CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 11 Sep 1896, p. 3

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Mut 1J SEASON. A >eru.i~ Ieen~sea tc EgPt te ft. hs ?eio. DIecmIlta Ugo" a -fte Bread Crusm. No ou l boreand brougit op lu tic lAeutrj oeuldpw'ck ha sermon lIe tlio «i Dr TÏhaie. Jt la a pastoral ad fui! «M«ccue rou cosâtri' lit. Tic tcxt la Qcsat" liSM, 8. Amd Jutai mpakeunuto - ils «Jing, Theic s.dit soleuulîproteet -%P t ussay-lmg, YXdU nule m mlface, - Ioept rour broter beviî oc. - Notl$a Jnet 1,,i.Ie91 corn lu Egypt, Se gandY"aminalC&ana. Tic cat- t]iuOel»mg lua ie aL lMen, vomen tii ldrrcu avttlly wvile vîithhater. te à1 flllg o! one erop for oa» suin- te but tie fahiloq et&IL, tic crops fois ] jean. A anat" -dylng for laek of 'v~ bloIIS50'idPiieion jqurtabe lia 1111.ap thi e tcproituct Of f~ilasud érmuc a" toves; lic I Jaob tiec tler, bas tic ment re- Port ticncotuelu mouey. Wband t ic money titighm louandesd he mtisinsous, taMltaxo la&lavcry.te roe Tie aic blinefor70 au9Lprcet Wocndernlu for cet ain ageu ornti crusae foitbafiLT bas airi Jaeob gelsm Whsoilwup erj mecrîy. Eut e foren tic eier cus tart ci ai orth ornin ti08 nt mas lm trembre& andi cuoto triand tfo sut burreexatdlthonoeil- i faer wvasoisandhic..eir sotd hitè one Thtoe @orb ren uEyitel- ou anThe tici adisfuraeitoctonevthe rougiijfotic ladoac crnen*lb sSlyn Ili e vititort. m say et§Li os o! h iitervhimewmbnlo e hetin crMnedcktersfot and- mrs caou nes 'Te bctngs mtu at ter tae nsuou onc enjami ben n-tai tai-ynai e s u suie,! 5 tic bt o tatedco-a pi-t ruyth ordto phcruviiBenjain o! l i cornribute»Trngheesosah ofbtes Idervons, "Thee le noune ot u comiugup ci-ee fa-more ornr uniens joung au hrhing Bemin, jourfche' *TrlngTourNov Jciert isthBaii ye Ahuc Bnecit rs,t vntm a trugI It vnoflit at givetp biseu. Therien- tis aetve r deofsîrate ifu t seirif Cogand ha icotva siitg o che ctea carrs hgte ofnouncement o lenjgapina jMunthel hlm ahat abroa.the" ns ti of tisncornplaiug sud cthiding aysthe "Wbj. faher sn, 'Tic sait, bedaoksd up Fi ouau rnt e mn.>- Tourvs at n Ie tnuhl b beabut mahe aujsncb dei tain s ar ca hdeo is adie" "N unsgrio! ankdu1 e," hemuaitcfliofer. I anta I yul ul, givn ep eain icnfart anit the terenbas becuofathevementin a bon"e hlsDcct ehy ae Ilmaes the abtier eitre ulh ousebol,! mors Fou-seln.. SToni. d a fotr patea *I adjune aini dand chsi djoucuhed OL11abot i harrors o!dtic famineolucea- that l ouldrmokant tc cdajcenui vider upn e ebast icmade."a"N oe peUhibemetic heekate nhI ceabla d1spirD, ria,! aBhnjmiasn." The Ben- jas n as,!tha off0mTic adlert coirns n andcice up urtathe. Tic aiet lu avbue stron aruis sd a ou et, ani theotbaim nil! cae nth enjamin. W moe seciothalBe gea fagri." "aiuevewon caldli te byauug moftahticfaier, lu a rouaanlume,! oaiedthic ar-e-n st-r e- "nidlie adthesaFr tint w,\ord b>- idc ae thn by tic yung. iéol Tic Mand c "Teî on.rsootr haell, tic hi-cuitdparatot-bead em-d no ypt. Tiione aru Benjsaemin.eit vi fe at odetr aaavesl iace inuitsebath lu aidteungitluey tel!eus ter is mai...f ssue Tc ouruey e cuite,. Te lasdo!Uimot uvrs nrb, via la lo c rie minlher, aes an-n athe ls nevy n ta-dy. oy e urfteri l ii Bn Wami, ftue ouneaPrtrothera.pies- rence I 4emse eornTic tare fle rein- wtradcerluels adc.nlthc ae vu fo mdeunstrelesa!tu va'lndsrvstc lomCalu-vatiadinalu o! n-ner untel iOtovu eor tesponei>- aive,! ravel- cr, ani uzzoR Tic dust a! tic va'. Tic bodutche anuerrs sud cinatherea tic iismluores otert prpaewcr-s riiedt s ale, tind ao, oDne a tymAI tic luxuHla Tr ImperIni garBen- u orcia1rda andedaqariushstravle aren radugitteaace. hllycarle wsud emin-terILbaslao a guderandaine e- jarnubfoeiav Il. ewiIari e ii h nv ersab hecoff lhi.otbauds? Oy. hea Tuce lord o teercrbadsatet et bis shntftenarebut adn mlargruportion ortaeena anlo, astieBibeoquonîai