WILL RMLP US* FLANt TO PROTEOT THE I 4 *A., OW lwolta Taise part la. paiMoe-Firrsv aet tiq Os a1 Te 5cr. Sents.1. «tateé by officiais liaI lie U lid "l have tie Support ot bth îe.te IJupon l li e spproaahlug isse'a geblilur gatisquste protection fer- r als af lie North Pacifie Occa. tp.guee tovekimeul standts radi tic Unitedi States lu uni plan oai etection, aud le deirous aise of la-à r s)a allers, iici are being ex- t uteti- tram the Japanese Ilanduts. >openatian et Jupont la saidt tehu *,Imprtance tathie Unitedi States. Sseul ponchers mud pirates hava Mdt nainiy ai Jaîîauese liats. A tila vith them habecit buitt ai =osn anti Nagasaki. Notaili- 1g ttis.Japon teeis ituh lien inter- t ,uppresthe pinuliilg. Mauy ai t antd.lan pouchena go le Japannee lad ilier shlp itutter lie Japanese la.okot Scaing iwniits tram tie bcomusls lera. 'rie Japaneýse lient vanta lie îprohibitions matide tW permaitallt preserrai"îki t îI., I .4 allers. Tfie Rassin Gareýra- gig, il co eau aait autiioritatiraiy, sicanie au extansionftheoli lrtee- lite seais. RUN IýN 'FRISCO. seenaBesleîzui by Persans Wanutng Golt. ,tttblneasutynt aISaiti 1ran<isco tae Wled tirough a ratîher eeriaus rtu,1 Uitraatanedt luantililate is ghî steud learo il ritittît a dollar wit Ili ta radéen te ,antact avalancheta colbackis that Ito-red oaiun te 'colt-1 ~Lnely id came troin CFieicgo ant i sources, andi iren te outîourng 4 tslly eloppe th ie $12000000 ut piafitte u go, tiesîite tth reaînant ses matie dtinug taI iîeiod, îvts1 bd te a bure $,tlJi.Fur onice tfelsury tai ou bAmor ttae gr.ýet- than il uanedl. i t tra uueks, »0.ooooo o t fheine 0* aven tte comituers antd te goiti *prenledtdraihtn . 'Tierana ring lii. $7,000,000 lu gadith. i iahn th. ruîtcemmenceti. Clilcago paldta for nid antisentt $Lh)10,- r:d"an eqîiaily large nutnt wasa SMtrmhliaminI, a-hile te $5 à Briti s@ovrrigna ecenly ne- 1 irmAsu Astralia a-ara<oluati mbo iie esrtthle uint anti aeld te trsasuri. Oîly $4,000,0W0 o! the ,amaunt aas ictt atter tie fiuny MW. Tuat tas sinea been lucreaseti 0 tiepeit et aven $1,000"0milan i trftnbacks tara beau ihdriî'u die. Is aven lindication liaI lthe ' avoe. Muehote l aii iti- 91went bayondth ie maunlains. The uennies ln >,an Francisco snd ai roik are lie oily ues aiutionizati kmeu gre#aubeeks. Usualishe iade- ' bgreenbacks Is stéad a ite sui- ti li e r , a u cicin u g e is a lm o t l- lu favr ofutNew York, anti il ua lu slip greentuekit tangult. M-SIS' ATiONAL CONGRESta. Soths Aniniuel emba nta Opan ut 1 Indianapolis. ulilteent atini alessiou of tic OWNational Congres i mii horîl>' d4u iIndiasnapolis te continlue for là daY-santi accrting la present OMnS il a-ilh beItlangely att-nulet. M"p edrance luntei. uno-at erpalei tnnsbeed tauîuany agricuilttrito Xue an Interest iinte congres itae i"lhhtulumaka thie rlifront litem 0 W tthe purposa ot iislening 1 te à sud takiug part lu lie discussions. «MOM aolbeers eftIhe association are: Mlt, B. F. (layton oft ludianula, "Vie Presidetils. Mai. G. M. Ryais, vanai, Ga; cil. J. C'. Culiaiing- qif Cunningham, N. C.; Secrelar>-, 4 âtag ofu Chilcago. Tite national W*W eulireiy noupiartisau, anti M >,natr 01 a contenae ut fafrmer@ 4,»Ipesu -on matais eating ex- lie h ainiens, anti ton ttc recoin- tu, la igIiotive bodies oai sncb au La beaefiial le agnîcultursi -AI tha comlng convention tte 01 ai erproduelion,thie ativan- lam jandoftiutmail ferta, tie of m iliers le farner,, lie tity and indreti aubjecla a-il b. --bY leadlug tarmans of tiie W avTva Meun laeaAtous. Xh0 inre iilIa4 anti Ave persons M 9wsrlcusly-by an explosion géunnils t lroglyeerln aI lite .