MAKm vlï arÏ,GRAYSLAKE LOCAL NEWS. jJU ~V ~, OVUBS sGre6. a t million g d L @MS * *SIRlALcIBdtr h reat Money Question is setled. Good e Liverpool whent market dld 44 4 4 e ~u Here are some Hard Times AMRAYSLAKE SOeCIETsI ES.or utre utth 0date those ladies who wiFh to attend G o e i s n iday and was qIIoteid %<l higher -RYLK SCEIS the lecture Wednesday. att»post-office etLbuyvie orthern on the $pot. Su h ISING SUN Lotioe No. lis A. F. & A. M. Mra. Dr. Lake, o! Chicago, yl r c ri s liboi&mamood-em at Liertyvîle of ldepenuentu nt .fi àII odTglr commnieatlon aud eiv*i ucdspa ekesughic fou hnon . r hfoI] ul mn. . rd, B. ovr one o! hier clebrated lectures 22ibs Sugar ............$1 01l) 10 bars Lenoz gomarket gave Thursafy, c A Scy .LITW LE. W.M. to ladies ai the Graylake church flext # pouuds roamted Santos coffée ..1.00) 7 bars Maille goTC &£KOW sÀPL-ytundseuaiv etmn .TuPROPsN, eY Wednesday afternoon Nov. 18, at 2 Arbuckies coffee, per poîîud 1 1 brsKlk' CITION. leu to the bull side again, and st OROSIS Chef)ter, U. D. Order Eatern o'clock. AU ladies are cordially lu-1810brlik' _____________________ otonemoeoua Strdcu ar nmou lrstad hrd usdaY even'u8vited to att.pnd and bring their friends. Arata tea, per p--und.:.......... ...45 Arm n=d RHi dditinal ncenive t resitueMBs. A. RAUGHT. W. ll These lectures are very instructive and " *'211 pounda ...... ....... 1.091 Lantern globl un the Elgin Board o! Trade addt a uetv 0rsIeMits. E. B. SHERmAi'; Secy. iuieresting. No lady ean alord Tedutlerou....... 10Ctespn ce whîch was interriipted bey CRAYSLAKE Camp No. 13411. W. A. nlet tOms T oresdharlM.Ld e Bustrhper pouîd ...... ......1. . lîî topin1 JCX4s' vas alm; otferings. 74,160 Ibo; to take profits Thursdny, the lfrst and tird audavnings o! eachmiet o adhuherLdesBkttrcprput ..... MJT.Pgth 1b il~,1,4 b t11, y insi];Duthérecepts ere otît. GOnE KAPPLI!. V. C. The principal society event o! the Corn starch :: Climax tobace ai 19e Buttr I68t4,ek e mparsinîl; th 1,116o!caro 01EBOK.paet veel vas the marriage o! Misa Fairbanks gold ditt...............18 Smoking tobaI 1*0190;on? y.a...o..2...54ilmparetwith 1110 ca "W0 n erago 2.âeand 1,235 on the correspond MIZPAH Carn No. 25R.N.A.meetmseond Violla Burge, daugiter of Mr. and Minîce tuent lalrgeize BtI xti ofte_____________id u Ms. .eHigse acle.nt Mrs. L. A. Burge and Warren Hook WC& as Utle comment bas been eaused Ilo hal only 1)7 cariade, O (gIi Mats.,SrERmA,;. Bec. HV.rae. solemnuized Wednesday afternoon e gm:Wigo ythe defeat o! the two nl the sîmilar day of la Si rear. Th 3 FÂINÂ bîhSudy~~ oclock st the residence o! the oc e y WM *ho vere acknowledged leaders uetrs ,temre srolll voea81:3al. m. and 7:80 .m. Prayer met- brides parents, Rev. E. A. Harris BosRepresetet start December wheit at tua Wedncsday eveulugs. Y. P. S. C. E. meet oficiated. The bride vas attired ln A 100-plee met o! Fancy Decorated 6-pJece Chan] MtiiiiiiA. P. A. in the Hos, sn-tshel advance and te add aiît cr StiitdaY eveuiuge ut 6:45 P- m. pearl gray silk ad carriedl pink tes Stone-chinaware warranted uot Baud-efigrave à«" Union, o! Michigan, and Bainer ushel beoe nu hoîîr of the Chici roses. Sheo vas attended by Misses to crack or craze..........