Ohio Mau Elected by a Trtmen- dous Majority. SEEMS A LANDSIDE. Ail Eastern States Support the GÔld Ticket. corin SOU'I'HSIAT rERED. Republican Gaina in States Merelotore Oemocratic. Great Pvotât Cmmionwealth» Gîve Unprccsis.sleuiMahsriaen -- Bryen Lose. Kenutcky by 12,000, but Tan- usemuT.A utçuuusyr-1c-1 LATEST RETURNS FROM THE ELECTION. Up ta, the Time This Is Wrltten the Rturns Indicate theFolwg 1 as the Result of the Balloting in the Varlous States. FOR N'KINT.EY. vote#. t'tursliîtes. Ncw York ......-.........30 25,,0001 t'enugylaiua 3.. 2 2%).0001 titla------------------.....24 135.00)0 Oio ....................----,t 80000 l ludions------------------ 15 :l.0001 ...istishs ........ 15-- 125.0(00 Mchigan .................14 "50000 Ks'uuueky ............ 13- .0 wloesndalu..............t"1 0.00 New Jersey ........... 14) ,O00 Calisus'a .. .. .. ... ..4,5" Msaryland ............... ~ lii5 Maines -......... 7.000 W 'cs %i 'rgîsia ........1,0m C'unnetîeît ......... New UHgmpslilme ....... Rhtode lausd ........0 houtb Dakota ........... 1000 Verut..............:50 Oregon ............... .0 D)elaware................ 3 1.000 Total . ........... "74 1,4260001 lectorat votes.it uralttea. NMîssoînrî ...............17i 15.000 Texs ..... ........ 1 3.0(1 Oesrgîa------------------. 1:' 30000 v',l îlt . .. . .. . .. . 12 171 "tortlàtCarolla ......)I Konuas ..........00 V llsuth ('amol'aa------------.5 455<-Su Misssspi . .......5 00f Arkansasa............... 8 Lontailana.............. 8 Colorado---------------..4 Florlda----------------..4 Idaits,.................. Nevada .....a... t'tail ......................' Sortisl itîkota ...........'3 MWyoiig.................3 T ti ... ... ... ... .149) Etletoral Cutes. Tonns-ase---------------- 12 Ns'tnaskui.................8 Washliugieu ............ 4 Totlt-----------. vte". pro tNIcKîaîs y-------------..247 Bryssi----------------.... 40,000 30.000 15.000 15.000 L,.000 lo.00 2.000 312.000 Plti rallîtim 1,421.000 =000 MeKiutey's manjortiy....12:5 i(1t0J Concedit iîulrysu te sbubtulilt Sates. Ni- lChley'. moJority lu.... 101 Wttle nuustusr unies lui etet' torah soitege---------..447 Neesssry lu -ls...- 224 Sure fur Nl'Klutey-ý...274 FuOR ti CuisttitION iS.:Y2. Elpeel votes. I'tnmoiltep. ICeveland--------------,27 380810 HarrIsoni............... 141 -W eaîer ... ... .....22 Virglia lu n oubt# witls the Chaucea States bave gorge for Bryatu. Niss,uri ta THE NEW CONGRESS. in Favor aofiir>aîs Mela ]yLeeds con,'edvd tui1-ran.- - lu Mchîan- 100,000 MaJorIty lu AI 2 u'ci-k Vs'uieauay muimciig ts' Returna Indicole Repubtîcan Contrai OhioNcwu<rou Ijîer 8.le~ Iietsuubtlicun Natioinuîal(Coîîîi lic eissueiî iof î it Branches. Oho-Nee ro Uheusati n bulletinmi aiiiuttiug tuat tveîly-fouor Trhs'id:îi uaue tuaI ins susi-pi NieKin- States. liuii utc - ili' lnaane, Iýe'u i iu-ky, teiii o itle îircsuits'uu-3 -i--l est la iloiie Wililam MNKinley ias becs electcd tu Nlaryla-titl. Normth Dakotan, Oregon, Soiitiiof t ls'tsehuiîtui-ýsthualisjsîmolgty lu fa9 the preuideucy îîy an overuvleiunsg vote.Dakotas t u. N'-i rginia sud NN'oiimg, vro f1.Siefre eoiJtý Mi mjriyinth letra cleg i veme fuir NI, i\isicy. itt a total uf 271 cru us.S Il fureD imucmutiu MIs njoitylu iteeleeoro coleg o-it lectomusiuttis. T'e'tîcanie bulltinvon- gslriuugl(.