- -eComPanj's wvaorineur t The inJureil ve, ail en- i t vomi lu antier do- feet aY tram thie secee wviicivaes int%-, Mix- t.The building vas ceso- andthle badis ailie * >àngld bae.Yntirecogition. -Maf about *5.000. Windows, antd bouses siaken tan a libeecundaspcudest i- ls iureaaaingmui- fglre go abtain cm- *aoved. >11 Canula- 6o4 igs ne- rode WGa- rcceivsd by MIlater Andrade st' sula areête thc sfeit t t the conma "n et by Venesielé, te Ger- 1.7 h. eturneti clte* ac«»ompluth inS satlactory arrangements vhli bring about a close identi aioflnterestg betweeu Uic tva coatrîies. The.main featurea oi lhe arrangement are a l0ftu of 50,000,000 bolivars, or e10,000O f German capital to tih eucaucisu MnGov- «notient aud .Uie eaîabllgbmeut oi a Gar- nan bank vith lare e 4tUi ft Carau. The large loan conie fmt" privai. Ger- mon sources, but It la tfifita b. Dat the leu lImpartanlnhiuffalthe. seutiln of lie German Goîerià , &Ît toverd iFlu- esuela, The. Commissiononvasbeaded by he Mlinister ai publie WMorbs lu Preui- dent Caeffa's Cabinet Oun.acjîina Ber- ln thdmembers ver. reced viti marked houors by - Brperor William Who ionferred decaratious upon them Here- tofeai Eugllsh capital bas built the doeks 1hLguya and csrnlad forward etier etherflisbê. t'la paluted i tas» ual the seeurlty sud responeuabllly ai Verte- mUla are strongly attéited viten Qerman espitidiatsï, wiia are careful and couserv- ative, cmaie suc b eavy iuvestments ilier. _ __ CANADA'S POOR WIEAT CHOP. Wil IfRave ta Import Grai. tram the Unitedi States Befase Spriair. . Iatosmatlan received front Winnipeg shows that the. vieat croP there la Bot thïtiklng out as wali as expected, and iast the.ttalJ crp will b. 4,120,00hbsh- uls. gliuat 33,00,000 busheis Isat year. [Th. total wheat crop ln Outanlo wvIi be only 4,000,000 biishelo, agalust about 20,- 00M0 buchels lest yean. Canada wiii have te lmoret wheett fflttf thé Uulfcd Btales or toei.other country batore Uic pANNERDS ÉON<Ey. If Sb&. Con Oct lt he Will Continue the Cubon %Var 1.defliaitely. Walter C.-Bevan, W-ho prolWahly kuowa as much about Spain's preseul position tevard Cuba ns any'forei'gner lu Spain, tays that if Spain eau get the moneY 1she yull probably Continue the war indefiaite- iy. Hcr people, ha enys, thiuk they eau wipe lie Uniteti States off the anrth andi not hait try. M'.%Ir'evan hhinks it would b. a blessing lu Spain and ail conceernt4i If site ioulti acccpt $4W3,000,UWJOfor Cuba. isbop VedsataI74. Right Rev. Henry Benjamin Whipple, bishop of SMinuesota, whorn the ludians oi Uic Northwest ycars ugo namuld "Straigbt Tangue," and ivho is nov 74 years oid, vas mnrried for lhe second lime Thursday ln St. Bartholornewvs Churcb, New York City. The bride, wa Mrs. Evangeline Simpson, a widow, Who se ahill comparatively Young. She vas afienti et lhe Bishop's tirst wite. lier husbsnd. vho dietian tew yeare agao, ias Michael Sip"n, an ageti millionaire Cotton mannufac-turer ut Massachusetts. mucii uf viose vealth suhe inheriteti. She la aow about 3-5 yeare aid. lier relatives live lu 5axonville, Mlass. Bishop Patter officiateil nt the wedding. The affair vas a very quiet one. Eren Rcv. Dr. Greer's assistants diti net know that one bishop w-as to solemnize the murriage of anoth- er ln Dr. (Ireer'. chanci. Bilsiop Wip- pie's lite has beuan eveuttul une. At 74 h. ln hale and hesnly, thougi of apUre figure, and inA regarded s o naet the ableit men l intae cinreh. lHe hasbeen attend- lng the session oft le*hanse ufthIe Epis- copal bishops. ____ Ta Est 580 Barrea o f Appici. "Five hundreti