CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 18 Sep 1896, p. 7

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od.wis. eueul ~~TUO GO. 1'uer Mil9rog mts. , Tbey are tryiag to, Invent a phono- Igeghie deek on wicba speaker eau "*srd bisa et rvations. Thiu Ia ho lie luted la the Gerasan Reichstag. Ues Are Net "Waaen Beore Taken" 'With maslril diumase, but wtli prodîgiou a-tes*iuwar oIfy.n egîl la maid TIsatsoreipeventivs iedîcatten a s eetet. W~~iUteuuacii'ithe flcpotency of wlîicI aus as 5.84.1 ta mnamalle poins bas beau Salie, ve remtly aide.! by l, and If l la I- valua..te dysppsia, narvoas debliy sud skenudma. Tihe average price o! Canadian lones eold lu London fer nome lime las rarely been above 25 poudo. a price.Whicli treil au.! alexpeuses couidere!, la aid to ýleld a satisfactory margin of prfit. Mme= ~ weliTes t "a~A phnes!, « 5 5i Hers la the. champion- builfog et FARMgR'8 WIFE AND GRAND. A Washington correspondent maye thait Ouyerls. tbem aIL 0f couru e h halls from New MOTHER DIE SUDOENLY. the treasury ofliciaIs are lu dallroelPt The. catalogue lssted'b3r John M. a Jersey. New Jersey. beal4ee produclng of a large number of reqîlestsa aking for *myth Company of Chicago slîould ho ailmauer f feak. ilver dollars of this year's coinage lu «- lu tbe home of every person wIxo values ailhat. r of ifrleasodU. u l d Loved Another Girl Whom He ut fui mouey. NMany o! these requesa 'Oco eonompgcbalhyut'Ie 1>00k cosstrat lfewolIfb. a foot sud a hi aIttI. neMarried-gnaplclon la Aroums.frontpersona wbo sean. to donbt the cui f42pgs eutflyllartd Tiien lie was twelve luches scroas theanau.! ie Arrest Follow.. of the. mothir coînage statement, white anid la sent free ou application. lips th bradet prt f afro. "as"others ask for shipments o! 18M4 dollars No furulture bouse In the worla lape te rades ae rt eo froggle aMr!, M.eyteI . wlth a ,lew te refuting tatements liat stands uo blgb lu publie cateen. as John t n i more. H.l Wa k e f rawu and'l a mlres un l ayn fr men r Jui no aiver dollars are now being colned. M. Mmytb's. PFor tblrty years It ban no mre.He as ille, dawnand Jame Pent n aYoun famerjus 26 These requests have been complled wltb enjoyed the reputation for honlest dent- *quartered and reudered luto fricassee. yeare ol.!, who livre, wheu at home, lu a as faut as recexved, aud tbe treasury offi- gsadfrtehh ulyofodi meat cottage ou a pîctoresque spot thée alsdesire lugs an. forbtbe lgh quallyno!egooe L I life, lie welghed ten and three other aide o! Homer, fart that wheu ilver dollars are0orderedIlbne% hrlantaWt iÏe ~WP~ teu mites tron. Web- louso rmlipe !$0 le Union to whlch Il dues not slip good, G 86 aler iy.cHarge.!wh ippe.! at the expense of the Govern- and.!i* West look& upon It as ls W tha Ment, but wben amaller sBnp. are or, ChLg suppl er.smâtrl andher ngraudmotheerd., the shipuients are made atthîe x- To have fnrntmbed lai a million Italinl$ Whh V"fb~ L '% . admiser lug pdol- er nse o!f e person orderlng. bornes la a dlstinctio8 few fiflaen oy, -gmme1ghtydi'r son.There la now lu the tréaaury $10,560. yet this la wlat John M. Smyth bas th. kuioWl ual son.0 lu froc msucer, fIatinl, silver whlch doue. lit the ne-w catalogue are accu- siohueM waead due te - Lait Fourtli of may b. obtalue.! lu exchange for ay surutatca u aiîbutscl- se mJuly eve tle Young lawful money, but the deman.! ju rteIlutrtiuoadw lhuldec i Ob fl mien IlAffYliÂN. womsu wbon. Pauilb no keen for 18M6 dollars that il so m lonso!tbusn.! 