la Our Motto, and by adhering etrtctIl, tp it we have bûiit up a - good trade. 4ýua1ity differs as 0 atm to handtie Oood Goode at prices equally as Good. OUR MEATS -- AI, reh and,l A ssôrmentlarge. Our Grocery Depti* la Complete and Prices RIG HT. Remember we are'headquarters for ait kinds of fruita. - - - - NOTICE TO FARMERS: -- We wili pahighest price for good -beef Au..-TRIGGS & TAYLOR. limes Hard? 4 THEN BUV GOODS AT boy'. Fit Rat .. Mensa Working Sislrt, Mens Fine Sblrt Boys Overaiss 8 lb lice .. Hard lime Prices. Here are a few: o, .3 il,1. lux Starei..................15 ...... .5)1 Il. C , x Saris. e.............. ..5 . <t C ruSl Japan '1,- . .......... ... 1 .251 2 br ol ................. . .05 .251 For a sihort tine e 'sll give âway eacb ve A Laundried White Shirt When you i ring your Lauudry you receive a ehance oit 5. ~Fe IlMITH & SON. ~aerleys Cresents Ramblers Ié*66464é4*44464 Clcf Jeel C. R Sheman Lietvle M.f A ag ndvre line of Hardware, Pumps, Milk cans and Cutlery. Punij-ps, Ci tPipes, FiIIngs. and Sheet Iron al Items Libertyvilte Readers. 4 40 %a e m - 4 444~é~~~ C. M. £ ST P. A.Rf. TrnU TdsLe. TO CEinCGO. 6:5 . 8 4: n IL 5:0 '15 1' :00 6:1% v.lole Ot.- 9O=0 6.10 *hervile 8:121 1 4M*11 128 5:10 Deorfiold 8:u6 MM eM& 0:7.W1 .1 91 »erett 8:42 *% am 4 11 rs :9. Jodtt Me:4M-SOS.&M_* "7:40 9,111 LadllTyUML£ 014 4:1u1:7*0 :4à Wugento n @:64 911 .28 ~ffU6 $m40. ,.imU la rdwrt io>e tua »M 'oeFlOge duB. Idetiotes Sundayguiy. Wb bf hra appsorai"no mO ar ex59- BUNDAY TRAINS. Lv.ibeCZyi . pM. Ar. Rondont ILSlum. Lv.Uber'21.,l,5:19. .Ar.Chlao1&52 & LE Ly. hlcago @:e .ar. ïLibertyvil.45éa. m. Lv.Chcg :ep n rLbryll :1pm No. 30 rune Sundal ny. goinsuh u stop on sigam as f ollow:-At wuaouth.1w:ll pr..Wadsorth 12:17. Gurnee 12: Warren- ton12:0; ondut 12:U: Everett 1:42 DeStfeld Me 4Shérmierville 19:52: arrives ln Chicago at Train No. 44 bas been lately pt en romf Dsrfel 50 hiag.Leavea >erled7:20 a. n.Shrmrvlls1:4;ArrivesChicago 5&10 a. . N. 1 ~ chicag11u20 p.nm arrive12h0rmea. DeorelI 19:10a. M. LÎBEBflVILIJ LODGE. No. 492, .& Saturdars of each montis. Visitlng bretisein cordlaIY welconed. W. M. RSTE.W.MI IL B. Baown. Sec. An Autumn Pastoral. Thse salebbll flutters lelsurel>' Upon thse old tann gaie. Thse turkey alumnbers ln thse tree Unconselous of bis fte. Big pumpkins bask in sunlight stili, Like heaps of Natures ore; TheYre aiB the aold we'j get until MeRle>'take@ thse oar. The cit>' sportsmnan tries hii(sk Beneath thagrcenwood bough And bouge st visionary duck. And wings the brlndied eow. Eaci mans bead Ulke a buzz saw <elan, As full as 15: coutle hold. And somnetimes the>' are silver wheels, And soinetimes wbeels of gold. The girls go nutUing to the blU, And bag and basket take; The ornait boy seek8 the eider ii And gets thse stomacis-ache. The big conventions mneet and spou t, And argue and debate; We dont know what it'a ail atbout. But sjose ita asomething great. 'Tis just a p'acetul, lazy tfine. Fmredsrlwork shali begin. The pîolltlelan îpulls the 1une Andc hauts the sueker ln. 1 *ont k uowhow it,.',runc ou. Andl iout prtnd to kn.ow. But Provldewn"l i îv" th.ý 'li)t Befor..iii.' fai f .nw. MliihLouI Cater le atteî:diuîg 1.1gb a Itool ini Waukegztii. 