CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Oct 1896, p. 4

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vilooiog . utbertyvî.a. o MAIeSR]uns KNOWN ON APPLI- De] Ne 0 , 3R BIRTHD)AY. cal L. for laue the INIiEPENDENIT ý_4pon the fftb year of Ita h tThe steady growth of our d tto li]ai and' advertisiug b', ~eduring the pat year of m Wdng bam beau more tisai gratify- an VTbe mrchants ln adjacent Jlav reali.ed tise valua of this t ~s ap dvertising medium, and g iààâd5 bave beau satisfactory la m a larger patronage lu that01 Mait tan bu heretof ors been i ~~e4 ~ i ua aprla is ocaity. a thtie pttMaut- management ar W»*pnflENliabeen placed on ÏIést, end coudncted on a strîctly MM prlnelple, "vs havlng aI iDo , sbCidte patronage or support bY s ijlsg to the patriotiln or benevo- l cio tise people. Thse resultin 0a Oet. 'Wo amehere toaetp, bavingw 00ated Ibat au indqeps suad t kiW ipaper, devoed i. te bet m*sof its readere regardiesa of!I o., wiiire<eive aubsiautldaislip- r vison partisan 'organsoo con- ' Wdon a narrow misded policy have I W. Téo oxr patrons ve are t iqid, asd wuflcontinue 10 virrant kiibreai la our behaUf extended -pot per. To tise country cor- adentsa adue a large portion o! Ci for tse auceas of tiis papar, as t oaiumns contain more county neya, »bihrly from middle and western pM iban any paper ln the county. ir, ,Impartial treatment of ailt wMits of publie interest, and byi Iulip chronicling oyants which wes WVe go be of interest to ourt laga, vs hope to gain a continuanca tp. universal good favor extended miter on the Elgin Bloard of Trade is4ay opead vlth bîda ut 18e; aklp advanced, all sales, 24,840) Ibn.1 a«et 20c; 19f was rafusad on five t, vissoh remained nnsold; offeringa, ftIbo; butter lut veek, 16j; a year e omsuderable sun of money at one ge $11,000 la posted in Washington ýMon MexKley's election, the M»Vw bing offered are 3 to 1, bust gote laeimubettiug than vas ever W*> Mthiis peroid of e presîdential MhiUM nBuler, of tise Popuist » PSI Committes, figures out 232 btrai votes, ougit more thoan >4gis te elect, for Bya. yithoutà gsOinsg tise states o! milneis,t havar, Miciigan, Iova ant io1, *ofp eýiobha d caims tisat Bmau eron chance te vin. But in éou-Bulerse "sure thing-' liaI are M r of staletuvisici amrac in l *srepubtican -"surs thing" iste. tbe., PopulisI Canipaigu book vitI lassiibis veek. TIse other cens- ~books hava beau out orne lime.j j*lap luin ssuing thes Populiet book î .osikud by deliberation as lu rone uisould blilsuetiut ail. ,ýu*sra sonsavbat radicsly frot àe, tise democràlio or repnllicaa mpipaboouka, l iseha tlbeotpbaslzem dissuasüion of tise trstsspomîtion galion la connection ils lIse monsy "m0àn. Tisa boox asserts that !theis profit Sp our penicous ~iaylava antid dcrlninating Ëo! taxton, logelber vitit ïvio cotrol our tranp-towt have creeteti olgatrust ifi>0.poies. Ali o! thesarO ve patin polîticsansd tisa r satire jpgtrislhind p soth Ie gold t 51m Cevelandi iai sti tja voa4d preveisi hies "m ilu ',nUscampalgn, but ce tit-helntendsiopi in bis reaci te brin ~eUveiy," vis l ees10 pbe o! taking part lu Public inataisd O! vorkiag pivtely iveouooeainsi Bryau; "d ~ a uad thinga bis vrius aletter com- àiCd movemnt e b10hores - nig addresod by a of iris cabinet, while