L q'us *, 106. es~e ~ MderS. groo0O sCoLocal* 'E t r panted by te . bMfr!bed iSiflhter- T e aretMO opideltii 10- .dl ar ~~~ ~~bue Mautin Ii rde, aepouypiuid _ dh ietIooyQsto esfIi by the.ring Î Here are sBitme Ho! _ the marriage Party 'ta ulep on. theKeeaesm H rdT nsPrc i A& the ona-fft Llbetyvil[S. plat oem where the contractiflg parties GASAESCEIS The gueula front.ont of tou, at au ssoad.elaaa matter. were jolued lu the holy' bonde o! the Grayelake hotel the puit week G o tres wedioet, sithout a word belng lsaid. î8UItSUN Lodgè No. ns A. F. & A.E. RuselW.ID Xkz ABxONo p.L.Teeufing enraflifeut.avenifl on Lo¶.EE i, harIýs Dodge, Worden 221, Sga........ .....1.00 1 7 bas M14502 5OBfp ............ 26 _____________A. TsoasPsox. oSeey, Rincer, of Chicago; Lôtt Frost Jr., B A 6 poýund9 roaated Santos 00fe..10 bi.Mpe<iy op.....2 Âltgeld? When you need a eook stove, range SOROSIS Chater. U. D. Order Eastern Dumnhi, C. T. Heydeoker, W. J. AlnAbcl' ofe e ou .. 1 0br ikmBtut8a ~ 1 te jeth&us raiia eatror ither citai o_-,wood YOU ê Star mu et tirean ad third eveufAfeSrpe !Wue u rniuArata tea, par pouud .......... ... 45: AM and Hmmer soda........O0 - wili ftd it t'O yont advantage to oel<A.uo " "W.2J pounda .. _'Wtb aul due respect we eaul Mr. on F. Protine. Be bas a fiue of! goods MIt. E. B. SuEEMÂN; r.i Gause, o! North Chicago; William...... 1.00 Lauteru globes...........5 taTd bexeelled by nome lu the co A!ty, aud ïtASLAKE Came No. litîX. W. A. met Beatty sud Shamos Lynch, of Lake Tes dust, per punud........ . 10 lothes pins pear 01 O 3, . Oopeland'a attention t uedyisâl hi t prcestha wll ut '.. Gflgt and third Baturd5y eenluz of eeih Villa. Bulk starch parporud... ....... Î J. T. Plug tobeoCO.......... 0 " tBon nhartable , ella . Hegoode odine lrom th±e Mos at0130mont ,y.0.Corustarcb " ....... 03' ;Climax tObeOO............ .....3 ninded people terit"ruos' polr nnftUrîute omrGOEBoi.rk Fairbanks gold diat............. 181 Smoking iobuSc.............. la ___________ and are fuly guarauteed. MIZPAH Camp No. 2as . N. A. ..et meoud P£ R F ECT and prermaneut are the Mince meat large 0ie.....7î Battle Ax tobsoco ................ 18 ilutter ou the BîguBa'd3na adort ~saeeLetti'hmO ucres by Hood'a Sarsaparilis, be- 6[gin 0 Bard Moals, A Mitgattnu Crcuimt55n ot MKa. siIEuM N. o. .W. HàvzY. Orace.cause .It makea pure, rlcb, heaithy, C o e y »0 Ibo et lac, 37,320 lbs t laie: 1,800 Indigniant Guet-Thla steak à1o4 NGE(ATIONYAL Chtiîeh euuday mer- lite and h ath-gving BLOOO. r c e y 19atje. Butter last week sold lrol e mî u agiîîg Wednesday eveniugà. B. yILmeet .A 100-piece &et of Fancyfo .lyDvr ml u atul.vcsai.uvo.I reteo&latd 8-pieftOhamber Sets ..........3.