CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 25 Sep 1896, p. 1

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ttrf.d M. O.4 «I. GnQorakiieo Illinois. PMVL MacOUFFEIN,, 4tfl Mad CassiSe, t Lav. L tvI1*, _Illinois. Far in ti entih*1,Wiscosin t1s5 fo- or si 5 pernacre. Good *&lter, roabdmi achools, ehureJaeeand plenty of them. Woan'(uk tcouusiîcartuenet O*Ïpdssy D»esrt." I vili go with yeu, trip 10 o oshait _RR. tare, e pnseto »esocuntry whiIe tbï»Md freýmakes parnt pny- todand-if jon bny. I amn ', Mtp for Lakte County.. CùIl or *tr ~iap~,tenais, ime etc. n J Lo abaugh. *,à tbý, Ûa 1%1Ia e Illinois. Reaidence a J. E. lRolcoeba. Offce - OposteDepol. Mlfw9 A. M.ltu jP. M. Afi" 6P. Ml. fIR CASB HÔTEL. * ..1I*4f-way Hous ... Nolpp(~*5goand ùmlite te Jhtiri ém -- Prop. fr W h"c, Waethe b. homo MW t ome tpurbm.d 4,mOm 'woeo eoutr V pWotuet? aloof*lt t!5 a referenes 90 anY umi - apSt lm1 *0wv. If thon feetssoau ulsol proet!ent, lte gmsu*ia e. ffloe mon, nos a dm4*e3 not rmanevs oa uîeetteI ' mas ltZiml-Z wtfW&lau§ht h. mç *palnh~4çatue, hoe ImayjIrale, cnsqnently no pIesIigON ls pà1ïpadmyle, enity la èudevor.jh- "atiflcf At 14 te 1r, wie tf Le mIffuysl frfomtths lis, eee ratio te i9lte 1, thaso eiaghat for' -colle"salignorance uvm b. 52 coeS. v o f 4 anMd c ainbatpdt.W. are ver In à adollar, the citiop cbgiwged vith 'unperdeuable credulity cou MI inaanrmiiy oe umeà Obt*vy~ ii le a n'bb1e vittue o!for gi!vIl ho effecuaiy ba"es~d < wr prtu a or the maintenance of se crraney, ailver mono.mmelis th. sauxe mo"Mlry standard viii vJ reign, andi vhoeo then *111ho tbas éai adoptet! and maintainet! your yvannlet!bimetaflisr*Of SI 7by lt.einoa prospoo f commercial «"mondoit!days of dont>!. lmbdtrd. nations. Me bai impugaed the flie vil ho lte great bboa c loyaIt$ of-ot motives for questioniag etoreancy promimed vbui -.ou IL lt* bYPothessietUa amorn goveramena I00,M0,<l'la goit! am re dnventr po 1atvi!enible'lte producer cf circuation? wittncssae Lt lm it D. ly-lree ceto vorth ofsany coin- propose "doubling' cOrurrsa modvte 0aucceuafnly ccopliait amoinf Moovdlnç Out imOOA.7IWlt lb lot oi f converting IL Imb - t4 ront circin. l viev o cne tdred cents by lh. simple tgrecklseait ndusdiaasm utilistion 0f an U. 0. minI.. té vhioh lte aignaes of lès usue 10 The gentleman asserta ltaI Ithere ahien taonm deweia'g< hje ton moaneyer hosancitsan entity ai a flfty- etruet, i itUglihlV. vl!te glana s0 Z lire cent t!olarbecaeiiipunolamang lS édefltion etthie »rr&. Wob9tn aOe woe il remmia uncitgt!. tu diooko l té i:».To deprfvefouse.v otiter vords, ho a«um a t aceU ivaie-le vlthdav &cmu mmseta valueevil b. depeciated lji a- ratio, mooey.» Nov depile lte f"eat ýha eomensrae wththmnire meamurs tgce 11 lte govormt bal sai of value. What lua adollarî IL ta io,oo,ooo ilmerdollar%, an or *SPld 1 aimnply a unit or miesnre 01f money avelegal tender te aMy aeaMdt anin a tr&Luly analogotto10 Ite eyard dursng the,"gond oit! day. etdeul stcvile momnres objecte. leasandard,' a peroid! cf orne #sigbS tesaay on. Insane enough te argue yen. re 0lt.enearioue(I) setel y 11*1 ltseaitortening or lengthening 73, Only%0p000 silvor dollar* vere of a yard stick vouait!aller lte ce e«" a tde7Ite 1 IMay, vs Mest dimensoniof the object Mesaured.& I it audmty equal 1the 5.5koe Yoeuetabbitefgiteen inchess a yard Illng ous tiat ailvor bas basa vit! and dont allertlits naine, you monil dra nfin e soirmonoy and! vsau have an elgitteen Incht Yard st1Ick, have ho proaperîty t1la ;tereuscgstied. if yon establiahIt flty-threeomss cet hgnlma mkslasluIf a*dollar you must inovitably have àanmaerttim: '-And gold hma.uomfer the fiIty..ahrae mcet dollar. 