CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Oct 1896, p. 1

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_______ pudirn~. * ý..Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois, Friday, October 16, 1896. -$1.50. in Advar MALL. Mi Cook on the Mr. O.goyl* mmli. thev inghtihga tl . hb»g 1 lui '78 w<fl double til.t % s et i cf og wmq. Tht. ila aversy ml3ap «ô »M*5 ary essily t ad q codsu ahver »ai Üarremptiois O*stndard nioney tilt I limai date. Thorase *asout tlb.Mmil Uli0uliotewma. -Tboe*edemoneintidf umi*ra. I*%mlasre.. Nov il wy. rUlî tu e--w7ohU gby remone-m l~~fIi~.~xW2 '0 ad vIser. f ~*We au& W~betise money i vd~,St nfs P4 h iis plainl?1il 11.4*ho wUV aserpnlseti, judglng I 2toq hi le~ub*, 4- eImm thst Oui I~lum0*44sn the1i iliverE te f*'*fld Mates sud Il ~ê~niu s< ~qIoiet île peoplec the busboxohS* *lit sud net the uMaita»od cf di«v* *mÉta. The1 m4*Mss4oai vatpsid oui. O pi oJtq vadeiy g*ldos by the p5* ut~ le- nov doubled & n*j~ie. uIf dit »asemeper on1 ô%i it tc"q iu pgoducUon vly3 jar chesamec la"uttere 09d 'U pPdaltuoed mueist a p a" d .au oing dovu. Ih lav aiil tbo-shtp ta. .gives lth iso, *Muea.' TDbere .1 cthresfactec ýilbhp1xae 11* g U UM an sd gîteL »Ai leé teo 10atiUoisaOthiey nose&ail Uà*u tw11 alva bum pou. dovu Loouao fisé ovetggeidu.ion. IvWi Ceit l - a of hsea olie1 ItIjinat vu -s1 -<qo".: --Mr.f Oig.but aise ak vieler You ea M"y hu M vil ive silveri i iitUmdoliar golul te. A la e o ,mi<letily. Dins àl »Wem 0". g~eouoid m»i 4M18733i Î**r for a 101w ns Woufrd#kt." WIsy1 1. dtor slivS, W-vorti Mre. twu*t5'ioi. *aolu lalum171con-1 ma~uu~~u euldbqy fin centsi ewλ v&à ive qiver dollars thent W vIO l Ovedollar <oIt plece.1 a abani,y4!14 vIat s <tesâta $toe#as oldimg gS"udovnudtioui atwbwd1 ueffonmonoyq êW m hffexeude»corier t andi »ir8ow u amra 54otber pieducersi tw 0gte, .etlySen asmaofI e! I ~tugsêra4l or ILh.W. muei *lut 111,01118 M' r7 mi Iléomtue«,ý sad people. cS» <elgas' Ire t Iwvitsrlb élecan sd $h sonas sut louas bc dur "Il.Ths là til. peopie's country tmoomîoU-a=-ylete aail *i nuls esis ad Poona or wmsdEnglaluen o! île Amerlesu Y om ua not M. Banna1 *tai rour Uioeuaaiof e!mionsi t4t.oeWé. The pelopl.e a tndsing oUie motter e! vbat ln theï ihnterdui and wini voe for ivitisot regwdt ib ty.Mr . Ilam la their champion 'Ssc Uey vil!eleet hlm preieut u 1 aemla tMtU.- Bnuy la again jiotteet my ltter. 1 cannot give te bli suce!ofithepace YOD alov te me fMr bis artice o omnom deseive if 94W"tys gaimi th" s<ad a not being pdsedmore rapldly tissu ilver sim luep gîtes à table vhieh sbovii lIat lhi Id. Wben 1 gay lIta ialIter dolar a vosîlifour cent. more Miam a golti dollai and put il tiovu lu hI<ases $1ME'lie corect. me sud maya l. aounit he $L004. Then vien he vimt. te say tliýau a ounce o! silver Wavorthi on. dollar andt ieuiy-seveu cent. o flche a isgures$1.027. if gsy o bile elihdien o!tishe peo)ple vbo tiraid ib" do not understand *bai Isay eitIens ait île teacher it Ib!s vritke ubouiti not tudy lis *;iMmeihe belore asauming