andi eighty barreis Ot op- pIes have beeu vashati asione hare. What shall va do viti tiiem?" Tieques- tion Caule by lelegnaph MWeduîatay ta Chicago îînderwriters tram AailArstlbnrg. Ont., and hati ratereuce tu tie cargo at the suîîkan st<*amcr tGrand Traverse. The apples vent nshore ut Co)lehester, off which place the Traverse vas ru down bi the Livingstone. As apples are tvorth 80 cents a barreaI mml andi nil-tue n- dervrilers did sante quiek flguring amd sent back un ansa-er ofttrwons't them." The apjiles are on a sanîd beach. many umiles ftra a aiiway, nnd it was figurei ont tint tie sairage, huuliug andi tralgit would amiount 10 nearly ai; mach as the apples would commnnad in market. Consequeutly Colchester folki are havlug a maery scrantble for appies. P.ndits Gel Little Punder. Four men, wearing noasks and armed With rifles, bield nip a Citicago andti Aton paqsnger train Friday utternooun t lte Bine Cut, five muiles n-est ot ludepend- ence. Mo. Nul a siot was lirei. and the bandits gaI 11111e booty. They wera bat- fli by a qtick-wîtted express maessait- gar, Wito, uuspectiug wiy the train stopped, senaliedthelite cah ftramis sata, tineý,v it lintosoine cliiekeu coups in tie express car andi closei the. sfet door. Ht! matie a show ut objection ut the point ut tii. manacing rifles anti openti lthe sate iviti apparent reluclance. Theountlaws touind lu the ente lwo mmliboxes nuit- puseti tocontain javelry, andti tey xtole $25 freu thle paria t oflie veut iett by -ticeugineer'in bis cab. Noueouttha pas- seaugers vas moieuled. A pusse oft di- cars lu' pursuiug the. bandits. , Tv.lve Go Dwv. Tii. steamer Arago, avucd by tie Ors. son Coal andi Navigatin Compa ny, fraie Cous Bay tor San Francisco, was car- riet by the Carrent aud driven au ti rocks-etftthe Jetty at Cous Head. 5h. vît ýbe a total las. lu au allempt le land i boatitiatiof' passengens sud crew tli bust vas capuizeti. Tvalva a-are drevu. It vas rePorledin la Hvanea tt (en. Weyler bilti ntelveti a catie dispaîvi tram Muglten Dupuy de Lome intorming hlm that tic Unitedi Stalag, lu accord vihi Maxice, have torvardeti an ulîl. metun tla $pain ulitin liaIif lthe Cubai van le ualteiuded bi lie close et the yinn bath counînioasvill proeaedti lueulaiiisi the iutiependence of Cuba. Jaohn Jacob Ate6r as Enuinezr. Ln uils Inspection ufthle Chespake Ohia anti Southittru bratîiofett D1iluais Central RairoadtiJuin Jaieb As tan aiofNevwVoY Ial uti e ccii ineo ~Hcsc rsociXej, la LanlavUWt, a dis -f 15 l, m" #1'. t&ic en SPANISH CANNON. Grlmislfleslt on tihe Pllibusteiag isleainer »auntlscs-i>cth ai Mdin wilIlu-Deat in làsEt. Louis Wrccb -fiuceessfuli VomuLavi.. XKiefi ly a Spausis Bele Jacksonville dispaci: On the hurri- cane decc et the. steamner Donulleus luaa %tain liat was utade by lhe litebloati of ane ai lhe vê5eltcnew, killati by a abat ftrmelie paulsh gunhoal Centramaemtra during the veuseVl'aet Vayage. Tii. captsin enti crew of the. Dauntiesa bave b.pt the mattei quiet. Tii. steamer on Oct. 18 vas iesvlug a point eu lie nati- cru constlofainar del Rio, atter baviug landeti ber cargiofaisupplies for lie lu. surgents.Wieu tan miles ouf tie shore thec Contramaestra bore downu-sud the- Danniulleasfau!toraleran hst speed. Siot siter sbot vas llred by tiie Spanlanil, but tli ltiavessai vas -galini, viien & cry ftam lb.pliathousessud tiie craahlug ei wood ludîcalail tig oneaaot hat truck. Capt. Laumi rusieti torward sud tounu that Henry Wllkerson, s member oi lhe cmev, badlbeen truck and eut la tva. Drlviug abead aaIfull spee the Danullesu fiually gaI out of range anti escapedtheti Spaulard. Tii. body of WiI- kerson vas burled i atsea. BORDR DIBAPPOIN lui). Ngit Oprtai Unable ta Open a Weil@-Fermo Baie. The Sata Fa station aI Saffornvilla. 