CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 28 Aug 1896, p. 7

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ami Olt 10 ri.and oure. Wome'a uf.lngio. la lb. onkb- mo6uadectad h.cae ndteatahr tIeu o oruplmldgrto -.myhln butlbwlgh tIing Il a nde ach frumcaacuthat t. wmaa-maLr.cved ~r e.d Tes ak bovhcantei f h. dot t flmo? e auetndorman livig e mf nale powemaoyrcalesand ou,&me oh a naterly i en e wreo *Dnl aamng i ifmn t orpld l ma st"antheZIon, couda o il ar MMt. bdy the pains ual rustheo paintfr mpoud"ta1h ig«im oe. teF ortnd ye l bs oue ta. wpanu r ncued houanhl 1 .adnd aL Pesan. om Iblmn. ÂT iflamatn, tr etWte bdy-heWatr, thl.g..a o Lyds KPinLS.'a SWIItabe toue, Frtaent yedicalitha oné i b u" wds anemedthat usaer m f unor, o Inseawosi croul seand nye A iid cPtAIN .ocae of jcjsx li vleai iî twt mleao Doson.SenWpotal crd or bokwm The Gi teIis reial ctD it ses" ofrug he;the sae.wt h îe w ee ar tgi ed b ab el.ev C= bs yumon geomthadenrt ofu 1 Heoseoetabespo t in atenhr bd- U3 ne. Sold by ailedruggasti t ocae Feat tnerbon e snwi i Bostrinpostaleahrfboesttce th oe edgt oe. and both fla cre s wand binthe l skire a hld it causea V fro the ee; thes ne weththe S.r /en suopply ad wyou we par i .«auple shew ngis m ed s th'ose le . j If teustEnte M. Hfou] r oaus'HomWin cae sq, alami e plns by5 ait d mues a Nou, chliangpevof u t lrai g ncled fr 2. E t UUPodbyt X E D , g ists . Pl F aterbdolnecaCore.. luel "LITgotALLV Wipg~OFTEFC OF YHIE £M H. cludea the Diamomd match Plant- lmusauce About llalf-24500 Peuple IjeMoleg.. Oid Ontomagon lu Ruin.. Ontonagon -a. wiped ont ltw tire Tues- aley. Tise lire has lef t elsollîitely nit- ing of tise town. Two tboulgand p>euple, n-ho, were comfortaisly isoused Tuesday morning are îîow honseless and witisuut food or ehelter. Tise rin invoives the extensive lumber and box manofecturing plant of tise Dia- mntdi Match Comspany, ait establisment alue wortiî upward of $1,000O,000 and re- portedl to carry about $5000 of insur- ance ou lumber and plant. Tise catastro- plie hegan witis lise emal tires iu tise swamp mest Bouts of town, to whlch no attention was paid, as they were not considered dangerous. But the wind fremis- eued to a gale front tise soutis, the ewamp Ores were aIriven mm tiste mensoned luns- ber piles lu close proximity, and before effective defense coulil be mede tise dumes were beyond control andl drivlng straigisi for tise village ait a rate no rapid tisai nothlng vas tisonght of but tise salvation of isuman lires, lu reispotise f0 appeals tise railroad coîuîîauies senlt ail avaitaisie englues and cars. At 4 o'. lîck Tuceda>' afiernoon ihe operetors ln thse telegrapîi offices wî're driven front uder keys, as tisaI office orne cent rally locaied. Tise lois le well covered by ineuranee anti soute coun- poules, nutabiy tise Mlecisanun< ofMi .waukee, are reporue Very lieu vosere. i Tise Diansond Match ('timpii'uy's fire brigade malle e hernie figisi agnustet'ar- fui otiis. They %Nere joiued hy éeury able-bodied milnoft he titis n, bat their efforts to chu-ek the [irogre's outhesu tire were uuas-aiiing. Tise flîrtîincsbarue their 'aY lu tise laki, l.'aving ouisrom tiehinil There waài tglit delay ounlthe part of tish o i e andilt he Dia mou)id MNaiti- operaives ilst orgtirtiziiig fotr di'fensîs'e nieugure i. Wlieît liiir liat tie bi-gath