CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 28 Aug 1896, p. 6

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ru otkee 7>u gllugfo fltoliIb IL LINOIS ANTI4SILVER DENC) t XeîL lpubeblouWt Of4i CHAPTER lx. ORATS C14008 BLACK. torl f ffavoite iteéta6B, Wdu 8mt- mn' Mklg 1 tb Vt1 Grmby atreet where Mma.Grent iSS. ____uow 1pso 3dtha graudiuther, hall lodgluga, ,tol bt.tvtIifaiflaIi$, a 0aoot0 gI R 1V whfch Edlth Qrace had ben rau nthat Nttinsafor, Oorrfor hi AcclamuètI@fl UpeW UgWiinprCylit*t -.morulng, la one ce the humble, <Iiil, dIin,' -platform ».ciev.. for G0014end controlled litht0e qo oie uo Mn.o~.îî«i ~ . ~. i. ~ Prune Civead$*'SAdminiatration S erpes.ona a o stamu 4Mofat satarted ili te a poor lad. Sy- down Gecs luemd retNod tV3. Illemoea t h effnIhle buinless careor, aceordlflgIl., atreet.8h. reued tii.tnt g~ -Igbeoclk, Bri.nk, WiI.y. Yorma w odo fnot =maSet> r unfurnlahed. Bile had luat *OMOne ou siemd ther. complote the Ticket. ho ,mIne r oP enCi oyi h ewYr Fhaf AX lu the. diaster which sw!lwedaP-ie Cg to f hra Yl coMatedm au .Capltl' maAehl tcagoiofle, rmand ta wanos on e tlu lni .14boy l t15 Nem Y14kxthaue BaL grauddanghter'a lttie ail. The utmn0t The Ticket. cago.and o tlia: e eonforutai. ba arftU ;j. wa e 15 yo a i* ahta « AM S nwfho mmflW ene ucegenrv for théor q<verîor .............John C. '%acs dellaréifthait cnentIond for andcbWu cM oma, ud heha~ raoledte ilv. ior Lieutenant Governor..........a movemnt which. Ifruceafon oud up tho tlnyrand tbl no fW ...... l....ter.A.' labcoek ii.ncoup.dwththettriff b l*daCof th ask clserkof te Bano Nebsu t$kDbM Thot Thurada,' mornla'g wheu Edith For Secrtr SSe hre l~Rubla at.lnoeihao.1ulettewacalrfteEnoNbUk a lighted f ront the cal,, ML-'a. iraco Waa For Treaurer ............edward Iltdgely the etroy collnudnuprtb âad nie pnOua hmvsJa bu-i.l milIte,' lun front room For Attorney'Generai... Wi. . Formae rpbi viofncpotal htt ~the Pikea Peak sol4 forer, andDiffa~ ber lndo Ia~Ingpeople wunid not reecover fromnt tem for atii lnaerfrontrea t t.WtI~~ For Univerity' Trusteegm-Albert Elâner, man,' yeara 1t0coine; and lut irectites&t- FMorat got, a wagon and, a mul à" out e h la .da t - . B abcockl Alignat IB. lone. tack upou the courts, uon i.mntt'o exclamation ct surprise unl dialfl,' be The aboye.ticket îvas nomlinated lu Chii- contracta end uinl dvi i ceec afvmnàa ent out there to tmG hlm Mfortune. - rail dowli ataire, let the. girl tli, emibraeed cage Tuesda,' b,'the gold Deuicrlie0pirteboatiete emocrheycountury- livrw.sto o uB o~anee ~ ofhtc e Morat luicinta ofalbookunard nnd klaacd ber, crylu,': My <arlinsci MYState convention of Illinois. ri oIlt- That.tlie »rnocrts of Illluis ommenteaaro bo nd.ale.e thrine cb pl Wacebs pat ro na avention ndopted a platfcrm which lu ef- the hone, ty, eUooiy, COUrAge and fidelit,' itore, moUlu,', as an olddmner t.o m» threnosuh lae t 11 U 1ilh= fet ecars gans eert igcn- Of the. pregent Deutocrgtic nationialidmlin- -o r. aU nvlpa beo Hneorbax, it bean buriied downecaesagiateerthu . itratlon of Grover litvelanlj, bhlng tiat teohrdl uevlpaele Houa., oretlt tr.clated lu the. pltform of the sallier wîug Ilu aaa l iite caof public eredit p&por and a at='p fior a nicke l . Edlthburatjute esTa.Site wu@met0 nothe lf e Dcmocracy. It déclarea for a a lttc atteL"pte to resceti epefotti casitrti lm ainlBs $ given to weepiug, but the relIef Btt idiig "honiet" mouey etndail, and land@ the thagildoni of unJustta atIon. la the dlitlêr aert itNainlBl - tnlyà ourtb man came up alovi,' herself at home, after the. .aniert7landadminitrationcf Preaident Cevelund. and uatice cf lia fmle nd l1ta as foünded, and Morfat wu5made ifs ~Embn'mfa deli5b.trous the furtiier end cf the traiu aud advelittrea through whlch ahe ndbagn. I a rmenl cneta-î t ftieientom wolt aeil he u ae-tredl litng w.ubr imn.brtebe lt lir rmrondMake-up. lnulitsalmot oemu etrnest- plicid the. i.èat tInruTtof nierican Dmce. and Il la threnghbhlma tbat the bubIeuw bWat la thé matterr hle aked otti'. the. old voman', valat, &ho .' Ma.ea.M ormtanr,00âe «atmvee u , luta DeorteImm-~e i.baSla olceae htI o emeIne boM ~"Bs nyblhelgpend1o7e1ad? a rae telnthe mittlug tOelle ol. ilt teattenîlance, and the galieries and spacen tlie Uuited States Senate wloinluspîte of tUicaminuta more than eoO0,GOSaFeua. vut bom he. a me "a hn ua e od, h o ilt i.Outaide the. deiegate< Inclosure lwere treaclie-r, cf pretended Deiuocreta. remalueti Moffat'amimnîn,' poemesmionser al- the «OW" ~~~Ahvrwn rog Edith. There old 8rmn h. explued ber lilht ty thronged. The. presence of n fetver than tau iterspotofDmcte Wu s. omethîn,' famWar lu the. volce, but saylug thia Mtr. Leigh ied Iwenried ber rch, dee emn av ie of tarît reforni. are- cutitied tote imont the entire Stateof 0folorado. aie fe t ~ ~ ~ *~ unfamillar lu tbe toue. wltii attentions. She aaid n niini about G ihydesdwmngv h e.-Miiso eort vrwee lvrmnsa ediehv ie flem imamif III»Y "The' "Lot lber ticket sud hasl'tgot nul hiii baviug iaktd lier 10 let hlm kise erlir asoiltig.Itwspa clal Ta i r nmpeudeuc tly .nray i-ofof undergrounudtunnels, wbleamena -Achteltb ithena mainverd ateconvcer.pnticnslyoSf woud p merlclr-ted States Suprenie Court as une of the tliree bis great worka at Cipplo Creek leaua bil odm li aeynler "Peuh, mouey," ald the.newcomer. lng abc could not endure him and bis hCii oneto fol e.1e-cordinate iowealintits (overnuielt. W. y u contem ptuoualy. "I have m o e . W iere objectionable dev 'tion s du. i t a bc tO ad ient (Cleveland%' nena wuras heartil,' belleve tu e appointain-t ni lhe ab ict re te " Yeuremebertribunal. Iner e rt iheir paîltleml vlewg lMand MIne WeU. 