CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 13 Nov 1896, p. 2

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XNTS IN A RUSH m CHTYINOICAGO sOr.U8LE CIRCLES. W6, a.tlbl.Balrd-are sud Mi #hoeg je Deiand-C1Cm- t adsfor Mrm. Catie- 'J*inie Town Wlsad Ont. Whet Advanced Sboraly Do te Great Mllilng emsud. Thse Liverpool wheat mnarket did not change is price for fatures at the open- iag Frlday andI n-s quoted Vàfd igher for No. 1 isrîhero on lthe spot. Sucli ni evidence of independent strength, tîllow- ing the disîulay of weakness n-hidi 1the Chi<'ago mnarket gave Thursday., rum- pletely turned spéculative sentiment iu America 10 the Iîull side again, and slart- efi ishent once mare un an npward course. As an addutional Incentive tu resusmO 111 advance n-hieh uns interruîited by the hurry 10 take profits Thursdny, the Min- neapolis aud Duluth receipts usere foutuil to 1e very suazl. the number of carlonds being (684, compared w-ish 1,11(6 cars a week ego and 1,235 on 1the cîrrespontling- day of thse year before. Besides tîst Chicago had only U74 arlods aiainst TRUJST 18 I .NANT, JOBeER SELLS NAILS BELOW THE CARD RATE. smaillmanufacturera Aloo EnterIng. the Field-Schoouer and Crew of Six Lool lu Lake Mlchiscan-DCisth Of a Fomuns New York Womnsn. Ch1 The i. tl trus, trade Awken. MMJ' on the sîmilar day ofla>1st yen>'. "* tîi ~o.v ecanîs were hn Chicago freali fentures Of thse marketsuobbîdift te take prt lit îthe big meeting àuffieed to tart Decenaber wheat ai le cte etiamtiation. and hey kept sec- per bushel advance and telandd atiotber le îi IL S Tomiuson of,1the National per buohel betone a»ihbout of tIse Chicag ue<~si iof Melrhats and Traveters session hait gonle by. l'ise opeuiîsg %vas <u I nemhtative froin both thse Ce'- lrregularly ai from 5ec1 ta 4e Betone ank I Western Passeliger Associa- 10-tl0 o'clock il ldsalu tai7W. A Sau tr trh tg akiag cure of their tranaPon- Francisco message. whleh neporteil an 1 tue90tiat îbey cari devote att auditiohal four cargoes otfn-el solu ha>ve to l flaising upý faii buving lie- Thnrsday Iemdes what <as previoîislt' mun1 eeùnlli of the session et 4Mil. disposeil of for hipment 1o Australia- aggr la large numnber ot out-of-town 000 bases-ivas another ofth11e bui troat ,,Ir ptaialy visilkle. In many of points in tlie earhy nesvs. rhe niîiîg thet 9 s,rtant branches the farces pf deminut for carlouida of n lent in 1the cash hegu ba moire than Ibeir hands full market was shoivo chtefiy in the rumpe'- d m~wdâ of Iurrying pîirchasers. tition for good taeboice $amnples ut No. cnu, ".partlculsrly trîse t dy gods. b r othrnspring. A private Ca- Ihat 4*d shoes, andl the dealers in hll- berm rmLiverpool indiented thtIsa 1e d ýqU Clothisni merchaut ls îaein- there was knoanleilge there of soute ftat ie d1 abetr business than they biai lng off in 1the volume utahtprnea t ramteaus le5>Ta yesr. and th,11... n>11r of Russia and the Danobian counînies. The nail deuien plreseal bore tî'stiiiny St. Louis market usas even strungen at Irac et ~ ~ ' tht-h a oua 'lyaath1e openiug thau Chicago. tIti' Jobng te nIer is rapidly ln- D.inai tjo bi COAL IN CANADA, las Thse spéciaI raIes given by the OIINCteS IlaUnepes w sh dprol ulahie l<> Corporation ffling Fornaci 1ta ~Iatune n-hdi lu nt utialy »velop the Field. muebmerlîanlsebusîCsaont Four moullis age there usas a discuu'ory ~mashow a dlissiote 10mu ke a of oa lu Algouis. wesern <).tu>iu. Thech tIse malter.LehigIs 'Valey llaiiraad dispateheut ex- lgVjIANcL, IN GERmA, perlta te1te scene oft he discuvery with instruictions lu testthie cuill lui ogiy. d>ý bas-Mil Increrase lu the Business ad if it n'as. ianteir optniun, ot flc ea .3IsriatE the LasIt ear. tquality reîriseîîtî' 1<>it tuieé Iiîy >i) d eala report ta thé State Dopat- 1the stîrroundin uîxuuuitr.v aîîîhseceure au ý**ta' nited St4ates C(onsulh'Mon- option oin the distriet. Bîutic» en eLe- v% jgt Chemnitzlashowuss tht flie Ger- > 11g11Valley peoîpe buil made li> their or' " r~eaave holpanii'.ihav'e ts unit>r- miiîds t0 b>iy itt I 1>y f<î îldC'a ud au oiii> "rasd their Iusssî'ss l ' ugthte itatisîs lbail gou ii îîfre tlîî'uîî auoi tîad any thouch hliaînuî'tîoutil>>'. iiî- a 0>1 Ion lîi iiert'. T'he Leiligh w<> ' iq te be attribiuît i Ill11< e tI1 1 Valley 'cambîinue lis lait gisoil 1i1i hlle uf1c.