CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 13 Nov 1896, p. 6

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$ il i I HAPTER 'I.-'-(Contlnued.) Keauwile tellad, with flushuit cheeks i rapidl>' heatiug heant, wae rnaknng iber way aI mi very quick pare up tire hily reati townrd lire point a-hicirsire wisitud te esacit. But site liat tongtteti ail about ber destination. Sire was cansciaus of eotirusg but the insuil which, as site con- uelvetIl, tJouhn Hatnington bat put ipon lim, ntio!lit tespenate ripieaval of pritie eut bitter angun tirt bat taken plieS witiiu er hucat. H-ow dared le ta 1mev toe rr?'Diri le tiink liraI she hat taken iis repnrhese lighlty tiret t was' easy anti possible for îbem now ta muet go onittrquainta'ces? lie ivt lhink ltile of ber. itteetil But anger mud viatirtia-'ness were ual aturaito10 er. Beture IiZg ber tepe slackenet. ber coter teil, ber eyes begen ta III with tesgrs, SIc turuet slde tram te rond anti ernanibleaî a lit île a-ay downVr tite illside atang whirie il rau. "Oh, John, John! amnd I tovet yarn so!" ebe wiipenidtti a ierseut. "If ont>' I couiti fongt yort-"far ja are nt n'ortby even et My love-but I1trever. itever isîrat." *Absonitet taler elciotis, asite luta bera te eound ot fotstepe ar ercnOati above te bm n o aa-incb sc esat. Tire hati fre1 bren mnery voices andut ueRnot farf rom bie; tinu these dicti away. Next raea etait iuanfeharîtsam(nface anti tately bearnog. lie looketi round hlm witit a ffrvn îpaîrlis braw; hce.pauseti lan bis a-aW, sev>enaltimes, anti ihen le saw Stella hait avay tan-n tire hiltide, hel imate a step sîdeays, asgif tt 'r i er direeblon andi attress he. But a second Cialice causet limt taChiange lis miuti. ýTe> lasnder fignre, lu Ils closeiy-fittiug Iack ties, bad uotiting nemarkaitie about l: even tle knot of golden hein, ln ,'ndirfeh tire suabi.aers eumedt ta halm- brsadienpit hber back bat, dît not 4t h iis attenliGa veny munir, but as ha 'tooked i lbebcame cdean ta hlm tram te Mwyemont o!fitem sioulteeni Ibat tiragirl, *hliever site was, wes cobbinig ».coni' ;gola tklai tire rouchinig attitude w. I"!4grief, andt lal the colly' wio etooti bealde itemra-as wagginghils lait aid uhlyngta ick ber face, tietbat ympaliry 'vili sorow whicb Intelligent animaI& efteol show towadbair masters aq 4 tiri frindts. Tire IgnUan turnet rastil, away, tiranktul ,tiat ha lied ual intrudeîd e. ber uditude. -Whaa bcha ba ne somne littl distance, some feeling oreoane look possesiiion o! hlm. Ougitt he 10 have aiked br if site ivetet assistance cf auy kind'-f sire ryre IUt anin pain? ",POOit"ct" e ougit t ta iriseht, as lu strode on again, un>' a-ils muet le wan- derlng ta make me tlnk ot sudh a lhiug. A womana tears' They corne easily enougir, anti mean%[itle enough. iruivet kmwoal Sireires beti a quarrel wilh ler lover, pcraps. Site weans a black tnes moIrer or ftler deet, perliaps. A squ ilet for te youngi" eutdire heavet a sigir as If tire r wnasaue pensarial eteranoe Jttb worde. 'Site bas bain lika thal girl aets bord lire Bitaunia ast ammcm- jernously Iitliant, aailout a toucaliout et A commonîlace yauug pensas, isobably, seeiug how site was letting tira capHannuton make lave ta iter But, t course, tits girl la nt tire sans. vooten vtene tose chiltiren hava got telj titis tume? It la naturel, I suppose, fmal as 1 am an oit fogy, tbey should gI m~e te slip. Hark! wht was taI? % Q ;jas a siriek-lear, picrciug, aud Intense. On tae stitl autumu air, sounda wos'. carrladtotaconsitieale distancer. This cry came trom tire vicinity of the wate-of taItiraegentleman vas sure. %t vas folowat by anuauswenlng, abut, meat to b. reassurng, but dying awa7 t a quever of sîarm. Audthettae camet amonar rsur, uumistakably la a girl' 