-v-sc~ 14t \~q ea db '-s-I q~ ~ ~V <4>-: "--c - v - Ç2ç~ MIl lei wi Sb as ho an lei wl ou t ti op do Tit th ni bu or I.' bc t] n( dg hi iug chldrn to1 teaci. Don't yan approve Ms OHAPTEII V.-{Cantinud.) of My plan?" a "Dear lile ting," said Hanninglon, un ha folded il tphle leller aud put il inta "It in a horrible iden." said Hauning- g hie pocketbook. "8h. la balh miroi,îl I tan. sddcly rising ta pace the rooi. 1) mas se.. liaI I shah think tiat atlle as "XYoîîare.nul t fittn-ork. Aud I-I1am ri been 100 qicis in giviîg lier heart lu the a pour, miseralle dog. aili barely a six- £irot holtI n-oir. I'relly creature! 1,11 pence in tic norld. I-I dou't tee n-bal F go o.Saturday and sllay ber fecarg. andI ne are ta do."' dry ber cyca withL isses. I don't ose.ç%,hY "m-c utt n-it." aaid Stela. sotllu. nt v.e ehoulln't le nrried immediately. lea, n-e mustl nait," he saidluinalmoal w *]Wt wn-hI Val Gldroy aay luta lt!. au cager loue. "AVe neally ecanoe decidei vwonder? If sle anlu bild the moltey I otn ything just yet. If you go ou raur P: 'knaav very iveti vîlci I rbouid choose. visit ta unur friends in Dunkeld, perbap i 'Bultierca n ulanve. If 1 don't nmake à aomehiiug ailI mm nup-ave muet not b. S great coutp niîhaulieiresa iciore long 1 rash, YOUIaukn-, Stelli. Wheu ahouitifi @hal.l laaed. iîtdeed." you go'.,tI He splie ligitîly abolit tite malter eveil ".Net veek " 1 thiik. Tic sonner ave1 ta imself; but hien-as ratlier unîtsually are osut of the Linus.' thbietter 'hiere f Merveollenîcî le set ont au Saturday la talbe a salé."i etternoon tu ay hu is rieilt taMiss bie- - lotiscec 1shall not bc ahi. ho tayS ,burn. nîmch longer lu this nei;hbonitood." si 'will yoti waîk Ibis n-au. sir. pteare?' îîanntu, ratIer oervously. "My iit @ni a oi-n-,iýadmaid luin lacl, In10the E"-uirts terminates nexI n-eek, si a s,!emn v th e d o ia iThr-and I-1 dont quite knon nIaI 1Iami banoeudle ortoli S h going ta d)itt. You nulileIItue knov Th ean edlm oa ml. to t h our murent rucu" The mofuàiagD dhta ,a utaîplerontat i- For slî,ost t1ic fir-t limue Stella feIl e erxteu' o aI.g ua-ae---a len ftahavIf-i. urt sud ehillet. Shc ifted 1er eues avit I as h.a 1aken -te tic n-amen ai Ic am- a lo.elv ri-prta,-It intir cmazttre'deptia. of troubleIt .Of le Lit b1sal. on"dIaaîse n Tiie rocta iv.c rot venu ligbt. The ser- il -r ite you,' le ad."tit in vvi: uitbd siît the door before Hnuing- i aga"'tOt rlle o Lle g r id.ff; "Islzîl nly ton iras quite S;!r that Stela us ahalne 1juns i it e la drcesa g for diuuer'nly la the r.minti him- Site came for-juslia in tsaia tipIs-eunpfor di. " r m'ard very qui,:ya leuqer figure ailiin oX-kS.' aie v s a lt. "I '1o , gît the d l blark--n4l iebld out ber baud as if about le. ditte i . -i I tti Tare. You ýogreetan ordinmry iitor. ie gatered n-it take sianie msa before yotî go?" ber lu bis arias, sud kisseti ber on thei."Tîanks: nb1 oîîid ratIer nul. Yon lsroa. btfuthe i Ssî feu- seconds did nul a«y a irorsi. Tie sileul tendernesa of i. avt ili give kiud nmcssagea tram me ta yonr9 £TfflDg amostoverainesuint? Imust soe. ber suotier lime."' grehig lmat recae pour SîelIa's lie n-as Iiccoting cxtremely mxinus ta pawer nf endurance. e a.c Si. lay, temiling frobonIed ta fontge anny upon bis stionîder; ho could juat se. ber "May 1 tell ber, John?"' chec, ad noiee tht itwasver "No. I thinknot, deur. Not juat yet, vwilte; the Itle baudseahici cîuug o i y darliug, hle said, turulcg ie eyes awny. ver. imp sud cos. biaud trying tu ap.ak sofîly. "I aili aril."t '14y darIing, lion- yoîî muet bave au - He kissed iber as h.ielioke. She bad noa iceredl" Hanniugton aaid t leugth. He itea lIaI le menu tit i ie for su eternalt led ber to a soisanud sested hiaiseli hi- faneaveil. Sic clung ta hlm tnemulauslyf aide ber, niîhbils