>; 4o etbthemot i'oirgî'tic aloiî 'lt'- seeuiîîig thleeu:îl minies. .trA ui'uiui- i nsnran>'e >'omîla i'oes.bave 'lîenîî 1 >uuibefore Ific siiu.iia le uin sll e t tit ~te leîîve theecountryîl','it ui uuube combnie uffer-> lu îuuy huore Ilînl$1 (W10 -Sio 9 ae .aaI~eir11< >ia' 000 if îthe tresent lîotlîî's aofiiithe1iiiu l. Wui ' îîitl1oel ou t tlutien»t1the ss'le ditrticuta bu ansur'i'a.iiil 34.23,re <' îihtî e Pse <t ue lubas osi'secti ru'u. i aninusallî'<u llr i5Ii Th. ne 'disabititlyof aeeu'iig 111e offer k t. As largeiy sîtribteuli l anuî ss .rk bigvts-tre -L ydcaeoltNI I*part oftflse <nî1î:îîî<îs. pr'î~gîbcîeux s-lre.'tle, tst'i ata i oiit a t uiit>uN A"reer l sîri aCaia utlic <inp:l'Y < <il It ra avoeu byIlu I;»V-rln>ul1'l $100000 capitlal stock. Witiaiu ttit tsia iton trou>laittiai> onipremiuhiu, *',)son, out'or'îîto. a re.ireserititis e out 111-son elln exlent. ani lit lins Iîeeîu'ugg-et_ aîndiaî s yndtite. la>s grile lu Ni'%% ail la thse insuranreo )liii'-',s Ii'iii iti ïork t lanet l iitalisl s î lucre ss'ti11:u3îa"', b" Ils hitiest poilue. iiuîutt îldii>- offer more fur Itie plîrti liu uthe Lt-"'Il 4"s lu the possibily lit îil -î>'i igI V'alley. ______ =arase intcneutiîler îof Ihos" n- BLOODY BAT-rLI UN KENTUCKY. fl ru 1 IJRE CAUSES HAVOC. Six Nerroesandm Two NYilca s l <n> i,5 thie Fracas. mil sale spencer, W. Va., Aimant De- A hloiil ' baille betn-een negrôe'. an-1S atroyed hy a Conllauratioin. -- -' hle.iirri-d a( 'iii Ky~.î . X. - A *i toivu ut Spence"r,. -'i.i- 'a05 neuis ubut' ai i uîg a <iii<innu i lieaî %- sa s h er yedI tireî'Suiii.î> 'ki eh , t. t uionha n~ aîegroî. vitoreui)ceut lis th =..ntae stored nul uii' -' ,' 1'1I1'*11iipalers. 1Police Oh>>>'>' 1)înohlui' a Itei- 1lut The tire sarrîd i n a rinu'î)%-s r 8<>»- cil tu nrrî'sît ihelnegro, <iho utreus a i i,ot. l en.'$ ge>si-i'i lsluih' iuîi5iad Ut ,Duinuslu>' gua p ssoc. îuiait Itlle ru' Sthse main buî-iuii'.'>'ir, " viuigi tnhue suflîtrliuîuuuu ure (onteni. A w. Metion in ils îîaîhî. 'it--ie i." î" «ri,' esîeraîî' baillete o tle'l lii. lts'ix tgta'ieken anîd î lii'. ;a*î ) a u i'i'î.>ii>. îgroeu us ire sli,.tou>r fai 1l113. 'l'us te étarteu t 11:($4 '04 o t'" t ii>.;y >hi>i'rotin. Joli» '1T. ii's Sr.. the hoî'rs(-- o 1Jo anad lurnîsl tnil I1îî lat- y i andî > <iiuit(ofIJohnii tluttin'a ol1 raid- Fr à"f - Thei toîtal î 1-, i. -tl>iaiou-t I az rstias sîtt îîuIllîe lij. auîuîl uk Ait- Thb '~e a-t lui»> itiildi:i-. .tiiîd>er'. îuîiii ilie nullle 'lTh- iui'urol"u ne I t êe reek trci»> uai. -o -igut>Irea led ou iii r100o% lu I baii. '.vhi'r.-'dut tae. huit-b>'iiie' î Iiî3lie 200 of ti:ilet'ue-i:ev>-> ov. Brilledu ri' 1'7 tis imaî c'. andI llte it' %%.ii'î as i-tlited 01i foir triiit'-. teir banîls fuî uull >;,inîlp"- âg u'bo %ivre gro i], ~ 'r; 1 .!;I>:<.l Bonts in a F-atal Colliston. or tricke a. Thie î'uii 11.' .i1ii:ii(, ut>- '.1 1'uuiul tfîr isiti>y ' leiii' un i i .1 ri Uir..Caie Iii, Frcc. 5. > Ile Sid i >tazgwi'. Cu>a'îiiii Il 4 tendlon. it , lue iue 8e-ri- n-i zc.cI >< .,,,,,,nIf v iii t-isV<ta B11. t v 1,.~' Mday night nuu muer for ube n--use .1,bli'-.utb>:L.' Irgi i of-tt ha iloii e la Wormn'orod Suribs ý eis iii "f SI e. ntIi:t,.'i î lr>i.'t i li' .v'- ii St. We, lte us-aillhy Aniceican n . ma o. uîo'.NI'le.>aiii t i'u"' Wrld of nhotuiîing lc' :lie 1,-awu)>'t l'r' r'<<ta i >1 iiiai:>' uî'u oi fîî RIi wilIs heu' lu Amrenia ins sunuas u"iî.'-îii.. .