p -' - - t'~- j--- -' '. -- - - t- QUALIY. dmproàw&bngb5B1,flvalue, The petch in&ustry wo vas sansd net unîi lt>e es ago diIIa révil ca3 The dlasegrdunli> lest IlUn ll ApN pEACHES CARRY OFF anti Berieu Cotant>' la nov the banner IPAL.M FOR FLAVOR. peaab district of*Mlebigiln. Naîvail>', the peccb rea le s siovan. Itl yl gov out of shaPe ln Ona sen- Mq C>eap nul Very Plentlfuil son îî ieft ta tself. To correct titis the bwso-M1iLoss et Baskets' ggrever goes over bis onchurti erer> ld j Ccigago for Packitgsu1 sprng, cutllug off just haif of aven>' bution. tvlg vbicb grev ltae scuson befone. - ln aniotbar respect- the pannc ca Is l A Luscions Fruit. ver>' Iroubleselué. l underlukes more îiame Chicago site lova 1a than Il con accumplilshInlufruit ber gl lu tae peacb easen, sa>'s ing. 'Il oveloade Iself, nudth Ie firet saicla, tbe yild of bail a hua- vork of the gron-r la toIbm talebi * tI Michigan penches la con- penches. On an arerage Il cosîs $17 tnhIe country n-est, rollug an acre 10 le Ihie wonk. No ekîlIle reportionatnavera<p, beipa 10 ueeed tQr l,and tae Michigan tramp> ha1 vasl an-tu>'o! pickere, pack- ha the raputallon of doing the n-ont. re Ecciiomie Valua or Birds. tha The ecouomlc value o! birde ln untoil. abel This fact mlgbt be placed beyonti Ils-The puto If It vere posslie tb prepare Ivo Mrau -tables - one hovlng boy mata>' vra rat - -- ormeIfs touiti taIre 10destro>' a mile ber- o0f turnips, boy uaany gruba to ravage rase the wbeut barveets of a dozen farine, thai boy man>' Insects 10 trlp te lea f>'luô qo RBOR blMdes of a forent bure, boy ma>' to "19 STREET MARKET FOlt PEACIIES UN BENTON RARIO. spoîî the fruits ofwInde orcharda anul Me, ertera, vessclmeii, teamaers, Prvid 1 wth a step-ladd4tr, hae goes the oCher recording tbe tact tlint thesaTh toogesuiOU mrchants ad basket o= r aery 11b tipplng off the fruit, very-numbers nf Insecte ara eten by T ajjis ubo, since early ln u li, bava as neari>' as possible leavlug tbe peacb- a fev humble bird. lu the course of 'ý«î part aud parcel o! the millous of es four lanee apart ou tba tylgas. This the yenr. That the resuit vouuti be con- ýt faitami peacb bell of the Woivaj'- la doua mast before thepisa beglu to clusive evidenceo f the bîrtia' vaine Nev 18Il P roin Bon ion Count>' nortb. barden ln tbe green fruit. May' ba safel>' foretold b>' a glanceaut uyi *30*Bi-band tan miles lu vldtb aloug FVînt of Berrian Count>' penches a ev facto vhlcb hauve aireati>'beau l&k = o@Ia f Lake Michiga lo the ta- comas the "Lavis saadlllg," oua o! brougbt 10 bear upon tbaenestion, tlv frut center, and al Ibis terri- the mont popular varlaties. lb le of In the sprlng, vben Ihere are clamor- a f ,*MI. lh lse millilous of acres, 1.-de- medium aize. ret-coated anduti vng ous youug hîrtia lu the nest, the bouse Bo ,ggtatoaiapplylng the Western markets white Ment. The Crawford'peacb lu sparrow returne ever>' Ibree or -four by IPI& tla anti vegetables of vailous another favorite. and la o! n goden minutes, eacb time bearIug spoils lu the bue wSa ith Penches far lu the iead nis YeilOw; the "Stumps'" pesch, beauti- shupe of insect f ood. Calculatedt itaIleau *a o&li, out of wlcb inu> band- full>' mnrkcd, wlth a. -ite ment, s Ion-est possible value-thut la, allowlng bln: aqefortunes hava been