î.h av use 1-en aesi~tiIi h. decidediy la rger titan titot whiicit 1:nceil î'lsil t .) B ru s n fhumrîs's'Stateiie, sI iiug îuî il '- c .s s i i-sutr utuI'e'sv li Mr. Clereland in15office four yeurs ugo. NMissoîmi amud Northt Carohiuîo, o-it - a sîtuci(e.. Tl'us'rf-iiirius îct' cii lit uuu i il, ht Il ginut qsikeiy tit ltenuuber Outoltai ut 14111 lectemal votle%. Catifomcua. t ne ihis is u iîu'iui-t it mîi le eleteri ote beba seure l lae uinuas. Nebîraka, 'relinesse, 'Texas, oIecloai ohe habasaecrcdlu arg-rVimgimiiu ands Washitingin arc chaîinesi aslis'jsiblieisusucit thave :,5 memnbers et titan lhal uwonub-r ony otter preài1idînul, iut uîunîtu 'itairîn;uu .onss, cf itle Deng- thens' ci, liîîî.se otfiiîprmcsî'tatius5ani exceputug ite 21)2 cues o-ic'it clu-i-i c-i runli- Natitonal C('iaunuitîe. lauuel a 1)111-i1Iles'I)vOtu,. ea tae12.guu tug niliî'titliii lt Crant lu 1872. bAncal retusrmus iitilusalu cliii aborty afu'r nisiiglituTuesday. 'iuj'inity of ilî:'. (Of tte .liîîuiuutis tai he tas nut ony curr.sl ail te "l t -aîîuig BrYanîs electuuui, or a a tîntm' ie'îruurimi 'irln-r isc futsinîg Itu coucedle titesuccesà out MeKîn trefouN thCina reslr fu" Sta tes utft'unusdi Vest fr,îuulis1n',tent uslulu-ut.' ietni a ta ctidetuou r ta Iowao. legeter a-it Ne'w York ausuuIllt1T hI e gr'atiutivus utfte enuury ihave ."tIiu stidu itient. suto sutportest Nuewu Eug!isul dStat es, but Ibst Ihl, b i. urs sunruiru iýigNIcK iils'>' nu aju it is laioer.qi-i -i ugî. tse ilgui-the- be lsin ai te Ds'îuoemtic trouigluis ou hile ltta leis'uste lisi us iii- 1.0I5. us-iîtîl îuiy fi e gîsditn iithe u)oJitular Mary land, Kentucky, W'est N'irginui*;(d hitae'ui usiii luvas Dî'nuuem.îtir finir t t eas--i r i-4t secoindsiseir th .xa.N e %v lb mn Ilu ui9,t it ee us114. posai biy, euru-si, 'tun uIi ng i, - , Vu e,I'iy, s ut-blui 1mi.'mcarreu" 'Th- pies i-tISi-na te, us li-b saorsl s47 oif tese Sua ieor mailinîg sucit gaits :ml'yh.' l ,' 1'iî1-lu iils i lirîsutua tt t-ci uh42 inmuf.i i e uitfr tcu'ionage, o ill lue migise tiilm a signa ti> large îp upiu la i .,i i itmie %vatru n. g isi,(iii,> 1U - tuevdsedi tutute us h ut- u bc 52 lui 38 yole. lie tas cagrrled tvery SSUie :5tîîîî îuYx 'iuiiilte hu-istmoiuis ouitlu'i-tusion ut glufT.h'es'lt(Iitiiitli.-liis ilaitu huiskv ,inui'auuu s ii l2i)i 1iuitiuuial.-tii": s.t Itis -4.-l'hstandiard p1roile- great région lý ug at of te Ni Siuiltui. uxuhi sutusi-iii, tue <'value ttIy -ui %%hou.usl, , u iti titi'icasting soie of atind îrtiî utfte be oansd l'ut onîtu s-Ji% i u's. 1 .900-e bin 12. Pnuv is i sNeKlsi't1. , ' . ui-î ltse s iillt icbita ssert. Tbî're la uetnu ii re'ak lcisu uliths- ru, esisi. linu-iuiu .Si'i.. 'tir.. iîrysi'p h-iiie, usis-, uhu.u- to i'uuuii usttiier hugisluîi'uuî ilu'y au lt ie.uu utheDlava,'o,ýlt'e .15f-r IT1.0its>. )i.t1*l t: itu lit lu ,,n- Si,- uithrie fre-cstvem '- o-tfii-ii-n'-)uîtAlti.niy,. Y., îuiîti-ul u.> ncu%%ho ti hte huiitfuient vituelOlus lares 'tii'l5lvlietsiro-ti ii-u . lsi tI ,"i vi hnue tbsu eu ti-f- I.luit il is expe(tIiIlium uIn tise iitlegro)in usofuthlie n Jul"e'et ,i i, it-I is eitstrl î'ut -l N'.î aî. Si. IOii5Di'uî s, uit ihtt, us it uu'cisnîset t. thte anjr iiireanua zi ng. li1ut, 1qeail.ndr-Ii u usi t ihavie' gis (ut ten sy uc uî uit feu iite l. t. t mutu ris i'î-le's edît wt liia t tis at î21'i.ls, aof vhiî-h î - a etgi pu Gq) uîua::'iu ý esicuiuur:a3inu Aiongiliii'ds'fontlc coul n-Ied 57,W19. G overion Ai ige'-1is e ushio-r'anudrusit i sîtuatitur,.ice l t uf Ni i-l id. 