,PROM KT. hyWisdoemof s ,bt.CarbmclWa tmsaertomias *~ lii. eunre w4md l en Iltemm lia"ehslwhlc 409*1on mmtenud liitensei 1c.bave bad proper recol- Éli:94 t iÎ4 muanlie agel, la lie iraI * ~ n ngiecarbuacle. ~tS reoaatome a roundIla eEat Iodlesla clor au lIene. acariet, and biBia, bee.a ion lie mmd lbhesnnIl ln -barana l.Thei. el polutàbilet »by ha ie ritésc làk (thle burning eai vience.comasilIa "Mama, Ameng lie Oreills as Anthrax knewn t. .faut&. 004dMisI 1hbigu up Sm Bib i.cytallog- ragi>. Ha cut l. S diiiadvne chisl, thqpu lwii a precinegeemetr>' and 'in- dize Us ire loto mn absentsupnisturai O»et bMet>. lit a 1w ot nyfmetry, lia là*wf et s..law et pralelan, eoaahbSa te ecithle amlasement et tic chan iale he .contesof.etispaet MW mmi mm. the. adcratleofaet icCm.- Nome but 0Go& Noe one but lie infiile Ced coulO tami- ton a cavb*Vl!e as large am youn liumm uil mnd as Il te mmmiiail a. appreclate Ibis predioos sIen. he ond.red il et ini lie Ilia i o e ligh pnil'sbrearsplata lum*aides tiuie andmi bier op lian ltftonyx and te iereait! mmd lie diamonil, amd lm Eléeksl' pnopiecles concernnng the eplen- dmof he Tlnoconrt liacarbuncle le aaealoned the, billianelnes fthtii. vila and o e t e loellaleil foors suggesîed by lie Bible sentence, -Thon hast valked cep and dovo in the mldat et the atone» et tie" But In my text III.le t a solitan>' specimen liai I band yen, as the keeper et a musni.m migit take dewi tram lie abelt a pracious mteme mmd allow 700 le examine Il. Non la St tua panel et a dor.liat you mig stand mnd aîudy fer ils unique cary- Ingn or brouzed traceriez, but tuerai. a vhoia gât.e t il iited beoee oun admiing amd astoundImg viaboi metire gale. et l-maye, mmm>' gaieeslt,111 viliimake lby garesofe arunle.." What gales? Gales efthte ciurcb. Gmt.. et anythhlg vorth paess.mg. Gale. et succestul enter- prise. Gale. et samvation. Galea et na- tional mcheleement. Isaiai, vho wrote '~"1btaitviole sise ail Ibat about Chislt thea la Laitotethe eamgter" mond spobe et Chraistaus ayig, "I havebtrii.hevbie p Ie.lonianmd wral., *'Who . Sa tii flimI cornelitroms Edum, vîithdyed gar- Mania jrm Boamhr Aud do 700 Iink fiat Ielab in ml>'test mareliihaMped le repmel litte gatl.»ared gam t.. scar- lainaeg lWtoas p of.e cabumee? No. lMe m tti n atirongimlnemntu, lteuii blood red slnuggle, lirangi agon- Lesave getlt. aylilug Worth gettiug lt.. Ont«14Sepi>' Dyed. Heaveus gatesmnr Weilibe made of pearl, a hrlght pelueld, cenfUl crystal- lisation, bccaumami lihetrmggles are oeilr.and ltere are belondthome gasee aothing but raplana. mand cantateaumdtrl- umpini procession and everlastlng bell- day mnd kii.of et non, mmd nste ie le gates are tweIv. pearis, andl coml hi nothlng aine tliait peanin. But Chist hu- ol th le gat.. etpardlonlunis i blod, and the mark. et elgit fingere and bye tbumbe are on ecibgte, amd as hi littad lie gale il leammei agaist hia fore- henil and 100k ftoitla crimmon impress, and ah thlie.gmt.. are deepi>' dyed, and Issiah vas igit niien ha spoke oet lie gae. as gates et carbuncle. What an edd i blg il i, lbink mre Ibis 14cm et vicarlous npfferng, or sufer- lng for oliersi Notet a il The venld han seln vicanlous suffering millions oftlimes betore Christ camne mmd demonalrahed it qo a saie that eclipsed il aIStntrient bha fors andl al] ti.t ahall corne atter. Htachel lvecil ol> long eneegi aifler the, irîh of bear son te glve hlm a name. In taint viapan mile said, "Caii hlm Ben-oni,*' wbil meaus "son et my pain," amd ail * modern travelans on lie rond tram J1cm salera te 'BetWiel noyer thiinbemls and stand nevrerasti>' aI lia omi et Racial, vh ied f4 on ber bu>'. But Sa ail gs, bon rnaur r»tnie iefol.toIhein ebildren, amd il a mmm'ecses gren-up cbildrenm vhe Sq recremne>' sta iller tiraugi lbe rnotbe's belrt Sutterimg for elienal Wiy, lie verldin I.ful e t t Bled et ais Pont. "lumpr' nId tlei egime.