CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Oct 1896, p. 6

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'it (3BAPTEII XXV. wàa feeling of relIef Hatibnry walk- Id sapidly avay. The lasI vords of Leigis &aM stirret! withln hlm once more the trouble wicb bail made. hlm ahinis meet- ilia mother tIsaI marning. The bunu- dowu of Leig's place andth ie destruc- ob f lb. vouderful edock woult! affont! sIvyo bo toIt! wheu ho gel home, and! m ig nterpose Ihat history beween «M wt ie ords of meeting ant! the ulti- * cte asouacement tisaI the engagement SemeuDora aud imsaItvas at an Whea le goI bark home ha heard, with gest relief. tisaI lIn. and Miss Grtice vote atý luncbeon lu the dlulug-room with firs. Haubury. -TIse presence oftIhe two 'Ihilorsanmod th general nature ot tIse ,.,~ves5Io5snecasany te their prasence te sI mas would serve au an admirable ~~~~~~~~i *ctue b tr abat! for is mots- loa! eeeuebrougbt lu Leigh's mharne, andt len Hsnbuny toIt! ot the lire, the destruction of tec ock, is meeting tisaI mornnsg vitIs the t!wart and thse con- Ifictidu of the latter tIsat ha vouit! net loug survive the destruction ut is In- e&nuP*rable machine. H~e noticat! as ha vont on tisaI Miss Grâce first flushet! aud theoplei Tiie girl hat hardly apoken up te Iis. Oiseest asent sud tisit!. She dit! nt -. ststo heur quickly or te apprebent! ac- eurateiy. 8h. bat! hesîtatet! in ber au- -. aers like oue afrait!. Thse table aras autil. and- laid for four people. Hanbury fut opposite is mother, Bd"thopposite bar gradtmther. The beal vas intense. Thora vas s buzzig tint! basting lu tIse giri'a cana., AIl et once sha hastilirput oernd ate ber ieft ideanadt!the otber 4e hor toreheat! sut!rosa, swaying softly "1-1---" site arisperet!, bui could say Mo more. Hanbnry caughthebr, or shaeuit! bave Vallen.Tise Ivo ladies got up. *'Ube la net vel," said th lb. oitass, ieixltedl1y. "She han etten nothing fur The irl rocluet!, colt! tnt! pale as mar- .l, la Ibm youug man's arma. Han eyes twrs. hait clonahber lips hait oipen. HIe ldber, hal! littet! ber, te a couds. ti1 ~ io sncb as stoot! at haut! vere w' apL.t, but ahe dit! net quile 'recover. SVAS Dol exacl:' uncoasclous. Thîs ào otdisay faut. T" ladI e oe lerrifiet!, andi Hanbury Wa. cffor a tdtor. When hocamneback, "a 0girl bat!beau got uptairs. Bbc vas II la the. sanie state. net qulte cou- lios ud nt quile Insensible. The t!oc- tsuat!. a long examinatlon, aut! heard >ait hua was te be Nolt!. Whon ho came Idovute the tining-room. vbhero Hanbnry val exeltodiy saalking up and! dovu, he imsutlecase vas serions, but net exactiy 0duofun, thal 15. Ibe patients lito nais nne immiet, perid. 5h. bat! slmÏl n eeovrvrongbI and veakenet! by vani cf foot!, aond!4arred b:' supprsset! and cou emdlgosusonid. Titaeevas no ongaatc but lise heart bat! beau tunction- al:'affectet! bythe vicissitudes ot the Iatfov tays atlng ou an organiîs of * 'tequlste sensbility. Quiet aras thse boit eda% o, pd, afltr quiet, caretul 1 tt enulg, aund then lIse druga men- . el eIictid aIs prescription. But above ail, Haubury took up thse prescription tint! lI ùe !rugglt ha ravertedtg th Ie pai * tent ffwlhi.O bsv:'bc 1 owIoet!tIse Introduction le hlm. 