'ilyr' criai te gentleman lu ti voadt. "Net ln tire vater, I trust I Go b.lp us, if &ait a" _He rusiret tow tire hilîside, tearni &Lis way vitir cotuiderable apidtl «hrtagi clampa of ganse and bracken and beiveen thre Young astec f tiraun dui»rovbs, toward thne place tram vIll à* b.d beard thre ry. Thre roarngo lb.. vter soihuded.ibuter' anti buter i ~.eeias ie re ew loaer to tire bauk ewva a diffculIth iing ta gel qulcklyt the waterls etige. ton tie hbllide va uteep anti lippeny. He vas beîow th nable, viicirpoureti0,cr tire rocks wlt j» .vesemence of a trean lespate, i yellov foam scatleitg drop aps ana vida, its volume increasedt ireofoltil tte rsceatt dorms. He abutidéret ash 'bmerud aside tire branches andi stootib the vatWr'.etige. What dit ire se'i CHAPTER VIII. à girl o! fitteen ycars oit-iris ow d1axgiter M>1011, aqs ire as very' a- '" 'nevre-bai! raiily made lier way fro &0~ teo itier untfl sire stoot cli. luIWO he pool whlch was Weil kuovu issu »Oat dangeroums pot lu tire aîft 'Ithriver. Etieîîty ber ne; oitW i as on.a]o tise otîten ite, atd catling ta ber ta bu caretul-not ta move unlil ire came te lier help-noî ta lase bier muetd. Il n'a> a-en> plain taIsite had hst it utreaty. Bt belipwhieh NMotys ther bail ual lookut fon was et Irnut. A sicudur figurei iu black, wiichbc batl ecun aîneet>' was, standing ou tise stamnus anti bolding ouI a parasol ta tîe tigitenet girl. Stella itat advanced as tan as site rouit. Molly lutceethtie paraoll ioudle se vialeutly Ihat Stelleainentt hastlhem awnabalanîce. "Steat>'!" she sait. "Dont juîmp. Stuil aven; il la liaI tan. Titure! bau are ai inter graîutnaa-v. Paso aie anti get te tle bo'>k." She hlitMlty's mmii mîtilthtie girl bar passetit e, but the n;laîuket ton eppari tion of ber ftller gave Nitolty enothei tntgitt. Site startet violeril>, antdtdrag guit Stellha tonnant ia ratiner a tangeroi way. ' irTeke cane! Take rare! Wbal are yoi toing?!" saidtIhe tatirer. lie hantet bi ias'tihy ta lie stones near te book, isld iug out t era-brni at thesanme timi te Stella. Ilta-vas' alire di( se. Fan Moly's hast>'nmunî'nt lied cont ut Stella ta slip, andntattrrurglitsuie dit nu uuite tait, anc a! ber fret ont part u ber trets wuit into tlirewaicr. Sbc clou, tespenatciy ta lie slrong liant that casi et ber own, eut was corrnet rallier thi loti ta thc saespalr-n'ay. "Are yen better? ion lina--et ualbu yannsett?" saidthlie gentlieman, elîli sol patiug Stellha witb is arn>. "Thanlu rau, 1 ama-al nright; I wesn buirt," îlse anseree. Thuin sit looke a im lIndutlaloaket et 1cr, aut bol gava tire very stîgirlest possible start. Il recognîzeti hon as lise girl %wititgoîts Lheirn oaord te Bitaunia, anti siter »memirrat ltIJohn Hanlagtoîr ha namet hlm ta ban as Alan Moncrief c Tanresmuin. Tic namembrance diti moa titan anytbing towarti hmnging lire ccl back ta bar lips. Site was very wii wb'an ha lantet iber, ton ber tigit ha beau severe. M. Moucrieff nuisect iis lat. "I nsi 1not express my grathtudie la yeu, ma( r ame," ho sait, in sliff, caurleous accent atitrougi wimh his.real emolian biaso rdiffinuity it manLtcsýinK itseet. "uBît fa yoiir prernence o! mmnd andti limaI>hall j my dangiter Wou l scarccty, 1 foin, ira' e enreneti tram in r erilous position, un"Iavas ver>' gladt tît I itappeateto aso riurarJd Sut elle. "I lied nally 1111 y tedo.'1 Site nlined biem hcead sigly 'ai a-as about ta nove awazv, wben Moncrii lestily lulerposut. L_"Excuise me," lic sait. "ttir1îIse ti yen are exceedingl>' wct. May I ak r your lave tan ta go?" " «To St. Ansetais." nr "St. Auselm's? Yau muet uat go tir 1;distance in your lrusent statua I renom ilposalitir allow 11." 