% tte efiel mmm on the locomotive."On.etfun Il emel ugie . Juiapr' Anid se lhe an glae«.414 ah hia ponl, trying to e e train. Whoeu thii summer lb. Ivo traîne cabed laIe nch otier uen Atlantic City, among tic fort>".ev.a who lbm lielnIlres lb. enigneai vas round 4d, vili e0e band on thethirottle ofthl 0e motive and tlie oher on lie brake. Âye, thalle arehuadredehmrete-dm> antnin for, liem. 'eoikaier and G9d knoo tiat. tiin ax1ocesanm iésfo. But om.ou flat sb lm t~a ias ilk i gatep * eta te, he #suble cafu.et a M their- e lb. wetio tiibeak '.4101 nate Malevolenco lbo %* . bu mm ac. ebarbu 0"etalali spetacle fortune liat dld mol fgbt b>' Inchimmd agant tesrfb agia n d again amrnt demt For orne god r.asom God ha for ail the. centuries that the . ment people te Set a lvelub selvea and thefr famille. Io handsanaodmlthoe*11.4 foi mimd and selnoni lpuiL bat opeanthe. red gat., Ithe gt c For the benet fal young r lie tint. I Would cai tbei Who overcame obstacle. Hl tbe milbjy men Who vent Pespav slaavesons and United Ilotes Brnale, or val] va>' on Pesasylvanla avenue thc Wbite mon»., 414 ot à ever pefltical ohioqu>'? Neî mmcacso n md scof andl did Horace Mlann endure1 lime wben b. firat began tu butteronum»ü& eoI vdta chouette and the day whh boemaot hlm vas« placed en the &tteHoua.e verlookiz man.? Rend thi. bMogrmpby et Rb BaptimI preachar, wbo, lic bean-praueuneed a douce et te thbili the wvenu wihbis ( çiî.oce, and et George Pq neyer ovned a carniage and relf ail luxorles tiat hae mig ing and tt.r dcath, tbwougb tctfaaent, devoee i. mcoui tote Seducatiem of the poor p land end America, mmd et E wbo la beyhood worked i. Ircim'od te America mnd bec ot Metiodhsm aod a blessimg Go the. blographical alceve1 or national librmry and imd a rtbai book mn Ilustration oft eiacie mmd ot carmine gt. t forced oen. What in true et individus nations. Wa St a mIid spi whem tiie pigrim fathera lai mn~tb ltqcek. amd did iey g.iied yacht, gay streamer. Il va. ln colilDeemrber mmd Sm whieh oe w onJl net vani Hudson or the Potomac Ris, kniv.. ail reaily te receive banded, licir only veicoe wrwhoop. Redl men on thei ie-n in tha tarest. Redl men taing. Red meneoln the val] gates et ted mem. Gt. et A @tory Neyes T« Aborigimmi botilit> pughe 5> now oui' forefathens ii te doe but te 1mb, easy pas taiient continent urder th skiease0genial, thec"sOK riverasou populoun with fii acreage se immense, lier. w ta do buh eat, drink mnd ie The meat powerfu.l nation, na,çy, souadedi ta proteat niflesetfzvter. Then cau L amd Bunkar Hill mmd Mei Long Islandi bath,. amd1 amd Yorkeonmad tarvatioi houl and orpbmmage, mmd thij wrent throogii auffeinga wl toria bas at'lemited te puc mmd the rtit te put opon m li la vain. Engraver'@ tportcr'a akill mmd telegrmp dmly press, viiicii have mai eai iti the horrom ot mode bid nul yet beauatiair vigi @tory oethle Amerlcao rei m eeribeen 114 d dneyer 1 k dld mot tâte much 10k te >ramtionofet Independenca,1 ti-rrific ameant et blo te su w«. auàatul galaetfopffl men emd vomeo--od the vi au the. men-posheil bock.1 et self ncrilice. It wus a1 Il vma agale et carbuodie. We are olnldebl.d te hJ fknowlédge etftthe greaîsat el se. 1.0> oetus rasmembu the,a ,nd mothers 00w lîvi keep tellng tint alory te t so filât tnteauI of beiog de celd type ead olilgeil tesmi page et such a book yon cs ewili theý radier be ahle t aîher 1014 me s," "11>' ni nes." Mem sud wemen Wi membner 1861 anmd 162 amd 1 Ix' yuursalvee thé hitorianâa vili peu, but with iiing àv(iceanmd geatune. ThisLa a are ot Mamorial Decoratieî elia liles on the grave top beathleua et parfume, end 1 te doit luke ato tint mil i-tbm. But the slery et cot a crifie. and putriti.nteId md 10in ael ofndb, lb -li churches nd a em crett arnnal recilmi n-ilS ha kept t memory et geocratiomsasa Ameriea institution. are w an iltion. Long afler yen ckildren ivill b. ahi, te -psaimist,, "We have hourd, O 0 ed! our fathers bave toel 1.thon 414.t ln their dams,à eiuL'» But what a tme l1 The millions et B Four yeara et hoeme e yeare et brotherly amd ini 17 nm.etUFour yeara ot mart year of, massacere! Put ti lime, tue conflagration et c themlilgbl up a viola ns tiem lm lomg revu, tii. boa] a vaut metropolla et pain i ie Gather hem l10oeevast ai *millIcés ut bereflt rom tue co thle Gulfand tram th.eA ,t Pacifie beaciiest Put the.tI a nd tieJiloed loto rîvers,,a :loto vhlrlwludst Durlng th a. mmm>' geod and Wise ipen end litheti ew nolhiig a '0hblatlpfl Wili aocb a ns 5 cy. va fo lo a mnand Thom~as Jeffersola »d ed fIr l 1'tglek Henry and lba Hàek and la Wl'Ihtli eth W hiWebéter and 8. S, Proutiss and Mes of bei>'. Ifrarr Clay1! Corne fotbl" And mi. ek and PUbS came forth, to ba stronger than abc bad! of canbumele. > enw been. Rer mlgbîlea± prosparities men, If 1 b.d bave effie zincs that Urne. Who would MUi of tbo..waat te pusabobck tbis country te wbat 0oW -SORDY 01 It w. ln 1M6 or 18507 But, oh, wbat one way on a bigb gale, wiiut a tnong gate, ah. bad r.abd thé. te o u bock before ahe ceuld mlle 6n eIfl thi other &ala m drance! Gt.etffiaine!ses mmad reacbed Norfolk Davy yard and Golumbla and iave te e15mb Cbmmbersburg and Charleston on frai enaon. 30w Gat.et bayonet! Sec glitterlng rilles1 brutal ttack and carbines aanh trom the. Susquehanna1 betwe.m the.enmd the.lames toe i.Mlissisippi£MM thie1 » figbt for a AnkanaaiGat.et beavy artiller>', mmii-1 Mn lu U m Ma na- nthe. m«eitis of Tenne mm d 14».1 àa statue in tncky and Virginie tremble la lis lutat the. atePO e9 gour. Tbe..gte wua go flery and me red Dg th 00131-' thnt 1 can think eft eiig more aplisu- î,rlmte than t teka-tsii. amggeston et à Xieu. lasa"i b the. teand eas],it a'Sate of bert Hall, the carbuacien. ougli ha baol The Pnîp:tanamdiPoliticNc. t eheol, lived TSa country bac been for the miont part Ebiritu el- unt ils history panalog throogb crises, SMd 'eabo)dy, ;'ho aller each crais wa botter off tbaa be- ldenicil hlm- fore It entered il, and 00Ww. are at en-* ght while 1îv- ther crii. We amn told on one band 1«,t1 wiii and thatjf ald 1a kept an a tandard and ail- lted millionsaver ta net elevated confidence will baire- eoP>le i Eng- stored and tuis nation will rlae trium- tiaiiop Janes. pilant from, ail the. lianciai mlnfortiioa Pannage trrn tiot have been alflictlmg nas. On the. ,eame the joy eflier band, w. am tbld liat If