by hie atombéeof hie cabinet offtelala for balng ~4roffice on the ilver la toma instancesefor juai tho*.slvsr llket. atmade by bthl ,the opinion of vison former tlmad.y politca $à thtaiorti Te. 4 Ttwu in00 tathe last WU1 d iupposing it goes Lidip for Bryan, the question la rether It viii ebceed the loos of und money Democrata who wiii vote Ither for McKinley or Pl'amer. We hink amajority of the sound nîoney imocrata are going te vote the Re- ebicn ticket. In Covington and Zwport there fa a large tiernan itholic element, which fa strangly or Bryan, and wu beIieea most o! the orking men are on hiesaie. One of Le odd Meatursof the canipaigu ia àe attidude of 'Pole," Carlisle, a 3rother of the Secretary, wlîo la post- master of Covington. He ait anout id ont Iiryan man, and when Eryiu 'eut to Covington to speak wau nue o! te first to rush t<) the stand and grasp hlm by tbe baud But tii only sows how the Democrats are dividad on the issue and what a quear mux-up is I. Our people bave dropped work and business entirely, and talk gold and ailver day ani night. Both aides are intere.4ting tlietn- selves in the man Who lives in Wash- nugton but lias to vote lu soute of the states, cspecially if hie vote bc fi) oue of the close or doubtful etates, of which there suent bu ba a great niany this year. Both thse Democratic and Republicart Congresonal Coninsîtteus bave arranged 'with the railroads for reduced transportation for voters, and while neither la making it a rie te !nrnish free ticketà, there wvill be littie trouble for.the pecunious votera in certain stabes to get theni iron i etiier. At the beglnning of the cauipaigo it wau thouglit that 1ew o! the rank or file o! goverament employce would go to the expeuse of golng to their lhome, to vote, owlng to their belief bIset Lb civil service -htw would keep theuniin office wbether they dici or flot. Bui there bas been a great change, ag<d i fa now probable tisat an tunusuaill large percentage o! tbem vwilI go bloni to vooe; also tht most o! thens viil vote for McKinley, not su mucli bc cause o!fuy decided prefemence fo: hlmt as because bbey believe thec! bread and butter depends tîpon hi election. This change bli e ie brouglit about by the contintied aý sortions, whicb bave flot been denled that If Bryen is elected thoera ýill b. .an ail aronnd shako n iite civi service in ali ius branches. WARREN. R1. J. Brecuar lias returnesc front hà Mlinnesota trip. Among Chicago vibiome neceni][ wers Edwvin Potter andi A. L. Wittur. lirs. O. J. Whltmomo visited relative and frIands lai Waîtkagan a few d.a recently. We underabsudti hjat stck soiti wu] at lise auction sale Imet wùek on th Clark 41îlet farin. Mr. anti Mme. A. N. Itiebton,c hlllwaukee, are visititîg reattives i tbis locality et prosont writitîg. Thea party et Grange RlisîluIst Fr:' dap evenlng vas vetilattee. Lsînib orchestra !uuiaie thebIteisic. Gurnas camp pIsse taka nobie, There yul bea sspeciltmeetingt Garnee camp Ibis kritay evenit Oct. 16. Mr. Edigar Vosa bas move ilI femily anti suaseldtti feta lri Weukagauto bDruceLake tbitawet ant il ii ccnpy part of te Malter hotel. Mr. anti tre. Chas, 's( tbsân wu favored vîih sueaitr-,ab t ù' s'veltii lest week by the (I rsu titthor au wers heard 10 eay '-bing tent o;q again tlu e." Thse uttsun vorkIfor te (uiev ne bridge le lîeniti pisidais istsi possible andtihbbcpliis waitie patieubiy tbusc e e t ow strutu re position fom r ille. 1 Will BicIs bisketi n-v.,isty-ti busiels o! corn une dslast isiw,- Whso caoi beat IL. Whly'ietems as brotlier huteketi anti crilsed l lESui one day last veek. N e>t. We autiee oiîr ettê-rprisistg ineigii H. Ftli, out i t. 