matie yln~ l- profitable, but o! tbem ail the "Eiber- oui>' ouaelnuect to0 aid jouruay-this tooWMet growere. Tba present year ta" peachla leking. Juat flow IlItsofn Iaukless task representql tenu of tbou- aue 5 t,' beeti a banner ona for tbis linr the market, large as an ordînur>' leasenude o! captureainsac as the von To 4wt. More peachai bava beau alippeti cuP, biotcbed wlt b lriliant red, and on o! one pair of birda ln one moutb. Swift une Ulala n> previou season, for ueveral lte under aida yeilow as gold. Il filera like the en-show that havkfor wi 4aW" .t eue vaek nmre 20,000 buabeis brînga the top prliae of the market, bbe food lu the air may ranit blgher. The>' *almg telu Chicago aeguarly, notwltb- vitotesanir lu Chicago paying $1 for aay bundreda o! thousauds. Si19dlfSt t# tact thiat the -hst varie- aeveuty-tivo plcked penches. "- drtPeIf romn $510o $1.75 Per bush- Peaches lu Berrien Co<>' are near- Thaifindoô an a eLeutter. ej AUlIbat tbousanda o! 1-5 huubel an perfection than thé>' bave ever been, An Ilan servant vas once sent b>' -ta*ats btougbt lesa tbau 9 cents and 10 maintalu Ibis perfection oe-, hie master 10 a frlaud'e bouse some dis- apmee. chardsaranc atchald for the iret aigu of tance avay. He bal to carry wltbhlm UI&agn peachas beglu comîng as detelorallon. No trea that la un- four boaves o! bread sud a letter. Be- 46111 as tbe tiret yack In Jli>, sud- - o(plifl5t continua until snov fiee. -N4Y a&U of thean are sent b>' bonI, ,~ eu aonnlng acena lu the Chicago pfflb docks la oflen enilvanel b>' the o*Wl of a steamer carrylng as blgb 90 IM busheis of the fruit. The mo- - beft liaaia rriva a bundred atout- aimai men mmcb lu sngle file downn * Stglaak. andi, tbreatiing tbe bas- êtéo1 lasiaf-lozens, couve>' thena 10as WMW uaitiug cars. Tha>' ara bur- V% St lb.hegrant commission marte 0f ar M dile, snd tha big steamer puf Ia mqalr beek 10 St. Josepha for another 10& te keep bus>' ltae otit3,000 men irb amrengagal lau>' durlng tbe ses- th fflabout tba varlous iondiug sud un- T ý IS . la a profitlIn ralslng penches, th ~*gslndint the pricesfluctuations Pl t» toand fruit growars ln sncb -a i0vffed miocttlesa s Beutun Harbor, wban transptortation factities are su-ýP am ar xceedlngly pro sperona sud t akd. Ma Hre la tocatedtheIba argeati boWls hum la Michigan, anti thut GATHERING TUIE PEACHM8. uë«M lu the voriti. Il la owned b>' Sne ln lR. Morat'mPeauh Foaia, tbe LrgSs lalumlchlgsa Efliaul Honnîtl, preeldaul of the Midi- los lIaI Horticutural Society', sud beatla la nlovel bo cumber the lotg11u1191Y, the Iluina ata oua of thea - b.b»e maIe a fortune out of It. It la grounti. The dreudeti >eliows bave loaves. Wbau hae reachal hls destina- I , ieu ive miles f rom Beuton Harbor, given va>' hafona thîs scrutin>', andti ton anud haudati lu the latter, wltb oui>'1 MM econtans 300 acres, 100 acres of aven If Do lStaeInapector vera golng tbrea boaves, bis lbeftvas, or course, t ulbi are lavolel excluulveiy 10 thé rounds of Michigan orcharda the iustautiy liscovarel, and, tha circum,4 osaab§sueaniug a yeani>' yield Of yetiovs vouiti hava 1111e chance 10 stances baing reportaI to bis Master, p US.Oobahets.Ten acres laetiavolal spresd, for Do progressive fariner hae was fioggal.0 te a laie variaI>', knovnuastheaGlden vouidt