CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Oct 1896, p. 2

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ia BIatt Lac- gat en0 ool- ee 4rbt a 0 whoh lubihmc enaM lira. ypu -usby tshe flPl e #t -Qlu able i bkmtiof fri'tua th t veeas have almeas r 40etiulaappearst bain relief, mach 1 Lhopmp, hT aps!ofitI for - th refile ftht s whilci bava bet 1usad Asualet, Tit el" aI tin le a x he baud «chril le&. Tiap are hom pe*aUlese. mI&" te te.op t Ott h 1588eau.w OUI ta OsaWbeelail fi P4te.' nVeau goss h the au% tues at ail 9 iiw Im t t,&& nsm 6céathemu s'eu i -i t- lg*Wosau.B eu".. Sut thuéWeteru Funiry Cotn! at AI- fo le bout av«eudami8thtreet, Chicago, Of . = slboeon. 4 .clock Fniay titernoon, Ju OW' tag avp be ewin Who are »lu lie.offie. il >, tué *1,4)0 i t h lé treamrers dacit andiet t. '4 ay, ring aI leiaitpusuerd t liaite bd wmet. Policemen la tira. patiOl -vwalonsM " iami lghty Iworkmia tram lihe faundrj ti M4 bfIliweti ehe robars, vite avre la a bus- tI au gybutlie pursueri avala too fan lu tis a klé ruarset the e-hagilngof the. chose. Tisa g bugy of lie robbere wae broken by a col- ! wila itb a pont t California avenue ai ad MOti ro. Tien tbey raun a i laIg"sisala amilk wagon. irai a bol- t: WWb uth lé mfikmnales aidsped tway p laelie vble saitam'is e lorne would V gnos. The mik wagon macs atenaan re-b %"w coveredai 8123d place and OakleY avenue, C gl- viie thé robhns lit IL. 10«l Wb NsPot ta Be Chean. Xe A. Pittabnrg dicpatci saays: Tise low' mi ptic-ed bicyclemb asnoue. Itl iI ualbe c-, mainfacturai any more, unlesa under W- 'uïtraordinary circumatsinces that are ual "u Mhiel, to arise for lis beuefit. Tise manui-t 01t facturers ai standard aviels have takenJ a- emnrgae action toi extermilale lise ciseup à *àe machine and adopt a cyteni wlicb ailit d! ha effective lu keeping theise aapriced1 t0 icycle from becominu a competihar agaiu.r MO Tic Pope Maanufaeturîng Campauy, tisei th Gorululy & Jeffeny Company, and other ha lediag makeri aifiigi-lasi bicycles havet au been ati 'unitfornosame turne tryiug ta Ï06 devise a sahema by whis lise influence af! thé ceatpbicycles conti ha cheekeai. Th(yi l«- vare assistai hy allai manufacturera, cu- ' A" lie movement cuiminalci ai a meet- trM SAS heilu ia heHatl aWliorf, New Yonk. ye Wbat was snpposeeita ho a meeting ai kbu wiongti on pipa manufacturera avas top ;»alli a meeting of tise manufacturera of lie bircie tablas. Tiiera avre rapresenta' vaé livea present ftram cacisofaihelie lvei lu-1 ïMasmanuiactunlng tisat clame ar tubing, la u ni a compact. aas aterad mb aviicis tua Iidrve ouI tis e ciesp vieela.. SLest of a Fessous Character. VZa Elbilie G. Blunt, wvio aas Intimalely LIaq assocltud aili John Brownu lu coniuctîng lhe undargroueti raiway lu Kansas, aud vas aise an active cout in lise civil aar. died at tise taniiyhome, lu Ciicago, Tusiar about midlgisti1He aas one af la lié earlp' maIlera ai Kansisbaving gone hier. lu tise sprlng of 185. A iomesesi 1ev wiqa takenup by Sm wien pelgisnevre U110 low, aud a loue isouse separalai by many 'bi mlle. tram aevers therbaibitatiau aas tle My- OBulî hiing tisat relei lisbe inary mou- ttc' otolay -ailie ruiiing prairies. Raids by 1 fa lhe Iluouriane batore tiseaar, the don- *de. gsetisatheunderground ruilaya ni thse sud hardshipi of the civil aar avre ail gone thb. lirougi by L.his hardy pioncer sud us tliq fitis ilie. Tie trials ai tiosistrani- f e, loua imes seamai ta strengîben rallier piél lIâscake bilsnobility aif character. AI- , lioniéh. vas kuowu ai a datighty scout aÛ ant tdetermuluai man lu hi@ ielp ai tise '*taPlag slaves, yat ha hai a lavable ns- igt- 'turc atgad nteis disposition. réel- 'Ri Evale for Traie ln Afrca. 