anm round bier wasana.sd iaoked plteotisly inob ii face. "Muet Hie vas urpisel ta hoein no outhunal of Yan go' .'the asked. emoion nosons f gief Bt otbuati .1 muet, iudeed. Good-iy, my llîle eaios, n. suis ai ginef. uauthralsdarhizg. Do't try 10 keep me, îîcre's at *f~~gn girl.nd ene'Il i Slcla'sn-my She raisedliber bend frosu lie sitouider godgr.l'larl. en ibie li hal tred o mare l rst. Stella oexl day sent blma atitn t 111e Beu eyelidsler la nd 10 makeil rweal. note tu Say thht aie and lier aunt aen. la o teles nand but lier rolce andI leavipg Dundee on lie Tbursday of tiat =ener vs-ne- vs-ny caîm. aeek. SIc inclosed ber sudrens, and veon- "It ias lisena lard," site said. 'i sup- avnîln-tetuda sber tenui aopet. paneyaî huiox aI nI abstlil nom "The sauner tichebter, penaps," laid Nle ne wsauY ia'te e calct Hlul-erHauuington t to intlf. The taiskn-as a ice gtn-s enuîîictcee l ai ard ou.ercît for hlm,and hithldsainie il nosir. f oise itw diffiulîr ln performing it. But a letter Tery %asti:titi. nîy îîrliug, yau mtanot nas %uitten and dispalcled on the Pnl- tDtday. Ict yoîîr ininîl tua ii upon I. lie must hare bseu ill. iii Itton-; tît secauntable Sont. delay accstnned lu Miss Raebur's for his aCtioî- RIashlimine. Il n-as a sort arrangements, hon-crer. and it n-as not et delirium~ nutil Suturday aitennoon liaI Stella and "Oh. yss. I kuow thiaI" mali Stella lier naiut arrited et Dunkell d v er. qukîtly. "lisar lapa uns fan tua gond ta met by thein irieuda at the, railaysy ta- Mid ils lite iiin t n-ny if blelad iteen n t ion. Mrs. Sinclair n-sa nul a constant hi$ rigil ninîl. o kind - s lutIng-su resisleut bu Seotiand, but ah. llred aI tetîden-lisnrted! Nobody canldosîbt ut Duukeld nabah. nas à girl, sud n-as taha liîco-Iiuit niao kuen' iiu as n'eîî asexcredingly foud of the i.lace. Sise and 'Aunt Jncky and t! Il ansh ghan i- nplier iosand ladt aken a houa. for the rigît le ust av uie lîeit, that titese busi- acason, and, as liey n-e.mach attached ncas troutbles sînuitl liney on is mlnd an ta Stella, tîey dteu'mined la keep ber mue"It. ai s vit tffect is Irain at last! and ber atînt avit hem for as long s -'iaitf ilwa-nafor my sake, I believe. ime as lIeu aouiid sany. Au i 1irould nul lave been joat as hapy Stela luokr-d aduîiringly et the. billa la a cottage a lu a palace- iar lhippier and te leautiful oldt oav, as ah. n-as indéed tutun in tuis big, overgrnavn, nen- driven from lihe station in an opten c.V~- place, avîlci I das*tt1k liat no n-cil as niage lovard St. Anseîm'-ie bouse aur aid bause ýn tic Nrthergste." n'ileb Mr. sud Mn@. Sinclair occupied. "He eldbnsiness troubles, lienT" sald Flor a litIe n'ile lie shadan- of ber great Ilanguington, a sudden qunînt of fean as- grief aeemed hoalit isteli as she laoked et mailing bilan. the exquuallc landacape sround bier, anti "Oh, Te.! Diii ucît Ikunw? ît vas beard tb. historie names af bill anti vale.. la I-day'a paper; but perlaps you bave Sîîddenly lire. Sinclair uttereti u ex. mt noicel i. lie vas mot ao il auclamation. people tiougliî hilm ta he, aud that preyed 'i déclare if I badn't fongtîen Ilt till i»oan hi.mind. lieipnta bankruptbut non-! Tiere bas been a letter sating for Mei bouse andi everytiing aili bave t be you tIarie ycterday, -my dean Stella. 1 imolti at once, andI Aust Jaeky andI I twill brougtlt illth me, in case YOU aigli1k lare CanîT aPittane. 