1luit Lv. or Mix yeas, ad la nov bain Tii.proposition la made,that ILvwonlt! rotincet mono raplt!ly tita ai=oM he eqnaily impossible tb have a 11117. It je obvions lta" a Moreta*MM tree cent dollar àant a six Incht foot.- prot!uoing vouid rosait la a large NOw hy l inte naome Of common proanot yot the. mint report sh." sa ena. 14itilnet poissai. 1e have eiter foiloea: proin'9900te1he.0o! 0ff l or both. Titere tane lav or nature ver. produe! 9.076,111 fine Oes.. lof &btIdictatea la relation tb aucit goIt! aud!287,0&7,00" ge us oese c abitrâry termei as cent, dIollar, f-4t, ilver. These are te correct figures.. 0 yard, meter, etc.. for tbey are themeou» e1 ~e the gentleman oredit> kS Inventions cf boclety andi vers knovimgb.wUerbut doubles.lie Save eatablihst!, titat facilty of expreseion selm credit th"n li article vojid In eommercial lalercoune might bho agena, sud onstdered unaet onty sequret!, at nd ukevaelu,. vitich la "gonaisîcuurbut unrmMdug asu vl! controllet! by lte law cf anpply ant! These are soins of my reomi tor demant!,thay owe aheïr oetence being nu foolisit s. te bave ocfdlteo enlialy, te satuts andi by statut. cou la Our grentssa fnanciers. IMviinot bc change&!. ollow precotucehowever mati add 111Je thon mt 0017ne$ ImPOmaible, a aertoon. Tb"a il! . ho se l exi but extremely eaY for congres. te hoveznber. Youra Sice.rsly, eàtalliah six iachtes as a foot, or fi!Sy Anva B Bxa. cct. on > dollar, but IL tla mnfety________ preposterons 10 mainlain tht yon enl get as ranch for six inciton of A "Bright"' Ide. lamber ils yon couit! for twslve, or, W. W. Aidermon. of Burlinglon, Win.. ltatIlfty-three cent. viii bny an vas atiteadiag lite fair lat vynck, antd inach -as cns hisdred cents. Tih. rarity or pioaty, te dilicnlty or eue incidenlally looking ort village over witît vhicb an article on» huproducet!, viit a viev te presenting tu the Logether Witit the demant! for IL. oar f truste.. a proposidion for iletemaminec he value 0f an artIl îltngJ.vlag=ii lotiy and nut eatut.ry lav. If a qnantlty-2h gtevile t lcret of tes, for lItance, is voxil cone Hia oplan inta ntoutpower at! put in hitittlftd conta nov, lte enactisent cf dynamo-er for cdemoat lampa. NO a ultat.ry lawviyl nt leasen le doutarrangement. conlt! b. madea value. Boit, Il Ihat saime lav aysa ifly. .111G. R. Schanck te furnisi t1he titrait cents vomt tf a given materla ia dollar, lte tes vil, sîlIl ho vorat noesarypower sud 1Mr. Ald "_ aon oae bundret! cent.sat! it; vin SLak.proposition .111 provide for titirty tvo of thos dollars te buy IL. We candi. pover lampa fer treet purposea are eoafrontet! vitit the a. atindsxe cniporla efr ltaIlthe omiver dollar of ulmtt a!axencni oe ap o coinage vouldthob.é ae an ehat reandenceat! buine placet. Me ia of to-dlay. A vont! tien as te vba te it p/nIon ath lte xlesa candle conslftslcont promut ailver dollar. power lampa conit! b. furumabsti for Thte goveramena parchasdet! I les$.0pryà n tetl1ryeo marktlvalue, silver bullion, mt .0endea a!lietilycnl coinet! IL, convsyingtirougit a statu"., pover li proportion, villa -a veny tbe knovlodge 1 f il blilgation malerial dimcount oving te thte t0 maintain lb. parItY 01 sncbsoin@U number the village voulti use for vitit goit!. The enly consideratlon atreet purposes. vas, that IL chousit!hav, upvln-j tendeuce of lte mints a trtiet te coinagé Of an amount cf silver, An Exltlng Runa*sy.. la excesa 90 'wba_ IL (te governent) As ýhe torses voeertiong 1lte couldt coaacienltmbuely grant.. te> 2:35 clos trot ai the fair lut Piday, mapintivety parThn towdUe ay ty . PSu der driver of Prince Albtert o! th.elimitet! nuiter cf ailier tièllampturnet! lis horn. la front ef lhe others shte colas, taking 1h. diffrence bo,%Sa tey vers coming up te. lte vins tween ahaitace and commercial vaine. o iat e.Vge rvro as the profit cf thc vIcia people cf01framr.Go.Vgdrvrf te UiSet States. 