'X i- uit I mnu'. Blani detcated hy mure ihun 1100 M1. The caîunig tt:fmiur-tîtîhus uofthe edgiu Iuuit t-il iîughu aIiiiull lac te unl i>- sîc litste onînide' t 'tsigo asthao niws ( c irnti i-volehuis tweii gi veni Ms ICIti ic.î'u n tat uliStI u l. Eaepubhii'a n gains. 'Wisconsins guse's Nie- N-Kitityslu u ia iuy ufthile 1obutia r vsui e' iunns neviii utlu i ust he ousr tis is eXtey oaîlurâaiiy of t leant 50000, autd Iater elumns musy raine ihese figures. lt- diana ia claluiesi by 30,000 on,) Mich'iigan ity 50,000. lowva gîves 87.000 udi Min- tkesota asa40000 otuse.luate EasIttce :Mcinli.uiey majoritica are trs'euleuu>s. pennm-yvanin ectiliaç, a.ailrecords uvitt a pturality npjîreacliug 13t0,00. New 'York la esîiliuiesi ai 255,000lu inte tatesi e- turne, andsi i)rislug. Niassaieusetsana given 130, 000, ansi81aithet other Ncen- gland States give large majol'ilies4. Ohio je put nt 100000 in tit lattburletins. Thea tidal o-ave in not coufines lu te rd- gSinyiug cash ofte NMissouri. Southt D)ako*a ppcau's 10 bave lauded u inte 3McK!niey coumu by a sail mjoriiy. Nebraska la clatmed for Brys y1, 000. Thea Ilepublicn are lotitlu givit up thte SIale. tut tae Indicationsata a laIe boum araetaIhthe ilver ecandidate taz cer~ies bis o-n Stale. Califomnia bas beca ciimesi by bth partiesbt thlie ra- tarus aI 2 a. n. Weduedsy nmornisng lu- dîcala a McKinley porolty oi 45W. Ore gou la appnreully for.McKialey, hut by oaity 4,000. Even te salisi Soult h bs beau invadesi. Kenucky tas been carrneS for McKinley by te id aifte souud moneY Demo0 croîs, o-ho voleS amat uoiIly for ts' Bepublii.'as national ticket. Thte chair ua or te Bryau commalta. lu Ken- tucky bas not gîven up te State, but the asoclatetl speclal dspatches support te Itepublicau cdaim that MKKiley*s ma- jarlty lunte Blue, Grass Slate o-II b. about 10,000. Nar la thora a=y doubt about West Viunilt, Tisê EluKIl!ma- Sjorlty lantaIBaIât ~I8o15,- npitears ce be over 1,0W).000. TIse grealcut poisular pluraiiy ever given oa raiiî liaI candiate in thue biaI 5505 7W.4« 0for Gen. Grantî lu 1872. Th t ltllitii- utrinspîs seenas corn- ptete slnd overushuimiimg. Tald ln a Few Ltueai. Mrx. Langlry rides a usat-iinue paimtesi 'iIhb ter raciuug colora. Thte SueanditFosx h-itn agens 'y. si'uly mtiles souli th of G irie. t0. T.. oa itel up ans) ioted ty 'te -allie ganug ut bant- dits Ibat loalesite tosvui ut Cusrnny, tasI svcck. Niai. Henry W'Irui, oa-si-kuowol-s1 crado uea'aîuaîscr mon. emhihuîed ut hile os editorial uriter onste Leasivilte lier- aIs, dieS ut Denver of pueunnonis. lie n'as itret aINunnsv'lle, N. Y., lut 18-lt. Wiie Mgr. Barlomeus. te iocuum ts'nenssutfte Armeulaut paîriarcte, oas eutesring bis carrnage ut Constantiniople four,' iea made su ulte-nîpt in asâassi- Isole bin, but they o'ere seiatcd by tte preîale'a escort. roter Lenaler, a ulgitt cerk lus lie Drover' Holel at Cullinuvoosi consmuilted suicide ai Clevelsand by ianging hinseîf. L.esler hsad aitcliving anti o-s .îbonit le marry a Collistuoosi girl. Flus irt usifc o-o on bis troit ansi eha itijuatltearuies taI site waaacomîug front Chicago, o-tere site o-aushopping o-It friands. Ex-Pope Taîstol, of te Russiais cburch, o-sa recently deposeti front itis prico'o ianctlonu-because he bati refuse-si ho, clai me laofauanaccusation tat be bm belqsçmavatqd, taCAtholIçmhsisa vitten iud:ice uiugessiouai chanuges as Coinus:eXion of Congre... States. htilver. Stuer. Alabama -.....Di) Arkansas ....h1)I) t'alifuîna .