'rcyforglvo hlm uow. Ha, tee, vas -i Oun f breaking off thse Âshton ut- Àase write aI once. I bave bidly la nt dolag so bofore. l'Il i msent vIson I gel back home. £:uslwrite whern 1 gel bacS, aud pot thbmegRain out of ns:' mmd or6iu'deva." be g. aloh"nish et eter to Dors ciiMd Il vîthoul reattut4â ver Il:np 1 au satisfieti that ifI Inled &aY long 1 stouît! do uno bttag Iba I18"9 poltl uyseef vlan I, ot 'Sate a greal velgIsI09off m ndt, 1 am maI les. dialuclunet!te temaIIq 10 my mothen. When $ tsoves' 1 shall feel tIsaI au tra." eat IDcnaUlnhe nocelvet! a mes- rm e qusettusghlm tu Cali upon Leigh, kd$ ovLotgiSgs.He fouad thse dart voofulchanga badt aken place PiK aîfor yon btcause 1 have some- nymla;and, as yen arç-tlb hoknovnaail lbe spelet of uy depul:' w'lue,1 tde me a service. WiI yen? ' Wfni ords. A t~4.y htan itbonetsut! hoor- Y~Fm: do, I1vli do for you wilI 1f ICUapoWslby," sait! Han. »oMani sabud the bchange Prolt gol10 ste te eAston'i Rqur y redtenad, but ho vas s ý ebak te the ligIsI.«Tio aalg ut!denly."1 Mat w as auytIsng but ail but whoaeould b ma' andin!such a Ilk te send 7uCoi tbe "I'thiinis yeu pult! nul hava doua bet- ter wntIs 1," said Hanbury, eontially. "Yes. Wben you sec bar next, tell ber I gava up ail theugbî o! making Miracle Goît!, because she sait! she aishet! me te. 1 know illanot tair of me te kcep you here. Yon vaut te go. Say good-by to bar before she leaves toaru. Yeu musI net stay hare apy longer. Wi'll Yeu sity goot!-Iy to me aso? Two goot! hys lunue day. Oua to ber sut! et e u." îHaubury rose aut! Iscit!ont bis Iant!, saying: "Goot!-by." Leigh dit! net sûir. "Are are nt te shaka bauds?" "Tes, lu a moment." Hanbory itittet! a o-bile. "I amn goin:' noar. Ton bave uotbing more te fsay!" Ho bat! uot. IHe ada! othing more ho say.le arouut! Isiy uo moreto0an:' Ou. Hao-as deat!. CHAPTER XXVI. Hanhur: bat!, durin: thse past tew dtays, caretuiiy avoidet!-meeting friands or ne- qutilutancai. Haearent ucor no club tint] Sept lu tIh onnea agoot! deal. WIseu bc vent abreat! ha drova. île dit! net arith te hcasakat! questions of tIsa meal ordi- nary kînt! respactiug thse Astous. That morin:' ha bat! sean lua nec-s- papen tbat MT., Mrs. tint! Miss Ashtn we'ra leavin:' for a leur abroat!. TIsat was ail the paragraîtb sait!. At tIse very moment Iîanhury was speatkin:' te Oscar Leigh the Ashton tain- il:' were Icaving lIse city. W~hen Dora Ashton st that attenon in lier onr mre, atter aritin:' 10 ber lover, she knew tIse engagenment u'as at au eut!. anc realizedthetsaknovlet!ga. But se bat!ne' sait! anything of It. Wlten se gel bis unaîvar ail %vas ovar hayont! auy ehanîce rwhatever, He. bat!apebogizet! împly for bis offense aud acceptet! lier decision. lus ltter bat! a bracin:' affect upen ber. SIs adt beau îîerfactly sincere in o'riting ber ltter, and! she bat! neyai wavered lu lier resolution of breatkiug o!f tIsa engagement, 701 deep dowvuilubha rnature wai a forrniaas hope. vIsich shsI avouit et aekuowladt!ga10 ersaIt for i moment, tIsaI ha might diairegard barrne quest tninmet upon ber r-considers- lion. But witI tIsa advent of bis Itter Ibat hope vanishet! wholly, tint!se tell more irm tint! scure. TIse ltter had beeu a toule. If ho avre as casily tis amisset!, hadt!not beau very muchbii earnest. John Haubur:' thougbt tIsaI noar, &L belng over antIs LalgI, ha was bount! h common rectitude te disclose thse soura( of the goît! svbch LeigIs bat!intêndaý paasng off as tIse rasuit of bis imaginar3 adiacovary lu chemistr:' or alehemy. Th( simplesl course vouit!bhate go t10 lb police andtell11aIl ha knew. îlewas n e auxions«10 pas@ threugh streats lunarbîi ho vfas u ovu, ut!ha aras glat! of any *thlug le do. How