CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 13 Nov 1896, p. 5

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weight.anllness. The question o .Free Silver, or a GoId Standard, Is settied, and Triggs & Taylor's, Is the place in town ta trade is a settled fact. Anything for table use can be selected from their mamnmoth stock. Quality Best, Prices Lowest. 1FLOU R GROCERIES FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES CANNED GOODS FRESH and SALT MEATS DRIED FRUITS T. & T's. POPULAR SAUSAGEI Triggs and Taylor's LIBERTY VILLE, ILLINOIS. A FEW 0f' our rmany BARîGAINS: Dis 14.44, u FsIt j. 1!, F4il l (.F.4o ('.-I àilrsi , 1 j ; , . 1 4r 4 ! Il .4,*~l '.14 4.1444g (44.4 41 N t"., (44r~.i j 4,44 4 ,. 44 44444~4444444 (441' 3~'I 4. .4 44444' 444444411. 4~I4 144g 444,4r4', '.44,,,.- '.4,,", 2 7.. 72. A Complete Lin"eaof Ladies', Cents' and C[ildren's W.derwear, Claves and Mittens. Ladies' Dress Flanne!s, Tennis Flannels, and Cot- ton Flannels, Y See Our -Q>C WASHERSIF. C. SMITH & SON. L IBERTY VILLF, -ILLINOIS. If Vour Eyes T rouble You; Save mon 3y' by calling on me and have yaur sight tested. 1 have a complete autfit of optic- ai lenses, ai-d can Fit Your Eyes With Classes th at wilI restore yaur Vision. Satisfaction Cuaranteed in every case. C. R. Shiermian Libertyville, Ili. A large and varied -1 of Hardware, ýýurnps, Miiik cansi ndCutlery. P LHO,<as Pipcs, illings. ln nd S h -e' r on JOB WORK, PICKED Up HERE AND THERE. ' 2Local Items ofl1nterest to Libertyvi 1le Reade rs. C. M. & ST P. R. R. TlME TABLE. Flora ('huire'iîilii', th.ýt1i , I., To CHICAGO. Mixs AuîY iHardije la 4 4ît igrelai., " ar.n. .. .M .-m and041riv'iid. 4' C(sis Wa'Iaw.,rtti4:59 6:-20 1:05 A sîiit-k ii>,j44 , 44: .-11 1.: ii Ow'n ,' 9:10 6:27 511 Warre'ntx,î 1:16 0:14, 5:14 444414411 ide' 4f1Nor th ,Ave. ILRBTYVILLE 5:30 715 12:30 4:55 Bondout 5.40 7:25 9:22 1'ý:40 6:3t7 521 F 44"> ('lker È,. stîtteriîmig 44 7(4 4 4, Everett 5:46 7:38 9:*28 12:46 5: 44 5:2>44l4 44, ,i*,414 4' 444 - or Deerflold .5, M 7:441:35 12:62 6:51 5:34V"' if tulv(«.hor Shermervii,' 5: F6 7:50 9:404 12:56 6:.55 :39 fr hirns,'If Chlcagoturrive) 6:504M: 45 10:25 1:45 7:00 6:«, FROM CHICAGO. TWel,' meinher', (.f litî,eit * i11,'I. (0. Lv.Un.ugs.St.7a r. . p.. pr. a M. G. T. 4144ted Rovikefeller LIoîige LJ,,t Lv. Knzl sst. :05 :20 Thuasday evening. Ohernierville 48:2810:18 4:56 6:11 7:22 9:16 bMrs. Protine w li (14444,ili j ît ., tj Deerfield w434 10:22 6:00 6:17 7:27 9:21 il() heat$.fni'piuoý. l. Everett M:210:28 5:06 6:25 7:23 9:27 e<f 1o'at2.oîî,î il. ..4 Rondout 9:4 10:35 8:12 6:40 7:40 9:33 Next week offiy. LI3EBaTTILLE 10:45 &55 7:50) 9:45 W 'rr nt.on :54 :1 9 9:8 M i ss 4 M iiî,nie M ,,,r , 'f l ig ti îl l , G rn ee0 9:00 523 .41 Wudsworth 9:10 15:9 : 51 Parkvisite, relais und faii ,lil, 1 .denotel' dally. s9,ienot's Bu nday only. week. Where no ak roars trains are dally exi- .'ept ounduay. BUNDAY TRAINS. Lv.Li,ertyville.e:îea.m. Ar.Chic4ogo 1052 .m Lv..ClII,ago : a.,3 m. Ar. Liberty-vllie 9:45 a. m. Lv.Chlcugoé.'oô p. mi. Ar.Llbertyville ô:33 p.rn No. .lu rune Sunday onlY. goinoe 4outh. willi stop onssignal as kllOW:-At Russell 12:07 v. m. Wadsworth 12:57; Gurnpe 12:27; Warren- to 12:30; Itondout 12:36: EvAre'tt2:42D*,'rfil4"4 12:4k; Sherm.-r-vl1l,,12:522:arrives ln Chicako 87 Trai No 46huaheen iatiy iput on fron, Deefied o Cicao.Leuv,'s Deerfleld 7:20 a.