Peal Thesaê.W Oçt.17; for ten days we seil, ,.i tk 100 oz.pure hustard............15 Gr .....o5 Good CbeInig Tobacco, per 11 ..20 06 i lb smoking 999 ................ 09 .....b.... ... Excellent Grade Syrup, per gal.... 25 06b 9> bars of Mother Goose Soap...25 r5~Jt owder.10 PMeue Ponts, Great Bargainý.... ri glhsel. .......O0 ýn'a Sho«.at Haif Price, ry our-CfVe, It's the Best. W. sou Washburn's Superlative Flour. Choice Cigars and-Confectioflery. UM-LI E1.Di - ILLINOIS. lit you wlsh to select your Groceries f rom g fresh clean' stock at very "rock bottom ~%rIce-J JUet-RIECEIVED e tockof Boots, Shoes and Rubbers for the t 1VIter trade, and you wiIl flnd our Prices aï"s as good If not better than any of our xitltors. We also lately added to our stock a GLOVES and MITTENS Ids and prices. Corne in and see these goods. -larden &Harden, lno. fâ~1er. Illinois. ~f 1h. 5iime wINS0 McBRU3CO. sitiv. À "uY)>.............. $4,00 per year N"dYj ........... 6.0puiyes y Inter (Ocean- .si OQN Lal Gre Le] Pre Oh] -M- dons. SOU 843 lé ilhoil 09 m -w 1008 skflirao 55 8246 Bal-1020 i sye L là s s a as te l0i lins aois 5005dé aik fUa 8810286 00048 Cooil U cdixe mOUve. ODaiY exejil uAdan. s Stap doIr, g siga&L &.m. &. I. a vi.. . . 1M fFl. ake Villa v134 à1W65 9 wHI e oviu» 7 do 161 an h7 44 ili&0 tut 914 lé 8tfie 06 180 ses 9l22 1219 ltbton e51 ô513 1240 lre Yiew a20 1202 620 12IR? a 26 & 2si8aie 102 a8"4a530 1it hcgoi 10osa 110 40se2145 Around the County. ROCKEFELLER. J. Ï. Gainer, of Waueonda, va een on our treeta Sunday laat. Kira. J. S. Barna snd abtdren cailed on friends la this place Tueeday. Lester Burdick, of (Chicago, speut Thuueday of!leat week ai tht. place. Get the high grade housebold sewing machine on1 trial and on easy paymeuta. Mr. Lyle Gorhin who is atteuding schoel ai Beloit. Win., a pent Saturday and Stinday with him parents. When lu ueed of Job priuting cail ai the INDEPUNDRNT oMOe. W. do good.wgrk ai ressonable priée.. MisaMinule Meyer in spending a Jew#eka. à-h *alaert mm. CiOka& rymt who resAidFs iâékv¶iIïý A greîtit may from tiore atiended the funeral of lKra. Aynaiey whlch took place Suuday Out. Il. Banial ai DlamOnd Lake oemetery. Bey. 1. Cookman oecupied the pulpît ai liait Day 1lut Sunday. mornlng. snd eveaing. Ris place bore wu tilUed by Mfr. Wade, of Evanston, wbo delivered two very lniexesting sermons. Henry VanRom hma groaily lui- proved hie property by repsinlng the sidewaika, aloo by makipg a cernent waik the leflgtb of the stoire. vhich ho intends io continue lu the sprlng. Mlay othera 1o110w. Cia. Bartleft, of Evansion, calied on relatives bere reeenily a"d taiks some of making Diainu Lake hie future home. Hie many friends vil be. glad 10 welcome hlm and hie famlly back te the old home&$"sd A hacklng cougb la net ouiy suuoy. ing te others, but le dangeroua te th. pereon who hua it. On. Minute Congh Cure wili qulckiy put au end te it. For sale by F. B. LoveUl, Libertyvulle aud G. 0. Boberts, Wanconda Swe tae thin mode of expressing onr heartfeit thauba to oui m"y freuda ani neighbors for their t76iby aud kindiiess during th. sichu.suld death of our belovel vUfe and mother. JOBS ATNESLEX AND UAMXL f. We chronicle vith sorrow the death of Mme. Johu Aynesiey. Deceaaed a seventy-foui yeare, elght menthe and twenty-two days of age. She wau bon ln N~ew York City and marrled Nov. 20, 1840> te Mr. John Aynsley. Six years laier they moved 1e Lake county wbeme tbey bought land of the goveru. meut and have Uived bere uine. God bieeaed their home vitb tbree children, two daugbters and One soa, vho romain with the huaband snd faibes te mouru their losi.Kr. Âynley early lu lite îuited wltb the Episcol church sud vas able tesamy at the close of lite vlth the Apoalle Pan] --l have fought a good figbtl b ~ave kept the tslth.' The tunerai vai held Sunday Oct. il, ai Dlamoind Lake church. 