1Kan.,. vas. hed up by a musked rabber early Priday îuoruiug. The rubar de- mauded liat tic Welis-Fargo Express suneti hm, lh. enld nut do, as lhe bai ll lie beys. Aftetar eataning saveral lies te shoot the operahar. hieras convinci liaItii.e truli hied beau tld hlm. Ha tien left on a harnse, w ble, il bas since beau leamuct ie hastule train n fariner ucar by. Chaiued inlua Bning fBouse. TIc 'esutali trame bouse ot Martin Morse rit Canton, l'a.. waes discorereti ou tire. The duere ware tustened. andt upon break- ing thein duwn the ueighbors tounuiM"s. Leroy, ageti 90 years. alone and ebahitet ta the aail. Tie chains a-ana brokaen anti lie trantic woamn currieti trointhue build- ing as the rouffteil lu. Mr. aud Mis. Morse.,mitose re.putatian le good, s:îy Ihat the aId lady le clildish. andt 40keep bher ont ut mischiefthîry chained lier vian llay a-ent uway tram hoine. Trie tire began utie top fluor. anti Mrs. Leroy ans chaities dowustuirs. Able lu Teaci lier Father Law. Lau-yen RossalieLoew tnieti lier Dfut divorce suit inuthe Suprenie Court, Brook- lyn, Friday batore Justice Ciemeul anti ivan succeustîil in oblainiug a decrea for baer client. Han tatier, vie hati a di- vorce casa bera lie saniejustice, vas ruleti out ot court an *e examination ut ti, second a-unbess. 14 was said Mn. Luav bai requestati bis daughter lu try the, casa tor hum, butah. ratnaed on lte grauud ut ils irnagnieity, aud the sequel praved lhan jndgmaul ta b. correct. Ez-Conzressmsn Willt Deati. Edwvin Willits, ut Michigan, tornieniy Assistant Seertary of Agriculture anti pracidaut outhle LUnited States Goreru- ment Board ntllia Columbian Exposition, dieti at Washington Fniday nigil. Mr. Wiilila ivas a splendid speeimen et Amer- ican -ýitlzenshiî,. intelligent, houa;t nadt eottscientiauis. ,-He lenvea a reptilationi tor itielity lu trusts andi intagrity lu tiie dischange ot ail dullc-@s. public andi pni- rate, lipun uhieh tiare is uot a spot or bemlsh. Bae Blavers Neatiy Trapped. '«BlackiJack"' Porler, alla. Haggc.rty, whi lied jusl been reieaseti tnom tia 111v- arside pailautiary, andti James Ander- son. aliaScott,a-are canglît iii tte net ut driliîg lie sata in the Unitedi States Express office et Warrington, Pa. Fire alicers vith shotguns andi revolvers al a given signal surprise thoera. Disauter Near tt. Louis. Stortly betora 10 o»clock Siinday fora- fluait lao passenger trais on th, St. Louis aindlSan Francisco Raiiroud, go- îng lu opposite directions, coided nearly opposite Winîdsor station, about thirteen miles train St. Lonis, Mo.. instantly kili- lng ight pensùas ant inijuring twenty- Roins Cotteli ta Be Ticî Agnin. Tlhe Ohio Supreme Court grnue-I a nea- triai, lu Romunlus Cotteil. the miîrderer et the Stone tnmiiy, sentencedte 10 ang tor lie crimes comilted nI Tailînatige lat Mrci. Tha grouant for tie Court's decîsian vas au enrur of .Indga IKohcr, relative to the effort ta prove Cotteli in sane. Ative vils Bullet lu Hie BMmm. At Toledo, Ohio, Hanury Raumai atuei- ati nie ite andi a parly utfa-amen with a revolver. Tben tli ed a butui m hia tureheati. Ha was talion lu he police station ta dia, but lie guI up anti vnlked about lhe roin andi nsked tor a paper ta rend. Tii. physicians are puzzleti. YotaS'Miracuions Eseape. Will Becker, 17 yens old, employeaInlu *F. C. Hanaan's ding hanse lu -Sioux City, Iowaa, tel l ilytact dowu an elavateî -shaftIthelibuilding. He