1, YouIll caein lahme witb us, wo't yon' ,e interposeti MaIl>', irenthîessi>'. drying h 'i leurs, anti tavarng Stella a-i-il a gaze - wde-eyeti adoration. "W'e live ver>' nea dant-", "r wasabaourt ta propose tiraI yen ebot itaveu jyourseif ofthîe tact that iy houne r'Torneauir-is tolunabl>' nea," intuimmu e« d Mr. Monief. "My irausekeapen aw )tsee that you-your tiinga are dry heo e, yen go lame. I muaItiteg Ieva lea idtrotuce aîyscît," wtti a sile titat tit li@ face sîngutani>' pleasant. "Mlay nei idsl Alan Moncief-Mancniet o! Tomr lamui-andt tis lat>' madcmp daugi ý& Molly, vira deserven e gacti acldlng1 'e te freightitge ihan given us. My a 'a Berlie," haeatideti nticatlug tle hoy, 'w vWas standing et Mohty'a aide. ]'"Anti my namasis Raebiurn," sait Ste ,l fankl>'. "I am ste>'ing wvith my aunt reMm. Slaclatr'stvit St. Anaatm's,1 bouge on lita bill." ie "bYon comae tram Dundece?"-'soit M >di crîeff, Inaîvetnl, anti iet was an with imieit ton saylng IL, g "Xea" site sait, ralrr ail>', "I ce 1Y tram Dutiee." n, "*What au Idiot 1 ami" sait Alan M n- ciefte10 inseit. "I ought not tai eh mentionet lion. Ah, tiraI r of why ire vwaa cnyIug vien I aaw ir' in thre iliie; poor girl, sireha bataoi k. te cr7 tor. Hér ayllta ar. e ede te jet."1 ras Tire ho>' aut girl brai sunk on togett ire as if glatiota leont af taeir,' atirr'a hi irh lng, anti he 10k tire apotninty o! r Ils iug quieti>': uta "IA) me tll yen, Miss Raebiurnu.i irj I knaw jour namte, andt ltimy ft hewas el" ue d wvth jour ftIe b]' tiys gone by. Ever>' une wlo knaw Raeburn esteemad hlm naît iigirly. have uevex bieant a man'-spokon of a ýw warmly, anti I have aîways balthetirag 'olI est respect tor lim.' 70M Tic tanner in wirici te words*v ose nttenet-mlimpîe, unafferaet, sinere- ta more fiattaing te Stita's love ton 'fî>' father taisevea te vonda trama. !rve SIte tniedto th iank hlm,. but coultiq 1h. raie ber eyes, awlmlng las tears, fo 1tA momenlt to iis face by i w» 6f mau*r . . . . . . . . . . . e or. the door. bordered wihs LOST IN A HEAVY SEA. tes' ornamental wsli,, affordedon ofteC loveltet distant vicws that Stella had 1________ ever sccu. She could flt resst stopplag Int te look ot il, lu spite of lier wet clothes. SIX MEN DROWN ATMUSKEGON, flic Stella hadlfna reason te complain of MICHIGAN. $, lier treatmnt. Site %ue taken te a lux- Pa: uirionis bedroom, wlîere a lire, bot water, fi) warma towels, attd various articles of B'ooner Woukestrrs WVreckrrl In thse clotlîing awaited lber. anad Mr. regg 0iotnol Fivio el tr f ivas ceger in offers of assistance. Stella 0tri-nl îrlvTtfa~tr put oit a skirt of Mlly-at was quit*E lantisg lte Cattain-Re port of thse e long enoughi for hf r-and Mrs. Grcg l'ostoflce Deîîartinert. tel priniised ta sendi ber awn haek to St. toi Aniselin' as soan as it was dried. And A Walery Grave. u wheu ohée%%is ready ta départ, as ee 'nder cover of the darkness and in the $8 thorîght, Miolly conducted bler, atrnost by multotf inlierrei stor'ni, six mien met fri font', tu the draw-iig-rooni, where tes. thtrir death off NIisieokun,. Midi., harbur $2 hll dIéonr prcptired, and w'hrre Mr. Mon- Satuîrday iiglit fronti the three-mast1 crieff aid biis soit awaited ber. seirorier Waîîkeslra. 'Tie str.ry of tire Or Ttrcy ail made nrh of Stella. They only sioir 103 the bMaiue upon the "b waiidl itron lier as if sie hadl been a cajîtair whrrse nain i j ot detiiîitely V, tîrincess; itiaa'r.ed ils if thry could not knr)wi. 'hils surr'ivur is F"ranuLrluth. n do enoirgî for lier, In fart, ber sweet Ilc duos not -iroîv rIe tramnes of aîiY outhi facre aud golden hair baid quite fasctnated tbe other îîrnrlers uf the crew. which Il.. tlic young îpeo.ple; and thé fascination ex- tonsisted of the i'lîttain. mate, î'ork and cri tended itseif tu Atari Moncrief as %vell. tout- sailors, il total of seî'cn. After be- lle tbuugbt tiratitre hsd tnever seen a love- in.