CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 18 Sep 1896, p. 2

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R VO, TIIOSiaS iarlneï& Co~, a Ooopperatlve b. *auericam îL tI~alI,~sn dl 5hIeàt~;j. R. e B ltasuk ansi Pro. gflabfeu suie et las te an i - ,i~ h,.es 'iBu S "es alle «o"t th sa i teii 441yer l Ceanie M trp-e e TrW oins eeoat eW nliot 'New cuan teo -slu *It>.oi tise n a ti> fstor- vsa isa luu Novtrmi for lTiseelanmo 0801ior te met tsl Ïg lou o -tie N York n donilu n a~tse alliai sp b. mnpe tistruffishe n t and ihave buen steadilu. ruining L A fev figurea telIl te stor>'. lhemmunl carriei 69,000,000 buâh- *Mct fSon'Buffalo ta evewaok; rilt carrieoîy 14,000,000. »a Iîlihustens Witt Be Givea a F lair Tril.L l" Govrerument has yieldeal te [Îs of tise Unitedl States for a is vii court ai tise Competitor s.Autheutte information ta tlsîs au reaehO thtie StaSe Departasent l]>', und tise formai anounce- caxpectua la tise noxt mail from Taulor, lu Modriai. Tise Span- Mstuent reachei tuis conclusion »0ao, but isas deluyed tise formai eMet oflits iccision uhtil aie *s adjourneal, la orier te escape a trout ta bodZ for msking con-, ele t he Uiuted States. Whie qx- llsdeclsiou, tiseauthorities havé 7i«7 Impatent ai lt. aver tise 17On tise part of tise Spauisis incomplyiug viti tise demande lb-trial of tise Competitor prison- F've been ln prison under a deatis ik moSed by a iruin-heai court- ftieàriy Ire menthe. PoitIons él Psouffait lu on tise State Dupart- " ail quarters, urging pbempt li »eialf of tisese men. Despair- k'orble action on tise request for lalial, nome af tisose petitioners WI an appeal ho maie ta tise Span- air>' for tise pardon oi thse mun. Ont§* Figures Are 4,09290 faisan Consul.., Reports. 14 Illâcisana ut Buenos &yres, k» BaPublie, furmisies tise Biate ot vit Is nfonsaton coacerning MU Of Argentine taken May 1, W -oImpllttiOns iaring jusai boum STise toal Popuation Je given ,of wviics W3»84 ver.ilutlb teo.Ayres. Tise lucres»a ,1at ceau, eul. '15, 186, vs ~Jilaesmmteal tiattse.are 00foreigmers lu tise republie, i~W 3are la Buenos Aynes. Odten of NationalLague. Wlig la ti standing of tho clubs Mutioul Bazebali League: W. L.W.U Pm.,..85 BSNew York...00 62 ad -..73 45piiaalelpiia .50 S2 lti .,.78134SBrookii-n .... 55 63 0:0 55Wtasiqe~on .52 A9 .6rit558t. Ljouis . ..à7 87 w,.03 S7Lauisville ... 33 g0 w4tea.Lanuena StMnding. 1the standing of theu clubs W u .W. L .W5 40tassas Ciy .67 59 .72 50]lvauke -..58 75 ...75 liSColumbus ..-..45 $5 .7îSGralRapldis .42 88 41cSiaus Vin ianaine. luMut Rfleunlu Mondayst $WoM 4 t00eS0000 pînralit>', 1 tise isstor>' of tiese tate. ë lanislde fer beyond tise lion' af tise Part>' mena- 'ktt. Lieveilyn Pavera Ia Ir, andl Congresmn e Bcal nadBoutelle amre re ,cbWdy 'increasei iluralitiis lv Y*sra ugo. 8 saV.uFeVer Remet>'. UOnut, anuoeiluent phygi- mi, bas been sent tea 1W. Queensland (overumnt agi Sui tise reinai>- for las skuown lu tise soutls- l Bto ttes, whlihas tise catile oli tise bg QueeVoila nds. et vrt eeo ltaceai ut se la »4uy e wtmwmto b. t"date tuttr *W i«,ad nitmoue>'lt thse sebeune pisq auea u ,Ii celerof t kagate, ba$.t lkp, e» te vba inoumv e lever **i eIn.f I l.mate ~ u. mitetradlug. tonaluiahty lent tb.eir moe>', qw ý atbok aeomt ma" eboacI.TIse mer. tat t heis wfuvmvtZbr*mi or damier'Armaa moffl mereoeaas oeiletpesa tisales" te unifor tisat uu~ t~ olida, van iov 5 t, etai- tb.gbes4alàlouaS e ia adaugerons =64ewtaies vus ben# vorked upon evt great prott TRAORDT l] IN INDANA. Mxs or a rwy et Va-aw