8Inaight Edgs locket! vieels vitit Wonold ou couoi th le govsraimeait lIna yder'm sulky, Ihroving bus ate lte Assumae obligationsunader an unîbixalet ground.. Tit rigittenedhte orsdaaied cinage? Lot uns ses. IL votait grant permisaofon telji, producer or ailver paM theicampitbeaare--and. énotant te brlng sverflfty-thre cents vot1 hetiraék.lMen rushedLthentiserck, ainjit!and bave ilcocined! laIe a.ltew laIs, vaivet!umbrollMand t!la 1dollar, mant Lwvulti lendt!hie, minI. I cter vays *grittenedthett oroe lua gottp pe.Titun fan voniit ilo, andi no =laltr for as theo rotie. them attempte tb stop tins. Ai Prince ,insteatio!r$the governinent votaiod Alletran up the Oatetet elte caJOY ltme profit beiveen te face ad uudgei stand >omeitousemenkattomtet! cocinuneral, - valnes, il becomac5 an #h vala te stop hlm by itoling lndtvidual adair, andtihie producer #44i ne otitor-ca, have angit t 9 de biaikae before hlm. Thte second vithlile parity. Tiie governaxeafi ime round te horae rapso usai 1h. couit!ne mosepromise 9 egaBlé" toson ante catch akuhky vIsée, break- sdou lla - lahlb.ocinag of vWs it t g 1on. Again 'hopasaed i te sos ta Ooapmecdty cf.agltOulmir. amm dv, iir o exr itge icotr ' e maiat.C.UM sb 115 ir me round lt eauji. As lte ~~ a buebl of et cota p4 »ý *tlse!lte 94& quarter polo Arve l.* ~u~pusrahl.UleS m e usitova Mon heut!along pîma k %toi% »* ti àXj ySer 4èsfn IiWb Ï"00« e nons or M, la e ir ut ab t le ig re d II Considering Weathu,,ý EXCITING4 RACES IN bue Dlmplar 1. Main Hall w» 090 Soidiere Mtsnd-Gome Fin 1OI etPrêmiumm. The Lake County Fair, ta opus threatening vether the satire brought ont a large crowd. àîi vass me taNk 0f potpouing th , lionday but as u Tasmda ter" indicated var vother for Wedneudâl as a poaailiity, the directors coe1u40 It would b. Injndioioua 10 o stpone,. WedaeMday's attendancevas poq# ad stands, aide entertuinmentas m fakirs wqro oorrepondingly #"mi.t1& Neyer before wue lter. no " concessions grantet! by the. aaaom m t1h18 year, and the veather 'od the constderate attention of monm~ h" ad big puice, for privilegosur aUln lavain. Il tat!rabjas lo be mea, and thon moine. Thte races Wedodgy, Thursdsy Eriay versexcOellent, in fout b tlionaI any pftviýomofair. Friday hbw hoeaes vent ln the mud, and tès ýthu@1asUiecrovd ln lhe arnphitheter enjoyedt itmnouelte lemu. Floral Ral le alvay. te cenero attraction for th. ladies. Rare ll ltai they dlaplay lIeui hndaomom ,declicate fabrice on vitich fMir. bands bave vorked for da.. lo Iom titingu viticit delight thepelote cf The diaplay of potteti planta vas very fine, and! addet! much o the. beauty cf ihe hall. Whie lte diaplay of vogu. tables, fruit and! farm producta vas nol large, tue thingsexhibitet! ahoveti lIaI lte solitof Lale Oeny couit! pro- duce mai large cabbqge, beeta, melons etc., asulte moat favored ecime. The trait exhlbited vaexcellent. Mont of the upper 110cr waa taken up lly fancy vont. ilere one conta meo the vor of the needie lin£&U cf îIt Weecion. The articles exhibited ver. fumerons, and! many sitowed not ouly days but veeka of toit. On. vlng vagiven over .to an ex-. hibit' of painting and crayon work, manyqf tem ruaIgents ot art. There ver. also ivu very fine exhihits of modern reflci. There 'wore o! course nmie vacanciet in the eheep, avine and!muIle *tous, but diaplay vanover botter in ttis depuaent, anumber conaidered. Tite Oikwood Stock Farm, 