- reserred Dritaeh ivas so wveak that It 18 lier face thoni that of pour Mrtthew Rae- evas niiglt hefore un intelligent story corild Oi burn's daughter. bc abtaincrl fronti hiur. Ift%%-as taken i lt "f think I mnu.,t really go now." sald the forai of an affidavrit beforri a mugis- ai Stellt.a nt art. *'ft will bie nearty 'dark trrte at tire station in order tu show the li. wben I reseli hante; so 1 unt make fbî haste." Drlaebi say.o tire ront loarirdvrith Salt ti "Tihe carnage is waiting, if yaîr inslat lit Lirdiiigtrirîfur Soutt hirgoand 00 an leaving ils on soon." sit Mn. Mon- IVelit Out Frrrî>t about 4 1) m. Alinosta' ccrif. curteously. "Bertie, rn ldorvu lfluiutdiftely site begaî tuto ee til(re lRitvYPl and tell Macgregor to drive roond."l eu,. and tlt- iinds of the sator4 %wrrr'not Il The carniage, ilnawu by two maguifi- la tire leaist eassurcd by thé fat Ibat the rn cent boy horses. %Vas nt the door, and raptairin ' iti'iri'drti:kirig liberarlly. Moncricf put ber in with bs statelliest air, When off Littîr Point sabrle tire NWaul urnd a few words ot heartfelt thauka, tuetta %Vas leaikintg so borîly tba t fiil T wbii-b sble feit reileemeridia itaîclines. bands bail tu g" tu.tirt- puats. Aftier it The drive did îlot secai long ta Stella. r ns show'n t'ilat îl"110111ra. w'.minbc e- *Sire had immclita think of, but lier ear3' aI tti tlimei. tire, aiors bt-gnirlu h * tborrghis wcre hy no menisas o>mlaricholy beg thé caltiailîr tirirrirrire boat, but lit-b * as they liaitbeei tirat afterout. The rtriorîl andrikepa rurnni. '. t irely belli tbrnt site baid gir'en Itu Nllly, Whbrrrtbr'y sa%% wiit ire arn a t NIun kegori ,ttire nefereul ial cnurtesy showvn hy Mr. Ihbout 3 rtrii'k >atraîy i fi r irurr)i thley e M.%one-rief, the siglit of the quaint, beauti- Wein dii rrrhlt a as wTi)uhrc îbey %ocre. VThe r. fiaid bouse, wbich shé bad ecarrruly lbad ra rlatiilitudt iai signal for a trrg. htr, lia g time ta look at and admire-these thinge îirg r'rriirtig. Ire %%*(-it o lu icbîrr. arrgrily aoccupicd ber thoiights. It was quite a iiliiir t o a.nia:ti aivn 'ript Irto eterthe y shock tu meet once more tier iding party Bribor. saryi ire dii rot knoîrw w ture lie y tliat shee ad ereounitercîl in theafater- ' rrrva n io itîrrrîIli onir was.le unioan, beause it irrauglit lier tirouglits tar id lec w nt,i .tear'r' lîriîrg tIre niglîl, Pbock tea adomainrw bath, for the tinie be - âxtirir arsa tri arîria. anîd iitht',riarri * ing, they thadl lefi but tIre sliock wae fnt (T Iaýir a ary. 'V" ila îrrt-ri d hun itir * vcry terrible. She t urned nway and ' a aa i. w la it O ar S oi a t and U.(Outl riat crressecd Laddio. wha sot on lte rug tiindil)liiitrii andrrio rlgo Io t fie i besida bier, and hopei tiratith Ie grther- j liaitIi itb ,,y afa'iy n:anta. Irrarilier. I '-ing toiliglit tbey ibad]not necogiized ber I la:rir -a tiltaa,!arîa aîkrrl rir)te ýr face. But îbry bain. , O.i lcy rarild isignral. alire "lWondcrs viti nevretrelsesaid Lady tyacar ivr. Duiaa;. Irrl> Itta-lt:1i laittitr in V'ai,looking back. "Iliats te ir MnrerIe k h rua asrw , oti. .Abrorrt ILI carriarge. bMoncrieti uft 'rrr-esmiuir, tlb. '(Ia avk the 'i ia> Ii r' 'I ir3 ul. iier 1lit oproudeot man ait e% r erknew, sendiag the 3iilidaiîlig art1lirer'iar'i artI iireariig oeaî, r littie Dunrde girl bormein bis harouchiel Ird li1ati n .911J r' rrht i itdiris à- rhat douis that mouon. 