CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 28 Aug 1896, p. 9

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Il u M CHAPTER IX-(Contiaaed.> There mlii hé thousands et figures laurny né mas dimIy congclons 0f sittas- dama dlock, uhousantis ef automatun Fis-ures 9" léonins- s long explanaîlon about et Time te more li one cadica proue.- tmranad tusinclînatien te le,. home, ilen. These figures mill diffén front ail mai"reets, antcals, but nothîng ofet îo thera te hé round Inla hrolagea. Thé>' eMuvyed àacean idea te i mînti. Hli lîî hadesigneti mboliiyta pleaac anti et- gaethéeffl vas-ui>' ibat this girl, mIa mas Dcute thé eye bi their artlstic vitues anti 4»et ofthé Onaces of Graceuin laWî s-graces. The uechanical movemeuts wilîl coua.n, ad arrive! tînt moralas- mthout bu mheiiy subiect te naturaines. anti ticket or monéy, sud tle tuant uappeaut hoair. 1 have héen in tsréent dificuîty te previdentialy to bu in thé sainté train anti finti a morthy motel for my Palas-AIhe- paldthe1k taré for ber, us. Until to-tay 1 mas in desair." What lbu heard lftI littie or ne lm- There appearet nolhins- unpieasantly pression opon hlm uxcept mIen she spoke. manketi or emphetic lu Leigb's manner; A11 bit attention mas fixeti in moateirng but lianbury kuew lle meannithe model regard Upon ber face anti fonm. il mas for thcetionun or the olive bi been roundi Bat until Luis-b ant ie hé mènl thé .t,-eet lu' Dora. Gooti heavéns! Ibis créature «Me more ilat bue recaveret tra'm the hati dareti te select as is model fer a Obock and surprime. figure ln ibis rarue-ibaw et charlatan "Tisai 1s thé mont mnarvclaus thias 1 mechanism this girl te mbom le, John è8re s sIn luail my lite," saisi le, qthé Haabury, me. ens-as-ut! tme..mallted amay. lira. Ashton underatoodthbl Impicatien ,fTe," a&tLeigh, "theéateut marvel- In the speech b>' an aimentIimperceptible «MM»revureace efthîe ponr blishiet, deturmeti "I cen sarcety blieve it even yet," bodiy ta bier beautîful. shapely,. mou-bora mI alt labnry ent a toue ut rêverie. tiaus-Iter. A look ut amusement andtotn- .'*Wben Yeuufaintei ini Cheimynti utreet derneas came mb- ber thin, mobile, sym- sat I ent te uffer help, 1 uuuk off >' bat tpathetie tàcé. "Anti yuu have becu su t. roar yotiug lady an(- saii, 'M Iisa Grace, I tunnte au ta finti a motel for your «aa I bu ofaLy use?' or mrdi ta that gt s? el!ect." ".Yeu, anti nu. I titinot finti gu much a "I do not monter." ntotei tor my gotitesa as a gottiésa mli "liahil'onu couit nul tell une front the lad strayeti dam trom thé loigts of éther. 1 cout nuot Ien i finît saw ryour Groeck mytl." youas- lady. Nom I coitd." 1 "This muât Lé a incky day mith yen, "luIeti?." sait Hanbuny, with tris-id Mn. Lois-b," lins. Ashton sait pleesenti>'. politenéss. At frst ibis retcheti crea- "*Anti irlen dit you muet yuur divinity."" tare bati bren aml silky tfnratîd purrins-1 "la île atternono. 1 mcm ber lu lie seund; nom lit mecictail cdam. andi atternoun." lHe looket ans-ln!>at Han- blesés. 1Inn>'. Thc latter iions-lt, "lie la unden "Yea. Mis@ Ashion las mare go, more obligation Dlot lu îay anythiuig ut thé vitaiu>, mire vigdor, nmore niervé, more Chelmynti street event; le, thé traiteons «etrprisu, non,. entîcsasa, more divin- mretch, vriii content Iimselt milh refer- lu'."l ring lu ht, au tiet Dora anti I nîay knuw Haabury tunuetl round sud gazedet aiirat le nians. The taise sunak!" Hé thé hbcbback mil astoniahment. Tlere felt bis face hurn anti hlazé. mas thé hum>' ut eiî,qucnce lu bis words, Dora turnet pale. SIe knew nailins- undthîe flash ut entlusiasm lu bis eyeà. otfirbat bat passed bletiréen thé tu-o mn This man wmssnul an ordinar>' man, pli.