's]sîr t] Iba eribbonts vitbis. sChster AVis hvine ast he Lake cuuitty tain. If stock give ' bu a esîli. ant tîtt Mr. ant i of Uitruce, areabalout noVe baèto1 their former home, Mi suoces ansd happinees attend tIs viseer tisey go l I"...½- t u r chultiren are stibjeet to cm, vatch for the finit symptVm o! 41sasue--sorsenass. If Cisambarlai hà Remedy la given as aoon ast bacomea bourse Il vîl prsvt ,iqEven alter tise crou cil gb U~ard tise atbskck ®r ,-y be ~nted by giving t] romatip. Il laalso ixvaluable for et anti vhoopitig cougis. For sale by îB.* LovetI. Libertyville anti G. a Roberta, Wuuconda. d A I ~lp~~4 1' i GRAYSLAKE LOCAL NEWS., MRS.E.9. Rtffl&A . ..J VAUe. *Q~~qqq~qmqq~qqwq' GRAYSLAKE SOCIETIES. vants n d 51gretuneas of ania beauti- funi country of ours. R 1.SINo SuN Lodge No. 11a A- F. b tA. -m.-Ntie avnid tgnobaoeuimon Having sohd ont my busines A.ToP8N eY . LII'wiLz. W.M. requent a&B kuowing themuselvea su beMno A. Co PSO . ecy ldebtd tu me to settîs as once. AUIl Q OIOSIStChapter. U. D. Order Baetern accounta not settied ln thirty day. vii 'JStar mcciietand tiM ues ay eve *sbe pi i thîrbe edapeaced lu the proper bande1ta . u Thet MasesE.AB. SsssaaasW-Sacs' ollect. To avold costs, sottie as once. filadtidS ra'eeig !eRAYSLAKE Camp No. 1341X. W. A. met A.O uEL F loith. OroaoE KAPPLE. V-<C. <rou nother Correspondent)E airiiii (.roaO;E BROOKS, Cerk. Pu"-o Harris goesa1h18 week te E B. Sh rm n M IPA Ca' o. afR. . .mat e~oldvtit tbI d flld, preaching there alifourtit Tielutayaoveelings.-aobmontsnx udyha iiatn h Ma.W. HAavzv. Oracle. aUt..» meetn !teRcfr Mus. l4HEIIIIAN. ile. association of Cougregatiousj giurcheis G A S A <SONG(IiEATIONAI Chireh Sonas' s er- ut Cuedonia 'neit Tû"uîy und ~.Jvics lu:*) a. m. snd 7:30 P. M. PraYar Met. Wednesdey preacbing the sermon ta ing Wednasdey tavsnlngs. Y. P. S. C. 9. meat ta oy i uptbr iIb Nude vuhig 5 :4 . .supplied. Dr. 0. B. Howe Mn. baye spat Wenesdy ~ Dave White rua Up to Ântioeb Tues- Treats acientifically Mnd uneesssfully U for a short stay. by the lateet approved mauthisda gl tirs. Shaffar spent several days o! r itornwbuce ajs hoî the paiSt week lu Chicago. llnishiisg bis barn. Dizmqo h isghut hoï Mm'Bos shpp<l erlndo! ood MrTiose, stoumcs,lilvor, kidnseys, bovelà, T Mr-Ros mhppd acaroa ofwoo M. Strova pnb lnn ome naw fi-vomIs, ansd sexuel organe. 900 bu bis hotel lu Chicago Wednesday. provamenta on bis place. SEIN DISEASERecuOnSa. 