$1.9 Ne atr-el fIBtuhyusna vnneat :44 P. In. Stoue-eninaware warranted uot Hsnd-engraved Tumblers, per met 24 WSflc; oue year ago, 22efle. ought to y>e gad there la 80 lttle Of Il A Quatlon e Quality. th crack or eraze.............. $6.89 Laiup o1imnye, any Mus, Bach... 05 " --Tera Sftiugs. x cteuiiam-Doflt etlp A unot eveulful esulpaigu 1lWatt-Do ou hink ins eauboathe ladies Aid to<iety tbat la better pie thas jour *bi.D y G o s suDd business iuterests tlirougliOit the Mat-3 o hnkamnçn lght Xven Be a Hermît. met ita Mrs. Harris. makes, Bobblet r G o s Pnited Statue s hîuld assiflhia inormllCir%îaVna ola Ldy I.Brewer is able o be about sgaia Bobie.4yM717 qlJ"aLiltsletngptas0 eier1.en eni ianl.. 7 Chris ne moe Lla brly t otan on 't eo a a od e au af for er aun iess of several weeks. Mm . Twi 1m a* W w ili h eigpiit ...f3UR gil 0en e ni a n l.e O "dtobcenr. I rvl O P&Io! n teeeo ,afor Boblie-pOauflthoeSc soOd da iAptoli ging4ai ...........05 38-inc ii lt 11wioI HOiiiettes par yd 30 ;,» expected atbat noticeae 10evalo baytlng@Ie.-IndanaolisJour- M', are in furined thut there ln to lie asta tcf t,--RMokyS Af Sauity yaru, pet fakein O oto...oerywtooup ýbnanes9 walIlmniiediately Lake lae.- nal. Il ble wedding in towfl next week. e'shu ite........ 0 but confidence la restored and to tiiet Would Be AppreclStOd. OattWeatbis lè M" e"dk sud apprehciuainlest a change of Ounr "Y« e, autrust the mnuWho Bingo Ita ilcHa, of Chicago, ss "wontmta ha h money systein take place can "0lonlug- ît his work," sld iie cbeery citizen. the gueist uoflier cousin, tirs. E. ,B. ,sooWor t.h0f"lmonde a F D A T à H L lr bie attribtited te strlnigeni ilute "Ye," replled Blnîcker, 411 wieb SlurîîîU isîýverel daya lst week. 7Prose ihouey umarket. Il'bc, ePublisitu Party smre oue would persuade the Man Who E.Cbwho lasbu, wrkng 6.10 p OsMe D ~om itorm Grayslake - - - - -Illinois. bs punlsd ete Lne iievent o ofWrks narouud iMywoodllo two or tlire ed. havahola be orlg'~<to wer omethin.-Wa o n - 'IlseIroi clet thatLitme n ophe nlgbls a week to salug oud .nougb for for Mr. (inrdiliir ail summer, lias re- pâsé cofidneein teirabiityandJoin Wht l wate&For High G rade dijapoultion t f ililiI Iliîr obligationis A Coinidence. Mr uitîjl rs Fred Story aud the lattera paighweêky-I do't se. bow yon :ws videueed Tueaday. We' are ail Saiusmth-Just WD p gaista a îtîer, lir. Allen Sîîîtey, nf Chicago. ea Matelove tthe linuiady. 1 aBI YCL -p ~~oeAI s11011 orbsnes illo- twanso colueldeuce, Gwlmabai" vere ut lte Graysluke hlotel Monday lbink yon'd get bored by ILtI YC E ~~~i suoir utepltelhrgaîîiza- Grimshaw-Wbt was l, Sappyl ifut. Fmutck- AoNe oadPyi.-e e wSo atl 0t heau and i rlgab li r. Sapsm th--ga a wed-he "d egil Yorr"w orld. A K ,,,# on lth eu a d el but irgade out a r. aud, bah J a wte, 1 looked w igbt aw o und AI. llî,.în s i n l very fil at thie pr sent -at d t G t A t aud saw a white man ou a bicycle.