$ 9Lapcîu à liabtaka, during the lst session of on had gone bv. T gopuuss Carrne Austin lias returned from Addie lKnox and Cille Morrili. They thprss It vas supposedl that both ularly a! from 75c bte 5y4c. Bcf C$hicago and wiul remain ai home titis vore Ilght bIne silk and held bouquets c ' .'Atshalluîgoo! pink and white carnations. The »M men oved thir set in the ?. l ch rdut eportedSwitr.D r oo s euss tio the preponderance of A. P. A tieue! four cargOes of wbeat 8 Air. Hofris wlio vas employed at the Burge sud Wmn. Brewer. The mur- Li0t5 etn3li>s........lIn Regul 10 *UI2,l nterdistricts; yti rdabede htasprevlou îakery lbas gone to his home in rnage took place under a bower of Apront giugnams................(> 8ic i P. AOse Of er âilaien ta Il M-Heryýlace and ivy. The parlera vers Saxon3ryarn, fier akein........... (5 Cotton faun,l ýPIlpp.1hIlu vhich the A. pAoei !frshipmentbta ustrl>Mfeiy mdlieimetan four cargos amouutinc ta aboit 1 Goîtu DeVoe vasaut home over adorned witb chrysanthemunis snd Men's Slîruuk mitts ........ (17 IÏU"iftil oreconspiciolis t eve bttsels-vwas another o! the b electioll. but lias returued to resume the tables were decorated iu chry- be, tbey fai o! re-election. Soule t ' lu the early news. The millij bis studies in thecollege of Pharmacy. sauthemumes and feras. Mr. sud Mr. wbatPluzziig, lent it? sud for carloeds o!fîsheat lu the c Mr. Anîderson, o! Wisconsin, is the Rock left immediately - after the lýU~~ L_________ et wes showu chiefly lu the colgrîest of ber anut, Mrs. Fisher and veddlug supper for a short trip. The F.D eBA T E S Whleth ouerucso!Ge.Fit n for good lu choice sampiles of! > tler relativest it and arouud Grays- traveling govu vas blue serge fur Wietecneecso e. rd Northern apring. A private ciake. trlmmed. They vil be ai home ai the uraysî ake- - - - b.. ve-ith.Preident Cleveland aud Sec m 'fom Liverpool iudicated l ti iMnm.lavy !Gaaata brlde'a parente' resideuce aiter Nov. 18. rta?7 Oluey have raeleed a fresh crop vas knowleiige there o! somne f&liî Hiîson <of Volo, shipped a carload TheyBol fmarm er futue.our o ruçn mn iora, fier 1 itnngt the volume o! shipmueits fro )fsbeep andonue o! hogs last Monday coresondentortinreu rnd e o to huor H m 5kteidc tee 18 chneooiyn a ndthe Danubien counitries. Tlgtcrepnntxedsothate *Wbtto ndisteay cang of oliy [aiemarkst was even stroncer veybstwsemfrthightr elae F rH g ',,tlaGovernment. Some think that >peninuEtthan Chien go Graysiake hlotel gueste: Wm. Lottus,ve>betisefo er:ureetr. S*Uut Cleveland vill, in hie nies- CA NCAAA Fort 11111; D . T. Barkyle, Trevor, W18.;- CAINCND . T.H. Pluuuy, J. S. Mirerdon. C. h egho iemyb nrae 4liotoOCongressa malte somespoitve - L bcýh C. A. Duls S. 0. ndo Telgtofiema hicrsd B ICYCLE, * ooM»endatJon on the subject, but it lt Co .rporation Belun Formecl T. T. Crockey, J. R. Hubbaird, Worder maîy o! peopgls dangerom TheAg a more probable that ho vilI marely Ievelop the Field. liîaChicago. mtrbles. Teoe m dihoe rted b>' iMtethesitatin, a sownby en.ur monthsegoawethern svasa disco, %V eare glad to be able to tate that promptly using one Minute Cougb 'Lee's report and leave the responsibil- gh Valley Itailroad dispatelteod . -l witlt typhoid lever le much imi- G. C. Roberts, Wsucoîîdti. tW et au> action in the hande of Cou- te the scene of te discovery %vi roved ut the preselit vriting and lsti Mo ie î>get n fhi ucso.1titoîis ta test the coal