putei omuci .ssanj o!uarius and Be qulch aud sougt tr adarek wltli evifie ame! ta nian taifhe a aco tnt ejamin en veMi ilte s;h lafniug suil muos>: Tislodgofthelor dîtla notedn mbrder Dunit teandbuti. e lo§ urt dle aes n o is-Te sha lo sci>- fe ulea journt brehothe a ut jed.'" rernr 11eV ntlsfyi*mgfel' oul, 19 alto boWlk A" write.: "I neyer lu my liM put on e ncw bat tiat ltdld not reln Md rais t. I neyer vent out la a shabbF coat bwecausé lt vap raing s Iid thougit aiU Who hai tiechcolce wouldkcep Indoors liaItich endld net corne out la its strength and brlnont vlth U itcl tic butterfiles of fasbiowhmn I knowvnid ho knew me. 1 tiever eoascntsd to accept s part I hatcd ont of hindues ta anotie t t t1 duitDot set hised t he ipublic and t n tic wrlter. I eoulit not take a drive for a few minute. wltb Tcrry without belng Overturned aud havlug my elbov broken, thongi my fricuilgot of nirmecL I coulit mot make a covenant witi Auold, ici 1 tiongit vata meke mi fortune witieut maklug bis inateai. tint la an la- credlbly short apace of timeý- 1 tiink dilr- ten moebA.-I sracit for hlm 1£W,000 and for myccif £L1. Iamnpersuaded t lat if I versta s et np as a baker, every one lu my aelghborhood vaulit leave of catiag breait." The Uenlngceticheccua0ge. That vue tie lainent of tic ;Vý' icommedan ad joker. Ail uniappT.-The v ontd did cverytiing for Lord Byron tilt it couil do, andtjet ln is lat manient h. aekeit a frleud to corne and ait down luy hlm andt rcad ns mnt apprapriate ta case, the *tory of "Tie Bleedlng Heart." Torriglano, tic sculptor, exceted, after mouths of cars sud carvlng. "Madonna and tic Chlld." Tic roa farnlly came lu aud admired t .Everyboddithat lookeit atit as lu ccstauy, but anc day, after ail tiât tol sud ail tint admiration, because b. dld not get au muci compensation for his work as he had expccted, he taok a mallet aud dasbed the erqulalte sculpturo into etoarn. The varîfilh poor compensa- tion, poor satisfaction, poor salace. Fam- ine, famine lu cil tic carti; not far neven reurs, but for 6,000. But blessed ta God, tiere la.a greet carncrib. The Lard built it. It hn in an- ather land. It lp a large place. An age! oncep meastqed it, and! au fer as 1 eau cal- culats Itlu nne ,hr&se. tint corneri len 1,500 miles long and 1,&i miles broad sud 1,5W igi, aud it la fuIl. Food for ail nations. "Oh," ccY thc people, "Iwe vill start rigit away aud get thie suppli for oui- coul." But stop a moment li tram tic Keeper of that corncrlh tiere tames thua word, eayîng, "You chaI! nat ccc mj face ezcept îaur brother ta vith jon." lu other yards, tiers hn noamci thing e. gettiug tram icaven pardon aud comfort sud eteral lite unies. ve bring witi us aur divine Bratier, tic Lard Je- sue Christ Coming vîthout hlm we chai! f aIl befors ve rach tie corncrib sud aur bodies gcil! ta portion tor the inekals of the wildercess, but cornlng with the di- vine Jeans, ail the gransies ot heaven vil! swing open before aur coul sud ebun- dance chai! ta given us. We chai! ta lu- vite,! ta mit lu tic palace of tic King aud et the table, sud whilc tic Lard ot heaven ln apportloniug tram his own table tooah- ci- tables, he viii not forget us, sud tien anîd tiare l n-hIlta found tint aur Benja- min'% mecs le lerger tisa ail tic others, for colit augit ta be. "Wartiy le tic Lamb tint vas slam ta recelve blessng sud riches aud houar sud giory sud power." 