Young Pe-. A ple Net Dsgth. fiightful uedaint-tpqueed Tyàesdsy ilennoon te a-;'obe.ebltssat of ar- MWv, lua&, young people. When &bout Oive allas nortisr eet icct>'tise hervez took frigîbt ut son'. object ln Uic roui. Tise> isuekeal lb. reir *beels oet tie taily-iso ever as embaukuseut ami tise people, borses andi siise vote rolleal down a ifl lal a mangledal ni bloody mass. Six persomu ver. kllea. Their names are: Francia Comm, Mary Cumle, Jas. Fituisugis, Agt- LVéstFrank Metre- ler, Kivard Susytise. Tise Injureal: Vie- tor Brice, brokeu leg; Frank Donalsue. driver, IniternaliInjuries-, James Holua- way, fracturci ekuli; May Morrel, brois- en ribs. Thse remainder of tise part>- os- caped vitis more or lets paluful bruises. One of tise horsus vas killea iu tise fmil. Tise otisers hai to be miot. RERAL ESTATE lMEN ORGAýNIZP. Portasau Isteratate Lamnd Aossciation euand Blect Officere. Seventy-ive ruai estate n'en froin Illi- mois, Indiana, Iowa andl Nebraska have formed tise Interatate Land Association. Otiser uelghboring States viii he taken luto tise organisation, visicis la for tise »Urpose af aliing public andl private land aissocations to derelop tise resources of tise States sud ta sel] anal lease land to settlers. Tise followiug were chosen as a :oand ofdirectors: S. M. Knox, Prince- ton, Ill.;O. J. Gisson, Roi Oak, Iowa; G. W. Garllck, Omahsa, Nei.; J. M. Cox, Wyoming, III.; F. M. Schirmneyer, De- catur, lud. Tise board electea tise follow- Ing offcers: Preaieut, S. M. Knox; vice- pr;rtieut, F. M. Sciirme.,er; secretar> sud treamurer, 0. J. Oabsort. Tise asso- ciation agreei ta make Omahsa thse per- manent ieaquarters. l'Ursins liiemselves of Sin. Thousamals of people linea tise docks ou isotis aides of tise Chicago River lu tise vlelnity of l2th street, Chicago, ail Tues- day afteraoon. aud for tise first Smme lu Ils histor> tise müdii, slnggisis streain actuali>' ivalua tise Thames wvisntsi -banka are crovalea vitis speciators ut a Henley regatta. Tise crovis tisaS gatis- eredalobustise ige ai tise sauts braneis ivas composai eutlrely of Russian Jews. Mieu. vomen ani ciiliren lockcd tise tot perform ane of thse rites of tisir religion. Tuesda>' vas New Tear's Day, au wbich tise Jevisis year W07 began, and part of tise ritual of tise ortisodox religion fol- lovai b>- tise tussian Jatw la sai ta la- volve a plgrimage ta tise nenrest vaSer- aide, visere tise vorsisipers repent inu> prayers aud end by purgiug themaulves of tier oi. This latter act in accain- plisea by energetic gestures, viic sym- bolize tisst tise sins are isurled inta tise vater. anal irowned. Tise strunge spec- tacle of several thousand people earnestly readilg trom prafer books and tamsiug unseeu abjects ito th ie vater attructeal otiser erovds vicislineal thse 2tis street and SSii avenue viainets for ibocks. Grain Meu Sue thse Roada. Tise straineal relations existing for a long tIme btveen tise Kansas City- grain mercisauts, elerator anal mlling men and tisa raliroal have culmînated ib open warfare. Tise Hon. C. A. Hutcilgs, one of tisa attorneys for tise grain n'en, han fled ln lb. Circuit Court af the. Uni- ted States tvo bille nit n aais tise SautaFeu anad tise oter againat tise Missouri Pacifie Ralway Company-, chearins flagrant violation of tise Inter- Stute commerce act anda aking for an luJunetton anal otiser relief. Tise bis are brougbt lu boisaIt of about ift>' cor- ponations anal co-partnermhips eugaged lu tise grain, elevator anal n'liling busiess 11u Kansa" City, Kan. Il ls ciargeal