10 live upon. But 10 itav lur I o nce. Open it or ual, just 7eU munet lbcsarry for me, Se aneariegil u n thé nl nmid, suddenly' breakîîîg off et lb. slgh aidrcsscxdà teil uon Haigloa me àtrauge expression on lHanulugîon's i.u.avrtOingi. on aango' vae; "st long as 1 have you, I1aant notb- ela eaitatd iih i ete l c 1«g elsel And you ailI nDot love me auy isp. Tien, seeing liaI Mn. Sinclair vas the lens ifi1 ami abeggar, aili yaur' apeaking tb lie coseiman snd ibat bMra. CIIAPTR VI.Sincair vas atending clogéIy taMulsa -nnno CIaPTE agian. Adee tJscklsy spsenttences, ah. vemured-iu thatuolnt on-as a orah ni een aIe.apte of lIe beatiug ni ber beat-lo open -,Hi a moetuter ual la, tfor bs val ae.h Ibelether and PeepP mlithecontents. moe vs rry fr istellaStlaa ebaval hec ah. Iooku'd 'p. Tie scene vaa a pre sorry' fan blme tel Ieluru -atl 1hhal alvaya been, but l bad sud- s bm'girn ad ibv, l&id, ttruc" tudlY at ail chutai for ber. For ilu bis "Il thebil tai s," ntofbisnviuaaletletter Juin Ilannington bail not minced kce~Ibediaîsuauî cibisvoi,. atîers. H. cunl not marry a poar leou aili not love me the lets, ailI you, voma;leviîint-ol o-s e Jabsw,10 iat fr ionm; he reîonneed ail pre- Ne, dean, oit,n. But-ave cm'l dis- tension lu liernds. lu short, h.e gave m«Ulb. hefact, Stella-it iai Malte a5lber up, utterly anud entirely-beeause ah, lastfli 4lUereîîe nla ur plana fer the na an <uv-.1-I-smn not-nicb." He coultI aapor t- q h bt vithont pefectly genu- CIIAPTEII Vil. Ç mýstIo. 1h :esecto ithm that fate Shela did nul feint or cny aut. She qaI ~ ,y'edmlmxscruel trick. r Pioefectly alilI, lb. letter crushed inluber 3 js$l 8tel g ber1 lite banda, ber face ville. heb.lips. bbUvOe- The carniage îreentiy let ths main -ze - rr d and turneti up misp st4 ORLK~' S S hel1t maw usahlag;ber ieyes ws eblbadi ritI grief. The. poor cbild wus dindu tbankfal 4o ho, Rf alan.et ata the ti.grat chaniber hlch Mm is.nclair had ssigned ta ber. lie threw herself on the boit and wept, i only young creatures con weep In tb. iur of trli-with an.uttev hapelessues id despaîr of tb. future. than whlch, we earn la later ycurs, nothing cau bc more! .tile. 8h. was suraiently prostrate next daY io bo unable to rise, and the doctar who' was sent for talked about a severe ner,-' me shock, and the advisabllity of keep- ng ber quiet. Stella tued her face to he wall, and hoped and longed that ah. vas Coing ta die. Surely sh. could not go, m living with the cold haud of despair ipou ber heurt? But youth ia atrong and tifs ta sweet lu eplte of passionate Mservations to thW, >ntrary. lu a few day'. Stella waa îwntals aaînouton ho lawn-walk-: ig ieebly afirt, ud th, en wltii growlng Iger, aloag the &body louez and ovet, *e heaithery hillai, and thea abs recog- lzed the fact sews nat golng ta die, >ut ta Ifve, and tiat, ln spite af the pain Rt ber heurt, the muet heglu ta look for er work la 1f. "I suppose that I muet go ta Glasigow, )r Edlnburgh," Stella r.fl.cted aorrawful- l."I thought .Aunt Jacky would l1ks Iunkeld botter, that was ail. And alto, perbapa, that Mrs. Sinclair could fiud me smething. But ah. seeme ta know na- body." It waa la Octaber when site came ta' is conclusion. Bbc set out one atter- ooa for a long ramble-a longer one, In- e.d, than ber aunt or ber friends would bave tbaught adylsable; but ahe wasa ood walker. She was accompanied hy s plendid colly dog which belongeil to Mr. Sinclair, but had attach.d himselt Ilmoat ,xclusively ta Stella since the. b.- glnning of ber viait. She passed througb Dunkeld, and turued up the road wbich ran pat tb. village off inter, toward tii. tumblinc Bridge and the Herrgitage Falla. 8h. had got wpll up thbihll, and waz tanding to look once more at th. vle, when she was roused from ber dreauiy mood by the soîind of hursea' bonfi. A .artyo oiane bah dozen ridera came dowu the rond. At the firat two or three Stella did not even glance but as the fourth paased shebc amo conscioua that he gentleman bad made a quick mu,.- ment as If to raise hie bat. and then r.- frained, seeing that th.eîther did not se bian or did not menu to look at hlm. Stella huit mat time to bow to Mr. Donald Vereker. 