Noeinlatii.e srs;;Dbu tmma vorlmg, basingsownA, or Mamppns like the re- port of a plutol. are enaoed by catrrb, tléat exceedingly dleagreeableanmd very commuon disre.. Loua of sipeli or heur- las almo remit, front catrrh. Hoods Sarmaparila, the great blood purifier. la a peculiîrly succes'ml remedy for this dl somme, whlch it cure. by puritylng the. blood Ift yo sufer f ront catarrh, try HIood's Sarsaparilla 1> best-l a taMt lte 0 re mBllond Purifier. Iloo's PlUs br, h@tet fJ-hu CINCIN4NATI FLYER. ]Ilone Route and C., M. & D. The. Motion ba put on a fast iyer for Indianapolisanmd Cncinnati iu cOnneetion with thre C., Il. & D. The train fravea JtIricago, Dearborîr Station, et 11:50 .0 Mi.. remettes Indianapolis nt 4:37 and Cin- cinati n t 7:45 p. m., thu, nsaking thre ira, Chîcago to Indiainapolis.,Infaour hours and fortY-seren minutes, and (,ia- ciauali ln seven Lotirsanmd ffty-lilveamin- utes. This Jiluthre fastest tinte made W. tweem Chicago and Indianapolis and Cin- cinnati by any fime. Thte "Cincanati Figyer" in equipped with elegant dey couches, thre Motion celebrated hgI-back- ed entt, parlor car and diailmg car. City Ticket office, 232 Clark street, Chicago, Ili. go rapid has bçen thte change In thre Englilit langfuage that thre Engliait of to-day beurs no more resemblance to te Englit cof 1,000 yearu ego titan il does to Germaa. Roat Tobaceo BOIt and swuoke Tour Lire Awrry. Lt lot 'va"nt to quit tobtccô mîing eaaily and forever, regain luit wanhood, be madceivril, mrong. rieignelic, fui] of ew lite and vigor, taLte No-Tu,-Bac, te won- der-worker ital îtiken eak mna trong. blany gitiu 5cm ounrds in 1cm days..Over 40.000 cured. liii>-No-To-Bac froint our owa drirggiat, wlro ii guaranîce a cure. ItookI.q rand fmt re. Adress Stpr- jing ltr'îml (o.. Chti-rio or Ner York. Cow Throwrî over a Fence. t Astr-rngc trcxtk ot liglîîuiug In re-t poricd front Julien, fleur Dlt(ltin 11. lii A leri o!f ive cows m-as tiliditig near t a 'Kiro feuîe, an~d iimari wa.9 ugmigPd In rilkiriliîem. %%lienia boit desend- ed. 'l'le iinsu nNetstrmdartd ay rrflcous,--lurîsfli. fifte-r'miurites. %Vhit- he recot ered i ftunri te <ow lic bail been rillkilîg, %vith i tree olirerx, 'ans killed. Thee luth eow %%,s fouuid lu lte rond, and vas smîpnosetj in be dead. Site recviere<i. buwever, anti seetuid to b. oue te worge for lier exlxerleue As Élite grue was shut, te question lis,f how eniltheUicaulîtîrtl to becîlîroivn overv ther fn"e, ftteen ftetI away? The iouly solution lantÉbat it wias done by teý Ilgltning. lThe arne ofthlitunait wvio ownod tite cows ln (harMes Itirdle. av welI-known farmer and dalr>-ma n._St. A CRY OFWAIINLNG(. «« suffcred for vears and vears îith Womb amd kidney trouble in their r Worst forme. -C "I hiadt terrible pains in my abdo- t men and bock;u coid hardly drag myseif arorud; had a the ' blues' da il th tirn e , was crossto c - every one; --1but Lyé.ia E. l'inkhamns