1 vaut ta make tiree points. Ever- frank and common ceuse man wii se- knawledge hîmef ta tea siclner. Wiat are yau gaing ta da witb jour *ius? Have them pardoued, yausy. Havi Tirougi the mercj of Go,!. What do yan mean by tic merci of God? la it tic Iettlng davu of e ber for thc admission of ail, vitiaut respect to ciaracter? Be flot dcclv sec a cou! coming up ta tic gate of audknocklag &t tic corncrib of heav enly suppl and s vaice tram vîtiu gays, "Are îau alone?" Tic sinner replies, "Ail aione" Tic volce tramein hiu caje, "you «hsll flot sec my pardoning face uniles& jour divine Brother. lie Lard Jeans, ta vith jan." Oh, liat la thie point et vici co many are disconitite!. There la no mcrcy from God except tiraugh Jeans Christ. Coming vit hlhm, ve are aceptcd. Caualng vith- ont hlm, we are rejected. Peter put it rigit luis grat sermon tafore tic higi priste vien he thundercd forth: ".Net- tier in there sulvation lunsu>- etier. There le no other Dame given nder icaven amndg men viereby ve mey be cave,!." Oh, enxioug aluner! Oh, dring sinner! Oh, last sinuer! Ai! jon have to do in ta have tic divine Benjamin along vit yau. Bide by aide, coming ta tic gate, ail tic starehouce of icaven vili swing open hefore jour aurions soui. Am 1 right la calling Jesus Benjamin? Oh. Yce. Rachel lve,! auly long enaugh ta give s name ta tint chiiId nul viti a dying kics siecaclled hlm Benoul. Atter- yard Jacob chenged hie name, sud he cal!- ed hlm Benjamin. Tic mening of tic Dame e gave vas "Son af my Pain." Tie meaning ofthticDame tic fatier gave n-as, "Sou of my Right Heu,!." Andwvs nat Christ tic "Sou of Pain?" Ail tic sorrow of Raciallu in ht hour vien sic gave ber chlld aver into tic bands of strangers vas asu otblng compare! with tie struggîc of God vien he gave up hie; ouly Son. And vas not Christ appropri- aie>- called "Son of thc Riglit Baud?" Di,! nat Stephen lok into heaven and sec hlm standing ai th ic rlgba ind of Go,!?- And daeflot Paul speek of hlm as saned- ing et thc rlgbt baud of God imaklng inter- cession for us? Oh, Benjamin-Jeans! San of Pengl Sou of Vichory! Tic deep- est emotione of aur cou]s augit ta ta stirre,! at the cound of thet nomenclature. Iu jour prayers pîead bis teers, bis auffer- luge, bis corrows, sud hie deati. If iOD, refuse ta do it ail the carnerise and tic palaces o! heaven viii be bolted and barred agninst jour coul and a voietram, tic tirane chai! $tun jon vith tic au- nauncernent, *"Ton &iel! Dot cee mj face ezeept jour brother ho viti rau." Real Coufort, MY text aIa uggcsts tic reson wvu of jeu vin have lut d Msband 1 M's "Try ta forget thein. De aà« &eq bthc departed a!ways ilur i*&" HoW 1ean yon forget thein when eer,.guie elI the carpet and everi' booI, and every 1plcture and cvery room c!Uo out tir 9nain.? Suppose 1 corne to you and sni by .way of condolence, "Gked hise"" "Oh." F ou gay. "that glies me, Do ielp," Bnp- [pose 1 corne te îau and Bay, "God frons rail eternlty, has arrange this trolible." r"Ah," lau say, "that dom. me no good." rTien 1 gay, "Wlth the swLft feet ot prayer -go direct te the eorncrlb for a heavenly supply." Yeu go. You Bay, "Lord, help me; Lord, couiofrt me." But no heîp jet >No comfart jet It I. ail durkt. What hn thc matter? 1 have found. You ought ta go te God and gay- "Here, 0 Laord, are 1thie vaunds of my soul, and I bi'ini vt [me the vauudcd Jeas. Let Ie oondu 1psy for my wounda, his bercavements for uqf bercavemeut., hie lonelinees for my lonelincb, ie icartbreak for my beart. break. O Qed, for tieseake of thc Lord JecuneChrist-tie G@d,-tks Man, thc Ben- jamin. the Brotbcr-dellver my aoalacd sout. O Jeans of tic vcary foot cas My fatigue! O Jeans of thc aing hsad, huaI my aching head! O Jeans of thc Bcthany siatera, roll away the staDe from the door of aur grave!" Tinate i kiud of prayer that bringe heîp, and jet hoy many of jyen are get- tlng no belp et aIl for the reacon tiat tiers e la njour coul perhaps a ecret trou- blet You mai neyer have mcutione It te a single human ear, or yen may bave meu-i tloncd It t omorne nc vinI'nov gone away, and that great .orrav le stililuI your coul. After WashingtaonIrving vas dead tiey fond a little box that contalned a brald of hafr sud a miniature &Mi the' nome of Matiida Hoffman and a memor, audum af ber deatb, sud a remsrk nme- thlns lîke this: "Tic world atter thaý vas a blank ta me. I went mIa othee an- try, but fouud nopence luscoiltude. 