8h. lonked instinctively ai theO ext couple. and then the color flashed nto ber pale face. It was John Hanoiug- ton and a lady-a very handsonze woman, by-the-by, with a gond deat of color and very black bair and .yes. Hlanniugtou dud nu xtremely foolish thing. He dîd flot often lose bis self-con-' rot, but for a moment Le certaiuly lbat it now. Without waiting for Stella to bow tirât, be lnîpulslvely raised bis bat. la spitc of the hot, tell-tale color in be~r face, îowever. Stella liait spirit eoough not tu retorn the salutation. 8h. looked hini steadily in the face and pasaed hlm by. llannington'a dark face grew purpie with rage and ablane. "The cut direct!*' said bis companion, no other than Lady Val, who neyer spared hlm wben she got au opportunlty of lashing hlm with ber tÔngue. "What does th:xt mena, Jack? Did not that un- coimmonly pretty girl recognise you, or does ah. mean to, declue your aequaint- auce' "I'm sure 1 dont know." said Haoning- ton, giving a savage eut ta hle hors.'. lanka. "I suppose ahe doe ua remem- ber me; or perbapsamanmiistaken la ber face." *'Wîy, that vias Misa Raeburn," laid Donald, unsuspicoualy. "The girl wbaui iv. met et Balmerino, don't you knaw- the very dsy ai ber father's suicide. Shoe lost ail ber money and bas left Dunde-- 1 didn't kuow abs was lu this part of the. world." ."Oh." sald Lady Val. She shut be Ili rather tigbtly and kept a thougbtfk .1. lence for nomue minutes; tîten joined ber frieuds in front. Hannington was lef t in the reer, with a very sullen expression on bis face. "Confound the girl!" be said ta bienself. "l'd sooner that Lad happened beforie anyhody rather than Val Gllderoy. She does badger one 50, asu a i 8abom1 lnably sharp. i should neyer have tbolighl tIat Stella would show so mucb spirit But it was deueed awkîvard for me, and I owe ber a grîîdge for it. So look out Miss Stella Raebuîrn; for if 1 cao do you a bad turn by ivar of paying you out one of these days 1 shahl do il. l'Il make yoli apologizo or amart for IL You forget thai j'y. gut a niitler of pretty love letteri of yours at home. l'il keep tIent now.' (To be coiitinued.> Uses l'or the Hcorse. Sa. af 1er ail, the wbeel lsn't gnbug te render the horse useless. The horse bai a vital adi-antage over the bicycle. Wi canm'l eut the latter. A Western man la canning oic., jute] Indim ipontes, ntichne aklng ai cases af 48 one-pound ane. The& cule poutes cost ailt then'ay froni $1.5e ta $200 enel. Haw ale. This pouy meut may be come one of -the stable articles of food but Il gives ane the ulghtmare to tbtn] af It.It'& enough to make a vegetarlal of oe. I A party near Portland, Ore., la pal tlng up qu'ite an extensive plant fa the niurpese 0f rlatdlng tiese nie, THE PREACHER URAWS A LES- SON FROM MUSIC. Ife TimIes '*The Chant of lhe tars" foc the Subject of a Serman af Great Beanty and Power-A Perfect Final HsripouY. Oui' Woninutou Pnlplt. Tic musialaIreonrees of ail nations sem drawn sîltun by Dr. Talmage ini bis sermon oi iast Ssînday ta IllustraI. a mont practicai truli. Hia subjeet vas "'Te Chant of te Stars.," end the texl Job xx-lii., (1-7. "'lo laid the corner atone tiereof. vien tbe mrning stars sang ta- getier?" iVe bave aIl seen the ceremony at the Iaylug ai the corner atone of churcb, msy- luai or Masoulc temple. Into lie iolOw of the atounen. rplaccd scrutin ai bistary and important documents, te be auggesl- Ive If, 100 or 200 years ailer, lb. buIld- Ing &hould, be destrayed by tire or terui dovu. We remeaber the silver travel or tran hammer that sainte the square plece ai granite mbt sauctlty. W, remnember lame venerable nisu vha preslded aveld- lug lie traivel or hammer. We remeni- ber aisa the muaisc as thte choir stood ou the. smttered atones sud tumber oi tic