11ev. IL Oookmsn couduoln th1e service- vltb lutermeut lu tIba Piamnoud Lake cemetery. FOX LAKE. Miss Annie GaDgeT ln siopplfl sa home vith her parents for a ot time. Miss Frances Dllley, of Guru.., ia visitlng wlth hem sister, lirs. A. Tweed.- j L. J. BowlIng and son, Roy etarteci for Kansaseon Tueaday mornuug of thia week. Uri. Walter Aweli retuned home froui England on Mouday evenlng of thia veek. A. Tweed, Herbert Nelmon, W. Shtitis and W. J. Gaine vlelted ibtca. go lesi Friday. William Nelson ha returued honme from hie viaint h. Ile of Man, suAll sound but very tlmed. Mr. Walter White bas 1he lumber ou the grouad for his new barunad the work la pragreaalng rapily mode., tbe management of B. Hamlu & Sàu, et Lake Villa. Manylilves of usefuluesa bave, beez ,out short by nelet te -break *p si -ordlnamy cold. Pneumouta, bronoblali ,and even-consumpt4on mau b. aiertiei by 1he prompt unseof One )hauts Congh Cure. For sae by F. B. I;Oveli, Lîbertyvîlle and G. C. Roberts, Wauoonda.. Ou Monday attornoon o! lhis veek tbe ladies of Lake Villa met gt tbe Woqdmau Hall sud orgaBziel a cuamp 6 lonyst l4eigbbors *blebchwvIS hi deslguated as lb. Oedar Lak. camp. Muob credit la due se ueigbbors i8ottl and OCimon ln gettilig up: and, organizing ibis camp lu no short el trne. Tbey are bustiers. Il Troubled wlth Rh.umatlsm Reai Tht.. Annapolle, Xd., April 16, 18.- bave uaed Citmberlain's P 1 'eali foi anma1U sd fonnadI h 0 fe -an thst als 61*19Wfor Il. I bellev, 11it the eb,.t ralon for nbeuMgil eatedmuscul aeins en ibe àharet 55< 4bmrtWll reiommtd il te lb. publWia ohn G Brooki. ua1e Aï> boots, altoe., ete., No.,,18 Main St,. A. tùtit~ b.addition %o bila . r. Vos.'fsmfly. ttaued relu tivos trom hesolut veeX. Mre. Heury twlpp visheld relatives lu Chicago ivo laye flui eek. Mu.. J. RIchard u dangbter, M»i. 8.. Tmlpp, viated Chlcgoiat Thurs. daY. Mr. sud Mua. J. 8. Gldley epeni htiday and Saiurday vistiag lu chi. Mise Maile: Wilon bas retumed l0fml froni Evanton. vbere ah. bas been the puet yenr. - rs2É'tlph Arm trong, form.rly of Nebraskalbut nov ! of 1«Jahe, calied on ohd I-Ldibere las- rliay. Mr. sud lUen. C. etltdesalner- tined th. lattera sate, rNsConrad, o! Chicago, a letes lu st week. Otto Johnson, vbo la vomy sick la lova vwith lyphoid Lever, sud mbeuma. tiom, vas Dot auY btter ai lait report. TbeftoU vib i» e.crease sud cake sociable for the benafi of lte Sunday schebootaitbe Town Hall Fnlly oven- lug. Oct. 16. Xvenycue eordial>y in- vlted., The maýy friendi o!f1Mr. Meuer vil! b. s 1 tobear ibat a report from Sma Diego, Cil., stbtes that h. la very loir sud phylcitau Consîder hls case hopeloas. Saur political speakers, clergymen, q singera lad ter. vho use tbe voie. exceeavely, .ely upou one minute Cougb Cure 10 preverit buastnes ansd laiynlitla. Its value au a prêleaItive P la ouI! equaled by its river t10 fford insasntaueous relief. For sale by F. B. Lovell, Libertyville sud G. C. Roberts, Wfauconda. LEITHTON. Mm. Bobi. LiII vas lu Chicago lest Baturd&Y. John Llmberr3*vent lu River Vlev last Suaday. Couuty Supt. Marvin vaat our achool bouse lant Weduesduy. Mm. B. B. Duatîn, of Lake Zurich, came over ou hie bih. last Sunday. Quite e number fmom bore vent to Chicago luit Fmlday lu celebnite Chi- cago Day. The 7:35 p. in. passeuger train etruck two o! Frank Wilmingtousa calves, kil- ing