81111g911904 Mis Beeli, of Burlngtonl, vislted Mr. A. J. Leonard drove ta Barig- nlrbeums, cald head, ttera, M11,» wbls baer brother, A. D. BuaIt W ednes- ton anid back on Tuesday. pooriasis captifsa, psoriasias yousil, siw1- dasy. Dr. Schaffer lo haviug a uewpuncrebe <abae(tc)rngwrm epe a Mme. Earl Meadi vent to Chleago walk put in front o! bis home. taster, and ait forma of cntaneoUu Frldy ati etunedMoney.Mm. Work on Mr. ilooks bouse andi tara eruption, blotches, black beads, etc., Mead joined ber Sunday. have beau begun this week. caret uoemah Mm. L. Burge vas Sent as a delegate Mesdames Edwards and Hiniz apent o~AD 5UEFLI RI ramoved without pain by electrolyus. rto the W. C. T. U. convention et a day in thse country test waek visiting Cure guarateeti. moine, mlinote, lst vaek. She re- friands. DlszAeEs OF TIM MN19VOUS USTTZ tsned Saturday. M. Witmore ts moving iuto is Neriathenia, locomoto? atazia, pro- Mr. Stevens, nephew o! J. J. Longe- newly bougisten home pt ie gresaive paralysis, headache, neuralgiàa, *e_14 baugliroda ovar from Frankavilla on church. ecltica Insomnlia, epitopap, cured by lite veesl Friday evoung returning tYe are gladtia1 report that M. Germais methoti andi lectrolyals. the !lluwiug Suuday. Longabaugh la quita a deal betr BRarUATIEsenautircular, muacu- t As a speclal luducement the Brick this Week. tar, inflammatory andi riseumaîlo gout, , r Tile Co., wil give e discount of 10 Baverai of our citizen@ vent toa ltvlycbat)bane a1»»co per cent on cash sales the next tbirty Waukegan ta heur 'lIilly' Mason fu, procese. Cure guiranteti. WO4uai tinys. beginning Oct. 15. Monday niglit. 1-A PA A U . T so .a Mr. Job Shermun, of Chicago, a The aqueel of tbe plg ia hoard ln thse Dr. ibye hbis a comple olectricai *#O M S 00 ,e nepbew of E. B. Sherman bals bas lad. Go Slow, gosse its warm weabliar Onîfil lucluding tihe celeb aieim WtU bcg3ý i eiting in Graylake tise past vOOk, for butcbering. amwt otonRpAprta~ ablé a1ss etog wibencyle.h bae eMsa n Tueaday belng registration day Radîogrupby andi Fluoroacoplo Dani-g 0IUB ibett 1.o porhLan catled out a goodly number o! votera. stration. y lu.thie placeoth phLnge Ws hope averyoue. TOPLOR ST.îTIîc ACINE -VORAitIC - jevc I e ee, . cuc New and neadsd Improvemants bave AND UALVANIc flATTassEs Ud ail kindu The- -aUe el Suhay al veang Oc it amasH.beeri, made as tise presscisr's hoiue, o! diagnostic sud oporative lutra- qi fuotgWiI ~ duw il gla tak n Csmstin'Thea vesiare cut dowu. usants to amis ihm ltarriving as a Mou e-Ciieuhi.Ail are cordially lavlted 1ev. Mr. Cookman andti wfe, o! correct <iagisosia of aisy dieO5 sud a _ hs)Lprre ia ovt Rbslockefeler, weme tise guaste o! Mr. ibair successal treatment both medicasiT ffla O,% . Losma hepeqrer bs 10 te rooieand Mm. Leonard tant Tisursday. ausd surgical. 10 ~I~s La aboya John Hookh meut marketvIsera Ater ibs -notcethe Christian Cu te tagtndb ugoldsr n b is praparedt tomeet bis olti patrouns ue&vrviibegin as 6:43. SiintijàY BEX5<OIODE (Plies) curect i thout due. goSmbaise ec eil ase nev ones and yull guaranteea avening sud churcb service et 7.30. pain! nI Opei'atlon ln mont cases, or oh!, 7 lisitl gÏ" to please. W inter coal bas basa delivered lu delay fraim business. vok-i i oais »ü d, Among tiis uea Chicago visitors guodly quantîties titis weak. Gray-i- VASicocELE permanently cux-ed by aà 8gM»o dtl; à» âû era lira. FriLcIs und son, Missa(iil- btes i saine oustomars la Mitîbumn.u. nomtisos. p W=4 osd ais il more, Messre. ira Wnlbb, Ciao. Thayer, Our baud halust purchuseti a lot o! HYDROCEfLE AND REitIA curedw ith- uigit driving à" Bover, Parker, Maher, E. B. Shserman, new mugie '-mostlY religions" Ibet vili out operation or delay train busaues. bWggy hnmeý F. H. Kuebker, Fred Battershali, Dr. soon