> " ku Mabe ta tiasl. T'l>'peoiire .iit ' i ls>> I>.qs1 M n o lli IAt Wgt ta beurilr >0the Governineni lu v alun r, vi 'e>>kîiL. 'ftii'v %%s"r" ri, M» Mn,. ("salle'.« reteaoe hallbît t <lire iu>' tei u uil n i'- ., l walalilua ueighi aod influîencue. 1'sîtli u-niliYti' lîî'îî ofi i ui'tIoaîuîî.îg <lu'> Wé ad fore;igu ofl<î'es reci'etrod sc,ri"î t lait of tuuv Sev,-eaI w> u'ie tugli' .!Maages il y frorm Engl.înd andsuthe iic <i ut' r 11<ilai i v : u'u 'sitilu WWd States beseeeht>ug ii>meiinre i(- tie sîuîkiîu îjst ulî', si> P. Pular myrupahy iii Eaghaiud l i kî'î :Ilu'l uuiîit tue ats :uu iii '. :uu'lI n l i er favor, anth liie>'ssere u îno î offiiu l] ( ti- hit.Iiîk.. 'l'ut>> >11-uti tuiut> Mb'msua usheu lher rolti %ii <' air- î et it>p îl>>e'u.îi'-lo, and it su'u ,I-uil Iplescti for Uer Assai li ut. 'l'lîeîî lji-c. ii ii i, i iit fuic sir oui'l. IVllam Beau. the 'ne'groî w h.,bi tuuuM<rs. îerî' Inuts ii ..'liv ii' ii iiury -s'ofî . CLClark aI Lebui îoî. Ky .u ij ulî- 1>the oi rv>' îîc%.î s3' '11iî u un I-lui sMad put in jilI. A îîî'îh. took li»îîh <' 'î~i nd M Ituuil:1ut ofl is.,,t'art 6M the Sheriff anîd iii îriî' 1 Itui <fir>' su> huscîl :ls i l. ivn t u- î LM Clark, usha dtif<ier] linio. 5h' iSl;:il I uiir siuîuuuier O .g'-î. $lti uýi>' *tmetffd te die, lbutîlie slvaîhiud-il sîiîh i ho itt >>ý î1->~h~ît ,50eîh 4" te let 1the tawitii' ýils i' Nei' . n-uuîîi<sire o.oîiiolug lu>St. .hîîî'a luiit ls 10oltqaWell as îviilrs liri'at ul lu uuu',ii(ilr'li>s îf iîr' on î îs 'is WF If Mrii. Cla-rk dies. iluiateul h o '<'ii'n i'li-it l:uîi'u'd «illît t il ]a>ile out ti, tuttiil. Tho' t inî-iîer h:i 1 Elg Suear crop. Iuo lit's,,-'u:îtl i uu î -bli.i'land Ocimauh tih, u lîof ii.u. 'ou'sIlle s a iii>>,iuil au iiiiiiiutt îîd luan b, tie State Departi >ent aita aiinoiuni voy a ge. WAIÀB tiar eeter lit I sI t lu 66tL-det( va >ah>-' siel 'ri 'i ( hl I K>iui',% ilt..A uit t'< liuiiguu. 1c ,ontries. the'i-u >i-n "i-J. 1111i 'fsuo»rt ithe laietenlîîry-oi <urtivuy. uuîeîuîter I«, hoogli i»isout l'ie ; - le &lit tiY %vasel îniiuiuirwiltt tr iift lltyI la interiuîr.& >urti'y uiLieuî'bleInxile eni-îtuoiui' uthlen1iiuix s'uulînîî'r ireîuîî'u tltny lnund aîed. I:a tir>' ii>lii h u <iý, f Ific huuîî'î. fTho- ; ls lIse oî"î'<f aniri I il :un i>l îîrsî's r:u li!,) a <del>diti luiar il>>' ruail slà abas nt lhe u îiii i- >r att nedsuuthe >' 1:iii't itig itiii î>ioied Cou 'irt- amye rs tî >ia ut if >. 1< >, ii'y uîuutueil. Ilo- si-:is :Ps )>rs olt. e the 1> .ruI unît t> î hv- 't> îi Orer. Cit Justice Ulaile ibid uý n ci-o>; suqi (uli e u ii o it l ~~<i u-.uuiiltîîi1. u 'iîr; A rgentine tlalIard l'h,. 'ttIhe uIuto.\, ilioiil at. ('lii T11tuiv(- 4 tii lsel'se4el Ihat t î !>u -,":'ui 1t 'e N'<'uti.. 'i'fbo. îu:îl 1<i iu. l i out uî : hIe t1 ttise Micisl'te f iuiali ioi.> le i, f l.î u'i'ii'.'i ili <uiîIul airs11X, ry us-it l huîo >t; j ' ' L- r'uîu >'uof .a jiiliit ltfie thi>' as> i or' u la 1goid. or $2I5Jti .î<.u'rliei' lihi Tr<agedy'lu,î lie Sîreet. oit na i <y. tIi.,.'lh>rt.uiu - tlorl * e-' "u cro lle huis sut>'. Arlii:. Tii> r.geity o - Rsmalaer f5îuit,yN. Y... ls;u'uu'J- Sa>ts iu îi]- s -' :î'îî ido îulitsu '1tletib i-t0îîla, ou.' uurg- «'<te 'lit",aileron <i î>h he 'plari>Illie i-i-s-tii lad the ttlher fOr lui lsi, ruam. li ir,l îsushiîlo. Ju tfonds. Iloriart wà); li-' ouey oas 1the etatu te laui('i»I',I ~Cool Girl Puicîde. 