Everett and WIancunida ninc es roisîedin ua ~score ot 24 bu If;I tavor Everetb. Dîsnlng btse ganse a foui hall soareti near Mort Casey, andt iat gentleman caugltit lw'ibis hie oye. whlîvhiis black in coniequence. Flnaniciiifly thse plouc mias a pagffsucceoi, Use eeup Rev. J. B. MaeGîitlin is, possessur ut a fine new bicycle. Mr. MacCijifin wili now ofutnccesëiby inti lb necessary f0 learu bu ritde thse niachine, anti ho thinks if isili be but a trivial inater, but-well be imay think diflerent lIter Roy Corlefb. acconipanied liy Misses Alive Crctt, Rio Brenton anti Floma ('uiby tof Liberbyville, andtINMiss May Mi'Laugblin ut Evanston, atendeti thte Gttges Lake M. E. Sîînday acisott pic- ni(c ut Druce Lake last Rabnrdaîy. Wnî. Tuipper anti daugliber Alice sfarteti to-day for St. Lawrence counfy N. Y. to viait Mr. Tîîpper's sister. aO years ulgu ho lefb I bat cuunby and1 sbîrted Mest, liaving heen back butt once duinug that perluti. Tbey expect bu Be gtne aboti two weeks. We are booketi for hobt'«cahier Sî'ptoniher 2dt o 4bh. witb a coiti Mave souie ne ie etween the 4bli andti 7h andt then a aboî'm peroiti trous bise 7th bu itth. Several storms bise latter part oif the muonth anti a colti wave or tsvo saistmicheti in up bu the '27tb, thon '«c '«iliihave a beb utofwarm weaîblir cuntinuisg bu bhe lasbttof the nîuntb This is the prograîn. as laid tiowîî ly the weabor menei for September. Rev. H. D. Hesîver la prepariîîg a senîca o! atdresses for Stinday es'cn- inga on popular current bopica' Hia suhject for Suntiay e'vening '«iili e 'tThe Appeal o!Labor." Obliersanbjects for discourse later on are.-tThe Mani tf Weath," --Fuîdsand iCrazes," '-Social Cutrrent8," -~sports That Hrîrt." Thal these dicoitî svil prtoelîsberestiîig is evidencedl ly file nature utfaulijtat bu Be consitiereti, andtiMr. Herîver ahld tiIe favoredth ibigouti autdienices. W e have jrîat receiveti trust the munie pnbilshing iiotScut fisc S. Brainards Bons Co., 151, Wabasb Ave., Chicago, copies oif tise "Truie Biue Republican' andthie -Red Hob Denio- cratlc"~ Campaign Song Blooks for 18961. They are notclieap word editions, but contain s"os, Guets, mlxed andi maie quarteta, snd are dapecialiy uaanged fer empaigra clubs. Tlxoy are oau ai bs1q.~ptqf 1 osas e or Uoe9Oý Are Selling 35c Shirt Waists 25,ceai 50c Shirt Waistsw 35 cent- 75c Shirt Waists * 55 cents,ý sI FORTh Sohool Uttk Red corne to us, We can save you M on e y. Suit Prices run fromi$1.75 up. Overalis, Shirts Shoes, Hats, Caps, Underweàa'Ï Neckwear,_Suspenders, Etc.,. Corne to Headquarters and get the Benefit ôfq Large Assortment, bought at Spot Cash Prices.' M.ý B. COLBY &CO.' "Dealers in Everything." MAX LE J3EAU, MIDNIGHT, SINGERS PRIDE. * LA MEDAtI .') Brads of Smoking Tob"coeý Pries f rom 2 Ot. to $2.00 CIIOJUE STOCK cIGARETIJ AND CHEWING TOBACCO. t'sers of Bnuft ahould St" I. Seal Brand Extra Ripe* M JY CIGA H CLIPPIN(GS AAKE A PLEASANT SMOKE. . DIAMOND LAKE. B. R. Briscoe itn(] C. Peaks were tun oi s8treets lia.t Safnirtiay atternoon. Geu. A. 0sf Ment f0 Cliiiîago last Monday bu pîîreinaae aulne nc'.s'goutia for bis store. Geo. Miteliel tand 'ife wert' i Chilcago latit