CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 30 Oct 1896, p. 8

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1*9 saturday. Qctolber 24t wi 1 1v s$61 at the fotolo r ~r . Pur N. 0. MOI O"Pb~si*ted Suar 5.00 10 Bars Ettra1 1s a<*W8 81.00 S~lr eo ~<Cut Lo .......811.00 1,gil. 011 cana S>.Pk«. coa sarch ......... .os05Pure Leas! La ýt lb. can çWicngo baiSPowder....15 2 bbla Caiper1 I s ~êpure Etrat ..........05ThéO hst 0l1 î pa. Pure Mutard ............. 08Wbukegau Ai 1 1tý4 li.ePepper............ ... 20 Louions, per du Ml Oiber kinO. of spic@, per lb.*,g5 Auld the Begt gi. Table Oalt ................:.Q3 Coant foi t] 4 Ib. .................O05 F. A. Br owny IWOK9FEL.LER-- ioes. foriCash. aoking Tobaco... 1 xilasses, por gal. .2 n. i................1là sa, pearu..l........ 20 Tackiq -- ..... 0 per gal..........l le iUreawe.... ......S os ................ 10 tTes and Coffee il, the tbb Money. ILLINOIS. We have-mme>,ý JUST RECEED - A new stock of Boots, .,Shoes and Rubbers for the failiand Wlnter trade, and you wiIi flnd our Prices aund Goods as good If not lretter than any of our competitors. Ws also Iately added to our stock a lot of GLOVES -and MITTENS Ail kinds and prices. Corne In and se. these goods. -~~ Y.- . rden &Harden, 8f elle r, - - - - 'Illinois.1 y THOS# MEBRIEl ROCKEFELLER, LAKE CO., ILL. i-no e*4 Auctlon Sales. mudeaigned liaving decldied ta minin @lleul at public anction e Mhort fim jmle forth of ms sMd 2 mles South-vest of 1 station, Lake caunty, IM.. i,. November 10 189, com4 ai St 10 bWlact'a. .sharp. .. 1 g poprVto-wit51: osas, 2400 esi, 6 sud 7 jeans àNlet driver%, hea woîk boises, su ad 9 jour old; bay >d tom Hamblitoîulan drivera, i eara od; gants driver, 3 jeans p ipdge Rsyez; aaddle pony, a, Ji vlth calves bj their aides eiougmia; 6sring calvos, 30 *L&orp@here Ohec.p, 20 barraI W molhng tank, Cldion z oe eed grilder. barre] wagon, hay fort, ro db 3 0 aeres coin u hoo lais ule, 30 touss ast tiat, ~*bWagon, mut va1on, 2 5~ ,rosit wagon, roa carl. *Wb gS*, mUkle~Ilgb, Cravu ýtNeGopdckbinder naerly nov, cÀwqi, boyackso, 2 sulky vu*iugcultvaorsulky - settzirt 2 walklng ploya, 10mat cana, 3 sets mo-f4igharnesa, ooei lici, drag 2 set 04 a fii traw, and Ou 10 a DIAMONDLAKE. A Scotch granite monument vai placed inu Diunond Laite cemeteiy thisi week by F. Bsiiatow, o!f Vukegan, for] Gea. Wilcox. The amre fim have loaed a contract vlth Robert LilI for tbc eroction o! a larde sarcophagus monument. Home WIthout Mother. (LUnes in memory of Mn,. John Well l'vo wand'-r.d to-day through the brihard Anel the laie whoe theathorn.applesgurov, At the old homeRtead lownb)ythie.river. Whos,, waters an î.îaeefuliy flov, The sang vere minglng ai awoatly, The ftovers bkoom"d bright a of rare; But the easm of the homesteud's departod, 81»j e ur niother greets us 'w Moa.L__ Whein the gras wva so green ln tlhe ehurcb yard, . ( 'Wo laid ber ovar ta ber rust, With tha tlrod banda fohldsoansoftàhy. Sa cahn, on theéood Pulseles breast. Nov the faim-bouse It oseras ah. go loneli. Mince vo nmis the klnd faiee evrywhere; The famillar old roonîs look desh,ted. And empi the olO rocklnu ofar.. But vbile vo ahiaIsa ber