1, i AI Jacksonvile, Fin., Mhls Fap"e o Threnteis a Trust. atiengo lins becunue oueh a thon> bin the eoftheii great <vire >aail trulst that ils ingers have 0opeîiY decînreil thcy nId iike 10 se il hloth Off thee m>îp. emain rî'as>n ftir th1e trust's it»îPathY bhat one o tiflea<ding joblîing 'î- 'erns liergists 111OPenlY (ilctîg h@e it's miandate%. This detiîuîîe 'lot0111Yi3 'eels lu demoratize ail ofthe lîe lîr )îilîg -o>ii'cerîîs il, <(11tcago, hlit ther is as n-el> and neti>aily threatens t11e tec'e ofthIle trutîIitseif. The firuai in eslion upeîîly <(,notes a priî'e ot $2.4e) eg on nails. as a gaîines$2.80 as 1the t price. whlch othet. jobbers &re toni'ed miia>i>. Meanwhbile the hîgh îr<C ve lemnpteut a larýge number of %mall tutaîe.turero lu ent er 1the field andîl heir gregate production is graîluallY gai»- a n 1the demand. Another source ot mille is th1e recent actions hegan against 2Irusnt in th1e Federal courts. In a suit gu1 in th1e United states Court nt InI- spolia Lewis C. BramkanuP, of ('tu- iati, asks $3W0,000 damages- petttiîuiis t th1e trust'. c.ontracts with outsiders declareut illegni and w4asa tthh1e truîst dissolved. Tlîe damages are askî'il9be- use 1the Irunt stoîpeéd delivery ot torty àlmaking macnebes ushich lie batl i'(on- cleu out An Aderson (Ind.) imanufac- er andt be<'ause ail other nail machine minîfacttîrers us'ere onder ceutnacls not sell t lu tsiders. SIX tIEAMEN I'ERISH. aooker Waakemha nail er DrunkC>s Cre Go0lui sien. 'un cu ver of 1the (tai kîseas anîl l>the idat of ua leree storlu. iixnBen niet thîcir atli off Slîuskeguîî, Siteh.. h>rbor Suiluir 'akî'nhn. The 'toîry outhe I luy sur- unr lot-s thle Mitnus>'l)u() Clut llt it )l- in I "rbu'I t. Thisuia îrs <sor us1"ru uî ulau'h. île <lues lit Li>.lte(,nne s uif ry ufth 1e<i ler îuîîîîuters iuthelu' uns, <j>»I cislisisle.l"suthc1u'îîtainul.îilî'.ý, ml and fouur suîitur>a.t'tl i-f<<il fteir hiiîg rc'.i'îeutut o> h ssîsu> sý'.'<a k kt utsii uigli t ce aiouiîît'tliguý'th oryvuîld lb>' uîtlieul tcîî>I lii». I <S'. 1>-en in thelie .u,f aai h 1 Ii-tuieu ngiit ruile. 'T'he t-)ry s>hiuhi D111iu' ts is îofa îlruah-.î'uî attail uuua <s lu bauiîn thue rnujît'.o<f aî l,,ii<'tit l<îv utlkilîg in th1e hi-tirs' of >0i Mluiil he grernl hakea ertut:l sil. Es cii aIi r liii ai sias goiig lu 1<ii'a nithtIe' utiu'dt mikeul torni oft one ofuthî'liî îuî'îîIuu l' ihicareil in tl>'eusase ild Illel 1h>' <y tutu 's ot th(, niuthit. le h,' lii su rss ee r'tingiîg fuir ttluifît,îarudeiu i'ait. <Cm- 'tt .,î)>ltili>tIiis Irliiikiiî i,-i iIîiutlly ll a lui'5uîi iluiri'. uit>> Ilii <51>5>-.()l(' 'v mieî tise sii. <ut th, sî ilt liliri on lle' afI. the< î-îtire enî'us' utfthe tîuut., fit '> hile surf lîîuut uittIse tu' lig'itfs' >5 ýiuîg *Il;(lni iii>ajig s. tii I '.I ili n'tîla th;,' lire. hie ti'iI' i>>i.tli huî'u liiis tus ul<prooeh hîu.î ulî[Id u%%as tittui li th bout. 5MUS. W. Il. NVANDOERBILT. %Vidow of the Famons !Illio:îairC Diesof tHeurt ice n f rh e l a r .i t . î > e < a I t 1 . . d i io l t liii-itt '<ltan Of. i'îier dligl, i, ,% rs,.I.,11>11.8i'i d i8: liri i Vistlî'ser('iiîiy.N. Y. <r. îi i-rblit 11>11l i' ie iilig ai î111, !i',ii î-tl-'îî liii' the w<int>g if blug> iii>> .î ugilir tir' V:uiîl.rbit o -NIi.- tîîîui h îiîiseru AIIîiof.81' a i- ui ie lii "iltiîîî>i il. ~:uî>îIn >~I S - iljý lia, Il, fr tcîiî:î>u i-r lii- .ei-il,i<of ihuirile 'l'he îlîilitriuî "f lthe j:iriiagi'o 'i irît:i. iî>..îNi- gari4 lîi'ia. . ithtc eîiîî li x f,'i lNif" "f tX'îliai>î t). 1i i: lti -iî- Etit;î I0., o <te uf W.SiuaîtNVh, Putln G Crent l'eriI l 't1)i, îs Nathlan lhuiîxî,,i-r. if Akîrii. (I i,>î. %v:" roîk'îiiiir.,ueltiy îîiulttî,t vlu,,<i 'i. ed mnî ssi,> alliîn;it tii fineI"ii' iiîi l.>îîd hîîîi. and il i i d îritlilig .1n t i' l ) Ill h ' <.fe, fillei'il vitî îiowiti'. l'laiiîî', I iîîsikr giii'the ilior. 111,Y ui:" îlir>'ateî.i'd ft, t,'the 111e Iite îîp <sIlleît tîjurgtans guI abolît S$2100. Kilim Hie Boy n'id Himmelf'. At. To'ledo.,(Ohiîo. (Cuonrad Eleh lîîrîî >de- Slierlltett put hi is 13-y'a r-otld son tolu le» îh 'l'lîîîrsit lv îîight anîd theu cîoini iltedýsi.i vide. The i~el'wils oriiiiitl<'dl by torii- ing on1 tlie ga% iii >a remitin t»flemalîls 1l.c. tiispaliers shol" that lie h:îd >îîîa !il '-n akîrt l 8îdîîsky 0>1>1 the falther of se'î <ii ehildreîî, 111'et >er îof uom îî lie lbadi 01>1rderpil. T»>' taters alo> 1)1 of a recent divore fruîm bis <viie und nauebli ionestie ulttîcs ]Rock Island turninge 1ecreaee. O)wil tîgl ov. freight rates O<>etur parnings of 1the ltoek Isl:and showuav na- teria lt drease. 