building about ta b. conti'urted. The leaves oi tic notebooko tIultered Iu lie vinti and werc îurnèd over nith a grealt maling, and ve rcuîember low the basa, baritone. lenar, contralto and soprano volpes coaimingléd. They lied for manY days bren rehearsing lhe speclal prograni that it mgt b. vortby of the cornes atan. Iayins. Lsying the Corner Stovse. lunaiy text the pnet of Uz calîs un teas grander cermoy-the Iaylng of a foun- dation of this great temple ai a avorld. Tic corner stone n-as a block ai ligitt sud ttroacl n-as oi celestial crystal. Ali about sud ou tle emibaukaents ai cloude atood the angellc choisters unrolliug theiî librettos ai overture. andl ather avonîdi clapped ahinîng cymbalesvile lhe cre. mouy aent ou, and God, lb. Architect, by stroke ai light aiter strake of light, dedicated titis greattàthedral oi.s world, aili mauntains for piliars, and aky for frescoed ceiling. and lon-erlug fields for a fon., and aunrise and midnlgît aunons for upbolstery. "W~ho laid lie corne. atone tiereof, n-heu th. murnintg %tar sang togetien" The facl t itite vIole univers. val a complete cadence, anu nbroken dilby- rumb, a ntu-îvîal portfolio. The greal aheet oi immeînsity ladl been spresd out, sud avitten on il vere lie stars, the- ianler af tIeint sitima, the langer 0o them sustained noies. 'Tie meteora mark. ed the staccato passages. tiec n-li. eav- eus a gaitîtt ti'tli aIl saîttîds, Intonations, modulation.4ite space betwe-en th( norîdsa n iuial interva!, trembling ol stelar liglit a usîiaaer, te Ibunder a basm clef, tle wn td auîioug trees a treble ciel That ilete wny God made ail titinga perfect bsrmany. But une day a marp string suapped Ir lhe great orchestra. One day a voiei s.uuded ont ai tune. One day a discord barsit and terrifie. grated upon lb. sic nious antiphon. It vas sin lIaI mmdo the dissontancei. anuthtat harsit discor bas been sonudiîîg îhrough the centuries Ail the aork ai Chistiasîs and phillan Ibropisîs andl reformers ni aIl ages la ti stop thal dismord sud gel aIl tlings bac] inta lb. perfect barmony vhlch vsa heard aithle lmying ni tic corner atone - ven ticeuzruing stars sang togethe' 'Before I geltîrougi, if I am divInelý belped. I will make it plain tînt ini discord antd rigitteottanesbarmony. Tht ha ingeneral Ihingsaran.ont ni lune is s 1plain as toa s uuieian's ear la the unhar py clash ai clarinel and bassoon iluas orchestral rendprniiîg. Out of Tune. Il The n-orld'a helti oui ai lune; n-esi lungsansd thc attstosthere ini collision disordened eye anl noanday ligit iu quai àrel, niteumatic 11mb and dauîp veathe luIn truggle. neitrutgias and pueuimouis and conunipl4itna-] cîilepsies in lock saveep e~%n u.'ighi,.orhoods sud citiei i W'here you finît one p-rson iitb aaut i thnoat ait-dk-,iLevu i-iglîî aud aient et pand ea.sy respira'utionuantd regîtian puisz ttion anzd supple litub aîîd prime digestio zind teady nerves, youî Sud a hundni n-ha have ta bc veny careisîl becaus. 1hi -or taI or tle aller pit>sicalfunetioni disondered. aThe humann unt-llect out ai tîue; tl 2 judgmeut îvrougly swenved, or lie men: ,tory leaky, or tiei. nltwaesk, or the. tn *per iuflamnsnail. le, t nell balaueed min ezeeptiosi s . I)onsstic lite out ai tune; onîy bere ai Ihere a conjtugal outbrnk ai incompat bility ai leniper tinough the divor' ocourts, or a filial outbreak about a fatl ,a er'a nill Ibrougi te Ssirogîte's Cour eonr a case aofnif. leasing or hnsband poli nning Ilîrough tie ciminal courts, bi thousaud9 ni familles avit June outild y and Jannary wn-hlm. Salet u o t une; laiton and capiti thelr haris ou ecl otîer's tiroal; spit 0 of caste kecîing lIns.donn luhlb. lad acale vIa are truggling bo get up ait pulliug those n-lu are np In snxiety hi liey hîave to corne duo. No vouder ti litod