CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 18 Sep 1896, p. 1

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- - -'~'Llbertyi Iake Couniy, I1inidIF'rida 4,- Septer 18, 1896. Minos.. &-flàtO »16 M,Md t to a .1m. DA1LU ~,. Sput.qLa4rotoYté,. 7U1 t1o p1a10lsia. RpbcVel4., - llinois. 0~ . Su'tterfleld M. D. C. àt»M. ALcIC DAVIS voicc CULTURlE aime ARfONY LIbertyville. lIlIole. Ï~ .V. HARVEY, -OFFICE nouBa-i Grayslake -Illinois. PAUL. MacOUFFIN, Attosray and Couaslor %t L&w. NOTARY PUBLIC Special attention gîven Collectif-ab and Cuuveyanclag Ornes WîvrasLAKME Cotu uv BA&Nr, Libertyville, Illnois. 1114»LILU M. S. PaUNNIMAu. tweTuUUEfiTAL I SYTen OF .. Ul... ... ELOCUTION.. UbrntyImm Illntua I 14-b Hard Times If you buy a good Farm in Centrai Wisconasin at $, $10 or $15 per acre. Uood soul, watér, roads, selînols, chairchea and plenty of themn. Wood and Clark counties art not - A Sandy Deoret." I wiII go withlé you, trip to cost haif R.R. fare, no expense to sce country whlie there and far-e makes part pay-i ment on land if you buy. I arn agent for Lake County. Cali or write for maps, terme, *-l;e etc. John J. Lon gallaugh rcknrpGraysiakce Illinois. H. P. EWING M. D. Rockefeller, lit., Illsidence ai J. E. Kolcombs. office - Oppoite Depot. Hours 9 A. Mf. I1o2 P. M. After 6P. M. UNION HOTEL. f WHEBELING.- ILLM 018. FIRST GLASS HOTEL. ... HaIf-way Hose ... Iletvoen Chicago and thse Lakes Cycilets Headquarters. Good eceimsdations for raseslors. John Behm --- Prop. 90U NTY BAN IK ......* Wright, Parkhurst & Go.i Libertyville, Illinois. Issues lnterest-Bearing Certifilcates Payable oDeman. s~ ~WAS,TH'E TIME TO INV"ýP ILIUSEB leDo yOu'w*rs THJ1I< ITDONT EXIST.' C.C otiWan ikwe a Dollar le one l-Ia or"Cn.. o mtd il lJe1. 0014Standard hpemau aller Polb ave read Il -W. A«wmsearpeai i où tho atreet. 1%6. Poew.vio rapiat 15 oma not be 1 ii&iiii;â M tey elply repent 'eh"aitier rend ne a petiot repenti 'Iêbaise.ebo t tout tllnilu eita&& '80 boy aibout lie pepers. Tisait ogSsiafh ave a poler ' ud a purpoe ie va"tbley put ontigo bcrend s1~1.peolWhio read aaid &à1 = ut=lska. Nov lthere unir a thbng etahuil a ifly-lirree cent doibrt i )14 aa< one ever ose. one? Ocm sauyose ruce one? Do.m aMy orne Propeffe 10 produce or coin onie? 11but0h immuteto mre trickery or f*aud Or dnetiUou Iulended by lise navipaPera. ey are oflen gullLy ofmklgtatemeulstaia caunot bu breoibY tact«. Theae mliloaiare MyLtgegold standard neviaspera uqtrthlie biinetagifiee luceea- ulu lftuiing their prosideut and liotis bson"eqof coongee, propose $0 coilfily-tlsreeceni dollar&. il tho people vWso road. ibiéswahaentr would oily me01 te amis tiemselveg if 15 lae traie tisey voird nut make them- suives no ridleoioa mehbeydo ta repeatlug it, for they vould knov thal lise silver dollar veunie nov lea& isusdred ouait doilitlir dollar of thse coUitullos Tire dollar tisai vas deraonltlzod lu '7*s d tisaithai le the dollar tise birnetalimie propose to remniee.If tise birnetaiite are succescful, sMd itloks nov s iougis ,bey vil be, tire~y viicoir more of the aine dollarsvoe a sing nov aund mais. lIent oiWtender for