CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 11 Sep 1896, p. 7

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usto pab, liais the laitt e u asIt wol abe do».,aM auscb evidaes b treatesi la gacresi condencleue psb1caiaas~.netedby tisa vihter. *à I.mys ta M0%. Pnkisam.-" 'I -Id* Y« vomM !pub&"asthse circunt- MMMU of ay myu lrader tint otiier Ivomn may b. boeneteS ly my exp.- aiewe. ilI doctaresi uearly ailtiie tinte for' twe years. I spent several hundred doUs vwithont geWsvlng mnciibeneflt. 1" at une 1I*l--%u and deacribeai MÊi my aches sud paisa. Suci a long liai s tiere a wi! bh.dache, back- .Cee bearlng-down poins ~t«.ehe sareitea, constipatIon, iViness, eeT- ngu of extreme lasitude, iregulrity a nausea; but yau answered my letter and tliSme justat it adol,.1 followesi yaur asivice. "*Alter taking elgit bottles af the. Vegetuble Compound and tire. bot.. lies of BlooS Purifier, I amn ginS ta rIMte you tint I have not enjoyed îuch goosi henti for years, sud 1 um able ta do al my owu I.vork. 1 con snrely- saund tue praises of Lydia E. Pink, hanta Vegtabie Compound, andS w ntumber ai my fiends are takiuag la IMMn my recarnmend.tion'ý-Mns. W. U ELUOTT, Llacamb. lova. Tie Grcatest fledica Dlscovcry of the Age. KENNEDY'S mEIlIAL DISCO VERTS m*immàr.ulmr d.uAss. liio.aud ed in anc afi ur conmoa psa.weeds a remiedy tlat cure vr kudeiurnr, tram tle wost Sri down to a common Pimple. Nie bas tried it In over eleven bundresi osa, and neyer faled except ln two cases * (bth thiaider humor>. lMe bas now In ils posessio mrtwahundresi certi&ates «-t is Zslal withiniiwnt miles of lagon.Soipostal corsifu oL A benefit is always cxpcrienced from thtifrst batit, andi a perfect cure is wur- rantesi when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affectesi it causas sbooting pains like needles passg throuth thein;thte viith teLiver or Davels. Thu s isdby th dsuds beiaag stoppesi. snd always disappears ln a week after iakiug it. Read tht label If the stnmach la foui or bilious it viii aut squamlsh feiings a i Ot. No change af ietu ever necessary. Eat the best ybu ean ge, snd enough afILk Dose, anc lablespoonful la water ai bcd- lim. Sod by ail Druggists. -' BIOY@LisTe NOULD Wounds, ýBrmes, and AU. PAIN. 41kerWtirtt dWORKE «» J.rmEcGIDING rab fmeUh a REFS SOMMîIES PoNDo,$ CT oWTMEI rouGis ~ ' W& Av&. 115k~ NsYeel4 ELECTRIC DOORIBELLS ATeàt. PAUL. fkesawo e ti. u Varlosa 5.14d rasIim*m~S~i- awaet-The CjIV ' N!aMaa 5.mooBeeedti-Oreat PMU." et Votew.ue. TertersesTake tOs e wris. ULLY 100,M 0 p6- edtli tietl national Sw- * 4 qtntpou e the orand AMY etthl, Republlo t t. Paul Tii. encampmmet, this year vas eue 'f the. Most micemmful *yver helsi. Cheap railronsi rates, cool, pleaumnte a thlCer anSd a goosi pragrafli of .ntertalment contbined to make the. meeting etpcii la' attractive te thé. vterans oi the. "My ani nevy'andi thousanusisofi the. allant .Wd boys took asivantale ofi tus fnvorabe chance te spensi tueir annuel otins viere tley conisi rencv thieir aid irlendbips ansi alk ovar thei.meieofaithe da"y etOl St, Paul vas declusi out la her hand- omest attire, tise deeoration. belng bth ?leasing ansi avrropiiate. Froint evera' boustop in lie sain tly city "otesi the red, oritla and bine banner tint extunded a greetin.g ta the voterons, wvilla across tholstreetp ansi np ansid downthe. ide &aenue otfth. residence portion, ansi ftom top te dame ai the big ohce build- luge, ln a&l manner ef desigus, conisi be seen tie national colore. The. train bearing Commander-in-Ciief