'Mr-. Llgh, yen has te lady corne fron? How mach s conte'aira,' b, the iraI train, havlng left ccrdee, it lwsnetae nd eeiitvic 1 eibaî a eogtetelae oeaynar. Tene-a oeteyen hepac idnt ut e.Il Oas tiettioned oflen. Nearl.v evry or perauntil nduences W. inaiutalîîthe ~~d enul ia mm' . tr? oe e ue" i. e-n oe 0sa hepac îdnt br ink ut of.tb court uns gmraiit<db5 O,. IoInrpttl.aiuttead ef t m ip ti g £ pu l e ca erkI n d corner eld ut ie ba d t ii.he co ector and that ber l ggage ias le o sput altier rstînîlthe Cou L bt b & o t a evnt, apelr n viIh moue,'in lu. ber. Then ahe îold of the ljse of ber thufrofarIlVdeece&l ~ fr lme~tii evut, plr " This gentleman offera te pur, miss," ticket sud Mr. Leigh's opporîîîue ap ffrance îî .pnîatae asurclad-l gltom dlptdprnlls iîd the collecter, turtilai te Editlh. "Ain inde, and lenaIfa al, et bit promiae or vR yeIfâPItunst h uilr h 0f~d elaratlotouf eou.tltutiunitity In mvuor o te fainatin,' of mne got lto the e~~~i ~ *tra fclu: holai oeuet r $OMe opponet vould h cert4a I t ar h oi irn fcUig e eaurgo hoisortvmn; It u u toe.WII yu d hme b.girl sa'yed ta an4 fret and did not Tii. steN, .as il met theegrs ofhMm espec riaIItÇommnd te sienctl of fli orm g2t ersoeil avorof keisaser. Iltwaa plain mic had heard vit Grace, did ual show LeighIi n aver, o-bl uptiatynth peioofhemm ve i s e s n i fa o f S e l , ad been o Ud. H er nove mn uî s au ens ve igh O f n d on M r . G race at b- Of b, e Icb e c uJuft ie d acknovlédgment elle hadlheard. Suie did ut the. wiudow util ufternloY. At oldiof these Iord as ofbminonies. si rlfptia do yenmputte rcq nes net aumwer b-cause elle did net kuairoclock ale aIe a ligiiî Iuucbcou; iiavini ion ahesp brtedftis t caongthe.stle- doynptte fusr wat te oa. Two poierful cemntions b,' a vieil la Ediths room, fo.rnd tuaItii. princiiîof utAerican I)eno-racrv, elii "On auy honorable grenade yen plesa. ~ u i.feiga lae h ltbrsi cu fit li- /u in t aep enîfocrawtlc arty. ind bc- 1p I no id yen veenet riv-" vere onctig ln ler. Tefeigo ilset leltle le n esi lneaasy luth peeiortiIop urty ie ý-.1ddntsa, I vas crutI i eaknesm waa paasing avy. She mas pcd nia,,and Elle hegan bIo uuîk that nrmr otj rxrainu h dld nl cortpe. hoome helveen jat! (for sose h atralM. eg l ole.- anba it , enyanuile- aar oqW k.aruta-b At sunintee ncrruptorbae ; qulckdbiryuplterfil. "Mr. malter eemel te ber) and delirerauce at lifting lier eyes front ber work, shz Il*sv gJnilt arh i a is hande. two me cross tl-c rond and approlli. r forul th te laici talie lnrveat oi sec- yen rc asre a îli nai-Of course the lady il alleir me ta bousc. One ot these n'as lIhe diriri'hotos.110casbted itesan Isar - '4Y cauel. arrange thia little matter for lber. $lie tier a compiete stranîger to ber, %ant1,efr hmcuî, hhîat ansa : Kou asreetih, omared vIl mau.,' man pay me baek at au,' time. 1 i l i gve powerful-lookiIig young manu. The two uj n i lu ietuiIll he a-arilolus. regtraining the . . 1or ail . vthoul vork or risk. lier ni,'name andl addrea:Oscar Leigh. seemed tn carneit dîscourse- Tey ' ap- nwienslrtu ai> flu e a DAVID fi MOTT . ti sdFerblm bakery, ,Chetwyud alreet.'" theni ascend and ktiack. sitean f F run the'Neill CiiAVIDit9.inIl te re roulnd l r 4d a; n d lu move 'Ntintl.of ss,utin. i paig ol t>.,'men unlvcbolafr gSOrsgit, and healti,' and good-looking, 1Lelgb vas standing i front ai bier, peared iront riew and Mra. Urace heard s d e o u u d dea n 10elthe m ont b su- l îui g