baller couit!bhaore play' an bourthabs by trying le int! oui If amy such man as Timmons existat! He dit! net Ilie tIse vbele lbiug, hut he couit! not ret easy ahila eha bat l marna ot a man wbom Leigh sait! des] largely la the fruit et robbaiestindt tetti tAt ail avants, supposiug tIse boieetorj 1 toIt! hlm b:' the d'aarf was fiction, ni bara conît! coma of a riait te Timmons. le jumpad t! mIna cab tint! oas rapit!l. drivan te tIse tidtresa Leigh but! givei hlm. Yas, sure enougb. tIsera aras tIl narn a ndt!hIe place, "John Timmoni tMarine Store Dealer." But hiw dit! ou gel lu, supposiug oue a aruiet te gel in Thse place aras ail shut up, ant! ha coul( sec ne deor. À man aras busy antIs eue outIhe maný rup-ent!at!carIs. Hea st tsao'eel offnu( wasa iisunely graasing tIsa axletree. "Hoa Mr. Timmons tatI Ibis placi please?" hca skeoth e man. ":I Ilikseu. A:', ha bas." "Do yen know boa long?" "A fea t!aya, Sinco Mounda:', I thînI Âuyway, tIse place Ias't bean open sine Monda:', ant! Ibear tIsaI ha la gene sin t aturda:' nîgIs." r..Have Yeu an:' notion ahre ho' igona?" The man steppet! grcasin.-lIse arIsa sud iooked up curiousiy. "Are yen fmin lbe police, toc?" ',No, 1 ans net. Have people beau hem, f rôm thea police?" ",A:. And! If yon vas lu ailI Timmer ansdt tIsaI cnav. yoiu'd botter show a deai pain o! beaus. There's somalhlng wroni ,fabout a t!varf or a crlpple tbat'a msai ebrnued up lu a fine. Timmoas andt! bunglar vas smen anglag about Ibm -place, aut! they do sa: tIsatiIf tIse'r catchedt hey'll bo bauglng about sons whvier. else. Bo If you're lu vits tbe lot. yeu'd boter dlean ot 10. Thay sas Timuons bas got out of the country.' Tisa mans tesumet! hle verS upan lb. axl. lHaubuny IbauSed bihamasdt urnet! awa; h le bat! uothhng le do'lace. TIse polie bat! informnatiou amrai!:. CHAPTER X XVII. s"Wel," ho saIt!, "abat ia tIse malte! Oh. breakfast." He put t!own i uawi su paper. 1I se.," ho added, 1"tIeyha se given 'tIbI fellow Tîmasous ive ycans, oui servet! hlm very rightI" "John, you have forgotten sometbing., tf sha sait!, soppiag htm ou bis way le th e breakfast table aut! layiug une of he a dlcate viite banda on hle shoulder. "Eh? Fovgotm someblag? Have 1 à What? I bave a lot of Imuportant tbluj e on ns:'miat," alt! beleoklg dcviini q lb. dmr.,BaeeI, ovoilface, tumngiup 'i kdeat." He toe>k hcr là hm d and kâsaed ber folidly. "Yoq grow botter aeteomplimeats au the days go by." "No, dear, deeper in love." "With Ruch a commonpiace >kind or thing as ail fe7" "ith thse mnt uncommouplace sweet- beart-wife in al the worid." "John. 1 au-asready beginning tta ee quite a middle-agad wife, and miy ring where it touches thé guard le getting worn.", **That'a a desperately serions thing- about the ring, 1 meai. Gold was toc easily-worn a mtai to marry yon witb, EditIs. Il sbould lhiva bau a plain band! et adamant. and aven tIsaI would flot hist lontg cuough, dear."1 "Ara you practicing a speech to win a coiistituelley' "No. 1 arn speskzing out of ruy heart 10 keeapwhat I havaeIWO." "Do you knoýw 1 anvy you oly for one thing?." "And îwhat la tbnt?" "Alilthe lova Ihat ron giva me" "But va ara quits thera, for 1 giva ail. y011 giva ail." "But yourascaema s0 luch richer than mina." "But 1 amn witb you,nd niways ahal ho. You ara net titrait! of my laaviug yol?" "InlIse tulgar sanse? Oh, no! Âfraid of your goinig away and! cnring for saime one elsa? Oh, no. That coutil flot h." "No, indeet!. No, indaed." "For 