1 tried te get luto cociety, but I found uo pence lu cociety. There ha. been a horror hanglug over me by night and by day, and I amn afraid ta be &loue." alve for a Wouudsd Foui, Boy mauy uuuttered trouble. among jouI No huuman ear hes ever heard that earrow. Oh, trnubled coul, I went te tell yon that theve salve tuat eau cure the wonds of the heurt, aud thin thei salve made out of thc tears Of a sympa- tictie Jeans. And jet corne of Yeu vii uot take thi soslace, aud yau try chlorai, 'and rau try morphine, aud yen try straug drink, aud yen îry change of ceeue, and jou try new business associations, sud anythlng aud everytiug ratier tien ta take the diviue companiouip and sym- pathy suggested iy Uic word. af my teit wbeu it ca@, "Yeu chai! nnt sec my face &gaiu unies, jour brother be witi jan." Oh, tint this audience to-day mugit n- derstand comething of the height and depti and length and breadth aud lm- mensity and inflnity of God'a eternal con- solations! 1 go further and fiud lu my oubject a hint set why no msny people fit of heeven. We are told that heaven bas twelve gates, and couic people inter tram that fact that ail the people will go in ,rithout refereuce ta their past lite, but what in the use ot iaviug n gate that la uot coujetimes to be ahut? The .wiuglng of a gate impiies that aur entrance lato beaven in conditlonal. Il ln uot a moue- tary condition. If we corne ta the door of an caqulsite concert, we are neot sur- rised tiat we muet pay a tee, for w. 0w thnt flue earthly music le expensv,' but ail tic oratorio. ot icaven cent noth- ing. Henven paye notig for its mucic. It ln ail free. There i. nothlug te be paid at that door tor cutrance, but thc condition ot gettiug luto heaven ie our brringing aur divine Beujamin alang viti us. Do yu ntice how otten dying peo- pIe rail upen Jeaus? It in the uouai prayer nffered-the prayer offcred more than aIl] the other prayers put tagetier- "Lord Jeaus, recelve my spirit." One of aur congregation, wien asked lu the clos- lng moineau.of his lite, "Do yeu kuaw ne?' said: "Oh, yes, 1 know yau. God lesen. Good-by. Lard Jesns, receive my spirit." An& he was gone. Oh, yes, lu tic clociug moments oftour lite ve muet have a Christ ta cal upon. It Jacob'@ cons had gone up towsrd Egypt, and had gone wlth the very fineet equippage, and had flot taken Beujamin alaug viti them, and te tic question tbey ciould have been obliged teaneswer: "Sir, we didn't hrlug hlm, as tether could net let hlm go. Wc didu't ivant te be bathcred witi him," a volce tram withlu would have said: "Go nway trom us. You chai! not have auj ot this cupply. You saolinDt cee My face beceuse your brother le nat viti rau." It Jacoi's cons, coming toward Egypt, had lest everythiug ou tic way; If they had expeuded their lest shekel; if tbey had corne up utterly exhausted to the corucribe or Egypt and it hed been fouud tint Ben- jamin was with tbcm, ail tic storehouses would have swuug open betore them. il dgo, thougi iy fatal casualty we may *usiered into the eterual world, thougi we rnay b %venir aud exhausted hy pro- trected sckueesa-it lu tint lent moment w. cau ouly just ctagger aud faint and fel! luto the gate ot heaven-it seeme thet ail thc corucribe ot heaven will open for aur ueed and ail the palaces wilI open for aur reception, and tic Lard of that place, .cuted eat is table, àud ail tie ange!. of God, sented et their table, and ail aur glorlflcd kiudred, ceated et aur table, thc King chai! Pas. a portian tram his table teouns, and then, while ws Uiink of 'the tact that it vas Jeans vho cterted us on the road, and Jesus wha kcpt un on tic way, and Jeaus wha et lest gelned ad- mittance