Vegetable <~*Compoued of bas cntirely o enred me of alrny pains, nr I cannot praise it emough, and 1try tr aioud to ail women Ébat their suifer- l tmg in unnecessary; go to your dr'ag- t gist and gct a bottle that yout ray try ou stt nywvay. You oNvo this chance of u recovcry to yonrself. "-Mpji J. STEN- t àxD, .121 Amber St., Keasingston, CO Phia., l'a. a i T'he CyoU*S'a oceiwiUy. ra BOTTLE MIPS -,.O OF lia Rub throughî Vi it lnca ri e .,p ITfoal Sb tz uple'pliat, atrofung. ta LamPil:ene tand 1uteure e . of P dlducaf, ut.w.e , Wf.j WpIuIs.i Iub tCo, irghAvemiBwth po wl SEVATSSI p uaId q 1PALM18TRY. Ug*rtfe tory la TOU bYk t Pin met the §[agi. 'Ibe ooult la aiwmys at*settve, ani the mysterloua subtle la haie eects ni oai en thre femrtle, but thre male minÉ - Palaitry belomi to those ntysteriou a* sciences tiiat en a :z gage the mtteotic of many, sad bot -mea sud have devoted mue: - ~ tinte toli.s tndi ~x An expert paluds bas conaented b ' read Borne lsndi jthat are itere nmm bered ane, two an4 Nu.. tIrree. Thre prImel pal eltaractermtics have been given, to gether wlitlte limes wbicit represen tIrent, ofthre persoas wIra iad titeli bands read, and comparleon la nmade easy lt those who citoose to try. Rand No. 1 belonga to lte aquari or uneful type. The leadlng cIrarac teristle, ara symntetry mmd exactitude of thougit and habit. A person wltli liatis imagination or oclgluailîy. One who disbelleve, mil mIre cannot under. stand would have mach a bond. SIe dcci mot aiiow iterseif lu be intluenced by prejudîce, but will examine every- thimg before conting ta a conclusion, and aitouid foliow a career lavolving logic and reamon. She la very orderiy; bra a place for cvecythimg. Site la po- lite and courteous la ht-r mamners. .A great respecter of persons and stlcklcr for social etiquette. Site ia very nerv- ousanmd sensitive, amd bas a very level- Iremdcd wa7. of golng to work, ei-en when dolng Imaginative work. Site b self-confident, energetic amd bat a go- ahcad spirit. but should mol work toc, hard and mbouid tak-e plentg of exer- e!se ouldoors, as ber con stltutluu la lu- dicated to hi- îeak tîg the- many deep cross limes on tht- finger tCpq. Slie l fond ut admiration, n fiat-rer. sud susceptible te flattecg hierself. Tbe up- per lime cuuulug meroqs the- baud la thre beartl uni'. celat[lîg to ail thurîgs connecte(] At tihe affeti-ions. lu titis case It Ih i rîit crowded îitb Ilte limes, denotiug a âtroug teudettcg to flIcrtltoa. The st-coud Ueît crossiing îte btand li tire hipad flue, or fiine of mnn taily. Tihe fiirt lhai'lf Is:aiglt, btt the second draps ow lu a ciîrve, wii shows a balance betîveen prac- tîcal couninsen-Pe and linagInatlon. and gires ln ii, case- a talent for Jin- agiriative taork. I,. ,.,trite mature IN pra- lical, but tile boa.] NLi 'guti-.Flic lime of life :iîc l ong lime w nis arorrnd tire bari ifthe rjiîIatavcry long. 1,1i19 git-es lru'ni' t'fnalong life. 