debti lise sanie As tise!ver. before '73. Tisey do not propose to coin snythlug but a buudred Cent dollar. Thora I.iso *ncb tiing uas&a lty-tlarfeu et dollar. A dollar la a huudred cents. To state aaytlg oh. je juitl ie ,beane vepapet and il la a vonder uisey eau fled readm te1 notice and repeat sncb a itaement, but itseerna1 ihey ecu a fov. A ifty-tbreo Cent1 dollar!! Von aigist juitlu el] tnjký about ae six inchs fout. A foot lu tvelve incises a"i a dollar la a isadred cnta, Il may bu a gold dollar or a silver dollar or a paper dollar o n oliser kid of a dollar. If thir ui Stateassys ftinla adollar il la a huudrod oa>t- no more Do lois. If Out 1ev ffa M o mucis aivr gr muelsgid shah b. tmpt b =1lla'lt lflte a dollar 10 ox«Change &or conrsodltles or pay debsi. Tisa ia visaà mono! la for. When 1 ses lie eXPression I9«-threeCeont- dollar in1 a Gold kttanrd paper 1I mmi.l i hink boy lbard pressed thby are for tact.ý tu run thirir capaigu sud vsen threy -ey Mnyparty in lu favot 0f coing a ifty-tbree cent dollar I iuov llsey ste lylng. Tbey%isov tbey ire lying. Tiaey eau decelvo only iropeleas cases Who vant te) bc decivd-meu - vio are vrong and vaut 10 eop vrong to ruai. more money or front foar tisai 1h0 mian 10"loi. uore mony- seilahs,nuSpattil men. But tire gotd slaad4brd People badge vison you preme liaem tins fat and gay tisai tiseamouat olauiver in a ilver dollar1 i. Worth ouly fftey-tbree Cet..Worth 1 iras many ineauuge but for purpomea o! coining luttemoney Il je vorth juat a munir as tise gold thiIa gold dollar. Tise vorths of eltier jla Ju$at ral li. 1B aye and tise tamp lndîcato. hit evoftà-his lu igiri. Wlll not l8ve ilver dollars bny as mucis of misy coouodity sud pay must1 as mucii debt as a f8ve dollar goldi place? Certainiy iiioy vl. Ton eau Oa8tlY Prove it 17 trying. Wban th. United Statai 0f Ainerlea maya a dollar Je a dollar, it le a dollar sud a hunudred1 cent dollar -sund dou't you forget 1t', or believe aisytising thea nupatriotle gold bugs telVou tetthe contrary. Coruered agàa, tb. gold muan Boys: As et commditY -s anarticle of traeic,1 lte gold lu a gold dollar le vorths more thair the a lier ln a ilver dollar. risat la true to-day but lu February '73 before silrer vas damouettzed sud1 gold bWc10r tira onlYlegal tender mouey by lav, tisa Oliver vas vorth tise ruost? But visai 18lise commodiy valua of gold. *Sonre one tell me. It isa very Iigisvalue jmat novas rnonay since tise goldites have st cornerod, but I mnean vbat vould bc Ita coni- moditY trade mercantile vaie-« vers l demnosetlaad. A place or il nov ruade by lav nsu mped 8v. dollars migist not b. vorth t ifty ceuts. No o116 eau tell. Tais of gold as "ePouisd money!" Itlal no soursdor1 monay tissu trou or copper vould be did ather bear men the sanie stamp by 1ev It la tise saie people viso read and donlt tiink vbo êare telirg -sonnud moisey" as tbey do -fifty- tht.. cent dollar." Ont country-The MU. &-lustmroug enougb sud ricis enongis 1to mais ,"sound money" Out (e! rYthllen olwithstanding lire tdeteorrinallon 01 tise HsDIsn-MucKiuley Party sud tisa goldbugs 10 belittle ne ld maie ni play