for aur soul, ve chai! ta glad if he bas ceeu a! the travail a! hie sou! and besu catinfled, and net ta et ail jeal. ans if h ta efannd tint aur divine Benja- 13BRIIFF COMPILATION OF IILi- NOIS NEW&, r Bock Island Farmuer Bite et un 0S CR=3-Appeel ofa in Inlter'e Wlfe Canse, Contrition ou Part of a Eurgler-Dr. Crver Wlng6 Formner Carter Uta-,cned. Chnrie% Carter, nafariner living neer Rhock Island. feu loto the bauds o! con- Sfid-a-ncee t (iigo tihe- aller day ta n-hum he contrhbtel $42. liaeuet ta tieCity on n stock train and lu the afler- nan as sitting in tihelPolk street depot >vh"u hh bee,'ne acquainted with n veil- bdreese straugar. Thîey starte,! towerti tich lake front. Saon a se-coud manî eteppeit ai upt em anud offered ta nager $10 thet Deither of them couid open tic same old eniali loch. Tic maltnlia n-ce viti Car- ter put up tic money, 'vh"u a third, wio, clime,! ta teae policema, rau up ind~ ch-a"gc,! theti- vIti gembling. "TIsý 1lhreateucd tua arreat thian, but prarnlsed la allow tiem thélir liberty if eci woflli psy hlm $50. 'Tbc tu-o traîîgers i-elui gave att-r their money, but the fermer -et' cedta do so. Thereupon thc bogas policemaen seize(] hlm sud hold hlm he n-was ,îudpr arrect. At tiecscame time, Car- ter mys, anc of the other mncaput bis baud !il hie porket sud eLtiscte(l$42. This amouat he gave ta the bogus police- men. Trciuc 1NlIae Act Not Cruel. A jury in Justice M a' court ah Rock- tard der-idr-d tiat It nec cnt crueihy ta auituais to take a hure nea iton-r, thirty tact bigi. niti nu show b ,et off, and., hy e crack ot a n-bip, inîluca hlm ta Pliîuge ,ff iuto a tank Of w nier beloiv. Tii"%vasonue ofthe ti fee;îîrcofuthtec cun- ty rair, tih' tw-r anima, n-biî,h didil,. b- ionring ta Dr. W. F. Cl r.otf('bicgo, the nota,! &bat and olvuer o£ driving homses. Ilis ai-est %-as îvausedî by tic hunianae ciety On tic COMPILîint o! Mnny citîceus wbo hait vitcessed , il tiig elimadtint tic incline on n-bu-b tic hai-ses ni-i-a plarpid mad' ît nbsoluttely ni-en- for thoIen ajoint. The sainie net lbas ieen pciformed e!! over tiecoctu- try, an,! Dr. (ci-ver cdaimis Bnkfoi-d ie the ouiy city lun wiich it ivas 'îot apîuiaud- cd.'Tic trial ofthle case Iasted ait day, thiehast legai talent n-as î-îoî,loy cd by bath aides, tic fair mnaageuîr-îbaekiug up tihe defcnîlaît. Maily pnîmueoit citi- Zeus ivera nilneeses, for the iuatter bcd cause-,!much indignacioli. Tih e aene- cuiter! in a verdict of acquittai after cav- oal ballots. Thie'. Hesrlotrinzs Touche t. 11ev. B. E. x. Ely, pasiar otft lic Rock-I tord First Freabyterjan («lîîîr(-hi. %lst n n-ki-nid nt ralîligit by a bu rgla r n-lin stod o ver bis b.'d anîd si-it d ra o n i-e- vols i r ît-niand,-d niatever n îîî,ny lha mugit lha ve.i n 1he bouge. Flie 1,1 I hiii li bad i lIon, balth11e li!»rgar bpaon a scri-h gilîî i;ia gui! sate.- and wivliitevci- ni-tic tese h,- uwi!fiîd. ili aI îot in- lsli,- w ii M rs. El yrlariderl hi nia Leai] apepI calIiîîî. 'ho hcganî hy a.u;iig !iîî n-licher hi- diiilnt bave a motier or ais- ter isb oiiiod grieva over the tiî-ft ha n-as ahouît l -o ommit. 1The itrgiar laits- cd in ii., work to i-iiy thaie ii once bail a niothar aîd oie n-as auanagel on , arti.1 Tiý- appi il oubtless toucerd hi, heurt,9 for ha left lhe i-nom. On thc svay uliw n. airs ha, knoi-kid over a table br-riîig a1 flan-ai-p.ot, n-hi-ihaostîîîîîîcl liitraigitea uil, and! un tuis ha iatt ail tic citicles hoa lied tekea t'-om the roîîîn ofthtienicliser.1 Ste' e Newa lu Brief. The oh! selerf ot Montguînci-y Coltn-1 ty, Illinois, hla !a me-eting et lilleluuro1 andîl isteaed t, au aidi-cu,, on eariy liii-4 noie hiItory by Nirlolis lPern, rifLeba- non. At Windsor lire iroke ont inuthie rar- penter amo! Grilcr & Ieher, (Ileslroyiîîg tie shop, twa business hioîîes eîd liai-t of ticir contents. Ioss about $2,000, lartly inured. A pnrty of tivn-e igit Ituuikfiid lpro- pIe left fur i- tiinîsburg, N'a.. wlii-re tbey ivili eetablisi a ciloiîy. Si-i riil sîcu la advanîc toa nk - al errangemeiira for theur coming. Tic neya la given out lait aetwîo mantlle' shut îlownuthe rut miii il-part- ment of tie Illinoîis St-I--l("Iilllis eyt JoI'eI uvli chai-t UT). Empîloyaienit ssii! ha giv'ua t once ta 250 mca. Red River Baptiste. iin session nt Qîuia- cy. elacted tie folîrin îg oahi-rs- Miodl ea-aoi-, 1ev. J. F. Thoasueoft t'liîg asishan, uîoderatori, 11ev. S. Il. tii-i-ît o! l'ai;le;r-Iik, 11ev. W. E. Helni of Ciampaign. cori-asponding scuretîry, Rev B. De Baptiste of ('bu-agi: tries- tirer, 11ev. J. W. Crîîah8bam of Chbicagou; axeeutii-a board, 11ev. James Tioninsauf l'coria and 11ev. T. C. Fleming of Brait- wood8 Jchn Hon-ai-d Burton rentedl a bouser la Hinsaele fi-auj Elles Bunîker. Tiec anadlord claime,! the icase di,! ual in-ludîer tic fruit eut chrubtary growng lu lie1 yard, andl sfen- days ega ho iîîva the li pre-ulses anîd bagan piuckiag tiec aples8 anui pesa perhaluing thereta. ',I-. Burtonî 8 Ihereupon piuckc,! Bnnker b> 1the beerd. and ivRe about ta t!îump hlm viti a h!udgeou, but lire. Burtou aun! ber soit lut 'iere,! and anse,! Mr. Buker frionu serions damage. Burton ivas hrIled in Jusi- ic-o îobiuaoi' court fon assault sud bel-t tcry sud acquitte,! by a jury.t Gillespie & Conradt, Bloomingon ata-t torueys anud mouey leaders, bave beeau'% made tie victime o! aelaver swnidle by wihich tbcy anc $150 out o! pochet. A straugcr ai their office reeuhly sald ha vas R. P. Purdum and, nmte,!hI aise $1'0 ornelindu. He haitabstractsaeîd tIt'c deedsanud appearc toha hotic awner.P mTI. su. adlsa1'.et. O -diva .h Albr rAdi DXche' iwkhledaa* Darnet Bien ah Blantng, Wedmoedag Emma Golden, S jeanrs aId, Wv» bllett by a Cicago gi-p car. TiechcIldtricite poain front iftich car. W. C. truite, the gripuien isas ari-ectet. B. A. Johnson, au emploaeof tic Wood- i-uIT fouutry andi bit-ycle tactory, Elgin,4 mysterioni>- disappeareit Sundey aIgh. Be le 55 icars a! ege nitbas sailarge fnm- Il!. George Kelly-, for several jeans a mcM- ber o! thc Bantou Ideal Opera Company sud tic ieatîug tenon o! tic choir of Hoil Triîiy Roman (!sthoiic Church o! Bloam- ingtau, vax bille! by a railwuay train ai Ah Decatîîr Mi-s. Faunhe Tiomneon about mIiagl iîlonday drova on tus Wabash truck Li tr6nl o!a atIWabash train. Sic n-as hadîy ilijarea,!n i d Tuestu>-mara!ng. Frank Daureaito, a hi-amp, n-ho isas authe front o! tic bag- gagecci-, n-as ibit b>-plèecuoa!tic buggy and knoché,! off. c lent anc foot. At 12:10 o'cioek Thuriay morning Da- vid Burh!cr, e vaîcirnan lu the emplay oof th tich!eigan Car fRcpaiiug Company. ah 91et chreet nithe Calumet River, Chi- cago, n-as llsbing in the latter etrenu, vh ice eoct i. balance eut fr11 iintothe vitter. No anc n-s near enougi to give hlmn assistance an ie n-as drowue!, lias Lua'jeaMilison, alece o! William J. Brycu, preelideutin cnudIdate, vas mari riait nt Jeffereunvllle, litd., Wc,! John L. lMartin. Tic young people renflac lu Salecm, thic Sta. Tic brIdelett houe osteihily ta vieIl relatives unitusas met ou tic train hy hi-r lover. Tic mohier of tic yauug lady in a eister iii Mi-. Bryn. Tic groomu l lu inte lîuibar buaincess,ani a sco! ofr-j,. G. .liai-lin. Tic State Barnitoa!Publiec (ha-ities W'eduesday adolutëaitnracolution requect- lng Attornzey 0Pe-ae!Muonar ta lake immedinte clape tri lrosacîlte Dr. George C. bMeFarlaiti, of Ja-kaîîuuilie, toi- cou*- ducting ausayiu Nînithoîit a licease from tic boar-i. For msuyy3-cris Dr. MeFar- lanit bai conituctedthtic"Onk tann lt t-cnt," a pnivate iustitution farth cacre o! insane. Saine hinieaega tia bardi, atter an investigation, dialite, 1ruevoke hics licence. Hien-as notifie! aucartiug!y, but, defjiag tic board, continue! the