pianoforle of uociely la &aIluot ui w aheu bypocnîsy and lylng and subterfui la and double deahbng sud sycopbaney' ai charîatanisn sud reveuge hav, for 00 t- years been bsnging away ai the key'a ou >r alamplsng the. pedals. le On aIl aides tIere la a sbîpwreck , b armoales. Nations bu diseord vithei realsilaglit. Saoaarong la the feeling nlation for nation luit symbole niiosen a Sterce aud destructive. In thii conul f wheresour skies are f ull ai robins ai le doves sud mornilîg lanks. ave have & cesymen thîak eoftthe augars ofthé . Dem cerymes n nb.hlame streel. Andi la Wb" 1 a culoglatlc w&y allopathie andibouto-1 pathie doctors speak of each other, andi bow mîniters ailI sometmes potlails. Inter@ an thnt beautiful eooklng instru- ment which tle Euglish Cal a spil--an Iran roller n'ltb spîkes an t-sud turaed by a crank before a bot tire, sud then Il the minlter belttg roasted crie out &.gnant iltbe men wbo arc turuing hlm aay: "luish, my brother! WVc are taro- ing Ibis spit for the glovy af God and the good of your soul, aud you muât. b. quiet wilie a'e close the service witb: "B1lest h. the îtictat blnds 'Our licarîs in Christian love." The' earth in diamelered sud circula- fereîîced with discord, sud lie musie that was renderitd et the lai-ing oi tbe worlms corner stane, wbcu the morulug stars sang together, lu ual heard now. And tbough bore and tîere, from Ibis and that part af soclety, and irom ibis and that part of the earth, Ihere cantes up a thrilUing solo af lave, ar s varble af vor- ahlp, or s sveel duet oi patience, they are druwne<l out by a discord thal shakos lb. earth. Thbe Sur et DscbL. But if in thîs world thîngs lu general are out of luneetu aur frail ear, how much more no to beluga angelie aud de- Sifici It takes s skîlled artist ta fully op- ?preciate disagreement ai aouud. MatiY h avg no capaeity to detect a defecî of emusical execution. and, tbougb there t were In one bar as many offenses agaînst harmony as could crowd lu between the jlower V. of the basa and the bigber G ai the soprano, it would gîte theai na dis- comut.wbîle ou the forelead of lbe ediv-qtctl artisl beadu of perspration would stand out as a result oi the liar- rÔwing dissonance. While en amateur s was performing on s plana apd b.d Just Etruck tie wrong chard. Jahn Sebastian Blach, tbe immrtal composer, eutered the roora, and the amateur rosé lu embarrans- [jment. sud Bach rusbed peut thb out Who Il st.pped foravard to greet hlte, and, be- r fore the keyboard bad atopped vibratlug, put bis adroit band upon tIe keys sud changed the painful iuharmiony into glou- rions cadence. Then Bach turucd and gave salutation to the boat. But the worst af ail diicord le moral discord. If aaciety aud the warld are ,r paiuinlly discordant to imperieet man, n-%lbat muet tbey b. tuas perfect God! rPeople try to defino wbat sin le. Itlseenis 10 tue thut sin le getting ont of barmony witb God, a iisagreement with is holi. Snes. iitl bis purity. witb his love, vîtb bis eommauds. aur îill clasbiog wlth bis ,t ilI, tIec Suite daâhin: againat thc infiaite. t* the. frail agaittat the puissant. lbe created le against the creator. If n thousanil muei- £cians. withilot and cornet-a-piston and trumpet sud violoncelb. the hantboy and trombone nnd ail the wind atnd stringed 8,instruments that tri-r gathered in a Dus- ,, seldori juhile, should resoît. that tbey )fotuld fflay out of tuile and put Concord 58 tu the rack aînd inake the place wfld witb f.shrieking and grating and rasping souada, athey could net make sncb s pandemonuum as that ahlcI rages ini a sinful soni vbeu nGod listens te the play of its thongbts, ýe passions and emotion--discard, lifeloux à.discord. maddcning discord. a- Tise orld pays more for dîscord than 1, it ducs for consonance. 