be beard. This la a goosi move. MALIONAJET TtMOBS andti al abuormal vapu, pab sope E. V. Harvey. Mr. and Mm. Rugbey hava retumne growtba, foreigu bodies, nocrosed lumbarvsp Thesa Idlas o! the Aid Society will fron thair Detroit trip. M. Banniste bons, elle., emoveti by urical culUrMac=r les ieet vitIs Krs. Longabaugb Wednes- frota away, bas hasi charge o! affaire e operton. cretdat li 5rd Wvu day, Oct. 21, inistead o! vils Mr&. lise depol. Dmarks r Esma obyeheîrl audls. be~ rshtalut JyHarris as vas annouacedas, ut hoîlltat M. Pratt andi !amily. o! Laka Forest, maka sL-LTATi etoN y i COU "Y. S I4 IBtit,'~~ ty metin. Tse cangevasmade on viso hava beau apeudiug thea simmer DENTIAL. Att modiclnols furniabtiba tbaIl~ i eaccoai o! tise-absence of 11ev. Harris. st '-Primrose Losige" Drucas Lake, patients. 30 a"ikta, Ya At the luait meeting o! Boroas retura home Ibis yack. OPPicE TEtioas a TAYLOR BvnLDIOrn uailss Chaptar O. E. S. tisa Chapter W"s 1ev. B. A. Harmis, o! Milîburn, Libartyvilia, lU. ,~ peented vils a fine silver cap, lineti attended tis al melta the Congrega- Houas Snaday ouly Il a&m. se, 3 P. ta aok, s, lewibis gotd. lra. Bullwiakle, a membar tional clsurcb ast Tbursday and spent in. (Cati tarly for to-day viii nover numuso e , o! Qaean Esthser Chapter, Chicago was 1Ihe nlgh ist îtiei son. davu ugaiu.) (Atidress week <aya, plee.h#a thie donor. A vota o! thauks vas sent. Murphy Bloc'k, Woodatoïsk, lit.. Tmm e UL O! bu Mmi. Butîlnkle for hem ganerous A fav O! oar cltizens wanl t Chicago N. B. Dr. Hove solicié ouîy lte cashe . O a in gfti. Friduy teview thse psrads ad brlng patronage ot thosoWho have sougisi a dmn vE-W" Lv Ms. arua fomely01an inspirution ta those vito sav it not. cure elseaviere WithoUt.oucemuitd aie masu sU Rokfelr Mm.e ant Mme. arue e!marhyo! Tbey report a magnificent cetebration. doass iot elgaet those Whoardog etusoM-l tir, sud Mm. Orlando Bichardsonth ie Miss Edibli Harvey huas returneti watt lu tisa uts o! osher pbysicianu $19 .negqoe #À pat week. Tbey expect ta move ta Irom lier viiluer Chicago andt a tbu cit on hila for relief. f «. -j11)à e,e: Waukeeha lu tiserneur future lusteati o! spsudiag a few daya vus hema moîber __________________ w .».v ut Graybleke, as Wis ecordedlunltet We undemtantieabs vill make ber ýng weeks INDEPENDORNT' Ye correapon- home vibis Wm. Kuppla. euaO . dent vas lmisiufommed.Wi.Kran iedoLkas A ti Tseguse t is GaetkeHoet W. er ad ransofLaaville, F. B AIR S'T0 W . asiiuuîibwlat h ise phegetsveektve rsie otel atteuddticiurcis boesSabbatS morming I& umaureilo ve«t1 0 nitheputweekwer th folowig:end a goodhy number of youug peoplemauctrro «ceà4 cisk Chue. Vergisof, DanillMcCormick, St. trainiIvunhoe belpet -'syslltheb, S,10, 5le ry Louis, Mo.; Jas. Doien, Kaukakee; Paul audience" ta the eveunig. Marie4 ov, -t Ell)embreeke anti !amily, Park Ritige, Mrl u%à-oti Ili.; Win. tmwiu, Rockford; W. J.Allen, A CLOSE CALL. ous bldi mre W. A. Douglas, Waukegau; John is, 1An accident thet miglit bave pruven and Dertng usW 1119 Elgin; J. A. Jensen, (jao. Jewetb, B. C.j disastarous occurei et tIsehoule of 2a t- cfbuaio ut boue, Cicg; Eti Ltgne,' Mr. J. S. Mrne last Munday eveuing Granite diseé. IP#ul-.