'TiselJilis Goveramnt bas recelvi e pôwanfui cinilus ta Increaici activily lq, Oena>ia vitlatisaconstruction oflitm a$ rair=adlltaqrm tIése astcoasaIoi Af ties t le lgnd be'tbaneava tita aCompany Ne" 'has bec-a1O n uBerlin, compsai of cus eoflite , rncipal bakeri of Gaiý efMaur r o aecnsrutofaia Germen rai liona wlhh ii0poelsiespe reintise Coat &alr le thése atral. African lakes. Empenor Wlllam'se' Government hsan uudertaka to-efray ee-ital a hecash 'aiftise e - teriî*, andl as théerouta ofihelisi eti, tbroasé1 Gromay'c possiessions lasifflt atlas.« liap* bean krvei'ed by Lieut . a ac t et Iligltisi an d G erm auai muoe- 4othe *4at iai sets et the Park Cou« le1 ra- -aitbuagalu 'amrneit. At. Taltai Penr.- Theii frldali tram tnlchinoéi la Chi. eao vitha»algit mantis ws ieport*p Uneatoth l la htsdapartinant Wednaoua IDe- The vettm vus Annie Pawere, 17 ye* SM f a. Tise girl Wàs tan alick irée V&M*S e go *fieri avinig bt«a i pat '10 1 s êb ià it'u. Bshe tietila great ?Àu > 'M Wlt ut eantiae were:,but foutrcaasf 9lust deae la lise city, aid eaeisprove Lt 'Iay Teuiplelon, tIhe ectraus, bah aloue ttia Mri. Brown. a ueplsewiof *ut î$-W*At*tker. o'ci laldeplt. Te ime. ~fh~prngBldma@&s.,Uaur4si SwLaM~,r ill t atisas Fay ba -ber Iruaks ebéci 'ho tb outrcel liy ara supposai 4o li piau alle 0f et etb7 1141167. ~ loa DalW", lith e eilstm eaI 0' 0 sO.T.,cmmittai cuicit, oét 1h1tulpltho hehurI lu thiePiM e Ia vifs.-Heinasuppoeehw Lma. 1,rmi -01 bits réuis n lrougi wenrg over Il M*M 0itemuase r iabq l s aiilly ~ ,~ W9~t ooei(* A. Ba-"*Ca. m er0 elu for cf1 ina te tb ig dat wil pIa bil Cli en At Ju ve reg i» Tj tl ne si ils.' UWBJettrT ma se t leu P cmile.. nt. amtibd P*«o be ete" aueue âu*W*éi=, iBt wu aU*. G«& eu~ û&uite. la olu naut lufthed km au w1kaqt ce.teyau'e ufal-' lsA*14k paer beaIoua e i'li. en TithI e uscaoer. h nr veatmIralu1888Ciesngof the 1i. s1tt jo cet lat t ahr Mtflit 1oloin F. eae, . an otiar . oIpet1" of bo l unie»Vrs âw #$VOIW arnue l e bo. o emaentbot pita pralloof b »oM nd enaH ne boe Colage.8o to all! as..eà &bapn ter0i0nst tutinartieyhnue E thea4Wlo0fus or acalvai sereW Iuel t bulding. wita thepobe les of teampipeiTe building andelicou- Finition o Nothapon raplac to-da à* ist itution,.alors Fotuata li be Ile 40s retudn orfacuti era lub- md. onelagestuocuilaoa b clre orlg- atiu i moaendtyletramotane ovenetri rati be. doe buIldig ancottaec0acon- bot 'Wire tndaifor$100000.nd "ComL. Iin of No tuets Apoie gmaslua s itlttion. Byaye ithat eatpi wiiitha an o tWard etaldng.rtad of hn- vhoua laeruture i l anphrobable tal ilv heea dope bailcottge whcoilln »St $25.000 10 $311.000, atnd$1c0,m00- IIIproaîr a bult coed tt ter lCse of he on u riethf thSouthr- Mcii Trust a$d5Ba000, s u sea sO th Grla Law trtc 1,d t Cover aBCset Ahtanta, Ga., was indid'ed by the Ura rry. The charge a gainat hbu is that la àas violatri lthe Sabbath day. Il de« vlopa, iswever, that he in sis»Ply beil reaponsible for the deeds of bis empînrei