aperation a! thc a-ium. Chicago policemen at tic Woodlan station hait anotbj-i- tynamitecai-e wnici resuiltedlmoi-e a,-nioasiy tiaî tie ana o! severai moutis ago. I'atroi Sergeant Lindroti n-c ecxpariuueatinguvitha tdyna- mite eartridgc, n-bile standing in front of the station, n-itihie recuit tint-be Dowv mourus tle ofthtic trefingu-r o! is lît band andt a portion o!is tiîumb. A !esv monthse goa a nti-h-I coalaiaiug tn-enty or tblrty poandîs o! dynamiîten-as touain John'e saloon Rt tilst aun! Sîste ahi-acte. Capt. Shhpuy boo charge of tic explosive, and fuir satckî-cpiug it n-as lor-ke,! up ln a ccii antithestation. Tic otier day Sergt. Liarîroth took 0ont corne of the sheils nît luî-ceeiîed la examinie theni. A grotîp o!flpolic-emen gathredtul îvatch ftic recuIt. fuîlina nc wnted la kuav if icatntt!,! li sethe certridge ta exploite. Morne sait '> es" eutsaine said .'no,." ni a discussion ni-osa. Tic resaIt n-as tic explosion. A nunanar bai-se ti-cîs liadon-alan portion o! Evaneton int a pue-Wctns- itai and naron-iy misse,! erushing n baby ta deati. Neer Eveîucton avenue lire. C. IL. Mai-vin n-as crossing thc atreet n-ith ber Infant la a baby cerriage. Ticei-un- aîvaj ue! -ib he carniage, tbrown-ig tic baby in ticthcIi-et. The lttla oas n-es uat Injure,!, but uvan lins. Mai-vin eau- it fi lato tic air andithe!a ninlua gutter sic feintait f nîî frigit. William Smt nîtau oui o! a store ho escartein tic cause a! tieceomumotion. Haen-as so cx- citait uponseeing lie ri-aen-y that bc stand on tic car treeke iii Evanstau ave- ue and n-as unabia ta nuosa. A trolley i-ar cname aiong, anithlicmotorutal ciang- e-, tic bell, but SuitRith i> obea!thathe wn-îng, sud lu a moment the car vac tuponim. He n-ne knoc-kedto a agutter andi i-cuierea,! inoeh ncoui-as. Tic rnanay n-as finlua!-lî taretby Police- inu Rcdicb, of Esnnstoîî. Sixheen.ypjans ega Chas. Carroll lft Hlamilton, Ont., la ceai-ciof n-aik, lhis n ite nd chilitran remaiaing et home. A few itaye after be ilftiahren-as eai-ail- i-oct nre-kan,! eaian ausseriug Carrall's dlescription asnekilled. Mne. Carra!!ln-ne ill unit unabie la go, no ber aain- eut sud aiîîiîied sice ileritifie! thearemains. Tic> îvrc tekeii eck ha lHamilton anitinterre! aun! tn-a necks iater Mi-c. Cari-nil Iak ici- c-hiilulren andt startait for Denvser. About tlhe lime is fauily icft Car-alln-rote iioaie, and aftr n-altiag lu vain fon two weeka fan n repîy returne taeIHamilton, s-ei-e haon'as ri-tcildb>- bie ucigibars andi trienitds a nc rati-net fi-oui tic iu'îiu. He learue! o! hie n-ite's itepanhure suri imme,!iately chai-ted la Denver iu su-ardu a!fici-. Mrs. Car-ail, lîuuvecr, on reaî'ing Chicago hait dacitei tah go no tîîrtber, andt00alber husiant, n-heu ho rî'acicslDenver, coul,! finit no trace oa!lber. l'or two jeans site lved lu Chicago sait tien maried agaîn, baritaîughhere say, andu nuoveit ta Evàaaas.n-bahres sichas siiîcc resde!, lu 18M 0Carroll came hu C'hicago, nîd for tiares yraic a. em- pfloyadithti office o! C. T. Bartîcit, an Eraushon contratoi. Tic office wyax on Ch'ireh chreet, Eveaston, ucar tic Haven school, vichieison-n cidran n-are at- ti-îdiag et flint finie. Aftr tic close o! thi Woi-ii'a Pair Carrol! tuok anotier trip bhrougi tic West lu searc a4 isIcfamlly, rhvlie haiait juet beau cseun-ar. »Be tien aclît back tais native tonndu engaget in tic mercantle business andt prospereit. Lash te!! be ws etraveling iu Minniesota on a buiîsness trip, ndi a vrcb occurre! îînlic wiehtic ranIChai-las Carr-oUl wae a -i1iunutfor. -eish 1 rlu- a ac- 22 dt op fe ec t Co D4 fn t0 Ie Lescon for 903>4mplSt Golden Teit.