- Nvriting viitît typhid lever. etutWne 0OtA t atouatiou of confidence, and by legisîs- Exchange. that lun aiothet eek we wiIl lie abile to >- Mm and maintalu the loyal pattiotisin AndI Whaot' the Pare? e'prt a devided change for the better. sý oe sud ntaiiibedcrelt 0 Ibs cunty, They gay that lu Japan the girls A nuinier of nien fruni lhure went to ~(? acMî. '~boit ciled by wchatever nm.Tener kas." IICDEPENDF.NT .lith every frmer and "Heaveus! Wbat anunuctivftted 'îafLue heletortUiad bupluess enterlrie in Lake County terrîtoryl Wheu does the uext steamer 'îî,s i h et tteLn etU 'a&watt the flultlluient of their promises. leste for Japaur'-Detrolt Frue Press. attealalahalansw OeFuii cousderig th preent ondiion iiid there. The Ladies Aid Sockey aud. business depression thrungbout Wht.Ma'CreT. ere supper lu ail and realized quite $15 nte Saes ae rpuîcasa large ni. E B. Shermian, go into power Lhey have a stupeuldous The niajority of the people here- Iâomtret to fuiill aud ail loyal Ameni- abouta Care satisîîied witli the le(tiou 'GR Y LA E ILLINOIS. cana hope sud pray hey May nue- - uit a str ange teture oi il is that of aIl R Y L K O oeed in accomplishiig *that for wicli the temuperauce men lu t ,wu sud they were put ln power. ' alere we have a W. C. T. 17. of about Another Important Case. Dr. 0. B. Howe ______________23 mmbes nu un vot va est for his liat utftMr. IL. L. Brsy. s former' Lý ,ieeg. npsn.e v tempeluc e adar ele-h oyu at alo uotoffie addreus lis Woodittock, Truite seieutllicsly and su alm!lly WHAT HE THINKS. eeii.Epii.y eiesc &,r elrWa oyuwn 111. Mir. Bray had been ,.rippled witi thle lateat spproved mtffeail nien. with mnch a betty a? rbeuitisim for Dîne uouths sud bâti chroiàesote ug4ha, rOt ln Four Vears More It WiliIBe ' nî a w ltringerof Dlki,-MY alfe bas made a fruit no ue ci is limbe. IVas carried is D nb, inach, i Ier, in s, st boet, Soperen. nteWudentger cake. Dr. 0. B. Howe'm office on the 4th day tmci îekdes oeà illioimLoya Leion ork gav a eriof Jnly hast sud Linder skillfuniasu' woînb, sud semaI Organe. >; Tuiere Nov19. -mni oa Lgo ok aehe ~Wd toe. inaterly treatuient ernpluyed by tht Si iLz cea hnla THUR ly)DPDST, o.,1% utralgektlkl h hic How la Misa Strongoiud comlg ugO? Loctur, tMr. Bray wasi compiptel> aitfeuinî, cald head, tetters, We are lisving reguhar gold standard 'f hurbday eveuing. The weatlier won 1don-tthuear o!ber adtocfttllg wemls ured in leu a e and sudslaiworked p@Otuifàci apîis. paoriaisa ycoals, ,wether down lioraet Forents ru- .very bnd, so that but fkw acre Out te ights sn, more.-" "Bbe bas quit wom. ir ntutrn otuuil vribarbers ittchl ring worm, herpes r4m.If. there la not a foot or more'Liteur ber. fShe was asssiïted iiy Miss &asrlgbte busia nud takOfl Up wltb aluce. lTis inuscure le considered Zao.sdlorms bac ane e. o! enua on the ground already thora Dvro Wuegf, b gave a fOw soman'. Jete. She bas married à, wid. reniaruabie havlîîg been aeoplge erupticin, 1o) e, lc oaa t. <4be aood are uucacoflu Il ud book ured ltu une uuoth. *Dow. The eteree audt es bla ore lu good selectlosis on the organ. ower."-Teras SiLiaga. 00 Sudu. 