Vol. V. N o. 5. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois, Friday, November 13, 1896. $1.50, im Advad r. Chaïrl-es Gallo way.! ELECT RIC LIC HT S Knigrhts of the Globe Institution. Who is This Man Altgeld? Office over Lovell 'sDrugstore America Garrison, No., 140, of the ACIP N CUN HOUrt--FAsMureTo Franchise1i order of the Knjghts o[ the Globe was ýLairir i:. Noov. 7, Il;. D Ln ', J', NI , Granted. iiin4titulted last Friday evening by M. EDI>roE IsNEPEN'CTZC IP>R ARE:O S Libertyville, - Illin ois L "4rty vinle w as n ietol-stryker. Gn1Recruliting Oiicer, with Who i8 this rmale P M LARG O S Dr.J.L. AY OR. t meia Gartuisi Ilin o hisA ra !ýqillH UGE CH UNKS FROM T H EPRICES. Offie oer rigs &Taylor hnnnaton now tomanind, elev- work whlich is beautfultndim eadqueswti ourprii- nse ---c ve T-ors Tyor tr1 iiaiet. Inou few w kepiitvl>eieanhprcipflsaildusra- h ueto:MON EY FOR YOU IN T HESE CHIPS . 7 ito 10 a.t. '2' dtoi oý o lep. 1. tree.t l>i I baekx ieprmtvepeis- Adte Gnile lusrtd ermian by birth wolvi amne to Ohio ahrT e Up tes.dencenBroawaylppoaijlaukk ...i. i.anumeand lie at the founidation of lhurnan with his parents Nwhfen a cihliad ahe T Rosieceoi ira(%ýa ppii - ',ik lr uiinswi illwondffer how%%,they ever liberty. The ranks when properly 1while under age wvas engaged lin •lt 0_à Libertyville, Ilibnois. illail t eit %ti,it electrie worked are equal to those or any order p)eelinigoak bark for tantniiing.e entered liga n xisene.the union arruiy and served fatihlfuilly • ..yOnts waukegan Bak'g Po d Dr. E.iH.tSMcT.Hthe country of bis adoption. Of even Cde V ga pr a.o Dr.< pEr.cmp.d SChM.TLHrng The objects to)be accomplishied by! ingsand when opportuniity ofered for 0. erViearpe alon. DENTIST. "a dC hals. A. R'obinson, of Chicago, and thIrs organization are as follows: To Istudy he gave bis attention to filtht. w Pint oteH ueodA ol Officeover Lovell's DrugStore 1siu Doolittle. of Roilili, IIL., and preserve and strengthen kind and fra. Afeter beingoriadittdt the rhe e ' -" it Bottle Houisehold Amoinia . -..-..-.-known absftheLibertyville Electrie ternal feelngs which bind togetherwtitoMicesor iwstreelcttred Pi:on BottemHousehol Bluin .. fiuB:8oà&mauitspm.DALY Lghan P)w >C., were granted a thosýe who are selected as members. which hie resigned. Whent little past on rmu clt 2 Librtyile, llnoi. ranchbise at a special rmeeting of our To select none for members1excearshof he maried andearne t Chicag _ _ ~~~~~.village board Moniday night, and will those who have an established reput-enwith hinwifeand fiveisHro-n aSOfOrgo raieSa Dr. A. L TR A VIS. " ",e"t' "' e"r pilles and put in tion in the community in which tiey ;ý/.dr 1n0" ba rs K irk's Domre Soap .... BoUs IL H.. . TO3 N1 7tO e M. for t y and dlynianioes nieceggary live for strict Inorality, honesty, Honora le H. M. Shepard. niow oeeof- a eraionof plnt f sitaleloylit, eonony nd ndutrousJdgofhe Appelate ou rtan I rtd S p e c ia l a tte n tio n I i t o t he ici zoh a b it . T o c u ltiv a te a tr u e a lle g ia n ce CH ao ra b l e aW . C . G o u y er . " 'io n f 1 l t Lde o f 1 bt -%%:i e o - r i In p e r s Pe in . . . . . . . . . 