to hu- tinet othesin finalnce. îl wns, lpwiib"jieincher "mnis *M-7, . Do. yoJ074uov Ur. Editor tlkielu? Idou'i. ]b aid of lée pMoyne anti Mn. y*ç ASV.bya Mr. A. B. Cool -t tu Vo peS.eei ouoes. bits artcle also. a. 1m-oba Ut. 0Opeland belleve i~*b. os. Re ~i~4u5O~,thisr shd.anti ieé are by p ad aer h-os -usà Yàp, polar su cn tbe O'Plaiue b sulplur vater I: vfiii mal. a yen yei before avag îlte gloons nit jour Sisieresi wà,lil not le *dm&e sd, have Z_- gond Sound gumusaul bimetalUe Wi. E. mason et Wankegan.p silier dollar va vorth tre. cents more than the golti dollar, and vlth- Libertyville people vent te Wankegan out amy reaon only to peu. Englauid and paticipsied in the rouîing Our power wîtl and eur bond holders and millionalres, Kepublican Eally ut that place. The REAI) TIIESE DOLLAR ST and vithout the knovledge of but gr<und fluor of the Brass works waa Oive or six men witii John Sherman et their bieat Ilvaa demonetlzed in tomporaily converted loto au audi- 21 Ibs Granulated tbis way. There vu a bill before torum n ad a conservative estimate 2 b ak rw Congre»s to regulate the mint snd places the. nlmber present ut five 25 Ibs 25cRk loaste In that bil Miey put eleven vords Mousnd.3 b 25 Rose which are "sud no depolt of silver WllmE. asnw îakre9brsL oxSa for other coinage chalie b.roceived." WlimE lsnwssekro asLnxS a Ths atopped the coinage of our the evening and bisgnîasterly and 10 bars Erasive So silver dollar. as standard redemption eloquent addrces vas frequcmmtly il,. 1 lb Arbucklie's Ario money. This saine lav ln section terrnpted by enthusiastie alîllaume. M Luhi' X fi! teen, llmited the lega tender of!u Lag ln',X siîver coin to five dollara. The coin- H talked tirnt, fer 1eaflad oriier, and lng of our legs! tender redemption believed the money proillcm a Battie Axe PIug Tc tiret standard unit of value constItu- secondary coniderationi. flis rieur Gold Coin Smokinl tional oliver dollar vas stOPPed. concise marnuer of explamatluîusais fuil 1 pint bottie Bluing Gold becamteour ouiy ful sanrd rumn o n hns <ila. redîmmptiou legal tender mstandard o ruetfr u bB't3 bs Rolled Qats conaequeuîly bas slace gone up «Il Thse luevitable story go cittrcterlstîcCie Vnga pe Il tales twlce sas nuch oliver and citler vitIs "}hllY" Mai«in m" jouit emougli luiii ingr e products as it did tu get a dollar of evîdenee te keep the felie',s on Anchor Sweet Chi I. hit t kiug, a cruel king sud ve1 aIl kuov loy it raies us. tiSl ve bter silo (if tIme fene" in gîîed German Sweet Ghi keep it as h la or repoal thje lav. bumnor. 1 gai New Orleans Ths la h lb sue. Recently ou. of Those iu etteudane'e from thîls plac'e 1 gai Honey Drips yourreaders shoveti me a big plece vere: Mr. and Mris. Rd Smih, Mr.ipun Co esI of lbsd snd said It va a Brysu tea. cent piece Hov mlly, butit ahik 1e snd Miii. Frank Protine, Messîrs.1Po n opr Mie golti argumente. Dues Brysu Morsle, Chas. Smith, Davis, Croker, Ed probiose tu coin lead? EverybOdY Butterfleld, Allausemi, Corlett, Nlac. kuova thîs inas lie. Bob Ingersoi adsud * -l Tig, eedt, md otber golti men @ay the goverument (ufn îlTigMrdtIojl cannot create value and tait of Lusk, Duîeuberry and Just. lA E S intrinsic vaine ini metai coined inl- C_____]____L_____ to money, andi .ay gold is sound money anti han lu- WAUCONDA. WAUKEGý trinsic value. 