'tbeWood areeuened n itand ookN. B . Ail cases relporteded b>' Dr. rmoyed laithout pain by ellece lys1a. boià«lui. as th6 nortb-wot slnd Workwoui5-I'm sorry for yer; but 0._B._Home___________________r,_Cure___________ to "us a Little, you muetaieb. avlng de bornsain't bore, an, mon ain't sflowed __________________________________ o B. Hi,], ,lvngthe coas a reae uatrsnOFtIeed.V LY@ a eeetm utevlae h nd no.Antyergno su-ad tLu aîy person Who doutiLa the Nourialienla, locaoutor ataxie, pro. people lu my bouse tel me I had 8 New York World.seeelm nLt ilg.Tel euiu I' o owt? eorteCtiles f <tany report ahicli bas grenat vo p.aaysie, beadaob, euralgia ~~~~~~~~~ o nso s e s r n d v r l b a ku ha l i î,l(tt l i t ese euIuinn s D r. sciatica iusom iita , epile fsy, c ur ed by nm igbt o ouiaunt of Ksnsas, abere Uneful. weiieastnngoerf$0Grmuchdad40"78 ilbey dlaim me as a reideut, liaviug "Tou gay>lho contributes ta the milga ea.t n )lh)uWowl hw UFrAIUaiiluel.mau become a old democratiletate. sinemr aaid the Ultemry girl. proOLthat an>' cat4e la reported taise-, lai', inflanunaory sa" rbeumatie gout, 1>' or ,-sagt.rîtiiI or ovcr draw lain1a1tY poaitivoîy cured by a »wvmm an reces Thot la the wa>'1ILake xL a 1 kuow of "Y«s," roisied ILbs' ivaL priua.0 .HwM . iin noohrrso h 1aol eoc Anythlng aorth usng?" MclKfin yIO the Nation. partiIar. O il low . 1Bée isalui procma. Cure umaid. ud lbe sreaded ai Iis ime. As 1XR YAIA 'T S wasnlinth village. Had 1Ikuowu IL 1bLl Lead the Nation's Merchants in Low Prices.(ad' nhc)um. Dr. Howe bas s complote utectrlcal w» Aonie I ahiould cerlainl>' have "Postage tampi."Wasghiigtofl Star. WAUEIMAWY' Ott icaig te eorte opened up, iuvited the boys lu sud Myo -Rogn e.putu o given thein the best ve bave. I am e d u See what I,.offer: 110w yun eau save $2b04y> gettliig Esdioffphy and IPuoroncolec Deinon- fould te abue thet peuple uf Ltbettyviiie Letty Ieftover tcoyly)-l have ouI>' au ohd and expeîieitced lband to do stalon. wake np sud gladdet stilI 10 kilpw seen Lwety summers. G Uaýa~~Aa1 our work: Since 1 mades my lout TouLxnsTATue vacunca roleAnt ibaI my jettera wu you during thie Sally Blydig-Ia that s9? Why do't G roceries U d wa. improven un uay ru-acting abei, "D »on.vANuce TEiE and ail kinds u'receut canupaigu bave lad soetliug you consult au oeuhst?--Clnclnti Eu. 1PgAe02 Mels Fieecellned Underwear. 50 1 willl dig îaud brick a ec,,mOlt ne l01 diagnostic snd operative t»tru- j kgA en l is 10Starcli .wel i lrst 4IL f. 75 centspuer tout, Dl monta lu eannisthim lua arivingetaI lu do wilh tue awakeung. Il seaun. quirer. 1hCen.PiBkngPae .10 Ail wool overabirrî........ ...... . f.10I. $14, isud f"r (deuper sud langer correct diagnosia o! any disesile sud they dld Dul quite carry the lova fur sui on olienearhPull. Jla unibr su aurîcal &Li aud Atgeid as the>' helpea ileredty. 