0 dffren atilf lia to the sItar six years ago, die.!. Ou probable that ly the beginuing o of iddsi ute to;n anloa ie. Flni the nlght o! ludtepeudeuce day le attend- th department will be compelled te de. Il a person a thousan. 'miles from Chi- tto wfthmllemQ sc1fb tiege Pot iss dana lwhom fho ine te psy out silver dollars, except lu cage cen furnlsh a bouse from cellar OV667wber. teemed no mth s lieha.!Mbnen ayimn tewotedfartex-change for smurer certificate« or trote.s-tagarret Just as well as by a peruonal eWhotvarne g de it aL, b tion. The !ollowlug Sunday n.orniug uheIlt es 0f eran umatso visil te the. store; or a single article mue resuedy Wbuc rsou *'Gradiua" Dulîn, Mr*. Panl's grand- ielte e ies cn te ranamyt oîrcfmay lhe ordere.!, sncb as a carpet, sew- clesadlmaw tbout býn mother, sud feorflic week ince bis wifes Ilimachneo hoerseldbiluceIclvtreasury te cover iti * duh hs huskepe. W. ca, oo.Ottandit gsuver certificaies ani treas- limcia,,aerst iccesov Uwbcl et.Ii rynotes. and wheu the minimum la up utl rayc I aypoe au!aetareache.! silvrer paymnuts troni. be re.-Indispensable te tbe home. chose, te ote" Thk e theomsntowebr aed bianHar- Ve 'he 15uha Mwere atere dowTe PudlMiss ar- fue even lu exchange for gold or lu psy- gSncb allbook lua agood thlng te have, wulist=ulyi a re~~ms e, ar! itd.oThoe Pool WusHae-meut of warrants ou the trea@ury.. nau sIt conte uothbug il abouldalie lu FIg o Sy lyl vete!,chrg.!wîb oulemudo. is The fumber o! standard ailver dlasevery bue cOu ommuuIty. Appl- aio yeofgd COMPABATIIU SiZE 4>OF TUS CIANT 51100 bride o! a week vwent back te ber home coine ds ngs nsow yteolars bouse luof our AND) A ILVES iDOLLARti. to lîve witl ber parents, and now d--ama netlasoub feOf ations uboula! le adâresse.! to John M. anath eo"es cacuecul mstatemenî te have been $2,050j,000; Bmytb COmpâny, 150-au0L W.flent soI <uarters pouads. lis legs trere tbir- Sc uteotieo h at ~ c Feb. imlai, $11212,412, tti*u si street Chi.cago. yate teeu and! eue-haIt luiches long aud te tery, wblch promises te ha ment n'u - - e-bmr, 1893, d169,the - two welghed five potînîls. Thte muu Uu I cusacmrronitng *p of IllfierLW o inwo wa eglt ucemacoa.biaSud _FiV1ëilche minis are cow ai h « wsegtIelsais.werk la $166,745,200, sud it la soid! îo hoHall'. Catarrh Cure. th. wellluo eee..hi Acolore.! boy named Jackson dia- atgttrpoaleta oiaeal h iceastitutionai cure. Pri8e 75cents. NIeMW %m adl rove^d the frog nai Milton lAke, near ealtgdete robablth tcon itha llnhwaY, N. J. Wteu te boy sawthtîn -o! standard dollars o! 1890 las bre Wheu the bair bas fallen out, leaving eI giît-lncii moutu gaplug fut hlm, lie r* - lâcrease.! t0 about $30,000,000, wher'e i h edbl! f1h cl afo hu Eiol lu terror. le fliongît îît am an stood wben the present administrtion there ia a chance of regaiuîug tle hair by nllIgator. 'l'ie allgator bas n great weuî mb ooffice. using Hall'@ Hair Itenewer. liklug for l111e colored boys, but tite 1 neyer unse 0qnlck a cure as Piso's PTNT. TRADEI fî-elitg La not reeiproca:ed. wrteu b821.48 PER CAPITA. Crefr ouîmpiu--j . fImr AENS t Circulation or This Country on Sep- Bo 1171, Seattle, WVard., Nov. 25. 