th"t KassCity' leunlusti>' iherimînatai aint muad subject to undue anal unreg- »nuabis prejudîce andl alsavantage ani muaS unalurgo tis e nreasonable prefer- amenandasavntage is giron to Chicago, St. Louis anal otiser Eastern markets. sevwali KU au rirsauasatson. Arthsur Seea repi>' to tise attack n en hlm b>' Thomas E. Watson, Brysu 5 rulgmate ou tise Populit ticket, lu bis speech la Dallas, Texas, is a reneval of his former declargUions tiiet se viii mt vlîbdrav fron'tishe Chicago ticket. Wisau a0ked about thse ruinor tisaS h. la about ta vituidr, vitelsas pet ln clrctatleq ,@aint» t Mr. Watson'& attack upon, hlm, h4 ai: "I have mot anal ever bai amy Ilgeatioq et vithdraving." Mur Plov Corn on Rohier>. Accordingt 10a-eialon oi tisaIlinois Appellat Court of tise Fountis District a man n'a>'plow cornonauSunda-, lu algist Of Peuple goiug Sa eburcis. Tise deciston la reuder.d lu tise appeaai ftoss FoII.,&a Seventis Day Adveutisi, couvictealilu Cis Circuit Court of a breaci ai tise puace. Oroveilîle mil,$ Celi. Tie(roulle carpet mllî, otpisa iveive bbildIngs, bot b> Ise A, .l 111paselàWàrràbig.NNateis clafer thse mati cotOn Vlt4" ia tIA Cet atEhisutiveeaua. Information baà"rmach"i New York tisat thse teaum ries Friende haîs ain ' beau ucstlalulandlng an e ieln lun CPba, lIn or 0ftbe vatthtulness of the i palb v ecoeIs ilch contautly patrol the u"at. Thi.expdtien au landed preciseir viere the Sp nu" a department eoints île gresteet vigiance- tisat 1% on the <oas of Pinar delloe provnce-vwhero a few wveka go It vas "ogrted t* 19àt Caban leader, Antonio Ma~ee va~iq~»"dteofetamSuitlon oa itligtril troope. Thse landina val effectea mai'Bab1a Houda, viser. a detgchment, or KMcoforces, viici ail beeti sent tn vait for the. arrivai of tise expèdlou, tooks charge of it thsenmoment the cargo reacbed tiie beach. Thse miii- tary commanuder of the exiedition, was Juan Ruis Rivera, a native of Porto Rice, who fongist ln the Coban army durlng thse ten, years' ver. The cargo conalsted of 1,017 rtfles, 460,000 roundsof amnial- tion, ene pueumatlc dynamite gun. 2W00, pounda of dynamite. 1,000 macisetes andl a large supply of medical stores and lotising. Thse rifles are espelally adapt- ual for the Mauser cartridges used isy tisa Spantsh arauy, a oupply of vhich tise Cubons allIe eacun be cuptured or pu, ehagm > fluonrthse .lanià troops lu Cuba. The. dynamite gin la tise mont prirned feu- ture of this expedîtion, anal the nmen wlio ate te handilei: have hai good practice ALASKA.N MINERS IN4 TROUBLIC. Meu Returulmg t rous Cook,* Imiet May Be Subjected toa Suffrine. Information recelved et tise Tresas Departmnent indicates that tisere la llkley to be manchi mffering among thse minera at Coo's Inlet, who are returnîng fron' thse Alaskau gold fields, uniesa the com- mercial coshpanies which took them nortis provide for their passage home. 'More than a year age thse department notified thse commercial companies that thercafter thse Goverument could flot furnisis trans- portation for tisese minera, and thst if the companies took the minera forth tbey slîould look ont for their retura. It in mid that If ail of the cutters ini the Belh- ring Sesawere presmed iuta thse service they could tntS accommodate more than 120i men. Tisere are said to be nenrly l.tI(> of these returning minera now et Cooks Iblet. BRITISH CROPLa. Little Chsange ince the July Report -Fatr Averago Condition. Tise London Times publishes its third report of thse condition of tise Britishs crops. It shows scarcely any change