'Tie litre shoivs a break St thre age of 2-i and i ntans auntint-ss at Iliat mge. Tht- fate huei. ruiing front tdre wctst to the second linger is very gooiJ for success as imnt-y*tti:ttt-. Site wll have ruauy atîturers, bat xviiiorîiy marry once, aI rire age ti fabotit 2-4. TIre tiruna la a try long autI tunsoumt- ward, demotbng g enerosity, stior%%!îIli and gooti reaaoning powers. Suep lias gre2t chances for aicces suad good for- tune lu lite.. ilanti No. 2 Is liie- and ut a a-en' set Ive, energetic. person. uone w ho lias a love for ail rtat le, useful, pliysioat :i-d ceasonahie. Site cea aidera ail tiiiugq froru the utUltarlan point of itw, lias a love ut animials a ad iulcliiatior for tta-,ei, corn- mierce, anulme-- chanical arts. Site ni 1 r e s tîdinees, but iilbe more no frotît ber love N.2 of dointg soiîîetllnz titan frani a love r! tidins Itseit. "lit, bas -reat blii- rt-ss capasltg, la i1ersevc'rin.- and mItdu- cilous, lia.s fanatival Iivei of dotaýI long ingera), uobservan t ofsîizli blinig. caslly piî-.sed ad ait-il- put out. lier ch:1iiiod liras been a-r- 'v unhaîpy (cagged frit-Hue ut the but- tont). At 10 se, tlangidlier life and cotuntry. Shoe lias a iery gond heart, nd tries bier best lu naake bier is band baprpy, btil icr affection su'- s alter fintorlunate. TIie Vue c f '-r lverg mucb cCrosr.etlun 1er lthen- uiger, and front lthe itrriage Une li*, tle hitrlliun'a are fonnd drotapittg- fr-uni i toivard tire leart Ilie. ta blch liffiirate bat iter trouble avili corne Ihirtrîgilithe bad iteaitit ofthe busbatrd. Slinitar- led once, ai the nge*ot abîout 25. The ed Une la very slca!gl (notice lte difference betwe-en tîittt lime and ln mmad No. 1). dcuotiug lîractic,îi coin- ton-senme, clevermassud strenglir of wli la tiings apperîaining 10ouest-If. Ire 'a-ll die lu a country foreign to amI oflber bir-ti, live very long amd mever want for «nngtlug 50 far as roney goe. Hmnd No. 3 la thre lbnd of a verg )ractical person, but one arbose sc- suasefu.t I lale idcatsd b>' tu Iread lime whtcb le firmi>' jolmed to thre iteart lin &Bd nom eprated e. la Hmmnd No. i. Hie fate iln., b.- gliming ln thse lower part of thre hand, denotes a bard, trouble,l lite, but Ire wil i e very succesul thIrough bis own eners>' andi determîination. His niarrIage occuars aithtIe age or 25, amd la vecg coageil. At 9-7 a danger- oas Ilînessamttacka bina, but atter tIr<t age Ire las notilng te fear, and Ire wWU - l'l 11 e il THE PALuta? T TUTIËG À AnD. be exceptboamiy uccesul front bis rl forty-thirdj te blé forly-sevenlh year. 9 Ile wlli very Iikeiy live long, travel a ';great dca], and flot meet irititamy c» >- cidents. r Two Old Friena. SOn coe0f tise streela of Chicago, gasiys lte Tribune, a crowti of people stood watciilng tite vain atterapta ar a poor old btorne to pull a heaviiy loaded Cart ont of a rut. Again amd again Ire did ishl besl: but tIre task wa beyand hilm, aud flnlay, owaeaing and pant- lug. lio cefusedti 10try furtber. Thre oluer îîlled thre witlp till tire bgîtaad- ets began te expreis a pretty loud isl- approval. Juetthem a mana came up, saw m'bat iras going on, and la an- q titer moment iras lautIre middle o! itue street. 