CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 9 Oct 1896, p. 6

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jteà m immbei asd DM thtieurd Viton a1 itesdhe e t aIp. olomeu wer w»J w* b, 1- *mplte utw« t«3ý UWla touIbe MetU»u goMd aUte lace o 0W he Stee-'htt W.", sude cdte lierowd.' Nm eand 4ev t*jst there ~bàdball wd ut asldls a.o d se s a am n PI<Oscr 'bc mthe rot o ~ls4 su teosd havatllba alurycibtm h lm anpod iimmsnryhdarf vsled on te ftiiwdm hati ieghmryde- sudý rpet.týttb eef i$%1i4j,ed an Leigva oiý%'-ad te jélowhaed ndv bIsWug q1ltnet o apo lite tseI M1 MNe! Nko htugl tt soue' Ts e wdr tsiu r o 4i ay1114 sud o àUlgIti Day *ld d slod bave pfaebti aIe ppati ad bt*edAl vol-s il" tear as ah erse." in 11 lu morne ougt ie pds- The mt-Uofsa: en yers 1 e vmR& lMWauj fr 1e lia oopl MW it X? M v lie buklsOV -lo'th dyoock '09 yfilP4. »i.oiendat44 that 1,'heul vas le l v'e isiaup bv a lever td$ ia tiewhibir, ati u kx I mea nt wis. l aighl ItvO etaI bIs lever fer-,1w45an heur, si ag Found ?,adliy I uet paut t«el»t-lM iaIlie peopte. Muaý- vitie, Iv. w uany eonstrisctlag a lIt-due figar-lihe. 104et a man eeryvpy lite tas ai possible. 1 have *MW La le deqI et stiluodmling. It v»e md la ho usoeld by thm lever, net 10 oâe It.,I essor l!uied the head se sate tom at a qaarter-aal. 1 iuwstedllae ach ef te £ogre lite ayseif a movetmut vtWc" veuld nma»ise seieati nos! bier. nrulag 1 W, t goonvit te wlsding.on '<1qI la l.But 1 suspectle, "sup»m e Ihad te meet oue orw syCWi màua aImaI liiolti, Iaitoubi moite au appluttacut vsth hlm at a quarter Pust tvlv elasywhene. My edock, aIt t"ve o'elock, alowly raised lte figure trom titi fleor le lise place la vilcit I est lu mi chair, taraud up the gas, whlch bad bisa diuimed t e lamI glinsmer tht voffl Ifye., sd tten roleases! lte elgit lutie abimiey mend set lie figure suoviug a" If working lthe lever, inateati 0f thm lever Lvorklag It Tii». yen see 1 ehoulti bave a demen te sweur tiey sa w me lu uy roora, if slnytig vent wrong lu my lnterviews with muy clients, or If f£romx any ether catie il hecasa. neesanyfor me tg provo 1 va. lu my wortshop betweeu Ivelve sud hli-past Ivelve ut nigit." 'lVery ingeulous indes!.' '"Tiero lanoltmucl more t tel.1. 0- lng te a reason 1 nees! not mention. 1 3,madie Up my tains! on Tinrsday moruint leo-go ou viti lte production et Miracle 1Golti. I reiolved againal my bItter judg- nmut, and gave tle word for Ibm Orat lot ofet b Wjd 1t e delivered eat My place at miantg&eXaýctl:. Yeu tnev hew Mr atternoon wai* upeul - wilée 't M" Amiton'. my betler Judgmeut sud MnY verse ons had aseiulile, sud I made op Jmy mmnd le deelde upen nolting liaI 4ujagit, and Certainly te commît Mymeif te y utlsgt ilght. What yoa vrould cMR lbh Ighmi Influence yaa I etwrt." d"i'als-AttmauT' 4 T, If yenthuit tht a go" d upe 'auy viy, 1 made np my mmnd tedo sot- Ma ng dtiMite-l lulotreat of laIraeI<0 tIlsuthL. 1 set uy dpuunti guz4& uigar vas barned up; net L 1 a oing Ptait la tiere neocsbl Ieua ismdly biesli ave yen unesn-Mima "tul 41 bave" r. "«Uac.yeterday afterneon?' r UTbmy ver, standing at.a deormsqil w Lelis hâ leaumd bis .1ide-sin t the e nrearallias. for support. EU& hr.sttl wus terrihIe, and evéry nov sud lie b. hagmud,,andi clulcte hlMbanda l*-, Upouye cou.e th a.e me to-morrev, pu- la bapqyo mayrmot come algue?" * Uoag ld* HoNe dinet vantlte Maeu hlm ceafmmoi juemInov, ..I 6ertape Imae' net," ho .514. "Qeel- "Go~0od-by: and thanit yen fer yeaî goal. u t Wmat i yu' 4 te havee leur ecm- "ailas-Atsenas, oetcourse." Wvho vg ate%.jI"Ofct-mre," b4Ë orf et à ttte«ÔTeho conlinueti.) am-n et 1*i 5a.