- mInc @heemcm tIoaent s, anti toit teint BICail> or intel'ýcuahîby. Haubun>' lu- iren shé tbons-It ut John Hanlinrys stantiy lteret isi mental attitude tu ras-e if tle littie man netenredte ta heir manda thé tirt. lHé nulonger assume4 uariier meeting. th* Pose et a superior, the meibdot f ma "Mr. Hanbun>' mas wii me ai thé =aster,.lHe recognimet an equal. titue," said Lois-b. "I May' rely on your keeping ibi* mboie Hsnbury f zed bis cyes on the mecbaa- affair quite' "be saiti. lit mlth tireaténins- dèliburatenés. Dura "rBut Tou bave nat bent MY requeal. gréir coud anti palér anti teint. Blé fuît tol tel!yu I rouît show you suntothias- tbere mas certain te bu a scèe, a Miost Moret-wonderfui than mystury gsoIt. 1 nupiéssant scene. lMrm A"ton sair noti- telti yen I coulti showr yoen amore mon- uns-. anderitoot nnthing. dental tbing ta eren miracle gouti. . "Wberé dit yon muet tbis PalIas-Atb- bave shomDta t 1t te u.-Neair1I ant mi 'enat" tle askét. bkush moDe>." "lu Grimas>' treel," ansmered Luis-h "What aiu?" il aà loir to Mie Ashton. anti a looktet "An Introduction ho Misas.hton." maliguant triumph aitlianbury. "An Introduction ta Mias Ashton?" lue latter starteti anti lookuti round hlm "YeiL" itb as mucl surprise as if hé suttiénl>' "'Wben do yen misi te meel Misas Ash- touant birnicf unexpectedîy in a strange ton ' place. This man mas tue inItie anti 11h. "Nom. Theré nuver mas any tinté paettfon ht. Who counît bace expecle'! tua «r future as guet as the présent" wmus-le? Dora glancèti np mil an ex- "Corne ill me." pression ot relief. TIecaclon came back Habur>' turne met anti led tle may. quickl>' te ber face, anti the aspect of F'or a trne thé tu-o men maiket alons- In alarmét expectancy vanlahet. silence, lira.Ashton tuuedti roaincnete am- "Thisalaa Mmr. Ashton's bouse." aller, mith quiet. Inquirnas, puzzleti yué. Luis-h arouset i otîth îe abstraction Slé sair nom tieré iras sontéthirig un- and icuked up. Miiss Ashton mas at thé usual benah thé sunface ot ail thia. open wndow ù ethîe drawins- rouît. - "What ie the mystén>'? You milI tell me, Thé tirnt teir back a pace tram thé Mn. Lois-i? bouse anti amept île grouind mitl bis bat "Naonîysteny aI al," ansmeret i Los-, "'Dit 1 net ell you1I votulti shoir youu lua quiek, lis-ht. off-bnt may. *"1 hep- soething mure woutiet'ul tIen myster>' penédte t conte arrose lMr. Hanliury acci- goît?" he asket ut Liaubur>'. tintally. anti me met thé lady otfirboi "Yes."I apeak." "Diti I kep my mord -- Oh, tIen ie là a lady'. Blé la not e "The likenes s t muai aitonighins-. Cornté protessionai motel." b..' "lIaI! Nu. Sfilàisnut a prutessionai "If île lkenres is nul complete ht may motel. goý bard c III the miracle s-aid." "I mundur do I knir ber. lia> I ber bcr nante?" CHAPTER X. "Mir. Haubur>' milI, I have no ticubt, lira. Asbtun's. ram lsn ontm ouiti un- tell you," sait Lois-b, marins- off illi a der ordinan>' cicnmstances, ho open bu amilé. "lie rsa introducedtetuber et tic &Dy trient or a cquaintance brous-ht tlene meeting. I mas net. lie mas as mudli by Hanbury. Hé e s aàiell-neceiveti truck 17 the likenussas e1 ." treqauntér ut tIc bouse, andt ibugh thé "The likenesa! Thé likéness ta Pallas- relations hetireen him ant inu Ashton AthénaL?" alt lira. Ashton lu perpiex- bad mol heen ennonneet, the>' mèeeun- IY deratoot in the lousebulti. "Yes," saiti thé dirnt ithi anethur Bufore kuocelins- atthé duar Hauliury $mile, as ie madeténtanortiramua mie tirnet to Luis-I sud sai: "B>' thé waymère cumins- up the rout ta lins. Ashton. her. are ikciy ta ho a coudtinumber et people hère at this lotir ou Thuntiay." CHAPTER XI. "I knem. An At Hume." The air et pleasaut badinage whlcb "Precisely. You miii not, ut cannsegay pervaded thé room bad! no muré effeci on a mord about mhat occurnede arliicr Oscar Luis-h tIen on tle gasaîler. No