CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Oct 1896, p. 1

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t the sxxp.a1mwwl etSIu cheranh $MotW.,Poorer. 5* - - - ,~ ir*.moz ~ Y~e**Ivtsr4k. ~ if Amostso. POiSip,5SOTI 7- .e~vaa 0W-e- ~m.TueaAsp NAm0N' 0 it IS4.E. I o 0 Md 7to aP. IL raystakeIllinois. PAUL MacOUFFIN, AM$âi@W md CoMWOWmait Uai-. OnsWrmv LAIS CooNvTB&mo, Uhbertyville, Illinois. à flrdime*sIfyou by a Wisconsin $1?ff per acre. àJ b. wl ieny of thero. Wood âs4 Claik connUes art net &"~ÂSsdl àrt." I vU1go with j'.u, tiip t. ccii Lau B.B. fare, notroupanato seeceountry vhile dwuits up fare maltes part pay- iusi ong land if yen buy. 1 arn MI 4Mt1 ILbe ColiDty: Cal or wnatJorllliI>i. terme, urne etc. John J. Longibaugh U!I"8i.S,Ç Q e, Illinois. WHP. SWING M. D. leiecea . E. iHoleombe. prie. - - Oppomite Depot. H« .,re éA. M. 1 o 2P. M fer &P.M u WN OTEL. r~ ~FftpTLASSHOTEL. 9adQtarters. hi" -'Prop. t..... t*& GO. osa. ring ý1j"fl bupoâIbI.$o bavfes aMx tff Mda-kWk$ee -cout denseý bt*tI a.i ihat Mtibre lh no suJ thluga eba ~ . 1n, the United OSt th iifoot ti't ivo Ièemsud ib* ÎÎÎl»1914 aU aler foot six incitai AM so er dola, llty-three cents, bu lhôbus doe noach thing by 1mw, @ho.bas made a foot ivolve luches ma lb. dollr a hiundred cet. If ibis in Boi Pbal'Ood simple enough for the, vvitor of iMW article lu yoar laue cf t. Set. mei 1 ould sugettihalý hi #tie a loea foot measure sud cunul &Mb lce ou ht, sud ihen taomeà eliver dollar sil go te morne one vbi hms theonsudbée. how many cente ho 0»ea get lu exehange for i. Tité MtsUtery 1evo do.. determine thé sannmber of Juches lua5 fout sud thse -» nmber 01 cents in a dollar. If the vriter yl go ou in his Investigation 1 bo *111 baid tIsse attemeuls .*0 ho truc, and il he studies th. moue! qufltlon thoroughly I bave ne doubt he vii becsas..nau dvooate sud voter for the adoption cf our ovu bimetailic 9 money as are so makny republicaus evr day. Let me presume te lusirnet hlm on Auother point. Wbeu vo speak cf tbe amount o!slilver in circulation or the amount 0f goid lu circulation, *or sbIpped, vo mean tbe value or the aiuont lu dollars, lu Eugland Lhby wold une the term pounds. if the vriier vill investlgate the question 0f pmrity ho wv iiiid tisai bis ovu goverumesut dd keep ailver aud geld ai a parity of 164te i for elgbty yeurs andi tla probable that theseoau d viii-do it again. ne caole t an asitouudlng Maternent tisai gold bas béen for the luat five yeurs sud la nov beiug more rapidly produced than ailver. Let uissace. I have before me s gold standard pamphlet. There la tise statemeut undoubtedly correct for the putafve yeara l89i Gold.. . .* llo...ia.o lm. *.... xm.uos -.... u.s.e floi 18.297e.00 " .... .o -us ... .e - ...t.gsn *This late b.auuaproduction cf tMe venld of gold sud silver sud sows vhether my satamezat wvaorrect. 1t demustratea sothor tact, tse CmOst importanttact about uey lu ibis eampafiu. The gold standua people are ellisungus te Ume th&i the vaine et miver luna&dollar hsm ge oufront on. hundred sud tour ce n 0 78 *0 ffty-ihree cente in W9 00 onscouai 0f over production of ilver * isille boeo joaee that gold bum 1been produor.d mont ropîdli sud bas kbeen gamuing onslver rîglat &long. Ik t1 surprisesme tbat lu face e!j ach facd pople l resd sud repsat sucaisteaiemerts. I gay agin tisai tb. Oliver in a silver- dollar bas gont clown from one hundred sud tour cents lu '73 tu lftY-thres cents lu '90 beoause, it vas demouetlzed sud that if the 1ev la cbatàged ad olilver pet back 1 vhere it vas fron the tInte h vas madle ourflirst sadard mouey lu 1792 tii 1878 th. iliver iu a aliver dollar viiob. ots much as it vas houre 19 vas demoneUlmd. Nov Mr. Editdr la ihis net go sonensd ooed reasoning? Teounces oft ver produceed intishend lu in1M9 165.000.00 bearm about tisesamnepo portion *0 gold 9,8%,126 as lu didx% 1873 veu tier. va s 0,267,i7ounces of sîlver sud 4658.675 ounces of gold1 produced sud our goverument le vetaW0y esastrong te do vbat it vteses la 1896 as ivas lu 1792. 