1 should eaul you back tand show you nîy heurt, and how coîiid you icave me whcn you saw that tIsera was notbing in ailtîny heurt but i-ou? Your pity wouid flot let you do that. You might take something alise atyly, but you couit! not taka away ail that 1 had lu my haart." "You dreamer of boiy dreams. yon hava corne from seule biessad place, you hava conte te uis from saine place that in bettar thon this." "No," sh@ said, softly, "no. Thare la 1no bttar place for me. 1 am where God plaet! me-in miy Iuant's arm." 'rhey Isut!baco marriet! a couple of montha, tint! it was Jolie once more. Not a ciont! hat! arisen Lbtween tbem for tîtese, twan nionîhs or durittg tIsa montho brfore. John llanbury's aotir sait! that e dith Grare had theseaine witcbery ln appearnce as that village beauty of the oldeui days.tant! thut sainte quality of thse blooîl whiei hfien ed in is veins molde bila siuccumh u t ente te ber, for otharwiae Liheî ceuld it bc tiiotlia shonît! airost im- tmediately afti-r urtin.- froni Dora Ash- toit fal helfflessly in lova with a girl no extraordi narily like Dora Aslhton as Edith? llow else could tIse fascination ahbc aecounlcd fer? il "I do itot bielleve," hae would say 10 elirnself. Ibhut I %as aver in lova with ciDora.1 I o tink ve shoulq never have ,tgel on %veil toeaher, andI 1 am certain s %lienslite and! Whinfieltt are marriet! thare 1wjll flot ha a htippier coupla in America, 'r cxeep)tiitg Etith ant! ie. Vhan I heard that Dora %vas toahacfone of the partv on ntlhe onîewird cruise o Whinflialt's yacht rsawv EC'iiegen gain. Tbay are most ad- ff uirobly sîitet toaoailealrtîher. ,r "-Vith Edith an inspirad acord ase ýebetweeu us. Sha leanat! upon me, and 1 agrew stronig euough ta supporrthtIs bur. den of Atlas. I doung myseif aside, so, -that 1InLigIsI notha impedat! in my services .r tolher. And! 1 waa weicomed lu the asirit it 1 cama. She would taka ivhat I hall! te d give, tind ail I hadl, ant! 1had no cara ln my mii of mysaif or any oîf thea gifttaor Sgraces wbich bat! heen mine and! nom were bers. So 1Ilhad anough time to think of har and ncara to ditract nie trom Iber." ri That was hiii way of putting it to hlm. Ce self whan ha was in a vary abstract and 'd figurativa humor. Whan ha was net quite, 'sas abstract or tigurative hae would sa:' le hissait: r"*Il la îympatby, nothing more le than sympathy. That ia tIsa Miracle Gold It we sbouidall try ta maka lu tIse cruciblf a'o our hearts." TIIE END. t Overrated. ? TIsera ls a wldesreýad bllet tIsaI the l e sensas of sai tges are artraordln- le ailly sharp and acute; anIn th Ie mat- 1t er of vision eslpeclally, popular opiu- ý ion wouid award tlie ptlm to tIseIn- 10 diaeu. Thse popular notion la, however, Clearly lu tIse wi'ong. ly An Engilali traveler In South Amer- n jea recentky hail occasion to test the le quletion. Ha was grently surprlsed '61 t Int ti lit bs guidas could distingulal le objecta wliil sha coutlD fot milie out Thun, wlien «x tlny speck appeared on ' lie laudscape of tIe pampas, a native ld coult! tell by tlîe siglit and maTernants %%bat mannar of tblng It was. Ife sub- sequntly diseoviretl tIsat this extra- oiidinary range of vision wno% due more to long experience than t0atIse actual possession of keen ayes. For wlien ho k. took two of lis guidas off thier native iicjatb oand gave tlieni unfaîniliar sigs aisid scenea lu a eity, i.elther couit! see '~amy beller than an ordluarîy person. As a mnatter