a the electric ligbt company. Charles F. rylen, wha hanbai saone trouble witl te Company, braught about the indi't- ment. As tise coutpauY furuishes nll o ths city lighs, the enforcement of the leau conveyed iu the indictrneut would necessanily leave Atlanta lu darkuest Suuday uighta. ENGLISH COASTS BWEFT. a morust - ' AMW'o- ouIigni tu hegtâtre t =IIgodüe bI* ii *s1btaIt tla, 4 r etuure b4am t la tbonght to ub&%*be th e, wqpske. ou js eýrkC.Thébu."O i4ep#ulu thé- seb a kr âl orf tIlbuala were totupeilei t. I) ftlouthe Vlnd»wuý' ITwei-ne voi injure&. but moue fatplly. uU t cotentt de«triu. Nobg aue hi tie faculy or lte ents. taiuneilby th*a ildbuts . la »nowu 84but Winl habeuavi. M ISPXARY BRue SINKU. Baboon uvamllt, Reperfltu B ave The. SouthBoaesmliouAsr maoober or tha jomepbtes. the Eamala m eortati t0 have founderedat aI ela ioagtbdetl4 degreu vaite, latitude 14 dagrfea 80 min- uIes moti. July 26. Tii. uews vas te- Muliai lu avicea brougt by thie Tahiti, brlg Tropic Bird. Capt. IleGrati, th* cook ad everal rnlsalonaief, wiO Wete on board Iook tluhelie mmli boattanoue loo mon to ave tisemmeives i rom being «ar- ied dovn wlhh the arecit. Aften dt'lftS about for tweutyr-slx houre ther veré picici up by s teuhibaund vassalad landed on t4 thWOW of TahitL Bush Wbest to ýr;tain. The British ships. Heleisseburq, Stan of Firance. John Cookt, f.asinosa and thée steamer Âggie ci t $Ia Francisco Thno- daty bound for Queesstown with theur boldo ful of Callfôrnia grain, and the masters af ail four snlisug vesseis bai È aallng instructions te rush ticr cargoas e tbrougis ta tieir destination unsfaut as the. favori af the ses or air avould let them. Graiu.carryng vesuei* are ln demani et rthat part, sud tha Bermuda, ahich ar- rivci Wedasesday, in thse onlY shlp in port *prepnred for such a cargo thnt isn nol au- rgaged. no greut in tise dtmaud fot qulcit deli very. ____ Ansny of the Cumuberljand. laockford, Ili., entertained a distingulsi- fed gutberiatg af veterans ai the axa, tii. ýt occasion being tise twcty'slxth reunion à of thse Sa'-iety of the Army ai tisa Cum- e berland. Tise apeuiug session won heli n t the bhali fhe Gr'and Amy. Il awos d called ta arien lsy ten. James Bannett, s3 of Cleveland. wahiso atiated ilu the ab- ,.spnce of the presi<lent, Cen. M. S. Rose- hcrans. the latter heing in Caliiorula ne- t- cuperating is bealtîs. Cisurcis la Deiecraled. T-oughu cntered tise lIresb)terian SCliureb nt lilaekingtan, tIsdal ater the. speech delivercai by Dr. IHowalt, and aluot omcaplelely muinci tise interior. Pews eree broken, the uphaiaterY muti- lated, carpete aere ritîpea f rani the floor w «U t.6 roope Hemmed la1 ~ v.e.~-.zuuCitlaeSBuger1 ,.Uv4S*1i uarr Ir 1Butte -O.k g tae.-t laei. etter. Thi r e o4e wbtelbhave occursi la PluaI ~ 0ibdo a ute'etr ké mlitayr =ovuebats lun the ,0! sios i agi ui% tonilo >uame. veuels troam.ielii continue to enter the. Port dally, bzlaiug ReW re-enforeenute Aàbot ll.o* mesa bave beau dlsenbank- uit. bmatI,'fthe em Mvoterana Of for- mer eampaign tiiore and .lswheM »an4 oefieatir ire expatai toe "hiie bet- ter,renulto thea he recruits foneeci! bcouqht Oet. Appurently they ara fton of Md e- tu uthuside ud are anx" lou foDr tige iray. À majoritr of m ladaisev oose hobay -le tel, ad the mens aie dlstrbuted tbeffe to différent ponte ou the haiaud