on hls tick and az îg inte tti,' ha te ed la Ediîi, uo ni t e lsh E J tt C Di A ka ia n a i h e. lTh i ...n lx. uî ip' irm e t u e l a w in lu h l c vai Ï eOW l* aoitlid.. ulat ber. Wth a cr7 cf astontsiilient hc round jbat awake, aud tbld ber __________._BLK._atlîc c oe. Thian vasr o nc. and w iîiiticolir <uga u0f tMare upla ied vto . let l ve ad ya n is stick full aud tirev up bis arma. thut Mr. Leighliehd tnrrived. ThentecovninpcK1dthhetergattsofodae uoe ob. "Omm bzil thuth itHgiltuyHa butur ', butGrce! Miet une, as thealmun elespeakercs obthusiatinorontutnd, ne ot ht ionsspeaels ut fiiiodiif ominetbns ,ailcOfwhiie erPabYacecontrielmiaucotronlereattre lu i tre. pece rmand iton ov- Is rae erlMiss Grace here vien word cante up tIraI Mr. ' <anmndtonfr i. rsieand :ry aio.railroade, eue cf wmmci liebulîl «Wb od-m lioti, eoe, l-afred shdt eebr edw ighsudevery speaker, too, bd a tonc tuho îri ut TeliktCmltd flic, god-coka,'Heoudbolvedeci- nhiea frrmda.ihedlaeee ersennddit n (oy.Aitgeld. It wu@ts al ncoovs-ntissrîof For Lieutenant Governor Z. B. Bsn rftl nioe , junt. Young. Loock a me.. an u .depdhmam.Hscya invit:t»on for thre gentlemen 10 camle 09. fii.Teeieen adtnlbtti eluoiae hne .Bicc.,~Tamnliem elkena boredt marred sud maimedl, eathbd, anu- manner beretîbehof lie power ai speech. 'I do myseif. Ens. Grae. the great bunners. t a oina,'. d M. aCeterAus nbomin-d gafdThoplnto, se luRusIt, cultvateia IItd l spech mddl-agd. o nt ei&teabhavehetd couaded. hshepesrmaanno fciin pn 'n~ con ening exacti,'ai thle hour sJbevitied b,'acclamation. Mr. Bttwuck nmade a ou a inrge cale a& an uduatry, andiblias 1 have teohaehaneateifb1i,' thiaemaninquire aiterMiss G race, anîd 1ara me. - I have noiveechancefrof a seronsytn, henliiertcofi-hkgg noon.edTte bnrte saal-ire nora.fhespeech ofilnklnge tspeconvhentionthforonrntiod foxtremel etr proly tabletabneetetni,' U, I t M e T iltS o f i t a il, 's d lie n s u d bu m lla ti u g d i fll iti'. k e e m e c o m p a n ,'." s a i d th e ittl e m a e 1 0 fl c els . S . F o r m an l m r ,s i e n t r oCle te bo n n , fo r t i e o ulrn a ,' a t lle es a he ri a n e r a , m I r o c n e lt lb u t t "pa n tl aclle o e n Pra,' excuse me," lie said, boliug 1w boving profouudi,'. EklW .Fra, 1ietCee to a o h mcayO efro m i" esta i. re mît. aiI n o e n d a nsd raila bls abat au h . picked up hie Mm . Grace, aving ler iband tea acouple landand Gen. Blak. T ii. big iirriiiof a d Jack on. o t Tilden,and iro er Cleve- h a a tb eproduhct orexprtaIton 1 d U th mult Wn Yu o n cn-stick. "The sigit et yen atoisbed mie cf chairs, said: "I amn gladi to se. yen sud the day mer. for tient. land. Roebert E. Hlanilli. ot Cl oi arketbe (onu-o xprailn #li, gaIn, , onetlyll" eontr elmerspoie.tieW.HeipoyenarTit;re artw kidofmnoer " «sT WId. I i vito"t îof M.. . .sghtYen ver. miles ,'outr riend, Mn.' Leigi. pie lan a lu inthe.da;. îvile the variaus coin- tWpe>-, aiColathe usne,',forCharlstela t0wgoiol Raia oft..vltblawrge - "Very mai. TYen vboare gI mitte 1 anwereesBtay. oroh yud lie