of fact, the flve sannes or ,eI lIe Indian or savage tire duli con nparad wltIs the five sanies of clvillzed mian. A comptent authority aays that rea savage seau but fawv sigIsIs, hears but [l fw aounds, tastes but few flayon in tmell butfewodors, and tIsat li Ig whole lite la uarrow aind blunt. a The Lobstes'. t The lobstor's legs, ail toit!, are ten re In number, but only elght of the» e. are lsrgely usat! for walking. The t front oair, or big claws, bave bea; YiIOUI> DAY FORKNOXU GREAT LOiCOLN.OO UGLAS DE- DATE OOMMEMORATED. Mionument Unvelil Il Honoa' of thse Httorc Event-Paluier anîd ePew the Prlncpai Orator - Exercises liI! CUndea' Auspices Of lthe Collagfe. Tributea to Noted bMen. Thse entire population of Galesburg, Il., culted Wa!uesday lu conmaemorate bis. tory àud exait etiurat on. Thousands came from tbe sur- roun4iing c o u n t ry and asss!ated lu mak- q ng It a day of en- thnsiastlce. noble - spi"" ed clebration. were thse tes. iîotbwor tyday lu ntrto bis moîtn lthe history of Gales- btng: Clabration of C M fl~5¶5' the thirty-eigbth au- uivprsary of the la- mous debate hetweeu Abraham Lineoln ant! Stephan A. Doutglast. Utîvelliug of a bronza tablai, huiltInlto thse wallâ of Knox gollege, to commernorate tIsat eyant. Formai sînunuu'ent of thse as- tablishmenit of tIse Abrahams Lincoîn School ot Arts sund Sciences in Knox Col- lage. Dadication of a monument 10 Ibe sWldier deat! of Knox Cotinty. Fiualiy. lut the day shoult! sas'n ton ona-sîdet!, toc muets gîven te thme ltîtgsthat I1W. moitliluthea recol!eceiotis o! tIse oIt!, thse day closet! lu genuine collage style ilIs aL football gamne. This manifold!, uany-sidat! occasion sprang freim tîth itetofoIt! Kitex Col- le-ge te easbiize ias adherence te tIsa doctrine tIsaI truCetteduct'ou combinas cana for citizeushii tint! patiotisrn. The vetaran soldiers n-bm>lat! pourail ont tIsir bloot! iu expression ofthIbir pstriolic creet! jolaed bandes in te enietiven. Men avIo lvat! lu thoet!ays wh-~n tIsa deeds coul- m:noraled w a r e arotught sat!davIo Snew antIs tIse knowladge Ihàt cones from person-( a] contact, thea onen- thons Ihat rulet! men*@s onis at Ibat lima, came tu raad è ' thse leason o! the- past, ant! apply Ihens 1. M. PALMsERt. 1, tise future. Other men. vbese part itlà la appyinlutIsa presént tIse lassons of lb. paît. joinot! tIsirvoices ln tIsa chorus. There vas Chaunco:' M. Depew, streng Iau the knoviedge ot abat bus made bis country great ant! superb lu abilit:', to hall tise star:' ut that greiLtress. Tsaer a Senater John M. Palimer, soidien and statesman, beat qunlifl-dofetal men Iit Illinois la throa lIse lashligIsI of personal experiance upon tIsa usgbl:' stnîuggle oh fart:' yeans ago, aban taro Illinoiis acre :be champions, tIsa Ausrican peo- pIe vare lthe spectators, sut! theunit:' of lise n'ion, tIse tata of tIs a îtien, vas tIse grount! ut batîlo. Thare o-as Robert T. Lincoln, timons son of a wond tomous tathar. andt! bra avarelIse t!ozans arIs cheered onu tIse ight lunlIse oit! tayi, and tIse othar dozens sut! scores avIo lbave given their lires siuc, abat lime te put- tIl g Intoeut!uring fors tIse dacision ! U t hem rent!eret!. Na- lune smilad on the efforts ut ber chil- fect day, mut! a ger- geons setting fo r hein nut!erttikiug. Gaiesburg, cloîbed B. T. LuNCOLN'. for a holidayr, recaiv- et! a holiday croard. Every nairoae brougbî lu spealvtrain loadi. Long Uaes of vablleo--ciunriages, buggies, tam- il:' carry'aIis and! plain ipningles arm vagons-nrollot! over the conntry rende lu seemingî:' endleseastreams. Rachs vat plIet! bîgb vils oIt!peopie, Young people, b&ee and! lunch bakets. Galeshuni hocerniser. openet! carl:', and! empIli befor. 