4 .. - i the question 0 Mlee ffilver, or a GoId Standard, ls settled, and T riggs & Taylor's, Is the place-m'n town to trade is a settled fact. tnything for table use can be selected from their mammoth stock. Quality Best, Prices Lowest. LOUR - ROCERIES FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES CANNED GOODS FRESH and SALT MEATS1 ED FRUITS T. & T's. POPULAR SAUSAGE1 *Triggs and Taylor's LIBERTY VILLE, ILLINOIS. êFEW 0f our many BARGAINS: liensa and B<îY& 'Cpm. .......... .25 Ilale beigper (Ld.........5 Boys FAt lt . . .. ..... 2 - ' .i....... ...............5 Dn.k C(t , ..t . . . . . 1.25 sat,11 ltt,4alose, î,ery3d 10 Ye~ < . t . . ...... Aprn ( < 1, .k <,îî, glana lier y3 .0 Vblle'tH....>,andl<iisI'14 'î,wae tv.rali..,.......5 Ca1--r Flatîa.... tîMei a s WV.rkiug i'aiirt.4 . 251 T~ni lI;..1 .r N'i 4 \l M i a ~ 2 fi)12.. .9 A Complete LUne of Ladlies', Gents' and Chilldren's Uuderwear, Gloves and Mittens. Ladies' Dress Flan nets, Tennis Flan nets, and Cot- ton Flannels, See Our Q'C- WASHERSI Fe C. SMITH & SON. LIBERTY VILLE, -ILLINOIS. If Your Eyes Trouble You; Save money by calling on me and have your sight 'tested. 1 have a complete outfit of optic- al lenses, and can Fit Your Eyes With your Glasses that wiII restore Vision. Satisfaction Guaranteedi in every case. C. R. Sherman* Libertyville, 111. -A large and variedL i.ne of Hardware,ý FPumps, MiIk cans iand Cutlery. PUL M 1PS- Oas Pipes, Pillings. i L-nd Sh<-e,tIron Y f PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. t rLocal Items of Interest to Libertyville Readers. C. M. & ST P. R. R. TIMI TAULE'. TO CHICAGO. a.m. arn. a.m. P.M. P.m. P.M. Rnell 8:38 6:134 84:57 Wadeworth 9:98 : 20 6:):05 Oiirnee 9:10 r.:127 5:11 Wamrntçn 9.16 6:30 :14 LIMETYVILLE 5.30 7:15 12:30 4':55 Rondout 5:40 7:25 :22 1240 6:37 5:21 Ivrot 5:46 7:38 9:2@ 12:46 &"6:4 :2M ierld 5:52 7:54 9:35512*52 6:51 &.34 lioe erv6.556 7:50 9.40 12:56 6:55 5:38 Chicagotarri ve> 6:50 :46 10.25 1:45 7:00 6:30 PROM CHICAGO. ar.a.m. M,.. p.. pm. a.m. Lv.tln.Pss.St. 7:30 4i:06 5:20 55: 30 1,y. Kinzle SI. 9:80 6:30 e5hermervillo :e 10:18 4:56 6:11l 7:23 9:16 Demelld 81:34 10:22 5:00 6:17 7:27 9:21 Xverett 81:42 102@2 5:006:&25 7:33 9:2'7 Rondout 8:48 10'36 &:12 6:40 7:40 9:3 LPEETTVILLE 10:456 6&55 7:50 9:4A1 Warroton 8:54 5:19 9:1M4 9:00 5:23 91.41 %x r 919 5&U59:51 RnSafeill(arrive) 9:18 5:49 10:00i j1ntsdally. Oi;lonotés fgundar .,nly. Wh.e nomark atipeatr insuarp da>Iî' ex- atopt Sunday. SU!NDAY TRAINS. Lv.Libertyvifle. 4:551p.m. Ar. Rotaidont 5:05p.I. Lv Libertyville, 9:14ei amr. Ar.CliaI î <45 . t'v.CheagiM. m. Ar. Lllxe-ryvk94a. si.i No. 3 rune Sundaj. only. golan otii. W11 stop on signal as ollow:-Atlius(.11 2:0': P. m. Wadswortli 1217; GUrnee 12:27: Warren- ton I1230: ondout 12236;EN-trettl2:42Derfleld 12:48. shermierville 1232. arrive@ in Chicago ut 1:45 1). m. Train No. 44bas beon lately ut on froîn Dtertllld to Chicago. Laves eerfleld 7:30 a. m. Shrmc-rville 7:24. Arives Chicago 8:10 a. m. No. u "bVos Chiago 11:30o IlrM arriaes Sbt!rmreiile 52:05 a. Im. DesrfiL'1c 12:10 a. m. LîBERTYVILLE LODGE. No. 492. F. & Saturdayso! each month. Viiting brethern 3ordially weicomed. W. M. HEÂLTE. W.M. E. H. BaO"i. Sec. And thon It snowed. Wbo'll be posîrnagter? Il night' haVe beon dillerent if wo bad published Smiîtb'8 henvy articlo on fiane. 