landeti ou u% abard Ille fluor sud miracuioaly esoepeil I sith .nthtiug verse tien a spralncd ankla. Mt.. ant liers Fabea Perlai, a i i. i Poster Goes ta Ha-vwalU. Ex-Sacrelan>' of State John W. Feu- ter la en route ior the. Hevailan iuiuntis b>' tic steamer Paru.Mn. Feuler lm go- hIIg th tUeolanil atenslbly lof hhieAIIj esaafl CORmihit laa Nioqlslsim Comatr MaxI VBlev a ucê A vile sala nai 3J.R, ý ok i siiol aud-kl>led by a negno ng buny- aide, Leflore CauntY. Mlslaippi. n.r Roek, me tar as la iflotnu, vaâs repr-e ndiug a celorad veainu at ber home vian the.mansu tertereti andth le sjsot- lug began tic negro brins ln lie hanse anti Mr. l(ok on the. oullda. Reoiass siiet downansd illed. At ulgit a boa" took the. negro andi hauged hlm. Mm toi- iovlug day a maln Greenvoati recei a telagran tram sauatiller man near Sun- nysldesayl.gie hati receiveil a letter tron a negro liviug nean liera contalnlng Inter- matleula ha heno.hati challengWd thc viles loa a iot. Suihvas tic nature et Uic telagramt Ibt a number ai white mnu left part etflthe countr. PUbIS AKNOR. Nolcd N'ew E.gaad Precchcr IHauge Reg. TiQuas Stoughton Patwlu, IL A4, anc oi tie hat-kuavu Contrengatlaals cergymen of New Eitleni, committeti suicide et bis home ln Herfrdni, Qanu. Mn. Pelalin hadbeau lu ponr cahlifo nme lime, ant i snce lie raccut develop- ment et mlaucholla bail beau unden thc carsetfDr. Stearas. et thec aInsane li- treat. Wiile hils tanily- ver. murer b. vaut tolu upper raem anal hautgei i- sli witi s nope *tastenedti latii.door- baob. Mn. Polvin vas a descendant 0t Eýider Breveter, wbo came aven la tb@ Mayflower, anti by lutlrarrniage bis lan- restons a-ena doably relti ta JoathA.zI Etivants andthei eider Timetby Daigit, prewitient etfYala Collage. Foula la .Vary GlOOMi. A Madid itillf maye: The QucuO Raegent presitiata a couanrilormninîsîcra Thursday. Sciion Canevas, thiePremier. I goom aioult.aihome and Liolnal'-91 ftin. TjIonbs of nmen ln tic colonial a-ara bas provet itiastratus ta huabauduy, ue proveti by the mankati decrease l. cx- ltant. Biuainl ha cutaeonpelle t talangeir impont breadesttîfft. Ouiy pbatriatiai pie- venuts tia latent discenhenit tram brakilng rmit. A sot ut instincive presaenîlmeul hupels thie nation te show cutesion snd a bangit tîîeauiîiatiun mi a rlew la avi'ding inîternioautl comupicationsanad tic possible intervention ufthte Unitedi Sta tes. ____ Huabauj sud Wlfa i5ack feati. Donteastle troubles causedti Mr*. Thomas McKee, ut Wilnsteti, Coiil u-ai 8wluO a ilcadijy dosa ut paria gtean iihisuicidai ittentintt ii icprèsettea ot han tour smalA citildiatl.Pllyie P-inâ arniveti in lime le suive tua wauti's lile. Atter McKea fuouot lbis if ta svasntlotdanger ho icft biolite atl ltitciuptc(l to endi bis lite by dromuiîig ini Mati Rivei. J. LowellItintore t'ont te Prison. At lio)toni Juitge Gaikili, lu tii. Su- peior (Criminal Coîurt, aaîulenced J. .Low- cli Mooe, ex-treiusulrer ufthte Globe luvesîni-ul Coiniîîay, la alta eprison tar a tarm ofthtre aud a hlaitYeare. Muai. %vas Iretisuren etfte CoruianY vian l tailati. and soon atteru-ard a-as arrestid anti chargad vilt ,mbazzliug $-,400 tram Judtge Eimonti H. Bennett. Ccracob Pipe Inventor Desti. Henry 'ribbe, a ivealty citizen ai Wahingtono, ageti 77 yeans, isntiead ut pnu nioii.IlIe i--asbora t - icb&tie, Ilolituti, andtieîtt.irtad laIbis countrly lu 1867. lie a vs tleitaveulor anti patentait of tic n% oirmoi-tamous c01*ucui Ipipe. Oilice.. Eil Monshlneru. Four detiptt>'Unitd States marsialis, bendeti by ~Ki" G rper, bmd a tiaigirt. battlla -it moonelinerà u inte manu- tainîs