11hb Sweet Biscuit 1kg Powder .Wlse .1sa ree n or y-tern4nau ramntbt éia ;,uii. o reculuage. uthe,% Hicks-.'Seotboy've arrested yoiwg Lnx a..............................lu 3jol i Lir hoen. JCaLI B an srm stlgbeeyaria ulu ( tel ou puultIeb Geis or oodr peuplad apls 0 ar croxBopGee.... .2s for37 i rpien.fLus rluurai apple ssgca ýuràand st oters Lu tiLtnkiug. off the street p.ddlerts taurs. il wîî rua Dusl per 1).. . .1 . "' g.proapleîiîgo iigi s a2 or 3 inch auiget operatioli<Tenotomy.> tiensi OverCo5ts .... $4.110 Lu $10.140 uo cliarg(à. uiîîh as theoun ler stops use HEoRiE Pescuevth t Aitaiola Ietlg h rt u lk- o' u tlolkeU>hug but stagnation, tir. Editur, go> bardwith hum, ao't il? ~By'30 ru îgiî epr trceuUgpaIntuloIEaVIolS u meWt seor '~' p *, 'i ~ I. eu dyVusL( Sit . 3.00 nu ir riiig dosais orcleul eu oa'tru uies aer 1ere lu L îbettIvleieauher was hour a dsud t i l , i y ow n eli. To V A ICOCELE perinane tly cured b>' a baigu)w eel ietvle lo ko. h tc wld e sh.those W ho canuiot couvouiently board nos melbud. thtl o nlgbt. oehiesu uesn hoi asue fneediatlo.-ihoftlir aR bb nsran eAres$tehl 41 tedli ad 25 pefot fthlme tetcL àDxii, ue ih Ri1on.a1rt 0 fnot a e14 udtlaflal1. out operatlon or deiay front business. it seema tMcKinley' la elected. I sascit. tTusnAgrti Res $orFute 1.5 nthe ci wiladeue o ot fyaiounlt AIuOcNAN REosn U*a csîrndt- glado elee Suleli àg-proeOf*a Itubicin..5 N.2 nd3 ilrskRibfori clotFmreorjtsacoriIgtum75sa virtuous man sud a good citizen sud 1 BoNo'2 utpail ardi.......s..lcrasd hedttruc u aieanoni MLoNA Jn S boR5sdilburmal tobelee liI ielas emerTe, Au aidWMr.k eonesictIor a Boa s teclose otpryr........ pes. Ail work doue lu gond shape boue, etc.,- remoted by urgical hope lho il mako a good., presîdeut "Tboxî" aaI n. oof , attee aie la. 02< more un letts dcfordiu lu morusual peathsioregtbots ucoa 1 abso hope febu ydrftbaek te hia bOred apha*Il Wi 0fa'lha ai saedW Aljter nwrdo hot Drxr»emce n it former viewa oln mîsfi-lver bll.Ai leton ssweed n soOutpralon to " -u b u's oti'e. Write frfu l tlcuil. markà removud by electuolysls tration. .0rJ.,.P. 'rLLtAAW5. NBLTAI PIMA» CONSl- We bîmetallnts canant bave car aay 'Itla1 more tha tanalfacton>' Min. ÉL A QA$E JLIOS _____________DNUL h oiio unie lest uOW asuait ailS orace to the joboues told hlm. 'Iltla lupl beau- Brick Store. AY LA E IpIOS.atWina. ALmdee tas inalorît> but trust that agitation ilîl tituh"1-Indlauapolle Journal. pat-Oin ta. o Tto Bi» à dd a million or lvo 10 OUr vote lu the . le Tyi, ii. ALiaBiDn rit generai electiou sud give ns Taklug It Litersly. cor Ve.-trle'Suaire. Lbryiill Bryau sud ftruc colusge altrthat. "This morning tbe docton ondered me TO Close atElght. Judge--Tlia uakes lthe bath limie Houi' Sutiy u>'uy 11 a. m. te 3p. Uf the alver umen cumake one fourîl 0dikace uin bfr vr Vefoudrlge ar iats (<Ilyou've been liera u in hepaît six a. (Coiil aril'fur.to-day viii neveu tise gain llI te îext four ycussthe>' o l, sud lier an-l'te bedlteg fr LiWçL> lte Iit'religie L lse nr monilia sud 'va given yon a sentenceId.a ga.) Ade wkdBs geinthe Istan d I canuot sBe wliy lelvtfr>'Tnaue&îryo lulîosf ifinie., p II c, qdtol u tltey alî nul, the>' wili edcctls Ie nxt M Pi de-es ou't kua batto daW.bnec t Ie WlLonthae 01.1)zd preuidlent. SUIBtall reforma0 cucgoret) If 1 eau swallow suollier drop."