CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 23 Oct 1896, p. 5

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Tëquestion of ora Gold Standard, Is not settled, but that Trizr'&.&Taylor's, Ie the place In town to trade ls a settled fact. nything for tableuse can be selected f rom their amohstock. Quality Best, Prices Lowest. .OUR OROCÈRIES FREiSH FRUITS VEG ETABLES CANNED 00005 - FRESH and SALT MEATS D FRUITS T. & T's. POPULAR SAUSAGE1 Triggs and Taylor's LIBE RTY VILLE, ILLINOIS. lm FANCY PATENT FLOUR ALWAYS MAKES GOOD BREAD AHEAD) 0F ALL OTHER FLOURS Did you try an ATLAS biscuit at the fair? WIN ASHIRTI For a sho0r1time ve will give away each week A Laundried White Shirt Wlxeu you briug your Lanndry you recelve a chance on 1. We close the b%8ket Wednesday at 7 P. M. F. C. SMITH & SON. :RTYvI LLE, IL4LINOIS.i ,verleys Oresents Ramblers q 4**6444é~***é*444444444 * 4 4 4 q q q 4 * q q q t 4 4 'atches Clocks Jewer aR. Sherman, Libe'rtyville, Ili. A large and varied Elne of Hardware, Fumps, Milk cans aïid Cutiery. Pu-m.pS s aPipts, Fillingse. end $het ro PIC KED UP HERE AND THERE. SLocal items of Interest to Libertyville Readers. C. M. S5T P. R. R. TI ME TABLE. TO CHICAGO. p.m. a.00 &. am'. .0. P.n. P.m. Buaai.38:ss 6:13 "4:57 Wadswortli 8:59 :20 5:08 Gurus. 9:10 6:27 8*11 Warrenton 916 6:30 9:14 Lm EBTIvLLE 5à:20 7:is 12:20 4:58 ondout 5:40 7:25 92212:40 637 6:21 Everett 6:46 7:3 92812: 64:44 8*28 Deerflild 1:52 7:44 935512:52 461 :81 :4 sboenirvlIIe 5:587:50 940 12:56 d*is 8:3 (7himooîarrive) 650 8:65 10.25 1:45 7:00 6:30 F11011 CHICAGO. L .mi. Fpi. p.00. 8.0. Lv.Un.Pua8sSî7:30 t:06 6:20 98:30 Lv. Kinzie St. 9:30 r.10 Shermervlle 8:282018 &M6. 611 72 9:16 Dsr Ild 8:8410-.22 &:00 &:17 7:27 9:21 Hvrett 8:421W.28 6:06 *:28 7:83 9:27 -:od-out 84818:28 95:12 *60 7:40 W-3 LfMTXYILLE 1lS.45 6:U8 :50 M&4 Wirrsenon 8:54 6:1991 9:00 5:283:4 % daortb 910 6:28 951 Russe) (arrive) 9:18 :49 1&.00 dntsdafl>'. s denotes Bu nday Onlly. ;&12.= omark appears train@ &rm daly ex- cept Bunday. BUNDAX TRAINS. Lv.Lithertyvllls. 6:55.0. Ar. ltoîdont 6.05p.m. Lv.Lihertyvil)e, 9:10 Lam. Ar.Chieago, IW62 iLi Lv.Chlcago *305 Laa. Ar. Llbertyville 9:4â atim. Lv.Chicago :05 p. m. ArLlbertyville 552a.-s3 .. No. 39 runs Bani1a ]ny. goIngouth. wlil stop on signal as oionw.- sl 212:07 pin., Wadsworth 12:17; Gnrnee 12:27, Warren- Io 2:30; Rondout 12:16; Xverettl2:42Doertild 12-.48: Shormerville 12:52 arrives in Chicago at 1:48 p. M. Trai No 44hasbee lael.put on tram Deerleld10 Cinag. LevesDeerfleld 7:20 L n. Seriervji 7:4; rriesChicago :10 a. i. N. 5 SCVOSChiago11:20 p mn ii vLIE LfDGE. N.. 492. F A. M. IWiziuar Communcationm 2ne b4t Mturdays of ..ach inonth. VlUtng breth.-rn aordlly ve.omed. W. a. HEATH, W. M. F. H. BROWN, lt. Bryan's Dreara. Aft-r a Ht.ýe-h îrhos iltt-rinlz kngth Liarolked a laaI.ihm. B-i*Bi litl) r, ln ..ii l .