- h . 1. Colîoradou---------.. il Dlhaware----------). I 1 ergia -.... ....1).I Idaho------------.In.I. Illiois-----------------R. IL Iow . .. .. .. .t.. R Keisaeky ........... .DIL luiulstoaa..... . t>1. Mille--------------------R.R .Marylansd .......---------lIL Niha oscluuuiset's .. ... it Mchgsu ........ ........it Minsotali....... I.I Mootana ....... RLii ....- Nebtraka ....... P. il. Nevada---------- RîtL . : New Husunpsittre.... icti New Jersey-------------1PAL New yurk----------------IL. 1 Norîuth akotma... Pi) .IL. Ohsi ............ .I. l.R tOrego..........IL. t'enaaylvanta .... R.R Itoulîs Carellusu.. --DA) . ... Southb Dakota... . P. IL. Tennessee ... ..D.)l Taxas .......... D. I) lUtait ...........I. hl Vrginie ........ D.i) .. Washington ...R. 0 Wet iriua..D. R. .twhaR .... . Mi Hanse. Deun. Le'p..lPop. 2 7 2 4 19 a t10 3 5 3 4 T7 t 4 4 2 12 i 1 ...- 18 26 4 2 4 2 2 il 2 4 2.. 4 AROIJND A BIG STATE SRIEi. COMPILATION 0F ILLI- NOIS NEWS. Columubia leilitîs Ctizen% Arousesi by Fire iluga Succensfut %lcetinirof the Nortera Teacher4' AssocIation -Mollne Bnrm.ars Bisuy. Fîrebaîrs u t ColuuaRllghte. I iiîensla rj-s are lilt work ont (Coloran- bia iliightt andiiitiiixjtv suirs te inîb,- itafîs if iii:'t iti.ii. tîe Tiiir.sday tioîiiaîlli ii oi îpclfni-t' iry frauîî store 1liiiiiîlitiiirsuiîil îtii (lstant %o disivi-re il i-ibei-u l tn'. By lîrompstai'- lin îîl hiîlîiig u ii si 'i.A îviicli maunis-s eistvuge'i lu sa ki te roundjîs of liete lusi- î' cmy hiur. Early Snturday ncriiiig iii-fîîîînîîta u titantuslie rear oi a buitlding î li.-h lie tliî.]i isiteil but îs ball- boum (tiire. il îî-us îîwnied biy louis Yost. ohoaiiiii s'd o uteand i iii tii hri' altors' niit hi'preiises. Tiie îîatcsiinanu ou (isl ir-t %iil. tut i ti' î,uuîr asîceli ini n ,iuiit if ivs'îds ii.-'uite i'establIishu- mntu. Tl'h-ire ' iî'ariîiies utfte vil- tjýand't ofi I i iiiauv i tiglils ansi 'rs'ts iec,-îualt,-,liiii )ser-r .- but IYo's build- iîng ut,ils -i i. tiLi-stlt i'roitti a barbser tiîiiiiiliy Mo ît Nîrris and a a i- tif)ii'i'.uui siieil lev y Hermoun t-'hr- îînîîl. Xi'i-.iiii!siig aisi 'ti-k uias s-nu oýtii-il $ I MMssi. ii i tii- ias ,~i iiisiir- ain'dN.e-i îîî -i-ei:'iiails iarris'ii $1isaî ii.iieaiui-. ('iis'iî f ut ('Inlnîtsa iliîg(ut' ct.'iis hts iîîlires ocre oftilu ii'iitîi i rialititiflire 'tileav4iiming lu lui il iltle titugu Illisois e ,cîr siua 'lh- filnieui-'lg utft'e Nu them It ciii. Tuý-u ii-m's' 'o-iiiuiat Freeîsiirt onw a iins)5s etinl.ruvafoterni n. 'Te iriliiig s '-ies iinna s an iteiI--ssling uns'. andi i iiisjsi of uieilîrce tsîlicss NIi'Fianils'1I. Etu pt- aper. "ENJps- 5111 îuî in ri '- tutu ityiui rL.il Tiiusp- kî1s 'E ur*-.'il) iiLiîîmantiims." sit the onue liv ly t i'iltiî t-e. ' irts -siiu i n Si- %ýl-,usire fuîtlnit inieri-ctiaig. At liii tit-wi-~c-~siiiil wuitsut,' iît'u ed t uil thie Itiiu'îtiig s ltrttr.atitigli a ui llýlii %%11ic litittgl.liiat il. Ruucek lai- an,]îîi;s ls tld i tsthî- lluls'firte nexi niii-lig uii i'fitsiligandt1:1p-r ici- ee f, i.ii.N-ui:-il'mî 'uiîti-il, NJ . J. F. l'îiji - .cîillt,: Exi-ititis Couns m>tt,îi . l.t iBright, t'ii-at'uî:..l. h 1 "-iluuî. liasmk: Atiii i 'ar lmluee. Tlec'îulailn.