menilu ibat hinti sîreci." one esioke lu hîm, fur no onue knem lait. Whea tIc>' s-t luto thé drammns- roomExcepi mIni pasauti betreén LoIs-b anti I)ora amiieti anti lent gracianai>' taeLuis-h.Haniuu'Y ail morda meeu itundét for any £(a lomot, but nut neani>'sugom as mhen ears mIa mis-ltber. Afttr stroillas- Baulbury Introducet imlite10ber moîbér. tîroagi tbe ruoma mil Hanbury ton Mbere mas nu éxes-geralion lu bis loir some trne, Lois-h approachéti thé talle ChIa tInte. Hé naiseti bis lent more ihrbur Dora mes dispensias- tea. quichîs-, muré fnnîly, andtotie Irewir Wben LuIs-b fiuiîhed usîlus- thé breat op and hli it back, boukins- arount i i anti butter anti tiinkins- thé tiny cup or wftb bard, baus-Ity eyra. To Hanliury's tee, le iaid: ",You mal, Misa Ashton, te oisionîslment Lois-b appenneti>qute ibis knom linrlat may 1have been lucky te- *ase. lié wam neither cuntuutnon in- day?" solent. Blé looltut In perp!uxit>' ai lanbory, Au Hnhur>' sair Dora approach anti andt tIenat the dtirn. She bat no doulit mcci Lois-b, lo irsamure @tnuck tIen bu- lée lad alludeti ta ber n-heu bue apoke cf tore wiih the extraureinary likenesa 1)e- lavins- tound a motel for the Pallas- tmeen ber ant itÙtiln,c. Athuna. Waa sIc silîl ans-ny mitbhlm,? She $li saIt pleasantl>': "One aIma>', likés énowet i hm nu is-n utresentment ut' for- te beut ofgooti totune cuning te those gîreneas. Blé save l1er e'ea nti atten- ilu hm euela interesteti." tien te ibis man hmie h at beun toreti "I mas spéakins- a moment es-e about te brins- -itI lit. the figures oftimtInlumi dock. 1I*bat "yod," LoisImas BeYiag te lira. Ail- île -humer of tellîns-?,Mrs. Ashton that Con, "I arn a servant ut tinte. I arn nom Ier. moult bue tbouanta f etit, anti cna-set lu makins- a dock mbich'miii, 1 that they monlti bu motieleti, not chiefy Chah, kýbu thé mail renmankable lu the or ai ail fer il. tiuapla>' af mucbanlmm, woent." but, la the fini place, a. marks ot art;to ".Have You luen te Stramburs-?" askeét ibs. morlis of art mecbaularn'mouid bu . aubort. aap"l W» at. dokth el "BabI Straslurs-, mol Wby sboulti j yib il mie ur eokteoi 4, Braiburg Te see othér clocha La oêé etf1tise hlinethé morît," iId -abs, cmj éséchoir eeete ayles- po lnlevedt i ntino peluteti roter- iaààk W huiez buot thb«Isuetbemuvu, tbs IgsrtvhiI 1iatend to bequeath to pu-, tért7éwil homade of goid." '41od1 Ail thonse figufts nmade of geldil Wby, your edock Wi eut a fortune." "It Wini Dot cost nme as inucli as it wbnid cont any other mnan living. 1 amn going toeniake the goid, too." 'He dreir bhaif np andi looked proudly round. *1 have Invented a metal, a compoundi mhich la osoiutely lndistingulsbable fron SOI& Which le, lu tact, goiti, and ofwhieb 1 &hall malte my figures. Mystcry golti mai a luînsy juggie that one roundi eut ln the tire. My golti la bona fide a miracle, and 1 have called lt Miracle Goid. My gold wili reisî the aciti, andi the biow- pipe, and the crucibie." "And does the gooti fortune yon spelil of concern the manufacture of this mira- cle goiti?" the asked with a fainttfluh, andi eyezs hining mith anziety. "It doeu." "A discovery whlcb perhapa mili malte the manufacture lems dangerousr' "Wbich moult! malte the manufacture auleetary." Bbc claspeti her handa before ber mth delight,and crietmhilie ber cyes ahone Joyously Into bie, -Ob, thst irould be incky indeed. And bow in l you kueir If your augury of gooti fortune willi comae tru Il *;Yuare lnterenteti? He bent hie head et, 1 loirer, anti bis voice mas neither se firm norno1 harsb. "Would yen care te bear as soon as I know?" ",Oh, 7e.., "I shall, I think, lie certain lyib tis day week." "Then come to us agrain next Tbare- day. We shan ail be bere as we are no." He baclted a pace andi boweti to her, anti