a esuapacteti trac stand for Borne tinia atter > a sn gIDn pea. uicbis ieded*10000clan bour afler Ii aitiheen notical. vîth loaves anti a nota. Righly> gue&qa-f ýVt ulîbia fiva yeas, being, Ibare- The fouulatlou cof a peacla orcbarti la Iug thal the mystariona paper ld o11 90e. usa ÉPPropristai>' namel. Other the nursary, lu wblcb pîtu from ibe of bis mîscouduet thea Ism tima, the Iu-a 1uIfraaeblgysi pul peaeb orchards of Tenessee are Plant- dîa ounIiseJourne>' carefuli>' bld theo 49 ubleb, ovual b>' tha West aI. At oune>ear 011 Iheze sealuing ltter undar a large0 atone, se Ibal If Ifflan Nursery' Company', ulil con- shoots ara laken upanul set out lu the coniti ot s.hlm. Then hae once more t.a800 acres, anti eclipsa even the orcbards ln squares of tuent>' lest, aIe a blal,cbuenekg 10 tbluk blu ho *Î9111ftrni as soon as tbe treas ha- giviug 108 trea lth the acre.lIbhefol- vas chaatlug tua 1.1-taie paper. Jlutge ~b l ber. toulng sprlng tbay are rend>' for budaI-of bis amazamauet uhan ha vas roundi - fIM* ' yeare about cover the istor>' Ilng. BuIs are takan froua baariug ont agalu, a, Ibrougla tha vonlerful ld *Ï,Paacb luustny ln Berrien Coun- trocsubicb bava damonstratad the ltter. Ha confessIed ils heft, andt lt *., *m' lvas Dot until 1800 Ibalor. -qusit> of thair fruit. A brancb la cnt boy hoe bal trial 10 clenttIeba pler. tbjs Of au>'Yixa were get out ln tbe fronthe Ire., anti frein Ibis branch a butilb vas 100 claver for hlm. ,blblYtyofBeaton Harbor andiSt. je- bit of bark la eut la theaibape aI a 1 «Oh.The pioncera sDoo bialt fruit- tiaggar'a hale, carr>'ing villa It SuaI Lberal Marriage Laws., q ltaId up 10 $1.00 an acre. The One leaf bal. 'Wlth a plalâtuilaÎ a The marriaga lavs'of the diffeneait States a l Iiscountryare ln general no liberai that to iuont-persons Iilli heas surprise to0 learu Ibat lu qulle a 4 ,< number of States the marriaga of tiret cousins la fotidén. This a he lb.cs fin Àriina, Arkansas, IIInoIs, mdi- ana, Kansas, MiasoUni, Monansa, Ne.. voada, Nev- Hampsbire, Northa Dakota, -> Oblo, Oklhomna, Oregon,.Boolt Da- kola, Washingtonanul Wiomlng. --Simpso:-Joue as more sudf - hae ad'visel auot tl bu>' Ibat'atock, sud uen h le^nÉ4.atteruard, IbsI I1l i roppel tive Ibosanl ou it, ha neyer Maiee laigbtest allusion 10 tbeiuatter.-Pu4'k. - "I w" mach itrsa"remarketa, hil vas ambosa bte forrn o! s rat. ie bol>', enre andi tail vereaail titane. sel dist~iùctiy, sud as plain as tha tvhlch dîsturbal the seranit>' of tha n. Thie portion of the sitaR tint rap- entedtheIba gg vas shîli> tlanker -n the rail of the egg'a covering, but other respects lt vas theasma. TWIN NYLOHAUS- ey Were Bord lu the Central Park Meusserie. At tlie Centrai Park nmengantla t wi York not long @Ince was born tvln t1gbuus. The mother of the infante Skuovu se "Little I4ante" anti laoui>' o yeare oit. "Sport," tbeir fatien, 13" fine-lookîng animai, four >'enre nId. -h animalsen-are ralel la the park ytheir keeper, Pitil Holmes. Thte .ck recelved the Dame of "Sport" ha- use o! the great prîde ho takes lu Irae yugoe r vr'tn pc- Uij N NT-XNO I of bark la tianut "a u puabal ova ard until i la ugi'bousa b>' the oaee ba, leavng oi>' the uI protruding. On acb je ott Ib uI lite bank of Ibe aoealiig ug lwvapped nul lun a- ev uceka the incision@ have beai, liaarng the luI grovtug. The y-aur fotlowing thé budng pro- cees tae pruner passes Ihrough lte young orchard anudcuti ava> te vholo top o! thea saliiug, juel aboya thc shoot fr onli lth Iu, antithe itd'm Igron-ti le tiblnel bo one straîglat shoot. IAt ohe year oldt Iis mhoot yl Pro- Iduce pbocbes. The>' are nol aiiowel t 1 gnon-, hon-aven, but are pulted off before tha pile lu the fruit hegiu la el to heur a fcv penches, luà the thir4. >ear the>' bear a fa-t more, anti lu lie fourlb year te orebard la paylug profits 10 the gnon-ar. Alter itis year notiig aise la gnon n lte oreharti, but frornMn>' i1 toAng. 15, Iviceaa wcek, ltae ground la stirrel b>' a "veader," vblch ioosen Basou010t tie Iapth of an inch or more. A man villa onaeiorse andt Iis "eeder" cul- tivates tvanty-fiva acres a deay ou au averaga. Beveen cropa bonèdlus: and polasb ara sowu broaticast over the grounti, the Influences 0f vblch une manifest dinecti>' ln the fruit, show.v ing julciness anti coton. LluÂELU ,. caxar.- amd bis tvo sons, Charte F. Crlsp k., au il sa ai so w tr w ens and the>' are vulued at $5W0 eacb. ber fellow -tomen ehod seual>tanud , lgether the>' welgh 50 pounds. Tbcy artistcuti>' ut the same lime. Tiierc la i re rnurked ahilie, n redile brown, no doubt abou; Its cornfort, and tba v lUi vwhite spots on tlir bendis ad Inventor cWaim that Il viii net maire Il ________________________you look plgeon-toed, as rnlgbl appear - -. at tiret ulgbt, but tbat il viii nutke a foot look us prett>' ns it viii ake Il _______ eed comfortable. The heel la 10w, but neithér too broat not flat, Wle tue outilues, althoU0h foîiowtiiif tiose of the foot clouaI>', are gracef ni, andi actuafly make the pelai, extriemit>' appear âalier aud more1 shapety thun dlid the mluconelved1 ehoe madie a la Plccaduiy lait. Spaak-1 ing of ber Invention the lady maiti: 1 -'Of course, It la neot 1tele expacc-d1 that worn'a~ feet that bave been de-9 formel b>' yenrs of wenriug misiupcn shoas viii become Ilke those accordai TWIN IMTLOEÂfS. te Venus lu a 1ev niqntb5-r ever, asi 'L -- :9= ýfar as that lu concariied, but Il the ee.Ttiey are tvo feet blgb and about motheru of to-day viii foilow out tIis sudand aial feet loug. Tbeir legs Ides, 1 amn sure Ibat tbe cbiropotUpt are extremeiy long aud tim. vui nd leus onerous andi paluful vork to do, wblle the eboarnaker wbo vorks Discovereti b> Chance. scientificat>' vii le beuafited." The Profeasor Roentgen'@ dlscovery of new sboa for tbe Novw orna1 not a he photographie power of the kathode fad. It ls'a renlit>'. raya vas due to an accident. In ex- perlrnentlng vIlla a Crookes tube Jewlah Longavitty. througa vbicb a strong curreut war The vital etutlatica of London are the pasuing. but whicb vas covered i wth authority for the staternant that on au aclolla, be happenedto briug bis band average the Ille of a Jev lu Ibêt cil>' botveeu tha tube and some. aenstlzed la Ivice that of a gentila. Dr. B. W. phbotographie paper. Findlng Ues on Richafthon says that tbe Java of ltat tha paper'for wbtcb be coulti not se- cît>' are exceptlonUàiy free froin lia- couat ha bunteti for thbA Çusa, and eeam, and Vlrchovsys that thaerace found that the bones of bis band hall '-bas et ail Urnes bean dietlngulshal beeu reprodneal la> the raya