-sPiano }'ssdo,-y Ilumnu. ft'r "ef, tii- Dai~s liit)"lliuE. Th,- li- i. -.. ~ittI ,ilsl.N'r mten vitiolu ud ii lo lace htidi i hu tItillei ftusu Y tues liNli'-s lîttu a.9a, )îîîîrf te iitlit, ,htî,liN-ii-, lusle hiilliig, dus- vris î t.l'lit lie the limei,'thefir'iwi arrivs'd ilse luit i-e l îîîr usls e iivei-iuiu'l lus faiie. Attliit.,'luicxtiiiuits h tire ln sucre huis'lf. Tiiliyf i hu io îln-î o-cre dciriy'i.lgetitir oiib 154) lu proci-s oîîf iiîi u-in nuîl a luirge tickL of valtiuslui,'horst us id isimhe o(r.'Te IDa- vis ta niiîi ss lk su afeus' loui'i'iuîl cfects. but itli' nmljor polîi(un outhei i e rtry îîis dcstriiyss). Ili Miss DJavis' rom -es'e diauntds vliies t iii .Co.'Te nimount of iisuirans in ite prsuîirl y la uiukuoss i. rThe tai-hurt ils ite maint inulisîey ut the village. Burgi]ars Maille a Rich Haut. Burgiursronde te c icisest bauî evr knoîîn iunîsulie' Tbnrsiiayu-aigit. 'Te reside'uce uitNV. L. N s'ils, seereisry of Deere & < %i.,- ustusiiueetsotuieiute se - tuvcî'îiiîîiditi gi.lu ouinud i t lrî'n . anid ,NJ lu js'ivcry t itîtu Aiuiiuiti ccrysleeps- ing a[îaetii-tîu inthteslarige tbouse a oscuiîi-init <ailiiusu 'usritl y te men'flus tiîuut iit uingtuhIe itlusierr. 'rîey,' ît iiriitihisr itîîui î .A.sigiiî ciesi su u-ic itthu e t(, lu usuuk on. rTis usils iil tthi' titui'i liieiif' uit i ic t-îi duiniu tie eveiiig u Iîsîîi-e wiîuitlî'illia nulu tomr 'tteîitg lifrii si- ail îuu'îsmtuicVs'i reoiitcti i t ulti'_1 luî ii itheiuiiriii Blute News (n firlef. EldgarnC. Web-tb, sonlu uiti lue I'ilu etuf Polit-c tf N'sik'.iu, unît i's Ennuhimue 1Iiu1lsti-iiius ii-i--uîuehu t thelî' lide'~s hometu. Ges-rge Sut uura. u ofluî,îuthets'steain cm >t. P'uil, inio ule îuî .-a ttQuinn- cy. viuiiuill iidetd'y lu> luuotuug. Ilu. bomets' s ili I)îîbîuulte. luiS usl. Juîuge (Glsnun, iiin le N"trnu-uu lînly ('in-isit Ct 'u nt at Niioniiui u uuenruheîl the illotiin fie a noiuv tiaitatutusenieniies Ahi. J. N. ,rluitue senittcitiany. The crime tnfur licli I>îsnniuîna n>te peu- alty uas lise torging of severuu cise-ka oen metittits at July. Titere ta nuuucit synt- pathy expressesi for hisi, as tue cdaims Ibat ite tas !lu knoo-ii'uge ut lis net, taIte o-as ai-k nt the'tintîemad, nitcîsgb he o-cut sus us>. liq) îeffurt u-usvite ale' onl- eaiment andîlie scad nîuîkisîg arrnugeu menlate ocoisse linsk uctsnuarrîýsîcîl. AU- ter reqis: 'iuug the J1 ulgs' u, give hili uta feu- dutys te take ]cave uofIia fiuiil>', Domr broke duini aussIenies i îuicosisly. (Cnuîne'y t0. VlIter and LouissJ. han- <'bell, thet lsvstînîenîs of ttche 'rpui tan Buîsineîss t'iuiicgc, ('iisgo, ushotbrpws eggs i NV. J.. iyansuriîsg ua processiosn. a-crs' tormnlvexpss'ied trontthelitenstîitu- lion by Principîal 0.I. l'ouver. 'ruila %-as dties'scieistIs eahissl a-as t'alhed te arder, neiluer of te lads bciuug preacuit 10 teur themdiagrinue hronoiinced. l'rin- cipaltPi',sers saisi, tt quite ai lt'ugtlty ad- dreas, lie.'remlizcd titallthe ytnug nmen deeply rehsîisIs s ot tbem nt. Ilicsymi- palhizs'vti uhbtheir tuarmcmiisuanid friî'muls, te t'onuinueti.buit e feit il vas lis lut>' te thte pîstll;a anudlu thle Institutin to ex- pet t el gtenu s i li'(ses'istsa iliagruce sus lte scitoul. un the' ity tf l'ii'igoandssithc Sun te e of 1nut .'l'lue lpîits oifI tesi-bout draftcul esotuutiuînts 'oniienîuuiug the ' gg lbroo-iug. Diiriutuîa sîuarmmcla It iluidn tGuate'1eus. Hill cul t'. 