then turneti round, and, withbheati erect andi scornful eyes ffeeling right andi left, but beeing nothing, atrotie out cd the roem. "Dora," wIrbspereti ber mother, "you have made another conquest. That littie genius in ln love with you." The girl laugbeti, but diti not look uju tou a moment Wbcu abe tiltino ber eyes mure full of terat. (Te be contîn-uet.) The Cou-tract Haci Explred. flufus Lockwood ira a genlus In bie way anti was probably uneé 0f the liest lawyers In tbe State. Lockwood ment ut one tîmne to Horace Haires, a very distingulsheti lawycr agd the author ot the conaolidatlou mi wblicb la nom in force. Hnwes had a reputation for close figuring and Lockwood knew It. Hie said: "Mr. Hare, Vil hIre myseif to you for one year trom date at a mal- ary of $23 a duuy, payable every uiglit." "Ail rigbt," said Hlaies, deligbted te engage the services of the briglitest mmid lu the State at se0 10w a figure- for the saiary iras fot a great one ln those days-aud the bargain iras seaL, eti. lit as il o'clock lu the nmorning. But t rom that time on, lt la aald. Haire. nei-ur misseti an opportunity of reminti- lng Lockwaod of bis bondage. He woulti say ln the presunce of others: "Lockwood, go andi feicli that book;" "Lockwooti, go andi feteli thie or that," etc. Lockwood neyer salti a word, but titi au ho mas bîiden, anti Haires un- joyet ielmtriumpli. Flnally it cama to the day irben the year's engagement turmInateti. Thero was a mont important lawouit on baud, wihl Lockwood hati matie a careful atutiy cf; no one ln the State coulti pou- slbly bave hazieti It an be tIi. Weil, on the day ln question Loekwood stocti li court, an array of court book& iu front of hlm, and expoundut hie vluws ln maaturiy fashion. 15utitinly bu look- et up at tbe cdock anti saw that ftirwas the bour of 11. Cioslng thu book front wblch lie mas quoUing, bu turnedtiet Haires, irbo mas sltting besitie bim, anti nid: "Mr. Haires, a year ago te- day at this heur I contractedte1 work for you one yeur. iMy time's up, tbe contract là cancelei anti I amn going."1 Thun titi bu repay bis master for the humiliation beapeti upon hlm. Haires iras lu the greateat consternation; ho coulti not posslbly take up the ibreati et the case ihrbe Lockirood lad lef t -If anti bu begged ant iimploreti hlm te proceeti. But Lockwooti remenibered, anti bu turneti a deaf car te cil per- suasions. He kept bis word; te con- tract lied expired.-San Francisco Bul- letin. Grafting cof Plants. Ail garduners know tliat rurlous riants can lie produceti by graf tlng, anti te the country tla no extraordinat-y sight to sue a trcu bearing tiro kinda of piumn or pear as thc resuit 0f h. lMr. A. W. Sutton of the great seed estab- Ilaliment ut Readiing lias lateiy descrili- ed ln the Journal of tbu Royal Hortl- cultural Society a number of Interest- ing experiments matie mlth tomato anti potato plants, thiese tiro being botani- cally relaiti to onu anothér. A potato tuber iras piantet, anti mIen it hati at- tainedth te beiglit of a feir incee above the oil, the stem iras eut off anti a to- mato grafi iras combinedteI toI. As a result, the composite plant produceti a crop of potatoes at the rente, irhIle the toliage above grount bore a crop of tomnatoes, nourisheti ly tbe potato rente. The procés was then reverséd, a putatn grafi lieing lntrotuceti upon tomate ataîks. The tomato rootuted neot produce potatous, but the potato plant above grunt ifret ibreir ont po- #OSER OR STARTLING. FAITH. FULLY RECOROED. White# Carventen, andi Ganney Acquit. ted of thoeChareeaofmurder-State Fair Greunti Ceptnred by fBan-amfen Couaty Sudar Ecl lChiltiren. AUl Three GonFret. <'larnece White, lFrank ('arpenter audt Charlet; Gurney were ecqîitteti ut thé I uurtier ofT 'honmas J. 