aibcllered 'N-1tate. Tii. nlame entyJacorh H. Hapkiut i.dwllRusare. e lorge '- ëM am&coinse tgme Whoa msamted. pltiam Houae..To vbat great adorer- "Mn, Grace, my freend. Mn. John Ha5b- aeel in amitirkng G e enliS. irSas pree ne of,'a co Hon kinsahe, quanllte > h ape une as dalalles ha» caso lsd, md »ISme ta do yen a ede y9c mte v rah- bur, losefmetne as a public speaker la mc Nmiatd ,'AciatalOl. bo n Hapkia iîaaCokonntb drleateing Iii.tier. vllbc peoplme stai on. ilcI suce? Yeu toseiareu no-pleu ay y nare BakN -td yAcaain naO.Bp ooTnaea, o avd legondecteril Afther Mr. Palmer hadl finisbed Mn. and Mt. WiVle,' Waa îîaminated b, 4'ai&- eon la extracteti. It la ttis latter varie- ,, 'IM bèfavor Fou asaSme te do cont m o r ii s u me eEag'lsh language. Eckeia calte-i for oliernoîgnlas Amte.orut.'alnmd pec , iliI cl uteîo o emr "Gr l 10 V, apimdesby mkeM. an dieal rei oaCti emoved that ot tianka. For Audiior, Judge Murphycialus. et1e ui on e Bkm*t e 1w relert» h ovn r in n,". acquar.ance, and vr,' mcid hou.te nomination ho made b,' accîaniaion, of Perry Cont,', nouinaledHenry BrinS. 1 1 41 mlUut thaii £tne bee s drilbe bptle mnd rain. n l b'ardayu.a al" at le~ and Mr. Black mas nomualed b,' a vira t ofWashington Couni,'. ot Coi. Iun ian,'parts et Rulscla, anfee u.kulledAnyhin' onThe8. et Gavamae, alesuditunee l lay. oc.vol. Tenfirstle uoteebervu. oani Fasldmn iai reaule, bt t- an ua upesedtiailothr vgetbl 1 ýs« m rnL __ a gtnfl rtrndswsat milele h, lifting his bat, loft lier, Ti ie tea dm abu, i. enileoreuteonmal irrnd,'Jaes .Ra d mîtdamwnd Megn dbutma i frtbl seadfrt-kug , i i -smoentL,'t..m e tikaCt.S'Mlie oI' iedn sie,' rea dabthe ucmforîabue aitegm omntaZlc s te report. Chester A. Babcock, the chair- nminaîed b,' acclaaiton. For qualit, la pure anti nnîrltloua, and lta but ab tll pweli. e moendignat a tlecoîitr ed i eur.Stale Treasurer, Edmard Rîdgei,oaigavon agreeable. If proper cars la > for ~~~ ~ et,.bore ie nsethedrionh a.crgs abdma o te ododîiarndthnrpot aIt a oment Lot m t helk difre glvjug hebite d r e h tasdcmle., oeiea i 11idgatTii.delegatea lilaenetl intenti,' taitheSpringfield, vas nominated b,' Jacob H-op- laken lu Iba cultivatlen &ad manufac- Ma i t ih hcinaunken deepl.y ts dis eoeme a ln oela at Ibis man callin,' hlm a frind, but patforui. iVien lie nesoluliona declarci Situ. Mn. Ilidgely'a nominationma made turIng, it ln aald te resenble French enâ cat adv ieltb or o te adprenet iencinroubi,'aisra,', Leghhad ilibis lmpower te mare hlm for "honesl muney'* there mia a roar of liewse b,' accamation, and lb. reapoud, table oI lu colon, aver and aste. ": ls clTena sdspoe l a on iesutousedezt glu ao ee ee imn idiculoni ever a gond part et the appiause,wmille liaI part wminciindors, ed in an appraliriate speech. For Attar- Tien. are elgiby-five mile lu Rnnl hot. X tho b m>oe u v oe , a ltantiieuntlohe tnruhallute lie cIl'; lier. mai nothin,' te de but te glin every aet of President Ceveland aIs ne,' General W. S. Forman, of East St. W!aetreviti en desean: a ed. ha n ige