Moiioy he éthwnert iàM t $0mun?, wu whiy Rei - * ig4witb bebg ieu ~touroontry sud vrt i v viibve te 0anad savIU-oursolves hoaua i. Copeland hua &wC we leaoryt. lBerefors a, inl aralliernun- haln ltat ,the golil h un u play second âjod trqyaanbringlug uwé baeail heard ~b~** "A ol cen aïk - l. inutie than a W vt'in m" ont," but ~tothe,100 liasmaaked >i~ f. uestions and 111semné,Pcatinenlt to mi made., but, the visfe U~ .151 Vt in advlsu , *bi . tbat many tlb ng :vd.predd rula upon D,4Wfot astiver one, yb mtthese vbo advise i cong for' a reason, they *e s gq.od one ready for *a-I$rlomres and telas eIïtd*poiWoJ aller and otaaktkSI ihathink soi )r a* , W~ouly 4"he le a bef *ed tui cnemy uofOu te,". Yeu1 de not- foui cs Il laau & tua ery good amFBp"tlte tatement of 15*5alittie diflicuit tbe #tusplofon ltat perhaps 4, m"s c io rano i y.rque. suad erliapa 44 igotu aa liai ku «Iv re MCVspeand al voe eaansd liedose deserve r he liasunmwred one ib Iuj Ite. It' la not a &"w va n -eiufamy letton, J bils om uaking. I 'iould e asy 1" thlure ianoi one roo a vfo, li e acubis _tIr la'it se vho could sseed tbe questila i ~ as me&atr' by a eoMt or a fifty-thrle vos. We aIl kuow that the Seqs.ýnuvbuy enougk te maire a sUre:r ,abot fifty4hree cents, and tf5~4h&a1 a tlINameant t~rb e> 9have klateli &0 autbse. low eaeily s ~ nd-inu sud theu bé, t.orner hlm agaïau «M b le nd titis quàot il *boM thliait iey-three cea ob« 1 eaver Iban ot.hers mokPlilda somo mouE l uIve vould net have MaU e't ms vlth a charge c, toA angver. flore ia om - Ano% euswer himsol ýt »thecoroityvalue û ,-vom oue Il1me." TJa sueeta ounce of pure go1 t'Aquo-edut a libtie o0 RMitmar'ket value Viiig %&Weofltized and tIlia of Ils aneuecutl0o 4* unie,. h it be i Whef lo bits bec oue.sund bas tob "i.tsuppoiétb "~oir woid b êtiegoid in a fol 'Mput iaough 01 th tb*silver dollar, bd os vertiolt ýt4IVe cents for lu 11 Id 14 W w*ho8oul pbl rol 321- IUic iugll te wdaste yd If l brjae séth the1 ouo* ~*danghter Care-aro Ma.lm x -* oëy vidsî tsb4 , o eS4hl Oiago. The .o~t~ma1 i f ormer w*.p,»di .W.k sMd ibe lasser bbmemed bmllw &4fr am UTbemleu 1 hian boe om e, évral We. î*mkyE~. OfferIies 1W tW licliSO1 Kra, trin - a Byo «uaem er»ta iU»y Mar*"d ofort M 'W ."adBoe eut to swo ffl ade mmdcmeudias the= te hlm the Elkhér o» " Ibwevek to r=ua.who sl -lhssed ameihWY that Meurefor bus Iroifl69WU .10 the fuin ronMU" ther disib.omf~red.Uîd thal VO direct them trt anhlm whon au mitbhn But judgiïW froua tbe VOStbiOT line, work ogether for the bout la Ibosi that business muat b. laok. love him. Third. thst asaueop0f Ibas. reuclu-1 Dr. and-Mr&iL Idîmo. .speai * ga nb. preeaed tblhai i snd ascopr daya of:t"iaweek villi their parent@.bomntWthe.IuwUa<SitlrpuIltI fie had tai r lfft uz-Qtpgg t xx, ba". Oougfl ,*o ly a"d wlli go tleILias.03. Tummon, llou.ckepioqWmthe 001. lDr Order Commkitee. Tu-figlit (OWday) Mm ra. trgutoid - wUll gtik a eebrtioa li lionor of h«erftesoluUQ-Onof respect on the deatb 01 eldet sn VedjÀ& oin th tiifldige Boyd. eau lonoary mesnber of te eldea souPJ.8 il eini tb ~ O (iasee W. C. T. U. aunnverub*7 61fila existence.