1 deny ibis. It gets WilWragg speut last Suuday lu the -______ usl value from anti by the lav. Let city.Ha reand efety eloe me prove ibis. Tale a huudred G.aW. Pernt wasa ciîy isiter lsI Venr nielles..They are vorl h mne . W.Patwsacy iit asYe. by law five dollars aud are by lav el iasDle8ratu bîîhe !E legs! tender same as gold for tventy- J. il. lt<,iiiey spelIt lest Slinday in 8tratt.on, niglit watech ut Illîy'sIBank, live centa. Nov il they ver. not this place. Wooedmtock. III., îd grateful to Dr. stamped by the govemumeut ihey W. J. bangs moved ente tlhe Bamîg, feinwe h igcbaitl ir f erefor vonld bc vortb lusteati o! Are dollars farni leat weck. twenty yearm. Thei: iiscuse involved only seea*V-Aue cents. These people C. A. Appley, of Libertyville, wiais (u the akin of the emtire lxedy conflîîing aay government cannot crate, buti il our treets last week. her te the hlimse li imch of the do«.. They say our goveruament eau Mi. anti Mia. J. W. G.ilbert were f liiiCt4e ýbe b. l'or yeurs slie coiiid not make a aliter dollar fuil lega! ten. Chiao visitors lait week. flot wear a chtoù loir î,tler iîrdiuaryn der redemption otandard money et par waigaprl eiehl allm yulh golti, but if dfrî vhen there was Herbert Case, o! Auroral paid hi,sern piri leiesi c a more silver compuredtu t goldthonss motiser a short visit last week. al of thse heur frons thle scalp, thse head ibere la nov sud il do it again. L. M. Hill and frieud, of Evausitîr., and face tîeiug one soaidcIab render- Uet us gsi out of the hindi of Englanti speat lent Sunday in thit. place. iher nre catilcamuIatiîrg sud our goldbngs. Sheriff Brown, of Waukegaîî, was b ti)rmcnt h flo aaiîmatng 1 vili suggest thai Mr. Cook, oui our streetq the fir8t of thse weck. sthongh aebcd emîîieya e tvety gootinelghbor continue tb shovwevndolerut luSaras healdos people vhich endi up te plant lima wRay Lanîphere, cf Elgin, mae imîiuing hnudred (of dlaswrho benne so tbey vii grov, rather thtan Wauconda a short receuîtly. patent usediesues amiong others $20) commnceinsrucingun o th P.H. aimn, o Waukeaii . f Cuticura resedises viihoîît relief. commnceinsiuciug s onîle P. . Maan,(ifWeukga IR18Under tlIs kilîf ni treatmnalof Dr. money question so laie lu the spendiug a few tisys sîlthisu parent.s. Howe able was completely curedinl six campalgu. C. C. COPELÂID. Mr. Burdick. of WiîedNtock. wm" the wecksaud ater eue yeur îof insmuulty _______ iguesi ut Mr. sud Mra. J. Sliith. last bas flot a trace cf the ilihease left. The Boeton Milk Trade. 1 veek. Miss Cole ilîl gladly awcr any Mr. 8. 