2 Î treatmrent of Chroie r heum-ati. Odiane \Il. M7. publishied in to fthe United States of Americ, base llye Chicao's grassthwers.inThey Ail ot ofL Bad lle -os -wite wt or drper paifr .. .. . ort Rockefeller, - Illino is.,(nther roliunn iexplains itself, and by rupou paramounit respect fur the portant casemstoHeas the i-alu wo e lneswiewihclrdbre ot Rokfllr llni.a enrefui l perusal of samne it will bie idelity of the national constitution enviable reputation as a thorough frm..5.t..0.'.hy.ofo.... 0. F. B utterfield M . D . C . woi, the viage trustees have in 1and laws; to discuniftenance, any a d yand e In d liiand a. orLate re sen evry\%y protected the interests of everything that is disloyal, andu )eNi oiis n a orCnrs VETEiNAiY imimANDlæNisT thecor->rtio in the dis3trict composed of North SIA.cllý)"ANI) b:ý (.)rl))ratiili.encourage the spread of universl Chicago and Lake County. Thlere was -Y Liiinir.yniuLL - ..- - - s Nfy thirty-two candle power in- 'liberty, equal rights and justice to no hope of his election as the republi-0ROi om:Tbe uorm. crletlarnipa will be put in by every humant being under the canopy cans were largely in the ascendency ei LEADEFRS - O R I the ompay uder iretionand or f hevenbut hie greatly reduced thle majority"" MISS M. ALlICE DAVIS. il.%by vilage for street lighitinig lhe officer@ elected and installed the rce for judge o he Cire ie ma CWAUKEGAN,,LL foraate of Ani:ericant Conaervators lpurposes, and if satIsfactory alter are: Supreme Judge, E. H. Smith; of Cook Couinty and althoughi opposed-- - --- - of 31à.ic. : l::ire pler test, a price lmstto be agreed l Judge, W. E. Davis; President, Jan' by the newspapers of is ownr party who posýses 1Flthotnot le is a MeGrgShma.Ny-ôb -TECHE Or-- l"$byvilageboad ad eecrieC. cGrgor Vie resE.L. uBos;as elected by a handsome iniajority thorough Anæirioan. H., would takeiandEger. Crmand. Ny- VOC UTUEADHAMN "rpn-Commander, C. R. Sherman; Lieut. fearle8a y rulingan uab ,lst lud os friuenat[ tirertune ite on udmotion of Galloway an Llt>ertyville. tilinois. The rate for sixteen candole power Com., L. J. Webb: Provost Marshall, latitude permuitted, for the in'teresýt- Of he 'does po(litiÕal lfv t- i1ta or dore ome o urpsi not to) exceed )lne cent per Win. Walrond; Ensign, E. J. Madole. the youth, the unfortunate and the atre undel(r the control ofi'his inidgmne nigtNo . . AO" l1 Dr. E V. A R EY r eac boo so a ughswil Adjtant nd Cl., Cas. aise i fresor"minH st'ablished prectooents and bsmi e lives as plain ly and..ABON Dr. E N T. IS T E , l1m , .Quarter master, A. R. Hoyt; Guard, universally followed by the Judges in oliniois Iiof l -,the i it 11 a or ' OND YN v.9 DENIST.Mr Lrinig, represeniting the electric B. F. Woolridge: Sentintel, Frank Chicago and other parts of the Uniited ias a rnunkiL in hli, calt or ant anchorite Meeting called to order by Presifl t crnpny sad teywoud hvexer.tates. He resigned this honorable of thledset.lie i, youing and in Averill. Full board present f, 1( I t tIls--Il1J pihint IInOperation before Christmas Mr. Stryker lhas suceeded in money naking. la thier is tes t> i an eelie health