10 o'cîock lu lb. morulng. Ttlttj thousant! people Ibrougedthetsastreals, attire -and a u ci',alder '-'m - nation of barbecue, circu. daty fait andl graduation day serit.ï%;o w cf oMfc!aI souveillrslIn hornneand cam paigu badges foundt a ready: marklte The crowd fonnd tho nt outiol fda: s .enthuslasm la thse *oraint parade pu' ceting tbe soldiers' monument dedica sut! kepltIshe suppiy steadîly on tap un atter thse K<nxboys badt! rounct bi young footbal l layer* train.- Panons, h Kan., intIse afternoon. _ Thse ceremnoules on the campus of Kam Collage, were, of course, thse event cf tlwi day. 'Thle crawl commenced to galbes'aI; nonou 'ntIsa bltorlc spèt wlsere "*Honcel Abse" and lte "Little G(.aust" irestile:la. debata thirty-eight yeari agtî. OidICne" d bat! put on testai garb. The colege colt o ors, îîirple an d! goit! w re'ev ryvha:e bisg bdnncrs-1837, the date Knox lokIli~ lega wi touQntet! 187e, the year-of th01 fi debates, andt! 180. The hslery fI' nois conld have beau wrltten front Iba e p îaraonl recoilectlons of the men la thes a crow!. lit John H. Fintiy, president of KnoxCa Os et lege. preedt. H la tIse youngtt as f lette prcet lu" n^Amarica. A reff g uere niadeby Dr. Nashs. pred&aet cfyi Lornbjrd University'; Chauucey Depow, Seustor Palmer an'd Robert T. Lineclbi 79 MURDER BY BANK ROBERS. Il Minnesota Bandit* KiII Twe 1N9« t and lake liais licape. t Theac1libease murder of two men *88 commiltet! t Sherburne, Mfina., Wod- nasday by bigbwsymen who robbed lb. Bank of Sherburue of $1.000. The ai- fair wus a terrible retuinder of the. great liant robhar:' at Northfiald lu 1870, la 01 whicb tIse James ant! Touger boys vere participants. About noon two strangers, one of îvbonlookat! lika o mare boy, rode along lIse main sîneet ot. bicycles. They îvere bot ai li t!ressed but vereunu shaven sot! trtuvel-staiued]. No paitiuwarP attention was paîdt 10titan as SC. lb a Iowvîîof but SMlOparimns, mentlet t1dm workiugmeu, andît! t Iat bout tbey vue hurrying homse 10 diuner. The strsngers loitared to inat!hebont- skîrta unlil nenrly 1 o'eiock. At tisM lima lIsey snntaret! luzily town lbe street snd suoiplat! Irnnîaiately lu front of lb. hank cf Sherhurne. Atter a moment'@ lalk thaY went int the bak, andtheL. eider of lIse men engsgad Assistant Cash- er GeIorge Thorburu lu c,uversation. Ou*e of th lemcpeautoesecurzd possession of ay roll if buIs coulainiug *about $1,0Q&0. Thorburu triedt t praveul the men trons gettiug awuy wtih tIse. moue:', wbon tbey IF avhippeat!out their revolvers and! begaa L firiig tint! B thlIe mre time retrestine Oua of thep buliats @truck Thorburu, casa- lu: almoît Intant death. Tbe shoottag ] wilIsin thse bauk aroniad lb. lowu, »od IL the ciliians began running lu that dIne" lion. TIse firit man lu reach tIse pige* aras Olaf Oetera. a traveling sJesan fur tIse Woot! Ilarvester Company' of St. PaulI. TIesatiperat!o-s, feanlng th.y t arouit!lha capturet!, quiekly tInedt! lIa1 arcapons upon Oesteru. Ro madle a da c tu grappie witb thens, but vas not q"se enough, asne vaw struck in tihe head a"d feil deu t Itheir feet. Thoy rau dowu lb. street iing at tan- donm, while parions lu lbe street hurried 1 le places ofabelter. They rau aboul tht.. bocks