go sadly, liae resta sud ls blet up In luea'u. lier saravi have turned to rejolcug. And sunshine eternai la civn, Thore the villa ber sisters avait us Avit, on that beautiful aboie Wberc the Fathier bau ie unsa hoznetead. Whe partlng snd destb are fia more. 1C.yetono Çorn H4krend ehg..dg«q net mli*r lobe &te w 4 m la: 10 0010lu saae VilWsi u 00180 *ou lm. * exost Iuudat. astop cuIr oa signa. s.aa a.. am. .M. .m iaOflin.741 7rsak 46 1140 #47 tif la110 04 lbton ce ,8la 124M WrarlVlowsm26 23ie 1,1m '1t0lso as0010 Ccgo01 4691046O Around the Couiftty., Coaugroinp»u rsWAIITD. We are calirous of securing eorrespondents in eveiy townii n the ouitiy. If 'aur vicinity Io flot ropreseted wvrite our termes, or akinsmb kenid 5 do so. LEITHTON. Ouly a 1ev days ti1l vo earethie retursîs. C. F. Nuitsaswu tuWaukogan ,on legal business lait Nonday. - ltallroad day vas celebrated in great a «1le ln our bttle bamlet. The offala of the W. C. B. B. pasaed through hars last veek. Mr. Frank Wilmlngton wus in Chicago tait Tuoadayyvi±bas'mrload 'f cattie. Mis. Wm. luaomu vent to Chicago laitTuesday 10 visit ber stitor,Mia Lena oBock. F. Balrstow, of Waukogan, erected a monument over th1e grave of Geo. Wi 1001"lait saturday. i»s. Portus bau made a great Arn. provemeut tri1the Diamond Lake et-motery durlog the jeu. liss Aunle Dioa,,a,'ll, of ltighIanit Park wa the guest of ber cousin, Wm. Flannagan Que day luit veek. Tue ilxterlorikug croéw o! tbcE.J. &, E. . I. . riito.eieaeliat waek mad liulahcd the.n work vhlch vwu left; undone hou ait tsumm r. The Ladlimm Cemetery Lasoclatiou %ii i ujeet ut thea hume of Mis. E. W'licox Tbin.daýv, Nuvenaber 6. "AU memtbers ie cordially- invited to be present. Tetter. eczema and ail almilisr skUn troublets aire cured by tihe use 0i DeWitts Bamel salve. Il soothes at olîca, and' restore the tisuet% o their naturel conditions, snd nover failà to cirre piles. Fur sale by F. B. Loveli, Libertyville snd G. C. Roberto, Wauconda. DEERFIELD. Mrs. Trucedell la vlsitlng relatIvei iu Chicago. Arthur Ender tram Chicago la vlsit friands liere. James Adanms bas returrned homo front a short trip. Mis. Hoyt ba@ just returned troai extensive trip tbrough the sont. Mr. and Mns. Gao. Vetter .1,0110.lui Sunday visitlng friend@ aud relativei bore. Mis. Kimburksand Utile son, Shermi Adams Kimaaitare vlsiting -"Grand nia" Adams. Our litile burg han not beau ne preisenta4 lun the INDsrEiDiiT fol some veekts oving 10 the tact <ba th1e correspondent bas been avay on i trip. On lant Bat nrday evenlng occured t11i niarriage of Gustie Juluend and Aiber loggie ut tbe home of thse bride Abont 150 gna'ats attended the ocre mony and dance. Ail min heartily i bitihlug the Young couple mach Jo,. GAGES CAKE. Miss Maa Brown ia vlsitlng Mis. Viola Edic. Mi.s Efle Mason, of Chaicago, spen Suday aIrhonie. bl1.s Elvis (ilhlnore la vlalltinl f niends in Wankegan. Frauîcis McCleary, of Chicago open Sîîndity 8et bis homlhie.' Mns. Tisas. Phelpa. o! Chilcago, i vislting Mr. and Mie. Bilas Wright. î Miss Mary Patton Wàa given a sui prise party on lait Fridsy evenlng. Misa Orpisa Jones, of Lake Foreal vlawitcd Mis. Manchester on Sund&, lait. Mis. Chas. Thayer snd childri speutLit Snnday wltb Mis. Thi James. Rev. glothover sud wue voie callin, onfrinnda bore Fridsy and Baturda: af lait veek. There In 10 ha a special meeting c the Epvarth- League on nort, Saturda àevening s the churoh.' MIsa Matths James wAll hegin tb vînter tfrm of achool at Band Làk on iiext Nonday. Chronlo constipaltion la 4 palnft dlsaqreeable Med life-sonteulug diif cuit It darugmes n.smi, canas o ahadauhe, bad brestb', sud polsoz the blood. 