the. free j te i.race. cinege et imer àlallowed ail the. wheela ln city, State of business wW <arvoive, the poor man, et loat every w1ilihave a betteâctiance and amli unrin- evercome eh- duitrie. wiIl baglu te huai and roar. Dur- let had te b. ing tebestaIsix Prenidential elertioma 1 have been urged le enter the. poliltcal a ia trocetfarena, but I neyer have and neyer wlll ring morniog lnrn the puipil in which 1 preacl I lto a. mded on PI>. political stump. Every miniater muat do y core ne1 a as ha feela oelled to do, and I will net 5flyimg? NO- citiiae hlm for doing what he considera d frurn a Ihip liaduty, but ai1 the political harangues t te cross lhe trom pulpits fruo now mtil tb, 3d et No- er. scmipiog vember wil mnot in ailithe Unitedl States etbemn, tiiey change on. vote, but wilul leave mmny ie the ludion cars stoppcd mainst anything that auci ebeach. Red clergymen may mter the. reat ot their on tbe mouD- lives. As a general rule the laymen of Ileya. Living chuches understai.d politice.btter than carbuoclel the clergy, beenua, tbcy (the laymen) 701d. ettidy politiea more than tbe clergy and Ld bock. aure- have better opportunity of heing Inteili- bave nothing &ont on thoea uWPecta. But geed morale, ession of the honesty, loyalty, Christian patriot.fm andl ec vun. The the Tem ConmLndmenta, those we muet efertile, the î.îemch. Ced say.distioctly in the Bible, n>y lite. tbe "The ilver andl the golil are mime," and iii be nuuhing ho will etle tbe controversy between emerY. No. thon. two metala. If ever th.:. country by army mnd eedeil the divine rescue, it needa it n0W. ncosa 3,000 Millioens Want Wo'elt. me Lexington Ârnong what we comidered comfortahle )mouth and homes have corne privation and clone col- Valley Fouxe comation nd mn economy that kilîs. Mil- >n nd widow- lion. ot peopîe wiao amy nothing about t irteem colonies are at thua moment t their wita' ends. bich lheb. i- There are million. of people who do mt il opon P31 1r wnnt chantS', but wamt wonk. The. cry i camyma, but ha. gone up te the cars ot the "Lord et kite mnd "c- Sabmoth." and the prayer wiii ha heard, ic wirean~fd mnd relief iwill coin.. If we have nothhng e0u euamit- better te depend on thon American poili. eMUbattllield. tic. relie! will nover coma. eWhover i. iula enmd Uhe lected te lhe prcaldency, lthewheala ot ývuIoiM has governeot turu se alewly and a caucua ewtfl bc told. la yooder white building on lhe bhW may ,iguth icDec- tic thé bian~d@ et amy Preident. Now, et t*' tok la tbomgb We who live in lhe District et ina. it tIlColuma acanoot vota, w. can pray, and illêuotg the 107 prayer day mmd nlght chan bha: .O Dflâ aau ii God, boear the cry ot the coula tram under It eu-a gate the alter! Thiou, who hast breughî Ithe §»t et blond- wheat< mmad cern oet tua aean te nnci 4 magnitude ot aupply, give food te man and lhteiy fei m11 hamat.Thou, Who hadat mt where te lmy bf tiOmal cri- lii> hond, pity the ahellerlan.. Thou, who M It "md ta- hast brought te perfectiothe. cotten of mg(bad botter the Southhamd lbe iaz et the North, clethe helr billdren, the. maked. Thon, wbo ba ild the mine eeut uPOn with ceai. Sire fuel te the ahiverlng. Y, "O.u soci a Brlog bremd te the bedy, Intellgence te n rend that," lthemid' d*alvmtiom te lhe seul et ail te "mY. "MY ,the people! Goil ave the. nation!" »ther to14 me But we muat admit it lnam bard gaie te ho vividly re- punih