lesoea usesviser. Ibey bad left thelr vhe-ls. Tises they monatsd i and! rode raplt!ly away toward lb. Ioa lina. dix mies to the sonth. MayoerO. I. Evaet t! tIse town maroEal aI cace dit! ail lu tIsir power tg capture Ibm lion-i dite. Sherl 11HUI, of Marlou CLnt, orgaulset! a large, pose of delesald Sherburue men. which movet! soulluvard ton Iorehack laIe lu the atternoon. l la deelaredthtiIif Uiheusu are dapturedt hay will ha itrung up te a 11mb cft l ret 9trea big euough to bear them. Thn.. got away,witb,1h. roll of money, about $1,000, vhich they suatced f! ront tbe counten of thse bonis. lov. CicughIm suei a proclamation offerlng a novait!of 4»0 Pfor thse capture eoftteerobera. f KITE FOR WEATHER BUREAU.8 1- Experluente Belnot Made isy Sigal f arylce 1Offices' fulhcsr't. eEdaun F. Haubert, of Detroit, oea- *nacte t viIsthe Unitedatu ltes vesthet s t I..Ë,< SoXICTIINQ NEW IN RITE&. bureau, vIsa bas been uakiug expert- monts lu kits fiylns for lIe purpese ' - gattlng vint! va*allausetahgret eleva- lions, bas suceet!e la produclng a kilo taroîveotst11g, haylusg 182 square feet et rail. The fumiant 5sa sisaped andd placet!, 1hoi1Il bonis readiliinl buse dIre.-1 tien and la bracot! rigidi: la lis. otlbrsa lisat a Éligitl:' concave shape ln obtaiged. The velgîl cf ltse kit. la tire.Polupds aut! elgist ca ,no, stnbu te t laI Il b balauceoquali:' trout a comuon etr. Tbyý apparatmi, resoiblng lwo diamcnd- shapet! cambria boxes bluet! b:' leade roda, vitIs nohaill, ban been gsàils frtet test. A bteese ôtlx mllo it-hou vaa blowing, bul i lfev tise Ite nearlj' gvoe isoid, thse angle bolng bolacels 75 snd Wi !egrenandut! arryiug oui:'tatwo i t' elacis lu 0*0 feot oflRne. The'oaraIn o« th.) cord vas boeti;4 50ant! 100 peuadi >, loogret lobe haldItheb baude. It le' Mn «Hubert's anention ta f*8 11*he ile ails pl'buie t, andut! I aI lta le ue in amy Slnd of vint!, andut! trdlusg itu meuls vil l e seul up. The United! Stats MInlatçr.,Mr. Tay ion. hane deelaro4 10 the Qeh Igaverý. ment Iba lIth hted Sl-oaltt W10OM -ta- vorabl:'tbupp#M WtWt ovins -tu 1 it*%ââàlt eh' f tlïwAd ~eu Mrs o phaou sflc te lb. Judg Io l m th board. Tb* resoiution *M4 mnd Judge. &ott esapsd9~.' viglm maist a c.e 1juc followiag table shu« ttl vaine andt! lIaequallset!VOISe if amne ls r fprcperty la 00* P«W prflm. ussm pe1M............ tau. rom 5..........MOt Par ent. ad!é teOee e4ot ty la Cook Canal:': Te *or, 27,tuIland!e, m andIêb16 Imnls dt!ed te. cacisOb in ooc ountyt To p"" I BI M8; te lends. 3420,4 » l 84.79K. Total uhoni dd.j The fcllowing table shows fthc Msg velue saut!equalize va;me of thé 00V$ elasses cf propertylltBt tl 1 tna. ..............7""T E.oti................Umm,19 Total .........7. $M=« 4118. Cbaate Tbs'gbou he b. ie Tabile mbcving lhe rates per eve additionule, or dediiellon hmn the auel raieluc f each claieof proporty la m rounty ijuesate1: lIet!...... .....M là coomm.........a cir. a- id.. n .=r-m. à. 0 .1 ook.......1 - 8 cenberaadi21) .19 Degalb... ....à Ldea!r ..... a oeundu.....2010 ilukis 5 -24 Osil lia 20 ., 21. j~*saa 10 2t 4 U... 10 Lae oe...... 14 10 La18 19 Larn108 211,. e@ui...... :. ... à :1! cmdal... .10 15 i ecin........ LS. ......4 1 Lafall...I i Lavrace 25 25,- Le.........0 1 Logn........... Maoîs........ ... 11 Plaramali10 M 10n~g. .. lu. een.......reporte . -.t - an aroe........uteogan Mtoery 5 .. ou.. - ,c~As......10 .. M and M 94.,

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