1 caunot sem anytising crazy or dishonor- able or dishonesi about Liisa, but Coodi &sente sud Amnericanias. and patrioim1 la It. As smoii vise precedent v. have tise action of thoe vise men inlu 1792 vho foutded our goverumont sud9 Our mouey symies.. W. bave tried1 Engisudsa single gold staudsrd for tweniy-tbree yearmsud hla iâruinlug oui, nation sud our people sud I as evety reader of the IixNI>PEnMl vhy ho should Bot vote andDuse binlu iluence *0 couviuce others t0 vote 10 put us bock vhere vo vere aud happy., We are ail- lu isr Dovwsud vbat hope does thé onu. Nexwtly psrty givs us? Noue vlt ever. . Tlsey propose no oag Tfieysimply gay leituthexi- metegle gold standard to uT ioaa mynder vhieh the, rich me geuulnt -rlelse-and thse poor pocrer ' reomain 3 S& irishâbt party bas n»v ,"»Wsstihe- ricI mon n sd ub sud riait syn'dcabm 6 wu vrMug mas Ssud ne UU 1axlue Joad teoso by powe, sud buy vitittbl ail vote$ enough *0 kéeeyla vIeq-S 'ovbcbaIse mussiiI eluet m huble et bsud <hé * o" gh ba 00-» ée l a« o - p thei. 4» boy mptint oswt o 'fatuera d o entoite, vonu mNo vromg la miUug àra asipd Who Mii vote the products cf bis labr- aSU but a miserabie living-bIto the C: eIOf a1 &lot Of Tf ch eeMOM4 i Damse th"y have bonghi U ev 09 to-day la about sas mack Methe republicau partyof Liaolansd Soyad d umner es hevise. 1k. virtue. 1 & a ademocrat buitI1viii bers Ocfdemita My democratic frièmda that 1 have verkd sud voteitagaina. ibeir il wamor4Dy for the pami ton Y«»r., istrange Qta1 I mould nov aak r6publiosa farmers and '.ohauiomto voie agafiattheir Party Whou a' bau j"i under-control of thue, msa da hmen vbo are vcrkinga0"ea ibir bard earnlugm mo ta t may b.- oouae licher? Wbat gocd vould I t do ron *0 put lu pover a Party Of a cetain name vbioh Propose* ta do vbat you dcunt vaut doue, or ta omit to do vbat yen vaut done. Isam sometimes provohed te say *0 myseif th&& If the farmer viii ootinue *0 vote down his produce- ad the lalierer voter *0 b. rlaw. sM'an I cau stan& lu. The0 ut ' snpeoffle are growlug l in dos. sd in*eif- eo sud lu the knovliedge of ihe ftnportauce of their vote. Il ibis spriiisencoomagod sud impels thera to set, the repuhlio is ate. They vllQ neyer rami easy *0 b. ruied by au digmrchy of gokLd This lh a c%îai- paigu of tudy sud edueation sud if there h ilme enugb bel cea eleetion 1 bave ne test 01 ihe remult. The people -Ill lesa go tbnk for tor- mgees ndtogovemuthemoelves 111 have Muy oiher purpose tib ibis in vritUng theme articles 1 do not know what h in. * C. C. CeruMANw. Reauhare Roturn. The orders Ismued troma the War »epartment PridrnySePt. 