second 11dbe to Engluird. Ilwvoeau elect isoneul, potniobie meunLe rmanage Ontri"Moto.. I ftmw bellevetliaI viren tise grest, vr'otag of '73 la tlgisted sud Ilver made lel ltedr *ltlrgold i bise OUt ray cet14 t1 t tereby deuailngý tels d i t 1 , 'la mv*ine teàl They Tirs superv wook reporte tespectlve tc tise Novsmbm circuit' coin tabulated and BEUTON. Builaruore; M NavroaRT. Alcocis. John 0. W. Brove, AuNTiocr. Wiiama W] Mercis terrai- Oua. VanPati OUf,?. No, ma"; March ti AVON. Nov milIeu, E. i A. W. WhltmC WA»»U. lamb, Roberl J. McClure, J. wtVKEOGAN. Duuulng, Ge David Neluoi Donaialy, B. O'Maioney,C BEÎELDS. Morrov, E. Thro@. Murpit; LinsavYvxz W. Buttarileh terni-I. " PENSONT. IlopSe, A. À Martin Deckej WAUCONDA. ofma wnà ou feéI. 810ATTEN DAI s~tnaoe- 4nuudy Wa" a Good là Urne R&W ta% Tii.L*ke Coanty Fair 13 on. Ib* Sa ; eàM ere never botter for a a In apite of the drenchlq Olond4w. tii.proment outlook la pt uu4 -~ tii bwis idla ryiag up the patteac-4 i, ad a Marnai b 'V.tramec fSd F14,! *al brlgtout tu VAppoint jUure. elowde. Neyer boore lu the 1 rhes t t theïr e mting 1" te Aasociaion bave as mau )d the. namue from thit r good bors. beeu entered ln jury seJrvIce ed undor their auspices, as or sud Mach eren»o! yruuentmeet. Tisedisplay o! K, whlcJs bave been taira implements are a feuture la d are me folie: beives, wvile every sMail oi November tuin-Jarnea ounda i occupledL The mai drch trrn-Jàa. oGQftre lté fUOdi ih «htition-doi November term-Jokn manufactures, preaerved A Hoffam; Matchterni- Ouinary, dm117products, vege! Pbilip Beninge. *10. The. dlspy in botter thai November terr-». A- brughout thé building. ni. Weutlake, EL Book; Ao regiment of soldiers fron -J. M. Strang, J. Burne#,t$,Seridan, cavsir7 snd infantz toen. camping on Henry Appley's )vember term-Wm. Crois- adjoining th. gronuds. Their4 terrn-L. J. Lobdell. lion drills are a drawing card vember terni-À. A. Me- accounts lnia meesure for the . Dodge; March terni- attondance. »re, Jesse Mesde., There la some tsik of contirnu November trou-Ney fair over untU Saturday, wh rt Strang; Marcii terni-- quite possible may b. done, esp, B . Bracher. ahould there be unâlshed ra *November termn-.$ios. trot. Bo. Wello, Jas. P, 'XAckpl, The track la in good conditiou n; liach term4*i l u no way effected by receut .A. Tierban, Or, j"o. Munoie by the Ft. Sheridan n Ch"s. Pbilffps. baud keeps thse largo crowd Novainhor term-B. 'W. best of bumor. The stands are B. Wels; Marech brin- a good business. Mauy wheeltug j, C. 0i. enban. ln attendance and Thnrsday an .LE. November tari- E. day cyelists wiiimi* the atteui id, Thon. Corlett; Mdarcis as several clubs arojplanniug to lOaiot, John Janemon. ln a body. As wo go to pres8 November teras-Chris indlcation la favorable for the LSmith; Meci tern- attendance Thuraday sud Fride r.Y. P. Davis. bas ever been known ut a fair November term-4. W. coma ty. Acier, Borner Fisher; Match tetmi- J. W. Gilbert, G. Van Dusen. CUBA. Novembet termAlaines A. ieon: Match terni-F. Kiracisuer. £LA. November tenm-wm. W4ppar, Oo. IrProuty; Matoisterin..' ery Drgora, Wm. entnger. le zgRNON. Noveniber