~~~Ci o. h11:r20 p7:.arrives Chicugo 48:10 12:10 a.05a Mm.efil Satu rdays of .'ach mon th. Viating brth,.rX cordiaji>' wel'comed. W. M. HEATH, '.M. E. H. Baowy., Sec. Her VIew 0f 1. 44 44-w t.<,njz443and .I 4414f l Fril i4 " j... 1,>11). min. Tw;i-ru,t.:th, 'Fr.,- '. . Bihln At - 144'.>44 4'1z If 1 ,1l l' d f 1w' l. a m- Or .4 44'.,44,r" ilr (144a(lrya] 4.4444"'ndy i..I l'141i.4,'rt,,,a. 44(48 7r min.. (1,(44.1 F. W. Mrs. Frei satsdîillan 1. isitîîtg ils7he' worlId., fair citv. . Fransk Aî4pley 1'. ',tîsh iîsg tt'iegllilh'e with E. L. DuR,,>s. Albert Trigga, of Elgins. %i'it,',it isi. parents here tisii wek. vi sited Lîibe4rty'viii,' friend410Si441441443 Mrs.h' rotin,' lia' , (.ll1illg 14 w 1li uinter 41 ii 1,'rv j4t,4r"C1 'i 74 C. C. (',,jeiasnd has for a44c ie44fo7r Vaab. dry eorlwo,,d, fort',' îîslk va ii s. J. C. Moore, wife ad aîîl 44, of, ltokford, la., Visited bis unîiie, J,.hîî Ballard a few tlays hast we',k. The 'sers ices In thse Iresby~teljaîî cehureis wil begirs ut 7 4Y'lo&4k inîflic ex'euiltg iîsstead of at 7:30( as liereto4 fore. Johîs McKinley Alliîs4444 labalout tow'îs soiciting reneovala 4o1 3'Crly su>,- scriptions for tfie supIport of the' Metisolst ehltreli. Miss Ada Mac(tiîi a', âýresigiietl iher scisool at Wuukegan to accept a more lucraîtive Positio4n in the Austinî ',1444<4 which 1', 741444)n'ore ('(41ve4ient t., her home. H. 1. Eger reeel',ed a tehegr4îlisMo414 day tating that bis miother was very i,,w anel not expected 444 ]ive'. ur. Eger (cIL Tîîesday mornilig fr 3liîs- Ieapol 1. M.ster Heur',Y 7rgr gasve a Party to his Young Irieîsda '4eduesday (rom Byie to nine, tse 4occasio, b leung bis te4th unniversary. La4h, antI lasse@ Of that uge tflhed the Meliregor resi. dence, enJoyed game'., et,' ,aîitd dld Justice to reireshrnent'. 't>i-v( >(trilig thse es'ening, ail det-iaritig th iis( 44,-'a Iovely liii,,"'. Thle Yoîîîîg Pe,î,Iv", t* 41441 4ili give an *'ltertaiDu.eIit ü rut 1.lî', tt'4±44n ehotreli this Viîi t'. 441.î t>Lg11414111g at 8 (4(44, o3 4'v4ry îîer,ýon 41, tI' 4 'xpected t., do lus aiiiir, u4 ,îi flîriiisliig enteî ta, j1'î,elit f. '1, h othersafnter thseregii(,,r(4 of the e% iig i, (ini1li44 I No Cripe Wben you tako Roodi Pifls. Tlseblgok-fush- loued, bugar-oated plUs, wbîch tear you ail to pleces, arm fot lu It witls Hoo's. Eaaj ho lake m m-mm 1 Thse Y. P. S. C'. E. 14,1,1 7h4'ir r4'gula4r monthly bhuoii,'sm nieetiîîg asied ',.ial eve'fin g. rday fr4734Chiv'lgo, xv 144re lie 444, 74, j8six we<'ka. 1î:ving iii'. t'y.. ,î,,... 44 treated. Edna lt'4lstt,.r w 4'14' 1.î t,rts'x J ( eh.-J4 gates te) tiie' ('hrltian iEldea', or (S,alt vention aliiait D44y Sîîîday afterîsoon. Mr4. l'ritiî,e 4 j',hea ttee ee ail tile ladies ofni L14rtyvîie and 1viciinity Isext w'eek. C,,n,' 111 anil se , w 11.411s, cars show v , îliinbatsa, e441,,', ('i tiîk antidtlade'. iriiahiizlg4. I. <hi,'kell (hie, Ca ati tie i,'(k,' wii take 744tive t41.44t ,,.re' are toe ating fr 7liiiîît .tî,itt 1le3 ,4,,' sh,,t gui, 'ai.i glt'.i, bîî,g i,adel. N,,w tijat i, ,- ' V r.4*h 4 Cr41.44 "4li)1 iliae t 4tiitioii As a î',',tî .4 Mhil,' '.4 14w: '4404)( 14in fron t ' i . 