- IK046 1 eirau lsugllh Speeb- qed oil et tlo >i- in bInin ureply 10 tiie15011< on% ioUle. - b» Iope t laI lieole lord vewow -lgShte te i saiimeuta eot qmp. w$bis lie ebirlibo te noblelrN 1 88M th ope Ajý m , go sewbeteM ltaI tise mminoble hn hem's" 1 'wý yroild. in I s pidtoliiitaly Wb",i î ~ llpilppls e b-olé. lr,uode- èt dR.tbd vENtiUtlimmfl b. logI'a MÈM a tu* «"w&thipe noble loubav titavbrnot te l[h. Idil a u4an de>, Au*trpli and Ulimeo Ayvlp aps have " iset h l als 1wedan 1. i4ev v& Witt halo ithé heert, 1oÏé0 e oeri ooplanlu lie l, au is 4lb, 10v9 ot Qed Wiln 0"é a mnces.4 bprimo, verk. 1,96Vsp00&ith mti îg the prlaiso hmeïte téve iexeu- t rid, »it '4a6e beliewti tened ni Sma i."AsisetlhaI.. Allorekq ,Raasey raldo e tmged tiseies.woed le for th. tueur pafortusate.thit vah q thei streeoti*of Cicago. Brigadier Brew- i e aleu spoko lu commenaisle verde et tho Instittion. The Prison Gate Unies will be Incharge oiMua.and Mr. J.0. (iallmy. Irl l ho 81104 up vitit munie- faeturlag Implemnsan sd ltes. Iat bave a trotde eau do wovk luatteïr n and Ihomo Ibal bave noue viiol auglil nov tb mat e hocmbroumsuad other thhlgs, sudwiU ho pu1 for temeir . As soon slte men ire prolicient lualtefr work nsa sîtempt will homade te get tlmspositions lu tacterlea. laebreva Give Blue# for Citnrity. ..The>unarma tatemnt oethte United Hebrev Citarities of Cicago ceverlng thm penlod trom Septetahor, 18V, t ete mpls- ber, 1896, shows a total expeuditure et U7,050 andi au added deil ef *,1.2 lthe laqt usmed amount belug aut lucreas et *600.06 over lte preceding ymar'i de- ficît. Br lte relief account Il la ebovu that 972 cases, beaegilmg 11,771 per- iont. reeeived attenion, 85 per cent. of lte ieneficianles bing Rasia Jews. The. appicanta for vont nambered 837, work mvas tound for W95, 110 refumed the wonk effened attd 124 did not tcotagala. At lthe West Bide dispeneary medical et- tendance wa% given 21,317 lime. ta 10,- N65 patients, aud of te 17,53W prsccrip- lions, '2,0134 vere free. The crecite canes! for 1,874 children, 101 permanently. The cosl if maintaining lthe creelie wa. $4,- 0069 anmd lthe account shows s balance of $927.48. Tite account of lthe hoipital. itospîtal diïspensary andl nurses' echool shows s total expemsitmtre of $47,618.49_ wile lthe receipts trom donations, the Michael Reese trust tans!, etc., were $47,- 641.1&. The itospital endowrment funs! preseuts a total of o3,50 f vhiet ansoîxat but $50 remalus utiuveste!. Do- nations to tii. und danlng lte yesr amount te *10,750. *Xhe relief eudow- meut fondi, $10,00, remalus lte«me 5lest year sud le lueted. Tie West ide dlspmaumry building funti la plsced nt $10,810.7, of viicitamenI 10,000 via daated hy Mnm. manuel Mandel. Il la luvested ih thlie exception of This 5151.vait. Preamut lugermation la le- thm offect ltaI Ibm iltate fair vas & fBuancil tsuccée.. Tii. attendaucen ýÇurîd& ay a ori311- 000, sud althougitmach bld estier vas exporIéeced lte attendlauce ia large en other dor. The. variont ragll1a"@ cen- terlug lu Sprlagâid brougit t houimadu et peuple trota outis! pointa. The. lberal faeitime. provided for lrsnsperM4ugvis Iera trou lte clty 10 Ibm grauda vere laxed le Ibe, utinoar. The dlsplal vii remmrkably gooti; mach