alay; sillewhat a , Moventd y DuBois ndEethe0M 1t Ithat theýy had not kas yet decided organizing a healthy garrisoni, and hisIlilinois lhe built street railroads iain c ree le ms alrmt i mae foris ietand cGegoio ct oa O Graysake Ilinos. ele ;oloaton fr tiir power hous*-, untiring efforts are rewarded. During engaged Iin other enterprisem. He equialled hIim. IIe carne to) great trial, for use of village. Carred. PAU MaGU FINnaseeal its ude cosiera hi rsidnc hee h hs dpotedhC gt and iinroved reat estatc n Chicago where aidoest awyers and Noved by DuBois and Colbyta PAUL MacGUFFIN, ! tioli. .himself in a mianner to comman anaigoeo he b li ot hd pes adestateinien and pltitns Ordginsbe ance. 8areaiv t Attorne ndi COn 1>llr utLaw. iIniresponse to ant invitation fromt irespect for himuself and the order lie hun drethouv h dollars.Otsx 8ablibrcedethe-nimIves, a poor ·t e pse.Crid l NOTAY PBLI -%l. oring a conmnittee will visit represents. his undertakings was the erection of foreigner. a barkpeeler without ,one Moved by Colby and Ee iiial ext week, whiere the - ntity Building on Dearborn street, acuaitan e muc less a friento maintter of selling telegraph aMd Speûial attenitiou givenl llec ionanjy have a plant lin operation, Gurnee Bridge Finished. / atnthed tateifallet Jedfice win .the eleinerasijitim adtnwamn e lecltrc light pol toproped teleeggg arnd Coniveyarn-14 ". "flotreport to the board the result of Tiraille over the new Gurnee bridge whicli1lhe stil own.s.1l 0t n inl e r hthaw ers ýultandrissad inaniers. ihtt om hpany erer&ed. to shtse OF].1:%%fi! ILE 'Ii I I %K, th-i livestigations. became a possibility last Friday. The morethfiant a million dollarslbyo-is polititians ,and geveniors nlot ouly f Moved by Colbyseod o Libertyville, Illinois. -N(-ady every- business mian in structure cost $270, consisting of a keen foresighit and mosbt commiieutdable Chicago anid Illiilqiý but Ilfulethevole Gregor that a comntit'"e" of th ee III Librtvile as igitld is ntn.120fot sanwit autmnt a d arinigs and enterprise. Again hlelhind lhe tiand ,atthe ver-y head. An appointed to investigate system and Mise LucU M. S. PENNIMA N, ti--n of puttinig in the incandescent feet of tilling on west end. It is very becate a canititi on th politiesaa rchl itbott, a Ilesionilt,)arepditot r, litat inpdle Care. ac eI VOCAL AND A LS DELSARTE -endthe board for ubstantial and will withstand th-e States Senate and the people of the irl aems ooale nhmMte uoiClyadGloa INST UMEN A L I SY TEMForw r n d avterr i e uIn teu rd t efor ts veJrst . re t state (of Ilinois elected him thev iea u a ro inib n o t ,law, Moved by Eger and DuBois ab ...MRUSIC... ...EOCU FN. no thiscmay eir Goernor in 1892, thle first duty. Wealth and aristocracy and Preius motion providing for polg I- â! j-ii -f thiwill Give a Baly. emocratie Governor for abouit iatrut ad crpo)rations aint thie press chase of twelve street lampe, bee ans TUrons. MOST REASONABLE Pâtitr. A New Feature. Under the auspices of the Liberty- nored himiande tilt.s inhesttire avestdoethertost tio des(try inm. rensidEe.