~r And dElt-eEd an awfu lr.n-ar. He thouglit til,-Judgrt'.nt lSa i'mit c'Jli.. And thui.i..rlng fruî tii i-, W '- hard thi.vusoo'.f ai,,1- Cry. "Btîlta Bryan. ri..,- -Arts- and kad saar pary fý,rtia. The . aes are oten wial.. And If thie Klngdani shait i1, yOuTH Mt. Pete-r willllei.. He ruse aud led his i)arty forth. on ilvêr whi Htliey go. Ohi Lord! Iliose old fasbioned ikes TiieY mnade Baiiuly shiow! And uP the. long andi toibtome way' Tu Heaven Iixey pufl'a'd and bi..w. But wiîat makes Billy Bryanes ehn.k Of sncb a sh'k ly ble.? "MaKiniey's boys' Tiieta orne, thbey corne! O ha-ten, coinrds d ar- ln vain! the u olden aafti-s PRHH And leavrthe I n the. rear. In gleeful Uiuinlîl on th.y gII.ý N-t w.en the.. iatps Of Pearl, St Pters grin mnakîs- Bryasus hair Assume atihr r. "Nu flfty-tiiree,5ent dollar cou Bie taken lier.," h.. says. -Down, down tu Satanis sniting p.ot B-take taumr doleful wa, .' **Old Uzicle Sain wiil b"a, Do more Thosp coins of gaîadly show. Anal NfiaIIs eaan, tau-Iar hi,.<wn.. Su. Hla Tii..,.. 'an,..a eltit'cha fi,ndlsh latigli A struggie and a And p otur Bill Bryan piantin g wok, To id It but a drearn. F. W. Be mure anid registî.r 111.. 27111. Mrs. John Ausîtn, Jr., is visitiîîg relatives ini Cîîicagm. Mrs. Josephî Speckucr eri viitinlg il, Madisonî, Wiît., Ibis week. Il. B. Eger is Iimiy selliîîgliieat and 1the family iilim is îîl hsy MStting em i p. Mrs. C. Vlille anîd dauîghter, have' returned bu their hotue'il, plîtxtoll, luis state. Mott Ray and Win. G(linge attended th1e Republcan Rally ini Waîikegan Tuesday niglit. Ed. Smth traded 1bis borase for a bicycle th1e liraI of lie week. Takem laeu bay 10 keep 1IL Mvs. Protune bas ini a îîen' stock of wliter capes and cloaks. If ini ueed of anytlilng ln this Ue eail anmd see ber Joe Buticr's building is in tiie. lanîls of the, plasterers and ji ùftit assîîuîing a fiibilng appearance. Bert Austin anti wife have moved luto rto(nras i Mrm. A. C. Frene(.Ili bouse on Milwaukee Ave. M ilwaulkee Aveue la muilhi uu)rîved ,)Y 1the liiiîg iet gravel alîîug the, businîess portion of totwn. Mrs. E. W. Foter and lier datighter. lArs. Holinan, oif Pontlae, Ili., are vimiting witli I. S. Giea4îîu and fauiiy. WiVn. Smith, an tilt resident lier.., ient to Kansas, Moîimay, and mil)! ma.giter tliere. The L.ikeslde Cernelery Association wUjI meet Fi iday, out. 31, lit2:3o p. m., wNîlth Ms.C.F. Wright. AiU are very W. H. WiVlmot, of Deeriield, n'as in town Wedne8day. The platforni ha@ be..