1 woniler?' i laaii'raaî )iaa'tarlifs'vrai "Yau con ask bimlu î4iight. Ilie lis g- r;iriiriraI u ian othe ir va-,1r atir id ing la the Max n'eus' ta dinlier," aid. thrrerai. i ia 'r'htiara l'h sit'ritr i s- ianiigton, ratlier il' l it'. ir if. 1rr"rn.crsfre ntknei tint LadlyN'ai l vtegiDtorn. li ar-irrar ir'laira ti'wrrrîr"rrai, iii.'iitii o a ail ai 'aribeir l i tir- tf "I iil"," said the lady, briskly. And 0 gè n'as as -oeidas lber w'r'iilofVirdlaiho ri r . nar' I cirt k. itii r iorli p- "Oh.Ir.t onre,, site said, Inter i n te eveninig, tookirrg with orcret a dmira- aitifriiaaJ-"lI 'a..'lwIii'nter finrrrseo- tion et the fare af Ithr grave, tatuly man rct u rol .r'ri .rrrri il.'forra-ailJe. atii rt who was standing ri'rler, "do tell me- tir. e .iaiir' tr -viii ci nrti hereiniai- dan't yar kron. a lais tRaebuîru wba je riigirrg. staying in the neighboniro.?"She badi l tir 11';e baoiatirr i- arîrar.ti't etnot the faiutest i(ceunirere Stella was %N:"i.ari,.aar .lr r igr- n'itirt ed stryiug; ahe drew'lber bow at a ventrure. IoIr tand'irai rarthter'te-It, t irer th "She a'ed my littie girls lite tbis fllt j: pd(wIYoe h te atternoon," said Ilolncrief; and thon b.oa'rok"- %:t, indh., dtr.'faut nof a yairrd anrd en told lber the story of Maolly's escapade. frilit trrliii' ai.'li(,tr'rs r'lîitrd rritrr re 6What Ea monkey yaur Moily is! î'uîl ilrridi',raf. uirlti ulianditiis part- e -~~' ler ,ronstrutedr. A 5 %v'ie, -)vb'. non iLd Of lite iaud epirt" Dîritiritkrîîrt 11ite iglit ais Irong as bie of "lTaoiuach sn, l'ai afraid. I murst eit- vont.t .airnd tlîrrîhridrpîed off. l'ie mate r. er send lier ta scitool or tlud a gavernesesnris r. ralniw'ai3. Dîlîna'band lis part-, ýor for lier" lner soiiîîrrlictie aprair as ring as iltey lie "I have an Inspiration," cried Lady roiiri.ndtîrrt ilrli', wheu Ilie feît ,rrer heur- ad Val. *"W'ly don't >'an gel ?liss lRaeburn lie oirîtîr tlit, r%.tirer. îliit îr rrloave blau benoîftetaftume pon M7olly's wilrl spiritr' la Iis fair'. t>lar'ii br iripthe corurage' I- "Misa lRaeburn hersait? But-vwould ut bisgliaîîiaur Ios long lirelie r'rulîl.ttlnt d- ie-" ijiiet bt'fire'tliiiilie, trio. tellit thie t14 "be bann'l a penny, and 1 heard that (hutly ware. Wii'n tht' ifeboat cantre ta ne irle was lookiug ont for a situation soma siîlit I>rravb %vas jnst rable ta mionlir r time ago," said Lady Val, with bier tusuailtat br'tor rtae. Ip' caretessnuiss about tacts. "I believe tiret r.s Yeu would le doiag lier a service, Mr . ANNUAL FOSTOFFICE REPORT. Mountef, I1naally do, 1 was lu theFaasd igrsrfte )prtifl ie postffice todayand 1siw a wn .tellno- Fatoenf te:aofu.te it. ares. ýe Duukuild wanted ta give lessons m oaiît lioltairG-trr. Firench, Geruran, morale and ait the etcet- irtA ini Psaie cnus. Pcrli'aps ftbntis MisIRaeburrn ~. r.e rrirer ir'i' uta li'?r tin thrire vr' a at Yoti might toilow il rip and find out. lThe trpot rirl'a ttaliusiessof the ,î'niinrrrt and f~ Initia l% gir'enl 'ere S. Il.-l'isure of tes î oftrî'îîr. servrrice.'altllanr', ta tht" (To ire cotinued.) that during the tia- thîre fioral years iii' at '"____ ggncgrte sorirîgs iiithe au itrîns ora - ilo Seios Rle fo Taveem $54.t)4; iii frc er-rti', r3'. $2,3114.415i,nia 1?1 To newly marnied couples 1 would isffcNlll(s.12S50toa,$' be sy, do nlot be deterred froin the sweet F7St5ui t"anhaut ieiriiClreenais lira t ltetrchanrga 0of tender gitinces anud tok rnoirt-rtir',tioît ot 3,0i313:4 in the rens of affiection by the offensive notie 11111rntmer of tri(n-vs .ratiraîtsent frantprit-t of otiter passengers. 