nean Wbitesburg, Ky., kiiliîig tva et tient sud eaptcring fit-a oliers. Tii. tiepîties also cul up sud detroyeti four aI mis. re at uta Dancz. At n tance tear lHuntsv-ille, Kau., Thomas T utnter une ahut antiinstautll kilieti by James Staunley. a yuung man. Tie tuan i tai een intinaate a tntts. Ne causa otoneiasiiootiug le kueun. Turner ias 30 )-car.; ut age. Stanley' emapeti. Missouri Bank Robati. Robions enterai te.Bank ut Casevilla, Mo.tic cher uigit anti blev open lh. saa, seeeînug te contenta. Tic amount obtaincti hi the roblcra iras lange. Tii. nobbcry wante i ork et protassionale. Nev Puigar *Comnpmny. The 1U nion Stigir Aefining Company la tie nome of a nea Non- Jersey corpens- lion abic i lied ls itapers uiti lie Sec- rütary a! Stale. The capital stock la placeti at $2,000,000. MIIARKET IIUOTA-nIcNa. Chilcuge-Cattie, cuommun te prime, $3.50 lu $525; begs, stippiug grades, $300 ta $3.75; steap, fir te chalce, $200 10 $3.25; mitait, No. 2 nul, 70.e te 71c; corn, No. 2, 23e lu 24c, unIs, No. 2, 17e lu 18c: rya, No. 2, 35e lu 36ce; butter, ctoice ceamaen>', l8e o20c, eggs, tresi, 17c le 18e; potatoca, per mutail, 18e tu 30c: broum carn, commun shunt ta eboice 'daan, $35 ta $100 pan tan. Indilanapoii-Cattle, sbipping, $3.00 la $5.00; bogs, choie. ligit, $3.00 ta $8.75; sheep, commun ta prime, $2.00 la 53.25; wicat, No. 2, 78c te 74e; corn, No. 2 uhila, 25e ta 27c; osîs, Na. 2 vile, 18e ta 20c. lit. Laus--Cmtla, ,$3.00 ta $5.00; has. $3.00 la $375; vial, No. 2, 761e la 77c; corn, No. 2 iclua-, 22e te 23c; aats,- N.2 il., letula 15; ryc, N. 2, Me ta 36C. Clnelnnall--Cattle, $2.50 tu $4.75, iogs, $3.00 ta $8.75; sheep, $2.50 ta $325; viiest, No. 2, 79e ta Sic; corn, No. 2 mixai, 27e la 29é;oase, No. 2 mIxai, 18e ta 19c; rye, No. %, 41c ta 43c. Detrit-Cathie, $2.50 ta 55.00; hags, $3.00 ta $3.75; saap, $2,00 ta $3,25; vinat. Nd. 2 reti, 8e ta 80c; corna, Ne. 2 yellov, 28c ta 29e;, as, No. 2 vile, 22e te 23c; nya, 87e tu 39c. Troodo-Wheae, No. 2 neti, 80e ta 81c; coin No. 2 mîzeti, 26e ta 27c; oaîs, No. 2 vile, 1&- 1u 19e;- rya, No. 2, 37e t4 S&e loyen aeeti, $5.20 ho $530. Mllauicaý-Wieat, No. 2 sprint, 68e ta 70e; carn, No. 3, 24e le 25e; oals, Na. 2 white,,1'9ctla--Oc; balyiNô. 2, 95e ta 85;rre, No 1, 35e la &7c; -park, mess, M04dgîo-Çattle, $2.50 ta $475; hogs, 18401ta s t aet. £ té ta- *22 DAMAGE WILL £XCEO HALP A Ncw Sourae et Trouble OpeaateS #IS Tarke? - Chimaa 'Grand 014 flan gtue Mcciv.. 51111 OsGrenierHonore. a la laAsbes., A fine liaI destroycil proerl? ameun: lng ta aver haIt a maillon dellars star"é ln Chicago Mondi- te mrnu l ela 4vilton A ut,- the CicitUti& Pa-mella El«ar Comipany anti peàrtlcaiiy tosumeil the ' la-o Immenîse structures 411ed wvlhi viai, ici are mlluatçd on lie nantih rnub et th. Cicago river, near Mels street;* Éievator A,,mien. hli re starteti, la ait- ualeil on tii. bnbahof thUicriverillüe chevaler B ls innuber bnci. 'the capcdtr ai tiie tao buildings la 1,5000M ais. Tiare vas slered lu thUi.st tlb.tinte lhe fine braie out something lik 3,1,-l 000 bushalu oi grâln, maI t fIbisi.ktatii vheatf. Tii.lire, il JI hboughl, atiglu- aleti ln the engiue-rownandl spiatisu raplily liatlie firanien vers unable la get tic flames underentral. Baerethe structur, bail borued tte .