îîr.placed by a cider M alk ut the .depat. If you waut a fine titylihli Hiîac' for 32.50. Cali and get thein ofa Mrs. protune. Mrs. J. T. Ayre'ii hti itteiliig a daugliler in Chicago, wha iii î îleriîîg wth diptherla. Cal) at Mrs. Proîlue'h %Vedîîcsday and Tbîîrs3day ut next week andi get bargains in nillinery. If YOU dont find yoîîr nanie (Il th1e register in the postoflice, yoi u 111cal, on th1e regigtration Sboard ln person 0on the 27th. The man R ho h a legul voter, wih can regit..Ier anti wbnl't shoîlil ,love.. He im îîîwarthy utfeitij.eî1»jhjp lu la repu) i.11' Wlîîtpr r uiliirY iu al) thte latest styles anïd luwest pricest aIMr>s. Protines. cul) îand s..the'iîx dlsplay ever Srouglit ta tan-n. ies In a personal ettor, Arthîîr liî1ilkiey writes thlit the .. omplaojy lhe is ., iyg witb is M(-etin)g nitiîetitnt 1511cce1Handl that li is n " aS.a,1 with ii 1Hsiuati,)Y. M. BIl.Caby lia.. i elt sîîît',î ilî ig -ÀM> %>D ' »i it tHidi' for H,'ZjJ- and lasI t %ek lits. Giaav u Taylo r 1,cîaa Ve..i ii,,,gras, t h. l'iM Cilby 1itllaros îng rapudi.v. A large trucek Mg,t ,î l-aiii 1ev. L<ît', iI, ii, a.l dowîî Jllt J ,t lt 1,5Il aalV daiitigaig a plaino,, iiia i< andi Ltrartiv jai."fitfi laii t Steve 1H 15 S .ry 1 '. immt riioI. consider Ii.', rteovery as l,îI;fî At tii. Prt'sbYt-triaîi eliirch iilext Sunday uîurninig tilt,, II't li lie -TieI.ludebîtednesâ of Tha< WhO Have ta Those who Have Sait.- Ini 1he.evenitîg, 'Tii..Heroism of Jesua."1 An experi.nîced LiIî.rtyvilie n()iter, lnvariîdbly pieks 111 a strauge baby, wlth the expressmion -<0 you 11111e darling. yotu"' and jUlit am invariably' takes ouI lier haudkiert.hief and I ni,, th1e infant Hm1105e. Horae Bulkley wmiit tlai tliie-aglî Weduîesday 1,0 ujeet 11Hi uotIier axitl sister Mrs. L. Siusenberry, wliai svre retuirning from waveiîîud, Iass Graudma Bulklê-Y Miii vitsit a fen' weeks ln Chieliga bi-lf-,ro' r.tilriuîîilg ta Libertyville. lVheat ila ou the .bai 'ni, ili ll' ali indication ot better tintes. il it.,i bovered arouîd 1the s'lE-etituiiri, il wetak. Buffalo nIllt-rH n îî'ii e'lii advane ini lour of 25 eE'lit, ýîper barret, zuaking wholesale priceofaI)ol,,;t pai.euîta.a $4.40 (9 $4.75. A teacher, we Wosant xnu(Itiîlfier! naine, in trying lu exl)lail, thE' unitiin g of the word t"HlowSy,' iilii',rit-d [.y WlkiDg aCrosa the Iiaaor1. W llli , i uskedth 1e tia<H b. te-il litIi iiaaw sut' 's iiiked. sule nearlv lainiit-ai wtiîi ei Ofthe yot '<ii igsters sui4tiltEil a g iuîa'ain." Tht' Cliristita ,î Eutleavar ('aaiýtq ti 'n tEE jwieln 'd aI i gtiailPari îa ., t Satiirîay pi unjiHiem tu i îî la b raýi ngý and etmrtàtillt ig. 1p to Iilîte p ratet uli 81l.jets and<41)t-ak('ra art. -tt ir., ,i thiiîïet'tig. Al lt1lao is rî ' Elgli ta be prtm.Heilt îsî. liaaS.i sili h b. ielautii- he eîiti A11t the iik tiii i ttd 'ýlit Iai. day îu,,rii i ig a lair toi grIl v,' in,- rf-air endit Ii llil, wav Iîi.,îkt! 