tle lhtieititi'r ipiles o thetitimiti -,,iminuy weuri' alr'-ady 01tt ire. "hvehi.i4 fil lu'ulî uuiler O t!iiti titîr soit tur 'îî ieks andi iee-:î'îîdry as. tiler. Fire'tiî'iiantd iti- zetulis fot trlî,h.tîr unî'u litnians' itatani' 's tuIlle uîuiek. suileuly tied fur 'ihe IPIt i]th. t îIthplî ire antd Aiuttc anul ttiIv. îi-agîî. als~tl tnd St. l'utni 1Ltai! 4. o licî' blol h 'tir (>11tînagnit, n ure auu'l'lt,, fir hlî.. lis ry iNitlalileuit)- gille an] ir oiu the 1tOi )roads nitiii reta-iiittg Ld stil t i%%îa s taIled ito service antI senttf1t,titi Iîîrnitig tus ti. w'ubhiiuiij.t ,f titi'rî'ivF traints itre vu lt tu-,'Porititis thle rý-s tlied peuplei- a gria t usans' i ire iu'ftat lt m!i.î, isli'î ingu larly euiuitg . u"îîiltti( iîr'.t if lthe tire. Aillit.' - planît if ti l,,Iizîi,ild Match C'ouiiîly atiidl ît ti tht.- ittoof (intîti agitn. Titre tihe lire iras iýrt thse liercest. and front t h re t Iswipt itort i wîtrd ititi the fuiS n. l i'î,î-t ,'affeigistîd pIfflple ri-ally a'ulîîreýit.tut.. it greàt a danger utf" e'uiî hloit i. lit line, eru, xwii ing liter thliir iii tus. tise luii5ltoffi(ce. Ilte i t,Irt bililitigi. tht'e ti plirjlants an tIl le t tiegrat uet iti 't'. Thes olieratîr atayed at ]lis i otutil thtire s'.a', crack- ing t Il, gin-'" tiie itii' i Nii>isof the ibuild!- i ng iit- wu sil. Ths.-i lii lied îîils tise mul- tituide, twiii Iliii ic-e-Àd 1ti iglr, utnd ,as ouî.s'se, Liît;_ a îl:î' î, Tise ru Iit trtîîti 'if tht' riur)ial rom- pallies. uuîtIth. t', ra-i, Iltlî'ititieots. wiuîh ueCee sitre.,,iitiîlu'.l ut inu'. stîiidotut in tiittît l'e t theu I;strlt i vlî'rt'otnce isere isillt.i if t-t iof tajohipilile. T'l'ligh the ' vi4-îitldltii " u- 'îîith.e tar,_ Noî otte tif t!tî Iîtîl hi h î'li(sW lîrîtuglut -t'. : unî lit î'r i le thîltti ttrit iso li, tiIr,' tir'l 1t ta.lartttîtig. Tliure tias iit..Tiitîl t t ai!i u 'ý rijîrt it i%%as a ru"" i)r l it..~ ili, i t ai i wiiti'tt rîtît. Piavîiiz iiliiii 'i 11it1".- .î tî "f yvars, 'lTh'e îîi rut fi fi ti t ofuttheu'ire li ' lt'fi-.;ll iii .i' i tri L is,"fh lith ail îtî'flai- . t lt1 i". c olu' t,'i"iiit. U p r e liiio ',t~.t. utgate it tîrlîtî iienie tir t1itti> tirs andulelîîtht' Dit- îtîîuîîîi 'li 'iit~t , ti. lakit î titi hsî'lt.i,:.îrtie't iýf thIeit tuî:îttîfitrittgiut t ha't velii 'itilti.tini'd. llîure i.', ilt nîtr,' tîîîîlîî'r tf)i .i iii 'itthle itilis wili lue nrî'iilt it. i te 1ilieves. rTherei' t ri,' a lItiiîui ui. li ii' 1. ue îîistîtîse ut ait> vatîi ttîiit."t îi lt'sitet'e îtg suiu'lt,'e'lii1-'x -arN s- t.r au'I lissilule. Th1'b les î%%Il tggregtti' lîtîveeîî $1.' .ystetîif îi'.itîe ir. its jistîllIeila ' ear1 agît. luit t title. lt liiziv t' . -i' e di ts' patîl ii îte ,îIitzt.ti tilaTh e Pu')Iîî ,thrrt'.d îîtt iuit huit îîî'Ntiii ltav'e1 tai rvv'i , 'ititîtîli' , titî i , lr stt!,r fri'iii 'Th e a'î ii 'il' l-) utiitî,r Ittrtietil us sti' rstatî'îl tf 0,1)iuf.0114) i î' ot lit titis tîlîiltî W.i vitihtville.i. "wiulg tlithfiîtait ftîf tii1 wtvîr,'%%est if Nitiii iî î e uîîiititti milice 'arlian theu' ftvi'ttoîtititi1 tett, 11.