tarin W. B. Schaeffet, Barman Brockman: Match ltrn-Bain' Feburuan, C. M. Wilooi. WE5BT DEEFiELD. Noveubor terni- J. L. Vtiar, Michael Yota; Matchl terni -Hlenry Plagga, James O'Connor. EAST DumuRRIILx,. Novambor terni- F. D. Eierait, 8. Btand; March terni- Jas. McDonald, R. G. Evans. Swamp Lande Agaîn. Ona o1 the Most important thingu 4onea aItha receut session o! the supervisots vas tisa adoption of tise report of the Svanip Land Conittea reomniending tisaI theaCounty quît dlaim Ili uteut iu thsa mmciidiuputed avauip lands 10eisolderi of land undar the original snrvay upon tise payment of tisa $1.25 par acre te lhe Couuty. This la a good solution o! a vexed probleru ht i volvod tbonaads of acre. of laud lu tise veat part o! this couby. But visile ibis recornenda- lion vas adopted a resolutton vas passed 151er Ibat Do quit dlaimis ha givan uril afterthtis November sasion o! tisa supervisotu, ut vhjcb lime If tlsey choosa tbay eau jepeal tise viole business. Il la not probable ihat they yull but uhows tIrat -tiiey vislr more lime 10 considar tise qustion- Wauke- gag Reister. WiII Probably Visit McKiney. Harvard Beprsbllcasuare discusulag tise fsaibillty o! maiing a trip t canton, Ohio, 10 Cali on Major Mc- Kinley. The plan lu 10 gelt tp a McHanry county delagation aud ruai an exnursion to Canton. Tise sacretary o! the Harvard McKinley club la nov in correspondance vfth C. B. Tinkhani, 1h. excursion manager, on ltae subject sud if uatinactory arrangement@.ecu bu made a train vili tart froru Harvard sud go 10 Canton-Harv'ard Ftd)ald. Roeoluttona. - The follovlng resolutious of respect vota adopted by tisa Presbyttan Ladies Aid Society ai a Meeting field Septaruber 10, 1890i: WHEuSaÂ, It han plaased our lieuvsaly Fathîmr, 10 call froni ouar ruidet vair dear frieud sud'co-workr, Mnli. Z<. B. E. Cauey, va, lb. Prouby - tôriaj Ladies Aid Soisty, do isereb3*u adopt lieue resointlons of respect. Reolned, TisaI lte memot3u of ier oouslaeut Chisials 1evi b. 10 ail vhso 5mev ý4r a lgisi snd example. Tirai vo bender ont haertfeituympatlsy ThM a opy otthese be aît ti 2kr- asM 1iy and !a- x 8vpm WAUCONDA. H. Maiman vas a city vialtor Mon- day. lina. F. Blangs la visltiuîg relatives lu the City. 14o-Nois res icti tthe. Ba~alu chnch lait Bnnday. John Roney, Jr., o! Chicago, spent lat Sunday in tlisa place. F. E. Green, o! Nunda, pald Wunconda a vlib SnBnday lait. J. Gonld gave a dancing party Saturday eveniug of last week. Mm. 1B. C. Wells @peut a !ew days o! last veek vitis Nunde relatives. Will sud Ray Lampiere, of Elgin, pald Wauconda a s ullait veai. A four sud oua-bal! lb. black basa vas capbted lu Bang's Lake Sunduy. itto. C. L. Pratt entertained gueula froni the clty tise final o! tisa veai. Tise rusons have commauced plastatlug Mlss Glynch's nav ibouse. UmiiiPettaboe, o! Iowa, islte guest of Mr. sud Uta. B. C. Kent at proesat vrlttng. L. B. Golding vaa àMcH.nry rîuitor Sunday. A. W. Reynolds returued to MoHeairy vitishlm. Mr. sud Mr@. C. Laniphene, o! Mc- Henry, cailed on Mr. sud Uns. H. Fuller Sunday last. Mr~. sud Mia. iB. B. Bummoard cante !tom tisa city Snnday 10 attend