'it' Ruiez ( bt-til'iliig lalmit! ' ir MM lefItîm.iul. Ilit' nas staiitillg tiîlais. back to tht car4ia heatiai as 2t tiit. grîlvel car n'as (.iui î lun'î, griIalî.lE failed to, litivet h 1H tilehm il lit il tit traint n'as a eîitiitdal istanc le aiîead. Rumetz aikelto tî ttitlI iit îîtîî camght a train ta tlhe v<1. "'My M itle thiî,ks l'ili a eramie',tt(Iiioî ed a mai who JlE55'eH i argv heatilîg atove antd a pretty w'it'. -I'vt bel>e' lifting 11ke la hotrsauSi'îu inîiig, littitig mtovi' pipe Ihmît svtîut 'î't lit uit! I týeena good tel). w g,îrillandi loaw slie snlgget tijatal bîîy a ma% .anid tay Ili a smpply îof Wtlli,' illE1lii'ithe aî1. lookeil 11ke aîîsuiîjet ,ar aaIiv,,rt', î'îîîrt a i iî'îîlmî îaiiet i t h briglit nv .'aand îîlîj irîtI St'k. hilly reezes-,,- îei hi I~4 a.," I#IçiI, WilI soon be in order, and wemi Expect that they will f requently cheýý each other up and down aur spWg%9 col umn. He who is prepared to receive ths*! zephers has nothing to fear. Don't wait for a cold day, but buy, your winter goods early, and by se doing BE READY. Look, Around AND SEE THE -- latt.,'aîrj.,,uirwe'ar .. . 17eto 38o Sanitary.5e 10 70a La-..., Rleî VeHE , .4... S.initary, .9e o10 . l'arî., erit. ut.ern'ear ...35e tb fift Positively . l.~îlna ~x)r.a.<cto 75e the only ~iîa ' ni-wa .50e to $1.75 ku ilt I itos tî'u.î litl. . . !EO.... . 0 7 W ..I la, ......aî. .4. $1.8 But E s,aaot., .$3-W tO $020.00 made. 1 Our stock of M .W inter GoodsMj is one of the Iargest ln Lake County, and wus bought at the Iowest prices. 'qu 05I"lb Our New Dress Goods are in. Me B, COLBY &:Co. "DeaIers in Everything." ~m~LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. w R ýH iT 's N s WRIGHT & SON'S, Libertyville, fil., THE BEST PLACE -IN LAKE COUNTY,-... TO BUY Lumber, Coal, Mill-Feed, Farm Wagons, Bugies.. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. We are always prepared to supply your wants in .. Agricultural Implements, Grain, Seeds, Lime, Drain Tule, Etc. Always get Our Estimate Before Buying Your Building Material. WRIGHT & SON'S, Lbertyvjlle, Ill. Real Estate, Renting and Life Insurance Agency. Lisat xar property witlî me and W ili i lidY<a customner at OtaE)it;tlaie rates. A îîtoig îîunrolus cltiee bar- )1îsIi:î etle follîîwiig Libertyviite City Property. if i a-î I -l'il1, ézit Ir a. i' hria u-a IIce ta i ,- , ' ,ii 'iai ,111 b ""LUW EST PR asy to iTaiaiikeaîaaa X'ilaila-lar asy to Operate (: .i--a i i ali1f:i, laa $.aîaon aillPeriodicals. m efeaturs peunlar to ]ood's Pis. Srnm u 'ila ai î in lalot' i i.-alalial îete, 18.81eless, eMelent thorougx. As one moarli alb ar i i , a n i Safa 'iL4 .- r . lîrni ProflertV. For SaleI o att i ialaa .1 -1 taira ai l aiiIfa i in t :No o d il' a;airita,r lit. -.>1. ýRent Lake County be taken a )titii ibslan i ,aiuii iai ii. a arg E L E Proprietom Love.i, Dis t acres thîiber. prio.e SiSperseruw eSr o M» « psuiypb 1t w -mHomluusll, ue". on lIme At & pur msit. B j tcOIo 1Also Solicitor and Subscription News Agent Pub1ish e rs tics, g Buy or" à ýq . 1 --- - aildtuu.

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