- aried. a LibertyvlleIllinois. li a of thin( iist novel <tevelopmient, ville Catholic Society will be given Ja done hionor to the state by giv iri a r sIrici aionai unit l reb nmoio In autorizi g purchase oftoi t -mapain s te cton f B.grndbal ad fstva atth lTon c ebest adiiistration ilt ever ini. senit rorn ethe east to mleetii in th]fie 'street lamps be tabled. Garried. NoH rdT m s a us O ispndntf-ndmoeyHat], wednesday nighit. Nov. 25. nir" "*pines""%%"ie)%i, iitm i, i lt ar n o diet eii it iloh,deCed Duis ntCly uvd oador goot l n i iin (C . t )il I \\ bmerlt, Nda for congress fretin ArranigenienIts arc perfected which active lin p i tics aiun wo ii n iIlte nbic 1 and ine hr l a in beateno Crri ed.A4,o .,Cek at $5, $10 oOr $1 5 i 1n irctwo rteltter,.s insure the best of music. a big suipper said of Ihim-in this country Inwn lof OLew who kie%s 'hil ii a I. . A1BoNClrk Good soil, uNi e n iiNorfl ndPorthiniouth and the and generatl goodtine. isgetality"hae 'sud e l aheval :iisl memorabl -Hetw orkii iEn Theifilelof Mr8., a eL uf c h u r l u .e a w ! p ' I N , \ ll n Il . 1 , r t N w n g M n a C h r is t i a n - - -- ---h-r t 11in i e an d e r s t i. C .hi o f h ir - lbi ai l.niE a s tf ro n t i it lei M a s s ., r h n a r d u yW e n 3 otlnia (hta eunn nt tensini asotothecoore L . rit. large fortunes, bimlt i o instiIenwe ngfrbmleturalgia for two days, no " oA Slj aniyI u'm' i um u- j aiii al:i olor . phgigfi mscooe lf \\"ebsteýr dclines grit as snd ton lths anly indoividuial Je tlpedbbingbleot. olep orhamrdly kee yoitrp o os hifU.. ar . JI Htleto < ngress, I f gritstonie, structure adapted to grind.'calternp)loraries ç in both tiiawie ;and CUCL RCEDNS till, wen Mir.a Holeofthe mrban no x 1s o s e nd a v. i L rv at *Ihe ex pration of the fir t F rnness of rnind, unyielini g cour age, polit ies a it A Lt l. H hstw' u eronoILinr inn l i ,Ig.,Noth ree f a i e boitril .of1Ch e rn the l faire 11ul r,; - 1anothmr wi tof his salary uatgfirtitud-e." Solneoneonunidoubtedly an a tIlitI iP lut Avrill e Iwiv, bon.F.LIr et a theroughtriayl.in e estf IDelltoU El . I an t9 piratin of he secnd. t be athiority ont the M1bject, thas said that in his zeal for wIZlot he ei Neoduß>suns illitele chairinian 3r Wll henXFdaIeLa agent fr L k al in yd ia io tefourasso- t eaes "g zrit t e a e ssfulmthe best interet s of t oor and board r esn ih eceto f t he was o alright, thepain ha w rite for nm a l ,t un nil, 1ti wn t c. i1tns. I th s r e tter he a s f ena l r an z r w l . h sh 111_ dow nrt o den . i v am itio ns fo Aui rtl.ote ibi li f c P alt wnot a d rs.l gsha John J. Longabaugh r b-ea teeprt< t"t Gi""siutfortune" a f i culdno beadiri'e Brie Stre raySakei Ii DOS ,f e ogive Ill III.issalary, portant factor in the rakMpofevr ad(ileeetgvehelt ndflt't eriyan. bo f flor sl e tyv cets per C.bottert.sB Briekbe equaHy divided amongnothe whitieucessfl man, regardIless of profes. te, its amtelioration. lie sees ýbh.isdty ot-y -h i E làut ' ibrtvll ndG C obrs H P E WING M D. " I "lored ch"rehes in he <listrict )n ""°occ"pation. liead-'the biographv in that direi<madprnsi erm ie rOtbrb " "" a o ' f y roinent advocateheof fraternal lessly with all his ncrpaabefoi c-.approve u ed.il, Carrie ' Rock.e felerIllMv.a D .a th epirtio f isn yprofeinal man mf rerhan- s e in iut e vr itr A c% o ia I roint lw. . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERs. • tritu, 1o0tosbe equalundivided ' nerniliesl. He fhab s i uttin-y arelersn rbitve iting vdIugev FROM WAUKEGAN BEoISTER, Roidefa .e.le mbit. lingthe l'artoiouhsall funivddprince, statesman or soldier, and yoi u ay "and a re iiInonig the rich aniid 1with eetrct. aýs tabh'd as as almo laailN o % srdoj lI Office - . - .<M-o tteielt a d t - N rflk era'o teBc . wllfnh "rit" nore tan one pow rf iland b deis th l«ithal 011U frolinC. C. (0 C 1opeu t :aS regar I ý1K iilit' d t ae-ty l... 25l offlee Oppl"i.. • poduring their- Ncareer Rwon theorbattleiso deternunied sinlile. ln publie-Ill e f-sitg'r'v lfor. thi,, illag. utosame, lt blk 4 Lake City w e ...4 Hors9A.M 1t 2P AAte ;Pl. gnig palf of his salary for dnlylt arererwntebateb ppeals to fthe mais>es inelput> his aiutinf Ege.r anid Gl Dora E: Petty to Myra V Petty Ifi 15 Hotoii9 -M 111 21' M- 10,r ;ri..1. tIli andel aitable p rposes.trust in themn. Nothinig but ldealth thl.j1e o llow ng bill, Nwere alwed 85subidofiet324512wd-.---.......... Ji ,iaad hrtal uwoe.Ill end his efforts fin thir ehltapro ehy t leco itMyra V IPetty to Frank N Tomlinson et U N0 HO EL.oyge spp,.FARM FOR BALE OR RENT--123 acres He.gives.freely.but.uno.tentationily l i s l as hisrtLuido t3 s ia w d.... 2é WU EING ·· I LI. Threw il eraosteu ui>ra tepml rm ui'oners Godto)charitable Institutions anld for the.J o)IIM hi a; hloWse oLui.. She.e..ao ýviFEINi ILIOI. % lili at vbuildpe u tecomnfort, educvation and MamuE inent n aad ······..... 10d F1RST L SS OTE L anhe enirh Tankgivngbvenng. ings, %water and1 fi;ft. geared wiind of fthe lboin eoic14e a ile 1 and to w9 chandlr ANgood prograin is being prepared ma.AdesJ .HLERvrwrsie fwat isl eh lto 9Highlad Par ... H alf-way H ouse .. . .lacrdliaiirLvitation is extended to vew'ol.nrsyp th witthese whoe b wlimt\rig eoat; (orKi B e wC l i s H d f i ca ll ýj J t e Io cm e a n d e n jo y a p le a s a n t e v e n - H a v e y o u r a u c tio n a le b ill s p ri n t e d b t t er fo r p o sse ssi ng r i e-1 e li 11 '," " ) ,. ,. zi H - r - B k t g t u t ' F W atw 4 i CyCli eadq uarters- inig. Suipper 25 cents. 'ut the IEDlEPENDEN T Office. superior on that accounlt telh .smhs ng...luo. aikoto w F at1,t4 hik7 (lood accommodfü>inx for travelerol s Iý;I..... c1-py1& son 'ark adioln% e fw¼ 30 37 John Reh m - ·· Prop. -\ II t eling Iil oee fo t le àilws tee'-Ivl w 2 -.,rop,,rI wotothey were returned "a1w I -O o~Kgr mandbe alowe ad aran orderd drwnontreaury fr anu Jt. Unclaimedptw oter ews Certificats PayableWA UKLECA ,..LL.".:"..""°. ,N o g D e m a n d . tep td ........ d n ......ort..ya v.rt.ed B A N K . . .r.ha'dntifyI F . Protsnetthaloh e .. .c .. Wmter.Blankes..UR.JACKETAT....00l""b " Marhis b 1by comply it 'r riance. arr ie Hom-.eeikers xy rtn Fur ap obe 01sa1hmmer-al1wol: oodfit;wel mae(Ivedby anowaye nd ormsarsONI vembe1adeclo Liberthat le,.Ilayilnd E.-F. Apploy be 15.189(, theeChicagd,.variant He v urC asOU A KE SA DCA E TS75 ti'd"re"ft"i ie"k nvAiaiwywusefon