- ja,îî1, 4'i7,et Nm p. Il,., c,-jlîî rsnr-eyn oo.- enaet&oovaat on sf0,1>' ~AIL làIbuga eome tu lbita Who îHumorîstîsebe Blaetton. di ingtiie hoil aY's: Jd alti yo 1' ko a t ou.urehltl ht u natIs tifo mwlsessaen To PractIon On. ,,alîjoru & Croker, Chas. H. Ifainei, Priasgpe-Suppose,' your Isonon, y., eî~, ~do .',,he epulicas pomie unbuter maatte.,mSatth'-'ll n aiev.nd............-.. jton 'l'. Iannlnaî roiseusbote ....~. ..t CCI. t1, hetid. .A uhPir. F.Prtîn. the smonnntonv uv lettini me off 9Moea s~~rphoto, ,ltb oelu li for relief. lames ndet MKirîeY adut7- trLlu ime you bave boeau UPbefore ina tIis 'rrha199 'ity s, W. (1. Trigg-s, m ad *e hope Ihe>' are rglt. wee tit1 e ein fit t oly&C. nce-Toledo Blade. a$SlIlt 45 h~ ht' to, 0corne Wa 0%WAIIthe e1-- t 11 M iCuilltll& son. . Vro nU~e 0aug ""g'dYsadrdb' in Murpby-Weit yer hanor, you ses, 1 itl u.No foulit of It. à~ !intte lmantI conigreas. wtu hope dere'ma a wpoliceman ou de beat sud t t. tiîtud imes ciuntl corne 1 bave a suspicion ho la uaîng me tur Lghtoen" Orif. , si> oon. Osto tliitg lea sure fler s0 10 praCtlce on-Philadelphia Record. "She basabeau thuice mii'ried? Ani p lic omtblng il nur condition duesaiPonofVe.a he ubd eat «h"îm e <but improve bufore the 'nuitgenerai I.Pitc Iw I beahaei ci b a a 4elu e binietailist wal' i'olutthen. Olçl Dr. Grimbaw (to medical iitu- a terrible experie." -.ssone hall nf tho9e whu voted dont)-Âu4O now reQember tisaI 1te a1"Yes, but thon ahe bau a brother Who y fur MeR ie>' ahItagrea wth bot umanît>' la dîvIdedInto b laan undertaker, sud ho asys item eIa Ibis. C. C. COPeLLANqD. basS.hr a Àgood deal off."-Boutoti Tra- Studeut-Ând abat are they, doctor? scrit. ____ anImerons archanges we note a Old Dr. Grimabs-Theý pour whom Agil or the Otbe ais.m entertainnt boiusg gîven ho cures sud the rlch wlutoilie doctors. Bluffkinz arote s very bai baugd. He eo tb* *spices <f churcl i sCleties, ~aaboai laft a ltter 171DMfor bal au hem, ari4 ndlte roceipta lu every -an.'sd ou <olng te sudres. Lbhetelep toes * benlaro. "Amideî r. Klock-Do >ou flnd tlit alara scaucoi a word could ho deciphea', but.nl r ~'ui tle .l l ibn--dck I sl. _on useful? calmly Incloalug it, ho sai t bimnif -' Weil tp cu Liberutyed Mr. SbWotwel-ludeed, i do! 1 killai ýAftttai, abat deel It nattwter? Ils - oui1 pcola e ettd cest Il; Itlst ilgl»;.-Youkep lHikins baito ceai IL. ot L"-308"ei paiposes. ' romn the 19tatoaman. Budget.VO nilaod tiet the roe of the cO o li Spees i laid saisIst e * gr ~ ~ <, :!*hiPbf lou , "__________f___ýh9bM zzongre-L LIm nm t inre <5m livi e .à- 'h., F. BAIRSTOW. ukipn rell'Puille .R . Es h Ic tiaS MA COliN IA .~5t .rtb ttos 4..oooéeeioti'..4o i5 . Granite CEME'I'EY - of Marble