3Irs. Cash l3îlkley ta atîfêrîg wîtb AlI»'rt Mie i pkoud father o! an eight pound baby girl. Mims Carrne W'els is e,înfined, to tLe bonuse w1tli tonsillitis. Henry Cater, Sr., ret,îrneei front Marcelus, Mieh., Tuebday. J. W. Miller dispoâed o! forty-flve cosss at bis Deerfleld sale Thuxsday. Mrm. R. S. Lewis, of Chicago, iâ viiiting Mr. and Mrs. Wni. I)ynond. C. R. Shermnîtvisiled bis sister, Mrs. J. C. Adamns, o! Deerfleld, Situday. Lyle MeC(Orulick la under the doctor',' care. ir<nchitîs iii the coiphainst Mrs. Protirse hauts *>aeîning new ini wînter Iillinery, ipîst receîved tiis week.1 Postm aster Clins. gtit h. Nit. Evié'3'ody grins, and I4144 etir it. Mrs. Pr'îtino wishes tt se ail the ladies' o! Lihertyville ani vitinity noxt week. Corne ( in nd sc n t iste can show yoit lu bats. t'apem., eloaks. shawls and ladies furulishisîgo. The Democratie RailIv sittrîlioy night çvam nos'el, in that o1a4 of lt( speakers wam a lady. i>4 allkî'r. 'f Chicago- file lîanîlled the Inotney probleni as intelligeîîl!x as either Messrs. Lawsrence or Entai.. andtaîte audience reccived 114 r 514ir4'is with frequent tippîtîttat. Thje Libertysille Brasa t aîîd lu 'ets rog'ularlY for Practict' ntlte Town Hall, and wsill h,- prelare (ý4 rfiurnjsýh gond 1n1t1sl. in s iri4't'rrttht aa tew sreeks. As ill.st <lthie mtoîco longcd to a si tuilai' rg. 441/44 t 14414la '4 sone tintie Igo, 1>140' rogrf,,'4si rapid. Ail o1i4ti' t 'I Uig,.7li 1 theu' 4 liVa",s bt-e - 4rgalai4'l 55 1itha 'boli't 1wti%ît.v charter mnlas.1.stra î % ~ îar~ recrîîitiîag 4I1'1f.r t1ittt 444144'-Iels Contidet t lait t t rthe /.4441v'iii proaper in Lihettyviile alit> front pres ont ir.dîcati44ila the Xli&z1z18 ts fthe Globe will rîink atiiot 1>14' trîtîgeqit ordors hîcre. Dr. limer .iii ion. fi4 niertî aof Ântiocb. "tce Ds1r. 1 îtinbatglt 14 Mlîburu, has'ing ptrchîîî4'41ý( frotît 41" Tombaugb bis Itractie and>gooilw ilI. Dr. Jamison fssattnie<l bim dutie8 Ny. 1. Miliburu lpeo4ple a re 144 tlu , cn1 gratiiatt'd,lits Dr. .4tii 1 -te c<ignÎzed 1as5o'neVoftth4' Ittili tg pbysicia n s of thlee t iliit'< ,ad we ' 1 speak for hini a large lratie :i is new location. V TnesdayI iglit Eh Trigg., 'lt-nalished a shed ec,%seriîig the tretiîl 1om4'r adjacent tilit store, t h t> rate oli,' Estimâte(l 44451 of lainage tb shed 411( power $15. The iîiy lit 5moule nialiler succeedel it jtîîît;ing ontt of lte pîower antd landt.d otîî ls hat'k et w e the power antd ide, of tw ht'su', ttî aecnrely wt'dged itt a sitoali -fu) S. of about tiare >4 six tee>, le w~ finîally rilea.54d titilrI. By aitltîril'v t,>ftte'e(4îretary wel a meinîg f(or the 0141 ial >ej,.<t 4441of officers (if te Lake Cîrî-tîf' grieutltiral Soceiety. W ,îrreuiileithtittîe liresetatt secretttr3' tîîtrita s ils liewMilIl oiV 4.1se ly refuset, ;&ainîllot aiiiav itNitnie to >4e coliielri l as Cantliîl.