1b,95. sseti immuvo 0 :1!.out te alligator îbey w., ute In-satre DO- iat Af)T1l Wwb te i w o te bave i »tmand 59Hlabftbt.çir=*& DL L 187L As ite anhl turied up the giaut trog. PtL 11 rlîutIPE. The Treastury I)ercîîtmentli monthîy balftheuuel-kowaetcA&Y? Akyerr,rer urd adbétcq îllaeovcrer Oas a bat et Debblne'E-ra- . nad the d,1,rcîo,, AU?.d. salIbuteu&a youn .ltikSul the deatit et the lice tomon and tle tub-. lrciuloun slateuttttaiows, as erlîccle.! wîttciîouîow. BebureîeIouet n.Iular on. rem 11 âStteàa1.>1E. am~ard-d te frog. Ile look if honte. sequent beitavior of the man who ahoutla after the big f xf--eeuof expuendilures over an.N.U.t u 11- lis tter celebrated Iis olIver v*ed bave been profector, point te hixu as be. receipisanad th- ii. ,i6l. relise iu the gld MsWllo' osiSvptiCllrTCWltatA etsrpem de 'ding a day or two luter. and t rog legs lI îlteonue respouaible for the. sudden reserve and seot),!u -'In luAugust, an teeuînuoeies ii *'- rae sîamaPrciîos, £ wt. meteon 1h11 jers. AdoerMa _jut t IMo out hinu.but cîtougit fur the death of botb. But if be in couvicte.! it ntusnally licavy nt in, rrease iu the circu- &suais saa.cOrsa oin0~. n centsabbotte. te kaow hat mnedlmm yayusm bs. %olole complaîts as 1the pi. i-o(de re- mutha by circumstautial evideure or bis lation last moi. 'fli trenettry lest sîstatice o! tîte festiveoaord, confession. heacily in gid coin a.ti silver certificates James Paut migît ha colle.! good-look- lu Auigust. The couýîî,îolis changes insi [l m Current Condensations. Iug. His hair le light and his cyes are the circulation during the fuiouh %vere Tie population th ie ortîl tverigmi bine. île has te appearance otan itonest lucrease ngl coin circulation of $18,- 109 wonien tu every 10 men. man. H li as resided ilu tie counîy Ove 702,027), aol rta illr certificntc-s $14.- 'Viere are lu lParis 8,000 wuîen trio yearsa nd lias inany ncuaiuîauîes, wio 0R1,223; aid on th:e tlr hat], increases were shocked iteyon.! mensure when Ile 'et $5,445.N04 iii grverback circulation, atrt Iteada of nmercantile bouses. wss arreste.!, cit:rged wiîî lthe double $3,145,ooçp curretî,- ,crt:li-ates, and $2,- Brn"eela contaia n dock triieli is murder. 1'au1*9 xtite dicdunuder uspi- 0(M.008 lu silv, rtrcquri;y tnotes. Thte wouud up by thie wlud, and never by clons circumsfauces on tlic 3d o! Juty. On total circulation uf ti. cuutry on Sept. i tiuin n d îtrs. the niglit of the 4thi lie tas eujoying life 1 le placed at *1,;8i19,!1,34, a fier capita at a coutfry danc-e. wliere bis partuer of, o! $21.48, agauoi $I,41llU.S3,028 ou Sept. France bas more nion. y lu circula- the eveuiugir as tite eue lie made. bisecele la year ago. TIie aiimointsouthlie various flounu in ruo.riion te il> populatiun titan two w e e k sa ater- do Euý ids et m,îuey iii'irculation ou Sept. 1, auy otiter country. ward. Before the 1896, sud on SîpI. 1 a year ago are Tire royal arsenal al W'oolrivlicm- mnariage ceremeny, chewu by the frliowig fable. posaot1,wowrmnanlishoiverer, there tas & Ift.i.9a. sept. i. '95. t.l~aniin 1î.5, cornî-n ud a obstacle appar- W old coin .... t2t59$ 7.576, fofly miles of laîcrnal raitayz. auSBandard allier enily lu the way. The îîi,.....345St 2.484 Tlic expense of let ng a Lotndon ftrc- nelgîbers say ilirasa Substdlarysîîver 509,M.467 W,0901158 aloi, flice Vaudeville, by i.tcctrleity. us- tIc graudmofter o' - old cert5eiates 88,867.03 49.982.089 Ing sturage batteries conuedi cd WIIIliMm PaFuI. His trite. 