tliorutîgli 'livre ila ever>' indlication f b! ies puedy FR O AEO ar13arsB g!bisuesr.if il was, lu tîteir opinioni,al! t revovi'ry.F NÉORAERRET13arsB ty rî,rsoiîtit 10 t nce ly Ilt Trsasnry officiais are keepiug yu sreroundiug ooîtn tîoutl c'O Mr. lirowale>' and dauglitur, Mr8.j mile from Qîutii's Corners. Good - bout the dismtissal of several Officiels, non the district. But isheittolà Demîpster, of (iroverville, N. Y., spleul; buildings, vttter and 16 ft. geared wiud 13iing 1114i11 o! hema vma, rfusngto a>'Vale3peotleha itudeti> î ev ral days lat voek vitît Mr.1jnilI. Address J. IH. HELLER. RiverSh r an . ore than that the dismissals vere m5 ha,î go! ibiture îlîem n i ; viii vis il ini Volo before the>' rellîru 1 "for the good of the service",but there im n o the propery.'rThe Lî.ii to titeir btoule. Keystone Corn Huskers. E .S e m n Je n dobt hat he ismssal wee yconîhitte ltas 'otI givon ti1) huile i Mr. MeGredy aitdlrieud,jo! Chicago, cmo tdubthtthe dactinsanls vee lic ce oul i inies. A prltoi.t9ç5lio wiere out here huutiug last week 18 a great socceus. Largel>' lucreames counctedvit theactins ud lu- before te synîdcal inîtthili ttrettirîed witb about a dozen duels vainîe of corn crop. Threu sîzes for G A suage, especially the latter, of the ex- !ne ollers 1 tuy nmore flian $l.01Nqaiîd eyerai squirrels. The lakes have Horse Power or Englue. Fourteesu A SLAKE, .'0 csslutecmegujs lsd.ftepeeu tles o e llio#lweeiî evered with hltuntera the pas! now in use in Lake couint>', giviug per-- Thlwere ail for Bryau and the>' are selI out ta titetu the %vtale Iistrýfvw weeks. M. Gr ai a hdlsfect aatisttlctiofl. Mr bu r.Cw .D The>'thte vytditate lits 1,0w Senillhîtel Weil tiiOit. G. H. S CRHA NUECK SN, Morie 50Ab poi t rs.xî,rli. Dr.l aecsedo! avlg alkd "o! tui".dvisabiiity of acceiting te offer Te ltId way o! deiiveriug messages 2 3t Agtsi. Lake Co. Ititlt ,ofthee'.orîeeIlss (of! t. Tet piLblily and privatel>' againat Secret- consi'lerc'l. The syntdicat" tri) ùy po<st boys compared with the ctîittistoteoDrIoe ,>tîtla sgyC&Oale'o ilnaucial-'opliey sud bis r ta star! a Catiaiiau n illt!y W Itîdeit teluphoie, iliustratus the old Laying aIl pu1 die)sditmis!ptieinsil ohmoue ofppr o n es Y helir to attitude ln the campaigu. K),000capitatl stock. Williail'«'telions miethoda of! "breakiug' colds be admittud that Dr. Hove under- coltimus andc esîîelially tiiose oif Mrs lm E A' Pm o!f'Torouto, namuitrscuttitta on tiipared wth theim almos!it nstantan-stnsmdvead irrysfwstlt dian Syî îdienîe, lois gort ta IN i'tts cure by One Minute Cough Cuîre. pyiiishîesow u>sîli !W stH. ,,ewlîerndeISSD.Hell Srat,ie S enaior Butler maltes il vtr>'plain ta meet eîîlittîllsis tierei'sii) F. B. Loveîl, Liiîertyville, and G. C. tlîe treathvent id ilî nell ili ihof îîe stus, wîhere t.Hut I,,,tî <if SIsttm tilt- t4<i nto lffcl asesas t ie s aes baithe Vntgî oth ofSatltr pisn - ho hthinks the populimseemerged more forItle iirciPeriYty îî th, itîtîcris rtoWaueonda. utlilii from the canîpaigu in mucu botter con- . _____ At tue soicitation o! Mrs. Foulou, several allie îb>'sitiîîîî s î,,,ti,,Iy lsortanis c > &tien than their allies, the democrats, 'ODY BATTLE aNKNUKl.iîitesviile, who is not a meliser, the bupeiess ilivallîla for uhalîy Yetus ll ,rbers' il .