by rail or -a« t rans- port& .e orremqpomnlt la Saitiaui> de Cuba sMye tust the ÂMerlcaa PdlsoeMa pranii Agramonte andl Julies sMes, bave beau trandferreil f reinMor-o-90ielet the Civil prison In lbhelty, together witb Goa*aiee, a Venesudlan seneral. It las expecteil hbat they wil i annmub.e eaied for trial. The Americans aae visited t fe quenti by Consul Hyatt or hie deputy, ConsUl ]>Vat, Who reports lie sWeill tmtaed -* tut 'Ptum *thOrltiec - Tii. Bpaulah prefsiof 11*00mb ln engaged 4Ulna beatai editorlal disenllon of the propo-, sition te exgei f rom the elai ad *Il Cuban' ne= as OR as*the trIomph of the pAniah armailathie present mrugglee*hl be amared. and foilov uP this s ipbY eonragiug white migration from the poorer provinces ol the peuinsula. TOUX DOW?4 A.THUATIR Bulle C ydb,. os. MNagniras Opera hanse mi Butle. Mout.. *necei t a caît ai $5i0,M0sud. opencd ta tise public 0111Y taven yesn u090-.inat matssofai ns as thea nasuit of a disagrea- ment amaug the stotwkholers. and tise cil!. aith aa palatiou ai 45,000, Ia urus- ont a place ofausnement. James A. Mburray lisbeen dacreai by tise Suprama Court ta ha the ou-uer ai tise building. Numaroase judguuents fon mecisaulca' liens uene nesuaneda ud tise Grand Opera lousqe Comanyun tit givnnthe graund uniar a murigage. Tise conspanY refusai la, iuy the bouise nt an y pice aud aIso retusei ta seli tise grssuud, andi Mniai mannug Murray ipot a big force of men ta work ta leur down stise ianie huilai' ing. aataIniglit lutile hut tise valis ne- maineal. INJUItED CADE.Te tMPROV1NG. Great Baunage Doue ta Euiliiitulculand tis a avs daaused iavtu lint. Tne th Whaa.ven and BhhPPtuip. desecnittion lu saisi ta bave 'resultai froin 1< À nery cavera gaie imam thse norlieset plitical animLus. p prevalaed aioùgtisae Engliais caRsaIsudBos, beai Fttd. t causai manch danange. Tis a hrricane The 'ieadIess body of a man wias foun tI 1 aavept tise coag tii lgist andthe escas u intise Manongubela River nt Viley t- L avre terrifie. Great dinage aas due la ion. l'a. A carouer'a jury aecldad titI91 tisa buildings about tise Sarbors, wbarvcs. tise'mun bad becu murderai. and the .'i plan.. etc., anal vessaIs mare sîrausiint ut ati officiaisaa tryiug ta suravai tise Ir many points. Their creav. s, oavevr, avre myslery. Tise bodty was found fdaatwug F cavai y hieis life liuas. Mucis areckage doav tisa river isy saine baya. e le eîroava about tiesoe n lal direc- I- tioand ltise cisunnai service uwas sis' More Armenions Are KilteiL pended. Sa fun, tisera are fewi falalitias A Constantinople diapatei ta tise Lau-y reportedl yîu. don Tintes eys tisat a iaiigitr of Ar-0 meniana is reportai ut Kalsemicu sud at MueI Elminste th li oe . Charmpea il Anataili. Tise buruing et Tiheislyslon Suas piayed n great part Kbarpust is sîso maprted. Tise Duiiy bath in lie realil! oi sea lufeassi ln tise Mail bas aiîes uShich canfiaitisa fume- romance fauniai upoil ; but lu an arien goiug nette. recane !issuai Sereaary !slcAia a oode de-sNsro clames tisat hereaster Soigtoneshal Aaupîbncîa rasTctu.L. sels oe uai ioncio wnaug15e eits ai a- reports tisaI Ibrea semisens oairtIe Cotton t selhaiava ccep aha 'aaoueuaes îail .living negr tIsat piace, vare mur-c in! Tisa ecitaor uaI suuil he menusne derci isy a negroaundauntliser utembar ai ailisne wbrusieo b'suotisr sana "tise