Ince the lat report, issued on Aug. 7. When the first report wns lssued ou July 10 it aaid tisaS the position of tise crup was below tise normal et the beginning of that montis, but was nevertiselesa above thse position aetishe cogrslndÎng time lu 18M1. Taklng 100 per cent. tu represeut an average excellent condi- tion, viseat worked out ut 104, issrley et 89, andl ots at 85, as tgalint 70, 83 and 76 respectively in 1l«. Tise second re- port placcal tise iveat at nearly 106, bar- ley at a fractiou lower titan lu the first report, and oats at 84. Thse at report places wiseat at 106 2-5 andl barley ut 88. CICLON4E HITe PARIS. Violent Storm Descende Upon the Gay French Capital. A cyclone of extraordinary violence burgt over Paria about 2:50 o'ciocis Thura- day afternoon, devatating thse central streets of tise city. Thse daration of tise cyclone vas flot longer than n minute, but duning that time at icuat tiaree persnns were killed andl about llfty were irjurcd. Mucis damage vas aise dune to property in tisat part of thse city lu wbieh tise fu force of tise phenomenon raged. This vas la tise lower part of tise city and tise Immediate vicinity. Big Cetten Firme, Go Under. Thiomas B. Pearce, Barry T. Atkins andl Henry Pearce, owuers of tise Frank- lin cotton rmills of Cincinnati, and doing a genp.ral and extensive cotton business under tise naine of Pearce, Atkiins & Co. andl Henry Penrce's Bons C3ompansy, as- slgned as a company andal ndividuals te MWilliamn C. Cochran, tise cotian mili owuer. Tise asseta are $240,000; liabili- tien, *103,000. Tise assets consist of $110,000 ln personalty andl $130,000 in realty. Tise cause of tise big crash la slow collections and dull busincas. New York'@ Wealth Grows. For tis year tise total asesaed value of real anal persoual estate ln tise Ste oif New York la $4,308,712,W03, as against $4012»02,167 lest year. Of thse per- squal, property subject ta taxation New York City bsoldo tise greateat amnut- $M0,09,704; Kluge County second, witis $15,107,478. Brie Connty follows vith $13,41%,134, Albany, $7,480,245. - gmperor Win@ a Moclc Battie. Emppror William Fniday assmed comn- mand lu person of thse cetera forces en- gageaIln tise army maneuvers near Goer- lits. Ris majusty iandicalissforces vitis exteptional energy andl sirevdness and agltook op a position on a slope, coin- pefllng the Saxons ta yleld. tIX Wornest Act as Pallbers. tiac6~l0 oa er eia else% Dtlnte et tise p atiait ree50,00%j gt à g amsalenty .105,00 fortise Diuocrtlc tte et Tise ~ ~ ~ ~ o apluws ogs u nanciai linos, thse Democrats- standing for-tre silver and tise Iepublicans for ise 8ainSi.- gold standard. ,Tis s hdouble thse maor- ity tise De»Mcusrecelred at the. dec- tions two aud fogr earsugo. lu Littie Rock. Interest lu the electlou ceuterç ou th@e lquor license Question. Tise ré- lîglous elemeat. tise VoMuusobristia» Temperance Unionsud the. mitltee- peclaly, bave beau busilp engagealfor more tisa" a montis lu the. efort ta v-te lie«ce, and veejolus lu tise movemeut hi, the Republoans.L caus. carried by a sMali malonlty. -Tkoiseer but tvo full tickets ln tiese Ocalthea Dnoeratle and Republîcan, tise Popuiia cogtaatia tiselves wlth a candidate for Gov- erner. Gem. Joues aud Mr. Remmiel, thse Republican candidate. maie an active cauvau oethtie State, but Files, tise PoPu- lst nomluec, made nio speecses. JDEPEW DIIES 1?. Dimage ViiW ei & à,0O-»na & Ca. R àeport a e»6040%r latter Pilt-. o uxprees Car Duras.dl uJ, nib lu a sieeat of flames express trrnnNo. 