1) .N. Mallory, of (Chiî ugo, took in tise fair Wd.dnesday and Tisursday. l'hoecarpenters are ut work on -Ioe Butler's bnilding on %Iilwatikee Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent, ot Marselles, Mihare gîîest.%or tG. Il. Sehaucitk and famlly. Thse populor old song -Puîsh Dem Clonds Away" vas in bigb favor iýitis thse fair directors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Chiristian, of Elgin, are visiting her parenté Mr. and Mrs. Sam'i Triggs. If you vauit any lettering or Sigul vork done, leave orders at titis office. It vIU bc attended to pronsptly at reasonable terme. Services attise Presbyterlan churcis at nsual bonis Sîînday. Moîning subjeci, "Tise Divine Attitude Towards B" " In tise evenlng "Social Currents." If you vant o nice bath tub oel at Chicago Metal Stainping Co., Liberty. ville. Tbey. bave smre sllghtly danîoged and wiii oeil tlsem very cheap F. E. Draper, of Atkinson, Kano suoceeds Word Davis lu F. B. Lovell'a drng store. Mr. Davis expects to attend college and vil commence bi@ studios ln thé nemi future. .Quarterly meeting services et tise M. E. cisurch neit Saturday and Sunday. Dr. H. 0. Jackson vill be present and vill hold tise Quarterly conforence Saturday afteruoon et 2:30 o'clock. A full attend ance la requested. Stuart R. Paddock writes bomne rom Centralia, that ho bas been admitted to bigh scshool. Hie examination sisowed wel <or vois done ut Lbertyl ville. flsides tihe ordinary studies Po talonesPbysiology, Etîglisis, Literaýisre andi Latin. Tisera are eigisty-threè ln his Claus. Tise Libertyville scisool openetiat veek vitis 165 seholare enrolleti, viicis is a considerably larder number tison at tise nome time last year. Ovlng to tise aci'SIat anany vsated imtfil oter tise Fair -beaaie oommenclng their atudies, tise number vill ha Increaed neit veek. If anyone doubts that. '%btory, repoqe t l vnld sanggest tis tuse country Is pretty sure to, have a '"William, tise Canqneror" aller ne* Novenibor. As tise two principlo, candtiahoi ara iet i lltom 4s doms na$0 eq A r ij '~ lrigt t Mr@. Dusenberry andi dangaier, Josie, of Lake Forent, are tise guesta of Mr. anti Mis. Frank Dymonti. Mr. and Mis. Levi Whitney are entertaining thelr grand.daughters, NmIses Pearl and Alice Nicboisi. Judging rom tise supply of beer Boehm Bros., are "laying in" stands on tise Fair groundi, selliug soit drinks "yvon't be in it.' Adam Vogel, 01 Wankegan, and 000. Vogel, aoflRichmond, have a string 01 horses-at the track. Tise gentlemen are no relation, but botis have a aculty of talking isols" no simllar as to give the impression they mîgisi be twins. Tisey can out-tslk if they can- Bot out-trot thse other "-horsemen" nt tise tracS. Tise Beit Line la rnnning ex." rom Waukegan te Llbertyvile veek Wedneaday, Tburda Aum»W. day. Tise round trip tare wiII b. £OW cents tor adulta and tventy-flve cents for cbiltiren. Tise fint train vili leba Waukegan at 9:40) dally and tise second at 12:36. Retuining, there wiii b. trains ai 11:30 a. m. and 6:40 p. m. Tisat tisere are nmre fast boises attise <air grounds and consequent good races assuret Tisuruday snd Friday la conceded by isorsemen lnterested. Sucis noted steppera as Tuile Wilkes, 2:12à; ilveet