'Marshahl Saturday lictîre Jutigé Wind,'s et Chicago. Car- pt'nter anti Gttri'iv er,' acquitteti eu the first ballot; WhViite un tite' turteath. lu î'ffite of the item ivanitîs-of thé Court andth îe efforts ofthte bailiffs tomanil tevarunt the eîttbtsiîstn uf thîle eclators aboweti itne-I in a treenidous about irben the verdict treeins- White was rendi. The scenu in the mnil mas even muore tramatic wIen tle acquittuti prisanera mens takua back ta Iheir celislu te b tormaly dis- charged tram custoty. Thé 4M9 pniofers chueréti Whie to the echo and mère an-, atuered, chuer upon cleer, by the ban- sireda in the aîiey Oulside atiJoinlng the ceI rouai. Illinois Endeavorérs Close 90a1101. The Yonus- Peo0ple's Society ot Chris- tian Endeavor ot Soutlern Illinois ClOmet n iuterestins- tînce-tinys' session ai Ben- ton Salnrday. About 1010 rePrQentatirus front varionîs parts outhîe Staté mure présent anti panticipatet Iniithé meeting anti discussions ut Chriatian mork. A réception mas tenderedthetI visitors at thé résidence of Dr. H. S. Hope. It iras onu afthîe langeai social gaiheriuîgs ever belti lu Beuton. Thc fullowung ufficura more selectet funrte ensuins- year: Presideni, Gi-orge C. Glenn, Duquoin; htecordins- Secretary, Misa Cura Zebt'r, Bentunt; Cor- respondins- Secretary, Misa Eva Young, Marion. 'The convention was the argeai anti mont succemaful galt'niung iii thé bie- top outhte Carbondale district. Marlon iraa acictet as fthe nexi omeeting- placé. Docier Snues,'rDem'iffes. J. W. 1'otter, publiélier ot the hock Il- anti Argus, las been atîed for $15,0W 0 h Dr. ('laudius B. Kenyon. a homeoîtatbic practitioner, wha says biis reptttion was injunedto thîe arpount sous-hitîy the pubi- lication ut mattera res-ardins- the sutduen deail of W'alter S. Barrett. Dr. Kenyan ls accuseti by Barrett's widow out burins- performeti an operation out the daY ot bie dermise. A iciter mas ivritten to Coroner Heme's by reuativesfutBarrctt askig ha Mn. Barreii's rentam in e cihumeti anti tle ceuse ut desth invcstigatt'd. Thc Argus pttttiie th leitter. No 1ost-mur- tent examiiîatioti ias hlcd. Dr. Kenyon matie no' îtnîInt untilispveral mohtha atter îthet ut fMn. Barreti. Buaday échooli; HoltiRaly. The iraistnllraliy Outhfle unday sclools ut Seuigenon ('ounty was hleltia the State fuir srounds Tlînrs(liY, mIen 3,(M ,1children aîtpenetiniiaeprocession, wiuItvu s forîtuet on thc grotundts anti irhicli inovet f rom the dtine building ta tIc s-nnt stand et tIce race course. Itere thé ehltdren in chorus sang aevcrau se- lections, thé Fiftititesiment bant l paying the acconipantiment. A pros-rainiot speech- muakins- and mnic mas givén. ntithé remainder outhtecday mas @peut in iipici fashian. Suutiay aichool classes af more than a dozen denominations mère repré- séalt at île gailenins-. 1rize banners mure awardudtot the scîaula, makins- the béat shomi inluaticudance udtipercent- age of ntémberahiP Preeunt. Gai lnitsHie Grief. Ia a limtue room On thé second fluor ofthîe résidence ai32M2 Prairie avenue, Chicago, saatins- tle cumins- otthé coroner, mas tounti thé body ut Emmt R. Schahl. On thé lied besidé thé body a-as a prayer- boak, suapentié tram Ia mal s-as-jet to thé nostnila ot the deati man a ruliber hase -ibese Iteloft enîneti Selall's suicide over sorrair causet liy tIeticaît flis ifît more tîan a year as-o. As a rPeuli ut the suicide a sait inrolins- muré than $100,000 munI th fpropunty, mîicl ires ta have bcen settiel lunîte Sejîtenîber terni ot thé Prubete Court, may nieyer lie triet. ___ eal.n uirata Eief. William Brantiénhers mas killeti et Cascy by a blair on tIheiad f roui ea-Itili or brick. Hé mas 35 Years Old an" a mémbher ot a mell-knomu fanli]Y. C, Short, bis brotiter-in-law, E1',1,r Short. anti Frank