**1 ler Amiortburg, Ovisweatitre begantu bunaaise progmese blueti oua Iu Ossi. ~~~u its iebouse. Thie ehildren heti beau-esntoUi Tise patriobie raiiy ut te Cuttgrega- plib bu lied and a igiitaIet btniing in M nu nsilmaenBta. wAdt4doubl-1 . 0ew tionat chorcb taat Tbstratiay itglit vas 1their maini. Aler a tinetehie lampbgyulsi unS weil sttended anti niclisetijoyet.' beaua 10spotter sunth tIa fi elt oot -ChEouY MW~b5 1 ttSg Howver we noicett liet s large ont o! blise chimuey, sttilig lira bs WOETR" lut îajorlty o! those comprisiug thse Rome clollies on tisa table. Lyo,u, ibIs -. vetleboul, audience vere vouicu, vhich goes to catin ind attemptedta tcarry tise wt éw ive show bise sispeior parituti mof tise Ilump dovi atranrsd get tuer but - O(f. à500dl00M.1tS t-k. weekem sex. Tise stitiess by the local whven ha got to tIse baud o! thse staire b«14ei 3MI bu" Ii Pastor, E. A. HarriS wes indeed Ithse iantp vus So bot lie Isa.ti 1lett I»'bVRY - bd r e ,is excellent and it coulti readiy b». Sean drap' The bowl broke anti espticti ExVERsior, tabl, - ht iIIlas bthe recuit o! ma tchs 'stndy tIseaot on these ati e hicit soon vers le"-my- anti maearcb. Hie father, 1ev. 14. A. t ebiaze. tirs. Mrrie vas elune vibîs DECRIPTrON. anti otter aàÎ6 tom Hlarrits, of Milîburu anti Mm. Pratt, t thse ceblten bot vitIs praseuceaio enI. te Drusie Lake, ascis matie a fev remuarke mmud anti quick effort emotisereti the moenpnans ti«.oSa ite andtiaequartette o! mixeti voices sang iâmes aftem e short triNala. Two Sl'ie. cashs. On sonne onie good olti patriotie songe. Tise 1 carpeasantisoaineclothing vers badly tino ie , I b audience dispersed a! er tdingiug bisat bumuati sud tisa walis quise serioîtsly allCenesee Street.bMBbOO* ire. munislng national air, Americlsd ansch marrat. No otisor ban was dons. It .VAUIMOAN, hLL. OflU»M 4)14* b t oue vent home vILS a nev sonse o! was a uurrow escape anti Mrs. Muria moRhs 2No guod'i la;y potriotion asd a botter ides o!flise tu 10 Se praised for her biseoaction. -for ,. e'n19s ply emf "tp tise 'e upy cau his rF. C. 'WHAT D)oEs tME.AN? WHYC- Boy yon cau save $20.00 isy getting un olti anti expeiato-et band' to tit pour vork: Sinca 1 matie my.lest Impovsmeut ou My re-aetntg vissaI, I will dig anti brick a cîttmfln size velt firet 40 ft. 75 c-ente per foot, nexi 10 't. $1.00, andi fo-m tieper and ilargar velis t My usuel pricea ti hbourd my- self on jobs noar honte. Jolsis ususber np to 387 t preeustb. Prospecting vush a 2 or 3 linci auger no chargea unlns te It uvur stops me hrom digging deapar. For l-aing oui or repairing watts 50 cents pet houm anti furnisis my ovu iselpi. Te Ihoeie cuanot couveuiontly hourd 'iho-lp1 wled. bcpar e! fg -Ail amui Umdw ~ uvup. .1 oS~~'u~'u vIer" lhi footwear Men's everyday Boots .................. $.45 Ladies' Cpodyear Welt Patenrt Tips...... 1.25 w Ladies'Hand Sewed Double Seam ....... 1.90 Ladies' Ou Grain Shoes ................. .85 Children's Shoes size 2 to 5 ............. 19 Boys' Congress ................ .75 Snag-Proof Rubber Boots .......... 3.00 Ladies Pointed Toe Rubbers sîzes 3 to 7 -.25 llillinery.Dpt 1 have 100 dozen Feather Tips, ail 'kinds and9 moM styles, bought at a forced sale, formerly sold at- 10 jo t en,5 c*te pleçç - To close out t offer tb9m ,at i4viiim44; .444*M magib. lm. 0. Duinq à

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