'Irait and fleet- atires ta ltar' rîarl citer oicîe. nid-ig rethejos fîov'syounig dme-am." 1 'lh. total t tîuatncr rf pr'-ir'ititiritrace-p ild ~~ ~jn- 'n 1eliejy o it latria 'tro 51, nf n'bie4l'.i~) %a-ren s-- Besîdes, you wttl awaken tea greeabl i'rst dus. 746 isî'cu il natal se tn]2,73(S ipt- nrrŽîurles of crabby couples w-ho were third-class. The rîggrcgllie grass ner'riîts vilt marlcd sauleaUtie ago. rlit e irst, racondaitnd tiird<'tris Office-a ®re Yeu munI nîrviys bave ut ticket or a. were $)5.28211tt6. apîi flie total salaries lu- ide paso (fill latter geacratly preter'red by $;,«03.900f. Sie Nov. 2, l th îeri- me travelers). Tua lkaaýener wboieail i have beeu 2,459 )positions in thie post- esL aewsbt iktddfltet ae offiras addcl tirte ciamitied servi'ce. rej. fce rai bi tiketdidnetUkete aveThis loves rs the' onty Postitions lit iret- 1er It puncited by te condrictar. tcas o stoiice tha anc now exceptedl for Nei-er attempt ta gel In or out o a tram civil servit-e exaurinattons assistant soni rtIway car whlle Iis ntovintg, unlie«E postitasters antiprincipaîl casiriers". at Whoa you prefer a pair of basaviood leg,. secoud-ctînss Office, assistant prosulas- lia. Some eldely men do ilto show titeir lure. Attenîtiantil; catled tate tact tbat t o bltty, but 1 thltk titey show thel? uîrîwitirstaiidiog tire increasa in gra8ssne' th omfooiery. eipts the numericinî incrense in the farcir lite was luise tisn i50 par cent. of pnuviana [o- Beware of y1lding te the laudden lm- yens. u-puise tb pring from tre car ta rec»ver Drring tle yen r eny-ulue stationst Lgy your bat wlileblbas bio'wn off, uni« ud 12) SîbstatiasNe reitabiiebed, anti ome 'Yeu want tiratlbat in te wonsb way. ane station and sevuin sirlstattons wene If yoio niut wlL acrose the rack. dloutînued, a net increase of 141 sta- tiairs and sîrbglotiorîs. Fitty-five post- on- look botir aideas "d behind in efr offices of the secoînd, tbio'd and faurtit lave yrnil thre time, and mmnd your foot' classes wure dtscrntinucd during lte T M lie 18 f f f eV ur 011 21[ -nl hp )Vr -nq 1 ivi le; qd rie vv th A4>11 Pr t sSait some Tarif Lectstatlon May lBe Enasctd. A '""aslinutan ermepoatlent anatat it ile assrrmud nus eue o! the Itage ver>' likuiuy ta accun tta t irere uiUll e tariff lugielatiai> a-itlôiit regard ta currelrry re- ten> unartleuits. Sîterultion tirpau Ibis point itaking a foriwhilcllenvea uitIle nianttfur domint tiraIlIme matter 'lAs been tbîrraurglîtr diseuissudhthi ie trieuds eut ativisers o!fItie l'residntnlcIt aeuthlat suffitient pslcuges bave beeîm gia-eu b>' fret silver llepubttcan 'Sunators lau meure tii passage of ien' revenuie lun e vbuver tire a-ont is giveir. As limne proresses the ritauru i aa--I crense forn the enart- ient ot a te'tvrevenuteia-v turing 1he shiort tenir f the pree<'uut ('agrenus, but It a-'lIiraotaot aatsflile tii as otnenf tint sure tîinge. Tir e chutroiti rtmu ram tise seeral territone arc ut a anacter ta biana r'.'alca-'r itales they ma>' bave culezr taincti of being admillet Inta tisa rister- itoot ef t teu i'luring telite oftIhis et tle fttty-fifth Congres. No votlng paru. letton that is eommlittedti a free silvei eau lape ta reieive an>' tavors of thai sort et the hînuts et a Cnngress tint il commilluit ta a god standard. ErjanueDefeat Klled Rer. 1 Mms. Mary V. Marvin, wite et a matsi nets ao f Spokane, Waair., dict &hg dgy jooewlng elflion. Tire direct canel S-* h. a5*î,h. nhSh,1i1 55te ria'.'. de amateur gardener la exceedlugly p» of le l eolijctIon, mut nooen.e JM c1 cnet bleîn the lncoitn"'ty',oitire sertlions- LAntait Talagrapir. A Unique RepubitO. IL Tirereptrb le of Gouet lsthe MiMII alu lte worlîl. Andorre, la sa--empIM Icampanîson. Goust la about s on 1square. anti Il houe..130 'etop a 14s. beau Indepentetit theee O aIftstanda an top f a mmuntàli, Spa nîisi bode, near the ' France, anti h gaie along vellolt fotabl itvîiout ever mlxla' fî e tirr people's affala, and' woloi ýt reodhng te evenlng papei rw, m ,as wc know, tire mamnlng one. b tectairle 130 gavera iael's Là counucli,ona emrber u lclir ile, et et ta stie Ibat lthe bul agree4 *la executeti. Mttera go alonî i - mootli> aneutGoustiana are A8 nr bappier beeuse noboti>' kno» M- -about tiren, andt terefone tirey am* !t enved-Kanas