Ibe in iatantly, lait Saturday ulght. lira. Grabbe, who bas been tihe guesi o! ber cousin, lin. John Krmna, melurned tb hem home lu Chicago lait Saturday. Speed and saaety are the vitcb vords o! the &ge. One Minute Cougb Cure wacte pedily, safely and neyer aile. Asibmna, bronobils conghe sud collae meured bl3 Lfor asme YF. B. Loveil, DlbertVfle, sud G. C. Roberta, Waucouda. The Girl* of Lalîbton. You Mnay tait a*boutsra the world over. yFrom the <~anatrt At You rA&ynoauh raisthe uorth to the south From.peda to Australien mine Btfor doWnrgh oo ot ud4hsvior -Gitv. me lth e * Iton girls everi Urne. 1 knov of norne girls lu Rockefeller. Who thlnk thel mie juil avtll iweet. BLfC on u dquadt ll L e ituoatm Mulb t f et.' rThe >quetioelae teimes ralaed, If t E Leiust a«rieae t'slow. Wbî in lttbaJO fttelck ef ëiier Everi B.n y niahl lier go? Iii admaItt ier go tiere te cburcb.' Bel tbaldoeau'lmean they areiiiiow: rThey cuirgo there 10 tesob manDera Toltookefeller girls. You know. But te capture eILethton gis heokeee r boys bave fmiled yet. i i etIuboys have as dainxon th.'m. And they vili tee» lbem. non bel. Sorithe wortd over. 1 nov repeat. ai eve and u Sou. dion eSd noue vii bet 3The le Ilion girls for me. Tg n ma aler lb. stri mr.overthaeeartb. Proi eem sosasd li.. Anilahenun d 8., ut gins to me TheLhthon irl.evei lme. c. r. N. MILLBU RN. tlira. J. A. ThaIi spent Tueeday in the City.' MMs C. B. Cumlnge viied lira. Matin l inte City a fev dasa ii week. Measma. Ed Miartin aud John Trotter rw:re Chicago vis1lurs lait Fmlday and e Misses Jeasie Strang and Carnie rBiter vere Chicago vlaltorsa on Irs. Cbris Vaupatten, o! lianni, Iova, bave been visiting frienda lore. lias Zella -Hardie, o! Wauhteffn, spent a fev laya vlwth ilss Juee Slraug luit veh E. T. Taylor apent Saturday ssi Sonday athomo acooompaufl by bis trlebd,. Mu. Bvinaou. 'Un. L B. To'vuer retumued f rom Chcg ltieek, vbere ah. bis been Vos. IWgaIs sud son, of Oak Park, bavé cosse 10 speul soin.ime vhtb ber parents, Mr.aud Unr. Blarkvesther. Saynard T.uiseugb, NMle Rose sud CQ&ielce Bouner, Rochester, Wla, speul Saturday quI Suulay at ibeli homes. Tbey seerned very entbusisall o-ver thelr ehool vork. 11ev. 8. A. Marris and ire. Rater voe eutase delegates 10lbth orny. fourth .omi-aumul couvention cf ibo Chicago Asso.laiouq cougnegatlua obunobes it hicgo 189 T= 17dà. Clttonie ohisilpallon la a peitfm sickhbeWI*ob&.iebe bil, aêoma thé blool. Il osa b.e J eome by DeWitt's 1.1W. erilc lsr 'j!besohItle pinelsam reet oategulators For amie by F B. Loveil, Liertyvillei sud &. C. hloberta, Wauoonda. . The Sale. of loodls Sarsapanlîla 04M.thargeat lu the world because lb. enres byIood' S bapmrlila are wonô.aul, perfect, peam"pt. $w~s~Nl.èsro tebodit faly ............ U ic us to rçmnd you tuai if yôu ri chance, b supply your W"4tB the subscription price of you' year. We believe ini utafinu 1 course aur tas are subje o t 1$ gallon fMIk Cani Men's Hu.kln< Olo, Mons Overcats Men'a Dùck Coite Men's Genuine Gai' Not special prices eithoa. ýý prices will b. fou11d lower for t so-called "speeial" prices. V. 8AUt Long Grove, - SDrugs,M4 Ï4 u1 moedonu.anMd89'1hilWbroW L Goods Car.fully Sanborn TAI ~~~ENT$ PU Libertyville [~ W Stock of Timotb*, WB CAR LLTURE the. cebrate Steepy Eye Mlle,9 CREAM andPflLLO18URY xxxx lst FLÔuFtJ A trial of the above yUl cevine. Yff ibS hédattpmy la tige. i OURI PRICESGGUAEA2T» TO SUI CHAs.$TMpEL. Long Orove, Lake Go.. lit. 4w OompoudeàceS OllClto. W. Hi MILLER# TOXBOBX ATL RIBT, WmW c yu all ea abave or g0od baMt, eu . 311. cuoxc ioe O jo BaL-y P _r KIEY9 FIsh Arô's.,M Lwn