u .bdytb ansd bean il. broughl out noise tram the delegales. Thre Lts rsnnîrtdml iop î.devoted solely,'ntehle manufaturle of s- t tbeut. And I. lu tarit, eai lu von- The gronndfleofetone of the boumes "I hoe"Miss Grace has laken ne baflB resoîntions falloir Fori anmiatseecwih aIh ,eMr. tasunfloer 0on. The largeat produceal sam tiiemeare man,' of iiesn.Ifi v as devoted te commerce. Theeo, s t erfngICi W. tnemora- cnvn-gr adyeuhuae iedpegech orUn i.'00OO pnua t ieol antul' ~as. cou mbor~'o tii ao mon er tanluas oescould aec, va, llItered vîit "NO, thunk ,'au, M. Leigli. 1 aWesue l hneasemo.croens of glie prln couverta lUi Isa luaIlliemoiid.amII culdaIlkinda ot odde andl ends cf mebai nia- 1 dcn't kuair mal alle ire-nd bave doue traditionas of the great part,' aif reedantrersit,' Trusiees. AlbertEiner ef Cham- The value efthle sanomer le fnot ex- A.w ,yen lie mot woodertni ,'eld lu &Il chine, sud atenllaeand Implernul. Oun o,' for ,'aar opportune uppearauce Onneud esnaitofnude lilrafloupatioulteourdpagu, C.B. abcocof Chcago ndhuseereentcehl etace fe 11» w onid. m ore veder fl a lo sand a w vsa ed- et bo ard, i u as ed- ut w hite the scel e. fer . aie la 10 hank Ye n u s gt eni ou a c re thel t nd A g î B l u e f P o in m r ro i se nts. N early el l e rem a lui g l1d« hun Mysteyld. But I WinI net lt soe h or eetewreThat th Deuiocratie Part,' is prinuarbi,' seuteti undail ivere noniated. Âfter Spt a ve a rkable value. Wliat èml hs>tig o. leteaWiventh dshowe." and solemily piedged to lîbet,' regiulste<l rate aiftitunkaotheo rfilcera, atîd tiree remains et tbe sentis atter tl ihl laex- tblns nv. vii sow John Timmous." lu iarge, lelters, and ho- Tii. door epeued antd Edith Grace, paie b,' 15w; truequil and exittjustice la ail theena tar lhe ticket, the conventiuin ad- latdl uelb oea neia ftes.* More vouderful thilua tlIL WU' neatit lu %Mal letîers, once black sud nov and impassive, eulered the root. emen ut ila r c n îdîiion or persuasion. re- iee amd nocks n sda « ucone lii me a 11111e vay'P a teg,'gry,'marine store dealer" Haubury made a atep forirard, lsud lIions unrjolticai; tu econainy lu lhe publie joqunid. fo___tod for lie cattie. Tieui.ulr beumto n rthei yt e 0fcnld, "Dora!" frîend»liilîî mtt ail nations. aud entagliug Over a Hnndrcd Are Converled. el aran useti fer heallu,' purpoeBes. ,.estlou ludo ntbmeti Ye"ae onsabaukrupt sud fergelers VlcanLeîgi dix- The l111h. manlaid.h;sbaud on lhe aacai m tinoue;te th suppot lite Sunda,' ah Camp Epworthiclosed Ireanud lte eeti cupsarenusd as food for canotdesenuil enbae om aappaa anaan utn îed lm goisrrrieula lu ail their iglts; tothie mntstuccesuful camp urmeetiug ever beld iaeep. The sttIa v hlci are gatbered ; otl WY it m. wntteshw euyoiug mnstri n nl iabc.ree Nation t lte Felerai Governieut ln 1 Ibootie a, mIh e. utI vautyeîhv Ifu a listener had been at the bacS ofthbie Hanhur,' looked dam-nretthlb.dwaian titl )e cou illolîonai vagon; lu the ay. u inte lockturd district. Tire da,'wu&sfrom thelie l.ds and drled have, Iu.somc lie