from the b>' great teaety, of lle. Ooaasumptioil tube. In rapeatlng hiseaxperlments re- la acqycel>' knova among tbe leva, snd t'utly be>fora thea Emperor William, *suicide la tbrae-fourtba lais frequent the Wurzburg profassor explIsneti that among tbem Iban 111ea amoug gentleaY" hie -hati uot yet solved the Ibeor>' of__________ the phenomeflon. and calledthetu rays "Noab," ska Captain EBid, 'I'ra provlelonally X-ra>'a. In the tirât ax- al wa y& vantaI to knov one thlng- perimeuts the raya did nfot produe diti- you oui>' take two of ever>' kind objecte blîdan b>' solid matter thieker of creature on board the ark?" 'As. than one Inch, but since than Roentgen pasuugera, Yea," saiti Noah; "but our le saldti 10hava obtained picturas tnkeu etevard.had about four huntirat cblck- tbrougb aluminuim plates s cantimetar eus anti lobsteru lu the Ice-bor for $un- and a hall tblek, aud aiso tbrougb tvo days, Just theaiarne.'-BrUh8tof sets of books, aud At Peatb parts of Havkeye. ADAMSONS AUTOMATIO RAILROAO 8WITCII. and FreI Crisp vers qulki>' pufi4om& Wbeu tbey enterai the roses Judge Crime wus stilineous. LHe gave them the k4' of recogniton, brethoai a ev imai and lied.1 My. Crises death, vbl'î pparnty thim udea. vasnfot unexpeted'by lb. pày- aidant ho ave bren watchitt bin. He hd been deliaig for several yeas. Hlm let ilnees, boever. vas oceasined bW au attack of malarisil ever, vhlch ho ontrutel t bis hone, Americus, a feu reeksazo, but vblcb utsel ylelded ts reatmet hn he vet te Atanta. He wus coaldered onvaesent aduir last Sbbatb bad ridiien ot. Bt, vhan enewed health seeu>ed itla uvle, ho was uttackd by congestion of the tuaS., rhich. asMel to the veakues of the ungs and heurt, cued b>' two prvioua attacks of pleuro-pueuoni»s, resultel la hie deatb. Charles Frederiek Crisfp.vus bor at Bbeffid. Englnd, Jn. 29. ISC$. He aras broxught te the United States hea a yeur old. ad wos edueted t publie shools of Savanahr nd Macon. GI. BU erved n the Confedera 'asrmy d rg te civil ar, ad t lts close et jrand wu as admttd t% the bar l 1. He practicel t Elville. G. la 1871 h. vas appoInteil solicitor general of tbe Southvastffl Jffical Circuit of Gogl. ad in 1877 becine Judgeof tle SuPeria Court of the saine Judie&li circuit. Tht. position ha retained outil elctei a rpre- sentatire ln Cougresu n 02. Ha serrai eontinuously in CougreassOul the ezlraý- tien of tbae lest tenu. He bad baem Speaker of the ceuse. Emmna Offat bas on up tu datae10. 000 lu purses. Bines Gentry mnde bis record of 2*8% sat samon he ha% mae a gain of 13M teet to tbe aile. Fitasimmous le under $1,000 bail la New York, e ulng been Inlicted b>' U Grand Jury for arnnglns t0 fight toa a. lsb with Jiui Corbett. page, the grateat green trottr of tia. yes, bus been tan tinies first, tiarea th*"e second and one thirti la tourteeau star4t, Hi* wlnnings arn$~T.f HOv quickiy the bloomers pausId tU, of fashion. The short sritad «0&t' stocklngs-and pretty ones theber *, tOO0- A ara nov the vogue mmog theLit ane James ichael rode Ire miles pawê eyingst#art, at the Garield Park cyet.*, track , Chic go, S M M "ra>', In 9» f0 - dacdas tb. Amerlan ecord fo« lb. 4Wý' tance. Cooper, ubo la uali&i for . 