%roundtheUi damesthrsalenedthelialarge maii hocseofa Hales & Curtiz, adjolii& a4L at sacloi cal vas sentfo ton ex tra eu- gines lu onder ho make an effort to'keep tia flames tram spreedlng. Fireinan bai' a uarrow aespe. Tliey vers vonbîni close tlathiebuilding vhe a asection oi a-ail i fll, alunest burylng tient. HONOIt pouELI. See Is Appollitectitatea.of Foreign Affaire.1 Heretotune Cina'& grand oli un bisI beau iueniy Vlceroy aiflthe r 1ahprov- incc, andti hough aelualiy lu cori ef toraigu affaira as -thcmunt Itrustail lA- clal serrant ut tie Emnîeror. bais neYer beldth le miii oetlForeign Minîster. lu vica- ot Li iHîing Cisug's iberni tén- tiency ii nlnercaunsa ith t ohern2naiols, is appointaient tetahlicpoant of Freign Minister loeout ha utînuat siguifieanee. it mntss beyonutiquestion Ibat China ln au lie np grade agaîn, tintthlicnaenaPmai thnt atteat nation la t lie auncrautfadi- rauîca toivard lhe standlards atfs-ielliza- haon, a-blet ubta inlutieutatk.;Ons thle- vast. IHi s ucefs Ln eguliaiiug ltae peu(e treuti viti Japoiî aven tha mionl- tiers utfItussia anti Engiauti,lha usiugL the latter nationu@ Iniluence he abtulti ensier ternis front Japon. placeti hlmlîgi ln lie tavr ifutté Empaer. Foliovlng ltbaI, lis tour ufthle wa-ant i. dnug>,tic-b lue neadjuatsidttc relations ut China vili ltussia anti Englanti, atdati graty ta hi% rnn-n hohme. Il la lie avua-et POieY ut 1-1 Hung Chant te bud rail- îraye anti iselories lun(Cbina andtieho x- tend hanr trade iti otier counhrias--a polieY lie exact reverse ofat I ilt China tas pursueil ton 3.000 yeans peut. Il lu presumeu lt ha iebas et lasI (,on- vincetilthc Emparai uftheii.valua of tia liberai policy sud vas appoinueti Foreigu Minieter in ordtia lihe ailit theb.mura aasily gira Ibis poiey effecl. Tunkîsh ituîlation lu Growinz Morc Serionse. The report liat troubla of a serioas ne- ture la braw-ing la Turkecihus se outc beau selont uliaI any fmachonnouinca-- meutt e liaI affect la Ioked upan as haviuxg 11111. or ne toundatian lu tact. But lu sita uft hie. Il is only nigiltet stata once liseatiat avery-liug pointe la fs'rlier arn veny marlous troubla lire- 1panlng on ail aides tirosîghoul tia Tîurk- ici Empire. Tic bailliras set rolliug Weîdîîeday, a-han th. Suulan signe-I tva raties, a-tici mare issucdth le nazI day. levYiiig .a Poil lax ot 5 piastres par heati au an I Mussulmanu ant ilncreaaing lhe ,taxes on -sbhep. public a-uni suantidu. m -alita by 1itla14%fper ent.. the tondis go raie-te le bevcotedti o iîiitany purn- Poses. 'his causai lia reralnscnlalires ufthIle powers te senti a collective note l e lie Ponte, coueheti in tie etroeîas >lngunge, cailing attention te tte dangar tthat the armuîîg of tic Mlusulmans mas icertain te create nti poinling eut genar- alli tiecrcitieni situation et uffairs luthe Tunkisi Empire. But large punchusea 1ot nrs bare nlreaiy bèen matie andtihli .danger sucrencea buly. Tic action ut lthe Tuurkiàh gOrernaient in eompletlng She arnieat outhlie Misteutuz indicatas ltaI lb. empire lu taeing a siuainnî wici mai necassilate -ealhlug torti ahl lia mililani forces aI its disposai san tl aise ludicatea liaI tha situation la lie gmreet glae lie Russo-Tukilai awar. 1Under tbaua eircumstaucas itlalebut nal- iural tint couitadenabie îneasifleeu pr. raVils. Longr Pension @unt Endd. Tha Long-lAciren pension csse vas tilamisulet b>' the VUileti States Stîpreme Court Mantiay on tb. graunti oi abat.