'Thle estiima t cil groIs carfings of 1the eliire systeni. both ln and îîesl oftheIlieSiori lîji ci. for the inonth of (>î'obcr, 1896, are ,17$3t a:, ce:s uitlîarddwitl Octuber. 1895. 01<1 Te2ne Firna Faill. N'. w~hite & Co-., of Dallaîs.ione uftIhie an> rg't01( ldest eîil Ion hlioyligtirais !Il 11,î\tsl 1>:> s jaflcîl. A dIi'tr ustlva s t>l'îtte tst îîtgltl. Liabilties are nearty s8>s-J»). Itirgest ereilit,,r 1heiîg ... C I NuitgI» & l'o., uf New" York, i t> lha ve 8Z100,0(10 stCeurjul i01>1 3,000 billes uf eut- Kinses Are Hisch in Alabamna. 3lNiuts LÀzzic Ilendrti'ks, a alh.îtoîîi ('iiiîîily, A'lzi., girl, n a ivtrittd $245 ditiageca fromt he Souhern B>iitn îî t'oiîîaInjlîy by th1e t3reuit Couirt here fur lîîittI6kissed by one of th1e camî>anty's con- dijetors whllo en route rceently f ni RoIeo .&nit a.i i. ..nac maceo Moyeu Ont en Ithe Plaine fée thut PurpOU*. Adrces from Cuba give plaIner de- scrilitiuiis ofthlIe ilDOvé'fieDI8 of jsur- gents Ilan con 11e fsent liy table tram the Island. Antoiîuoco lias uîioved ta th1e lins eîîîîutry- t lit <s lii sat'. lathe 801111< ci>st of PtinardeltRio, i >11the<'in- lePliioft iîitkiiu >alleinlîto10 1>158tlîa I ruelîi.l, rîlled !nctleiii I tiîo'îîIjie ls hb halles by iîîiirgeîti t Ite rvar of. the trovIba. FH ig lit îi-pseit si>ppied lu 11e ai - 'lîrojal. in îte Ii rectionî ofthtelo WRLfp of Mja.If lie itue4 Dut aneeht a baille he< ivill be <ibligeil t, go fiîrlher toward iytaiii>ets îor ait ance liv Pueb'la Nî>e- VO. IaLktîg Ite rmail by Ciivajitbos andl lhîi. gel tro:î L.a M(ilra lu L.a Sierra. Il ista loigh t probae ct hît lil wil lie <liAi- coit for lîinî lu pas b)' the soîith confit1 ta lue westernlî îsrtiii> of P'ina;r del IRto lie- ealise Gii. S'<eyl.'r lus sîationed 2,000) va valry lii Ireve<'col lis:>tien>i-en(ît eur Caî>delaiiî. ('oui. (en. Weyli'r's col- ubutis lire fuî'lifyinz the>'sîralegie posi' tions laken froni the i>îsîîr.-eiîls inlth unaan of t liîîiir île1liii. 's0as lu forua a stroîîg base utfipernliiinq. Wlî<n once tIi,'e are tintshed (,en. Weyter c'alcuîlâes llîuîi 1e ivilI lie ahIl. îu disiiose .of 10.00< mien lin hIi i>rsuit I aî'îî. and il is 1the geiteralouinîion t ha t v iillie able te goveIlîlul naîleeisiî'e ltui. Rccciva-r for Santa Fe. Wcste'rn raijlruail îiri'ti'ahave n SCflSS- l ion in a si'i'iiîd rît'>'ivierdlî p fur the Sauîta l'e. 'l'lie roull andîl î'îîinehlt in inta e 11eito î f Sta le 8,îa tor C lirIes V". job>llsoi. if oska ütù,.K a î.. li Juîdgi' l>'iîis Mîle"r. if 1h>' l'iraI Disitrict, ai Os..>.-. a. ~î Tihe. ro'ipirty v liiss -of ('hicago-Cattte. eiomon tu prime $., 3) tig$23 ugst,îpilîg grades, $;.LX) lu $:;.75: aheeli, fair li elluice, . 20 lu $3.50,; oheat, No. 2 red. 4;c10 -udie; cora. Nu. 2, '14e Iou'254; gais, INu. 2, -Se luto' rye, Nu. 2, 31k' 1Io 'S(-; butter, ( hoive crvullîery , 17e lu 19e; eggs, frî'sh, 17ie lto19; jioatuo, per bushet. 15C to 25e; brooum corit. eurnmuul short lu ehuoige ilvarf. t:, lu *$80 Per ton. $ 1 0 t IllilîdiaîatîIiis-( 'atlIe, shiliping:,$.10t b310 ugsc>i. elight.$00to $3.75;y shvlei.(icloml un l>pimie. $200 lu $33-1>; î<-hcat, No. 2, -04e 10 Vie; corn, Nu.- 2 white, 2-kab2k; oats, No. 2 white, LOC lu 21C. st. 1.nt.i-cattle, $300 tu $500; hors, $3(0 ta $3.75; îheat, No. L, 82c ta 84ç-; curn, No. 2 yeltuw, 22e tu 2;(-; anis, No. 2 w.hite, 16ce tu 1Sc; rYe, NO.- ,33e tu 315c. (ijîcinnatiCaille, $250 lu $473; hogs. $:;.u4) to 37;sl>vi>, $250 to $. wilvîat. No. 2. Sie tu 87c; vo01», No. 2 îuîxe>t. 25(- lu 26v; oeils, No "nixel, L'OC lu 21>;. ry', 'No. 2, ;3v t> 37. Delui l'lle.