bock. Millions efti ba hnda have 8lWlaDd 1834, punheil mt it nithout mîkimg Il swing on N elliog il, mt it. lbard hingea. It 18 a gtmdceout et glongue mod empty fleur barrein and cold ire gratea ýthe gre6test and umredcated ickmean mnd ghastlinean S day, for the mnd horror. It la a gaie at struggle. A )a neen hecerne gt.et disappoimtmemt. A reil gaie, or n a wreek turo what Isaiah would bave calleil a gate et ýh lien heneath crbumles. ,rage and self The Bitter Drait, d on platforma Non, a. I bav', lrcady siîggented, as le roadaide and there are obstiteles im ail our paths, we ~rlera, b7 that wilS ha happier if w. cousent te have our ýt reah ini the lite m sîruggle. In aIl style. ot'iife the.rè a long an our, c6me. dsappoln tnment and truggle. Ged wlii> etf pres- ha. fornme on ed remsom rramged St se. ara decil your If it la mot Poverty, kIlaesickna. if it le BnY, with the net slckma. it la persecution.- If it la niti eut car3, net persecutien. itlelacoteat witb beme I us tht woi'k criS appetite. If It la mt soul. cvii appe- a the 111e. et tite, il la hareavement. If il mot on. wasl tima, it la anoîher. Do mot Set soured Ireit. and cross anod himk your case la pecullar. kneaa! Four You are mast 1ke the rest et us. Yen will terly estrange- have te take tiie bitter draft, Whether it yrdom! Four bc haoded te you in golden chaliee or pew- them in a long termuog. AÂmanwho ba$1,000 àyamr citiez, andlse" Incorne sleops sounder and bas a botter ntiment! Put apptte than the man who ban s M 00,000 spitala, making If oeut utc nere flot a alrogle, W.wold and paruxyaml neyer cosent te gt eut ef thiI.world, asemblage. the and w. weld wan o tam>bore, and se D t. Lawrence block mp the. wmy oethle ad'raoclng Son- Atlantic te the eratiens. By thé.tinme thal a man got. era ite lakea, tu e bu 10 yemrsot mge, mmd semetimea by ad the. sirieks the time he gets te b.c50 years ofelle, ho Iose tour years aya, "I have bad ecoeugh eft tua, and iat tue North when the. Lord, wilia hIt an* ready te abemd but an- ernigrate te a country niiere therearn mo tleaol debt we taxe. and the i. lver efthle trumpet put SERIOUS SUB<JEOTS OAiIEFULLY CONSIDEREO. A Sciioierly Eipoition oetlb. 14MMu -Thenghls Werthy et Cam e*Uc- tem-HaIt au gour*& Slnd>' e t h. Scrlpture&-Tiuie Weil @peut. Lessoa for October 4. Oolden Text.---"Keep lthe charge efthe Lord t1> Gei, te wmik in his wayo.»- L Kluge, 2:3. The lesens for thia quarter are glven té th. lite of Selomot, lhe building mnd ddb- !cation etftii. temple, mmd three miscee- aeeus seleelluns fruna lie bookS :eO Proverbe. ,The on. t4ia neek le foutai la- L Kinga, 1: 2S&39 Tiie chiet reasona f«. giving se mach lime te Solomon are, Ide cemmeclion viti lie temple, mmd vlhlth "*wisdem iterature" oethtic Ilbrwa-' tbat clansoet ilterature in which mre ecm- brmced tha book ot Proverbe, part et- wnihk'bn, writtan In Solomon'a tii.s, amiii lie laler boàkseto Job, Song fetons and Eceeldates, wvih are oetgra of tie gchool et sages, or -"Wiac men" *0&t Solomon ma>' ha salid te have toundai. Thot mciiooi probably continued làlia - tivity duning the four centuries afler B04- umom's limé, thougi the work et th* prophetlei.muciimore prorninent lu the Scriptural record et these centuries. lit ras. again i1mb Importance durlng and alter tb, exile. Solomeon, whose naputa- tien for wisdorn has pasned lnto tie legen- dary liieraluie et thé whoe Semille world, la