-"Tie Lo«d4, and uiy fortrese, sait my ESa, 22: 2. David'» gratitude ta GodIo t of ti»leson, vblcbh lafou"iI 22# 40-5$1. Tic pealu of vhlr cerma a part r bi e* esmlier icars of Dvid'e*a. bueon verse ludiestes tWeIat npe-unto ticeLord là" sont lu tic day liaI h 4- -red hlm, ont of lic mad ais, sud ont eftice om may have becu n lteu a la IL Bau., '7: 1: "AndIt m'icL ths king sMt ln hie o-rd - md given him reet rq fra ail bis cncuee," etc, to Initiesîtit atichepropbe#1 ras sthlI fresi lulnishevnltW& ' thougi vritt.u carlrinlu as<.w compler of tic book bus pbisqlf togelier vii ti ter mlsccllaaue at thc close of ticeoia ad ornes latte la tbe dents f .s David. Howvvr, lll'enIi of David'& ehareer, and* lae iapproprfttly phsced. J" .1 eocunttee viëh 'llit tic ké,l gain lu tic middle of a paragrai ear. Thc leacon chou!,! have 1 "Thon hast aiso given us the 00 mine enemie:" r-ed e bu revisel , "thou hast sica maeieemlcolw lhiru-biceaunta me." - "Even nuo theLord:" teé he0fI lions in thir palerity are.'utop a crylng fer help le Jeheva., tici% tie Hebreva. "Fram lie stnkiige of mi' theeh al sot bienulem iarassing thoishhfarigu aa.-"Tbou me ta b. ical 0f the heetheni" Uic dominion of Davd over natious roumd aieut hlm forechap! universel ruile of Christ; FmI -The future teuses la Ibis ahi - Iovlug verses pouid to pasl IM lu tic precesdlug; 1"cervmne u, heit therpselvem4" "faiteit svq. David l tla aaldng o! vbaî i-est>- hapceed as a cause toi' Cm "Andit ey @hall ta afraldt cg close places;" ratier, me lu rc'rlfl sian,'*and @haii corne tremblilug - their close place&."z "Tic Goi te icruck o! mi' 0" hi e light change o!thie polntlaéu originel rends, "My Go,!, the rock celvatlon," vbich ceema botter. ,-î "'To Davidt and ho hi.sscI, foi more:" apperently e reference b promise gîu'en b>-Nathan. Suggestions for Stdyi, O! coursesne ans vîlIl tilul49-40 the iec.ou vithout thercet oft tbi To aid lu foiiaving the P thaugit vs glve s divisionufthl- quoteit frocs Klrkpatrick: Vsi. trodnctory Invocaion o! Jebovs*Oe psalrnhst's perile, bisforybol" tic manifestation of Jebovul, lis îllscomifture et David'@e ncuis»b Jehoash'e iteliveraneo! is.cq bis faitifulncu. 22-25, the It Dsvid'o Ilitsad ls revaut; '*- a! Gode dealngevit ueo;" fethfuluecu attestiutelhe, experlence; 32-87; lie eae the glver of v eory'î chruction ofbis enus 4. tablisiment af Davide doilunru coueludlug thaanglviftal4os 1h vill th elir Itereceglâ~ particular InslaMleeeof dilv n-iich Davidt eeiko. He r1lI ta Baaulas vcllase otier eu carler jeans. Xiook a let4 oy' persecullon of Davkz and God'c providence lm ebovu laitd Gratitude, to Got for iclip laU peculïer ta the Hctrev iueogla. t foundIn lumanj ancecntions, syriIn kbi in u arratlng 2ie a campais». nemriy slwaje WA help o! Assinrrnmy 1lo, lady, (etc.), 1 cubdued.mi But bon- iffereDI a hecclnt~ !ram tiat of dis tci-ce vavls4 veh. Tic dlffércuce appeasm c lu thie arler versesa o! lie eqt tics lie personal nature of on-n cierseter, "1thy gentlesceie me great," (va. 86). Davi& vcry muci 'non. Inn a more expert uiiowe &id vas ta ta lu gong lotobattIs, cnd via thauheit for victorin,- r Tie effect of gratitude upon Thia la a tople lihai eau ho to au. Tic habit o! sali< lnhervels the tiuga il w . Goit la ans o! te conios Il!.. The pitur u Davit the Scrlptausla tht a' o8a thanke Elo atunda!es 4e Iu hie moi"IIg tiers vue morulug suna&ad fresi air boity; et uoou, grtiude io power;eai erenlng kgtuleW turing tic day, 1..iy iek o! lit.eccu dlvluly tins. ov -aneid le Christian viao(aalaja as@% rsturulug tianle. Tet lie thhnuhagvlngta tultIoolu lie pi-sien lu religiou.' suali. It le to bdteared at are lnuliastot talc tai ouresel for tic orilury rerdIts et 0 getlng tuat for the .oiia taensts and for ail &Y vs am luitebteit te O&i gi-est figitar, and did -m' ovu pravese; but ihoeun,' girded me vit cbtregtk10, meand st ecablli@W a he us, "Tii., habast isait of the *Uat.&' Iliauos edneatim ocf, poople, Thar.- ank,.but ntq eau du *t n a" tae 9ir4 aodtdsy

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