% tii tihe'stîîî'k tif laîîît,îr .iteitidiockstatîd Pasiiy are ui lttiittttu1lht'. It i- t sufut say tt t utleat t2 uti<ljfuîtlitas hei-ui de' utro'.eil. i lu[l tut. la t wa s stt11iposed Io le t, irly ,iiiIfi re' lrîteit tiot(lit'i isitrance oiililit î ii se unP r t î'tîi Ei Ii' fr'eivont Ontîttiziýti îrîuuîet V. aniiniI tttiqic sau lii f thiiit(il et'ha ily ciitigitf. The ses' t tr,..attil u uîs us iîîreujîîtIiMi-y GOLO -ADVOCATES -WOLD MlEETINCI IN NEW 'CRIC. »eu.e Crowd Fille the Great Madison Êquare Garden te BoaneS8..boa- Bourke Coekran Glye Reply te go- cezt4peech by Cmaaadate Bryan. Madison Square Garden Meeting. The a.coud notnble demontration of the politiral campaign la New York City wus heid "uesdey night ndter thse auspices of thse Demotretic Honest Money Le-agu. of $rnerica, lu Matdison Square, where W. liourke Cockrav addrsesaed an 'immenlp audience, with a speech entitIed "In Op- position ta Itepudiation." Mr,. Coekraa hail been selecteil to euswer Candidate Bryen'a speech berause of hie opposition t, tise Chiego platforau, and iseeause of tise reputafion aà an orator wisich hie isad earnt-d by hie participation lu tise tariff deisatem oi two (Jongressec and by hie famous pruttest egainet tise nomination of 31r. Cleveland, delivereil et daybreak la thse convention of four years ugo. Elgisteten îhousand sea-tihadt heen placedIn istise garden and all of them were liled whtn tMr. Cockreu advanced te the front of tise platform andl wu greeted isy a treriindonus cieer, men elimilng up- on tiseir chair% aud waving itlte Amerkcan fia"a whieh lad beun strewn through the hall. Maj. Jchn Bryne, president of the bpague, esuled tise meeting to order, aWm prenented Perry r.ejmont, wso imade à isort spetch by way of orerture te Mr. .Coekran'a effort. When lir. Cackrnn was introdured b, k1r. Beiuw.nt tihe tiret ouîbusî of the meeting camne. As Mr. Cockran arome a smai! group of men wlii ea leaderbegan ta ging "My Country." Tii-, n. uobedience to iguaie, fron valious rparts of the hall mien ares- asnd joined the chorus. Mr. Cockran himmteif started to ing. but paua- Pd soon, as if lie uere not familier with thse worda. Mr. Cockran began hie speech lu a low vc'ice, bu' hie tones became clear- er as he prqceeded. Hie sentiments were liberally ciseereit after ise hadt warmed to liii ubect, and iis statement that tise volume of money doea not denote pros- Perity seemued t-3 meet the approvai of jais a'îditors, for tisey ciappeil their bsande Ivigorously. Frequpent outbreaks of cheers folloived hie perioda throughouitishe adt- urezs. THE SOLAR ECLIPSE. Northern Asla Ho@ Ucen the Center of AstronoamîcaliInterent. An eclipse of tise sun is eutqd by tise mnoon pamsing- between thse sun and tise earth, as shown in tise accompanying dis- grain. Duriag thse recent erlipse ties hadow of tise moon firat toueheil ibis eartis et an wnamable town tin ussia. Througisout tise wisole of Euirope, except France andl Spain, lu Amie, uhove tise Zth degree of latitude iu Alaska and most of Polyneala IeitA(le Pat ('tP. (A.repr ît l lite crlth-1. u'il 'tlt.Et'a Iti ' trî. t. retrestît î ii iî eue "'nie the ui'îsorbtt G. rulreenia tise unrtisImatown ht ia tîuuîku n elipse tor sorne otiser pllutl. tise eclipse was a Partial obseuration. But tiser. wau a favored Itelt, not more than '90 miles wide et tise mout. extending front a point in tise North Sea across Nor- n'ay, Swedcn, Lspland, Nos-a Zemla, Si- l.erig, Mancisuria and Japon. nisere tise Ooiratior. was total. To understuitd tise charai'ter ut the ci'lpee, imagine a susail, cireular, non-lu- amiu body intcrs'ening betweeji a