juatly considereil lie tather oethlai sebool et hiteratune; hence itf vas liai bis namte becamie attacheil te vArk, writlcu ce-nturies atten bis deati, according te lie custon o et i.East. During tl5aI ideys ef David, mien ha van vê-ry teeble and childisb, his eldeal survivimg son, Âdonijah, ruade prapara- tiens ta seize tic ubrome. Adonijah irni- talel tue polit> et Absalom in securing a great netinue et serrants and thus lul- pressing tic people with bis power. He ebtaineil the ee-opeegtion et Joah, lia veteran general amd Intriguer, amd et the prient Ahiathar. Sevaral abSeimen etftth. court. hem ever, refuseul le bc drawnoiul the. plot, amd remaimeil true ta the appoint- ail succeeson et Davlid, Solomon. Amena theme mmm Nathîan the prephet. mie pou.- messeul great influence wih tic King, and aise Iknainh, captain efthe ICing'à body-guard. Wiem Adonijai appointel a great sacrifice amd fenst nt En-togeS, fer the. purpase et gcttinglhmselt pro- elaimeul king by tii. people, us Absalon% had doue, Nathan wanned Solomom'a mother, Bathsieba, efthle danger lu which Solomon ateoofil oing ntoly lb. tirai, but mise bis lite, 8h. appealed te flie bing for a confirmation et bis pre- vioua promise te ber that Solomon should auccecul him, mmd Nathan corroberated han rersion etftth. state et affaira. As soon as David learmeil mut m-as going on, and hem the wiiy Joab mas once more scbem- lmg le thwart royal viii, semething et bis olil firmunesa returneil, amui he determineil te ferestali tb. bngenlous plan. He sent fer Bathuheba, wbe bad i ildrawn aI Nathan'a entrance. samestions for Stndy. Remnd I. Kîngs, 1: 1-53. Considen lie neasem wiiy thé nccens- alon iiad been promisail te Solomeon imher than te ils eider brother. Probmbiy lie promise vas made as a favor te Batisie- ba ratier than front any tnsion conmectcd vihh e tire beys iheinsalves. Compare Âdomljab's- plan viti Absa- loi.'Nobice tual Âbsalom vas lie shrcirder ot the tire, inmsmoch as b. 100k more pains te ingratimta imselt vlth Ithe cemmoa people, and aise n ySteil te bis teast those wbe vere mot tavorabla te his cause, limnalaiaying suspicion. Teccing Hint. Tiiongi vo have reaily lioiaiied cou- oiderlug th. lite et Davidl, Ibis graphie pic- tare oethie domeatie trouble. durmg lie lest days et bis lite, et his vemknessanmd chliulleaa, bis vindlcivemema toward. hi. enemnies (I. Kigm, 2: t3-9) mmy bu once more breught eut briefly, as shevig:lie emnly aurroundingsetofSelomon; perbaps In them ne may fbd nsea cplanalien. if nuit excuse, fer Solomon's Sater lite. Dm- cld's lit. andeil ingieniously; even the nay ot light viiiei seameul te cere frem the. assurance that hlm favorite son vould smceeilbhlm <1: 48) vas a vain hope. Net- viliataading hi. many excellences, Dm- vid's lite vas a talluea. WIIlb.themon turu that tailune loto suceesa? Tic thre. taitiful leaders may teaci us a lessom. For tic moment, adrantage seemeul te lie en the aide et Âdoaljmh; fer 1h. ageil king waa ne longer te ha tearail, mnd Solomon iecmed le have ne supporter but his motiOn. But Nathan weuld noaner have dicilthan prove taise tow bis severeign. The. most general iesson, mmd lie meut important, ln that notblng caouhwmrt tue divine plan. It là accompmnied 6> the Cther lemmon, that tie divine plan la beoed our comprcheaalom. * Tbe divine plan Io mystanieus, and la tulfilîcil Ini pite etfll hindrances. lu teaehlng tlia