1 ercri r.,îîifatrîa ssajîl l t ie ebeen Icss titan hfrBle etlla ilver treisury 85.3,.1 ua,726 70ecut a hurbeen thc oysud ( (;notes ..........9,262.52&1, 09f,430.116 pride o!f"Grandma",'0rebck u 1 Bicycles seetu te havé taken flic Dulin, u ele aIeivcurreney cer- - DLN tiicates ...270,3-9,734 320175 place of brass caudflesticks fur ceddiug callcd, audIfwsULN atoi itnl pi-,t.4 in luEiglatîd. Priuressa Mand foIly te tiink site woîîld ever give lier not-,..........215798.526 204,738,60W r o Wales ln a sad fehave receivvd tw consent te the marrage of lier grandson- Totale.t3)l7i04 t635..2 lu-laie se acuia!1cr the deuiholi er Tee es r iselionfl ýdozetli oIlt i tî. fr I asr:. tue, lona u t d bull aiou fond i .c oral wirs of Margaret of Na- l'ite story flhe npigibors tell, and fheybi $7371.Clconohigsdc varre, lire aullior o! thce t tan ld if trader ctI itefre te Grand Jure, lug o$2,83,70, sI irbii boldî$2,t- iiai.e jusLt beeu diseovercd int titenation- la fIat Satîtrday afteriioou affer teenje crens72,01 ,S lîîl70$,34-lin lîtlin $2. alIlrJya ais Te oprise o i iePu a ýh"rnm"1iver. Iti lte ut herliantd. ilse store o! po 'tuis. tiore rms etr, dialogues Drlin. Tîey talked about the deatî Of star dard dollars îreie $1,211,016O, . an'îsong. cito ias acl a n ~bis cre and bot lonesonie lie weuid le .134.grebks$- If Dr. Ifuckltud. wola nd e old lady. fecitie as site ias, moved lersel! M. and silver treaelir. tnotes $1,084,00YS. " odFudtaL delertinaiiun ofthtecrtous of Itle planet &round and prepared dinner tor te tive. Tie changes itn de-ala iii Attgîist litithie Mereur. fronlte rtnions o! Enc-ke*s Pant cias m tbr ultmkthnau ienoiiey and bulon tutii are sitonby te outis rgîtbeair a tl' te ldbis pynipatity. Tlcy pariook e! Lhe .fl.îtfable: tiiirds adense as the carthlinlsleud eofmea. "ittsfadentfsergt" *in tr'turi-, In fr'mrry, te aaid. "Titere le a bitter faite te if Aug. . sppt. t. brtonieuer, as Iititurto Sttiiiotd. titat 1 don'f like. 1 cnui't drink any more Cui;o cola .$t_ >lti,7t78-t $1I Well,tt4 The Jiaatese are keeiing np witi o! Lt Sitehiadioniy finisied ahlaI! e! îe stanilturd mIi-er dol- lare........7.1. l3S1.03eMtit the dis-oe ries ot Sc! -lice. - cis or cnp, but tire days atterwaard sie.edi utadîry silver... 16,004.1-1 iIYJSi slxî-î-t rîîrouctonset ptofgralisspasme.ta.Fuis arreat fotlocre., sud tIen 8S1Il v e r treaaîîry sixtuilrepodution ofphoogrphscommence.!fte utravelitug o! Lhe cdam tiotes ...........8-1.394.748 35,478750 obtlitîcîl by merlins oethfe Roentgen ot circumstancea vvirtielmalies tle entlook eNaos ..t ..11t27,4811,76,8 rays has bei i ssîed by Frets. Y. Yani- gi3m for te accnsed. Ile ceas brongiti notes........... ia4 3t,7 agttclîl aud T. Miizue eto Tokyo Uni- toelite Webter City jait, criere le lias1 GotO buttion.....80fWtl 33,264,086 ver-,c-. lu hure mainfainedl a discrect silence. lHe Sliver butilont.... 11,753,758 116,681,74ü .a o r Io n a i n w t 'W niereus,' al ntc riie nTotals .... $2,22.i,2û$817.483,309 Loanlynyhu - UD.5.sI. A f oTL ton w h baud. Amuas, bas let i ny led and hourd AMERICAN GOLD MINES SEIZED. BadU A .L* It is the comre vithout aur catuse. t Caution ail wmm - __of________ di on k tuikiliutp titth lm. nne; 1 anithe tiird -CouadianuSurvyycraArrnauze feCon- so e o c nMY- ti h n euelita ho ias rouitieto dsîruuenfiscale Alasaka Fields.