1. Pope, s miI shipper o! 1ifr. Lawrence, of Barriugtou, vas lu inquiries by mail. Ibis place ou businuess Saturday of Libertyville banda us the folloving laatveek. Dscharged Cured one Year Ano. sud sugest. vesiern milk shippermi Peter Godey and two friendols f Mis. W. H. Cowliu, iife oif the well organite simila ly: Chicago spent a few deys Ilîunting lu knowniPension Attoîîne3 lt Vîodtock, -Tise Boston milk irade is in a more tbis vicînitY. Ill., gives Dr. 0J. B. Hiwe thme credit bighly organizeti condition ilsu la Mr. sud Mrs. (;ueseleî <f Iowa, re 'fuit er empiete restoratijîn I.,healtb the case yul suny other large clty lu guesta of Mr. and Mis. Il. Ilaiman utl mîter Reven years of extremîme sullriug Mie country. The New Englant i mlk 'present vritlng. f rî,îî a disems'e peemliar tliiSomiea producera' union nusbers- litn Mr udMsii.Sitb. , wlis ad reducedlfber tii a fiulîlesaji memberhipsalarge proportion of the are vislîlng relatives i this Place et 1skli aof marewbicisail bu tlher tbe farmers vbo slip moih te tisai market. preseut writiug. aiiiimr hm oe tui&l its local branches bave just voteti Alaio ouglehî rimi pviiu.Mrmi. Coniliniwill gluîlly lpon the prîce eai hethey wu'h ll AHury ttded ueupkaleîgrink M- i,.wrany iuqmiiiî. remu ttlier their inil delivçred at Mie depot i eryatnddte ktii iklest Su ilererm. Bouton. Their executive committee Saturday eveniug.I tIen met Mie Botôn milk conîractons' Mir. sud Mis. Hi. Goding callî.do>m Aou ro T1ee il! ticpubîlic sulis association te conlude the treile for Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ralymoud, ofî Viiiiilt M amkigan, Seturdmys Oct. 17 and :31, the sit monthie from oct. 1 te April 1.lthe irst of the veek. ut 2 1). u. if you have uy goeda <if For seyerai year pait île producerg Bey. ..Sbultz, o! Chicago, preacheil cmiy description you vau t sold bîimîg lài.bY Mils mesans aucceedeti in filxing l h Biin brh etSimdythmemu tius amd ve vili sd th eii for s pricê o!f3eper 8-qi eau for the moruiug sud eveuing. yommc i mission0. iifr îîy &auchI summer monibsansd 37c for tise Mr. anti Mis. E. Green are enterteimi- rielargt G.R E&Si. vinter. During the coming vinter iîîg Iheir sou. Herry amsd vme, iof REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. thle price ha been fixeti ai 35e. This Chicago>, ai present wriliug. BMWtEA iEoTE. le ai vhtchel Ii lIk in Mr. mmd Mis.J. Grimoldby, i cupposedttebe vlolesaietinluBoston. 1Mr. anid mil,,tusJ. G Firold S . aif From ibese prices île coatraciors nigwood, vislted the latteras motîmer ' AIiiaumi F S'immisauid w tii (Cari deduet tiseir commission, thie same Mis. A. Smith, Sundey hst. I. ia hjt-li mtwtl.,di ai' lu Kummer auinlu vîner, to cover Mr. E. Davis, tf WiLiona, Mhrîmi . v,,'cii i. ihi li> . freigisi, otiser eipenses antiprofits. imade relatives in thia vieiusity e shoîrt I1iiiiîa , tit,tWIII W MWagiim This deduetion varies from 7 tu 13e visit Satuiday and Stniday lest. I tý laui7 b 8i >4 i't., Ft il>ji-I i411 per mwo gallon eau, accordiug te ttie L. E. Golding, F. Wynkoop. A. W.AîîîFIiili <il I l)Nsil ltit <r 1, vlitin 10 te 20 mihes o! Boston get an liiggs wcre Chlego visitora Chiiege Nhr]î h.iziîM hiakiýrtmeWili,îdtaeîl mikichpe.ToeRysudE.LHrisnaiLonl i> ii'NmiikKaipE is> . l- i average o! 30e per 8i-qi eau for iilI day. Mîî,t i 8 Watiik',o.Ilu ,i . . ý deliverediti itheir local depot millin Mr. aad Mia. Fred Burtt, of M< 2 4,Ml W l....m....t.......i ....... the prie. la 37c lu Boston; fariera Colorado, are spenîlig a few <aya l--iryar t-il w i . ..1 a i -,a i froin 20 te 30 miles away getauwt thie former'si parents, Mi.