2 races wlth Bil for a Moke oi the champIonLalndIi,,.VU frty10 tbisssnm». Dis total vanaiw 1'yp foot op tuo5,020, Vaun t one of the fustet a"i e m in era s o f 111 y4* rea , .O mental on for tir. jýY w bfq? cotespropeui>' bsita aê As ' S0 à It la saidle . oil rot a Mile 1 minutas. Abslutly afeY u éilrad.swtch leerandsinalstaioledat mieid ., sieteSVoue hty ln èa b bej& amuchdaalrad qualit>, of tha tiiWI. Tha avlteh vorks as foi- Boifl bnideitVlemi but it sy te a b s 'z ,.et bee c u- l ov: -A- bo t voer te co* atc he? J au -of aI aill )maO h but ~ ~ ~ ~ m unssa a s>e eucuebe pued lup b>'lte angineer *eI u . triral wblch làss fot st soma tinueor Clear tue &WItehboard I . wl*en ôea1 ollier proval -dlgappowltlnfla ni ome, 1"ta4 lb siitâas le aaho I ~~ .~ ~, i.. frindI.à h~ld.~i*~tM.a~ f~ -~ J-'--' - LAID A QuEl1ECM 00 Ifi m a.boWWIMM lssstislb. aa Ibasve beeftlateil. A Brooklyn ifeu Ihat Tiret.160 'f'fITitra la no daubt aboitagCelle- 011 Stylae ags. nuasof h* taph.»a luorea In Brooklyu the other tin>' se o!ftDr. Pne.tgewaa piaotogrspbs are lisait ex- O. Paterso' lbens lmiii au egg tat l5auati db>' Protassor Boitmstaf, of qulte a curiosit>'. 2be citieken bda t lvenaa, wimsys lb. tImsov07 opeus nest lu tha cellar, sud wubli the ien up a nev apoclt la the bletor> of sol- vas ou the nest a servant bappenal In, auce. The expermants bave beaun e- anti env a rat rmn acroas tue fibon anti patelsucceasfsl>,ly ihtb lamn e- approacb the hen's location, vitere I nits, iv Professer Klupatb>', ut BuIs. spedfor a moment. Acclînge 10pesti Domslip, nI Prague; Plandler the mrrant. the hen vas grentlyID- a pd Csrmak, n ati s, and lu Lon- teneseellu anti vutchedth le rodent don. Roentgen, SaYIS taI not oui>' witb greant arnestuess, eranlng hon are the X-raya mot refreotel b>'918818 neck t0 peen star tba.uuwelcoma ristt- lanses or prismis, or lu passlng tirougb or until It bal lIsappearet Inl a bos in vater, but 1hà1 Ibe>' bava Do Influencé -ou the mo.b sensitive magiaetl itru-1 mente, snd dcrelop no beul, TH-Ey DONT HURT TIIE FEET. - ,. A Clevcr 1New York Womaun lav a au Auti-Biuion Bita., - woman, the vIle of a New Tort arlit-bas invente anu article as long - valltid for and apparaul> as bandtet achiere as the bottia that caunnot li refilll. in a word, it la a sbo e fr ]RAT SIÂBION AN 300 5itELL. vomen Ihal la net oui>'beantifitl go __________________________look ut, but lua a boe that la warrant- thevwaii. Thon the bau mttl dovu aI 10 glv e theeanner net the leat dia- te1 business, sud the servant returual comîort. The Ieu la notPaetq upstalrs, Bite desîras neither tba fuma lernon ý Wbeu the agg wbicb v apositedI l une thal sboil haebars If bar desig a 1 the neat b>' the beu that v as gar- ailthlant it la cracketi up te lia. anti ahé 1 at leCil'th - ""ki'Wl - f -1- en't'tah . ,.., .v es hailbaanasm h et th*i -bo Dr. libi a sail.ss' , ilian bal boas eretS 4. a O - 'w fatal uaaealse ta is' beau- axpeul-a*eaun-, Mois gatw Stamit otr r Cipw theeame elu omoa*àOfasm manlae baromtejIl. s4»150iâ Unived oites -bates-" W" . beau ab es « t aI tP W Ol I Oé t h* l . % 00s- ' wsatesa aetlu n ao lg eso b M . Culb a b absa éseiag Issu - lauifoyeer. - 'iaiuatie-gsé, .l lWb b oe a toulss e lai t s ladey." A 'I: i gaurtar .2 éookUr. Crlupva wh baofber atack. The vadmma.w Il sal Julga Orimbtwo danaitas,,, uasW. Fr ed lvaulorI, anl lias Uctba ,Ç iw,