tise f uneral of Mra. Werdon. Tbe McKinley sud Boisant marching club beld a meeting lailte scijool honie Monday ovaaiiug. Tise Waucouda Studio yl close for tise viaber Octobot 31. il you vunut a final clans picture lakan come befone lb la too lae.. G. W. Pratt sud a Chicago geutieau camped for a fev dayi on Fox River. Tisoy caugiti a nuruber of fiand sot a uice lot uo! aulpea. Died ath er isome li tii place, Uns. B. B. Werdeai. Tise funerai wau iteld ln tise Baptlat cisurcis Monday ut 10:30 a. ms. <bllary neutwieek. M. W. Rugirai bas juat raceivaîl a f ull lins o!fcamet.. robes, etc., and is ready tu fumnimir you vithsuayîhlng lu lise Uaidertaing lino on sort notice. Doait forgat tisa fait ah Llbertyville. Botter thon aver boforeansd us tise oada are drylig up fut bisa ataudance vill bu immense Tisurmday sud Ftlduy. W. are auxiona tu do s 11111. good in tria vorld sud oaa tiini of no pleasuler or botter vay tu do it thun by recorumeasdiug One Minute Cougli Cure au a preventive of pueumonlu, cousumption sud othr«seions luug troublesa tIfollov Eegweted coidu. For sale by F. B. Loveil, Libonlyilîle, 0. C. Boberts, Waucoitda. _ Tise boys are raidlig tire melon patches lu this ilclaity. A good dosa of coild aurliofe ton good for some of these febova iaS ai, so min-h plemauto in destroytug ailtlire nelona, lhey cu i iad. pst ONYTraieBloodPurifier -MM Ylu tire.public oye ho- » BodeTisereore If, your re. e'Pooj sand dou't 00~, '_ Il vtIl pi 10k b.have lliei fl~'Ix.*aaé. fibula aAM 'ai A nov Pau Lfto ot T mÉiROSTAN»MO? OWLTELNSIi The New Dosigne In. Black Novelties, The-Lace Effect isg Coloreci SultÏin. A Large Assortment of Plain Serges, Mi .Worsteds. WE' WQLLD UIKE TO- HAVt Y4 m otAgents for Butterioki atrse04Se Zn "0r CUT TH ISADOUT: It t* farra, woo ress goode purchased on or befoeeè COUNCIL PROCLEDINOS. l LiEETYVILLE, Bas'. 8, 186. ITire Bard mrainluregular session, vitir y c 1e*160 i~ Epr aud Colby absnt. I.5 ui I Miue flest meeting rndadud& yu* 8-U *0en aprowved. The foilg bibie vere'read sud sud B. 3.Oi. erh7I referred 10 finance conimittee. uonrirana ve d- .......................... M o n Evereu t ;z -- r7.s or .............. ... oc B.MC t -........... 260saitela U Meabt ......l.. ..................... 25nr H.Nto................. 008 Finance eoium.tbte- econinieddvers c Sas'tioq. tise paymont of aboveebhlle, and ou Laie FOPQ '- à ~ motion of DuBois and Gallovay, bille Bluff; e0mob ubr vers alloved sud varrants otdored Enion. RsamttfUi I drava fror tise respective fainda for amoursts. Ovis, Ti1nobyPeIMM,W Tteaeurer'm report for tire monts t of ooNievfe Anguet vu suabmltted, as follovi. Morse, L6t]niylhlpu. Balance ou band lest report, $860.88; Spci. ireceived Ince lait report, $377-00.1. PaM out during month $73.93; Balance Cloua'Vm ilss l on aald 3,1395 iii . U is Moved by Gallovay sud IfoGregor dld aioî snt m1d lira $meaurerm report bc apptoved _______ anti piaood en file. Cerried. Moved by IluBois and Sherman tisat Auexcrq haii. plat ofButlier@ addition 10 Iàbetty- novipaper oelsier vi ville b. afospted. Ayes-DuBoi, ha b 3s Mo,.! by (ialloway sud Shermnan vsiuablq »MSof. tisai mauhai be iaitructed to notl!y strletly b*ce.,iS u James-Trlgg tomove,,ditSlu front ers of hie ..WMY et ita per os milvauk«ea ., lan ve pa1g stresS airie o! ton dayu. Carrled. ee Apetihion presoutad by S. Tniggs TrYme ol~e was rend, a»king for permit 10 bulld chseapenr. ze" b addition os uorth aide o! building pai&d, su ven lire inovum arotautaut building. hqjý odpd o Moved by Sherman sud DnB<nla tiraI t i~ahr u o Sar'l Tmlggs bu allovad 10 build '"e hibe te bru.oe additionis surequeated lu petition. sud tarlMr, 2eboo,10 Ayes-DuBoià6 MeOtegor and Sher- lu many luiemMdo mn. Nays-Oailoay. Carrled. Eger saure luasud toS bi3seat. tioyxw Ib o eaib em Moyeu by Oallovay and DuBoje tiaI vWheu due. Xhafila1 upon O. M». Dursud glvlug recelpt 10 questIcaon f- peseta v1*' rillage of Libertyvilla for arnount of a queston o! ir ses, - $26.50, àteeing thorelu tisaI lu case ______ tise vlelge of Libeirtyvillo getlalto lîtîgati over polis or that ane b. mUas at m*'ï taisec froais village Sisal arnountcalied DW# ih for la midroelipt bureturuedW village upon derasud. Tise village to exente bo C. N. Durand a receipt lu full for Bman lpul. f1 in648 b% ugcot of laying idevahis aledbyG . 0. ind frn 0!si . N. Dursud'î propetty on Division Street. Cerrlad. Movodby DuBois sud OSerman tisaS RZAL TT Stewart Ave., bu graded np ln propet rzV shape. A14wu-DuBolu, Moregor, Eger oarttî sud Sherman. Nays-Oalbovay. -Boas. Pi Carried. -Freni Moved by Oallovay and UcOtegor BohuetuP # tisat marsisixalbe Inut ed 10 grarel EltIirs B E School.85., Nots Ave., Second St sud ltsbS Riluy Ot., and repaîr thiet streets, lot l uslug cruisod gravai, at 30o pet yard GEerge ou vagon. Arnount of gravai 10 be Stocki a nued uet texoeed 600yards. Carrîed, sala.i.......... ail votiug Aye. bk8 Moyed .by MoGregor aad GailovaY $ tisat marsisal be lnitructed 10 plo y MJ,? i sud pulvetize tise pari. Catrisd. 0Oà ... Moved bj O.lovsy sud DuBoair at a3ahomo m Pari Place be teterred 10 ste commuttee irti pover to act. Carried. Moved by Oallovay sud Dm008 isalé a commIitlee ot ivo bu appoluted bY' tise preulieM& to 0select appropthuha stars propotiy ugraved,, for theM arte preeldeut sud board of trustee« 01 t4W vIllage vil pover 10 pureismarine v . .....- ou boiraitof -vilag.Ayee-DiBols , W M G Gr allovnyan d B8 ù4nrala NaYks-eet. Crtlod. Tise presin appoluted Bari l oa'sdO .SrkLaj Shsermuan SaseiscormItte. Moved by G*Uiovay sud Eger tisa preuldeul appoint qpoecia pouice egbli during fair. Cerried. Moved by Oallovsy sud DUBlOI 1h01 bonda of matrai lbe accepted sund PoimOU lity placed on file. (iafried proposition vis cousldered. from Ch icago patiesfer arectlug a plant lcae. Ps aj sud ighslug village bye]etrcity. #« vü d, Moved by DUBOIiSuadShra at0W. Preideut appoint a committeeof o! Ote to eorrempobd vith parties and report W141AT Do*1 ut uexb meeting. Oerrled. Preuldeast appioluted E.L.L;DuBoisas as ucS Bn 0"1e M ovedby Oallovay sud DUBOlS iii meeting adjouru. Caried.W>4 4t Don't trige avay lIme vbea eouI1 2 have ChoIem a us ro' laim dont thae=tâw, the a-t~ due.~e

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