111gb prices bave rd been paid for music. One man gave $225 Ltu bear the Swedish onugatresasiu New ~.York, aud anotier $W5 ,ta heur ber lu ao Boston. and another $650 ta bear ber iu !k Providence. Fabulons prie.. have been os paid far sweet sounds. but fer more hm, been paid for discord. Tic Crlmean var, r.coat $J1,700,000,000. and the Amerean ]y ivil war $9,500,00,000, aud lie wai la debta ni îrofessed Christian nations âare at about $l,,OO(l,OOO0. The u-arilauye as for thîs red ticket, which admoit& It te the pý saturnalia ai broken boues and desth tu anies and deatroyed citiez and plowed graves and erushed hearts. auy amount ni money satan uskls. Discord! Diacoel! Lt Wili lie Put lu Tune. n' But I have ta tell Ton that tIe lnu kr- that te norang stars sang together et tr the laying oi îhe world'a corner atone la as to rcsound egain. Mozart's greateat 0,cr- ta ture was conîposed oue ulgît n-heu hc ~,a w-asseveral limes urerpowered vitit d mleep, and artista asy they can tell the r places lu the nmusic where he vras falling ,-asleep snd the places vliere he awak- n ened. So the overture oi the morning d stars spoken oalu ssy text bas been 1 i aslcep. but il n-hi awaken sud b. more le grandly rendcrcd hy the evening stars of the n-onlde existeuce thon by tlemuora- i~ing stars, aud the vespers %vili b. aveet- n-er than the matins. The n-ork o ai al good M- men and womcn and of al good cburches id and aIl referai associations help to briaj the race back ta the original harmony. mid The rebellions hert to bc attuned, social tî. life ta bc attuncd, commercial ethica ta .e b. attuned, iternationality ta le attuued, b-. bemisphieres tp le attuned. t. In alden limes the. choristera had a tua. . lng fark ailI two prongi, and they woul< out sîrike il on the back of pew or music le rack and put ilta the car and thelisatart the lune, sud ail lb. ather valces aveuld tel jau. Ia modern orchestra the leader bas rit a complets instrument rightly attuued, ia sud be sounds that, and ail tbe other per- id formier. lune the keya of thelr lutruments esh ta malle theiu correspond sud draav the the bev eier the string and lizten and saund e, it 0,cr agalu until ail the keys are screw- ,g ed to concert pltch and the discorde melt ad lutoane, great symphony. sud the Crlsl )0( baullts.aud the baton tapeansd audiencet ad are raptnred aith Schumanns "Parodiât aud the Peri," or Rossiil's "Stabat Ma. of ter," or Bach'& "Magnificat" iu D. )ut Nov, aur n'orls Cou neyer b. sItua& of by au Imperf et Instrument. Even i rative s cores o0frvegré eul b fd bi omes acer by the maslu mtnufaclurer(, Whose lAuails Christian bohavior motde ltheat prise. So ail lie world over labosr ,capitaliil h. braught fmb You Lay bave beard avbat la calsi 'Anvil Churus," coniposeti by Verdi; tuile playeti by' lammero, great andi nov with mlghty stroke, anti nov heavy' struite, beatlug a truat lrm l'bat len-bat tiheavarld ha@ gel te to--anvîl chorus. yardstlek choru., dle chorus, traivel chorus, crowbar plekax chorus, goId mine chr, track chorsa, locomotive chorus. It b. done, aud It ailIliho doue. goal ]Ife villI b. attuued by the gospel There aill b. as easy' classes lu au now, but tbe classes vîlI not b.