Wnlker ans iebi staff disi not arriva until il 'ciock Monday night Tii. regular progrant. however, was gone traugi witi. Sa enrapturusi vas thse General with thie cene ansithie animalesi colore af thie decorationS tif I bo fth~le moment foi-gaI tiat he wan i OeF1sIor!fi iMW.' et curions inudreils, ans i sd not iesi th~ word. ai Ciupt. lloCartiy, commander eo COdIIADER-IN-CHtEY WALKEEE the. depanltent ai Minnesota, Wviat0od ai tbe entnmnce ta tie Hotel Ryan ta es dort bu Inide. lire. John A. Logaz, vitilsot wham no encampmeul bas auemed complet ta tie olsi vîterans, vas tuer. and wvituessesithi. parades ansi toak pp« lu nl hie encampinunt receptions. As tley idolizesi ber varriar aiso tise aid solsiers admire ber, andi her greeting vas a vam ne.. Yointai Prourasa. The formnai prograin ai the eaeampmeni vas begun Mondiy evcning ai 8:30, vien a reception vas given at Holel IRyan ta tue Cummander-in-Chbief anti lrai. Walk- er by tue citizen' committeî andl citizens of St. l'nul. The liolel vas gayly dec- orîlusi for lhe occasion, ansi several thou- sand persansa&books tic baud aifthe Coin- mander. At the atne baur aithie State Capital ticre was s reception ta lie Grand Army, the Womnen's lRelief Corps anti Sans sud Daugters af Veterans. Mmr. Marie lizenwinkie, president of the Min- nesota omn's Relief Corps, vas lu charge of titis reception. It contiaued until 12 o'clock. uti h la estimatedthtt ai leasi 3W,000 veterana passesi iirough the. cajitoi during lie eveniug. Tic scius about the vomen'a bentiquarters t tue Kitison mansion was aniateti. Tie principal spectacle ot Tuesday vas thse parade ai the naval vterans ansi lie ex-prisoners ai var, escorteti y hyie Tiird United Statua Intnntry, wblcb vas r.- vieviti train the iyan Hotl by Coin- mander-mn-Chuet Waiker. Tuesday aitur- faon toak pince lie reunion ai Minnesota troapi ni lie State Capital at 1 o'clock. ansi ai Fort Snelling. viee itiey vers entirtainesi by Col. P'age, commandant. Tuisdny evening thlienuoaitie ciii- nons' committer eitil an open-air reception ah Summil Park sud Summit avenue. On the main plattonin at Summit Park vere sationesi Gin. Waiker ansi is staff ansi a fev aifithe distinguiaheti guesis. Weduiaday ai 10 o'clock the grand parade ai the Grand Army ufthti Republia! siartesi, ansi tii. event n-as iaaked forwarsl la iii gi-uni ixpectation iy ail. The parade vas under commandi af CommanS- sha tsae wree0,00.-oleonrla Un Tii. officiai ordîr af marcii vas as ~i Vinrt Division-V.leran 8igal Corps. D.partments af inoluis, Wlsanaln and P*nsîlvanla S.eud lvilo-D1tirtents or Ou liens, scok U rd,14 mft.r i Texa% dalo,. Arisons. eogs Alabama, North Dakota, Okla- kmmu, Indien Territory. flgith Divison-Departsnent of Mina.. sots. The. reviewlag stand wam stt mith Park. Wlem the. (ommander-ln-l. eacbeieed the stand a sainte of seventeen guns *»a lied a" ithie national "olra were' dis 'layed on the lang"tf. Tii- colora car- ried by d Kn apuqA ~posta gautesith The. lady vlsitors t. the. encampment ver lAadzo%* «etértalned by the Li AS ILRICEÂBO WORAXÂMMEAD&. sex of St. Peut and elaborate arrange- mentsahad been made with tuis end ia view. One of the unique teature. was a ladies' drive, which took place Thuraday marning andi Wl. one of the novelties ot the. reunion. Three hundresi cnriaa were uaed for the cecasian and they ni. a procession nearly two miles long--tii. pageant being a vrery pcturesque spec- !acle. , . Stor7 of the Order. Maj. B. P. Stephenson was the foumLder of the Grand Armay of the lepubiic d Deeatur, Ill., was the pace o« tert meeting. The idea ariginated furtheréi back than that, howe ver. During Sher- man'. expeiition to Mleridian in February. 