$2.50 lut 3.0; ogs. $300 lu $3.75; sheil, $200 tu $$150; îvetîa, No. '2 reil, SC t6i 89z,; cen. No. 2 i'lîi,24e tlu-2ti; oats, Ni>. L white, '-'O t>, 2le; rye. :M! tu :!Se. T>îtdo-Weat.No. 2 ced, SOc lu 90c; egro, No. '2 iixed, '2310tg27r: Coat, Nil. 2 whlite, 17se lu 19v; ryp. No. '-, 37e lu ;"S: lover seed, $5.45 ta $5.5 Mttvaîkec-'>lîrt.No. 2 spring, 70C lu 78v; corn, No. 2, 21c lu 25c; ozit4>. No. j2- whte, DUe 10 21c, bartcy. No. 2, 30e ta -:'0(-; rye, No. 1, 36e tu 38e; pork, mness, v $.75 ta $7.25. r tiffalo-Cîttle. $2i0 la $4.75; 110e.. 1-$3,00 ta $4,25; sheej, $2W0 ta $3.W0; n wheat No. 2 red. W2e ta 93e; cola, No. 2 yeUkw, 3ieOtot 31c; «U4a No. 2 white, S1t5>(i4 i-utlihuhil lt>'t,- l". i11 it m t Sharn it FranktsIl. Illttl -01-ut 1-v.1 landitaii>i l'iîîýlirg lirxuil. T'11w u'iuu" la zIl t>>lu e of the-hu im îîuî>lî'îuu t ili u. Order for 1,0)00 lltotr.. An uon <uis phîtu<'uut iIlut ii A nu->>>> tlaehineC toia lit'otft Los Aiugu- -('aL lîy tIra (. I loaug, for ttheî ti <lifaui 'ure ut necî.Sasitalu'i Itheimloya iieni t of about tYII uîaîhiuîists nn îîîl l lura, aus nl hsu Ile î'î- largemntof thle ss'îrks fti- tlii'anîd otîtur orders -ontemplats'd in hue future. liig Adiitioiis liiIron Pai'tus . Ati lil Istiuyg Ithei'Cai mxli'Ste'l (îi>î> patît- (edu"îl-u lu aliledilii itipros- îne>îlIlînt sîIlt î'ustbuI<'n$>i10 TIie'Prc'.iilt iîtas n ltîminl <'utChle: >s jîcrtieiious aiti>ily inpiiiuitiuis., Culia's Constitut ion. Aluiiejh>uIiitg Iteu'.îrlv <Inii of u (111,u11 1l'y t>:ljin. thlie I'îîtîuîîlu'îusmtNut' Yorek iii' luikiuux ýei<islui 1,1111i'sist1 ttîuimufirthiei Auîî . .XIuluuiiii3 îîln'uîît' tîuîî uîîl î>î'u>. .î jmi l î il fi-is'<103 tImeOrg.iDilat joli su iI b>' uîlde peu-ti uîlieuvt. Feedint> Cntîle 11 t t1> Dtakota- nl>-t':dy i %a"r'Iuti> :1 ! vy< <t lal:iît ofu snutv, zu ul <'01 ihi-îiî'iîhave <' lu'giui ic ttt JE. lthe ptui'enlt Siil'i'hOiii'.uitit '.junig tîtere <sit tibeas euY niuigeLu ssus. Mlxiciv Fendy ta Rcelpvneale. L Ise ,Mexieut iiiâte>t lia« -jitfoi'îst1thie A Great Co. 1tv7 fer' Mes et Joat"u ..d Mmee. Lient. B. P. Hoyt of the Seeond 60014 Igla Battallon, one of Atlanta'u old cl!- osent, ba returned fro i te went Coast of Afrîca, where lie bail apent ranch time and endured rnany hardahipe wlIlle explorlng that country and study- tng the0 people, both lîcthen and civil- lzed, native and foreigu borD, se te thelr moral, spiritual and physital statIu, etc. Ile says Af rica la a great country, and especIally. for the colored »ian, and found that the varionsi goy- ernrnente controlllng in Af rica weri aflhlous for<good colored men and wo- men t0 corne to Iliat country. They don't need that el4us of colored people lu tIt. iftry tbcorne ovtr ltera 'h@ wof't work for a living bore. They ar. flot needed. There are six of lte na- tive& ln the mehocla ln Atlanta-tbreê girls at Spelrnan semlnary and one girl and two boys at Clark nnlverslty. Mr. Hoyt aya the natives ie met were very klnd and hospîtable to him. They were honest. gober, sud et and lb la only among th1e emi-cvilm nzgipt,rCi or . 3. ..Ti>OIAg. Iliat you wlll find Inlemiperînce, dis. bonesly, aud falseliood prevalilîg. lit fouud the natives eîîgaged in 1the el- lenbsivealkworni culture and th1e manu- facturlng of s11k. Tlîey are aiso dolxag quille au extensive taunInlg busin4-9. l'hey dy-e lealluroand sIlk tOue. ervaîin. yellow llack, or iuny olir ior, andu while II: ci er ties, the dye ocer In- Ju"% thle goods. 'l'un. are îîî.nyv vrv wealtby. eduaîI rati 1iv e r. nt a laoSierra t.î'oîe, anîd ottuilits. Thî'y are la rg'ty cv ei v-a cte t: îugla 11(1 F'rance, 8cîiwlail, anîd *îr>;î.3l><îy of the>> native 0i,.uu,1 ;< are 'i ;-t' In itlis e»îIury. ' hl av e tnîîh-s an.1 are orga gel In 511>9p C'uffi' an til i-r prouu To ii ts and oîher coiîrc.> in la>rge >11;>>iiieh. .1tlicy ia vu iliiy vvei e >ei uit *sc lînlit 'nt ou b rîiin s-ý l3ut]p. of >i' tur e. Thle rcsfliîhiîîof t-MIr. J.1 . 'Tlhi>- a a egeon t I .