- lateti by biri or weelth or aclclt by thé.ateaiofvienseandbee andI people avl b. assignat! tu tiscIr as gond, or very' rond, or moeu So sencommercial lité. vOl b. snd thers aili b. Ivelve lu svery andi aikeu ounces lu every poi, apples at the bottom of the. barrot vil- s Sound au Ibase ou the top, sma good ailI îlot b. mIlenansd seller nol bave ta charge battent po than the rlgbt pries hecause 0t.s nol psy, sud goudsavwilI came h ý eg responding ail the sample by whlclii purciased tbemn, sud cage. 11avIImt chicorleti, and sugar aili ual b.sude4. aud milk ailI ual b. chalked, sud adulterw - ation of food ailI b. a state prison'e. ienac-aye, ail things abalb. attîsacil Eleclions lu Eaglasd sud the Untsi States aili Do more b. s grand mrnlvsl -ai defamalion sud seurrillty, but th.e e- vallon ai rlghteous men lua àrlghteus way.1 Now, If aIs là discord. sud ngbeusa»o lo larmoîiy, let us get out oi the one- enter lbhealter. Alter oui dresdful n'ar vas over, lu the sommer of 15W great national peace jubile. vas 1iciti Boston, and as au eIder oi my churcli bees bauored by tbe selection of sla bis music ta b. renderesi on that ocsslm I accampnnled his ta lbe Jubilce. Four lizousand people est sud stand lu Ibe great coliatum erectcd for liat pu-rpose. Tbouaande ofaialnd and stringed Insmtru-. menuts.. 'relve tbousand tralued ,oics The masterpieces of ail ages reud.rsi,- hour aiter honr and day mter day-Esw del', "Judas IMaccabseus," Spohr'a",* Jnidgment," lieethoiveu'a "Mouât et Olives," Il1ydna&, "Creation," Mead"lu sohuao "Elijah," Meyerbeyer's *"CoroaBsý lion March," rolliug on and op lu surgesit1 that billon'ed againat the hecavens. « The migbty cadences nîthia ver.me-e cumt)anied on tie outaide by the rIsafU of lie belle of the city sud cannon on tisa communs, diacbarged by electrlcityl exact tisnte n-th music, tinnderîu tei an-fuI bars of a Ianmony that &Stountimi ail nations. Stometimes 1 bon-ed my bondê audvepi, sometimes 1 îtoAo p la t"s encantient, sud sonletimes he c -asa no ov rpave ing I1 .f i11 -Iud endure il, enpet-ially irben ail th vl. ver. in full chorus, sud ail lie1bat wer. Ia fuln-ave, snd al lbe orchp.trW lu full triumph, aud a buadreti aah under mighty hanimers ver. lu ful aud ailtbtun Gers oi tbe ilyrolt a their majestic saveetnes and thi. vi building qnsked aili lb. boom of hhlulr cannon. Parepa Rossavîi savole. lhalM. avilI neyer again b. equaled on sarth un, tII tb. arehaugelir volce.proclalma -'U tIme shalilb. no langer, rose &ave ad' - aler nounsl in ber reitdering aiof u' national air, "*The Star Spangleti -'ý ner.- It vas ton much for a m quite 'inossgh for au immortel, ta aud nhile nome faiuted an. vomW spirit, releused under its poavir avsy ta b. yul God. O Lord, our <lad, quickly unaer la hê s-whale iwarld's pence jubile., sud aIl euds of the ses juin the Ore continent and al th.e'-olces sud aiU lie mai, -strumenta aifal nations combine, sud U t1he organs lIaI ever saundeti reqs oi c.rrov Sound only s grand à reh -joy, and al the belle that tolled for ring for resunreetion, and ail the caeno. that nier hurled denth arrons thenao- Sound-fortb eterual viclory, andi 0,r ad'. te acclaini of earh aînd minst esyieQ. h eaven tiere vill b. he2rd on. voles, uveeter and nîigblicr tiasny lunie- or angelic voie, a voice once uil o01 etears, butuov mul oi îrinmpl, tb. vol aio Christ. sayiug, -l ami alpha and o -the beginulur sud lb.ernd. the firat th tI. sal Then. at the laying of the iatone ni the vorld'a history, lhe voîces &hall be beard as n-heu, at aIayiug of the n-orl's corner atone, morning stars sang togeter" Short Sermons. Tii. Common MiL.-iu the "eo figlît ailI fate, lte commuan 1a'là n-ny greal. Hero.. hlfve aunambl 0 danti a bope. Herolaus consiste, inh dotug duty. Wiether lu avýtr foi e o=tnry or I lu u niîoarY WOrk fur i cross,thome via folaw ClO"se la a fan aa long white lia. ai menai W 1thie aorîti la ual worthy.-Revr. A. -Palmer, Metbodist, Nev Cashie, Pl * êtsftetloo. - W. zMay d hheafgi the long, veary 7mr ee -appiause ai men, aut vbt do vW*; lt ft inlise cuti? A mèe. babble. a demire fori real baplas..MstSll .8 andth ie oU Yhopee t Ohlalnhlg l Immos tihe vision oais future heuze. th lecyma f divine falhb ae eau 0"a nemeta GO&thle -po»oeesOf e atone, la vle*aifat" thse bat le man.-Eev. W. P. 'Watwera0au,