« andl s 1 cvti) l,u iî ifLir. 1. average o! 29c; 30 to 40 miles, 28c;10 to lIra. H. 1l. Burilt. y l . . . . ss 50 miles, 27c; 50 to 75 miles, 26c; 75 te I gnlee* o Iirjt;IM a rriag e Lice nses. 100 miles 9Me; île frelghsi ou more NTv gntQmI r1n îrjimtmn re ' ~MarlWtittIti ...... distant milk belug snch tisat ihose 1 u iisplace puttlug up lightenlag Mlli, U' i ' 11i Wet ik- .....%hiii shippers get only 24e. The prile. l roda. J. Golding anti C. lt* Wcils bave,- graded no as t encourage plenty o! their bouses proteeteti with roda. 'AIMNIîî'lî.4 NIC"lE P1'mt, ' I wa mnA i l reb -iliy ts.mît Ulii'- .ilti- mllk hu Nov. anti Dec. vhen tise RohI. Harrisons teamin a Msît sriliî-r iîhmmiilsratrix ifi. tu . J.,ki supply iu usuelh scat, and diseourage day mniug anti broke a dul .y,,i-.sdwlat.silî(îmîviîr prdcinlu Feb. anti Marel; vhen carniage ail 10 pieces. Eurîy van isnut aUi, uurt11a a -mmi i~iltii Ililubi cows .beglu tecone lu snd tieseupply the vebiieebut eaed withont itmtmy.tiii y . . us Y, .IlIle lîrst M ,ilîîît ii, îmie Increases. 11~~ev. Clifloîti preached Ilisfrtet iij h* euwi-,mimîmO The follovtug table shov$tea emo n h Eluel tîîîSl)îal 1'.,tiîmiîisgdst ai tai ir, itlmi,'d total numbir o! hil.qt Cano <2 gals o! sermon lu te .E.cSrcis lndesrtoumi sîir.titlliieuîtt. u,.sli mIJI) recel!ed ai Boston turing Meda.Cothî exiS dyaxiIîa jm «JULIA B. Uvas. Ailiiililstiattilt. lesr entiet Ang. 31, 189, comparetli tu bIta. Services 10:301 e. n. anti 7:301p. mi. Wîkgo.8mtrte mb iîd le.yeara before; sîso île amont 1ev. J. R. Clark the former hIesimîr o! sold sud the quatiiy o! surplus milk. thse M. E. churols bas charge of thei, [lici- trlimigtt)sVss,,Jo fsîuy s Up 10 April 1, 1895, île contractera MdHury anti Vole M. E. clurches. lHc cIit(iriatlly mît a p>îpuhsr îPitenît îîs.îl- paidth Me ful1 cotrac price for ait McHenily Ibis eek. The OUIii M "e kîîow fr<îsn exîserielle Iuat tle mnilk they soiti sud for 10 per cent besivnlaises§ o! hg us suy WmonaCbmîmmslîclriss 'iCollec, Choiera anii o! tleiasIes lu addition, paylng for frieutis go wltii hlm. Dîcrrls-)ua 1îedy la aIl tuaI is cldemi- the othez 90 per cent o! the surplus sa______e for i, tasoun two oeeasloUuli t toliped vîsi tbey gll ont o! h vlanu matie extriiciating peins and puîîsibly saveti linto butter. Sinon ihat date, hove#er. DIAMOND LAKE. lis fîomîîunaut miîely grave. We wonld the contractera bave earried oniy 5 Mis. 0e. Ou081 uned fl ot .rtlst easy over iiglis wilhouît il pur cent of the surplus. In spite o!flest Suuîlay uIItIseIsus. Thisi remetlyn- the loy prieus o! surplus milk this from e long