larger lmmintîus -iobe and your eyu, and nüer enouigiste tise eyt f0 obscure tise larges, isody, as a Penny held near enougis btiste rve till idie a simver dollar, or an orange til Qhut aff trous the.,e> tise big glass globe eround an an' ligst. Tise siadow of tise orange tili becî-one-sbttîed, large neer lise -range andI narroo'itig doo'u to a point. So 'iit te ssu and moon, and ai thse tile of tise August eclip.4e Ite sisad. ow, thicis began et tise neur aide of tise moou with a dhemeter eqîtel to fthe moon's, tean truucated, just before ilt as nar- rowesl te a Point, by tise cartis, atîdi el ispon lise eartis titis a ireadth of about 100 mies. It tes as if tise moon took a moneter peint ius, moided ilte a polintu and, applying a little ptressure, drew a narrurv black lhue arounîl tisaIptart of tise eurthtiicisrevclvpd wtilureacis. Tise black lune, or baud, or uhadow, market] tise earIs front a point wesl of Norwa>', in the' ocetin, across NoWiay, Sweden, Finland. Nort.hern RIttssie and Siberia, tise Pecif c Oceen, and sonse of tise nortis. era islands of Japan. 0f these must i feul upon Soya and tise nons cnt! of Tezo, Momisetsu and Yubetsu. Front Yuisetuu it wetst on, falling tîpon mounitalîs 6(,000 tr 7,000 feet higît. atîd conttittued over tise scean soulo hundreds ot miles, axîd then raniebeul. 'uuitiin thia long, hutndreil- nil. tide belt of darkness tlhe several oh- serviiig ptfrties tool'. staud aI different teints. Tise French. Gerutan anîd Italien Iistroionsers made obsîîerations fromNo Sr- u'ay andI Fiîîlanîl. netîr aranger Fjord, ai Vadso and 1'ardo in Iiinland. Tise 'clipse tiser. ivas sltorî'r ilion aI Yeze. Wila .Cornell, nepisco of ex-Go,,. Cornel1 of New York, tvas ten ycare ago & leader, socially end itîant'ially. He tas Ceilege bred, spoke fiî'e tauguggee andi tnnted -bis friends b>' score«.,elienlenow omelets, destitute and Practicajly friend- ess. In thse Center street court, New York cit>', ie tas committed ta Believu. capital 10 b. oxasincd s to bis sanlt>. AU-% n'a it torka, uttnated at lb@ c esfd of Providence, I. L,. totted iE *r> tOe weeki het4 downTb* ýàý sir rpymotp e,-M A Wonderfut Pheuomenon. 1 rTs. m4%»,wh eshoultipas troiigh life vîthont erperleitilng a taînge of lu(ttigtion might Se atîr regardeul as a wondu'rful plie- acomeuon. We doubi if such s prlsîleged mlot- 0taihaever exluled. If %o. we have nei'r sce hlm. But ihoîtuande are kuownt iibc'-îtaliy rlleveI of dyapepuîîa by fiseetler's u tu' &eh isBttera. the populat' reuiedy for lthat truts' uatlonal t ilit, .astietl ai for, feser sud ague. dehilily. 'onstipation. riseaunathoa aduikiduey troubles. Slow Czar Nicholas Proposed. Rasaais aie very fond of tc'liing tise alory of an auier given to tise elîtîeror when is majcesfy proposcil to htisui t- lure wîfe. -T"ie etuperor, my frîlier. ha" COmManded nMe 50 make yoo the offer of îîîy bond andi heart." %vas lthe zoeewsf7.'s qualnt tay of putting it. "And iny grrantimotlser, lthe queeti," ro- plIed tise lady, "lias commsanded me zo accept the offu'r of yonr iband;: yotsr heart I1trill sake myself." Il Nlui mi on guei autfhoriiy lthe emperor la pas' glonetelY devoteil to bis tife, and tisat she la equally fond of Isini. à Beantîful illumîrated Bgook Fre.. "A tising utftteauty le a joy forever," w. ail kuow, and have learned to admire an weil. But when