4, lm e tb*M"Vçw ý on thé, Ltbe Shbre load.- ru ai luIte. eso, liadt., Thursdàr aveuiug. Crou M dgte*Jire No. M2, cotgilng ïpAoas 0f tihe Uni. 'of @ ulfoutroL U ted StuLtes Express Conptg, al On- » wliM.t mmck i pletely svept by ire, anul 25,00. ortb pesnai on othetulse, taI alg of ailandl goode vas dastroyeiL The. tbair va>'. Adtsi u Mf il-fateal car vas one of Oive of tise L4kauke u t t t Shore tralsa, eachK being mnua xelulvel ' Tibarag e rpp>'v vhpta for tise through b"usiesof tisa UsstedIlpa mibu&. TiSM UuttampaeOOM 1 j states Express Compan>' beiveliChi- U'hIeh di Moutet tise damago,ývu ' cago and Newetv Tork w»vasule an sd faltl'gcsiib> torrents nt.arn0 »s spacal messengar vas luacdirne. *A aiglasalotParb im,~UuiS fev nutas after O6o'clock lu the. eveang, Thse torade liasted about eoe»s las visen just veut of Mierisurg, lai., (Con- hlabitltOte adag .lrnd1 ww a aluctor Aise Wlke mticai Lames isn io11114 a0h15le dsrete aMai froun No. M& .Tise train wvas sîtoppai a a n mabeut aPeut Seat, tise II an effort vas made to extiNpusbtise disCb*tolet' lb.Obmevotelre, tW si~s blase, wisichhbai starteal lu the mra, n SRafqle andd la tiWaWb. of tise car. Th iseames, isowvear, oeuld beboei. Tie<rasid ges e NoT-alsH a.,i tisanmos otise cseebeal. Tise near car, cootuinlua SiSleWante a Portfolio. the. moue>' suie, was detacisai andl tise Chiae> . Dpi a se s~ tisa coualuctor orderci the train tb rua t. tise trutis of a report Siat there vas flic- Gouau, six miles distant. Tise casinour tien betveen hlm sud IW. K. V'anderbilt, made a gallant effort te save tise valiablu And tisaSluntise uveut aiflMr. MeKln)eys axpress matter. The. six miles ver.. cou-i electton ise voulal resigu tise preslalene>' lu four minute.. Tise Gosen Ore of tise New Yonk Central, ta uccepi a depurtinent put ont tiselire, ami lb. ex-~ Cabinet or dipomatie position. Mir. De- Prees train srlvei lu Cisicago at mi- pev sai:,, "Thevisale stor>' la untrue ulght, ueetulhouri )ate. Tise trummen iront beginning ta oui. At piods of bellevise blase vasmuuuaib>' combes. s'x inonthm for tise lueS Ire yonra sindilar tien oetpphotographsie ebainicals. reports hasve been net la circulation. My frienals bave alseotentd on eren> occa- HIOHER PRICUS TO Cour. sion tIaS tise>- emanated trom Wal street or Chicago, anal vere starteal gonerali>' Replenisisment or stocks Viliicause for tise PurPose of affecting tisen'arkseS. uauUpvuu- Movement. Mly relations viti tise Vaniorbiltea tre R. G. Dun & Co.'s Weekiy Review of mont cordial. 1 have no polîtica ambi- Traie says: tion. Tiiose reports useal ta anno>- me, "Betterjmnoupccts anal relief troïm moue- but 1 puy nu attention ta the otOw.'" tar> anxiety do net lot bring langer de- 'Roclaford MessE ah" VWeaumunis for finisheal produa-ts. tisougis large Jacobs Schvveiniurtb, tise ltckiarai, buying of pig iron, woul, leatiser, bides, "Ilessiais," isas ut lait canseîiteal tu roc-e-ilIon, andi other nateriisls continué ta ognize tise accepteai lroprieties uni taite shav a growîng business and tisat a Len- to wife one of bsis înel.'Wedueoday erai niova-ment upwardin apricos vili niglit et lalinneapulis ho niarricîl Mary came wvitistise repaenisisment ai dealers' Ann Tuttie ut te Churcis of tise Re- stocks tis fali. Mast pricus are exirenie- deenier il'nivensulist), MN. D. Shotter, 1>- 10v. go tisat notiig mare thon oralin- riastrorfethtie cisaîcis, oliciating. Fourairy demaüi wauld aivance tison. But disaiples îollowea tise eximuplu of their bank fIdures nt Nov Orleans cause Sein- leade-r. Tise>- sere