viai. doimteîîly samvon more pains end suifer- yeav Mi prouoes bae due crn- Mr. J. Barsicv, o! Waukegau. mas îug thonis aiy ctheremedicitse isnlIse psraively-veOU, lavlug recelived m on oui aireetsaas Thîîrsday. wîrhl. Eveîy femlly Khonuld keep it tmuol for the renié of lIeu milk turing t)lamndtiLake corresponudente*imas lu tht' bouge, for it id cure lu tic ieedeti tle 'Il montha as they diti turing unavoldably cîovded (out lest week. aôi)iuc ior luttai. Fuir sale lîy F. Bl. the pÎe.- -yer heu test vas B. E. Destiun, of Lake .Zuil-, passed f Loveîl, Lilicityvîlle anti 0. C. ittbîmitë, oOUsldera"bly hlgle..' A commutte. tlirogh here lest Stindsy on bism W ilmdui. o! île prodneer's union inspece th e vheel. FrIb1uiiii'luetîgmi rn contractue' books mouthhy to ec Quile a umbnter friim erýattenticil For< te gî' iiîîîîls Kiigsof 3Grma, cisai îedsrlu t.eetlaf trl hie b. O. 0. F. L'idge autB cekefelher jla lue it-i ut IorkIsland.cîtOctts-i2(1 a5cEPT ia .hat Tbuuarihay. Ail report huinmg a 1 to 2:j, thse C. M. èÈ St. P. railmeil i ii T P.ROVE Ithe public. URlETCIIIN(G XALUES. iosa Coffee -1 XX Coffee per lb - 8 .obacco - - I ig Tobacco per lb - rgai - -7 locolate - - 4 hocolate - - sMolasses -25 gaking Powder 29 iAN,IILL. Notbinc t. Prevet. sltsnachln-rort7yeara age girs kuw boy to cook. van PeIt-Tes, but they dldn't bave cooklng seboole tben.-Ezcbonge. A 1 oason la ManUers Biobby-A untie, pes lme th@ botte. uuntle--Ll vhat? Bobby-If you eau refeb it.--CiNeln- nati Post Tb Difference. Henley--Cxglcel, how mueb g00d OU rye ca n you store away in a single aeu, Ing? Colonel-It ail depends, uah. colonel-on your capadity? Colonel-No, ah; l.theMer 11eWt capaclty-for paying for it.-EiBxtbu The A de.dnt. "Miss Bobleigb maache dreaind1 î ine," sald Mlle WlsblngtOu. ::Indeed?" "Ves. And sah.sé Mn yatMit% 1"> last mince pie ahea ever 80604 #* toc.-Exchange. urtinsonbeaik-Ia piabini PeiiflS U 00 Y ildered gamblîngi Yeaqt-Vees, 1belleve It le. "Weil, 1 see a New York &7y-9004à 4(ore bas two cologne Ibuntaind se it., trflCtloflg" "Certalnly." "well, wby do ibey allew thea 10 Iiirow up a scentl--Yonkrerg lIttt* Ail He C..i.l Ank. Friend-rpbat la a very lhlI romedy you are running. lI t 408*W ing good boume?.- manager--Blg boume? It la 41181M: s'eU as the beet variety show la tovu.- L.its. A Foolieh Buppoeiti@U. .,ones I dldn't k1mvOL B1004~ Brown-I)id you tblnk bt dr"IAn l tip tlnîe?-Lite. More Encourege.aet Tezw He-I do uDt believe 1 11 evgtb« ry. 1 baven't île ceiwsg, te' p5gU slie- -wby fot court s vide w? Ethel Knox-ltU 49u tO teliMO. again l'Il eaU mamma. Van Pelt-Donit bother; I1lihuel lbe ,%0 1 came ln.-Pout-DIsateb. No gUurry. O>r. Kilem-f ettke ibb is ume ' .ron von't le asu Me . - Hierds0--No. ibalmla'1 lap geveral tîmes yet before 1 pq- psei.Dlspatoh. civta-Yu ollw Iieil - i la* vîtI yen vîtbolat iiun1. coutraçî Isbor law. Serosis-NonobUD; u VU. lnu asfruersWmaehI- Patch._________ 4 Bit ceixcmas pa1'- 0lt et 5%b év -ievet iisaN.* 5

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