1804, Stephenson andi Chaplain W. J. ltutledge were tentinates. The former then proposed the formation, when aIl the boys were musterc.d ont. ot sncb an argan- lzation as the Grand >,.my bas grown ta be. The two talkcd t over snd planuesi a Cood deai during the war anid disi not forget nor @top their planning when the war hadl loseti. Consderable correspond- cnce passeti between Stephenson and Rut- ledge, and they met lu Springfield In Marcb, 1836. ta compile a rituni for the proposed order. The Onrt post was organ- lard in Decîtur in the following mont- April 6, 1SGOý-by Stepheuson. The first State convention wns beisi in Springfield July 12 of the lame year. As command- er-in-ciief Dr. Stephenson Ismued a Sen- eral order on Oct. 31, calling for the first national convention of the Grand Army of the Itepublij. The canveptionè met et Indianapolis Nov. 20, andi repiresentatives were prisent rrom Illinois, Misaauri, Kan- laît Wisconsa, New York, Pensylvania. Ohio. Iowa, Kenucky, Indiana and the District of Columbia. The. convention îdded the word, "saailors" to the Spring- fied constitution. Ail sldiers andi sailors of the United States army, navy or marine corps who servesi betiveen April 1_1 1861, andi April 9. 1865, andi were honorably discharged. andi members of such State regimnt asa were called Inlto active ser- vice were madi eligibie ta memberahip. n. r. ETEPitENSÇOlq. Founder ai tie G. A. R. It vas aise providudthatt no persan vie baitcvii- borne arms againsitue Unitedi States ahouti be eligibie. Politica vas respousibli for tue firtet- iack neelvusi iy the G. A. R. lu 18434 lie disputes btweuu Prîsideni Johnson anS thie najority lu Congresver. the menas ai greatly biideriug the growti ai the body. Political disputes aise cousei sncb great disorder lu tii pont i-ons ibhat many memibers withdnev. Tii ai-ny leasi- ers realizisi the ini-ry tint vas detne and lcok steps ta cauteract it. Oue ai thes. seps vas thei addition te the declarahian ai principies liai "tuas association dois net design ta make nomialatiaus for office, or ta uge its influence as a secret organiza- tien for partisan purpose.. Duriug the nîxt yenr palitical discussions vire barresi tram is meetings. Anoibîr drawback vas thie grade sy@- lent ai mimbersiip, wnlci vas thiled for iwo yîars. There were thrce grades dur- lug tintt ime-those ufthle "recruit,'" tic "maoldiej" ansi the "vite-an.' , The re- cruits a no uoico, and couni ai have until tva nantis' menbersiip, vien isey cout beome solduers, via Iransactidth te business. Atter six nantis in the second grade, tie saisie-s coulsi became vehîrans, wbo alour vone eligibie ta dcpaurtmnt andi national offices. Wben polluies haitiicen banisiesi ansithie grade syslent hai been tirowu ouithic 'hi-y began ta grov ai a voudurfîui rate. Thîre are naw more uban 7,8040 posta ansi about 400.000 men, lu 1873 the numbîr 1880 il vas 397,974, ans Inlu1890 1h vas 400,48t This uppears la be the. lgi muea- berabip mark. lu Junu, 18M3, the numier vas 8V1,223, andS h bas inil Iightly lie- loy htaime In tropical tonsans large a proDor- tion of thse plantz are afithee sensitive rarletj, tInt aantieiiiîthse patu aofa travelu ' may le traceS by tisa wilted' buo s front Maleta Parie: "Tihe A*-I Ïhrcopbstgîat bas encapesi." "Tbeic sicais ogre lia, la- ded." Titie consing." "Tue nionzter bas arrives t Lyon&." "Theiusurper bas been een lan t aeevirons of Parts." "Bonaparte ad- vances oward, but wili neyer enter, the espitaL" "Napoleon wviii b. under our rampart. to-morrçw." "Hîs Imperi-al MaJety entered the Tuileies onhie ?