- ue flintkli liasg." e uditrcio nterest là;L.s ieen nroîîsed nt te State C tobaCCO that is botl'i RT( . an tb yrs dg.snviaîdCaru ! a-Departueut by te recettcion of Catta- s b *ae buvatang lrite teftPeaure- dian Goverumneut surreyore litisu iocafing $JW DJ . . iiere .is f0olbef4pp T'h=. L In hae ben akig th teipeauîlte oe uudreti and forty-firet ieridian t uf Pur InternaI orgalîs. Ttey Cuti f haî ,naote fIrot 00 g-= t mnes aso Caadio Il i ileti h omllvr ili territory. Tii. lu liLely at any lime lu ione degrce ceufigrade hotter ttItane asecirty e tcandi see forof yourself.a * nelie iinflla u îcrnigcannet le ignoreti by lte Goveruments o etan s o y u & I lest; hlu folc nou a lîecr iilthe United0 OtStatesenapug a large ratie tlic, spleen, ficeitoart, lte kidney, teUie tte tdtrn ritain. the arro, te brinthe usces ad tThese mines are net opera1ed by Anie&- Litemarew~ itebral, Lte mscls ani -icans, teouatîdaetfwbom lave gene tn flite skin. tlic Ataskan fields since te discevery o! gold. The mIncris tilt nef reodilY sîtîmit ~ i ,HOME OF THE PAULS. te lte ruies and! regutfions pre9cribed liy haCanradiau niunte.! police. The offi- » 0 » 0 001 9 ony deieslis gnilt an.! insista lis wfclt aidge o ectte ue rey.Ad o ni snd lier graudmother due, tien. natnral aydg etuc Ssie tesret d o nl P1au n rs lardly ptaccd afely bhnbu.he requircd before flles Goverument eau ok u 1~~~ ~~~ thebas S 0f teAIopr .fier con.- : :eltithtni brnprFo Inia o sofW trDa r& ced rem a oe egtalte ous as noir peinr-T Lydie L. Plakbm's VcgetaMc Couoed WiVU cure 1h. worst forme of female complalnta, ail ovarian troubles, in- fiammtion and ulceration, falling and displacements of the vromb, and coua- quent spinal weakness, aud la pecu. Llarly sdapted to the change of life. Every Urne Ih wiUl cure Bwckache. It ha cured more case« of leucor- thoea by removing the cause, than auy remedy the world bas ever knovn ; it la almot Iufallhble in snch cases. It dissolves and expela tumora froin the uterus lu an carly stage of develop- ment, and checksa au tendency to can- oerons humora Lydia E. Plnkhans Uiver Pille work in unison with tb. Cômpound, and are a sure cure for ecutipatlon and sick headache. lirm Plukham's Sanativz Wash la of great velue fur local application. dldotkn o <yne...dt J art, .r M flrnase. Dr. h a Je ad I.. th l P r . mtl the UnV. 9iand *and È YÏ-KEW -lIt. Skie eres. ;t- brm,ý lu. (aV nhsirhe id Surt.. o ra019Ki a Pr r. 17 r& Il J.. Sos. Ly. th e e' pI t 1 4 us le st ' aop. t . tory of etirr n . and ia i r.Ild.eîte l Vt. .. 10 Sspruce Est.. NwYk UI~UlU ne h K. rri fn th t Wr-u .Uthere, Ho, eebrsLaud Co- 9.eune 1h, ate Coilti.iere. A REM AR K BLE OFF ER! a4, cou eMM ostrecel". i;;;F REE Wrl e for eur C talogue. hJ(0 PAY. Addte e<m ADENTSAxny6iUhtd No 38-l»- ThecIns an( If you get best wear et have gene inho il, You pon flour. Moral: Yen can't get tht the best isin it; and the bc cati be laken eut. Now, v sarsaparillas with a big 66hb wha's put in yen and re' the best." That's fuir. 13î say: "Oh I we can't tell. th. lael... .Stop i Tht saparilla tbat has no secret t, want la kuow wlsat gees1 your doctor- to write for t! uatWy youmsli that yen ge argumient Whe= yon p»t Ày

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