lesaem te children the monttetfIthe lime wouid hetter ha given te plcturimg lie tene; bew Ihese tve boya (for Solomon vaa but a boy) wie bail growm mp togather asbrothens mow became et vanlame. b>' lie jealoas>' and wroa ambition oethe one; bon tic motièo e i.olien planned for lie future et ber boy, mmd iow the aged father granteil her request Dencniha lie tva assembîliez luthé vaile>' et Guhon, the one a great gmlierlnniethli people, svitb pomp and ceremoa>, viiere %bout val 'Long liv. KiagAdomijai," mmd lie olher a little yarty mear'br, viiereau0aged prient aoit.d lie >'ousg Selemnon, whlle the people came rnng up le aee, and speedlyciiaged uheiraballew alleglance, 1l.ietlngDoe, *"IongU. KlnMus slomon."' lo(to lie suabfle , trel.Iiopu oet lae tvo brothera Il vigi . veil mot te blok toc àeep, ----al.. b. h..c1.ila-p .Ard. A pastor mal' bave Iabored la hi. echMfr lweaIY, yaara ta mininter, comforter te liii an md qorowin«. mmil~aplg ~ou 'm 4 word "The empire of Son q ga ver>' htg~bet Stalte Departmeut nie apoké, aIt th* *B tiana pobntlmg te a plie- of Jteaj opeued and rend. Then haoDoni.ui "I judge frei lttern comins evat>'day trous mil parts et thi enti>' i 1is uste take vigeraus stepe te po lu .end th lie Turkloh otrages and praeribing the. de- thrememenofet .Sultan as the but*" juete anmd promptest mes.te "b «ei. Soi..etfeurcoespeonednt*go loto .1m oerate detail as te the. exact method di going about IL. Ome la partieular Mar' lalercat yen. Wera ne te fefoltoitnet the. President vould snmd our Whilte sqnmdres te Tnnklab vatens. Mbilb.hefeet nases the vmy our Minuster et St. Peterabura venu l l en lh. Rumman MInuteret îVor.lgn Affaireansd propose te hM that huamuci as Ruusa.cenld Det, udar the tinstt>whlch now bitids the . ur4péà2s pswars, dtabro. e eulta, and furtiier ai Rala anîs e oafaltlmia, RLUnsa sbenid rdqr bh« Blute Sm ads"e raan ieets annear Genitamtlmopl. me practicaile unden lie aad treaty,&', me oui Whie aquadro would aleant wltbla abellSng disance.etflte cil>'ai open lire til ths Sultan hmd abdlcated and tbm Governmot vas wipeil out. The Rusmia à"el wonid keep close te the Wite sqnad- ram and tbereby let Il bu kuewm le lié olier powenn tuat ne b.d the sanction et tbe Czar for whatî v. iere doimg. That would prevent amy nation but tue>'la- terferlag vith us. Wbcn vie hmd cap- tured lic clty, and put lh. ofliciala le Slgbt, w, voulil amounce tiat ne bailcs.- complîsheil our mission, mmd glvlog lie tip te the. Ruasimo admirai, quletly wth- draw. The downfall et the Tunki Gev- eramemt weuld warrant Roulne aelalngt the. city, and Ibis ahe cealildeoby imodinA ber troupe trorn ber Qleeti and taklags prompt possemsion. Tii. White squmdran eould remnin tuSl everything b.d quletel dewn ailwithbeut our sayimg a word lit lie othar nationa take Iltfon gimoteil liaI e siiuld> rlcegie R Ila's righti te lo- stantInople. te wici mie ban, our corre- spondent Insiste, an uoboundcd right over olier nations. Tien we coulil recail our aquadron, lie TurLisi empire outalul. Constantinople u-ouid ho at lb. mere>' et lia other powers. mnd they might do vlth t as tbey plened fer ail ne crd& By sucb a coup, as the correspondent put@ It, ne would nid lie wvend of a royal mur- derar, ave the ivea efthtiuBanda on la danger oft1h. Turkiah wrth, make oui- selvis seil with the Christian worid, and tien (note tic comprehenaive mimd et tii statesam) our squadren couli cerne bock hy way et Cuba, kick lie butchen W.