15 ea 11e readiiy ovi comae b{ De Wtts Little Railulsrii ehneUtle tillaar. jgroat rmgiIatuSi For sale by . B. Lovait, LIbertyvll sud G. C. Roberta, Wauconda. FOX LAKE. Nias Amanda Tweed la spndlng 1ew days vith ber cousin, .Ia. Lou. Lobdell. M. L. Galiger- boaipos 1ofhi valuable mule team, rdhg them o foi other properby. M. L. Gahigerand 4auftrMai~ sud son IraE4iet vilted a onauid ~A JaWel DIe, VM ,bsered in sur bqrg Tumday evenicg. il imasuauIiy, of lesso, viatel aight vltli PrimM. r"Sna o!01Chlcego, ipent ,AIm utâbr of oui prolnsn poutw=attedda féee ilver cm i oui Young meu attended a aS RU Dy tv ail Waike deUtverý a lecture on tre. Upeed' sud uafety are the watch varica oet he r. ,Que, minute Cougb Cur e ata .peedly, uslly »A dnever MIs. .Atà*ba, bmroitim4 . eugb.s ad oolds are ourd bt.For sesby?. B. LoWel, Dibertyvmfe, Mad G. C. Roberts, Wtueoada Borne 01 Ou yonag people attended the church fab, dance at Goedbotg's opera Boume. abiMaud Prk,'on lam Frid&a igt. Mireport tu cujoyable tabut pro. uW »0t o bayor 'OZci0.ius Mthe wetern hopvibre sfldbaltes sud mpI<roptu bouts me tdulgbd lia » mftattraction when musclans "stoor rist. QUENTINS -CORNERS. Gcod vetber foi fol work but dry for ploving and husing. Wm. Knlggo vas a Chicago caler lait Bunday sud Mouday. Thero should ho a Pige ln' the Coyer ticket teoplease soine. unr choose factory hai 1500 lbsat more 11111k $han lait year At his, t Uie. P. J. hlockelma n d fsmlly made a pleasant cal etahie Cornera lait Batur- day. Mn. D. Litebfield and daughter Martha, made a vii Mah 01e Corners lait Tuesday. A vedding this week at Carl Weisola, Mr. Wemsls oldeat daughter and Mr. Knockert'a mion. Borne people round here have had vbole laads of eider matethais lai). This ila seider y aar. Oui ichool for thse vinter starti next Nouday Nov. 9. wltb Misà Laufra Courlney ai teacher. Borne of out' youug mon are tai ing lots of Interest lu pohtics. That la né it should bc. Keep s tab oun0.em- T1'ere vas a grand sound money sud L rotoction rslly et aur Corners lait Mondayuligh0.. A big ti.rch lgbt procesalon. Mnsy poltlcad speakers, clergymen, singen sud others vba use the voice ozceislvely, îely upon 0One Minute Cough Cure te prevent huakinesa sd larylagitin. Its value ai a preventative la only equaied by its power te aiiord instantaneout; relief. For sale by F. B. Loveli, Libertyvîbo sund G. C. Roberts, Wauconda. ROLLINS. iJs Lora Cremin @peut laut week lb Chicago. RImer gtîctîca bas rented a faimta o Rd Dodge, of Millburn. Cisarley Sheldon's auctian sale Tues-i dayr vu quit. valateuded. Nias Maude Edvsrdîs@pont sevoral days o! lait veek at Grayalake. Moms. C. Dooh.ttle sud IB. Rdvards voie Waukegaaa visitais Frlday. N. aud