18, rétating go the granster citihe lStÏ InUfntry trof Fort Sheridan t a vestern post did Dot allant the tbirgy daym practice martbchtt thetroope vers ou. Many suppomod tg vould resaIt ln thelr recali. The regulara arrived in Liber- tyvilis Priday aternomon outheir returu sud oemped on uhe Fair1 Epoundaovor night, ieaving Saturday mOrMing for Pt. Sheridan. The I odionsnumberod 572 mou, *0cluding officrasud made a fine appearauce. Theyareunuder oommand 0f CoL. 1 B. Crofton, « commandant ai Fort tvonty pieces aceompanies them. Republican Ralit'. There wl bc a Bobuplican Rally ai tise Wilton Opera lieuse, Antloch, III., Baturday evoniug, Oct. 3. Tise speakers o! tse evening viU b. Judge Charles B. Donneily, ot Woodateck, vho vil keep thse people svake vlth bis eloquenco sud vîticluns ou the political asiuaions of tise day; Bon W. D. Boyce, of Chtcago, viii deliver a politîcal addreuse, accomapylng hia remarks vh stereoption Illustrations cf tise subjeet nov luterestlug tbe people. lHe vi ise lactlrov on tise cauvas pretraite asad local Bepabilcn candidates, sud flash Uight1 picture cf Use entire audience, a1 marvel of pisotograpisy, vbich many1 cft the Iexdlug -photographers o! Obicago naid could net b. doue. Mr.1 Bojos'.s addresses have been receivea 1 vith rapturous applaus. visarever beà bas appesred betoro Lise public. WIII l v. aConcert. Tisas vil bc s concert ln tise M. E. tureb, FTlday evening, Oct. 9, 1896,1 given itider tise auspices et tise Ladies' Aiu Socie$'y. Au excellent program bau been arranged vhich -vili bo yhade r y r hoe. talent, asalated * tamfront abrosde Tise ladies lireucoredthe services o mus Joui a Idi,lb. yeuup vllu h o is blp~ ere ajear Ug. -It e'b"as mnce iM* It #Mrize inau te annuafl4 cdnteut ot the -Oottchalk cf Obingo01 Ail ,aao #year ag illb ii sd $ôe !Romember tisai the Wauconda Studio yull ho cioaod after Oct. 31. Novahibe ime *0 bave your î>lcluro "aken. Satisfaction guarânteod. They are se Utile yon hardiy know you are iaklug tisem. Tisey cange no gniplng, yet tbey aci quickly sud mot thorougisiy. Sncb are the famousi Utile pisl knovn as DeWltt's Little Early Rimera. Smail lu aize, great ini resuit. For sale by F. B. Loveil, Lîbortyville sud G. C. Roberts, Wauconda. - The Republican nally vas attended by a large crovd. Hion. Geo. R. Lyou, Chas. Partridge. of Waukegan, aud Mr. Coen, of Chicago, aud Hou>. G. E. Posver. promeut aud addressed the meeting. Mdilenry, Nuda, Cary aud Barsingtun ere represonted. Mr. Lyon and Mr. Fos ili be vill supporued ln ibis vlcinlly. Democrats Nominate. La"e couniy democra.» mot ln convnuilou aitise tevu hall, Liberty- ville, Frtd&ay, Septembor 26, snd placed lu nomination for cotiuty officera tise toiioving candidates; For Circuit Cierut, Frederick Grabbe. For BStes AtL'y, J. K. Orvis. For Coroner, Dr. Neabi. For Surveor, B. W. Large. The laL Lbhree are Waakegau tmen. It le said tisai ihey viii mnake a vigur- oua cauvae. lion. George Wailîe vas chairmian oi the convention snd William M. Dooley @eeretary. There vas a good at- tendance, every tevu lu the count3' being repreaeuted sud voting. Reoinitions vere adopted, endorsing tise Chicago plattorm thtroughout sud the policy sud aime o! Gov. Altgeld, as tfolove; 8MYt Sreyoé, Lee, el Wauka IDbe ent Oubusiness, ueo. liche returned Fddq f*oi las tie*î& the dCi. The »vi#tsmly vilrotanttothair bo«»elathee*y thls veek. 9A.Ea Jebauso., et Chicago, la mp»Ï& Dug sa fesvy4daim u is place. ' Mr. Mlatosb, ofs arnguon, won Our mresBtsurday o1 lust week. M WA number froS thiis place weuit,'to Waukegan Monday, to attend Coourt Mfr. Macelroy. or ElgIn, purohased. & 1fine horse of Jobu Basel yluti weq.ý' B. A. «olding vws a Waukegýn eud Atloch VIsiter Mouday and Tu.sday. J. Spencer in running hie sorgblm Mil l ull bisai. Hiti sorghum Je W- J. Bauge and Mrs. B. O. bu vent to Luke Forest the tiret of $ho veek. Rerman Mainian and Prof. Koch vere Bârrington callers one day 14 week. John Blanck, of the Waucoud, Leader force, île baving a vacation thiq week. Mise Lucy Spencer, of Avondle, made her Parents a short visit r.