>'- 1er off the Ilandil.recogalme thi depemd- mmc. et Cuba. whip Spain If aie wnu.- pareil, mnd tien corne home and reame ins drill in Seat eveiution.-- The. oflicIaI, cominuing, sald that lettere vere stilI comlng la urging action ln b.- hatit et Cuba mmd liat ever>' freah outrage reporteil gave am impetos te tlia cone- spondence. Seméeoft h, etters coatais severe crltielsm oethle departiment for met acting moe.vigoronaly lnb hhaif etboti the. Cuban revolutlonista and lie ampre- téeted Cbristian@ iii Turkey. Thie horribie bntchery ofthle nensapane correspondent Sq thç Spanlishsoldfers la Cuba han .affle forth a veuydeécded expression 'ef la.- tes. feeling on lie part of lie latter vit- lagsui eat; lite people mnd a ýdamani tiat prompt measurea byipWqd te brime SsIwl. ýreparatick. lu replitom , <miry as te vbat the demtpjsdu wu ireggijo o hplTqnhq dolsg .varrthlag vblih lie ujghtitet Âmericsu lateresasdemamded amd lSacu- national Ian p.rmltted. CLAIMS FAIR'S MILLIONS. Aclr.sle WililBO Rlcb If Ber Methiior' If Isatai.sd. If tie figbl nov belon mdc la thl.- tormia courts by Mm. Neltie Cranen for à wldoes thare ofthl.etaI.eofthlbale i.ui-U-Iilenaira, lames G. Fair, -La sue- ceulite retltil SIb. attended b>' seme lutereetiag de'raîopments. On. efthle.. vii b. lh. transformation et Miss Mar- garet Craven, an acn... la one et lie Fromms ompanie., depandeul upon a aflI sai..ry. Inte one oethlegpeat ieli- e.-setofAm.nica.Thougi keeplng it a MOU MABUET Oma. seIkret long atter the deati of 8eua*I Fair. Mrn. Crayon, aow aim. te ,b b iawfully wedded wilef he i.~ioa and thus ftthe ueâu suppt ontt,ety b &euI tbougii esusel ehe as g are 1leaeamkafibrwdw ln the..a* thfeb.boumes isa W Min MWt wwd sel'tMaI rectly f romý ber Blgia.ttey$ ber vmothahees h enitaloa a kea rank amen muen ereie.Ee flot pretty, but a brlgbt eatracie on Fyieodn vasà by tie Gevnu sel b.d jn.tt ceai &VA pie. sàteamer wva tIen teo «li àabor4at peu ion, 8 .477 ......l cvldenee dean>troam the Ofe l mie Ieua iaej the enlire neasà. As -fer il Laagme la oanae, iï llàbthesiagrgate bas beu0 lat rear. The. cendlnu hbaîwl lawhii.e ',Ne Philadlelphiea *ad Bontea i kt l, as fean shei.Chamite eerned, for au>' langlth f fear aine <club. ere fgi anar tie cie.. erthle mcmi. lut liamrieosiome g ance at bome ibu beei lmagd becan.. va have laed o on bholda>n. Saurdais muid a&W becaua. lielam wvusas ber et, games mway frguatbe Ihougi eccprtikg lb. âmem1 lIenin lie ciimmplencbipt yeai. 1 To prognestiettmth e iii.p Comrn bseaso Sa a bad hast bible te toreteil vbmt vili Se ofthle mm nen teyse>' e In t'he npring.T hé be.lgi menaom n my bo the peoremi The h.av>' batimejioet lm weak baluiacla 186>' EoIGHi' DIFFERINT Êutln Ui u44or C Baya a Wmailnaton 4 Tiare mie .cow bilât preo" In tlield. some of lteis pllcations.Ne*ealibelen i lamted bSýqmUepetQR~Iaties. duly 1sie lam mem lnstace, ta Ohioe ad l [priatinc the flécha for ppeu le canne contusinla t»l ybr Prwslimt--Juslua For P«m-wmt VkPn«d&-WliM Hobart ; ýet 16ev *r. York li>'4- Por Pnseldest-'Àlia" ot New joe, Demoeratw Plati-Nil For Pïe*dl-WMIhla For Vice 1rmdet* mierites-Nominiued lui> 24: For PrWmet-WtlImM an, et Nebameha. Fer Vi44 Pruldest-A Nine. PPpe'sPqoty--Neuum LoaLis lqM Mmi Fror rBBmtWa an, et Kebrais. Fer Vice tgsl4em-0 son, eft iuorià., Naflo%4 l D atWealP4 - or Ijuée. Füker, Vire Duc i, T Mmft.