Mis. L. Barge, a! Grayalaks, called on relatives bore têuuday. Mr. sud Mis. Win. Doolittie are re- juicing over the a'rivai 01 an aloyau pound boy. Ni. Snydei sud 80on, oi Bnrlingtou, spent Sunday vlth Sam'l Litw,ler sud umiy ah Round Lake. DeWitt's Witb iIUZal Salve la an antiaptie, sjoothlug and hesllug application for barns, sealdi, cuti, bruise, etc., snd cures piles lite ma,ff lb lu istantly stops pain. For sale by P. B. Lovoli, Libertyvllle and G. C. Roberts, Waucouda. MILLBU RN. Mnr. H. A. Jameson la visting at Dr. Tayior's. Remember the iully to lie beld here an Friday evening. L. B. Starkveathei and J. L. Thiain voie Chicago vîlsitors 5h15 vweot. Mns. Maitha Beaierfiold Moody viited Nia. W. B. Stewart on Tneiday. Qulte s number atteudod 1the -Fre Sibver" rally bold here on Tuesday evealng. Mr. Brubater' sud family, Of Boaae, Ili., aioved on the Faîbney faim teUic BaS of the veet. Mr. sud Mis. W. B. Stewart and Nims K. 1,. Smith vare asong th1e 0Chicago visitais oun ouday. MIl Belle Watson îeturned home thia veatter ten daja absence vlth ber brothr's family st Lake Villa. Mi». G. a. Bmitli, of Evanan, and Mr@. V. A. Boeibacb, af Waukegan, vWated Miiburu friends on Tuesday. Theieunedallou for -& nev baâin l b* e ad on teFsrhney faim.G.i Btragof .toVilla, vili bave charge of 1the crpenter voit. à haoklng oougb la Dot Only s-ROY- 1115a ho cisi, but la dangorOU ousthe01 poison -vho bas lb. One Minute Coug cure wlli qulctly put su end tea t For Wie by P. B Laveil, Libertyville md . 0 RbersWa-u.da Preparatoa are being made for su entertalnumat to e h il on Thants. ýglvIng evonlnùg.Tii. muical part la ouder 1the sup«rVilon of Mr. 'L. B. Stsmtweahhci ud iii constat 0f oboouffl, duette, ladies quartette, sipa, Otte. There vîll* Mo b. su elaauhloulat. Look ont for -featber notise., Prevention la btter thau cure. Keep ourblood upurotr apipete P . Mr d Our içto," Perfet hy 'iU 5o'Be~sI ornobt. mou PUI-IKm lep eIAw 6 up tO *,. TheCeeti~td -A hr NlceIy cdecorated Table Li Orders iielfor Iii Long Grove, ror :0o vcUm' Drugs, Mt 'Tonld re,* Bck SPAIN"#~ .ompouud.d et mdl hou.r ods Carefuly 8lacted.,orty thi, Sanborn &Crokéèr, ~.~GENTS FURNI, Libertyvillie FOR-SALE For Fali Sowinig a Complote Stock of Timothy, Alalfa aud Medium Clover Seeds. WR CARRY IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES tise celebraîted Sleepy Eye.Mills,, CREAMand PILLSBURY XXXX BEsTr FLOUR. A trisl of the taboya îll couvi lie YOU that wiaat vo»yasy ltine. OURi PI{CESG(UARANTRED TU SUIT CHAS. STEMPEL, Long Girove,Lake Co., 111. Mr Coirempotadeuce Solleited. W. H. MILLER, TUNSORIAL AETIST, Wlieni you vant a ean shave or good hair euh ciii on"Bl. CHOICZ D IIRIDS oraI ezAi. - - - lIIIn look Mhelves Wail pookets, Paper hoder Book cases, Center tables, Extension tai Dining chaîri, ftochnr, Couches, Loongea, Chamber ouit a, Boom - iGluse, b'm, Pettiy, 4a. Eu.., Ft ..A T.. f a etroW C rag h . tore 1 1 Il 1 m011 mOMil Hummer Sul1ky FPLOM AnyBoy can, an , Bradley Plows,. FIsh Bro's., Wagon$ arid Sta ver and*AbbQtt Ut Com1bination and three sa 'Lumber, Lath and Shln#te Deere PIoN Tru~ks. J5 1 . 1 p TAILOR'S

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