3 "Wbhere dit] gan get that hiorst-?"Ire asked. At lte aotîud of the voire tire hoe prieked utp bis t-ara, amd tucnimg lb!. iîead Il te direction avience lte sound -anit, gave utteranr-e tluIa 0w-, giaà neigli. ýý'ithout waitlllg focrte oxvuer's ce- pli-, the man a avanecti quickly te tIre hur-s's'biead, a lud patting it gently, sîtitin1 a touteet' affection: 'Poor old Jue, se thiey've brouglit yoix tu titis! I eontcbow lhougbtltIlaias gon, cl boy.,'aht-n 1 fIcat sair gmt, but I ceulduit believe my cgt-s, for gou used to be a migbty tilfecent ieoiug herse fron thIis." Ail titisUlime the orse iras cuhblmg bis ht-ad agninat tic manas breat andi sirorrders, and tht-cc 'aas 9 ssipcion uftrilstttre la tire man's ci ns. 'I at-ver irouiti have soiti you ta tIre ioiJue, If 1 badlthought tht'> wouid brJi ig yen to tbis," tire nana contiaucti. lirit ut-ver utînt, olti boy, tht-ces golng lu ht-n change iglîl away. Voure go- 111,- ru bave al gon 'anulto est; goure gointil have a rîlce bîig stali, and get'ri rîettr goiag bu du anotherlilck of îa-rlr as lon1g as gou ii-," Then lrîcnnug lu tihe astotîliieti own, t-r, lie - sked, "110w lmunchdo >ou %inlu fic this Iturse Y,' 'l'le tan besilated natomnt, andi hurtsalt, '-orti- dollars" lie krtew ur ilt lie 'as Isskirig foi, t illites aviti ttti-lhors~e Nas s woirh lie"I itre w lla- ct li iidedti tiii thle ilj on nec n-ould mut stand on a feta dol- la ci. Ant iehi didu't: for takhng out a coll et' bils front i baspocket, liecoiîted out lte fort>- dollar-s, ant i iarding- it lu the titan, sailt: 'i Y" olîr rnÇruea. Yoiire colulîttg Itle, but 1irnustliave telhors' A. fi-w' rminute-s liter lii'îîas io:iding 11ir1, don-n he tue oolartns thet- aio îînde tr li- a v tlong tt--wthe I- o itt lesa itarty i- w buwoxdt're ibyw h t ,n clidresseti îman siroîtiti ut-e su-lt tendeir cousidi'tiiotîfocr ,- itoor. bolny oi horse- avicirit ollran-cU îîirh laitne, ftîltt-r:rg at-liasut-close e tinluibhl. A Crookcj Iver, A aveli-noon tcaa-tiugr gract-fuIIy poiscd agtiinet aN uiotei regis'er. "You îasy net bt-ut-ae ni,'" "l'lrt w n-u1vs ias dowan lu Ket October, 1 stood con a bit ut' higi lu lircaîhItt Coutr-asd ltre'% 1mtlte Ke-ntucky ria-tr, tht-t rtnoaiug Myfeel, thigi tu] body Sligbtlg, 1 tiicew anoti st-aen utiles doavu the river." 