hottes I1han vas ezibeted. Sncb excellent preeaullon. lied hoon taken hi Ithe police thLat tht pick- pockets and otiter criminl@îser. very scarce, snd lter. ver. fev complainateou .titis score. The raea ver. mlonml md, sud ver. vituesmiby thiemums. .Tiie avirdm vere made Frldar on county exitibits et grosses, -cersaleansd ether Producte et Ibm fart a"ngardent. Pel- loviag Ie fie remait: for the northern dn- violon, Stsjit>muaea, raI; Knox.ocond; McHenry, tir& Central division- Il**- ec% iret; Baingamon, second; Ucm»4is third. Soalliera division: lit (3aIr, Ornl; Ehe.tiret preuluin for eacit of the divisions le $250, $1W0 for the second and fo> tr ; ie tbird. geste 24evu i t. Daniel J. Wren, thte noterions Chicago Lpotlicln, la deud. 8Thursdy Mms.Frazer, ot Coire, a bride et , ftour dsy*, eabatitersmif Ibrougi lihe W seatI.dylisa luslautly. No regancalbe' ,giveiL 'Thei. >t acoqe .wrm presuluebt g ~ Au t m adir et Imy Citrhbthlbmenu- 1deetaer, la whlcb hchct titm vre mer- %otsly et Brste Rlnrlcis as uh- mlilledt te m 6vr, hi% mest-aunual 1 eiotfselmari0=4,duteouitye pr#f sa i atlpolice msga-- trat omaélim.........419 Tea...... .......... . ielu sa Uadsaera.s et t: Ne11t* tekr a nr s*cabi z miusnutedled. 1 a cheape entell - sat work ehlîîgllng lit ~distance or tep feet. Hll >hé 4wlibe ws<nulng la hM s rrteetb thronsb hie mnILt. At thse Euglewood lt ip&l, a.»Uige6n eewed the dis- ' art togeElier. Dqwbenspeck wu ett 1 e bhW tongue for a week mc.,d lu go bere. Tb# uj ennei mtinlg of thse 1111- " tat U gdout Dental Examinera w*ý hetkpriggleld. The examina- ia. beguli Mf a cluse of seventmen 44dtes otp giesdental.nursery la Ilreproeiting lthe ce of Clii .-eora, Jasnille, le alle. Men- , Cllntun, Marna..Barry, Meleanu. l~,Gilman and Oaklantd, Id. A per- q~!o f fot leu titan 80 muet ie nmade b*ry braucit mxîmined upon. S . Thaman la postmestor and pro-' *eof a store lu the l1111. town et 'Mirg4. Mounday nlgbt he vas locklng hWm * tir ltzwhlcb la locmtmd se potofiem ve* a man waring a matsk aproacitmd isa and ut the point of revolver cota. *$!We hlm tu open the door, aud wben lu- éid. ordered hlm to open theo saie, taklu heorefrota $110. The. robcr lte» 1.0k t1W koy, loclsed the postmaster in the maina sudlied. Titere la no0 dcv. Mrm. Willilam Mickey, of"Evanston. met ber brother-in-law at ltockford on onie of the principal biFoiness streets and citas- tlmmd hlm with ne umbrella itefore a large number of sp.etaturs. Thteman ras a block before lie ecanîed frn the womin, who broke ber weapon ever hWt bead. Mrs. Hlekey said bh ad slander- ed bier.- He la the traveling reresenttve of a Chicago bonn. . nd Mrs. Hicker went frotu Evanston a short lime ugo te, riait hie vite, vWho iluhWr alter. Thomas J. Larmon, ose of the oleft settlers a intat couuty. dlmd Fr1457 nigit ln Steuford, vitere ho drove Thare dey ta vîsit a MatIer. MaJ. Laimod VaS aud came 10 Logan Couaty lin1830. Éa aud came to Legan Cunty, ln lm<, sad to Lineolu in 1854. He was twlce elected Sherif, sud nt lthe brenhing out -of tite war rslsed Troop B of the lSecond fegi- ment. Illinois Cavnlry. He servedl for nearly four yeta and attnined lthe raut of major. l»e waxlte tler of Cathterine Besciýth ie actress, wlîo lecame demeut- ed in New York a fclv days &go. The Grand Lodge of the Kaigita of Honor wlll ntaetuIS priugfield two years hence. Thse principal action Weduesday was the appropriation of $1,5W0 per au- nuni