fumily waas seriousiy avaunalea. Tihe uilIualuea tientdann."neg-ra uiai an ax. ln Prison tom Lita. Argonta Ctase haut Closel. George Troutmnn who muralareal his At Arguaia. Kn., tise Arganla Statea pratty saveetisesmt, Blanche Simpson, lu Bank tiosei Its daors ndi linl charge ai S1. Lo»uIs,,several motisi ag, aa.s i- tise Stata Bank Cainiissioner. Tise total1 teneai ta tise penitentliary for lte b> assat tir ie iauk are about 111,000. Jçdtge Edmunds, tisa Court baiss'g accept- ai bis piesaifguilti la murdar lu tise sec- Tilka e ta ePalpe. oui degnee on tise recomimendation a! tise A Raome dlipatch- inys tisItisae Pope CircuitlAtisey.hangrnmt au audience ta M,*gr. Chicon- Attoruay. iai on eetaraî sud aaucatiaual ques- lHi sas«af FaisIone Weaith. lions su Canada. &. T. Esmes, a Sun Diego, Cal., min-- latiginear, daclarai tisatlSe hisidis- MAUKET çQV0TATIO.k cvee phoaaie-on lhe panlusulitaea- t ng $94000per tan la goli. RHasesgatirec Ciicago-Cattla, commun ta prime. rtistrictsailuwavr Californna are us icb $3.50 Io $5.2à; busg, hipplug grades, trad'e xtensIve nus Cippie Creat. Ha ne- $3.oo ta $375); sisap, faim to choice, $2.00 Mfacsa ta ivulga! tise localit> ai tise neW ta $3.510; urbeat, No. 2 rai, G(ta e07e; aulnes. - ora, Ne. 2, 21c te 22c; auto, No. 2, 16e aIlle by Cube* Wan. t 7;re a 2, 34e la 35c; bailler, R.ILDnoas & Co.. ablpplng anal coin- cisoice la 16c; aggm, treas. bmision mercisa t fNew Yont, have 14e ta 15c; poaalac, petrmiaie, 20c te Y madie an amalgament. Lisilities, $243,- 30c; brouta corn, comunsShort te ehotÇ@ v 900; nominal asiatel, $8152; actuel as- iart, $2Z ta $00par ton. sets, e-7406. Neani! ahi tisa assatu are ln u Iulaapoia'-Cfttle, ahppiag, $3.00 ta Cuba, ha possession aofaliher lia Spaniis $5.0W; bisgc.choici ligisI, $8.00ta $3.110; ermî o lie nsurgeta. commun ta prime, $2.010 ta $3.25; army r th Insrgeas. #eat, No. Z, 63c te 65c; cors. No. 2 «oi la Cieaso unDm1t. - il.e, 21c ta 23c; as, No. 2 witîe, 19c r. It W. Haine, s miulag engliai ofta 20eo. 5* Lever Culfarula, teilres lar an Inter- St. Laue-Cattle, $3.510 la $4.75; isaga, a, vlev tisaethi. basdiseaverai phonolite ai $3.00 ta $3.75; aviett. No. 2, tke ta 67c; >£ tb. peniinla lasaYîng 494.000 par Ian coma, No. 2 yalaw, l0e ta 20c; aite, . Ingal d. He allsis lreeisict»minlawaer No. 2 wite, 10e la 17e; rie, No. 2, 28e )f Clliornît ara as ici Oui extensive' as ta 80c. 04 Crlppla Cre. Ciachuatl-Cettla, 82.50 ta $4475; bires, $3.00 tao $875;. soap, $2.110 ta$3.10; Biaby Rungeti Itfuhft laa= No. Z. Me la Tic; cota. No. 2 Tise 1-iuonhhsaId baby of Mr-». Louis mxi 25é le 21é;.çata, No. 2 mixai, 17e Arreto. of 3221 Cottage Groa avenus, ta 111e; rye, Nô. %,84e tea8ne. Cicago, waaalait. lu a baby carelage Vtrf-ahe 25 teA.;bgi ,u acleep. ltlimbai oven lieasidea-tai Det.rà!ft--ctt7les" ap.$.14-7t; boire, eli*1 ont. The resrainlaî aIrai> beetusO vatt,-Ne. 2. ai. 12e tea'78e; cota; Ne. 2 a. Wtapped around tisa aisld'a necit andti léw 24e tè *50e;ot No. 2 vile, 21c '!a it. - ileta 80o la 88e. 1 are Unitedal lue Curreucy. Toledoe-WiaestNo. *2 rai, 70e la 7Me; .MeGili University, of 3Monîreal. Que- car , No. 2 yaliow, 2k e 23e;- cita, No,ý lu e, bas Issued a notice raiumiug ta a<çept 2 avitléie e 120c; rye, No. 2, 37c ta088e; ' lu future t"Y Mare Untdîta Ites ieliveicloeri eai. $410 le $5.M0 or payer moeaitlupayaient ofa cioie)Mhip IilUrtàke-Wbeat,' No. 2 spdimgOie, ft ee.