Masis, 2:14j; Syra (paoer) 2:15 anti Maybreaker, 2:17 are among tise 1ist. If you vant te sec smre 01 tise best races ever wltnessed on tise Libeityville track, ha sare andi attend thse fair Thuraday andi FrIday. Tise Republican rally under thse management of tise County central conunittee aitishe town hall, Saiurday Hioward L. Conradi, of Chicago, mode tise uddreosa ofthse evening. Clarence B. iSmiths, of Waukegan aimo gave a short taIS. Botis speakers vere weUl receiveti. John B. Allanson aeted as chairman of thse meeting. Gi. O. Lang, tise composer of tise most popular song o!tiseday. "Intise Shadow o! tise ines" ha. sent us&a new song, "tSay notG(ood-bye." We predict for it a laiger sale tisan -In tihe sadov." It ia simply beautiful, easY 5:0 plav, melodions, andi a perfect adaptation o! exquitilte words to. a deligbttîîl nselody. We recomrneud our realers to send for a copy. Tise piliiser8, Legg Bro». 10018 Walnîît St., RansC ity, Mo., are makiug a gpeciinl price of 25e per copy. To any ofl oui eleis viso have flot already "'ID tise Sisadow of tise Fines," tisey will seîîd one copy of each tor 50) cents. The Libertyville and Lakte Forest1 base bell nines pla3 cd a gaine(r a' part of a gaine Stiuday. Tise La;to Frettboys kieked on a tecbnîllty, elinhing au it îair dé,clalon ut tise1 îuipire in tise last hall of tise fiftti inniug and retîîsed to play. The score stoosi 5 to 5 at tisetMine, vitis a prevailllg impression that tise Liberty- ville nine vas playing a vinning gaine, vhieis caused tise Lake Forent boys to isuni for trouble, visicis laalvays easy tefintilua bail gaine. HoVever, botb teanis ere pntting np a gooti gaine, minus thse usual errors so prevalent in amnateur gaine». It ralueti Monday morning or ratiser continuedti te in. People intereâtet Iin tise fair, and thot Incindes everybody, watcbed thse clonde andi Vondereti. There vas no apparent gooti reason for mo mucb vet, anti not until CrIS Fiaser annoned tisat he isd prayed tise night betore tint tise dovapour ceos, vms tise enîgmas solved. CriS Fishser prayed! fIta a vonder vo didn't have a1 cloud-burst. Tise sbock must have ,lorgonized tise cloutilets. Tise drectors of tise <air association sisould bring a suit for damages against Fisher, and teacis hlm te ha careful hov ho monkeys vitis thinge @0 forelgn to hie understmating, In tise future, Tise turne for auction sales has 1rrîveti andi ve visis te romAnd oui restiers that if they are going te bave a sale, vo are preparedt t print bille on shbrt notice. No offie lntise oounty la hattet" equipped for dolug thisAs he<oiS rkanti oui puces are as loy es auy. Witis eacis bill vo give a gooti notice of the salela tise paper. This leofMen of as mucis vslueas tise bille, en It reaches parties at a distance Who voulti fot ses tise bulis, and otten brings ont tise bout customers. C.tll anti eo usebefore you malte any arrangements. Is always pio~ husband and sons * If yo"u find your last coat has GIVEN you should tike the hint, see Colby & Co. at once. carry the Iargest and fi stock: take the greatest Pal (ERY customer, and charge the Ji est'prices consistent with g goods. .You will quickly bu, thçni a new ýSUIT 0F CLOTU at somewhere between $à' $15 and an eXtra pair of trt ers for stormy wealher at $5, MB B. CO LBY &.e "Dealers in Everything."I -'~.