'l.tts!" interpolateti a Parry heard comereîai traveler ai( fore. "I t'a a truc bill," lasisteti thei "11 n'as irrat e-at-mmlles froi bbc fIrai stome etruthe lu irbere tIre second out- bit, aud n hast-baIl pinyer, eltiner."1 Afler seme discuîssion thte1 cieal t-na-cicr ht-Id up bis bituti a to bis slury, anti then explilet Jackson, iu Brenthlrî Coumty,t trsckg river switngs arouantia. at-aen mlica rnd cornes back t( sixtg-elgitî tedet fItacf, andi saadIng on lire Parrow rrItge fIg te waters, eau easllg tosr uto tite river 10 lite rîgbt or h taklug natrow r ofacaen Mlle Ionmthe river, as the case nia This Io te truc sdate o! the et Scanon Ticket@ Abrindon M. Poreli ba i gaen up te scaq eI egelcm aithtIe Paria lymnr Vaudieville tteaters on the grou It cntailsa more work on lIre par ar'tiste thon iltaoWorth. vWmï1e N O ý or. I ls lfU It~îa iif SICK A LIFETME. Per Th» re eer ers Ir. WiHiams Le,, Mliculer lEkenuatim, Had sucs a Sf oid on Bien that Ifs Cold Waik 091Y witb bbc Aid of Crutche-Piuk Pille Were Given a TrIal, end Al- thongh 80 Yearu Oid He Ham Thrown A@140 lm Cratches. Fro«t tie XerrFra. 6reerburrc. lad. Mr- William LE!, i. o! Jackson, blich. la a higblY re[;Pected andi respectable oîl rgeutteman, vbIO if he lives four years longer will iIe 0gi-ara ot âge. Mr- Levi aow ,rjYs good beaitit, and la surpris- lmglg at-ire for a Mtu of iis )-cars, but such Wamot thse Cait- mmili rny alely, for it le mot very long agîî irrce Mr. Levi couiti omiy gel aboutt vit the aid of errîtcea, andti titi-rt tc poorly. The fOllowimg ila Mr., Leri'a atory imniris own irords: "Et ir ince eriy manbood I1iras a great amferer from mruscrriar riteumatiant, mmd in thei- t-dt-a-or lu obîsin relief have bei-ore aimfflt a pasiier. F-oir tlrirly geurs 1 did mol enjoy a souudiigitt's rt-st, nor diti 1 have anytiting tai-le good te, me, and for itlg)-cars 1 coutidl ot walk 'rliîotrt canies or crutelies. Ob, couse, 1 tricti every physic.ien tr ie-rmî-vititout an>' relie'f, atui att,'c eue bitte-r atlack ai udr asttii six weeks, everybIoîîv tiink- ing My titme bal toute, I wtvsaedrîseri 1 tlry Dr. Wiiiatits' Pink l'illia foc l'aie P'eople, mnd titi no. "iVile trrkiîg the scondt box 1 m'as able to trîw no-ay my crrtceme, and b>' the tinte sixei-ti vece takepn, tI'a-maable tu do mliv kind ut îîork, that a man ut my age- cruil do. 1 nîiw go about with ongtie iithe ce f , cane, srîY ight ln gouti anti heaciug ai- mi-t perfect, e'id ahiti-heirt-it of tire change li due totDc. ivillista' Mcdi- t-lue." Dr. Wiiamsrs' Pinîk Pis e. 'itain ai] the Pe-it-ts nei-t*saacg to giV eutw lite mnd rii'bta.eaa to the biood alodicistore aitattecîti ut-ctes. Tht-g are noldin luboxe, (ni-rer iii liot.e torrît, b>'the dozen or hîrnîc-di at 50) cents a box, oc sur boxes foîr a2n) d tîmra>' be lind of ail (rlrg- gstsor tireetlii-by mniitfront Dr. W~ili- Oven iFoar Huntiredi ierfumes. It La an lntereistirtg thisig tiklow that 4,200 sptits tif plants are g:utlit-ed and j-useti for commneîrciali iurposes tn Eu- frope. 