Albert C. Tcf t, wiso porary hesitation, crop rtturns Indicote marricai a sister of Echveiniortis and isappoîntmnrt l s sainecotton and saine Will Wcîdon. wisose laide lais eriluas l spring n-lient States, lances ai corn andl son. Tise ereoy au saitnessai bv C. 0318Make ih untsrauitabîe ta salI ut pros- C. WVhitneay, wbose gu-st "tis e 3ismh, ont, tise nuanba-r oi mauaaf.aetieriugvonks hais been d,îring tise sommer: anSrotiser <Pf anal mines in opa ration aisfot gain but SîIîeinurts ui aiiaî-aoze otserratier decreasa-s. neduetions ai vagés are frienala. A gang oifnmen anal boys tried samevisat numerons, occasionali>- resiat- ta tom tise "iscaven" ita a loiter-rlace es>- strikes, ani ail tisese conadtionîs WIeliet4day nigist la> explodlng canondmminiis for a time tise bu>ing power ai cr.cker-s union .tiseisouse anuitbaatinit inShm pupe. Pans. Tise Police Were cnliei andl for tise UP TUE -NIL£. neet of tise sight tise ".Nessiah" a nd au- gels slumbered in pence. British Advaucu la ReporteteeSaBe Miltle Girl Fhoots e Thief. Msklng Rîpial Progress. Tise bouse aif(G. Tracht, a fariner neur Dis;paicis e<eived In Cuira, Egypt, H-iekaville, Chio, vas eutereal Tuesda>' traintise front su> tisat tise Norths Stai- b>- tiieves, bout upon itealiîsg $1,00W that îordsiure Itegimnt, nuiabeng about 900 lin Tcls hui iai n ran tIe ixnk nen, arriveaiutKosiseb camp, tise sautis- The parents vee nt a neighbor's, bot a ernmnost fortila-a post on tise Silo, Thurs- 12-cor-aidd aîsglter, visa was upsaies, rda>'. Tise Tisird Brigade bsas reaciseal Ak- env tisa culpritA, ani sumpecting tseir mis- sarrat safel>' uni the main bodly oa cav- sion, seluci a ionble-barreled sisotgon, air>' la arriving tisere. Tise cavaîr>- scaute andi just as onu of tise mén enterai tise report tise denvishes still la view sûuth of han1se se gave isim tise contenta ai tisa Duglo, but tise enen>- retroats aS tise gon. Tise vietin la dangeroual>- voondeal. aligitstitigu ai a forwari miremnt. IThisastise aivance of tihe Britis-Egyp- Connty Trreasurer Dlsapucar-.. tian expeilition up tise Hiver Silo. vitis A taiegnani neceiveil ut Chlllicothe, Dongolu, if fat Kisafoun', as ils abject- Ohio, Tocsae> froin Waverly, P*ike Can- ive point, la nov iunffulswing fier 'rrcnoater, lias iisaaîieI. ie oari uicsaoficra. dîing with teiise lienta t>-, surseris isa G ere W. e Boanrd'andutiero. tuging wvitisthe rrifc ofe of (Janmissionens inîîneîliately notifiai railroad biulding an nîspsing gunisoats in bis bonaisuen, visa are Wecsley Lcgg, a ection9 up ise river anidaven tise eut- James D. Corwin, and John Vulgarnore. anocta lias iscen carrie-a on liaeuantly Mn%..Legg, tise Treaseiier's %vite, bas pro- unier tise direction of Britîis olfienrs, a duc ite combination of tise suie, anald nunîler ut whsaam have alreai>- gîvea up au cxainntion ai tise itiass will ho maie, Shein lires as n sacrifice ta tise taak. Watston fScorces ewall. Thomas E. Watson in hig speech ai P'resident on tise issues. Dallai. Texas, scoreil Sewall uniercifull>-. Pnrésidenat Clevelandandou Secretar>- Car- Ho caîled tison Mainie moa a art on tise liste n-ere inviteal ta ho present ai Louis- Party-, an ai he coulai noS carry las i n rible, Sntîîrdny, nStishe notification ai faniily, word. cit>-, State, or in tact, nua>' Palmner anal Buckuer of tiseir nainatitia. tising, anual tisSheo ongit to get of tise Bts île I*rc-siaîcnt anal tise tecretar>- ticket for tise gaod ai tise Party-. lHoaise vere unable ta attend, baiS eacb Scie- said t ilfBrïan an-s electeal ho coula