î.tgf hMatch,lunthie midIt olif itht. Mu subjectqý11 Fred Hieberlin, a aboe deaier, ai Ohta- wa, 111 ecu climnrather a uniquiuitdstinq- tion. île vas the firsi manin î Ottavil, Ill.. ta buy a box af Dr. Williams' Pink Pillai. Thnt vas ibree years ago, and Mr. Haeberlin says hie bas neyer liai cause for nretting thnt purchase. Iu a Conversa- tio beld a tev sinysageoIr. Haeburlin "Nly vite for a long tinte vas greatiy troubîrd wlth neuralgia. beadache sud nerroustiens. About tiree years agoa friensi oi mine a traveling imnuti, ta get soune oÏ William.' Pink P~ila anel have my wite try tiem. Upon iouking up the remedy 1 noticesi uni the Chicago papers contained snoe pretty trong state- ment@ in fau1or of it. "Il went to the drug stores, but ual s sin- gis oui oft hein kept the. article. Then 1 vent tae(Grahamt & Y.ntzer's drug store sud ! YaiGog entzer sensi for saine of the pil. Wci they came and 1 toak tiem homne taenuy ite. $lie tarted inluta nsa thent. santhe effect vas marvelousiy fa- vorable. ant iber condition began ta lmn- prove steadiy. It vas but a short tine until the beadaches hadl aimoat wboily dusapsiresi, and the generai state ai her heath vas much helpiet. àMy sylfe kept on nsing the pillai and iikewise kept get- ting bitter, Iu a cainparativelv short lime ber condition was more healtil! than for several years. le Il any wonder thât v. bth'becnrne true triends ot Dr. Will- jarns' Pin k Pilla? %My vite is a veli 'roiiaui A%6k, d11 we belbia scribe tbît fa<t te Pink Mis. "Thc rumctiy did go mucb for us thât I have recomnmendesi it tae eer su inany since 1 gat that tirsi box and, if I do say it. 1lfe h-n1Iamnlargeiy epnie a piarhînalhue large sale ofthetic puI mn O- tawva. There is not a drug strelu the City isow tWt does not seli Dr. Wiiliauua'Pink 'P nHardin. who i engaged iu the mii- oring busîiess ini Ottan -a, serys: "Coiint nie as one w ho bas been bene- fiteti hy the ueuf Dr. WViliamus' P'ink Pillai. 1 have usteiifor airerai montis for storuaih troubles andi teel abat tbey bave aitied a slight attack of rheuniatism. incel took alîem anti bujît ni) niy sys- tum my trouble ili tint respect liaiteen muci büttereti, as bas aiso my Indligestion. They are a great toniu, anti 1 certainly intiorse ibieir use most bcartily. 1 alsvays recomnuenti thein ta mv trientis." Dr. Wiîllinrms' Pink ï['ilis contain. in s contiened turni. ail the elements neoes- ary lu give uew lite sud richuess to the blooti andi restore shattereti nerves. They are also a specifie for troubles peculiar ta females. such as suippressiions, irregulari- tics aisi altarins of weakucis. Tbey builti np the blood, sud restore the glowv ai iealth ta paie andi salow cieis. In men tbey effect a radical cure lu ail cases arising tram mental vorry. overwork or excesses ut viatever nature. Pink Pillai arc salt inluboxes (never inl ebulk) ai 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, ansi ivb bb ai ut ail druggit.. or direct by malfroin Dr. Wlliam' Medicine Con- pany, Schenectady, N. Y. Mancowla Papavesi Streeta. Parisians wha vînt ta the Czar's cor- onizat,.On were atounded at the un- paved Condition ut Moacow. Thoy tounsi liatI t would cosi 1520,000W francs ta rave the town, andi tintt he work woîild practît nily bave te ho dune over e-el-y year on aecount of the Ct. fects