-letOSoM Wrns. ýLt bhs plesAed Âbnigbty (bd forty ad tfty Invitations bave beaum W remoye f rom 0cr midât our honoed tient out, and a goud Umne ins upftted. boell*or EjAride.BOYEI W the better hume aýàbove. Mmd la response 10- a câli to observe Wnssaà.m la the deatitof our enteemed Tburodsy, Octobeër 8, me a special day brother hlm bereaved flunli have lbat a Und of praiê? r 1 he nation, in vie tcvoftbq and rXotiomtlusb*ugad father. lte rewies tru, nd fltbrui fiend. the presesaaoand iIpoliltIi cl m e.ommeuly aut uprIglit sud iropected eolis wIl b. a ,,patiotte rmfly, a94tii sud our union au honored membei. Thone- Congrpogmiinl churcli, Tblrsday, 0e bit evn Wen 'lock P. m. Ther. VIII BUIOLV». Th" th1e beareit sYMPmthy o! the mmbers*itbi union ho mmdlaire. 1b. pot1 POIUaS u *' NOSM 8 - O«te toWtho e t. ohIriean sd itba. Posibiities and Forum.-" Good mulie ves or onu dseed member Ia their greai by quartett. Every citizen in ordlally be-eveeflt. Th&&t vo uhare vilth ea the lvtdoattend. hope of a reunion ià thei btter worid abois vlan. patiag la uaowii. The e»&Wa «mhool convomition beld EssoLvu. Tbu a oopy et hs. resolu- lhere bat siday aflernoon vms very tion- bopreeted tWtheb fnlr of Our lI good. -The atteiidmzce vas lap mu-4 brotet.aeopysmat tthelb. UUWUIUT for ~. ~ ',. pubbloian d lIattblIme reeerded la ou, leIter wtb,* e ocption. ML r. mgk- M.La. .Euum. hita, of Booko*,llor, vas nuablé ta ho MMsSJ. tCisvuià.as 1amte Commencing October 3 ançi until October 10, - We wiII Seli 21-ba aga fo ........ -A104 11h te& dust...............<9f 9 MUU os ...........1*1 Igauvluega? ...... .............0*1 1 WB*tbiscuit bauklng pover.. .17 i lb Smoking t6bacco...... ... ..:13 -1i Ca erooni puff powder ......... .17 1 lb l'luag lobacce ............... i15 1,BO&mu. tarcb............... 031 lbhCr Java eoffee..........1 I îgitie Imon extract......0 lOlta.............. 03 Itie Vanille extract..........., 1 Good broom................ .13 The most for the Ieast money at. p.Olmi. emhit fore bllý lut elttt6ihel ho IWO4pOW etotit5WiM tb. simle la onoonilaomg ber~ snd ftn u ur.For Ivo ysra mum.* boi asugwer vlth b pby"td4ih1ia pomolneo owmumpuat6 AUi& oOitUlflUa ttiu til bar stt.n4. lng pbyatdm ss 40.ld,4h*efpl là». but a lfir we&amorq. the:baguaI. L When'Dr. Nove vasceled'osa ttend hae, under hie M alul treatment Ibe i wae apeedily restoreil te IIOSth. Tbis I vwu more than £a7yen 50 %ad ah*bm ha bail no change nS my trouble wllhb" ber lumpe mince, and blia gdued laThora voet an sd strog ugîli l i Ov mab* w oadders ber cure complote. - 50 A tubborn Ca» etai Loma. Ibo; i A ohid of Oco. Pratt,, proprietoS! of bU th. Prat Bonze as Waueooda, curq!eàra by Dr. Hove, after other physi- «Wt cuin laiIs coumIy mand *IBa speewa- rEluw is ot Chicago 1usdtried for moutha3-80; te epect a cure, vithout relief even s- t. lmbea 1tending ltaoitefforts, la a o. vortliy tw kof note ai imeStbio. tbot (Othor casas il ha olto'I front lime h58 t limte.) ma&dsl TIs FRUR N lkersansu priagers. me- e. vayi on bond. Bulsesud Canraissei taksu lu exobauge for Fruai Cov&a. ble A ym n 1 mmme miut' Y fo'.'à e elod outat bal prioeasaI Xr. progne's. OU Manble mto ou Granite i u or; .OOO Mt., bivm rime . 11U ir $10o, si muet l a. m t eu onas bionuro nt.. of s'ersckoliat'à runues, db; bÀ DECRIPTION. I Cri t'.uenc810 cash.. on uM $VIL'Itesl. lme VIIIb. - 115~ ~ m Gooe bitl n over iM, t *l~I25AN XL,.No goode reStau. Runux muw Ali F. 1Kuebkerts, Store GRAYSLAKEP ILLINOIS" ALL LAUGII. i OU TH~ fINS 0F ils HUMOUI*TS t. gà oue @.taut List your prop reqooable rates WUII1 avetë lJb«tr S~ CU%~Ui.T ai SrkscrIp~ 015 *Iiui$~ bar. OIl*i~l lie 4~ie5pSoe -- r,.. rat 'e.b.llsIom C1~ ait 1~*rJ --v. or *Met 1 lb. h ;zez 1 1 1 il, ý 'ý-- -, ýý, . 1 ffl - âà î