grapisea lita regrets, anal assurance oi Shank tise 1opulias for iis vietory. tiseir eo-aporation ta funtiser She Iniereats ________ofitise nommneea. Ex-Speaker Criop Retires. Ex-Speaker Crisp, tisa distingutished Libisa Prisaos Annex Destroyesl, Goorgia statesan, bas broken iown Enders' tahacco factor>- ut Richmuond, and wiii Dut enter the canapaigu agua Vu., wviicis duriîsg tise swar vas useil ta ibis fais. accoiniodute tise overlaw ai prisoners IMABaET QUOTATIONU. Cisicado-Cattle, common te prime, $3-50 ta $5.50; hogs, sipping grades, M_.00 te *3.75; eiseep,fuin ta cisoice, $2.110 te $3.20 ):visent, No. 2 roei, 59e ta 60c; corn, Na. 2, 20e ta 21c: ouI,, No. 2, 15e ta 17c; rye, No. 2, 30e ta 32c; butter, chaice creunsun>, 14e to 16c; eggs, fmess, 13e ta 14c; patatoos, per busoel, 20é ta 35c; broons corn,, camman short te chioce divanf, $25 Sae*$0 per ton. lndianapolia--Cattle. ahipplng, $3.00 te $5.0)0; buogs, choice light, $3.00 ta $3.75; sheep, conon ta prime, $2.00 ta $3.510; visent, No, 2, 56e tae158c; corn, No. 2 wisite, 20e te 22c; oats, Na. 2 wisite, 18e ta 20c. St. Louis-Cattie, $3.510 te $5.00; isags $3.00 ta $3.711; iseut, Na. 2, 00e ta 62le; corna, No. 2 yellow, 18e ta 20c; 0555, No. 2 wisite, 17e ta 18c; rye, No. 2, 28e ta S0C. Cincinnati-Cattle, $3.510 ta $4.711; bogs, $3.00 ta $37à; sheop, $2.510 te 3.50', viscat, No. 2, 00e ta 62e; corn, No. 2 mixeal, 22e ta 28c; aut*, No. 2 mixai, 15e ta 17c; nye, No. 2, 30e te 31c. Detrit-4Oattleý, $2.510 to $4.75; buogs, $8M00te $8.75; siscep, $#.00 teo-$3.50; visent, Na. 2 ruai, Oie tae6Me; corna, No, 2 yeibow, 20e ta 22e;, oats. Se. 2 whsite, 18o tom20c; rye, 32e to 33c. Taledo-Wiseat, No, 2 rel, 02e ta 03c; coma, No. 2 ycllov, 20e ta 21c: oas, No. 2 iziea, 15e ta 16e mrye, No. 2,82e te 33c; claver seei, $4.351 ta $4.45. Miivauisee-WVbott, re. 2 spning, 52e ta 53e; eorn, No. 2, 80e taef3le;oauts, No. 2 visite, 19e Sa 20t; barlu>', No. 2' s0e ta 82c; rye, No. 1, 32e ta 31c; ponk, mess, Bllfaio.-Cattie, $2.50 ta $4.75; b ots, $&W00t. 4.00; -sheep, $2.00 'to-*».50; be-e.2 roi tiMe te 67c; cooi, Ne. 2 y7liqur 20c t»_. se;otte, Ne. 2 vista, tram Uisi>-Prison, onuesquaore ua>y, vas dcstnoyed b>- Ire. It ws a ver>' aid structure anidisai ieen prononceal un- suie. About $50,000 wartis aitabacca vus iestroyed. ____ Passeugens PDrup ta Demis. A train on tise Mai River anal Arcata Raud crassai tisrangistise Mai River bridge noar Enreka, Cal. Six cars loudeal witls pussengera droppeal tiirty foe uto tise vaSer anal faur persoa are knawn ta> bave bast tiseir lives. Ton athera vere se- niouai>- inJureal, analoai Sissnumben iti feureda t luait four vili dle. S0,OlaGosse. It la belieei tise defuication thut caus- ed tise faîlune oi tise Union 'National Bank ut Nev Orleans 'viii reuci $110,- 000. There han been quiSe a rua on tise bunk for saine tSmeosa st tise deposits stil in lis charge viii mat neacis $100,000, Povaier KtilaTwlr. An explosion of powier aithtie miii. af tise Chiaol'avaer Coinpany' ut oungs- tovn resulteal in tise instant deatis of tva men. Pana ea inl a Mtninx Cabin. Cisarles McGavenn, Charles C'Tanie und George Stevens vère founal deadinl a niiner's cabin near Victar, Colo. Tise n'en. vitis Hum>' Doyle anal John Me- Demmtt, hai iseen ocnupylng tise rcui fon saine tinte, andal al hai been iriaking iscavil>'. suicide of-a. nftrs Ie lins. liagglo Scott, ageal 52 yeaes, vite of Rer. W. O. Scott, ai Butior, COhia, cammitteal suicide b>' aisaaîg. She vas found suspendeai to a peucis tree lu iront of s. bu oni. Imuasult> causea tise act. paute tguga-K.ntuolay Asxluua. Tise erba o thtis Xttuky Iinti- lova on tb.e node Harulsme_ w« sasa, mathéSuet tia o w " odttbfga of te ourt bai te b. ue al M&S.CL.EVELAND& PALHT mtedu K"te Dm.v.a Arn Important order vas t. b. ...eutoi tb. otiier day br a WWdogten moUawi, for Mm . Cleelami b.d vattudevis foq nu autum bat "Tour ovrn edeNIe "ba ondermithse allEer. Tb* bat vbeq Il roachaiGray Gable. vas of pak.