Cil>' Times. sNature., .1 "'Unnaturat falirar," solobetiet roita. ludeai, ira was to-sucitan ke nattrili hat thtir atge M&nM e4 es go aethlire nd te t i&q,~- t lil b. relcelvelllit a speclal report te A BOUT ATT agnees lu Decemben. Tie saggregate Tamiser af domeatle and A 11ltouS fwiumebsi4 Ne acnîataionat airinre> irriera is'rueild tring lit* Own Wittil Rebla ce yer ar ris 24,94i,49-I .aair.riting ltCu olu rowU eontribt*' Sr32,andt lirinienirurts and ne- about "George 0' ndm yas'u-n ie $4.41,441.ainrntiitg Hood" ta St. Nie lais. Here la $177,08i'7,56i7. Tb,-rr'mais uraincarenise euto h n 1-bfl nnn'i'n8Sliernt.ilil.,a IeanlîI irrbreuto the meeting betwellr inaariy otroiers . tt.w irîiagnrnntbtwo ellructurs cleYmf nh rîrnie rn li hill toî'taniln' ran t- n **lewrt hncl"d ae rntiin;rI bruin'oa o ara $74i.147. 'T'ie "George 'Greeit." )al iou i rt utfIrils nrof ez,'ba rue reertît- irVahy tiraI r' ig tnnm c- rigi lrirîg thr' yearr avas "Ho, ira ho!" roared tire cmL> ai1Tui ant thre <rlarnce - relyrd ilWise, and don't kitoW that wtirt ouaîîral fotrire sariie îuîrose %ni un e (lî- n tire green and mlnd tie Ili thre dcailltinar if're '233c Iii'ces Ant ile wlped the teare of fnitorigialrrrait iitir In-nre ria' ut]d, front lis c>'. an the steeve Of i ranrit $W..50I() rr'aîrg l menu, ii 387 per titi jerkin. nit. of thin irrurc ustrr'nl t. lers oi#o 'I d@tbt me,"-aIt Robin, l ure i'îritaiiitig irriftir. n-e'ks. etc., of catitt play wlth tire quarteD-0tit!ee~ e appîarrr i Valuet' nf $t)55JOU5Z, aboli;t 92 "Ây, but I caul"' nid George, « 'r cenit, ot this tciu'-at'iriicd ta own- 'Show tity Proweaug, tiretr oi Fir thie fisi'al yrteiaiirg June à< , w'ituI,at aff." înu t K)J8. the repo.rt a or aproipr-ipia t!lins .B beere and mIndteP f$17,000,0(xt) foîr vr'iruiura.tin of ut jSt- '-iedb.îltI lasters: hl(îtifE onr'tlr-re in' alOw- t.o on tblcket andi get mtue a sa a. nces; $l. o cuve)>anr',rrn'î, fuel aud Robin coteetiut, antigarîed afteW ýgt nit irol, secoînd ndaurtlirai nîasos of- bi'aui'y rhan aslire wal.keil wIlh reg; $1.50,(W)0foraiis'lîi and inîd mi- silow- strîdes to tite oalK tirtket O* enti UPItU.nrrincutitrgfurinrca$75.- hbîtreeraide of lte brook. Thre (Xi tfor canro-iiugtri'riea $150410 for eareflilly seleotet a teuglis greeni ilvet'ig; fo.55)ta rnr nii"suis- îng, aliînt two lucire thtek. 1&0 l lits. and $33(ir5 fnîr fi-tu' r1lalrery. wr-encd It off neex' the grot wMk' iudng salaries of 12.11.111 regîrtor car- ta-ilt ot. bis powerfui bandt. r-ns. ___________.-This "qbtsod<eg mae no gond la li trecovitd VILL SEND PICTURE BY WIRL. tilt," througit IRobin. But filue bt neyer witdraw for any cause, Mb bornas A. Euileon TîsikmAbout lIts batlire sereetdMet IrateetIetlcuionr. 'ViiurAs. Erli.a, Il Il ra 'tts uiamr rten'led George turnat i hm about, ond, e MW' li'a ilaupranttin tnn'fo rlîaang trureïsIng up la IRobin. sati: )y wiir' IilIrte II-i'îrf t1wir,' îrînient "Cairst lent that lknlte o filins? M :-7n airr kirt it f a 4ktch 'cr too trnyet tor a 9godt staff,0 bé v:1i lit' set. lu a salt, lookîng et tire triage of spllUtU10110 i.,lk tIIaîrat trio neWw wiene le bat ensappat tof!f te fteMu ~ -~Y ~ rai iiliaut Mn.Ei- le trIniîrtth ie staff' e'rettilly, ff nu criant; inaietibock la RebitoL5 knlfe. U "Tiî't s îoiratgclant'ing 10 look arotitirt, ho #aW 'j, \ ,7'i"'- t it id'o.vIt i in ir-pge sctnîpe'iug off toa asliston: 1Yau d<arlîlmeut otflte(- oifimnî. if The, 4 ri Irela "'hoî'st no tîntiedth ie MIlN .g SENT I5Y'a-iHE. innIa. rii ih lte Goody 'Iloakinis wtli rate me woll" ouei tralii îsît a'noaaai'. nîtI atm r i, aîag au tort of George 'ta-Il Ieat, yet tiinldly witbaL " 1trn 11 r. i IanIitrnnîr i ,'lt la asipan- *'lttrt Sandy dld't gîve me wgr* ta. 