to the Igrund dictator 10 expend la building up lthe order in Ibis State. The. foilowiug olhicers verce lected: Grand Dictator, J. L. Livingstone, of Chticago; Vire Dictaton, D. W. Green, of Wite- hall; Giranad Assistant Dictator, A. J. Miller, of ('ohden; Grand Rteporter, H. F. Day, of Moweaqua; Grand Treamurer, N. C. Nason, of Shelityrille; Grand Citap- lain, A. Ziet. of bloomîngton; Grand Guide, A. Klein, of Cicago; aud Grand Guardian, William Jaque.., of Belleville. At Taenday's meeting of lthe Otats Board of Equaltzaton at Springfield the. personal property aud landsand lots cons- mittees aubmltted their reporta, vhicli werm refèrved tu lb. commilîlce on gen- eral mqualilation. Tbo comsnlttees have sddmd tle i. purmnalproporti ef Cook Coanty 45 ver cent; te tbe lands of- that meunty, 46 per cent, and to the lots 84 par cent la dlebtbwtng té,"surplu, boy- evor, vhlch la 807OWO, Cok Ce nstr5 Wîin get ltse leuëlit eorS 8,10880. ft vii ia léoiethe letsetftat county ia net addition of about »9 per cent. oves the. ammeommeut valuation, 20 Der coun, on pur- snsal property sud 25 per cent on lands. Thse eq=Uzled valne viii stand st àabout * *21.545,111, wviicilae ffl07,048 lu ex- cme at ite amssor'valution. TIser. lias homola Illinois a ealia- lies eet cool veatlser, villi leod rai» nao Vrlday, Baturday a2à Sander. Frent oecnrred over the lIaI. ou Wedue.m aud Titurmay moralng, helng quite huVy over norh ansd central couaniu. .s4Jigbl Ihrougitoat the mouthera ascllon.. IKI. or no dauager"sted, eving le'tbetad'. vanced stage of ail far. peodacte. Varm vert lias puied, roqdly, ttheaSil havlsg heent placmd lu excellet condition for vert by the rain. Plewing vras ses- ernl over tIse lstte, sud msemdtnglu central oputmm; the. werk la bast bmglnning lualtae sonthern .ecllon sd la anme central eoin- tien, empmelly along the .utcidt.1eeoft h otste. wvitefer.etfdantage hy Iy and chincit hug have reterded lteé verk. Earlj eown grain la up and growiug Iaell; pis. lareare generally gond or revlviug rs> 0The. quail stoollug Besson, nov opOE la Illnois, sude lh open* lu Indiana ou Nov. 10, promims Wel for the- sport». mmm. Reports hou every section of ONs Sttes ludlcate tlit a il are moe" plenti, f41 o lii miou ttau fot many years. TUtI tu detue several causes, Ibm chief e1 whlcb la lthe better respect site lu in th pant t e e ot . ortii gane lave. Tt lm" l lste I portslmn'.Assocition.~ witlU lnmun eaered ail over titi SIaIs, balibaabi"te ksepta luce. bnci r Wîtà *6pot, hutter, Whse-bas ne regiri ter tbm ritte et ethm Dont respect for dui igaoetrad. tor ti éProtection sud prism Itea ô1,eetion 'etof onders, blm msa" lte lava Md ujthe". la n ieUiWlim IoIiouou OU Uhlmget badao adeoo uau. bom aim t i "amilIppt toithe n dtt us.n T-0 ceeu &Md OmaeIs Me tuse Parme»e et $ ta lims e ylm"d «e Au List pres ii Iule" ,.... 0e0W. cts iti pvInta' gala l dolr. an, it mor otnume~ qidmd e tie sglets beh. m burudai e.»g mor40a410000.Tb anr usrmam mt ie ry u emsrproduction.ei 1h. : f la eoir$tasa predadi gd a tel visTe tudos or llsieubwami a. two toiT neieOe&0 bu'S, a lode r 0=0 of e em.o b voe. idesI la "le ieleon dotiesvtul i ont ie piiik la vhelu revion re i mh s1 ahimdolargs d .id faooteroailea o saimv a eeefu ge tom eng auteI mnaiI.~ - e to he uIcal Ob a l eom baud Omlet or cmore umn Ome D lari&bis is Wlh m tutim au m.i ou MaLI.n tgt15.

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