4. N In' troat a-iti s kuite, kiliiîg hilsi. Hihl esuaîsesI. NIcIîiuu o-as a pro'ýsereusm farinter. lic lcavecaa teidous ans ts'n chilîdren. The Grand Jury Commltt'a on Gain- hllng aI (Chicago reported te resul ai Ils labars, ansi as a resait Heunnait & Hagg, suloou-keeperg, were Indiclesi on a charge Le0x< ù Pàumaa 4 à"- et 1u9.sI N sa Cînyton DeWoif. ot Kansas City. andi 1Miqs Ne-tiîe BeL-ar uere married aitthe bride's hoinîn liiî-inry. In arrestinîg a blînan it Evanston they lounîd tiuî olîiha squaiîshtville sud] caites onIt the htire cpa rt îîenît. li tis aup- IXSocîltuaI somebtîdy wvnîitud lthe vine Mi.îj I Il . Nexvetl. o-ho wssin- jîired 011 sâiurday inîuîmîiitg ly faiitiîg froîîî a t'tivags table car, (lied stîotly bitume ruiiîuight On saaîtay anI he Chicago 1'utiîtiîjî- and I Hîîtia, uvitero hieo-as talicni iftür the accidenit. Si, iad teîeresi tue saloon of Chins. S' tinîiel, 10-d8 NVest N'anî Bîriri street, at Ch'iceago Veîlicle.yiiglît an iisl î 111)u lthe lîroîrieom. his hurteiîder a ndl t-o csîstî,ucms. Tilie' rîîbers scemul"4, froni uIll cash rs'gistcr. $12 trui the Pack- eia of tue proîlrietor, $15o from Ed Myers, a patron, aud tmî,nàthe bariender $1.50. ltî,,Isrt Hlansen Jr. la probably thte youngestliîwco'aîy l inthe worid. He la scarvely 20 mmîiuitlis tîlId audbasbeen (ou thei rouite' aime lasI Augnut. He is lthe son of Roobert liausen. a newsdeuier at (23Stale s4reet, tit-aoga. Eye-ry inf- isig the father bas a supîîly of papera for the ltlle chap, wlmo irusiges 10 the 61ut Ntrcs't car btarils, îîiere bis rfgular eus- toilersanaiî,ng the strict car men are waitiîig for hlm. 'rhiy are neyer disap- po"ined', for *'llt's-)" is aiuvys ponctuai. Ilei iuci r retea ,s s ig grlp un the paper îîntll tje tpenny- is del-isieil mafcy in tte otheir lînnd. The young ïIeussîenler la "il liii, andi oIIC lit ifeet Iliib.and su s-iglis I us 'lit' f ir tiiuîds. ipiîltîria laq repîîrt-î prî'vaieat at sec- tral pl)aies luntthe l'tite. A report te the State Board of Ilcaltli Nedineqday mrays thui the diisense lins brolieuiontinluLower i'euiria ani that Ihere thave tîen mny sîatsAt Lî,raine. AMains CîîuutY, il la ctiite-l that local 1îhyqieiaus bave been treaiug lihe diseuse lia croupi, andi that ns ia rssit it bas tsccoiîie ep)iderule there. Ai %»aieahurg ten îu'w o-ases uf diphîberia ocere retiorteil. and lthe iteaitit departmeut i-bas-si the clty s-ois 51i',-ii ufficere liav Cc tu-' plavdtiîs t aulne ofth i lectoul itoiti-s,. Pulili,- scituolts utla iiseY clýe(Ii on ai-iiilit of utipttieri a. Tii o or three s-ases have îilrcaily îlîveuped.n'lit it o-as feur cd h uiigh t lecotue epideîiic. Triande won a victurv lu E vanrsisîn. wlicu Jusitice' Nlct'altunu iiei of lthe case of Ns-stcv vs. Xinuiuuin. 'The casýe %v&4 uni- ' ier,'iî ttice ,. t1. il. Xlîîner- niaihaii ieu n recilcil ou coiîpaiîil of . ii c iv i ul ieais ini cruiîksrv. Sec- ers t o-cets igoM r. Xiiiniersîlan souigli I suuieti ig l ilise h is fa îîîy ini iVesiey's stoire'. Ill iuiitiîg for it lie accidlsniatly timuke ciii-of ithi' il r's vases. NIMr. Xiii- iiierîîîa iii ilff're-sl to la ithe i radiiluil23i vit i dlisges. NW'î'dlcv iliii îîed .50 ,o'nts. l'tienîilie' valiset I . iiiiiiii-rmziitus arri's..iisti-c NIciit î a nîoîî iceil titat lie o outld rs'iiit the i- s f uiheîVase if (hi' Ilstîr o ,sldl ay tîtîî raëesinaiis îleiiianiîi Mr. Xiiiiincriiiau gave W'esiey At Spîrinigtie'tî at Mndiîiay's sessionu ut itie floaiOCi f Nia n g"eriof ithe Niuai Hontuie NI issuiio etySou i-tv ufthle NI t u- St awia tih' fiuinîg ositers o ere elit- cd: l'resi<vtcît.MIrs.