Grillun arc auspecteti. Gr'iffithl ia nt large. Mayor Brown. utfltockfortt. decide't t veto thé résolution grantins- a frantchise io tle htockford Traction('oîpnîîty (n 71h streei, over whlch there lias luecut81t0h a contruversy ini the Cotîni.'The con- tenta ut thé message mil not lie matie ptîh- lie until thé neit meeting ofthîe Conucil. Wiiuie iitzenthaiér, the 7-year olti Chi- cas-o boy Wcho abat ant iklleti Guitave Drebin-, iras tiscbars-ed liy a coroners jury. Under tbe lairs ut thé Sîste the boy in cunsitine tontueyous-tte bci'itl re- sponaiblé for bis deeti. Deputy Conujuer Corbett severely cenauredth îe parents tf thé boy for allowmns- him ta Play iith firearme. A sensation matt causeti amng the playera and spetatorsata a cricket mnattIt t Chicago Saturtiay sftcrnoon by tc satidea tieath ft r Poplexy ut A. '. Broatituot, one of the punycrs, irbo drttp pet deati on thé vrnda ut the club iîtttse ai the conclusion outhîe firet moins- ufthtei gante. Mn. Broatitoot mas a baclelon, 45 yeuarsoIt. The Swirsh -Amerlecane ut Rockford ai a publie meeting protésted as-ainsi a ton- thér usé ut a certain geography ini île publie seluols liecause ht coutains nu mai) or mention c, Biretun. Reolulions menu auýaonpei denauncins- thé achoul board loge ,b"i4oa4 ingIm llas. Iposat ui bila for selfing ilquor wltbont a lIesaae, Baine et the fine. yet remain uaatiafid but thé. State'. Attorney réecoiied Exucutive clumency. Beanion rant a gro- cury with a saloon aitacbment mast out- gas tbé'city limita. Driven to distraction ovur the loge 0f hie littie fortune, muid ho bai spent ln an effort to effeet tbe cure of an insane broth- er-in-lair, Charles tadék, of Chicagog, was sent ta Jefferson asyium a year ago. Six months later bis irifu was commititd to the institution for Insane. Tbeir tire chiltiren mere cared for by a cia ritable society. Two weeks ago Stadek mas ru- leattet anti lie starteti oit a searcb for bis uitile aunes. It ires truitiess anti Montiay atternoon at 4 o'clock le mas founti teati ln a barnt in the ruar of 195 W~est Harrison etreet. Hie bati taken poison. Charles Wilkinson, ut Chicago, tried te ride part of the way bomne on au Alton train. Ho jumpeti toward a car at thé 101h struet crousing, but.miasutie foot- ing. Hé alippet frnm the platfonun, hie coat catcbing on tbe steps. Wilkinson mlaa draggud witb bie besti-andi shouldera in- aide the rail andi mat iu front ot the tracka of tîhe foilowing car. lie fuit ibm cioth glving iray, but before t partuti ho cauglut thé rail witb bis baud andt trew bis body front the, patb 0f the irbuel. Hoeiras un- able to mitbdraw bis band in tinme, anti the irbeul caugbt tira of the fingera of bis lefi bandi, crusbing one anti breaking a hogte in anotber. Hle ias taken to the Wesley Hospital anti ias sent home atter bis mounda were dresseti. Misa Bernice Stringer, ut Elgin, mas aecidentally shgot andi fataliy hnjureti Sun-. day nt il P. ui. %fant Aldrich, an entploye ut the umain office outhtec iatch factony, ivas spending the evenlng witi ber anti lad a revolver ln bis pocket. Wie abc mes exaugining the meapon ht iras accidcntally dischargcd, the bullet atrikiug lier in the brenst anti paasing tbrougl tbebody. A uhysician ira. %un- moucti andthîe moundeti girl iras taken ta Sherman Hosipiîl, anti h Is thought that site cannot survive. Aldirich la a wcli- know n ,yclist anti a promnnnt mewmber of the Elgin Cycle Club. Miss Stringer la aiso a prominent cyclist andi ia iel knowu in Chicnago c3yclung circles. She le about 2.5 yeara ut age andi mas cugaged te be marriedtu t Mr. Aldrich. William H.Llotbmpyer, a patient at thi JackmouviiUt IHospital for the Insane, tilet sudtienly tiro meeks ago, ni a coruner'@ inquest mas field thaItu-lit, but notbing