0f t-bote 4:20 lhite a perfumme thatIs la eas1ug sud curer- l:rgt-lg mbo ethe iîiaufacture ut su-t-rta, soapsand eatit Tilhe ri re nmore spo-des uC nîiefluavi-ri-gatiieet lnfa t'styotit- 9 er clr . O4 f thtat-18IS iae nn agrocablo- met, att extraorlinaur~i large îproportion. Next Ilitorder coline YellOw whitous n1h 951, 77 oft' tiî lu1ln erfunteti. lIed lion-rs rinîiber 3823, ut' avîtt-it S-I are sci-uteti. The Itite 11outra are ot' 5W1 iarlethea, 34-ior Ntbi-hu ni - pocfttntetl.andtIhne violettI)Iusutlis nîtmbeor 305, 13 et' witiehart' iti'-asaîitl oui u-if - Truxas. In the- agrict urtri lime Txaends ait ethî,r States lu the vrit> cf ilsiroiiîet-. Cotto, , -ontandii te cetris gret ana iiire raui'-d tin et-t-csmer-ion uof the Sîi- te a lu thet- rtirai nd tsouthrcii îu ît in srugir came ata ocgbîîu c aliýeart' tr'tiliiy ciîltla-atet. lOn tth i- 1rut'c.a-t tii-O sud ttc-t- cropa cf re.-etabl- arrýiisi-ti ch gi-ar. Hi-cries aire shilieîît;ixda. eekttal adi-cne- tf tbhetorhai ru1rin the iturth. Pi-ars, pt-ar-bei, pi ilins, 'onriges, fi ga, oli-ta andti t-ltaail!gruit- abrtitrly anti Pan lie martud fronit tai to three ta-it'ir la aritanie cf tht- ('tilif',rit:a cro.ti La:rge qiîîm ti tit-a of cie :rare ii grran. If the- larîiset-k-r, the boute a-spi-cr the setler di',ir,-o to Se'-rr a t'tni largi c titan the-iît-lier -r 'co n vs.,tv morie reasîriabItenit-î,s, if ht ;t-ani' stio celantit to tutti tSI-, a -ri-aU t i-rciit>of irouisto tact-tst, wi tiriruu hu v ,i ii.ii-ti rt-uilint-ration. ,tlsalt-sa urttiay fr cor't ot' prodti rIon; if tie ta a snt-si-ierr su- rou Nvtîllicorrl-rollit higlrer tir-ca if lie wtîtsOtlriîcriit-i aHit îitiýcr psun'gfr i t i i lîî-ll, titici-na-t bulleii.rrtif-îitls an,] t -ali and iruapirit.y. ii ýi' îrrlgir tr St-îd fuir imifilrt ii of iinî thle ct-îiiill-ct- cf tItis grean 'iant- îîii,'r fret-). Vot a- st-eî.ru--uik c-,ir- sir îrs via thei- i r-soirci. R arr ji andit1,,,- ai liaihiay 'on u iioî*iYs. Ne. sud 17, Dec. Itîndi 15, Isiti;, IL A. Chîîrcter, Nortirnal'ssenrcAget-î. 316 Mur- muette Buîildintgltrg i "Arev3oit tia itti it:tr. inkusIli a- ger ut' a stoeiti ioking Iultî on thti axItausasîstantd. 'Nta-voit loouk oul w as lte Inuigna nt tre.i,--'bord dînr'd gOU tcy 10 nualo no10iîîîke mîitîIlle goosI becattat-Ivasgreen. )o I lookcik Ie I rva Adoubnui 'attn? Dlo I lok lîki- I J n a asi'mr-se dtiai? H1111! I1a-as ttu man avas fool If i sut flot long Ili dis ,oiiti*jr-!"- 'eau Yeck 1llacîteca B1azar. - eliSTATE F i,IT- SToLnîr, liucky, lu FlirANJ. (r'1 i'irînattes a otritIrathnII;hieu siigr nrd rc tauthe tIt-lirai of F. .1. liS'..&t'o.. irsmes te ('Il), of Tlredo. t'îîîtty auri Wv a tone rtale ritoreaiti. andt t i rai rin Acrin ii uy tii, ilat urn tf ONE llt'NDiED DLtLA.l{ifRS i-ai-rt, I iIiOut anti t-r-r t-SireOetCATARMtrîitira atliO e unrisimy c üred by Me rata Of HALL'a CATsmutiî('UREs. FRIANK..('HENEY. ler atout' Sworm le heforp e ud su ibat'tlfwrl litmlaîrca' ence. titsh is uda) fhicemnber. A. D.,I.ti. 'a'iîo tird jA. W. Grt.E'SOort-s be- I2OOJPihr. iraiî'a (atarrit Cureisataken Interusir>-antiactt direetiy ou tire bioudt ant i nrî'o sustrita cf lii narraler. syîteut. Senti for te.