~>g s ><l>' le f iJ.- îisi iuagulliî-"t d%%'elilIhgSin >11 i j:'-.,<i t i e therp are llîoîsawh, i, ut u;î>'s as line. but nul as large. A Canadian lî:'< îe-entty îi:tenli',ila slîîe lîulislîîr flba > t lu i i l a.ilong ft lt '.. t, 'The ncoupa> < ltîstrntloni shbonwsithe ceuîivîai'. A srll t':s-se <s-il il dI-ta a. slu tîs aid <-ilgiu e l>iiîs<s. cattforuslaA. R. U1. Men. olicelbuiilings, reil eSiuuLtC a1111l hen The t'resident it îus Pî>ardiu>ui W'. H. lirlpee y. 'rhe uacttoa s hlingshl uîden Chine. I Iosanîî i»' uud l'iillip SI ass'oîîîl, Lii Il, :î i'.:'.lu>"uf 114>. n-h tebpoviea of Cliii i oruua, s'î 'îîu'l1ht. il,1494,.In, Itiîlu mo îr<.a lt ireti tan i2t) lper-, rp'y a fille ot$1 a id tluIliee.o luî in centuni aof <s t>> use cipital gtîk <soshîil ts u .si îlc îu u y j l0îgî>e I ii n hi a li lcquire reuit esîltin <atie nîoutlî'<fî,r ceiiirîl.i'3'thei' ffe'use 'bcîag - Stilt te of as a'< ul OitnIt if uy real cansli'd iiItue' >'uilIti u) Ia it tha>< estal t hi li I-ilitlu' edîîîu;î- l) i olti oni> ilof t ' g nerît t tuî"uugluut t hI'le î>i1" tii- stitile il simluh lie f,>rfuiIclted t he Thne tl i-g sltit>ý. 'I'i. zt.c iittu' u>tIi,r:,- i ll uîY 1ilîn uuren>it iit lm tw ' u i l iî i l: i: "lî.sîs e iyatîtiu yI, ui ut riColiel îIl le 1u1e î'î'îoi>> b d .a. i c tlil itlum' fi ofIrulit u ,,luîî . , e. îei isi.l ti n n < --gily it-liitii l>l.. u'l'.ti"'h". ius us l iii iit1oulit ofu a ",li h.vluil.tlifl'ts t tuîc>lu . î<t i 'u c titn it 11' Suttu t". 'tî ulih l'-'1v'am ofas-111-t!u uîutu'i i-t i' ii ..u"l li <twth lu-it fi(- 1i-- lie turwIl iti te til l il. il- i il i s ýIlîu':% v" e i . airuii ih>l. l I o i plu-eoft> he Veuitovf>'> a i'tiu nîiiiui hî.s.-ce :utî'd tgeua'to<:,i-.t lî'I' lild. i n l'> <.iuthe' 'i ii>!. ' i<'ci- irlie Ii us '1h .:uut I it-:g. tL l 1 a hi, ut ti t it> -'t u.!'u NI>. '.-iing fou it .i I llet- "r:'t luî'lu- tfle uu,< <.>, lie îîîîîiîl«>sll'uî tlu tvl>' liiiils ii' "Ii i --i, î' il ___[«r ________ i 'l l_ libas re- g>>>t> r. illt' i> l i ; .î' - il i .l Fv l raiur men> yO o a>. îuu'i s %liii <ot '>a i l: c 1->:>h.%il '[h:' u'u . r I e i t 3' ;î l:>:iui-. OIII \sllv-v ts . n ilt' al u>' >M.1> l'u' Sal it rn. o the tvuîuu u lii'-'- to .uid ii :1<.. ii ab r liscaga loi n.- iu iuu t..und T iln i l '- Il, îIl:uuîut an'sR is.) l i'il ."]î0,î1, Iîsuîiînah mol[lii' 'lui ti> lu-i lue1 tas' lui lhlliardsla-a Ilbo'r"îrisr II. hlpil ample ii'> î-uiui . t'e i>' l- ti u he Mî i iu '.l < l - ul. it] I> < Ie t i a t 1 Ilti1u\%-tlu' u,lud u' u i" ' l, i r,:t., a- i' ru luitiuii. ;eu u su;tub'l ii(; iltel eu>Tîju' i l- LA'U W'1I Sul Vl0i1. '.l.. i- Stault. tujîl au t'î' tr-tl1>a'17 uitit' lie briiiii <unuzt s -ail: sîçrlr o Iî.i'teCicg«ifon nLan>diii i'-tt utc s< iîjji ( t> .> if ,'. Iii i>' a krulln, . it ls ii titi tîjui tu'u.'A ii ' t ' 1. -il i -î' mi g til< ut ii' iiii'u'r li .IuupI iztuIil h t, tî- . tuir- . ' 1 uu I, i u'> li i lui'u]is . 'n 1t he T.îuîîs L' ii l l it i -t . lu> uI uj! d", 'a % % t o t ti i i l< utli l o i I l l e - w 'î l u t <'i u i l l t i ui i - i> n ttan lild euuu li.> l s -. i u li i tîu ' %% lt Oinuil u- t tr'1' l ",ul i'nie til ý ...>' i t ut <i ii.U . < 11 t 1< -.>i '<ui> .,iu ' î';u i' i'iiik1,- I uiu>b- i' ut liii1" '<'i liuu '.î< l< Il. :11olue i'u. a h'.i u I- S a ol : i iiv lt ' s l- tr tusuid, Ve f Iof.)l.tgu'>l u< ithil>1 ,'fiiiii.d>'r, 1111-1-s r!ihi k.>h>iii Aneni 'h ikszi.'o lt5ii.'i5. euul..<i il>ui ot ho, fîisu1-ta!'il , if i i nd h'i il.l ll I'>î' i'ît u ('l"uluud 25 lu-.ii'o.\1t.1i i , - 111uit l'uIi' . lssu"t < s~ iiiili>'t<'ii t>. g<;itug a tti l u ufl- f a i... >' I, : .. I f < '1iui<l<t. .>> ." a'< il iu> >.1' fui tîlinv'0wî' l!u]i i ,iit>' ' lii l. %l :u t i il <e iiia a i i ut lIte au iiiiiî ' lê m- ti t' t it-ý,,i lie :' i'l% 1' h. lgiud i g f utul . d i ati l :iv>' f 11i- Ille Iul' il t>d1', t1u i l u iili't ii'tvil fuu iiJîil- -isitINut1u'S iId.'