iras Lnown about the' metten outaide thé bospital, until Saturday. itothméyer wau admitteti as a patient MIne 16, 18M., ftrm Mecoupin Cutiti-.IlIe mas seateti at dinner iiitî the otîter patients ivîcu bi took tua large n bite of mcnt andi cboketi un IL. 1\hile f0no oneja articularly to blame for the înan's leath, il suent, pecu- hian thnt the tacts sbouli have becu cor- creti np. Tite'resson was, likely, ihat anuther patient fell lut teneservoir buta feir days previoum ta Riothmeyer's deatl, anti the Itospital autiiorities did net want the Idea impresseti tun ftiepeopile that carelesantess citâanîong the atteunnts. Dlrectly in siglit ut lier ftler anti only a fuir feet away tramt him 12-year-old Zilfa Dunshee, daugliter ut E. P. Dun- sbee, ot Wilmette, %vas drowurdwmIlle bathing in tbe laite off tIe village. Mn. Dunshee, mitb bis daugbter anti young sou, ment ta the beach for a swing sbortly afier sapper. lbey htat been in thé mater for soeétim çiÉben bIs1.iiaugbter Zilfa mas caught by the undercurrent anti amepi out. Wbun lbu huard i4 Igirls cry Mn. Dunabep startedte to imatoparti ber, but 'she hati disappearéil, anti ho as unabie to fint iber. Wben bue saw that ail hope tva. gone lie left dite mater anti dresacti himaelf, stsrîIng te finti aaait- ance. A tom fret tramntbathegirého fainteti. Mr. Duanabe la secreta-y of thé S3taten-Dunshce Company, manufactur- era of ashestos ai No. 137 Michigan street, Chicago. Buven-yean-old Aima Cancan!. No. 136 Tomnsenti atreet, Chicago, wantiereti front ber gnanditolhter's bomne ta Washington Square. Whilu layig there witb imo littie girl frient saie lunocently tiarteti into the street, directiy ini front of a nortb- hount i Lncoln avenue ctble car. Sieiras feartully maugleti by the irbeels anti ber litfelu l ait instant, Meni anti momen, ut whom tbure were tfironsa near by, averteti their faces tram the awtul siglit. The tira uttle girl friendo mere bysterical with grief. The lifeleas bodiy mas taken houpe in an ambilance. TIe bearers founti the bouse lueketi. TIe mother, the ongly support ofthlIe faniily, wîas away et mork. 1"lnally fiendas-uot in anti laid tbe bodiy onau aons-e. WVcnied mitl a day'. mark, thé motler returueti in the cvenung. Her sorroir over ber deati baby was the pitouna climax ta one day',s cene ini a city tague- ment district. Wbun thé sport of shootuns- et bottles anti tomata cana becamu tiresomu Weil- nesday, 8-year-ohti Wiilie RItyeutbaler, of Chicago, turnuti bis 22-caliber rifle uplon Gustave Drebing, 10 yuars olti, ant ifred, mltb fatal resuits. Togther mith Carl Feit, agoti 9, aud Peter Clark, oue year oaider, hé ment ta a shedi lu thu rear af V246 Southi Chicago avenue ta practicé ,îboîung aI a targui mitb revolvers. Thé sport flnaliy grcw tame, anti Ritycuthaien was seut to bis haine for a rifle,.lié ne- turnéti sbonîly, anti climbeti up thé slope ofthIe rouf on tle opposite aide tram thé lot. As liu emergeti abovu the top, Clark andtt Feit mere throîvins- stones et Dreli- ing, wbo, they saiti, mas trying ta steal thc tergets. '?Sboot hlm mith thé vin,"1 cricti une ot Itityentbaler'a companions. Actinq on the suggestion, Rityenthalur raise th ie rifle to bis shaulter andtantok atm. Seîs- thées-un painteti toirart imu l)rebing turnetiareunti and tiaatedta tMtn L'rKouaî Ive Lessen, .AWea Feuet-A e flma vinoret i" Sme. GodnText.