of tlii.frost. Too )Jate tri Mend. There lai a point lnyonatiwlh nmedlentlon cananatgo. Itefure I tuatolaie lu menti. persans of a rheuinatie leudency, lulerieti or acquireti. should iuse ilat beaigniant dle- fense sgalnst tie furtli-er pro,ess3 of tiii tiie suprtensaus ilady -rtieuitusln. Tiie naine outhIis pruscu r,-suer Is lluteters stiî,mach Iltters, whlelu. t shoulti aobu revolleeteti. curesa itvpepslàt. lier couiplailt, fe% ud ci niague. tiebillty sud aervtuuness. About 2000 mulles of raiiway are un- dur construîction lu Jupan, andi tie Lan- don Tinmes says Ibure are aigus thînt Amcriean engineering andi matenlal iiil bc preterresi ta Eugliibereatter by the Japanese. The Isadiem. Tii pleasaut effeci and perfect satcty witi whic-b ladies may use Syrup of P'igs, under ail conditions, niakes it thier favorite renotiy. To gît the tru andgeuuiuie article, look toi- lie nanue ai tbe Calilorniia Fig Syrup Ca.. priit- ed nearlie battomothte packaige. For scle by ail respansible timuggiîts. Contentaient la a penn aif great pnieu, anti wiosoever procures lit nt lie ex- pense oi ten thousansi desires takes a vise ansi a happy purcituse. Hatt's Cittars'h Cure. s taken iternaily. 1ril 5 cents. Fnuank simnpiicty rallier dmminisues 1i man's cianacter for talent, as a straighl rond neyer seea so long as a crooketi anc. Birds and lovîrs deligit us§, but vi are enuiuauied wbeu vo beboidtheliicomplex- Ion ofta youug lady mide benutiful by lie use pi C.ienn's Sii'pur Saap. pIsa's Cuire for Consumpiion lai oui- aniy mediclue for cougis ansi cold.-Mris. C. Bell;, 439 Stu ave., Denver, Col., Nov. 8, 189M. Peiple w-ha carry aunshilue witi thein, slin thie bigiteat lu tbe darkest places. 1 No one lu ordinry ieaiih uesi iccome mutd or gray, if le viii folow sensible treatinent. We ativise cleailiuess ai the- scalp aud thei lse ai Hall'& Hair Renin-er. lEtery art lo beal laîugh by examplù; goosi dects praduce goosi inonda. DoSSisw' Ftintluus-Sorss 1oe as use saut? tng sosp hj uine r«sasI. aisr tar.asuar u a oaoe roa ase u loua r r our si-oser. U.4 wrsîiper. fiué rue m good' can get basklag aid IelnàW g P »Unii Y«e wuI ILH. 8.Ce., P. 0. Sen4e "Çhjeck ti" 1If hehad bought a 5 cent pleel would have been able to takie It wfth hfr There is no use buying more than 5cent piece of"11Battle Ax." A 10 ça piece is moat too big to carry, anc tk cat piece Ls nearly as large as the I0O'c ýewe of other high grade -tobaccos. p te THE PARU LAIDS AND PRINCIPAL. Ifa 0F THIt Th. 8îirllngton Route an a-Eieffn lallro"e wiIell Excnursion vTbckteta VERYLOW ROUND-TRP A71 Augu8t 4,18, Sept. 1159,29o aàd Otbr Take thislepportunity ta go &no e Uthesplendid crepo tiret Northem Kapnsaa ndi cils.Weetcass sections ha»,---,duoet »> Ask your neecst Tickét Agent for partioulars, ansi et madei vie thc SURLINOTON ROUTE. Bondi te thSe Underswg pamphlet (no charge> about Western Perm Landis. ý rg P. S. USTIS, C.n'i Att., CHICACOu 1,1 -.That terrible washt, This is the way it looke' U women 'who do their washis the old-fashioned way. ii ~ ~ dread it-and no wonder ( - because they woù't use Pe#az I ~Use Pearline use it jý directed-soak, boit and rnn" clothes-and the wash-tîîb *m a bugbear. You won't have ovýr ià enough for that.Nt ývork-no inhaling oôf fetid se no wvearing rubbing-no tom tck* nothing but economy. sentis yi)u ioiiething in placentf Peadline, b, hanet-a.ud i jsr Bear in Mind that "The-. Gode #d Those Who HeIp ThemsèlIves.»,S HeIp Should Teach You t 1

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