1 i .'i, 44tIîI] 14444,4' 4'4,li t %\ ii- iii),,luI t 14> 4714444. a large, crm' 444t,, ilo- i'4~tIti tr'. Belin]. EThea,',.7lî,,",i 11" 4 4 (li.4(1a thew Niekttii,'r t,, iig '. ry liaagrer'alt,1 t here w <'44 14144 14(,%N, in 41 '4~14' Thse (4regr4411 44,, ca4ri- 'i 444 il,' piltti141t4il 04 licthtt,, \ r. v te wiIlllit, h,'ii 1 ii4eî'7% 4114' 144l, ilint4r p i t',..'ti li i 44itgel, li 4441 tijîr *.1414 '4144 14474s1a1,'r'. .d, lk'tt., li,i, i, mollie4 piwh441e1 4îandl ail Il, %% 'pilpe4,'s. afîii vd. 4)111. (jIj4.4,( t44(4.'184 seetis4to. gî'44'.4 t(he 4'4414444 , 414and14' ioig 4ai144 4'7 t det admi444rer of Altgeli. (reac'1es a.4 144444r.,a ,,l ,i.Th4t l rîghit 47.4liit, 44114 .%ti,'iricitfl eI:s- tou land %414> 4cri i, '. 1mir 1,4' 141tb,ît 2M1r. et ti i il74te WANT THE BANNER. Lake Cotinty Republicana Enttled to the Prize. 4.'ili.(aik 144444r 444, 41cr liy 4(44- stade4 Cenît ral Consîî, îtte, t' .4(4, ' 4ît 14 i'.î4,ig the L 144, lier1i-(4ni gaint in4 114Plli(4htt' ote'44,,me4 r ',:42 4moi Lake 4',, t titied to the' 1444444441. al- thotigh ai.ontroversy has', riiig 44(4. lili41 it 441443>',go t44I4i4g' f4 h.og Ue ,4' ),',r (r.I,';(, t. Tlv41s,jig(,4 lie of41 1' (ra,%pid'îst414 442. le4(4.4 44( cetrals 441ituet,, i, ii ti pl44 444 444.141 co44444' 4(41444 44447 44the 444444.4'. . ~ 4 Siv c<'lii414>4 50142. 1 ter' 4.: 41t i 4(444 the ('14> lt v inwht,ivl te 7(eul,10'oîit the4 lio oe i ,'i ,ote, 4 4h, 144rui,'vnt th41e'. fle i 44, 842e 4'4,44444 Ille,,,i liîîj. to 't'e Vote vrit for ". t ' ,4 .,,4 ti(4 coart m i1'.lac4' the ' (.44' ilt h. 1,,I,4(4 444444 4', iu',e4p( ,4>4.'l 7>44 th, 4 J . ' i.Hiidfith ;ý 44,4, 4,. il,.,,, 1144(t44444 t ile , -( t444.i u it Il ,'. , lit44 i t.4 i if 4b 4,, -i t :li .4 4 ' 1 li. ~ V ,7 . i l s e. .t li I l I l e S e e ar.o M.'H .lt, fle ig l4e , i o e r lgg,'44i ive' rutheér th 4 elarative. WIense,îSeet*ry 1'ail (I ase Feti11lss I .4 I 4. 4,4,1', 4 .441 Snow! Raif!! Coldit! They make you rememcer that you have not bought yaur Underwear, Blankets, Overcoats, Mittens, Feit Boots, Caps, Rub- bers and other cold weather articles. By the way the oeople have been flocking to our store the past week it is plalnly evi- dent that They Know W he re rI o To Buy Their Winter Goods. M. B. COLBY &Co. "Dealers in Everything." -'~'--LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. w R I H T & s o N s WRIGFIT & SON'S, Libertyville, Ili., THE BEST PLACE -IN LAK.iE COl N'y,- TO BUY Lumber, Coal, MiII-Feed, Farm Wagons,' Buggies LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. We are always prepared ta supply your wants mn .. Agricultural Implemrents, Grain, Seeds, Lime, Drain Tile, Etc. Always get Our Estimate Before Buying Your Building Material. WRICHT & SON'S, Libertyville, 111. Real Estate, Renting and Life Insurance Agency. 1.1. t yoiUr pror> rty w îth nme and Also Sol icitor and Aîîoîglmtiî ,: ,.,, t:.Subscription News Agent Libertyvile Cit, Pr.p-rtNî. fri '. ' t4i1 , '-.il4[ 1l.......l1tI l Pub lis her s LOWEST PRICS, E 14 .411444444i.,on ail Periodicals. 4 al [4 tt;. 1- 1,, 4 11. If yau want to, Buy or Rent Lake County REAL ESTATEP. Be Sure to CAil Q, 1 (44, 12 1 41 (304' ai k,'f . 4r ul" trt f m I LiL'.tyvllle. Weli îrnrovd under oo .8t'" of latvaton, no waste ln, Ë4 ~ Pancakes Are now in order, and you should tri' a package of Gxandma's SeIf-Rising Pancake Flaur. But if yau don't care to use that, try a sack of that Deliciaus Mauston Buck- wheat Flou r. ýi

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