ostmendrtn titug e- cesam" store, behind lie bolier ai a doukey en- auger and glanced quicki,' et 1h. girl, tuent of debhi alit oiesk mime,', and la the pertect, anrd tie atlendatîce the.large-lds rct etrl'rpacdfrmei OU*y 1uk wha it iY" glu. or eanéd ver te headof thedort: '*My ganddaghterMiss ;race-r s muntenaueiofeteupubicifaili; iîc ifailla; onltaIgroudserewonnlire angraunrcls. nberee rnpIced fiewond "Ten ueed nt h sfraîd." gupoendoe i.ia fts dn M ruduie isGaeMn pposed lu ciaslegilaion îoit uillbegatag rfrrdeent l rma "Wb,'ueed net I oaf raid Tcelian lu the. totIcorner, ie vcnld bave John fanion,, iose speeches i bave tbec nluiiolameus agaluat cas, and lie 10,000 being premenlt. The services baveo eu'peerdevnt i. rma 'Beaus Yu ae nt umpbacedheard the iollowing dialogue carrled on often asked ,'ou la rend for me, Edith." sarîte ai seelion iagraîuAt section; thal il been of lie bigluest urder. undl utch en- acre Of land about 2,000 pounds oet tiat Eecuseyenaremetbum-bskedb,' carefni mhiîperm lulithe darnuslie- Haubur,' fellbacS a puce and bowed 1roialuis mllh aihlie atrslvns iat thusiantmas maî,itasted. NMochIl .rdfue.l mu>- bobtaineti. Even counnmp- 1 Md chicken-breanted and lp-l dG udlor: and l, u. ulua r.m . ecrt î nt mkeueesinutialed- usrealedtrm ie.ntehirsovr 00lIn ,'Ie oo ntfnothndee-us vwarfd sud hdeu.'t :m c anc ly lke o e i d e m a mntal ai Dem crac,',-Eqaai rits or il ba eutdfo th m w tig, vr10 ton ytred sn te dt eu eule "Yes. I bave cone uck csoirer tisu I looked front tIr. dwr te the girl and and spil prîvileges for nuie,-anid tbsl being converted. The 10 o'clock meel- of 11115 plant, for ls asies ceulaili a "Bumt vitalmare yen akiu et mm"expecteti. I vent be Mlwaukee ,'esterda, f rom lthe girl ote cdwarf, bol could Su iIrdore vr'at zcuîe eIlli)iug uas led b, Rer. John Hill, otfIRock- agprcna'etoaaui. rm ageehu mr odn n d IofOmornnng te cousai aver,' dorer mechamic ne mord to a y, md no i> te sy l Io u dii traIbe pre bas Demonillc ira-atedne u o rat ec tosndpudeo eb ~econstitn u,'m,'Ien gld,!lin n,'there about the neir novemnt for tlisî- mord. H. mas completel,' evercemae mi ticsuni nlat eleit bof baealed atard, and tiateane lw-aseetigalaseacdiosn ouoe se 4 ; »Mrcefl rm lcadYt O ie o içlnm lck1 tfzMUailli, and lteuuaiutalit the inlegil, of the b,' ler. W. A. Cross. AI lie aftenoin jOlinda oufioenat asotten latpro. s nd commn eouit 1"Yeun im e wr on wa. T ecotne. am. le upliolu. lIe dîgnil,' ot the repubîic meeting Rer. W. 'M. Craven. of Beiri- dcd ufoesaotnpatdl 'Wbatr abnd t reseli rvteut montofpthe'.aong, ee eleedasrrn.A i eeig alarlai d:stricts as tealt pretectivcm. «A voman." "My fienil net cl,' put me ngit abeut adn_____tesprif______________edlierda ero. t h eenn "Bo vi' aend Igo? te ew lioremeut, bt mieu I tod hbu A LtongndexrestMille. o au, erviee Presldig EIdr Hardin led arn Te tact la fuil, etablsied tht grov- A Lonatg Sîlde. Icarand ai dinorder. repudîshicn and dîshonor an iîratuietng g tuemtnear dmellluga lae eorthle bav aen Ivi ak oîîn' Or y, discover, etfte