îîîîg lv . t>" 'tucha-geui>: lt i t,'!> t.i>k i.s. Cotton .ut>iu lii".î.îlu-. Ki l'l> . lu uu 't ilu.\as li.ui l.,*,llf i ,i , lt :l Alu ll iii i h-rii ,t't auti îuui Feýi .ii lu uI. S- ý!iir1-., il a i., 01"1 'V. i il ut uitîtlu 1u'veliid :1.anl Contra t tc fo a as >Pin,> deiET <IOT TO s.gilll atlI-l if d i lp.i N(iv -';. isa litilg IIY or il. bihu t>iy sls 1 i "l>'u i t ll '1it il 1 fuir ýl - - --- =7 - ]UAUUET eUOTATIONS. 1 m 1 ir ,l- m 1 SALISBURY CONICEDES IS OLAIMS FOR VENEZUELA. Question to Be Arbîtrat>1-CICUsUCY for 31re. Catc-TorrenfllLand Laie, intreducefi lu Chicaro. Faille t wils Approvnt of the SuPrense Court. Raliabury OU Venezuela. I.urîl Salisbuîry ansiouîîîed Ini his SPeech kt th1e Nanqio lol ltine in loudon I on- day iigit tiliaI the ispute lîtiveen (.reîît Britalu înîut the Y»ileîl States uver 1the N'euezîîeta> bouîîdary hlîvîrtîî>îllY beeu sellled tis lerîlîs *bl thî1e Vi'iiediSt'ates,. throuîgliSeîrelary (Jlney, îilmistetî'ion-0» 111e sviiîi' qi'sliun ta 1e retîrreil ta >u- rest rh-I îd a rlitrntiols. The oîily eoîîdi- lion 5atll 'îd ta4Ille ,lie iri-lsiil IVy Sec- retisry (>iîî'y bat thee hIle tifth11e boîa ide selîlî'rm 10 thrir preg'Dt hltdinzg5. lu <'55e tlit' ralur's i <arIlîtlace I l' in> tîe jui s>l i-ion uoif i.siila hail lie dei'i(tld y thle lit -s guveri îg priî-ate éÏties. 'T'he Britl la1w 1ruvides anouons other 111ilîgsta »t ilhe. Iil le tolanîid î bans bîeîs ulkîaniiail>'<l fîor tvseilîl -.iip e'.'ars <alîni ei e i -aliteil. teîz i n ii >1< (,r n îrdq, sv>irildlie ilî'larreil frOiuseiillfi'- catin pruî>erly iii aîiY lerritiîry @aie' uliY acqiiire uiîler thle n lrîi tran. I .rd $ai- igiolry gay s Eigiaîl îuî îî avecoinjlish iol 1<- tngfo th 1e Araîeîiiaîîs bli iiatî'diiîti)IîI. buît 1e lîotdso-ut hoîîe fuor E r "îaO u - CLEVELAND DISANS A 3(>RAL. 'cIUE NI V iu IIV AN cn atisîr it'ti î' ntuîi i ig Iiith ejuolislilig 'ou i >11nul. 'l'le p >1.' h" t hi a ttini gî'lps aIt Ca eh i end1>3' I'. 11< i Ii a uut>îiu îLt'ihl i a ita '>' numoion Cf t ilt SwiI'te nut 'e siil n1the N 'irl>t. P ri ab î y It e %N '! t S t v -s u l in 1t h e a-onu baq ru'ity lice-n blit lu l"ra ne e. 'T' his e-' *. lu r<l:lsli y vs' rt i s au!tî ln ave îy 111eol kîion-i bus f Aîîgu ittn Nor nd,îl. t i ni- tl'a t re- ohirng hluui tt t. Su>u>lîh 1Iiî L >t>i n a SIte-ci uf r n tu-o i > t y-nl uc lu i i n1 - l i n 5t f r an Ixotr îsider itusîstu t îal>. At ts ttraI rip. It accula. thls veissel. ti'h'5orbaxi, r a a . I!stilts i , t o m orettîa.u thîirly oîu kitots tîna otr, Ibis lîeii.g equivatexît ta about Iiirly -ie iles. prohiabty thé grentelut distatinevî'coi-e-eut by a sen- golng st>tp ID sixty niiite. poivertul englues hetng xc>l'ahny ocourse, ta du-lue te veiei ttrough Ilhe usatî n t it arapt»i-atle. Un iis score, llie>e- fore.the slautt>ctt ls >no trpils Vb il, aîtîougli th i lsil aueiî ent et Ile rîit la « ly ilthiî 150 tuila, it ea rrlie s puiglue.s ort;;250) isursu' pu'.ver. Wo>uc>s andi Headae. '[lie '>o mll 55ihlui i t e îlp oe lue lN a etui'î tat ic <>pte>]. Ieier lly iabs coulh lte-hp IlIf f;he woîiul, or u'alser p r n u t. A b i' i d a> i hic 81 1 I la i > ît î tlt-e s » es'euge for suîîîîie uci m eî agalu t If. i ' co n% " uântî l t u i'un v ra ttn 9g -;în er- plttîîg. or l'igili .in , wbl a ues 15 lîi g" tlu> , au>! guise on thlt tu>ittILi <'le lii suuu un Ilbe hsnir. ilnil 1hat riuii s i Iii' < ry %uvort flt iîad- a e sle. "ie îîu't ce u l li0tl let aili me nut l; suetuli eyt'ad iwIieesstly ton gtasses. Systeuhîs u Sof tn>d Ilotss e<'D h ei' 5 '$te-ni of W<'lului 1110G2 sud Pilti>. il18:7. tlîci'u ire 201 mys- lentS f Sal t anliuxd p tll ilit'd a nidmincek tit dat e. luce- ihve bt n' 251.makn e a total ut -182. When a muoiaui lelu< n'Ititu Shie loven hlm wltbout belug coaxed ta lt e4 KBAN9 Tu

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