--"Bless e , dwel inthybouse; ihe (1-16, anti han for is aubjeut, Love for Goa'@ lioue.' years, afier thé rebullien lîst eut h the tieath ef Abualo., free trai roulale. Bhei'ily tura tram Mabanairn te Je rêbellion brake ont, beatied i Bichrite, a man of the trlbe min, irbo fer a tinte ti'em )arts follomîns-. AMasa, te 4ad' p"oîwed thé cominanti g< in lpacé of Joabi (1. sap,1 e0ie 4tupuedown thé elS mas -tréacberousIy murtired irbo ibus atdeti onu more tobls et crimes. Joab thua punu.4- tureti Sheba, ibo iras execte&ê, folloiretithé numbering et the, wbich, probably ou accouai et iw glonlona spirit in mbiehb lé WI --taken by king- anti people, ma» by a piague (24: 1-1î). The. g- of David'& lite mas probabiy seclusion. lie mas satberng -t tfon tîç temple, as he bail bel SIS nom, bomevér, by punchase andi - raibér iban by couquest. Netmi las- thé imipresion of gloom thel ducéti by the narrative of Dav% yeans, thé kingdam muaI have'I crenaing In outirarti prosperffty. ý, Bolomea teck thé ibrone it waý aeulub of lia glory. Thée ,é. -- 'Of Davit'.'huart, thé building 4 pis to,,tho Lord, mbicb lad e hlm but promiauti to hi esôn, subjuct of ibis lemmon. Thé es- necorertc la taken tram Cbronidet-l il dous net appear In IL. BamueL. lX)PInatory, "It mas ain y mind te builti au tle agut king apeaka regretfulw 1 munt cberished plan ut bis mlii Nvicili ad nut beun acecmpllsheoI4 af 1er his establishment In lesuaW miii lie remumberéti, lé lad pnoijl plan ta Nathan (Lé8son 4). :j Lorti's message given througb Nal tbat oçeailon, homever, douaso io havé put il out ut lis mlnd, 4 further message quotet inlu esu mas îîresumably subséquent it t "Becansu thon hast shedi rnuei upon the Canili in My ais-t:" w"' sary warfare. If thure.bu aàyri here ta Uriah or other vietinmu0* pensouaI L umtty, it is not intilcatai neason asigueti 1s aipiythé renown lea not a s-ood recam for temple builiters. If the e lilsion hati beén one mhich abhéâM sîctidins- ot bond, like orne s ligions, tis moult easily héun but sInce thé véry foundatien ot Olti Testament morship la aince the temple ituelf le but . nifiéti anti gloifiéd altar, the exom ln net an simple. "Whoeh"aboihéthé man et Mit mare Boiemon meons "pefuL". "liHe shall héos on, ant iff ftien:" a protéine ot capec41i giianc.-'li Wil stablial tl et hie kinga Mi'ee uac ea thé contvary Bolornns hoas eij thé nation only a tom yeaMs 'o ment ot thé Dation cnly t te w The everlatiugroie of ChristI spiritual kiagdom mbicb la la a21 sueorot Idraeu, muai hé talusý fulfi lIment ot the promise. "lBailti the bouse eoftthe Ler4 *1i as hé bath saiti et tbee:" the pr -1 a motive for the performaucé ? "Andi glie theé change coeeeuU59 cil." guidance andtilnstructioa 1* Bolomon te riailae lt*. Prospenity la ceuditloneti on ta divine commeai. iatheoÈb rune through thé érier be* Testament, in theprncipa as' book of Job, thé problétaet mWe sufferins- of the ightenua &néi t0 perity ut thé mieketi. "lun my trouble:" or "niy oa Apparently Davidi refera te the.ta times ut bis reigu, brukea by w ulgu anti tomeatic, antihidiai bia omu bousehoid.-"Â huautir i talents of gaiti, anti a theassil t talents of sîlver:" there can bu u tIsaI tbe nam burs lu the o ok@s t dlus are unute o.u 10e0""ic quantitie.Thisa tcndticy aps autjas-cia. For Illustration h wl ficietît te nutur ta thé price pal, for the threshlng floor of rl Jebtusite. lu IL. Sam., 24, 24,.ý la atateti se f fty ahekels etfe%&0 Chron., 21: 25, it in givun as O of gulti. Sitailar instances Mau fouud. To attémpte te xIsp as errons in thé trantmhsioa-< ls as unnncesaarys Il lea a It ln mureiy an orientali rpp b thinga émphaticalY: us MuU tires, they niultlply nurneraws . thé melght of thé talent la ne4 accutracy. thé sura et golti aMd Indicatuti ls certaiuiy far' arget vît coulti bave gccnrnuiated. , "0Of the s-aId, the siuver, u7i aud the iran, ibère la _0jm same idea la expressei a YbIv* as-geratut ifgure. Nexi Lessoa-"Dav;IdeGra God,'-II. Sami.. 22: 40"1. One o e h.BanC WgY One et thé best mays té, a commuity la t ek luli refasing te beau' anti rewtu6 tain. kint, s-euprous anti

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