an uisject of admira- ion carrnes witi i a large meesure of umeful information in addition to lis antis- tic menit, ils intriusic vaiune becomes ver> mucis enhanced. lIt ourltnt eck' sune tiser. appeareul an advertisensent an- noncin tisai Tise John M. Sniyfh Corn- pany, 150 to, 168 West Madison etreet, Chsicago, o'ouid sendtit ree te aIli pplicante tiseir elegant new and massive 44J0-ituge illustreied catalogue, Tise Johst M. limytis Compansy is lthe Itrgest furuiture and house-furtilietg establishsment un tise worid. Tiseir ueo' cataloguie iii a inartel of tise prinier's finest airt, as tu tiIau au encycîrîpedie of inîformîation pentiining to aitl iitd of borne. otitie aud hotel fàlr- nishing. Illutstrationts mît iuîprofuision tbrotîgisthe book, nd iirit'es rire gisen for everytliug. Titis grt't t oo a per' fect standard work ou bouse aitd oifice, furnishing-shoild be l ineery home of our land. h oil e ssufie ree isy ex. press, charges prepait], lu ailtisho write for it in TIIE JOHIN M. ISMYTH C"O., 150 in 168 M'est Madiisoteurcet. Cicago. IF'Verybody Wetcotrue ta teke adivaitege of lise lait st rate ever maede 10 St. l'oui and Minnteapolis, on tise cecasion of tise tisirtiets auntmal eniansp- ment of tise G. A. Rl., lise lirst week in September. Oniy one cenI per mile for tise rouînd t'rjp ln lhe rate msade, fought for and esaisied bY thie Cisicago Great Western itaiiway (-%aptie Leaf Rouie) for tise "boys it bitie" and tiseir friends, wite tise tickLetsý are good for returu ut an>' lime witsin tiîirty dtuyu. Thiu lu your opportutsity to viuit tue -i2win Cities"',sud lise Great Norlhwest. TiseCisicagoCrJecat Wemter'î citers every lisxair> on tise joutr- ney-Cmmprtrtment Sieepers, Free Chair Cars, Dinirig Car. on lise Euirupeen plan. Take your family wiîis you and reusenîber the road tisai deserves youîr patronage in tLe Chsicago Great Western. Fui! infor- mation as to raies, sleeping car reserva- tioue, speciel trains, etc, till be furniss- ed by Y". H. Lord, General Passenger and TIcket Agent, Cicago, it. Shape or the Mo. W. neyer sec but one aide of 1he moon. but judglng fron tise aide pre- sented to our view It is tise general opin- Ion tisat tise moon lu et leaat spisericel. 0f late. huitever, a newt tieor>' la belng advanced. Astronomera wiso are cari'- fully atud.ying tise question eay thet tise Ilgisand sadowe of 1"otr esiver isW ter' wordare incomspatible' wiis tise oid theory of its spiserîcal shape." Salle. Caterrh Cure. le laken lnternally. Prime.7cents. It ba been tound tisat tise soil of Ani- ironaIt l as favorable la tue culture of the date Itain as that of Arabie. "Twinkie, twinkle, litile star," yen are Indeed ieautiful, butt net haîf uo bnci>' as tise bloomi on tise citeeks of ail youuig ladies Whso use GIen'eo Sulpitur Soap. TraIn ecistdren ta bear tiseir borts wîta fortltude. Word cornes frmnsaIl quartera tisat thse neateet and mont satisfactery dye for col- orntg tise beard a erowna la Buck- ingisam's Dye for tise Whlskers. Prînelpîe are tise atrîngs upon thicli te bang divorce facta. W. wtili Srtait 1,000 it any of our pubs- Iltbed tuugl»epiIIg m Provento e » nt -The quasI decorated walla ia the zialmc are those of Fra Angelico In the. chape! of NIchoa. For comne roaton oet oler MeIschape! at one tur e eaaed to b. sed, thse door was wliled up, and the yery