't rîthlie riraicliir n. rua' na rn asgi.. -'lttIt ng-" 1leaded Robin. fit, ir'l-hr'inan rai maîg ani siippedîncr i- ,0051 aidsnty!Fatîful éctl A î~ liisiie m uinr i r-> i rig Pgeir l r tnli-knora-s tlitre niat. le'Ilttalk only to'vlle plrlin'niorltnuta in rgir rr i un gsoode.unît 1Georges lll-îritirnt'lef i mmlit t iar r 'mtit> 1arir m-ii t n'ieitinit'. proor ot tie taltitfuîles f his taé "It atri r'. a irrln'artr,'u i tua irado; hant i eut. ntrniiortrf thins ltiaI,' rarlniiertt îaigbt lie sieI off nt fuill spced attier tire plo un'mioI itii> trie a, ia lrit.'.a 'î ii pr.n io- llAh n o t hlesbeels. liban tbey- hati o r-a-I'n n. n u ita arn iii 'inn ttrait t ha ve jhe we r. iet'k ta 11cm own feedlW a iia. 1n(asatn olI iii.' a ti;hiat ln n li- groîuiff l ty loy thramacîlves dawU 60 plipr las r % il Iii%. IIlu he- t le- ortth3in>' turf ta rail. Tire drU al i a'Il' l ig n rt trri a rt I w il m a r g i t lî e r r y o n e , a n d b tunat uarna'- l In i rint-s'ýoi'l of witrt; for tire pin b "t'lr' 'a nir ýnllt'v ,igm The s,'ainslsril ni'taJdudged iupnltttirly t rt.t-t irIianbr'- ti- skv I ilart Iire nija-riait n-n a-ao>'tuait ade tire men motre'w - -~ huma aivu' trlte sprint. t eng'îozi'd off ounlIra Intat Nt Ritîtlniii iinit(tond. lu t1cmminsf itaubtît irnunaiictGeorge wîth iris abat 'a;" ~ "Shingtd' Art reanla-'" .uýo-ge yawî>ed prodlausiy, mab" Ing strausg teetb, a-hirie au a '"111 drtg'n, i-irtuttlîig lis jawa. Thiersb. in and ranIl>lis lurgire flifougir is smp -- ot net uniar, stretelsed migSbUly, &W sait bnhî'hiya "I t>t. Lay o n"' "V'hl herst," cnîeilRobin, «5 forth unw andl defendthIyseif. Il w#À Taint thtoin ilt tue no longer .leepy wbe n At ~~~ authae de inu tir iin At vetilt, l tIre arAs tir werq qi dtvsl irtheungaire As tfml o ~~ a-r e sktliilly parrieu. At tire ed b ,î(ut rg's bra'.a-y arm was unff itg. lit wardtng off e powrtrful bueq îor. t t dîesttua tir n i l tu ry lut' stniil -a uedan n anbis crawn hirnîtlytihenuraa-ininrs Iaii.lin'ntlue î't nopa har umit), tIre iret hit tmate itye it aruidîthelit lilu' ',ur ater il itIe toIt of lor ireail- lia o lr's thle claiIg-à theu ruati m ir lie ras'a a îittiiiII- 11i n iisaaa's ktI'lrlti>, a-' ten Robin'@ foot e44 Iiait sain'. inatant. 'thm tilt,' irnia'ine i4 (n tire tînyltre, and dowu ire reIIW nvi îrt-r. lire tran iii tht' ri'. u;rauiinrraun. luiuuthe bnoak. 503y 'M wiloCX unia - anv. u tcîduc ing t but __________________ sii1l. A Curlausly Nained Garde». "I 'aisn ni aytr>'tIre inttuirreriri adyn'T'.' t'îm'nî îa gaîrrun lu Brîxton kept.I frîr rui'. Xnaar ununi.t udl-ir' nil air abs lut J,-4rta nty li -f re at e aut n iai ge thîrinai . rvle itpr oe u mU iv, pant il à'$ ta,'nrîkît 1ouallti n, iTer- clrnosllies ina floral nomsenclature. Tt rJeiîîr l asau'a rt "0 t',. a rri tli'aîti'.t swnerliras béeen sizet witira e «M' sctt la (mi Ora.anSi.ttlaînîn r .arrry label 1l18 forea-es ter lte mannetr rl tn lit iris îar'et. n d u il ta-a no i rrrni>'lly Iartai nistâ, butI, kno wtngnotins Ot* binI uofteteraphm ilir' ini traliatnthtc tt iie tennis, contnul an aequio d'rtii iar - rti jrt as.îîuî'u ris,' nti anais. The restît mi more aiuns II graunbinrg stn a'hrInraetalle, "lu lesL t) a or no Itlis frarasi iis Iigrltitrtailt Inon pronce te toit# tiit teimrnn in insotaba't eNfotanai enlie cnanies lhare heeu affixed.t taî a-a hte rr'ru rl>tanthe i akt l îcl te tialvrnine.but etrictîy aunlte prnI n'w use tIre inotrunuent ai 50<) rtilie w itîittat "a rose b>' any cotlier names, ,'aoc, at 1.00))a-'itb ncasous.île avertracy . eehatstsa---cal,"Qunaraw bear, aulocturre 1 have fiuihet Ia-riti try ta Inscription "Nix vomîca;" anotira. ePailirhe cantincut front 'l"iro lu New' boldly ltxuleti "NIi Prîtis;" a thl. York." affitine Inta le "Iîrecacuanira," Iau-

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