& Unit &States cecs aili uir' ha le 00e acornt, Np . 210 te 2Woats> Xe. Saccpte tal Per ecatdiacount. 2 wilIe20e t 21cbaIeý.bO% ma ta 34C. ee' Ieo. t8(Wto 3Ma; port5 upu, Es>BtéPolitteos, as*t-w;s,% - -' BllvîrDaSjO PO 44 Pp là a ea .- m cusi, Wi itecover. Tise cadlets inJunci whaite e..anilb front te Missouri Mliitary Academy ut -- !o. Mo., avici borned Tbnnmay. ara un- raving. bt is uowav aintatcertain tisai no itaitaies wiil nesuit. il aaia final baouuil that Walter Wolf, ai lest St. Louisvosildi îe ofaieîsiajuries, but bise grpatirl miîraved. end avili recorer. HMg bach in baily sprained. andi hie listierna Injuries are quite serious. ('ai. A. le. fias-t meut la St.lesmnd avili probsbiy at once brnugis faculty togethen sud ba' gin seilolai t Meranîac Il'sghltnds. ni-an Sl. Louis. tenaporarlly. Il in ual kaseav yaI visetsan the acadamy miii ho rebut on not. ISEXICAN COAST IITORM-SWJIPT. C111en of Aitala, Cuihacan, sud bMsxat- lad nunâdatel by Walcu. The avait const ai ilexico has beau vis- li b! a treinnsus sibm, avhlis bas maucci great idamage. Aitata. port of the $loteo!Cinai"a. in irsoudateai and tise capital City, Colineau. bas sutbcreal se' verely. blany saal toavus bave beeu floudai. Tise iitte-natlaY irons Altata ta Culiacan han tben au iay vacisaout. Wavas of aaer poumadinio thie principal treats oaiMazatianuni tise Dn' embanit' meula for bhe protection ai tise toavu avre tain ta pieces by tise enormans mvaves, impelled by lhe avini, ugainit uriicis nulS' ing couli stand. l'O BUILD A "400,000 MAUROLEU31 MueIrai 10 Ereet a ignilicent Teint Over is Soule Grae. col. M. Muidoon Sas returuai ta Louis- ville iroin New Yont. arbere ha antared int a coutract w115 Johns W. Macty lise Caifiorula usillionaire, for tihulil iug af a mugulficeut insleu il Cnenaood Ceanetery aven lise grave o: Mit. kacitay's son. Ill a bha ie Moi oruate structure oiflise kinainutise Unîtes Statas, unidavili cost about $~0.00. Thi mausmunavwilI ha built ai granita. u'iil tisa intaniar avilil be ai th ise:et nanhli enadoanyx. It avilI have mimerans place of itat'm'-Y said iegaut allure. limprovemsent Moue Markel. R. G. Dun & Co.'eaveekly renieav o traie sasm: *'A vers nioderale anal ye distInct impranament ia sccn, rio longe only lu tisa buigofaimaterias. wii continuas and alîfauns pnicas, but tIsa i entiers for pradmîcîs af saine industries, i mouay markts,.sund lit exporta o aficipe Il la as yet littie more tisma a slep lou'ar battar thîngi, but bas already etîrle sanie Important avortsauni promptei faw causidarable contractas." liai Goediveverr. 1 A nlch goli iiscovery la reporled la Sut beau made nçar Grsham'a Townu, Cal Calaay. Claimres at Irish ButaIe.. Join L« A ýpohn, a Cincinniati 'photo. 1rapher t-iaJlaI ta ha, ith itSBan Lu 1ev, <iccunt Promton andi Baroni Lulofer iAndoaitlu thlepeerage Iraland. anti Baron et Lulowv lu liaI tia United Klngtiam. Hisl brother le ta claIns the rigi4u pn tille ate aum waraibip lhe paut been pal "e. but «MMaus.