-dd nfac!, lie tn su d says, htladiies echurch aid Society' vilI meet uta H ED BLOOD 1 iste tînt1- uir t,îe.giuîiîtg troîtitit c'aIt zî'limer, sud Nsgmoce ndTwo Wh FbEot iuler retifdlence nxTe a aternoon dto go -od halh it i iîîi n htilie i nllg. red ii i 1 the resuit vlrtually viples ot the dem- the Fracas.1 Nov. 17. This change from Weduesdsly Hoodle Sarsaparilla, lt'e ()t ic rue inezt' tlîev are b,îtilî îîîw 111jtmi di Iiiierttic party; that the gold democrats blooly thaute between rnegropq theusnatal day vasi made to accommno- Blood Purifier, givos HEALTH. lîave lîte i Itr motre tiîai a year: Mo1LrSA .*.lmostly become rept1bliica&and th5e 19Oc'tîrred a! Wincester, Ky. liitperfect i-itth. Tle followini h.clip- rewuoved wc -pp lse n h tte 11ho%- selliiîg a (Cintin nati air __________________________________________ _- ped front 1li- lUitarîîî o i. ti i <ti , i hilîI'Cure guîtai , silîver democrate oplsttu taite îu iy a ilegro. ho u ittotrareltti tws mnlilt>< i' I ISSE next Presidential campeigu yull be rS. Police Gîiver Do n lue ateuýe M tseal willhoi<wn monîte lEitotmZtr.YiîIStituî fought betveen the populiste and tbe> arrest te iegro, utli e re ta is F. L. tam iis bey<>îîî qulestio.n:. groNs Jve par 2republicaus. He also sys that the '110v ot a possc, nîi d:1 heo-gr -We lItîrdIl o pîrtv blve î scitttivaiilits dein cra s w re r spo sifle f r B yanK le Subit-) Up liv lie on illm ithil aIia(l(,%N iiof i >îî)t the' tw i. creýs, ierman Riel * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ri deort esraosîl o rs btattltv took fiivinh Icativertîsuil inithle Liit{rtys ic î,paîer onI BHEt*MA1 oes NNere Mrs. fouic iii tati MisMIS. Ctraitoîi., of lur, untamin defatû me ,nie..iohn T. lJoues Sr.. itholWooîlttuI-k. 5'e vaut t.,stàte for tiuuf. pomitively c The republicans are lu îî stateOfo!andtiocteof o! itîtiaon i(r ttnttn'dtbtla etieaesua ytitpu .<4bilatiou over MeXiuley's election, 'vas sîtot inI le ite l nd i k A McKinley leads the Nation. etf fsuith wlreironlyfipcm. ;_ hich ln likel>' to continue untîl of ter ediiiutsîîk le.* Tl t a feldrots Covîtio : n1(tt st ihi :I fatttr d Ii't. X-RA' * , the distribution 91epatronageagtts f ttvl. 1ILead the Nation's Merchants i n Low Prices. Strattiîî ,îîttatntii ,iîntlM. Dr. 1mwe imaher wayti. Thon wpalage5l sî. Yf tutIII lvfied ,trnîs4. (-v. ,sr.toî Covun i s iiitueitmîore of the 'tretît- outllt uni mtentait(]loii ot'if «lus 'site 1<> Dr. Me>roitz' une a>.Te ~ hhhave the ciacd ut'or trotîrs. Cwi o Mck.igvhieh iithe strikiug teture fluatq lu a Fatal Colli.,ioî. See what le:off er: Howe thiani.. mentiîtne'î in the Radiograph 1of the firai ev moutha of ever>' admin- le steitierFLer. î'tiuli de risîî 0%INDF.lENii. T. lMr. Cowlii iand nul sîration. . straton. The >'appear t aful > realize Ili for SýIie. caille iti i, S«Dii..iî,v , il p ion r fl n e so - A TO L I 't tthe reteutionio! the faveroT !thetute shîîuîer Cl.tggi', i i roc eries. nderw ear. vleadi iie hiewr sa Df ,V i',;Ii' e'sFeee)ie Udrwa.. 5lgood att otf an> tian i ttis or any Of diagit. votera vho have given thow atiother fitiliiit\itLlýiy fr SPkg Amurican Glose Stiireh. (>2 Mu îeelue neca otber clntit and tItif 1Dm. Howeo hall ments tiiw, S th al-ltoof i ti tti1 t. Ma fl-we epnsupn their S ttiîtg<i lCemPullf Beluug Powder. IIIAl vool overshirts ........... ..5 a ton (f o! lu Iouffer hlie oild tnol bure correct diii .abilit>' to give the country te pros- . s. i ., Vrl: i -lit. 