comblualion lu met- bteTh~l a uClfreaih~ rat the Sold dollar ln now, and for more rireat preveuilves ef malaris l di- "Co ae sudtIf yen saSt meitaIformey ini a n b on tpre tîn'aten l uelnrapl trn rausor in.allier _________ -- ait. lie teld me uld be ahi. te Sund a ro jana nI t er bas been, Ilie Anerlean Everythtls, Backvflrd. r-- ~~~~market for me if i1iras ure lie nov cou-n fer cheapnusofet penatihi,'expenso la standard cfvale Ix by Iemecratte 'Te Chines. doe verythiug lie wroug fuO uAIaS moaman. Poiud mas equai te repreentatlou. Of probabi'lte lomet lu thte country. ad s -lallug cvvo wrr oendanoat esil h a'meo'l, eor um.Tercot- i isbo eid &iauier. lt Tha dscndd te tamcourse,1 teld ilalmthe uppi,' vonld bc despîl. th. tact ltat lhe cost et con- meneurs upon mliîci prîvate anti publicepitehapointate tii. soutihumeradlettli Hal uti I oud rrngefo aprope srutin ws er bghsa he011- ailibasm rested and nom rente; liaI il le art onst h ot nt ftereuait et civlislation snd net p spontan- I ?eydecede te baru a lllabrtdui endarnefe rpn tuto ra e, aimyie Clu- lp.tie dollar me-ch labor hluesl,'earni. mnd norti.caadeipCtButt ovrf CH.ATER VIIL lbrtr'adfrbl.I expiled list clnsîl Enquirer. A lunhor compan,' iiti which ltlionmuet hie iauesti,' psitt, and Thé nmen meun akîrts and lie wmenoaugiter la epenlBrtte pawela et pa%&nt could prebect aIl tie potell lu Fresne cont,Cailfernla, han buli t maîtaînnunialadard. And me refuse mear trousel'5; the men ivear Ibeïr hair,.tdb'CireaCndl iircn Tht erin' ie Eit Gac filet manufacture and that.fcr bbe preent a Iuer fhume fltt,-tve mles long, tle make concesions ai an,' ciaracler ta the long, vilo th. ionen col theirs lutO os, TryCares Clu adie-bips"rerho - bm.p la the corner ef the tbird-eiaaa the method mut lbe a prefudsertae o im1ppse tdin myiUe Iwhichln luplaces bas a grade et 23 per elemeul mIi weuld ubaitule tinretor lhe wl Tyl naTe-o1frh 1', s. cIs,,naer anS front emiiatrfondte o Mial-ct meneuar,' standard of the least elghtened a Snob. aek tlefatbvslullga lag e, toutnloie ,' fhe moMiliva,' te in MldahlmIpee U d clîm,7lro-cent. and vhlicneaaoses a suspensien nations and races ai the wvend. Tedesaeaar osdin ii.' eaoi e«rie a-, "rompugIlat mnaumseaa."Tiee', ne denht l illibch." bridge 451 feet long, seniething MOU bl That me favor li, use th Pndle yzannte n h nug n:cruaiomnlofrsa ch uny Te bomkr e menduaet pac ber yem gatulii.'II toit hlm Mn irent dîfficut,' at pres- plan of te great suspension bridges tilles Iliereof ai;c eapkepl uI parît,' mih The apeken langulage lu netitenIlIeu, Hofmis ea e s e .laeea helsm tve e bte ei lvu. Bie iai eu va le olo-Iat l asver m ll acea li N agra ore. Th lairne golti coIn, but me are < oed Iole, nI i le)agutelantspHn ev lt ellvite deltyof lu le lui sud_ -n.-manddtholuage on lasiuver be,'oliepUni- mseeeu e blu' haenbyli siei.-te iS Amîalsuged-oomui I. a -sapdsu, trug t sythead tdfiiel(4rentet s mssr crtin Bok rened uclad ndan' "Ikr sdnte lngilg I hei.-

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