existence of thse place wag for- gotten. In the. lest century Bottai, baving rend about it ln Vasari, set to wu*k to find it, ad at last got lnto it tlsrough tiie window whicis looks upon the roof of thee Butine Chapel. The etory, whlcis la undoubtedly truc, givea au Idea of tise vatness of thse palace, and certainly cuggesta the possibiiity of-more forgotten treasures of art &isut up la forgotten irooms. One other cuch et leat tisere Io. Hîgis Dp In thse Borgia Tower, aisove thse Stanie of Raplseel, le a suite of roomc once Inhebiteil by Cardinal Bibbieue. of the Chîgi family, andl used ince then by more than one assistant secretary Oi state. Tiser. Io a smalil ciapel there, with a wlndow iooklng upon an Inner court, wich was once thse luzurtous cardinal'à batisroom, and was beauti- fuiiy palnted by RaplsaelIin freaco, wlth, mytisologicnl aubjects. In 183M, according to Crowe and Cevalcaselie, Iaaanî eaw it au it bail originally been, witls the freucon, tisough mach damgeil, etili beautlfssl, and thse mer- Iii. bath .tilan is. place lu e niche paited wltls river gode, In on. of the. Vatican'a perlodîcail its of prudery, the frescos were compietely idden with a wooden walacot, the betbtub wa taken eway, andl the rooni waa turned into a clsapei. It ia beiieved, however, that tise painting@ atil exIst behlnd tiseir present covering.-Cen- tory. The Gaveror of North Carolina mad to the Governor of South Carolina "BATTLE AX"I is. the mnost tobacco, of the best quaIity, for the Ieast moawey,. Large quantitles s'educe the. coet i& ma>uactre.the remilt going to the COe. smein the shape of a larr picoe, foe, Iezý mon,, than b. oç osib TO THE PARU LANDS AND PRINCIPAL CfTIES OF R West, Nothwast od 'S The Burllngton Route and mn ati aîod wlll oeil Excursion Tickets nt VERY LOW ROUND-TRIP RATIESÎ Augut 4t 18e Sept. 1, 15, 29, and OctOber 6,U. Te thîs opportunlty to go end ose the splendid orope that Northein kasime end other Western sections have p.daad th . Ask your newrest Tickt Agent for partlculars, end use that yeurq~ rendu vin the DURLINOTON »UTE. gond to the und.siNgne*d pamphlet (no charge) *bout Western Farm Lands. P.S USTIB, Cen'I Paseiiengor Agt., ONICACO, ILL. * Mistress and Maid both have their part in the gie e 14savings that corne from ParIiàs Sueppose you're the nsm., here's the cconomy of it-41111 saving of time, etc., and . Ç~ ...L... actual money that's saved u if doing awaywith that st~ wear and tear on everU~ washed. Suppose you're the rnaid. There's the saving labor; the absence of rubbing; the Iiardest part of the hou.. work made casier and pleasanter. But suppose you are mistress and maid, both in one, doinj1 your own work. Then there is certaini>' twice as much rpaam îvhy you should do every bit of your washing and cmeati' wîîth Pearline. 0 It Was Before the Day of SAPO^LlO They Lkaed to Say "WôM and liver to a hmithy adllvlty, wltheit TOur -PM- lrrlttldng or weakenins them, 10 Glapei Net b.asMvm ooi la beadaches, coids or feveru use Syrup of »baarmlnu mils. "Tour mother nes'er made a worm. pie than thia, did note, John?, **Weil, If abs did, MY denrtthe effect le nlcely baianced, beaune athe never P gave me no large a -pteceY"-Cleveland TéO r ldPM.A rg Plaîndealer. 8ud.Poilltamaeawyrlb ~ lgfle ton .C.or SekaovÏat.dU mapu

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