ît'. <i ta' sit it. and %vo 'it haave i t t i t r tili v A Ne a 't Little Foot In qa'seat Little lo, 3,14 miatt \S adtmire- And st (10.> 34 Now a Neat Little Shoe like this can be bought for $2.75. Remember that Our Shoe Dep't. is complete and that you wiIl surely be suited if you buy of us. Speaking of Shoes makes us think of the "Bali,-Band" the only Ail it wM.' Boot made. Our Stock of Winter Goods is one of the Iargest ini Lake County, and Our Prices are the Lowest consistent with goodi 000 ds. UNDERWEAR, BLANKETS, CAPS, MITTENS, RUBBERS, OVE ROQATS and CLOTHING Don't forget to order a sack of that Delicious Mauston Buckwheat. M, B. COLBY &Co. "Dealers in Everything." -~.--LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. Mir. sud fi. Ca. Miller.* fLir e icutanuat-t."« 31. Iit'ari LIas iliait Soulers, Tis., Vîsited a tt Mr. and an excellenit setretiîry, litîf itai, poitive VWRIGHT & SON'S, Libertylvilie, Ili., Mrs. Lee Fink, Tuesday. determinajamn -"tiigi%*sti 40ttc-,e (-le Mrs. Protine nl close out a certain awhîie1 tiOt'O4t I L fine of shoeis ut $2. forint r pritve î3.50. Last Etîdas' taglit lit ,' t-îtl]t-tis R TrHn E ES1 P A C TheE-AtvGtiI tIairesi 1. <_ G. T. atîll give a4so i al aut field a raliy 41tlithe F Iwtliti> ___RIN LAKE COUNT T-_ the btoule oftif ý8 Jensaît. heu, rTi es crowded hotas,. fils tik lais tta îlay eveaîîîîg, Nov. 10. rteanld irginoî'abtis a', theiti'iai TO BUY On act'oi-nt o! the unlîleaisant es'eti- 1 ioedaddresseas sifr4 tIiitIrly ing the- insllaation of 1. 0. G. T. resorted 10 by cati4igIi orttra silaîru u b r oa , M l- e d officers was potponed froinsMonday aUoncse tatniet t t4t's wîil b>___________ evenhîag 1111 tbeîr ne>.>regniar irut-t ietter, iha uttlia si% h1,. aitii liiY ing. 'ex»ressed thinslela't-.i'.taîrsiai Services lit Predb3'teriau t-burc-bthie, situiation bietter fai-lai ':îrefulF r W a o s Bu g e Sunday at 10:30 a. ni. Subjecl quiet and yct niasteriY 2iuilr e...T -Chridt the Healer o!fIHumanAreieofbabsri.' .n hehaie"lt IB RTYVILLE, ILL. Eveîingtheme, .aEvery Mail Bis-nttwn otteî s trtiais 1foulaii iii tht' (d Lawy er." athotuluîi lau ita 1 rît 4'tt a %%lla at w et- J. Galloas'y, o> HoataIrirco., Neh., tIl Vt'iH'aali lttîe th Wî~ \e are aîways p repared uepbiew o! C. Rl. Sherman, wbo Las a ltCIi4il onti hetl) ttilV. iliget to supply yot-r wants in .. been visitinig Mr. Shermani and familyI seaircli faiîls to at tae w1iître titi',1 '<i51-i for somne tinte, will locate perlhiuentl3' bad nianlibîîried Lis d14eai. Niii i4('e '44l Iip in Chicago. are îîîaaale 10 sp4i iiig :itît,, d eîîirîlittg Ag i lu a I p e ents, Most every ou orgot 10 svote for fil taile 4fl4tOi and itîî 11 agint heprpoedamnden aýIok101ei %oII gve('N1 Grain, Seeds, Lime, Drain Tile, Etc. î.ottosuof ballot Tuesday lu give tht- force a vile t ittliî14iittlcuet N Always get Our Estimate Before Geiserai Asembly powver to propose thiat beail rd 'tt4lwîich ii 1(11, Buying Your Building IVaterial. amendmounts to three articles o!ftt'é,Warren's ltaiîitlonie f'îxr" iTbe ___ Constitution ut the sanie