-tîatonlair. fris-. ru u'iîerc e Sîd F. .1. <'IENEY I C.. Toit-do, 0. tWSllby l)rugglsrs, 75c. wauer lu i l'lutDot Do net dîete l lia-e witoîr soînie elear lIeton toîvarî l-I-ltyoltr lii-- commîfer- lmg ahail be ht-ut. Mlesu ro be stmnue- id mrce thimg with ail gourc iglrt. hi titlnb W'en fithie crotideu] tuorglttares out lte Kean- itg life ygus ate yoislg. maideus aiit bt-nid for t-hi-i-ia fir as cuiritil roSea, give fiteut te itii re -tdit foc usirîg Uit-tns Snlilhur Suait. sta manSain lis feaver daily pIntera Ian sfi aay ut-ler Europea countîryg, sunItetur- isas )o lifrlis o! those sIc liais are ownt-t artd y be. Dacitirtrf forma avîr-n the- glandsaouthrie cae skia lire taenkenei, anutiIf negleeteîl, hait- ni-sa is ure te oliotî. !leii'sIliair îRe- ted. i-ver j i rs îeunîe son tîcit 110w udcatructiblv bbe good grotas ase anti amndi roi>aviteS lîseIf caen nrnoug the ,undf tIre wet-dyentanglentents et' cVII! Pimo'a Cure for Conaumption has becsl za gedaend -te me.-Wm. B. McClilau, ~~Chester, Fia., Set, 7, 1895. "The Old Sokiier's Favorite.". PLUJO0 A ittie bit of pension goes a long way if you chew " Battle Ax." The biggest piece of really high- gr.ade tobacco ever sold for 5 cents;, 0" anost twice as large as the other fellow's inferior' brand. r_--i Don't bear the burden of the wash-board any longer. Hasn't it caused enough dam- age and trouble and %veariness ? Do' ),ou realize the amount of wear andi tear that it brings to )-our clothes in; - a single ycar? Get Pearline-get, , rid of the wash-board and that eterna? krubbing. Be a free woman. o otîght to sec for yourself that Pearl- ine' caswayof washing-soak- ing, boil'\ngrinsing-is better forý /the clothes and better for you. sm TUT! W El fornvwork;rqure m ~S Benit for d«ecpti,.elr.lmjý stase your wmml. Chicago Newapg$U. , " S. lde 1s ILw. C "IF AT FIRST YOU DON"T SUCCEEDI TRY TOUIOm Tan d fa happy MInd l lmhmpy T n Je the ort of coutenanee t thethlimWho thtem ve biloaIg ufferer or dysfpeptecrelieved by'Vo mot amlcted w1Ith--amyV.da.a tetter'. Stomieh Bittera wears. Yon vIll thre System ipy ed meet many mach. The gremt fitoMinahie and aml ed l aitermtIa-e aiso provIdes ituppinemi, for rire to brimg cornfort home tot~ malarions, the rhéamattle, the weair. mnd as a cogtîve condition le iJ thoige troubled with Inaction of the Iridneyu and bladder. lîy tîslng Syr-up otf ige . ma. Titeproprîlnatenumbr o birli y the Califorulm FIg SyrpC The pruasia i lonat douiber tirai th ony, and tolli by al drugglata'. France. Forget otiters' failis by reÏN Casaretm atimmiate liver, kidneya and inyorw. bowelu. Neyer aickem. wemkem or grpe. Wben bilionsa or costive est a 5OMlEflbihriand,.0~ , ~Cum dy cathartie: cre gmarante&, Lias Ftaitg frrmtSop ned us one trial t. pro,. Mailtée .,,.M Mshurrsma rfoorr r lalora, N. ~to , ,,» mWingowq SOOyrirrwa bus "or trietg Ilw ihous brritgutur. toit: grocrar eethin ia otientrsite ia hou IL allas D"t Cures vwin voUe. MI ý Aiý