(t-'liii on 1B. F:Iske, 'Neo-w York; First Vie Presiileiî. Mrs. JausneBainc'rosftltohiiisun, IDetroit; Second V'ice 1'reaiient, Hr.1. C. NîcCabe, Del- awarellitio; Third N'ice Preaideut. MIs. Bisbop Walilen,(Clicinnai;l: ourtit Vice l'reaidn'MîNrs. F. S. iHoyt, Sandusky: lî'ftit Vice I'rssideut, NîMr. NW. C. lier- %on, C'incinnmati; ('îrrespoudtiig SeerétarY. Nira. IL. . uaI. Cincinnati; llecolrding Secretary. Mirs. F. A. Mlien. Dccatîîr, Ill.: Trs'isurcr. M.rs. G. W. Williamn, Delawsarc., Obii. A cctî'brntcî i usIIIcase o-as decides inl the NuLa Circuit Court 'Mouday. The usiii of lthe bite Davidi Hesiliîic. oweallhy land ovvîîer. as îirighîaiiy imode bequeatb- cd le DelilaliSmiiththe Kerr Ho'tel at Lexington andl fîriy acres cf landi. A codieil ovas fouioi îevs itîî luDetlbah Smith ail of Ilintli's îiriilerty. vîuîîd ot ;,oti,0O4(, ands cittiug off Illiie's ctIl- uîreu and gi-niîsillimin o ilisut A cenît. The'se 'îiitestesl the ivili, clnil19 iiut uîndîîe jil liienie t: haeii îîsed uvill Heu- tins', thtit lie %us s ieinlly îîîîiainnccd o-heu lhoîîîe tie o-iti, îîîîîtliut Detilah Suith, o- ti i uî iîîîîlie h ccd I (iirty-sine yvars, oas iîit lis ici fi'. i)eiilî Smithb tsroiigbt forvarî rvi eiiie î tuswthluît site wias liciiii Iîî'a Cîîîînîî nlaw iv ott. The jury diiucied tthe' a e a ainaistthle isoman sud iii fa vîr if ttieconteîîsitnt The case o-us apiîiiliit. .Jîîîge Sh aw', in thle (irî'iî O(Court ai lii cLford. bu îdedd ioo- nait(eilsolusinb.i_ T1icknsr caise.,ushichii lie ' uîînhatin- aille tanîd ii lie owesternî sîectiiion fthe cil>'. As lo i the clii utothe landîlmodîe by the' Short Etectrie CinlauY of tChi- cage, îiiiilr a iliritîage. lthe (,,)rt li.-Id thal lite losascasion of Mrs. Ticknor n'as flot nf sus-il opcriaractcr as te charge (lie Shiort Compsany iil ber equities, aind lience Ibat lthe mortgagc ivas good agîsinat ai parties lu lite suit. il uvas aise helil lthaI ite morîguige of lthe Seconud Nollouet Bank for $8000, heisi antlthe ime of lthe contract betwcen J. S. Tiî'knor andi Mrs. Tiekuor, atill exista as a liraI lien on tié îsmoperty. Thc Court orîleres lthe malter reterred t10 the master lu chsîîcery for an accouuting of eqîlilies. 111 fortune sema lut re-al on lthe home of MiyronuIl. Kinbaîl, -1702 Chauncey avenue, Ciiego. %Ir,§. Kimbail dieu NVednieiay aflernoon from injuries re- ceivesi by falliîîg frein an Illinois Central Ilalîroosi train Tuesday otternoan. Site %vas reluîruing from St. Lîikcs IHospital, iviere aite basi beiieonsoltng ber bas- bond, who bads ba othlegs les than toO weeks ogo. Her husitaus bas not been apprisesi ai bis uite's fate. As Mirs. Kîmubaîl aliglîlesi from lthe train Tîîesday TRE SIJNDAY iNTEiRESTING ANDINS1 1168011. Rellectionu of au Elevatiaz -Whol.osae Food for fltudylnig the Scriptural telligentlI and Profltalt4y. ~ Lesmon for Novembvr Golden Teit.-"The Lord linlle temple; let ail the erth kesiq fore lim."-Hlab. »2of ib The leason tells0 teT cation. It la found ln 1. Klaga.' Wbea the long taak 01 building orating the temple wu* remanîed th~e importsat daty foriuing the et«an d w.s d s metals into a bousea<GO& eould dwell. The dedieOa < no vat, so splendid, »sidl history of the people, could jnet remarkable occasiea. The vast tàhat had met for the solem exercîsea must have filled, th elasure and have formed a spectacle. The priest. breugt~ from the tent on Mo ttZo had resteil ince the earlyprto reign. The other furuiigaof macle, the holy vesels,'the altar afferiug and the other content* aucient habitati o f (ld, were from Gibeon and pacet] la the.. Wheu the priesta had put the Its sacred conten ts. in the holy of, a cloud filied the wbole bouse, that hoiy place as weIl as the holy of' "so that the priests couid aot minister because cf the cloud, glory of the Lord had filied the the Lordl." The oddresà and Solomon, recorded iu 1. Munge, > aud in fi. Chron.. 