sessionl. onîy scalps4ahofllivci talie ais ll4leiige a John P Altgeld*s scathing aords lun lielOlag 1 1ti l' 44'tl (litillcitawtt' VJWRIGHT & SON'S, Libertyville, Ili. Lis letter pubiished aller the electiot laantes *sac "da4n't dît tell. ' are in rather bad haste. John ils sore Neaw York people lire ris tg abit as_______________ on the world, but bis too, evideit tcase trained (log tittîîlaîys te .Last Ii o! -Isour grapes" ib criticised b3' eveu o! Silnîatît.r' OItit piIilinii tat'of ta bia. owu supporters in the recent t t- mThe keys tire ahotiît foutri' i-îIe NiwidleRe lE t t , e tnn palgu. 50 tîtat ifhe nisses uone silhlibi.ï pasa The McHeury Plaitideatler 8a3's: * It hoe wili trike the nexltmie t> il, aa'hti"l is possible Fox lake wil be leared of ia coîîaîderetl acduntiite ettottgli1fr I ietau a c A e c . tIi aiibgrass and Mater saeed tbat dog. Some yonulg latdtes 'i ItiIhave u eI s a c g n y hurt il. liroperty omi lera bave had a great 'ltailof tinte. fintie litit organized for a canipaigu aîd hir.ed. git Laîve hteu ii etter ' et'd4ett List yoîîr property with tme anid!Also Solicitor and a main tsi cut the s'egetation for Ibret'tîpouildîsiing itrelttî tr erv,"tig lits, er 1 M il fluai ýoU a customer t ti 3 ears, by sbia'b finie it is lholitei.ake. atad it gret aito f it41'5 r.nStib rateS. g'rowth ta 111Lhokilled. i'pelttlei tp In havir l i:a4.re tit Ain.>îîg titnerous e cte ùbar- 'Subscription News Agent 'We înderslaid titt bat-k 3trd i ->, yet tlta' lie l3'tlplayi flic4 Ro'et(>.1 iî isaI It the tut' folous iîî queners are atartat uI tibis teetio Sîni'. Sitti 1c44liii a4t"4 Lîbortyvitîs i Cty Property. P bihr 'Wi'ether llîey are tramups i st-aida tit ii4,ilt alrograttt114: 4 ' ' Ittt-igli t'-i4444 4I'I- ta li- of pitînder or someolie elat. 1 i seareta o' I~>N'lt t li4îî.it. 4 5 n, ..î'.1..i tSt>:t a cblekens has not Lit en leiaiiîd, buit it laaayer 4of C('lîteittl . "'44tsi i \îstiaag -a>.I">tUlittSfOf"t i'tI' t' ',r Word as to consequences o! il coudit-to luit8liaI5544k 14 to igtt'i f t ti' 1.11 .,onalP r di l ance f tIe prctic salii nu iii ti i bre'ii e Court. ilalit-er 44 I i tI.,l î t'>, 11IL f I.'i' si51)X5.4 ft't1 i t 'it $Imfi"'t( PI ~si o i d ic ls place. qutesbton as t', satI 4littitiiiatt4u elector. t.iM4 a lliî(Iîît. 111845 i i n, 1' I 1. i 4 4'-' t fo' r - tii-'.ht i M iii n ss for i ih~4as )'tr ".' o Prperv.For Sale 44'4 If you want to Buy orý Vonsnd rmts food toferment and putrlfy In ils tt'1 j .* i, ihi4'o t 111 'tN41411 , , ts i ' '-ti'd". iiit 44' 4 4 irt" tus stoia.ao b ren toiw dlzzlnoas.bsadache. îtita11,.4.4, et b'it Iifaîtc lt' I i>trî-u17 i' I akLý. .l'il. -I',l i i 1 Couirtuw hIl-l %%arit of> îitiiu:in:tilii " -'.lm'iiii."c" 'sutRA.. ST clii' ii'nl N i n.a . I tî' t - d -is. 4""'titi>i,i't-. lriti' 1 - r parto.> B e S u re ta C a lil o n , , Muitia Rtobli 4otu i ti r f itiaà! si t, t 4twt"n,VUN arretton .-" - -~~~b- )eitber case ho thse Ihigst tr'ibuînal iove att<lidraylakolotir nulles noj't o -ou.114miis 07 rîtaieab. nth LibertYville. Weil lmproved ,under, goodM m".ata üf uaaStmgq. m a* a* bbbli"