---LBERTYVILLE. 1 MAX LE BEAL MID'NtOHT.. SINGERS PRIDE, LA MEDAL 35 Brande of Smoking TolI Prices from 2 Oeta. to$2 CHOICE STOCK CIOABI AND CHIEWINO TOflA SSeat Brand Extra Rap MY CIUAR CLIPFINGSi UAKE A PLEAHANr ' M015r» Thea tvo Mormon- miasionories visa endeavoroti la vin to rent tise Union cisurcis andi Iold meetings, in oui vil- lage have tioparted, not vîthout dis- trlbntlng thissulîterature, hovever, and dolng orne quiet mlssionary woiS on tise aide. We advlse tise merchant tailor acroms tise vay to tisink welI be- fore he acta. Fred soulti study tise problein of celestial polygamy. We have assurances tiat tbeîe'll ho no parting tbsee,"' andti ierefore thse raunion of tise man viso as been precedetiby isa dozen vives, more ur lesé-any plural quantty-vlll be no more or loistisan polygamy lu beaven. Tis la bad, but It lsn't a clreurIutane compare t theiset- con venience visici tise wile vili experieno viso vii linti berseU vwitis several huabandei on ber bandes, al at one andtihie same tino. Tiser. are llkely te be tribulations, etcetera, even in Paradise.. all anti se tise ready trimmeti bsats at Mn.. Hurlbutt's from one dollar ta ten dollars.Ire Cisaîlie Babcock la -lyu Last Sunday nsornlng itBab" siezeti vitis a large ulmoti leu, l sbould ha late to worahlp an&'bg carefully adjuateti bise uffs4ý qtg Sunday end projecting anti #Who tie dles aide ont, ho umàd iÎ rush for thesestair leadelg Isea tiomicle beneatis the aavoar w afouesalti stairsoeme np can.!ki in tise face, particulary 't"po, useti to vinS attise latileew eyes vere a beanUi l kybluo., they are mmdtiblacS. Whou goei to churcis he turne hie, "tother aide out" anti la dues Juat previons te performàlaî, veekly tuakho isatplacoti un one-cent plece, goodisouýnd aeU is moutis for masle eepn amonts isie philanthsropice up ipipels hlm te donat ewesb 8u tho support of hie pester. and more if lt-ho saUv voekly contribution. Il 1 q- teilnsintheisO air thiAs veoý, pleasure reimbumss imm 1 From a&l accounto Chsamberlain% ______ Cougis Remedy la a Qotisendtu tthA afflicteti. There la no advertlaemen lt In a recent leter te about this: 'wO <0.1 just liSe saylng it.- <cturemrsM. W. F. »01 Tise Demociat, Caruollton, Ky. For 0<t"se petao, Eusisluu. sale by F. B. Loveil, Libertyvllle anti It 0a" b. e les &b. G. C. Rtoberts, Waucouda. tise bigis oiter t li V$I lain's modiclnes are teM /'M1hrs. H. 8. Hnrlbutt hasiait reeeiveti 01 your o'wn stt, viscue a ncv stock of <al anti vinter milllneiy hast t own.An, &Mt 0o to be oiti at bard time@ 5prem. vsidea aS Dexte,Iovm i 0'LokS at thoso beautlful tlen-thmis visit mc a loir Ymrs stý buy on. for tise Fair, at Sanisoin &lOilg 0u2e VOIoo U Croker's. no ie Vo7) ibliti u If you vant a tylisis bat te vear to hori sa se dd.!et L: tise <air cmli on Mms. urîbiitt eAthem." Thse motigIses dan suit you In both style anti prM. Oisamberl9:e'p ougi>E San boni & Croker are surely Up to 0 35r04 0ê0 OhI date on neckvear. Ueo ticgigto.. Anytblng insuminer milllnery - ha closeti ont et baU prioýe [Protine's. Mrs. Protine la for 32.50. Cal and. -, Noise anti b rate. 7 00oto u job aX -