'î'hu....î,j n Sweet Biscuit Bkg Povder_ 14hi>ltîî.3 ii. îîi'jy taemn~ o tiîe sudSlîlrgl perity the>' have promieed, sud there îrîtt ijtio :i >Iltti. ueo nil ifoit 0 Bars Lenox S>ap . ....25 ~kj __________CLI-11 FEF in no doubt o! thelir intention 10 do 1 cl.s.igvr, vs. m 'iiFeîîltl~a Dus! per Il,...... ...........C lothiIIoeD. . .HOOperatini ( i' lu issutues s tit II îik iii¶.la 1 . AI Meu's Overcoats ... .$4.>»> tut$10.0>>»> B OW B.ý%Hcsou their level best 1in that direction. î'rdetitnulTI. ' y trerc 1îliroit ~-Has mallil tstiitdingofferof $l»»toiuy paluulop 1They claim sthat the boom iu in- iti' tsaer ,IjI ,it Bos'........... 300 eronwt %illshw trihat"ydiayf ou dustriai and commercial circles ve lîcb iii l (l-Ii'Itii otlt'fîîthe rD ec ~Mena Clay'Worstud boita ..8-011 tustimniial piihiishod by hint Ilitthale VAIC th esl o he eecin i lttitr. ri'iti ti .ug&J.-«,. _ __ _ _columus is tumrnéltothe ltter, if au'n oviteb statedswvers o s case repîîrteil, or vbich may blini the HYDROCE W5kuown yl be permanent, sud the 'r"twi' , ii' titi Iii.tpu'.l Arties$ Ni.80 future tlirnîigl thtis patter is il, tbe ou! Operati ,people, regardiess o! their Politie a e 4-1 ,fflo:t it III iii' îrnaalrit('I. :tisitag-pmoof Rubiters for Felta . 1.75 R b o sloats!exagerate't or oser dra'.siîthore MALIoN. aàooiheurtil>' vith them lu boplug 1,(,,ti lit'li. l %ot tîtetiii itto1>'s ' ".50No. 2aud 3 alsilk Riliboits aIl etîltrevililhe un opporlîîîity for somu grovtbs, - batit maybe. Weallvantprosperity, Civ «!e;tî'IoI te'.iei' "'r' 10 tclose ou! per yard ..............2' steptie b niaku a ralse o!f $10li t 'anbonse, et( lir tinis, 0l'.. %oulai Nis t co esy c'a>, but ilutut you fîtrget Dr. opuratioît no matter bo gets the crsdit for ILI,1!. iglu voNýeHove eau piiltlisb a vhtlo lot o! DEFoRmi othc,ý.iiiit, iiiii ad fur \-,>ii4remarkaltle teatimonials anti have marks rem One of the odd features of the Senator- iittt."i'îititit ti .H u b e ',them ail truc aid îîîimpeachaîîîe. It>'oî ONU r llaimmtiuisba ittiti.. v<i-t iett' <,i~i i %OIS.~AV have beeltî lng time siek and vaut TPTA. isito! e tha though a major- svvenîs \Nt-r1îliri:tl Cajoa~i i Brick Store. UflMïO""E, ILL ge!vel colti on tbis etuittutpatients. .1>of'heKentucky Legislature vill be cil t,I O.:;i Ses tîer tti ---î-plali8t.a';avayenliît sop nueig LbetyIP repulicnsSecretary Carlisle isbelng uliir t.iiîuter surt.$400lt) utile!, u sopmttrngLietyi tr- uSl!d to the front as a candidate to 111lu 'III t wo ~~Ilal$1.0)1>)e"t< Additionai Lîbertyviîlie Locale. Secures ALawyer. up the cbimue>' about doctître boing HoUaSsi nu6od".Bacbr n h ssre î'îîîiîîg Ioi S. .lohiîtl itiial D. iltîe effeets man>' <'tren liti Daniel Com. tîhe inurdurer, failed t t no good. m. (Catil .socedJo Bacbuu u heSêst, utet. Ia ue uîreîî os îgéapa tîîIlpeîeieS. Adîîî. receîve a favotrable rcpîy frot ni I davu sgti , ad snteof iilivdonpa thoghe Thueifl0<,f iIt ulu.'fled ti'h .P. Davis, o! Yomktille, Ili., ham canlan, the Chicatgo liwyer. antI9MrpyB L they believe hoe 'wn lhuhîe i al ftetj l ,h tae iý,v ensdysn u tonyJK N. B.L ~do non explalu vhy the nepublicaus l ilt' I(ýSite i.i':t aht. ii :i.itnto ll:ivisîited bis hmotber, W. E. Davis the enss eî orAltîe'J1.patronage ib te Ketucky legisisture, beiig able aitteSu ry. Sandtilleit cutitîiitiiî'd1 îîtftfIhe veek. Orvîsq, Waîîkegt<tî Mr. Ori' agre<'a cure elsev eleci a republican Senator shoiiId in- .1>' Nîuri' vis beforo tîhe Grani tw~ellCîr lai aewl ioibydes nte stedelect M. Carlisle. Ooc-.Kiiel Wte bicon Fire Puty. tJtry \\tot, 0gi 50 ttstilioin \.