-1 on liais 1 bugt Wba Departra"t t kaét& fatum e bhaet bao tiel - ac~ 14r te e 0 rmt o , 1 tuots, Unis, tubi bl1u*4f L. bonusfor lt b iM»f biey hayiuqom*4c bts àeue aple'til. Whn'bbNi. - tiJlua te WlmbiaspM constractal for hp bie 0 laIs, tae boluIbla Te gminneprivef le voa trie Booknlee.lutasfhe -me. avens v eare resiat aIe contrcanfoructnteilat a mihm fo havedeauwllda»Wp tise gree at pris of Ud0.00 Juit*0~ mNws.Tia reaeonov mealy for tqu e much baver. Te Iowa laIo een $dO,00 lfor caci quarter kuot ercesq. bat he guboaha avili oly gel $5.000.At Ibls rate the possible prisas avilIl a ea hhough the Iowa may aura 0,00 h Kearsarge and Kentucky, baltehlpe are tu receive no speei preuiuiB or ame lte tbreeadaditionul hattlibpe. autbos- isci by tise net Congreas. Ounltahe es- trary, they are I ortifait $25.000 for every quarter kmot under 111 WiiEAT ON TH4E JUMI% Pricas iHave Advanced Bîsadl! sud épecnlaîioii s laoRvivlg. Wîthin fifteen days the prle. of wimaI lu Cisiago ha% advanced 10 cents, andi ttaees more buylug es prices mark; highier. For irve conae<-uliVe daY*-htet ham beu an udralice anfvClie lo* 5 figures ai tisa prenionsÏday. sud lest wek lise adao'e aas 'à% cents. TIbs bas braught about a more confidenat feel- ing in evenytbing lu the wuay of grain a"i provisiions, and thb. .qdaiot i eeing that hus preasiled for lave moulu la tact lis-apcring. Speculutoa la broadeujng. aud tise farmer la rerelvng tisa haeit Thse maritl riday vas a daixy. The tise traders.,visa thowght 63 e ents for IDt.'ember ax igh'watar mark, tand mld *ut their long wbcat il a tain profit as well as the ibort sellien.,aio bas beau repling for tise taia tu gel out talUe, thouglt tisey bad a cinci. anud playeti for a break. They gaI it, as Dacember si rmn6Zi34 cents ta 64% cents, Tke theti situation changeai, and the carly saler» sîîdenly vateti ten avseat bck. 1l was ian ,,ndinnry markt up to middar', bt in tise last ]>sua' tise prieab!ancSd atadly. After tise close sales u'ce anade i 637ycents. Fifîcen isys mg, at 57%~ cents. IL bai no iriends. Now il hisen aboundanceofaithcoi. TriscfePatureof ithe' aivauca l a tprlce ail over the avorld are moviag Up ai fait as tho Io ielu Chicago, and tise cash b vsa le btbg tlioen by mniilerm and exportae faster thsan nt any Lime lanyee. Tioa bla ano manipulation, but simply à aupply, and deinand marit. A coterie ai big traders are arraed o tise bull sidaeavho iave grot «mideee inl thse future ai values. They are Johns Cudaisy. W. R. LInnand W. T. Baker. *Tisey baugisl whett bacause they ballevra -IL cheup, aud IV. T. Baker -loues ual haW- Intale ta may tisha ha llevos Itavili IlaI 3f$1 before anahen crop 15iicel Spplies Rtare %weli adjuald ai braqnlr-et and ýI America fon once Sllile he LPrtalIbo le situation, and eau dIcttI.prices lq foi. le aigners. of et in in -e se Du- id- of fti Tisa notai outlawr andl muntierar, Bart Thrpaier, and Sic pal. Doc Paulias, la" ai tis iecasiars oai miaBurrova, vané kiliat nean Hamae Creek; Waltem Count>'. Ala.., b>'Deputy SherilffiCola anti 1ail, ai Birmninghams. Tisa marriaga of Mis OlvaBaflay, tourtis daugiatar ai lhe lite ext-Gev. Toitn J. Baglay, ho etedun4n Butt a ponus bunker and broter eofiln-vas]oa hi lu Concord., Macs, aa 4solie> ntéet' tise bornaof lie bride'a ole s asl Judge Bater, 0ftlise 't7iitai 8tt, Court at Indltnatois, eve Ie in tiaeifumns eàsaseof the WVater Comnpany atainat the-*A slrawboarti Comupany fer o' o' White Rhver. Hs touai banni cosapani sudl Information wvas'te Pil., of thie lii Tisastpgon, leMfa t ar fr et 'a.. vo fafà lk Z,

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