Suitiuy, s i'.tinig the latter's siabter. Wmi. Arnoldi anti David HLanit's euw t to Luke Zurich iîat Siiîtiay tu ittri-i pabe in thse grantd pictîle. Mur. R. LaFrasîce hiadtheflic iitbie of baving lists inger ect on uit oer Mhile sanie waa iln olerîtioiî. Frank Seiler, uperlîtor for lut' E. .1. & E. railway at Turner mavis litre to attend iii bbc 2V't,îtiîiielipviels Thursday.Siiiiiilia Miss Annie 'Moîig, tof 1ibopiai]ies, vblted lier msater Mrm. 2Win. Lt'îîîker anti fanslly a few tisym lîot t'.."tk, rt' turniîîg Monday. Ib wunt b*t long tili sc'iit,, iii con nience and ti bw'ultl Itt'a goouthingj fttr the directors bu arranîge to bli aî fence arosîtic eistint' Solîî,tbulse yards. The plcni<. givoîl by Ili.' Modernî WVtodinen lasb Tlîîîr.stlîty mtlia a grandt ittveas. A large cî'tuss'ils I rut Excellent speeches '«cre matde ty Mlemrs C. T. Heydeckiir, tif Watikogeii, andi Chas4. W. Hiî'.es, Iit iClork, oft Futobn, fil. Tiie. iieniec citatd '.itb a1 grndt daiice at night. 'fiicurive ufcure nîty ltt tist'tisseti at icugh by phy.giciai., btîthbe sufferers wanb quilck relief; andîtin((li Minute Cuigh C'ure '«iii give il btî thtiii. A stîte ctre for Ciildtiir t fibsl "tht' uly harnaics 'enitty tiait irtttiucca lînnite resîtit." For sait' liv F. B. Ltvell, LIhertyvilît' and G. C. Muoh in Littiei, Is especc)aIy rise ort1cod's Plus, for ne medi- dune ever titiftai'.etl 5 great curative power In so &=Il5 91206.Tbey are a whoie medlcine Hood's obestalwas ruya". isefficient, alwaya ma., lobctaqseul r P IS au BIer V %4%1 us 1h If yon have ever seen a il in the agony of san--- yoI clin realize tha daffer q tronuble and appreciabe the'lW instantaneons relief always aftu DeWift's Colle & Choiera cWM. dysentery and dlarrhoea il; laa e i rcmedy. We cotild flot foê.I Ilctmmend bisis as a cure unls were a cure. For sale by F. B. Lw Libertyville and o. C. Robsert«, W conda. EVERETT. Rose Vure is visltlng amnng i.l1 tises liere. Maggie Yore of Evanston, isjest"1»1 fri ends andt relatives here. Mrs F. H. Zerwer andi neice Gu* Mert' iii Lbertyvilie Wednesday. . ý Mis-4 Beasmie Rtck huas retuned i Clih'agtî alter a ieîîgtlsy visit wltbýW' init, Mrs. L. Dorisey. tilîsRie zt'rwer ut Cbicago, lain q iuglîu ewd<ays fbore, the glîesb f oi Zcrwer andi Mife. T te Everu4ts tefeated a picked cotitiuiantiBarrington beam ÂÀumi$ ' lit Ditnîifit Lake hy a score olf 5wI, ITbe Houa brotherm of Clilo w fih e bittbry foir Evorett. LOST, Aug. 'q3, betwï,u andt Mrs 0'Contior'a remidence, 4 boouk conbaining ton doiil*e vaillabie papers. Tise uwÈbà Mas lirather anti tastened b l;& baud. The litider wili please--- bu Miq-s Lizzte Carroll, Ever.ii,.J', Sinvte 1878 there bave - ettitemies ut dysentery ilm psarts o! tise country Ai Cbainlierlailn's CelecOoq Diaèrrhtea Ronsedy wasu i perfet neesa. Dyeni.** iden , l"'a.est sa~ê tlîîîgerons as Aslibecseolai fittre flic lest efforts of!$te uod pli ' sl<.jans have filied te, ntvitîgc, Iisrme eiii ei1the flic ot nalu tof ciîildrit' îandi aduilté,au iflust fr3 lng condfions. itftb he. ic bohat medea 'vt, lit fi.îrbtwei coniplâliia, Ity F. Bi. Ltvi-li, Llbertvt Robtrta. I'ltiuconda: prlnbor's rd, 14 h