- i à straw vltb browu dots eeattoeed ove, 1t Tissu. ere mmaUfl moUof trams. Urn Ton wzv RAT AND ISWEÂ5SEL aide of tise bat vas trimmeal vit i tl Saffeta beys ia brava anad green-4oopt of eacis. Thse other aide ai tise bat van a nt5u of cnowbals nestiing ln gren haeves. Tise back; vus a standing mass of lace, analtise pointeil ;op canni oui tise brown ami green motif lnana abondance af thesa Icuves. WiSis Mrs. CleveIsnid*a rder vas one for email russet shade hais for tise littie girls. Tisons ara trîmmual vitisfurget. me-mots anal greean ibboa. FUSION IN IOWA. Xova Papuliete Witt Supraani oo cratie £lectorat Ticket. Tise lava Popolist StaSe convention, il meloniant Des Moines, unanmmausl>' la. alorsea tise StaSe ani electorul ticket nom- Inateal b>-tise Deinacratie StaSe couren-, tan aS Ottunswa. vlîiei n'aidae(on. J. B. WVeaver andi Horace Baies candiadates fois clortons- at-large. Tise fusion vus con'- piste in erer>' respect. NaS a raieeeaus against it. Tise Cttunwu ticket wsa made port of tise resointions und adopte.> on motion aif(ion. Wcaver. Chuirman J. B. Anderson, ai Forest City-, esîleal the convention Sa order us soon us tise district caucoses ve eislai. He Introducci Dr. R. E. Rose, ai AS- lantic, vi sikea tisaStishe country- be de- lîvercal iron tise oppressons. Chiarles A- Lloyd, of 'Susqentinu, vus Inroducei à% temporar>' chuirman. H. vai a candi-' date for Congres. tva yeurs ugo in tise Second District. E. T. Merediths vus maie tonsporar>' secrrets r>. Mr. Lloydi sala tise People'@ pont>' as tise corner. atone ai tise neis temple of liberty-. lu tise attermoon H. 'B. Wilcox opened tisa session vitis a speechs, declarng ne persan but an employe af e corporation yull vote tor McKinley. W. H. Robis, af Cruston. fusion candidate fan Congresoy was made permanent chairman, anad Ea Miereiths,of Des Moines, secreten>'. Cen. Weuver, as cisairman of tisa Commtte. on Resolutiaus, lutrolucecitise report. Note. of Curnt Eventu. M. Alexander Feuix Josephs Ribot, for. mer premier ai France, visa for a numbes ai yeua san ieen onu ofth tis outprom., Ineut figures In Frenchs politics au, rivadinluNew York tram Paris. Josephs Bullani, ageal 54, anmbd i.a siv yen at Mooiy & Sonis' saviiluAt Mandieo lIn., had ietsbruIna crused out wvue ut his post ai dut>'. Hi. huai vas caugst bu. tveea tise carniage oui a isauvy tumber. A diseuse elosel>' resembllng anal snp. posai ta ho Texan ferer là rapidl>' killlng tise cattle ut Wiltau Junction, 1ova, It la confinai ta a regian near lb. stocks yards. A nigial quaratln.bas bean a«- tubliheal. Tise Cisamber ai Commerce, Bopri et Truie and Mayer Sutro,of SGan Frapclso, have sent %n olliciaI InvitatIon*to Id Huag Chanmg Sirougb tise Chines. otl eau tiser. tu a reception ut th#> hanl Pt'the Obaniber 0f,-Commerce uiouli h. p4as through BuR Franclaco. Au Odeusa ihipatei t4 tiséLoadon DR lb, Newssamys tisaialiso ecria nae i Eliascievas>'la goang t. .I.1Qýnp4 don tli'test a nev taiepholt le erJ base m»asie w theba tiaisntie -a. Cs-A. P. Co . V. U itN., daisuram M Xew

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