0of Prairie Vie., aocnred many preminini on their horus andt! hongh Mr. Dickinson supenior aezb s»»on, yet tIey sitovet nome eftte Witigs bred to scktever exitibitot! aI any shtov. Thil fana, to-day sMandi la lte frontrnmk tu lte Suttlagboum.eint!uatr la inte agte an& ias fit teen puodnclag broot! Mars a fealure ltai fev fermne poisbosu. rhey breeti nuthing butl te bighesl qually anti ailstandard, under lb. raie. Titeir stalliona ars of desirabie biot! mrains, pomsssiang great sped,-qualiy sut! imdivitualaly. »AMlY 8. hba arecord! o! 2.14tanti proisbly vill neduos ltaI 10 2:10 before te rsciug Maison closes. Sant!y Bayi record of 2-12J viD unt!oubtedly b. lsvere t 1 2:09 befons many days. Mu. Dickinsson desinea bo encourage breet!ing aithomeatidviiotrer lte servises of above herses b Lite ~tieanay breodera etst atraotiv1srates anid tenni aotier yenr. I. A. Em111, of' lnkvoo. McHeuy Go., eMhbltet!nmins ie torse.. Hlin broot! aIcre Nanti Stormeown lte fraI premnium for shovlnglte Ivo liaI ocelle, Iaviiig noverbas iteaien la lme shov ring. For 1h poa liae. y.ara*e bas takon Ut preaiuan sd gaas4 vep.teke of émail treodi aI th. mqnUyCe. Pair. USt. in.-dam of PU »"»% trial 2:w, 14' *oe iSsast, ir., éS-lt. Rer laut tIre, lLômlare by C.A. Appley'mhborms1 M*46$Iglt:7t. t* 411tent, Tviilbby )9"tdI tu l lv'> yeam oi&tt!,h ugpbeeltia ia la 9:40; ovuetd hiN . N ellis, turner. IL lite viii luely go la Sie- Uit nexl yM e a Mli Yser cl& Sun- bea.1 yeetlig pVs«r 14'IlUlght, w« dm tprqmim. lo14, sno$1g colt, hy - Mit8i n t s~ econdputi um. M,$fil ta a &*of OIepat! ssrétéhbea *ir o ih ip*g%4C. '*1 kNono Few as In Pric~ the Konst mad thett cêm 1!.Y. letam'.disquy 0earmine o%%u iisstWammoonda, tArin mal.1kDem vugmusandthie Gsy & Boule carsaes .mqgff ii4 boules. atractet!mmait avoa> re W.1u use emmomt. Witl tià, 4isply la Viéti mieabmvastIevexsa'.EgPu émou Ccim uaitr and ti tler i àmueIis a vosiestul Invention, 1île 5 gs S~ s ee ien s ie . l s sm a m ,ngu MM4al UY l t Iity. leWcnk la gootiMdanti .1th «*».yh5.mihine .111 baume au dm u ipn tt"osai b.gottea 90 k m abr àWss leMn ho ted,at!dliter. ta ne ý@ M**buimis ta kIsot c opachy ase bas ftroin I ýb oomIcti vith t cer machines. i. Thesb« SisiW ordisi elcom ate. ail 31 » vh~a.4ue4ia et aIhome la bis Le«"tV on4l, sd sverything jae mplaieg mdb bY ýOMP&Mtatendant&. Tie big secnd Osa «Unalaqeraîiolly" in an eje- aituWm @%t@béxam amues imme»dite Mdter mm las MW &a adr" m= Tbm&àfoetwempmm 0four.* ont »**âq bt lès M, nesm b Titis 'v~ ie e Tl* dr%&' mta a o lfry *111.dt, o Thon~êeump mn. eThe Mâ"B 1 Luatoi*1o it reat osiglil cf ls e Pu* 11 11e vatlny ceaie cul, B "*,aIW OUMaplay e .edigsc" ~ «0, wm g ps* oationa. Tiq x. bd, -$mem b.atwoo r e p erforaio v's ometot .~ lb ovation. odiuitb heré mms elee it vere as ti55MFg Pl""yet!iadwla ng ra, but 1lam* ae.I e! thaýtI ap.mnerowd geSte,- Oume. et! on 5h ào-4 th*boys plyod - bâl of»*-0a e tri A .*$ , tlol end 09 tz t~êaig h* ox.m d é e, fveo fo0 W o e o fHuui snd Pýý ploi qsv mat!tho * srinet bWllimt plai m, use*g la aalut-ouito4.d m anolter r» -*#* madesountil lie let M1 hait cd t" $181 inaing. ÀA temét ?bo . crovd of IveSlt$ poople vous vatis- vur hI lte alith 4S$1g vwuemog$0 aineg b, T**& neuoplm Sjumno, Tif boei lit a ailwqe $b'* verais hbueio put euq I$*1d h%5k vet &tP00 and aloed li ssls -to ron à* two lahmé*p5 wbist gave $ktba PhoU&. Tite MW$ wse Iveetes, ait; Riuilot Park,.ye and theU1s Ae ti, o ina; tai. ua"ff becanse bUgMVW Md t! teaY m* i lime vemby tiilh14f tw mut! u.20v.ib»le. 4eePgD horaes MAti 4m*Yp liteb nol clsg dq Imow béats ihl" brigistOM Ie

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