- ment by rnson ofithie rehînameat et Jutige Lachren ftram th. ofie ar Cou»- mîssionen et Pensions. Tie case vas brungit by Jutige Long af the Micigan Supreme Court te test veanrens nigia. Jutige Long drewa apension af $72 s aiuii andthti redutlln ai tic ratlng ta $50 a menti vas slubbornly couleslad la tie courts ai tha District ai Commia9 andti lally carnlid latic Sju».... Court. Goveece Ils tise tgit, The Arkanuas, Supreme Court, lu an, opinion by Jestica Uldhick. hal i ttA the. Guveruo a&tslic igit la appoint4 menîbera of tic Lgolature viene va- cacias have been canuct by deati, res-« iguation, on olier causes.1 Pâster WatstOls Salien>'Cet. Bre. LU W. BDit. ,pester et Brui-, nanti, Pa., Union'Prel>ytenlan Chulrci, han crealaila s urprise bî n.questlng tram 1 the pulpIt tint bils msalrreticecti$f00.j H. gave unuiesrea sush*iepresent hartl1 tlme, sud beèause lie chureh hati. bos1 lie revenu. tram two hanses. shorts"* a isa Record a Xotcis. At Nasirlile. Tecn.t 'Jaml Mîchati, paeti hi- triplets ant inlges, rail. ton miles lu 21i5 14 oaubgiilt loes the Aenlcabcye hmi matie WAZ*gU. M. CAIlLE.- au-t7er 7at Ocmton i mimue ticile anti put deteelirce « the tract, Mr. anti Mms.Coats, were lol- wleai Oc he m liandt U ie leUted An examlnatlofaiheïm Imns, vhlch haîti bee tekeil reailgfor "%&u. eac- nit an amalng amout t stnMutise Pnom, session et vileh lu Uereyont gf cajlana- tic, tic polIce coni oterntes«Ie otabs au %vîifiàçe liat Mrs. Cashie bas a maià for coleching odtrillnes. Âsnong thse St- tilees-ve a nuber oft valcies, *I allire a plateti toast rack liaI eame trams the halet breakfast table; thirhesu umbreMl heada, anti a pair oai abe ba lngli mark ai a bg lAndau hatliThc sable andi chinchila chine mIsseil by the terrne-s ver. jasfa td. Ater tiain arrest £2.00.00 serliojg vms affercul as b4iullliSbe actianihies ne- inse t luraease tiam. Tha Unitedi Blte» embassy Inaterete eti a t e iir bebalie but vitioct avait !bey retcalueil la common cells nt lia Janl seren damsvie they yee.arraignýei, bcld ton trial anil nm MM X. LLA CASILE. ieaaed on $200,000 bail. Charles 31at. thews, one of the. met uuted crinalual lawyers lu Engiaud, han beeu retaled te aslest lu the defense, aud* lafipential friands bave Elirunu up ail over thée ing- dom ta help save lhe Cals train fur- ther disgrâce, but their efforts wlll hartUly avaîl. Larean, ina a elony îi n li law, the. punishment for wbleh le prac- tically înimited. and the charges agaiust the Cmntien ane so weil toaded thst tbefr legal adrisers are la despaîr. They de flot boliee,. hhat M&tglstrate Shell wiit eren cousent to cousl4ler the. case unde. the "tinet effender's' &et whlch providen puulshment hy fOne la lieu af Imprigon- meut. Their attorneys admit the thefts, but vlUset np kieptomanla au a defenne. PRINOP-TON'8 GREAT DAY. cevalefd Participatew la the cre- bs&tiaus ef a UnlveacItty'5e 81tb. Presideut Cleveiand'a addreas vas the principal facture, ot the Princeton Cal- lege calebratlau nt Princeton, N. J. It wan dellvered lu Alexander Baili, vence be bail beau eccorted ou fontt bzcugi thc college grounds troué,Preedet Pattons bouse by lte Pbuladelpia is0ty Troop, Mm. Cleveland ridlng la anaoeu carrnage wlth Mn.. palttn. Tii. ezercisea opoued wlth a prayer bâv, Bev. Dr. Théodore LU Ouyien. ai Brook. lyn. Âtr Dr. C.urlers praser, ?Presldcxt Patton mode the. formai aniquancement that *har vas formerly thé OlIèe ofl New Jensr imýi hewceortb a*gk '%nevcc ha buown t as ttla6 Vney«*styesi~. Àf ceeus, 6f onuierfu entuleaa gnted Dr.. Pattosz rf ràna., lietba ao-~ AMoUutlug'to uculs'miallion Mad a We dallss, not imeclu4lng' lie à£qimsti co4 tIM*aeti for 131aIrBUil igJohn . Lal~ ofIirBantovls 14. J, sud the a4v 1llWary.' The. cereonof aeonf«t4itb* eere on tic alxty4v.e me«i tlàctd-fortUio>, hown o u nzIOtu h*preinam. it Woa learued thiat Président Patton 4see tu, conter tiie dgt** e o togf lavu usf.a Mnr. CieelaH ud.~t s thePfisi.t% »iat. Ir 4eclnas the -laoor 1Tho '4 c ft o ect«of iawsW% oimid ;al 9.nMtec lot cs.r rAitt do- grecs, thes P t diIa4de the teu