6: 1-42, should fully studled and, analyzed. t probable that thia prayer as It a the two hooks la from an ancieut? ment, daliug perbops fromin te, Soloînon, though the prayer "ý been for a lime prescrved by oral lion before heing committed touw 1h contains mil the cléments of truC -adoration, thanksgiving, oi pétition. It presenhs a conception 4 far in ndvance of ibat attrlbuted É to the Solomonic nge. Moa an a of it witb a view ta discover (1) ception of God's being-os toasX power suid knowtedge; (2) the mri acter of God ns lîcre presentedb lion ho (rgtouîca 8) the l pared with that of th"ý Mosai ai the age of Isailh. Coîariag tbe with wiîat oc knov of solomnon's' fromi te contemnporarý history, ivhetbcr the theology of Ibis pray far in nîlv:ne uf Solomon'g aa,- ltai we musi attributes ame of lt to a Iater century. This 18 a that can bc answered oniy by Bib. -flot by guesa work. Such a shudy m flot be igttiy iudertoken, and wl8, course be aultable for yonnger but for those who are beginlng tw, sierlously about the meéthods used l biblical writera and prefer to jud tbemseivea o-heu possible raiher tbu ce-pt wtthout question the verl acholars on eiter aide, the wark profitable. If carried titroulrhtott il ivonld luvoe the shîîdy of evea7'-; In tbe Old Testament; and-for that--, reason la a good introduction ta hilt atudy of te Bible. "From kneeliug on bis kuea lt banda »pread up to heaven:" tM standing were the twoa attitudes m prayer lu 1he Bblé; lying proatrate facee 1rssdgreat bumaiIat1on.ý, tlng, with lte baud over lte oye., bave been regardesi as an attitude greatesi diarespect.M "The king andi ail the cbilsiren et. dedicotcd te bouse uf the Lord«« I the nct of allie people, though e been no apecial popular offerlng f building of te temple beyond the, lar contributions. AI a laler timio Kingas, 12: 4) every one made a Ia offering for repaira e te bouse U Lord. Tencrhlnsg Hnte. Bricks and stone. stainesi glass ç tbree-iiaîiual organ. do ulmot cburt'h. any more Ilion expansiye ture malie ao homte. Tihe bouse mau a hoiiae-mottîcr and a house-fta fore il becompa a hume. Thte houae muât bave te eonsecratlou4 esi by tie wors'hip and service ut4 tien belirvers before it itecomes 1t bouse of Goîl. Tihe formai dedlcu îbut the outo-ard aigu of a sami< thât ninast coule <roilte earta o-orshipera. Tlianksgivîug laehê 1 îoiutesi, andi therefore tbe more j to-heu porticuinr blessings arerel lbhefîilfilimeut of particnlar 1This la the reason tbat a "prom1 ing," o-heu heartiy carried ilti of the mosi beipful formaea o conférence.lu In te colossal sacrifice that Iu r eremonies, -e cou nse. nlhlg' fnl, 'becouse o-e bave passei stîcitforma of worablp. Thei of myriosis of auinmais as a r mouy la forelgu la our Idesu., u pliace ln lb. educatiWan of teacit men lte ao-fîl nature ot Inevitable counection sitb st sacrificial systein common tu cient notions iwas citosen bj larme], sud by hlm régulaleiq c d. Haman sacrifice la i ed with animai sacrifice, sbai~ rof tact o-as praclieedesu aM