- cently. , oe t SndAY 1ev. J. & Clark vill preach hie farewell sermon in the M. BE. churcit. T. V. 8locum hems Put In a f il Une of hardware in hlm mtore on Mill street., Oîve hlm a eaU. Mrs. F. Hammond returned Weduee. day of last voek from a le w veeks' visit in the City» 1ev. H. J. Shutt of the Chicago University preached in the Baptist church lest Suuday. MsGlYnch's uew house is rapldly nesring completion. The masois have Iliihed plastoring. Mms GeO. C- 11obertm and elîdreni retUrned Friday from their viait wlth relatives ln Wisconsin. Miés Florence Buggle'a has just recelved a fulliUne cifa l miilinery. Get her pricet bofore purchaslng else'where. Mrs. L. Kirwln aud daugbter vili move to Volo ti8 sweek. They wiii make their homo vith Jas. Rirwiu o! that place. been, uuIl this year, astrong llepub- liSsa, but Bryon sud free coinago cap- tured hlm, J. K. Orvis, candidate for state*s ai- a i ierney, le s yotrng sud proulislug ai. f4 ternoy 0f1îVsukegau, and poasesses al u the requiremeut8 nccesaiary to make a _ B. W. Large, who appeansi on tise ticket for county surveyor, la a rosi- dent cf the county sat. He ha for soma Utie beld thse position of elty s engtaeer, sud is a coulpetont surveor cMI sud civil engineer. Dr. Neebit là s promlinent physician Ra o! tise countY snd f uliy capable of per-.E formiug i he duLles of the offce te N itItVOU8 Trouibles aire due te uuaý erpooigts d hlood. Ilood'e Bar- a saariBls alàthe One Truc Bîood .31 Paldam UST tE T NI. 1 »ILx AttfleÀ< ,Unera. Edward Olarkand wto VktorWi 'nn ulsa h1kB BlClark'sE shoie sbt None MIILe and w to Donhag ý lni-y P150 Pt t2in ilil.................. m Claderçlla "rduer and w to William A Ctaa-}. A mrnos sd w to RICIJard F ~3UeaeMllt71kà Bord du Luie Truetem' e UaM B churah of lberty- vtIoitja rses Or the M B curmh of UsIsa02 0sPte t 60 364l(ILw.. tI 17, s sd w 50411 raMs ep ll aoo 48 40(J..... ........... lm Ta, Wl ltAIiFuYlersand v to J î Pr~lWalhrL lu 20 and pt klk 29 B A tfhtsodv and pt 15 tsao Il ....................... if your bormes are poor sud don't et veilfi i» IIpsy you to bave ibeir toetb .w$ned. There in a mu. t a the coi tares vu ho undersiauda te buisIness. 1-i Site i 1 tif tmffl Uoolatàmed Latter.. The follo*lng la & liât of letters rentatnag ln t he Llbertyrupont mi w c uncafl efer Oct 1. Wisen x.WIng for same pleame aMi sdventtlae& Clamra adckCOcra Burdîcut. W. W. Laamiha, lMma A. A. shpuan, Ida Weck. G H. slueÂsc. P. IL Our faciliti&» are acuaste mate $1 bo ycur adsAtfge te seeeus W , bml1 ne îd 0t $de bUis. promtpt Wu& ai reasonable price.. We the Demoeratic pari y 0f Lake aCtuty cnunty, Illinols, lu convention asene g5t. bled, do herebyreafÉLrs. oar allegiance h.yreOC te Lise truo honored prtaciples of De- Court for1 mocraoy s laid dovu b v Jefferson anud Jackson, snd unqu-alilleciy odorse an Wainke» ratify tise action é! th. National Demo- oratie Convention receuily hold lu Chi- cago, sud eepeelall.y ibat pari of Its patrndcelarns for theg Iree un- libe. uiag f ot 914Mdltoi. nt thepre&« lega brati sud1, 1 itve1 vîthout vilutig for tise aidor consent cf any nation on cart. W. heartiîy pledge *0 'ise ucaninees; et LQi convention, William JenDtugs Ira Bryza, cf NebrasiasMd Arthur seveli, of" Main., Our Mo* btt spport. Boflla, ist u s auhdis esMwat Ope. to everypounci Of" a trial of our gOods, turn*ý 'We have an ectra large t Jacketa '-'Blankets ItYarns - Shoés an~d Ooods. It's getting cool now and yt some of these th Eariy customners 1get' alvoatage ment and th owatt ericqe, COTTON BLÂNKT Çî'

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