~ gto ovu' tu thie next terra, iii I <se t tuveli unlb on e- vr Ct uineytttf.t tiàiilgt tvDlwshes tio tinsu nght a<tv>, otit ati a ,pution hue Ih that M. Car ofthîe taele iînry Coutu'tii'y, aïunl );Ivet'1liiemr'o'ui'g'u oduee q tle, already lu accord with the lion- le natl.ià auifaetntuit frin t fSvfMrý iolYt'<leutisorianît uaugbtt' ht .rt ik" sbsoscodceft v as .ilpollicY o! the republicaus il join -Yrtu'. %ras kilied sshile dtîvng irîît (Ir ,OIIOPCgt9S oF 0.rj rtF thtpar>', aud siother that the ex- ~ ~ ~ ~ itlIil> tttatteg't r'es, ~remote 1mai Whin tot. i re I l' ir f I l ,,v t V . n a u l . a t S m g -t v ý I a iSend m ad 1 dr aw io or p hocto., w ith d rece 1 Iaea d up n th itel k ovu c'ud h.- lit iti ilte !,iliui iii i~U1 W d ' ' ~ f îi~l ii la?! mn.. slîrt.. fur.Vl- .te;rdide re <uv'tsl. silI il I tti' PaM sL'W" H w mO.nfîtaes w 0 limes are predicted. sPricesi x s5 . .. .. ... 25 Cit>' soap............2.5 i Satinet Soap...... 25 lmmer soda. . ( I 0 tes................ . 06 per doZen ...... 1 cco............ '32 sec,>16 bacco ................ 18 mber Sets ..........SI.$169 vcd Tîîmblers, per set 24 ieysm, any suze, escit...05 ntTennis tlannels... 07J 001l Meuniettas per yd 30 il,bsavyv'ht goodiuap 07 HALL. - lliînois. Grade E.WELRY, ILLINOIS. 0. B. Howe -it.tititieally antd successfullY es4t approved methods ail -of tie' lungs, heart, throat, et-l, liver, kidueys, bowelm. sextial (Irganii. ,FAspESeczema. shinglpm, 4eald idead, ti'tterm. ,apitim. psoriasis mycosis, itel» ring worm, herpes id ail forma iof cutaneoust 1) 1, 4chci, hlark lieudit, ete., e moîîth, A'NI ) Sl'I I "ILO)I"S AIS ith olit 1pain by eleet ilymis. lit4 A. ml or 11!.NERVOCK byhTFEN ila, ,locomotor ataxia, pro- ralysim, fleadache, neuralgia, 8omi, la, epilepsy, cured liv 1tiîo<l and eiectrolymix. Ii imatcute, articuler, mnuscul- inîutory and rheumatie goent. cured by a new and rîîecemm- m. Cure guaranteed. At APPARATUS. Fe baa a complets electrical celudlng the celebrated zRoetgen Rasy Apparatun for Ay and Finoroscopic Demon- STATIC MACHIE. FOBADIC ANIC BATTERIEs and all kinde stic and operative instrl- ssmist him in arrlving at a Iiignosîs o! eny disease snd >esïuîli treatment botb medical ici. EFT straightened by surgical ('1 enotomy.) HoiDEs (Piles) ellred vithout operation lui Most cases, or ni business.. CELE perManentlY cured by a loti. ELE AND RERNIA cured with- tiou or delay fromi business. ÇANT T! MORs and ail abnormnal foreign bodies, necrosed ce., removed by surgical MITIFS corrected snd birth movedl ly eleetrolysin. TATION FRIZE AND CONFI- Ail medieines luruisbsd &îoo TAYLOR BUILDING (le, 111. sunday only Il a. m. to 3 p. 1 arly for to-day will neyer on> (Address week days, Bloek, Woodatock, III. Dr. Ilowe solieits only the ýof tiî<se Who have monglit a ewhicre w1thont succemn aud expeci those Who are doig e hai)d, <If otiter pliistiîs, àhini for re-lie!. AIRSTOW. idi M(to ti t.)i(- ) 1 s ('EME'lE JIX of EVERY DESCRIPTION SCorrespou denee 1. - qûMMMitd ". M aille